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,„i,i.aL, Google
it, Google
,„i,i.aL, Google
,„i,i.aL, Google
Book-Prices Current.
,„i,i.aL, Google
Volumes I. to XII.
Being a Record of the Prices at which Books have been
sold at Auction during the years 1887 to 1898, with the
Titles and Descriptions of the Books in full, the Catalogue
Numbers, and the Names of the Purchasers.
Semt of the tarlitr volmius are enS ef print and olhtrs art at
apretnium. Rtforti will be made in answer le gueriei 6y (Ae
dffinions of f0e ^rcis.
" ' Bt»k-Priui Currenl'— the IVkilaitr'l AlmaMaik ol bODlc-bnyen ud
" finiDett indeed, w long the boolc-bayer'i chief delight, must yudd Ic
"ll ii bey«id c<
igh pnixi'—Dai^
" The pnclicil uitlily to buyers und Kllen of mi uithoriuti'
work of reference like ihb i —- - •■ "- '^- '
Bjid iliill r
boakmen. the iaaa of ' Bix>li-Price> Current ' miv he
lairlv pmnoiinced mdupenuble."— ^l'trn>-7 Worlil.
" It may be iiid wiilioul ciaggention, that the mnual volumes of Mr.
SIttter'i admirable compilatioa w iEulbperuable to such as desire to Tollaw
with any cloKnea the record of ules and the mo^meDU of the second^
hand bouk nurkel."— T'l'mr
"Viliuble to luoksellen, and uill more lo lo book-buyen. . . . Tfaii
uleful work has long eBlabliued iu positioa, and must have saved many a
collector a bad bargain." — Ath^nteuiK.
"The work supplies a finely printed record which will be valued, not by
the bookseller merely, but by the collectar and librarian."— Ait/j' Ti!trra*k.
"The book collectors Bible."— /*iV/ Mali GomiIIi.
"The record ii eiiremely useful for buyenaiid collectors of books, and Is
a talaable index to cuncnl phases of book<ollectinE, and lo auctualioni in
For particulars of the
igitized by Google
Book-Prices Current:
record of the prices at which books
hX ve been sold at a UCTION,
from october, 1898, to july, 1899,
being the season 1898-1899.
igitized by Google
, Google
The prescDt volume of Book-Prices Current is, strictly speak-
ing, the first that has accurately coincided with the natural course
of the auction season, which, as is almost universally known, begins,
as a rule, in the middle of October and ends at the end of July, or
in the early days of August. It will b« remembered that the
previous volume was made to commence in December, 1897, a
procedure absolutely necessary in order to introduce a new system.
The present volume covers the sales held during the months of
October, 189S, and July, 1899, inclusive, and I believe that it will
be found that no sale or entry of any importance taking place
between these dates has been omitted from its pages. Omissions
there are, for it is neither desirable nor necessary to chronicle
everything that is sold irrespective of condition, price, or interest ;
and then, again, some books have been purposely overlooked, for
there is no satisfaction in repeating ad nauseam matters of in-
formation which have been dealt with in the same volume with a
similar result on many previous occasions. BOOK-PRICES Ce;rrent
is, and always has been, a work ofselection specially constructed for
quick and easy reference, and compiled in such a nunner as to
present as true and faithful a picture of the book-market for the
time being as possible without wearisome repetition on the one
hand or irregular omission on the other.
Anyone who takes the trouble to consult this and the preceding
two or three volumes, and to carefully compare their contents with
those of the earlier ones of the series, will, I think, arrive at the
conclusion that a great change has come over the bookman's fancy
durii^ the last few years. He will observe that the tendency is
now to specialiie ; that fewer large private libraries hai-e come into
igitized by Google
the market of late, and that even the practice of the cataloguers
has dianged, as if to keep pace with that spirit of restlessness
which is death to old time habits as personiiied by the collectors
of a decade or two a^o. We read stories without end of the patience
of the old school, and lifetimes spent in dose application to the
business of accumulating an enormousnumber of books of alt kinds
to furnish a library that should answer every imaginable question
that the wit of man could propound. These libraries have blended
with, or at any rate are fast reluming to, the world from whence
they came, and the modem bookman seems to have fixed bis
attention upon books of a special kind, interesting, no doubt, but
not of a character which can be described as absolutely necessary
for purposes of reference or research. The numerous public
libraries scattered about the kingdom have perhaps contributed to
this result in no small degree. Books of occasional practical use are
much more easily obtained now than they were even ten years ago ;
in fact, in many Instances there is no necessity to buy them at all.
Another consideration also influences the collector. He has become
aware that large general libraries seldom stay long in private
hands, and never unless a series of the most favourable circum-
stances combine to preserve them intact; that their fbimation takes
a lifetime, and that a pecuniary loss is absolutely certain to attend
their disposition. The matter of interest on sunk capital is fatal
to every scheme for founding a general library on commercial
principles that has ever yet been formulated. This is not always
the case where books of a special character are concerned, and it
, cannot be asserted that books are often bought now without any
calculation as to their probable fate in the market of the future. If
they are, then Book-Prices Current and ail other works of the
same class are existing without patronage, for the mere amusement
of their compilers and publishers.
The truth is that colleaors are not now prepared to pay more
than tbey can help for such books as they require, and that they
take a keen interest in backing their judgment, so to speak, against
that of anyone else who happens to possess the same tastes. It is
repeatedly said that books have at last attained to precisely the
same level as bric-k-brac This by way of comment on the large
prices which are occasionally paid for pamphlets of little apparent
interest, old books which can be read in scores of cheap editions,
and volumes which nobody now reads at all. If this be true, it is
the specialists who have made it so ; they are backing their re-
spective judgments in every bid they make. Generally speaking,
it is perfealy clear that the specialists now role the book-market.
Digitized ty Google
and that all very high prices are either pmd by them, or by repre-
sentatives of the large public libraries in England or abroad.
It was recently stated in several of the literary journals that the
season 189E-99 had witnessed no great rise in prices. It depends,
of course, what is meant by the word " great," but this is certain,
that works of the kind reported in Book-Prices Current, that
is to say, the better-class standard and collector's books, strictly
so-called, have increased in price most materially during the
last twelve months. Original and scarce editions of the English
classics are becoming scarcer and more valuable, and the prices
obtained for ihem are steadily increasing. First editions of modem
and contemporary writers of the first rank are in the same position,
only in their case the rise has b«n much more rapid. A glance
at the sums realised for copies of the original editions of many of
the works of Stevenson and Kipling will confirm this. As a whole,
the value of really good books, or books that are specially sought
after on account of their merit, scarcity, or for any other reason,
arc distinctly and patently rising in value, and in many cases the
accretion is most marked. The following tabular analysis will
show the position at a glance :
1S99, 10 November, 1B93 No. at LoUi 4O1&71 Amoual realised, ^66,470
S :; :; S:Si ;; ;: &s
■ fe .. J-Uy '89* ., .. M,763 „ .. £■)•.
iM II '• 'S99 ., .1 3lS|7^S „ „ ifing.
The average sum paid per lot was £i 6s. 7d. in 1893 ; £1 Ss. jd.
in 1894; £1 IIS. 4d. in 1895; ^i 13s. lod. in iS<)6; £2 I3s.9d. in
1S97 ; £2 15s. in 1898; and £2 19s. $d. in 1899. In 1897 the
average was strongly influenced by the very large amount realised
by the Ashbumham Library, and the comparatively small number
of lots contained in the catalogue, and the same remark applies to
some extent to [he average of 1898. This season there has been
nothing abnormal to disturb the average, and yet we find it stand-
ing higher than ever, i.e., at £2 19s. 5d. This shows as con-
clusively as anything can do that desirable books of every kind are
rapidly rising in value, and the inference is that they have not yet
attained their maximum. We shall probably never again see an
average of £1 6s, 7d. as disclosed by the sales of 1893.
Perhaps the most extraordinary incident in the book world is
the position now assumed by the works issued from the Kelmscott
Press. These have increased in value enonnously during the last
few years. In or about February, 1898, the " Chaucer " stood at
igitized by Google _
about £1% ; now £58 has to be paid. In 1894 " The Story of the
Glittering Plain," issued on May 8, 1891, could be got for about
j^S ; the present price is about ^28 and has been ;£33. Not all,
or indeed many, of the Kelmscott Press books have been so
fortunate as these, but all, with rare exceptions, are worth much
more now than they were twelve months ago. I am often asked
what I think the future of these books will be; whether they are
yet at their highest point. I can only say, for the benefit of any
who choose to regard my opinion in this respect as worth con-
sidering, that another five years will sec many of the present prices
doubled at least, and all of them much enhanced. Time will show
whether this be true or the reverse, or only partly true. At any
rAte, the assertion is not made recklessly, but based upon ail-
ments which appear to me to be sound and conclusive.
Cakshalton, Surrey.
Siftimttr 30, 1S99.
igitized by Google
Comprising a
Ashbuioliain, Earl of
Aihbniahiun, Earl of
Collector's Library,
Geotleman's library,
G«ntlenuii'« Library,
Geatleaun'i Library,
G«iUlemaD'i Library,
Gentleman't Library,
Gentleman'* Libnuy,
March II, 1S99
Dec. 13, 1898
March 17, 1S99
March 9 „
May S „
Feb. 13 „
Dec 17, 11198
Jae. 24, 1899
Oct. 31, 1898
Nov. 3 „
Jan. 9, 1899
March 13 „
May 8 ,.
Jaly 38 „
Ja^ w ,'."
Dec. 19, 1898
Feb. 15, 1899
Nov. 7, 1898
No. of
£ 8. d.
574 19 (
i,88i I (
" Appendix ■
1,163 »4 {
3,3" 18 c
1,705 17 c
1,109 5 '
1.074 3
1,005 19
1,504 1 ■
4,788 12 .
5,i6tJ 18 I
a.376 5 1
5.568 3 .
1.083 17 '
i.>55 "3 '
igitized by Google
Name op Sale.
But at First Day
No. of
_ .
£ s.
i8. 1899
707 7
1,500 0
'7 1.
8,037 15
3.9 ig
1,598 18
30 ,,
1,1^ 0
"S "
1,605 0
Morris (Wm.)
10,99a II
3» „
890 15
n, 1899
3.3" 0
4 ..
694 "3
24, 1898
1,041 9
30 „
1,180 2
19, 1899
485 '7
30 ,.
i.9'5 6
3 ..
8,965 4
1 145
1,65! IS
12 .,
S.68S 16
,„i,i.aL, Google
Acts dT ParliamcnL Str SutulH
Afajmacs- Srt Gcnen] Index
AnKTica. Sft GoKral Index
Armorials. Sk Genealogy
BnuH^ (Monume
ft Mudc and Mtu^cian«
CUvda (Greek >iul Lalin)
Owes (Monumental^ S
Ciutonu. J-K Fdk L?re,
. Sir AichiKcinn, Flit
Eccle»utica] Hisiory. Stt Theology
Sh Cyclopsdiai
r AntbropolDE7
Sa Masonry
V Cibinel-Makln]
Gardening. Jm Agrici
Ha>king. J« Falconry
HerbsK Stt Botany
Hieroglypbica. Srt Egyplology
Hone-racii.B. Hor>
Hunting. Strtiao]
Hymns. .9« Music
. Sit Cabinet.Maliiiig
igitized by Google
Mubls. J'aSculptun
Meullurgy. SaGtalBgy
Monuimnu. Srt aliD BnuK
Music uidMusIciuu
NuuraJ Hiiton (GEnEial).
Voyigti und Traveli
NanL 5« MiUtiiy
Nivigiitian. ^» Vuhiing
OiDilbology. oology
Rcxitten (ChiFch and Puuh^, R<
Rcngioai CtrcnmnLis, SeeJiitoi
RlielDric. Sii Login
Riding, Scf Hone-ndng, Hone
. Sa Folk-LoR
Sit Cibiiul-Maliini
. ^« Cibin«-Makin«
riling^ Stf PeDiDAnihip
^.y.) Epil«n=
4n or Husbanilry, 1160
Ch.{R.) AioW
cJ^^tu Gr«ie.
e Thrift Kwly rtvivcd,
Thj, t>83
an s Companion, iiSi-i
creation, The, 1^1
Counliy GintleiD
un and An, 576S
Dictionary of Cu
Evelypg-) F™
Hutbandric', 193s
Marliiam (G.) Cheape and Good Has-
baddry, and other worki, 1316-41
MBn<han(C.) Gardening, ii}4
MounUble (D.) The Gardener's I^by
Beid (jno.y ScoH Gard'ner, sBj!
Repton(H.} Landscape Garaenuuri ^3)
Sni«{AJ MyCaiTir- "-
ik (G.) Camic Alpbabet, 9
Alpinejoumal, The, 663;
Brockeaon (W.) Pa»es of the Alp>.
D^l'Ic. T.) Mountaineering. 443=
FoibesU. D.) AtpsofSavoy, ;739
Peaks. Pauei, and (ilacien,i446
Whymper (E.) Scrambles Auiongsi the
Anariu-^'lif General Index
AaouH, etc. :
Ktiont de divert Aman;, Les, 3071
mga Ranga. The. 3051
3ert(C.J Les NouvcUts AitxoureuKi,
Buuy-Rxbutin (R.) Hiitoire Amour
de-1 Gaules, 5&W
Caviceo da Pamu Uac.) Dialogue
litule le Peregrin. I55'
Celtei Protudus (C.) Ubti Amui
Chanunu (Steph,)' Re^mcn Caitit.
Ch^ aux FiUes, La, 1856
Court of Cupid (Thomson). 3090
igtlized by Google
Anoon taalnaiid) :
Cupid and Piychs, Amoun of <L«
Dnphni^ Ft Chine (Longus). 1141-9
Davinput (I.) Aphnaiiiaa, 9876
De Lanilci(L.) GloHure ErcAlquE. 1S78
E™.y on Foraiciion, K43
Faublu (Chev. de), Xa Amoun du
Fitlo dc Joye, L> Dcnwicet I'Aditu do,
Fortinj (F. C.) CUnksI Erolology,
FDuniin1(K.<Se>. Lc BoiUire d 'Amour,
Fnncc Gslanle. La, 561
id(W.i 1
■'.) Libe
in of Love,
L*;Im(C. dei. Lei Lii^sons D
L^'Vonoune (J. it). L«
Psych*, fioSr
Louii XIV. CI MS Amoun, «ii
Monumcni du Culw S«rtl, 1
Bcnicrs(J,) Fysshynge with an Ani
Bewick (TO Fiihcr'i GarluDd, 174>
FiAertea. Tract. ™,i797
Coillcnun Angler, Mie, 5793
Ciiuible (A.) ShDotmg and Sail'"fr^_
Shame, ;Bt
Baronial and EcdcaiaA-
Loddon'i Blams and
Lane (A.) Anallng Slielcha, iin
Noblc><R.) CompltatTnillo, 13SI
Nunh <R.) Fbh and Fuhponds, sey>
Rjtlmliofen (J-) D« Kunil wit man
Filth, eit, 4051
Sage(I>e(n> He Riidgouche,6ii7
SctopefW.) Salmon Fiahing, MS
Sna« (EdoO His large coir«:tU>n a(
Angling Bonki ananged \a Alpha-
biiical Order, lajg tl uf.
Veikables(R.) Ehpcriencxd Angls, 6933
WaluxiIIuac). J'K General Index.
BaneroTl (H. H.) Native Races of Ihe
Bditiiv(G.) Gipsies of Spain, 4378^
Haeckel<E.) Evolutlonnf Man, igici
WaJker(A.) Beamy in Woman, 3SS3
Aicbaolon (General) :
Ad«n(R.) Diocletian'! Palace, 1137
AgiHtinijb. Anl.) Dialoghi, 4^86
AnliquaneaofScoiland, FFaceedingi,etc.,
of Ihe Sodety of, 99a
Antiquitieiof EngLmd and Ws1r3(GraK),
Ardicologia ^nliana, 59^
Archcological Society of Hmtol, 43IJ
BnltonCIJ (jitbedral Antiquities, 3306
Bmcc(J.C.) Lapidarium Stplenlnotiale,
"" The Ron
(I.e.) The , ,
(S. and N.) Aniiquities, 3853
Cartari (N.) L
Cumberland and
Dugdak (W.)° ''
of MSS. at Stralforc
Kemid (B, I.) Germanicarum Anli-
quiuaim LiVi, 3^r6
HiggirB(G.) Ceitu: Druids, 7046
HoraleyCJohn). Britannia Romana, 5807
Innei (Cosino), Scaich Lena] Aniiijuities,
JumesonOO Culdeesofloiia, 704B
LaingfH'.) Scottish Seals, Ba7, ;7K>
LeUnd'Oohnl Itinerary, Srj
LoisncfP.) Antiguedadts Aiabtt, i6S9
Lysons(S.) Roman Antiqnilits, 4j.«
Maclauchlan (H.) Surveys of the K^nan
pliijuie, JSJ7
Honl&ucon lb. de) Monumenu de U
Monardiie Francoise, 341a
Nash (J.) Mansion! of England, 3440
Reli^uori', ThrMTS " " ""' "'
Richardson (C F.) Old Engliih Man.
RuHia.' Antiquity deRuaiie,3BS}
Sehliemann (rf.) Troy, 48, t
Scotland, Antiquities of (Grose), jg
Scotland, Society of Anliquaties,99S
Someisetshire Archeologica] S(
Strull Ooi.) Regal and Ec.
Antiquities, 3455
Stuan (JohnX SculpliiKd StoDel of
igitized by Google
Arcb«olo(T (cmhwcd
Stuktlcy (W.) Iiini
:*d Houses, 41S
Adaii»(R.>i>()J.) ArchiiKiunlWoclu,
Alberti (L. B.). UArchiiMlura, 4589
ArchileouR Ollonuuit, 1463
Birch (G. H.) London Chutchej, 5540
BDckls (C. A.) Aichilecluia durioa,
Bosae(A.) Ortlr«dcl'An;hit«ture,sj4l
BritLon U'] AichitHtunl Anliquilfes,
Cal^l (V.) EiKTclopMie d'Archiucture,
Campbdl- Vimivius Britannicus, A753
Caihedml Churchci (Kine), 6S99
Qconuia. KtiEficH de V^njK, ]i6£
CtuketC.) Architectura EcdniaHka, 30
C«™. ti- S.) ArchUKlur^ R«n«'n,:
Daly{C.) Archiitclun Funioure, 116S
DieltnlintW.) Archinsnun. j,;;
Dunnvoi (Eul of). Iriih Aicbiwctiin:,
Enaa AichilecLunl Sociely, vui
Fleury (G. H. dc). La Toxane, 1116
F™KHn=(A.) Arqhileclure, JI36
GaiUubaud (j.) D'ArchiLECCuie, 1179
GibbjUiu.) AichitectuK, ;;9«
GiMchO. A.) ArchilKture. &6s
Cuidi (M.) AicbittilUTa, 47S9
Kulndi(H.) L'Ardiiteclurr Clii«ti
Jones (Iniao). Designs, sBi4
}one (d.) Dctaib, elc, fron
Alhunbn, 11S9
KoKmsn (R.J Livn d'Archilectun
King (T. H.) MecUiBwl ^U^iw
Knighi (H. C.) EcdlesLasri
Liuu^uilly ' (P.) "Edifices
Mortis (W.) Gothic Arcliile
sflnlaiKl, M13
PriiKiplea of Ancieni Maaonry, sB68
RcyihUH.) Archiieciure Romanc. 11^
Riclunl9on(C. J.) Old English Mansioi
Rnnieri (F.) Architellun, jSji
) Nature of Golhi..
1 Slones of Venice, :
, sSSo
Eliskbethna Arcfaitecture,
Stone Carvings. Phatognplu, i;j7
Stone (P. G,) Archiceciaral Antiquities of
the Isle of Wight, MM
Sireet (G. E.) Gotliic Anhileauie in
Thuiah (L. de). Le Viiruvs Danoii, mto
Vignola (J. B.) CMert of Ardiiieciiiie,
VMItl-lt-Duc <M.) DlctiDiuiuTe Rai-
Viollel-le.Duc (M.) Letaurw on Archi-
Vilniviiu De Ar^ilectura, 1660
1^«, 1867 ^ '""^^
VogiU JH. t)e). L« figlises de la Tern
Sainte, 1866
Wallis (R.) Architectural Hislory of
Winkles (if'L'^.) Engliih Calhrdrals,
Le Panue tjian). Trophies d'Armej,
Ueynck (Sir S. R.) Criticai Inquiry and
Engnved Illustnuians, 3409
nomena, 1461
A ™' **^ ■ r
Atlaia. i-u also Charta
Ancicni Geography, 451
BlaeuU.) AlLuol'fran.
JeffrtystT.) American Aim,, o«o
ABtogopby Xti Psnisaiuhlp
Ballada. ^rtMutlc and Mnitdaiu
Anchng, Bihliographics
A^bee(H.S.} Indei I
A*hSr(l5?S.) Centuri
sconditaram, 4140
Backer (A.) Biblialhiq
Block Books, Facsimiles of, 1715
Block Book {etna ijio). 6J^l
Book-Prices Current (Slater), isSj
Books about Books, }»i
Boyne(W.> Yoritsh ire Library, SS91
Brooke<T.i MSS. and Printed Boo
Armitage House, 6Bd6
Brunei (jfIC) Manuel da Libniire,
igitized by Google
BibBociapb* (iBnlrmMtJ) :
C(iMgEr(W. A.) iDcuubu
Cop™«(W.A.) SupplHE
Cypruumi (S.) Opt YtKrun, .k., kj,
Ikcne of the Snr Chamber concaming
Priniine, ^n
Dibdb) {T . r.) Woria by. Sh G«ne«l
Fty<") On Bihl«, 509, aj
Gn»K(I.G.> Tr*«r deTjvr«, 7J'
KaiD (L.) RepenoriuEa Bibliagiraphicam,
141, 1617. StI Co|BE(« {W. A.)
HolCnip (J. W.) Mcni
Hnsqihnyi (H. N.) Worlu on Typo-
luiu Libroninj ProhiUtomm (15^), 77S
JobruonU.) Typographiii, 6767
lug (A.) Booki ud Bookmen, 4317
Lang (A.) The Library, iig;
HwiucU (A.) Catalogue of Ecgliih
Prinud Books, 848
huer (G, W.) Annalei Typt^raphici,
PDole and Fletcher. Indei to FeTiodinl
LitenluR, 51TJ
Quvitcti (B.) Fsdiniilo of Choia E,x-
Qi»ntc?(^r Medieval Uteiaiure, 1774
RmburghF Qnb. Publicslions. 1783-5
ScMtOno.) BihliogiaphyofMnryQu^n
updntb, -
Flrtd^'w. v.) 'FDrei^'kx)ltbiiiding%
JoHtn. Albiun de Reliuivs, 565
Mariui-MicheL La RelmR. J4B9
Tboiniin(E,) Les Relleun Fran9ais, 9^'
Tfaiuno-v SiyJci of hii bindiiiEJ. Sa
nolt .0 No. 4SM
WaJli^CA.) Bookbinder'iAn, 1S73
Abrantfa (Diiqh™« d'). Memnirt, Soai
Acton io Shakespean'i Plays (Colb'et),
Afeaaoder ihe GreaL De R<
(Quipiu CuitiDiX 1S7I
Ai«elo(H.) PicNicsj;*
■-— Jo(H.) Reniini»cencw.43si
— ' — .. Manicd Life of<Freer
uMiithc^ of CaDlerb«T7 <Hook), 187
rcbbiibant of CaoKrbur^ (Parker), 90;
ita^aaa (M, d"). UAoioirei, oBig
Anutt, Bjoffraphies of Great, 3)51
Artisu, Modem (Domas), oiB
Ardin of Spain (Stirlmg.MaxwEl]), 366
Baniii^er O'"-) Memoirs (Adulpliui),
BarirelB.) Memoirs, 3349
BacrailP. F.> Mtmoirci, 3834
Balkerville (Jno.) Memoir (Bell), 5353
Bellamy (Mrt.) Apology for ber Ufe, 3350
Beiieleys. Liva of ihe, 5945
eigm* (General). Kimmia (Marbel),
Bi^gUii(Mn.) Mem«n, 61S1
Biographic Gen6a]etNauve]1e}, 3838
BioBrapbica of Great Artlsu, 3151
Blake (W.) A CHiical Esiy (Swinhunie),
BlUeW.) Painter and Poet (GatTiett),
Bourgogne, Hi5toir« des Dua de
(Baraniej >,y6
Broune (H. K.) Life and Lahoun
{Thom»n), >5T"
Bruce (Robert). Hulone (Gordon), 7=0
Bruc* (Robert). Life (BarWri 461
Bruce (Roberii: Life {.648). 5747
Brommell Lifeor(jB«),34oj
BurleylW,) DeViiaPhiloKi^niin, 1541
Bun,,(h.l Life (Lockhart), 590
Buna(R.5 Memoirs (Herorfs9o
Cioais, History of the (Heiodian), jSjj
CMara, The Twelve'(Suelomua). 9198
Casanova (Jacques). Memoirs, 0851
Casielnau (Michel de). Mtmoires. 3<>7
Caulereagb (Visct.) Memdis, 610
CalhetiiieorAnaKon{Fronde), 7"
Catherine of Bologna (St.) Vila, S443
Canon (W.) Life (Blad^X s«9
Cellini (Benvenuioi Life, by J. A.
Syuionds, 3457
Cellmi (Benvenuto). Kecherches sur sa
ChanieUorv Lives of [he (Campbell), 605
CharlM !. (Slc"e'lioni.'™
Charles I. Memoin of the Persons U'ha
tried the King (Caulfield), uBi
Chailesll. Beauties of HutourtfMre.
Jameson), .,M
CharlesfV.) Cloister Life (Majiwell), 19B3
Christ. IJaj Leiben (MaiV), .9,3
Oicisli Die Letx^ J«u! l6bl ' ^
Chrat, LifeenDuichUM
Christ, Life of (Platina). 104
Christ, Life of Cl'usoti Siji
Chtist, ViIa(Bianteghein>^ 571
Christ, Vita(Coilaen), 4713
Christ, VitatLudolphu.'O. 169...
ahbtr(Mrs.) IHalogue in the Shtuies,
Coligny (Admiral). Lyfe, S34, 4711
Columha(St.) \Tta, 57^8
Columbus (Chr.), Notes on (Harrisse),
Cromwell (Olivet and Richard). Memoir
(GuiioiK 740
CyniL Institution and Ufe of (Xenophon
D'Abrantis (lluchsae). Memdis, 6«4
De Slaal (Madune), Memoirs, 4004
igitized by Google
0*55™', 'or tbs FoIli» of the D»y
Dickciu (CJ A Gouip about bb Ijli:
(Bunardl nai
Didccni (C^ ByVcD uid Pencil (KittonX
DidienfCC.) Lifeof (Fonlerl. itdS
Du BBtri ,_ ._
Duna«<yi>ctO M(iii«n(Napier), Big
Edward (V,} Vfc (More), loss
Elinbeth d« VJ™ Life (Fr«i), 606)
Eliabeth (Queen). Life, by Cnighlon,
Eliubetb (Queen). True and Royal]
HiiiDrie (Dame). (5m
Elliot (Grace). Jounia] of my life, 6oig
ElKMDn (R. W.) Memoin, 3771
En|liud'i Selecled Chaiaclers (Breton),
F&aa (Sir John), Life of (Brough), «,
Fstben. Uvsof the (Jerome), i6»'4i
Plamendd, Li L«endede(, 16B1
Fonen (Edwin). Life (Alger), ijBa
FoHerd) Aluinni OxonSnse., ijs-fi
FrEDsfMuqiiuc de). Mdnolrei, 1894
Friedrich if., Hiuory of (Carlyle), iibi
GanickO).) Life(D«»ie.), 6711
CaiTiclt(D.> Memoirs, 6J05-*
George II. Memoin (Walpole), iiii
Gewgelll. Menionneue),;^;;
GeoTSein. MemoirtfWalpole), III3
Geocse IV. Memoin (GtviUe), 736
Goldiin.ilh (O.), Life of (FomlerE 3393
GTmmmantfCouDl}. MenuHn, by Muuil-
Granfftr(JO Bicpgraphical Hlitory, i6»l
Greet and Roman Biography (Smith), 116
Grimaldi (Joseph). Memoin, by Dickens,
Gronow (Capl.) Recotlection^ 307
GDiKi. The. Lcgende de Charter, Car-
Hai^1tai>'(LJd^"'''Mema;rt, 6S33
Hayward (A.) Bioetaphica] Ebuyf,&7i3
Henri lit. Coon and TiaK3(FreeF),6o«j
HeniilV. Life (Freer), 6o6j
Henry VIIL Life (Brewer), j^sj
Her>ologii Anglici (Holluid), 761
Heytigen Lcben, Die, 1670
H^wood Jr.) Livei of Nine moH
Highwa^ien, Robbm, etc, Livei of
Pohn«nX 3iia
Hmd Uat, the RohberX Ufe, 3641.
Koinmes de la Ktvolulion, La. (ois
Homme. llluHr*! Vl« de (Bera), 5733
Hooker (Sp.), Life of (Walton), 1410
Huntd^igh). AatobWmphy. 447S
Italian Poets (RiKetti), 4531
jamelll. HlsloryCFo).),6ers
John of Bameveld. Life and Death
(Motleyl nise
Joiinion (Dr.) Life, by Botwell. Sit
General Inde. (Bo-well, J.)
Jon» (S.) New Biographical Dictionary,
JoTdan (Mn.), Life of (Boaden), 5633
Juan II. CronicB (Giuman), 1613
Judges of England (l^ois), ijrf
Kean (Edmund). Ufe (Cornwall), 631 5
Kean (EdnmndS Life (Hawkins^ 330.
Keats Oao.) Life and Letten. ,464
KemhleU-P.) Memoir., 63,6-7
Khallikan'i Biographical Dictionary, 1739
Kinplon (La Dudiew). Hisloire de h
Luther (M .. ,.
Macready (W. C.) Reminin
Mahomet, life of (MuirJ, SB'
Margaiel Queen of Scotland, 1
Marguerite d'Angoul^mc, Life oi^riccr^
Marie Antoinette. Iconographie (Gowcr),
Mar» Aoioiaelle, La Vie de (Nolhac),
Marie Anininette. Private Life (Cam-
Mary Queen oTscou. Large ojlleclion
ofVorlu. reUling 10, "lo 46
Mary Queen of ^col.. Muelle de la
Mary Queen of Scots (Udall), 6441
MalEewil^. J.) iSETEy Dickcnt, 6314
Memoiriof aPiDCeitanttGoM.miih), 5443
Millon Uohn). Ufe (Miuon), 645
Mnnlcipan (Mdme.) Memoin (l3ucnu),
Mompen.iier(Mdlle- de^ Memoira, Sros
Myllon (John). Memoirs, by Apperley,
Namlwnl. S^ieil'de, 6008 '"'^
Napoleon I. Hiitory (Lanfrey), 86
Napoleon L Lifefliailill), 43JI
Napoleon I. Life (Las Casa.), SI
Napoleon I. Lile (Sloan), 9976
Napoleon 1. Life (W. H. Iielaud), 67
Napoleon I. Raconit par ilmage
(Dayot), iBa
. (Egerton),
NeUon (Lord). Life (Clarlie
McArtbur). s940
OldSeld (Aniue); I
oJ^ Alumni OiiDnieines(F«ter), 3181
Parker (Archb.) Livea of the ^ch-
biihops, 907
Peimres. Hlitoite de. (Blanc), ^39
igitized by Google
Blotcrapb; (rox/'iui/ ) .-
PtinlTK. L.Vile{VBMi),soni
P*py>(S.) Mtnioin (BtmjrbroolK), aS6
PcTTBult (Ch.) La Hommei Illuun
Penr'lhE CrSLl. LifcfMolley), uiT
PhlBirh's Lives, iJSJ-0
Poeu, Early Itilian (Rouflti), 4131
Potll, LiVESof ihetlDhniDn), jcu
Poat. ViTidarium Tlliutriuoi Poelanii
md, Lim of (Gnu),
s gr Englind,
RcUquu (Huhony). J55J
J vcicans, La (Voluire), 345
PrioH MiniMcn, Lives of the, 133
:h(A.) Hsinoin.4JiS
__^.._... Work. «Hl Ufe (Munt* 3761
Reynold) (Sir j.) Li(euidTiine3(Le>lie),
Rejnj.^d>(SirJ.) Life, by Norihcote, 6»o
RichardllL LifeCBuck), 5117
RkturdllL Mem«n (Jew). MSf
Rii:l;udHUi(J.,theShc;wiiuui). Ufe, 633a
RoiDnev(G.y Ulc, by Huyley, 31S6
Remuatdu-s (Si.) Viu (Duninno^ mj;
RowluidKin, ihe CarinturiEt (Creio), 179
St. Fnncis, lAh of, j&^a
'"""""" s?4'. .
Scett (Sir'Wsiicr).' LJre, by Lodilun,
Svlwyn (George) uid Hit Contemporaries
Seven Ctiairjpiocu, Tbe HiUorY of die
(JohjlMD), 36,7
Shaketpeiirt (W.) Uie of (Chjilnien),
Shakapeaie snd bii Tiia« (Guizot}, 740
Siddoni mn.) Memoin JBoaden), £339
Snuih (T. AslKlon). Reminiiceccet,
Sobialii (Princew), Seiiure uid Ejape
Snven»n (Thot.), Notu on (R. L.
Stevenson), 6009
lie dc M. Kennedy
es ^>11C de Bmclie),
(171s). ic»«
Sally, Mtmoim de
Talleyrand. Kimi
Talleyrand. Memoir* (TaarUX 6osS
Tennynon (Lord), Memoir, 45«5
TheaiTkal biograpby, 6379
Venrii (Madune}. Memoin, £381
Victoiia (Queenl, Ufe nf (Holme.), ^.84
Victoiii (Qneen^ MemaireCGTeville), 736
VlriinMary. La Vidn (T-erei), ,50,
'"--in Marj- Vita (Comairano), 4719
■iH>, Qiieeni of Song (Clayton), 5*»
...ce<Si'W.) Life and Acti. .110
Wal|»le(H.) Memi>ini(Warbanon),.=4
Walton (Li Life of (ZouchX 1413't
■■'- unlV. Meman (GreviKx 736
-(HarriWM^ Mea,«r^aj5.
w (R.) Biograpbial CollectioDi,
VocaliHi. Ijjiieei
M(Peg). A
Biographv {cantimitd):
Wblsey (Card.), Life of (CaYendiih), 904
Women. Se Molieiibiu Cbrii (Boc-
Wonhiei'ol^lJevon (Ptince), si"
Wonhie. of England (Fnller), 7.4
Wotton (Sir H.), Life of (WaitonX Ut
Wright (Peter). De Mone (Counenay),
BalemanU.) OnJiidainnu Piinll, 3>;5
Bentley and Turner, Medicinal Planu,
BenoLniUB (A.) Flam Italia, ie;3
ory, Tb(
Caui (S. de). Honuj FalaiinD), 1904
Cre«eniius( Herbal On Ueniwn),
a^us (C.) Rariotum Plantantn Hii.
Cwm^\ Botanial Magaiine, 43
Cunii(W.) Flora Londinentit,S4ie
De Candolle <A. P.) Variotu Botanical
Dofbnlainei (R.) Flora Allanlici, 6869
DodoeiK (R.) Berl»dl, ele., 157B
Edward's Botanical Rniiler, 3174
Elliott't Botany ofS. (iroUna. 3=76
Evelyn (Jno.) Silva, Terra, ,585
(^aelser (J.) Ue Fruciibui Planlamm,
Genide(l.) Herball. ifiiu-t
GT*ville(R.K.) Cryptogamic Flora, 6663
Harvey (W. H.) Nenis Aiistralii, fiSBB
HarveyfW. H.) Ph U.I. nri. i~
Loudon Q. C.) Arboretum, 3301
Loudon (Mr..) Ladies' Flower Garden
and Wild Flower., i»6
Lowe (E. J.) Femi. 1307, 9790
MoKndge(J. T.) Flora of MtnioncsoTfi
MoSi (T)''F«n. of G. B. , =,S7, jslT
Hoidanl de Launay. Hcibier (?£i«ral,
PaSnoI (M. F. }.) Flore d'Oware, 3307
ParLinidn (J.) Paraditui in Sole. 1731S
PaiKHi (Sir J.) Magaiine of Botany, 330S
Pinetuni Bniannicnm, 331.
Pinetam Wobumente, 3311
igitized by Google
PiUtfAnneV Flowcrine PluUbCai*
PrDdnniu Flon None HolWicx,
Roxburgh (W.) Plus of ths Con>-
Rudge (^f^'A»nl«imi Guians leooB,
Ruu(H.l Flor» PmivU™, 3317
Sunder (F.J Relchenbuhix : Oichidi,
Smilh CJ. E.) Planuram leant*, 3391
Sowcrby (p. B.) Genai Coau, iJoB
SowErbyh.) Encli^ Botwir, i»S
SoH-erby tJ.i Engliih Fungi 7055
Stevenion(R. L.) ThamJ laSucncc of
Stirpium tconvif 197G
Swcet(R.) Flora ABStnlaiica, 31S3
ThHpbiauiu. D* Rittoiu PluiuniM,
TW^CW.) HertHl,i9S9
V.uqu.lii.a.) L« ^nr«i«i«s 67,7. ^
VcrbAudlnngen der K. K. Zoolo^-
BftAniichen Gft&ellschafI, jooa
WiJlicb(N.} PUnDc AualioE, 3334
Wan»eT f ti.) OTchkUceonA Plaatt. 5335
Bniui (lIooBinental): 5n alio Uona-
_ i.) s«
Norfolk, 13S9
Glniid (jVB^"1ilEubi«*cn B<hi kuI]
Heaton U. A.) Fnrnilure, 6071
HcppeJwblle (A.) Cabinct-Mnlicr, 47
Holiapfftl <C.) On TuminB, ««3
PurltCT (G™.) J»p»nnLn(, s5s6
Sindix'i Cuvcif Woodwock, i«o5
Sfa<ralon(T.) Cihinet-Hnlicr'sbniw
SiulL d-^W^} Scottiib Woodwork, 1
ViolleiHe-Duc (H.) Diccionnaire li
Cupeta. Sif TapHtiT
CatalOKllM' St/ GcncnJ Index
Cbuti. Su alio Atlatra
Atnedcan Mopi and Cbaru, 560B
Dc Hooghe (R.) FLuii ds Villa, CL
GaDt(?.) Die Zei-Aiku, 579a
Inland, MaM of. aSio-ai
fihIuuon (A. K.) AUaKi,i869
appC'EJonde- Variou*, 4B6&4
Mtreator'. Ada. J,™ A ,840
Pateauni, Mip of dsra), 4«oi
PonuJiu™ Tario^, t|f.^ ^
sa'o'f dilraliT
Chlnin. J-.
Aniou. Croniqae (Honnllgnt
Bouchard (A.) Cionlqua di
Blatant. Cronvke, 1531-1
Caxion'i Chmniclc, ^jU
Chainpitr(Siinphonen>. Croni
CfaraoIdM iamHmiHl ) .-
Britain, 673a
Cionyclci of Englande, 3367
Gralton'i Cbronide. t«r3
Ha]le(Ed.) Chmniele, 1931
Hardynn's Chronicle, 3«3i
HeanK (T.), Chronicle tailed by. Sj
Higden(R.) Polycronycon, i64=-3
HoIinibed'B Chrtnida 64
Lanquet <T.) ChnmicU, Bto
Uliui ia.) Cbionicon, 3TI7
Looia aI. Chronlque, 484B
Monunlel'i Chronic1«, u
Nuronberg Chninide, Tbe, issS
Rfdewinck (W.) Fudculiu Tenponun,
Sletdan 5 Cbroniclv- aT^t
Slow't ChroBiek, 5677
Sinitt'i Chroniele, 3453
auaka-Greak urd Latls :
Delphin Clu^ct, 170
HalEi(Capt.) Annalioflhe Road, 319
NeobDuie <C.) Sc<nei on the Road, 1441
Reynardton (C.) Down Iho Road, 33;
Tnitram (W. 0.> Coaching Day^ Jm
jDck-Flgbdiic :
Cocking andiu Volaiia (Taylor), 3307
Sowerlif (G. B.) Indei of Shell!, 3B00
Soverfiy (G. B.) Theuurui Coni^y-
KoruiB, Aou
TTyon(G.W.3 Marine ConchologT,3j3,
Wood (W.) Indei TestaceologU^u., ££91
^oncordkocai :
Enfliahman'i Hebrew and Om.
'ClcHI for Ladiei and Gentlenx
Glauernfn.) AnoTCookery,
Kid d'i Fashionable Cookery, 1
Hind (Capt,). Hiilory of. etc
Jactvjn'i RecanUtiOn sSn
Tohnion rCapt. C.) Highwl'
LamiuiOO Code., 4I3J
Newgale Calendar, The, fvi
New Nnrgaie Calendar, 5631
,„i,i.aL, Google
CraUDC- Sir Yachtbv
CnMon*. Sn Folk-Lore, Msanan
Cbunbcn', 5190
Laidncr'i, B7
CuoH dk SctmoDcta (F.) II Ballarinn,
Dc Id Cniac (Sieur). Lc lUpeitain da
B»k. J77*
Euay towards ji History, 337a
Etrcnnes ^ TEmaclmrc, lajB
Grove (Lily). On Dancing, 144
Ruwau(F.) Le Maine iDuiier,jji;
Traite <Jei DuueA, 5^90
I>ocoH.ti*a Alt. ^nArchitactnia, Flni
r-SUlUu. I
i1])-n»(C. P.)
Cbue of the Wild Red
Grimbk?JC) DeeT-Sulking, aAjS
Scrope(W.) Deer-Siilkinj. yi
Sbirrey(E.P.) EoEliili Deo Firkt, >54i
Sinan (Jdbn). Book al Deer, J114
DMlfBi. Sit >]«> CaUnet UaklnK, Plna
Deugns for Le«U Potiery, 6364
Flilllch(F.) Orn»inenKderGew«be,338i
l«ne>(Inito). Designt, 58.«
t»Foulle(D.) LLvre NoHvemu, 656=
L« Fsuue a™>}- Oe»ii» diven, 6s««
Mui>[(D.) Open,4e«4
Omamoiu de Fnues de« Viuuuu,
Schmidl (A.) Desigiu for Snuff Boxea,
le (C) OmimenU for Jewellen, ««»
ttOB!) De DiMinatione, j866
Beli^i^Briiiih Thntn, a6oa
Bridih Drama (Ciunberiam)). nsS
Britith Tbeatre (InchbaldX 335?
Collier (J- P-) Engliib Diaiutic Poetr;,
tiShier CR.) Collection of Old Piay.,
Doian (Dr.) Their Majeitlei' Senranll,
Dramalitti of the Rcitoration, 3^76
Dmnatiso, Old, 176;
EbetiU) SeveoT-euiofHetMajaly".
Theat._. ^,
EcanCP.) L
Galclie iSa.rale, 3387
Geneve g.) The Engliih Slags, jjgo
Glaiaow Dnmatic Review, 3391
Hadilt(W,) The Engliih Stage
Ireland (J- N.) The Ni- "-■-
. iiiah Stage, 620J
Thtlln Complu, 3036
Molitre, 995 T
Okl EnglLh PL™ (Bulltn). ji.g
OibenytW.) New Englikli Drama, 341
PrmnelW.) Hlstrio-MaKix, 5513
RadneO.) Th^ltti, 6,91
RepeiGut du Tbtiitre Fran^iis, 1968
lenrickO'.) Brii
abiche(E.5 Th«
loliirt. lUiutiBt
Britiib. Sir Genenl Index
Compkt (BeatunarchaiaX 436.t
DrMof. ^nCoMlilns
Bcdoiutlcal Hlitorr. Sir'
BdacatiooaL _Sir LaikoD
Boulaq (Maniette).
.Btrlin, ssBa
^STptoloKT :
Album de Hui«e d
A^Mitiiche den Mi
DevcrelKR.) Hieroglyphic!
Eiobleau :
Alciatui(And.} Ei
Icnnologie (Alfegori
Junius (H.) Emble
ReuH»iiu(N.) Er
Samhucus (J.) Em
Wither (Geo.) Etol
BntomoloBT '■
Cuni.u!) British:
DeGeesfC.) HiMc
Donovan{E.) Biiti.h Inircti, J04B
DouUeday (E.) Diurnal Lepidopten,
Fowler (Canon). ^Coleoptira, 68S4
I Wniwood. Mothi and
Lepidopierom Inaecla of
(T.) Eotoiiiologi.1
Ronald! (A.) Fly Fiiher
Scott (A. W.) AiutraJiai
StecJrtiuJJ. F.) EntomoU^y, iSti
Walker (F!) Inxcta Btitannica, un
WealwDodO-O.) Arcana Entoool^a,
WwnKxtn. O.) BritUh Hothi, 5ao«
Weuwood IJ. D.) EiDiic Eniomologr,
W^woodCJ. O.) Oriental Entomology,
Wood CW.) Indea Eniomologicu), Mgi
BthdolWT. Ste AnlhrDnoloKT
Fablei. ArFolk-Lorc
Biiinck (W.) Falconer-. Fnvouriui,
F>edeHau(ImperaU]r> DearteVenaikdi
Stevens and LiebauU. Maiion Ruitiqne,
Tur^i^ile (Geo.) Book of FaleoDrie,
'844, 3?03
igitized by Google
Schn[bcr(C.) Fan>, .
Fiction (™(™«n/).-
Chrinniu Carol (DIcktiH), iiw
ChriHophcr Tadpok (Albeit SiuiihX M
UiypfDrHutful Nighi(^KiplLng), }/
ciT FoiKfpg, 4»6
of Fencing, 411H-S
» 00 Fencing, 4»6
ghilKiplLng), J4
itdie de NoIR Timpi, La (Bcrull),
Comic Tale* and Skelcha (Dwckeny),
Gnui (d di). Vuioii
GmefF.) Miliuiy;
Hope (Sir W.) Vario
Hungarian and Higl
wlu, .037
Liaixamrt (S. de). Le Maiuic d'An
<A.) Worlti. j«yi. 4865-6
M«riEnac(E.) Hi
Peu™(N.) Woi.>.,
Rolando (G.) Mad<
™(T.) 1
id High-
1 (Marga
Coniu Moiaui (Marmomtl). ;643
Comes Rtmoi^ L« (ChevignA. 1S61
Count of Monte. Criilo (Duma*), 4447
land Broad Sword Exi
SwsmuiU.) 5chaoie<
ThihaullfG.) Ac&dCniie de I'EipAe. 5B0S
TbomaufE.) TraUdodeE<grinla,4W0
Advenlurti of Johnny Newcombe (Mil-
rord), 3»
Adventuret of Mr. and Mn. Sandbori
(M«»hew). «5
Adveniara of Ulyues (Lanb), 40^
Antha (G«o. EliotK 43t^
A&^in and (be Enchanted Lamp
(Payne), 4r,M
AUce'i Adventurs in Wonderland (C>r-
Alice'a Mnntorei Under Ground (Cat-
roll), 1031
Ajic^oia of Ihe Turf, elc (EcanX 196
Arabian NighlL Su Generaflndex
Arthur O'Leary (Uver>. ti,a
AJ. Mamma (SuneeiXjj*
Barnabv Rudge (Dickeni), 6169
Battle of Life (Dickeni), uii
Bellesdon (^[o»<Fr*nli]in), 3413
Black AitowrSlevenun), 364
Bleak Houk (Dkkens), 9II81
Boccanio (GioO Sit Genenl Index
Book of SnoloCrhackeiayX 191
Book of Wisdom and Liei tkelmBcoIl),
B^eiridge Hail (Irnng), 17^
Caka and Ale (leiTold), 4418
Capitaine Fracas. Le (Gautier), 1S97
Cairiona (Steven*™)., ^s
Cecilia (Butuey). 3603
CBlealina, begvnda Comedia de, ivar
Cent Nouvelfe. Nouveliet, ,694
Cento N jvelle (Saniovino). 5SJ1
Chanieuwde Parme La (Stendhal), 19811
Chefa d'tt.uvre do Romani " —
Ml (Aini*oith), 306j
• — the Hearth (Dickeni), Sjjfl
uame aui CaDutia.1, La. iBSo
David Copper«e1d (picken*). 1SB1
Desperate Remedin (Hardy), 4017
Dombey and Son (Diekent), jjB«
Don Juan (ThomtonX 6,50
Do-ando (BmweilX 5397
Doublet!, a Word Punle (CarrolIX »»
Dramatic Talei and Romances. g&i6
Dr. Jekyll and Mt. Hyde (Sltveiuon).
Dynamiter The (Sieven»nX 7003
Eccentric Talei (Kotewiu), 313
Echoej, by Two Writers (Kipling), iiii
Emilia m England (Meredith), 4074
Engliih Spy.^e (Wntmacoil), 411
Evelina, or Female Life in London, jor
Fablmm el Contei des Poiiei Fiutoia,
Famine Cardinal, La (Heltry), 1911
Fanny the Little Milliner (RoiKnirt),
Farina (Geo. Meredith). 4071
Flyer, of the Hunt (Mi]l»\ 317
Folle Joum^. La. A490
Fortunes of Torlogb O'Brien (U Fann),
Frankenslnn.or the Modern Prometbens,
Glllal«e (Klorianj, 6531
Game of L(«ic The (Car
_ .. atfoll). 103a
(jentleman m Black, The. 4>S«
(Krando, the Unrortunale Spinianl (Cei-
German Popular Stories (GrimmX ilo
Gil Bias (Le Sage). Bg
Greatest Plague of L{re(Mayhew), 111
Great Expectations (Dickens), daBi-S
Great Hoggarty Diamond (Thackeray).
ndiey CroB (Sun
ndy Andy (Lo '
Happy Princei Tl
,„i,i.aL, Google
Hury CovErdilE (SmcllEy}, 4111:
Hvry Loirequer (Lever), 6ijB
Hjtwboclt Gnjige (Surten)^ 37a
Koirv EifflondjThukcniy), ^
ron, loe (MuiEUente
n H>1] (SuiUesX '9»S
ly Oinker, 1018
Humourul, 1
Hniapbrgy ai
tiuDUd Dawn
rf his Father (Miyhew), 1314
k and White (Kipling), ji
:ntui>i VoyiEC, An (SuvenKn), JJI
'-'erHting Eveni, An, 3683
ladalian. The (Goir). 61x17
ih Sketch Boole (TlackBiiy), jU
nCht«, The(OuLicxiX63Ji
-_IL»n Tula, 1189
fmck Sheppord (AiiuworthL anoT
Junes Halliekl, feocj
Jem Bunt (Barker), s«e
John Woodvnk (LJunbj, ^
DCk.'. J.U
3M. (Su„
lln*^ Rhine (Thuckermy),
on), iH
_ (Ainiwonh), 39«
Lud Shirk! and Sea Gulli (OLucock),
K^upped (Stei
Liixiuliire Wiic
'Tcngro (Geo. Bottot)^ 43S0
'CDni^ a Leaend of lUkly (Ruikin), 31^
^llen of Msrqoe (KiplLnjX 75
JTwit Anindel (Smedley), 40U
jhrary of Cietion, The, 6335
jfe m Ireland, 316
ife in London (Egin), 991
Life in London, Finish to (B#ui), 99a
jfe in Pari. (Carey), 35
UftcfaNolJeinin, 117
Life of a Soldier (H^V 401B
JUc SunboQiKl, The (CrncitU), iB6g
jltte Denit (DicknvX jboj
,aniaDaoDe(Bladiiiiore), mt
.fittreltarAinn(LeverX 9930
(■deoeiKUc de Manpin (GantirrX iB
Uab^ The (CaioeXljoj
Mw kUd* oT Honay (JeiTcOdX 311
Huon Lacmit (PitTOH), 1161
HutiD Choolewit (DidicH), iBoa
Uanw Kanphny'i Clock (Didteiu), luE
Ha>leTTn.i)fieadV(M.>T^i), ,>77 "
Memoir. o(a Cavaliet(De Fne), «ji5
" ■- ""--id B<U?our, 36s
« (Ainmrotttl), .1968
Merryn Qilh
Uililaiy A4J1
nblo. Let ll
KJinf, The(Stowe),4S58
etCHogo), 1015)
■iueiie.111 numanI.ife(BerafoTd), «
Miw'. Dughter, The (Aiiuwonh), 3^
Modem Chiwdry (GoreJ, jj
UoDk, The (LewitV ,d6i
Mon Oncle ^jamia (Tiltier), »«
Monaenc Nicalu(R«tirde la Breionne
Monie^nBlD (Dnmat), 4447
Un. CaDdk'iCiuuinl.eauni(JemId
Mn. Leiceilet'i Echoed (Lamb), 3641
Mb. Petkin.' Ball (Thukefay), 390
My <;ousin in the Army, n
Naval Officer, The (Mniryal). 3304
New Arabian Niihii (SteveoBoX 3;
Newiomej, The nTMu:keri.y), 358
New Vear't Day (Gore), 6007
Nicolai Nickleby (Dickeni), s&>t
Northajiger Abbey (AuiienX X109
Notre Dame de Pan. (Huso), 9914
Old ChriuiTiu(IrvinEl .767
Old Curionly Shop (Dickeu), 6zti
Old Engllih Squire, The ICaieleu), 379J
Old Sl.>aQl'.{Ain.»onli), 39*3
Oliver Twin (Dickens). 4^
One of Them (Lever), J936
Oriev Farm (Jroltope), =43*
Our Mutual Friend (Dickenil s£a7
Ovingdean Grange (Ainiworth), 3969
Palace ol Pleasure, The (Painter), VHO
Pari. Sketch Bonk (Thacketay), 3S9-3
Paul a Virginie (Saint -Pierre), iiBi
Paul Periwinkle (Neale), 331
Paved with Gold (Maybe*), 4o«B
Pendennii (Thackerayl 39=
Peregrine Pickle (Sinolletl), 1017
Per.3e9 y Sigiamunda (CcrvanioX iilSj (Xu.ten), ™»
Pner Schlemihil (ChamUKi). 399*
Phanlom Rick.Uw (Kiplint), 71
Pickwick Papen. (Dickent), 4^
Pic Nic Paper. (Ditlcn.), 4416
Pirate, The (Scon), 6849
Plain or Ringlets (Surteei), jjj
PLiui Tale, from the Hli1l (Kipling),
Playtaii Faperh The, ioiT
Few and Paddock (Diion). 4013
Pride and Prejudice (AoHen), 3)6]
Ptinn Otio (SleveuonX 3^3
Poncb and Judy (CruiksbankX "61
Quartelle (Kipling), "sS
Keal Lil* m Irela^ (Eun), 993
Rebecca and Rowena (Tbackeray) 394
Red Cotton Nigbl-cap Coontry, 43I7
Rot»n»n Cnaoe (De Foe), 97*1
Rodeiick Randin (Smollett), 1096
Reman. Conlempocain, Cbefs d'CEovt*
Romford'. Hound. (Surleei), 376
Ronwla (Eliot), 311s
Rookwood (Aimworth), 39^7
Roeanond G[ay(LambX 40SI
RoM and the Rint rDiackemyX 399
Saddle and Sirioin (Diion), 4013
Sum Jamo.'.(Ainsv™rthX ajij
St. lve.(Stevei.«oX4io«
Sand uid Canva. (BevanX 404
Sandlbid and MertoB (DayX 4001
Scene, of Qerical Lite (ElioiX 3"4_,^ ,
Scouting of the White Hone (HugheiX
So^ and Sketchci (CmikdwnkX eojt
igitized by Google
iuniCT(S<ermi 103S
onj. The OohiuooJ, 3637
sven Chunnlaiu the (Jat
_ ivoi Scu, The (KIpLina), „,,
SHytrxia Sqnttcn, 964
Sir Chuiu Cnnditon (RicbtMun), j666
Sbcuba 1>7 " B« ' (Dicli«uX 49
Skelclia in London (GnnlX VH
SkeKhei of Voune Genfjemen and
CoDplei (Dickeni), 186
Smith Admin iimtion, The (Kipling),
SnowRomi, The (Core), 6apj
SpecMcIc damun Fauwuil, Un(MDS«l),
Spendthrift, The (AinswonhX 39A7
Spirii of
dnoni. 440^
a. The (&ocketl). 3S«9
,e luliin P«t> (Horn).
Sundering Flood, The, 1149
Sireelhein Travellerj (Crockett), l»6a
T»le of King Flom. (KelnwwitK 3"*
Tale oTTwo Ciliei (Dickent). «
Talea trom Shukespeore (Larnb), 2704
Talei of Irish Life. 4i«
TaleeoT Other Dan, »«6
TalBorihe Tniiu (Lever)
Ten Tbonund a Year (WaiTM), 4T3C
Tea oftheD'Urbemllo (Hardy), t6i«
Three Noribem Love ' Sf oriei (Morrig),
Tfaiough the Lw^ng Clan (CanoU),
T-S^rown Bl Onford (Hughe.). 403s
Ton Brown's School Dayi (Hugheil jot
TomJoi«.(FieldidaJ,M. ^ "'^
Tower of London (j^ntwoith), 39^
Tieunie liUndtSteyeiiKn), jSj, 5548
T«a.ore Trove (Lover), 4064 ■•^'^ "*
Trulram Shandy (Slenie), 6736
Uncle Tom'i Cabin (Stooie), MSr
Under Ihe Deodan (Kipling), 70
Undervoodi (Snven»n\ 7004
Valentine Vox (Couklon), 175
Vainly FiirfThaqlieray), 3!l9
Verdant Gieen (Bede), 1971
Vior of Wakefield (tidcbmith), 303
Vutldiant, The (Thackeray), 19&
Virginibiu Pueriique (Slevenunl iss
Waverler Hid other Novels, by Sir Waller
Scott. AvCieneral Index
"■ ■" 'inkie (KLpling), 7«
World'! End, The I
FlaeAit J'nalso
„ai(F.) Prii
Eh (A.) LeIV
latioiK. 3S6S
i Cralt, 4.
Bewick (T. and J.) Large Collection at
Work* illustraled by, 0700-4 f
Bnihl (Conte de). Kaueil d Ettamr
Bud?e(A.) Yorkshire Elchinga, »6(
BuTgkDiair (H.) Der Wciu Kunig. t
Bar|knuur(H.) Images de> Sainti. ei
Borgkmiur (H.) Various Works illns-
iimted by, 468s
Cardwen y S[>1ano (D. V.) IconogialSa
Ejpailola, J730
Cleik^i^'jahn). Etching
Cooke (E.W.) Shippiega
Crulkshank (G.) Varioiul
Cniikshank's WorkL Reii
Caialosue, 44 n
Danse Macabre, La, 1^2
Ddrer (A.) BwAs illunnted by, IS79-81
oarer (A.) Facsimile Drawings, 3M
Engtaviogi. Varioui, pi'-3
Etumpei en Couleim, Les, aSjo, Aojj
ErelynU.) Sculptuni, 1077
Fagan(L.) Hisloryof Engraving, 60^4
F2tbome{W.) Art of Giavcing, »jS
Fiaigueira (Maio.) Florentine Piauie
Chronii^e, mSe
Fisher (R.) Cilalogne of a Collection of
Prints, 15m
French CancmurB, 6508
(Uie (P.) Engraved Ponrajti by, nn
Goidan (H. p. and G. E.) Elchings,
(kiyajF.) Caprichos al aqua Forte, 47B1
Hainenon(P. G.) Landscape, 44«g
Heimilage, The (Conway), sSij
Hills (r1 Eichingi of Cattle, 3414
Hogarth's Works. .S«Gerniral Indea
Holbein (H.) Dance of Death, 1641
HjffiTr {?■'.> Works of (Vertne), 457*
Lind.ieer(SirE.) The Forest, uSi
La..redce(fflr T.) Engravings from his
Works. 3334
LeGroslA.) Etchings, 3871
LiDtDB,(W. J.) Maslen of Wood En-
Lippmann(Dr. F.) Engtavingi, etc, by
Old Mastats, 44 so
Livenacge (H.) Engrarings ftoa his
Works, tsia
MichaulKP.) La Dane* dea Aveuglei,
MonnS (d.) ^Mampei (RiviJution
PapillS^U? &. ^0 CEuvM,si7a
igitized by Google
Fiu Alt (antinmn/i:
KdM (A.) GtitAc ia Patonnnga 6
ShftVwptare, 3419
Rcabnndl. Phoiogrxvum after, 3BBi
Rtvolulion FiuicaiLTibJtaiu, 161. 3S7
RniioMi (Sir J.) EsgnviDKi fioni hi
Shakspcan Gallay (Bo^pdeli'i), wj
SoiiibOO Cuoloeuc RaiionD«,£itt
Sociili d'Aquinlluls PrancJlb, 67J4
Soci«lC dd Aqu Foniito. (Euviei
SpjEbuiy Una.) Printi from Antiqn
St™ngB(SuR.) HiMoriol Prioti, 66ii
SuuIlCJ.) Diclionlry of Engiaven, 34;
Theuunu Amicarnm. 1987
Tnir(A,W.) Bm— '— ■ ~J ■■■- '"— ^-
VeitiieCGeo.) Wc
wlEhinfW. H.) ,_.„
Wiiikla(H. L. B.) Cichsdnl ChurchEi,
U) Fm/mlimr mmd Ctmtral.
Abbo«(T. K.) Cihic Oiouieiil of '
Book of KtlH Sis
AckEjinui's Rnnnilocy of Aru, iiji
Andcnon (W.) PicIoriiJ AiU ^Jip
Aninc (A.) L'An DAmnilif, 3S30
Afls « M£litr-(, DHcripFioni de», 6740
Art Union jind An Juumal, 3493
Blldung (U.) Die Huwc^DUDgi
BinoU (P. S.} RkuciL dc Pantui
Bordslcy (A.) Book of Fifty DimiKii
"" llu=dn.tipn.(Q„^
Borgini (A.) Tial
BwigoinU-) L«
Blitilti Mlueum. :
Biywi (M.) Di«k
BuiUi^un Fine A
MoctKT in Tuliu
DeCoeeutU- A.) LCEnvie, ^Sji-^
Dt Cercan (J. A.) Piclunc GmaiB,
Du SommcmiKA.) Lo Am BU Moycn
Ribtr'O'.y FnacoeiwSnalfonl, J134
FUxnun (jc^). ClauiciU Conipoutioro,
FownU. J.) Miniatui* Puinteri, loSj
Wlmo. Kclu™. Sa Generml Indc
GkKitc d» Benui Anit ?5^
Goncoun (K) L'An dn Huhitaie
Gonsc (L.)L'Art Taponus, ivfi
Giand-Carttret (J.) La Hsun et In
Gruih (L.) IMconliotu Ax Pil*l> «
d'EgliKieslUilit, iiSa
Gitiiwr (L.) Pavilion U BucfciaEhain
Guiclua^ Ve-) La Gnunmoin it U
Guiinurd^D.yLet MattnOmemuistH,
Him^non'i WorkL Sa Geaaa] Index,
Hiini«ton(P. G.)
HerculanumH Pompei. RECocil Gtetn],
HinhtG.) LdGniidll
Holliein'i Worfcit Stt .
Cbimberliini (lA Holbein (H.)
KumphRTH (H. N.) IDiulnCKim of
Uu^b«h'(F\'c.) Enbleiiu of Sunu in
WoikiofAn, a6f7
Indian Arfj JouEul of, T671
JamcHon {Mn.) Sacred and LegeDdary
J«i«(0.) ChiuHe Ornament, .666
Janei(0.) Gnznnuc of Otnanut, 1190
ketne (cUj.), Work of, jmo
Lacrota(P.) Le Moyen A(e, aJ4J
Landon (C P.) Annals du Muste, 1970
Uevrfffe.) LeiArtiDtconiiLfi, i«8i
Mu^de l-elntuie el ^'£ulptiire TIT4
Parker (G».) Jajliuuuni and Vacniahing.
Picture Gallerio. J-ff General Indu
Prado (El.) Muleipieco, 3S34
Priue D'Avennss. L'Art Arabe, 1763
Pn>pen(j. L.j Miniature An, 6ti6
Praut (S.) RudinKnu of Landicipe,
Racjoet (A.) Polycbroaiatic Omainent.
Rembrandt. L'CEuvte de (Blanc), 3794
Rembrandt, Phatogravuns, 3883
Ruikin's Worki. Stt Geaeal Index,
Riukin (lolln)
Schmidt ( W.) Cahbet la MOnclien, 3886
Shaw (H.) Decorative Alts, 684]
Shaw (H.) Dreuci and Deuinuioiu,
Smith n.) CalaJUKUe Raiiono^, 6790
South Keniingtoii Handbsoks, 1814
Stirline Maxwell (Sir W.) Atli«i of
SpaiTi, 1047. Sii al» Genera] Index
Sjnnonda (J. A.), Wotka by. Sa General
Teaien (DavidX Tbeatiuni Ficlorism,
To^inwn (M.) A JapaneKCoilactioD,
Turner (I. M. W.) Sa General Index
VaebcrfS.) Italian Omamenl, 1846
VallancefA.) Art of Wm. Uorru, 3145
Walker(A.) Beauty in Woman, 30S3
Walpale(Ii.) Aneulatei of Painting, 14T
Wanng (J. B.) Indiutiial Ait, 3379
igitized by Google
Flo* Art icimliiHitif) :
WhiuIciU.M,) Nrxiuma, etc (PbtMo-
W^ii{M.'d1J InduitrisI Aiu, ;<>s6
Folh-Lore :
.£>up'i FiibLa. Sa GeDoral Index
Alkcn'i BHlisli Proverbi. 6174
BdLailn, Fabluiu a liidiiiota du
BiwL^T.t '^K?i Fubla, ukI FsHh
Fables Mou
Fibla In«dit«, 639.
Fury Lihnry (Cmikflhlink'l), 3349
G«¥ (J.) F.biM, 5398
Gnmm (Sroi,) Hoiuchotd Slcnie^ }□«
Howell Mm.) Proverbi, 165s
j«aib>(J.) --^-—-■- -
1 (Mr*
^« GcnEnl Ind.
LuiainpS MuDcn, ei
Middlt Ag«, 3,
RidingB (J. E.) fablm MonJei, 5514
S*ff LJMiry. TbCf anil oiha &gu
SmidbyfP.) CriB of London, 4063
Wiy(G. L.) Lr Gnuid Fabliiui, nu
Funltora. J-rr CabUKt-BlaUBK
GudanliiK- Sa Asricnltar*
CaxMXeen. J'« GMntphr
Gmu. J'» Pnciou Stone*
GsdmIoct. .'•It alu Hanldn
Andcnona.J HoiiKa(HamilUD,44}
BctiyCW.r Pedigrcn;
Btrkshin, 3016
Hunpibiie, joiy
HcnioTdshite, 3013
Brimuon (R. de), L'Etu et le Nobiliaiic
de U PrffvEDCC, 9S4J
Brooke <R.) CauloguB of Kingi, PriooH,
Burke (Sir T. and T. B.) Work. by.
Sa Gtntnl Indei
of Scollaod, 994-s
CcUecnnea Topofraphlo et Gcnealagicii,
CDllin>(A.} PeengeoTEneland, 6i(
Colmu Family. flenuHn, 6713
Crolie Funlly. Gcnealogkia Klllory, a
De Tnflbid Family. Hiuocy (Richaidi),
DouglM (Sit R.) Earldom of SniherUnd,
DouJai(SirR,) HMonage of Seotlund,
Cou^ (Sii R.) Feeiace of Scollud,
DnnnmoDd (H.) Noble Bridih FamlUei,
Duidale (Sir W.) Buona^ of Eoglaod,
FoiterO.) P*diin«»(YorlBhir«), j6ij
FoMerOO Royal Lineage, jB6i
c of Pbilonfa, 691,
F^^fW.) CbiefiofCglqi.houii, 6<i7
Fnuer (W.) Vahoiu Works, 691-704,
GmrafS.) Connographia, 4773
Goddaid< of North WilU Qelttnai, 310
Goelhali <F. V.) Djcliooiuire Gtetalo-
G«i^1t(F.V) Mimit d« Notabilitio.
Grace (S.) Family of Giace. 1 78
GunKy(D.) Hoiueof Goumay, 68ai
Harleian Sodely. Publicaiioni, 5.46-7
Howard (J. J-} Mi«e11aiiea Genralogica,
HumefD.) HouKand Raceoflkiuglaa
Lilu CP.'S'"'/iSiglie Celebri Italiane,
lJ3J={J.) Peerage of Inland, Bn
Maule m.) FamiliH of Maule, 90;
MUlesfT-) Catalogue of Honour, 8s4
Panmure, Regiitnim de Panmure, 905
Percy, Genealogy of the House of, ihB
PklUna(B.> Lei Genealogies, 1751
Seton (G.) Family of Seton, 6137
Somerville U»-) Memorie of the Somei-
vlllea, «3o
Sutherland, Earldom of, 1037
Taylor (P. A.) The Taylor Family, *41
WalB, koyal Tribes of (Yorke), 6»«
Welih PamUiei, Pedigreei of Uoos),
AliacolP de). VSiuo Mundl, 4S99
Auuralia. Copie de ta Requeau, at.,
b£?CJ.) Theatmn Urbmm Belpoc,
B^ (G.) Civiiilei Orbis Tertatum,
Britain. Deicriptio Biilainnx, 4684
Carolina, Description of (Wilson). 648a
Drayton (M-X Poly^lblon, a6i8
F^S a™'p^^°™»'d''l'A«i"ls'».
Fi«maii(E.A.) Historical GeograpfaT,
G^i^JiusO. P.) Theatrom Mundi, S139
GryniBus{S.) Novus Orbit 5800
HondiuiUnd.) HisioriaMuadi, 766
IceUnd rBating-Gonldi 9
Indies, Weit. DejcripiSon (Heneta), SMI
KipU) NonveauThi3lrt,(549
Munster(S.) Cosmogn^hia, 1730
OgilbyUno.) Africa, .959
OrteliusCA.) TheatrumOrbuTerrarum,
Pigafella (P-) XingdomotCongo, ro3
Pomponius Mela. De SilQ Olbtl, 1703,
etotiosM. C.) Tobago, 4931
>lemy{CI.) Cosmographla. 17
>lemy(Q.) Geographia. 4^31
Ihaymerus ((«o.) iSe Orbis:
igitized by Google
Sinbfk GeoBimijiu, 1B93-4
- VuKc»(A.) Pniniis Pan
AQgTneDlom, 5na
Cwilon asd HMaUniST :
Gulogical Sodety'i Quini
GtulBc. J'h AniealtDta
HalrdreHiiir :
DuplcBU (Tea.) L'Ar dc la Friiun. 3S61
Favn (M. de). La Toi1«lK in Damn,
Siewnrc CI') PlocaeOHnaa, 3047
Vaiioai Wortj^iBfa
HswUbe. .ScFalcoarr
BarkE (J.) Cyclopsdii of Heraldiy,
Fairbum (I.) Book oT CrtoU, j:
Holme (RO Aradtmv of Armory, j6S4
Lindny (Sir D.) Scouiib Hrtsldic
ManDKrinl, Bja
Moraiit(A. W.) Anuria] B«arinKi of lh«
Knigbu of ihc Sainl FJLpTTt, "fito
NeuflSniF U- H. T.) AnmiriaL dn Pa;^
Baa, 5659
NicboUaG.) Herald, 7!«
Nbbet(X) Hcisldry, P9W
PapwDTtb. Britiih Annoriali. 5658
Petne Sancue « legibun deicriiiac, 3589
tUyfm(Wm.-> Brliiah Family Anliqaity,
Scton (Geo.) Law lud Practice of
HvsldrT, 1016
SdrKoti of Keir. Amorial Bearing*,
StocOin (R. R.y Scctiish Arm, lou
YorkeOaa.) Union of Konoar, 119
Hltttijfbia. Sn BgTptolefy
iCthioiJan HlHny of Heliodorui, i6ig
Afiica. Hisloriale DescriplioD (Leo.
AfrieamiL 4S41
Aluander (lie Gnat. De Rebua G«di
Aaaerica- AmvricaD Nolea (Dickens),
Aoinca, Enfliih Empin in (Bunon).
America. MagnaJia Cbriati Americana
(Mather), M
Amerkan Commonweallh. HiMory
(Bryca), iS^G
Amerioin Indiaoi (Schootcrafi), jsjS
Ancon,Kin(di>mor(MarIneui}, 17011
Aualic Annua] Reguite r, 433^
BartlioLDmew Fair. Menuiin (Moriey),
Barim, Court! of (WiaialL) 1113
Bnihwaii (B.) Suner of Hiaio™, 5744
Brief ReiiKin(mi« of al] ihe EugUih
Buckingham and Cbandos (Duke of),
Courts and Cabinels of England, (401
Buckingham and Chatla L (Ganliner),
ifCCaradoi:), 3687
Cambria, Hiilorie .
Camden (W.) Bri
Canuy Iilandi. Hittoire d« la dncoi
vertetBonlier), ,663
Cape of Good Hope, Preient Suie <
Carolina, Hulory of (LawHin), 5183
Catherine of Airagon, Divorce
Celtic Dniida (Higgint), 7046
ChaHeiL GatdiDcr'i Hiuorical Work
Court of Angiiuui ( F
Cromvralluuw, 44 .
Culd«.oflona,Tl.ea"f...- ..„ .
Darien, Hillary of (Borland), 6i6
and Ruckle). 4389
=r.^.cl^n), SoBo
re Huiorique(,iadvacatX *'t9
iiculus Hislnna, 3803
Dniidi, The Celtic (Higgins), 7046
(Bmcei JT*
England, Annali of (SlnweXtJSo
Eiubmd, Chtoniclea of. Su General
Index (FraiMR, Holinihed)
England. Comic Hiitory (A'BeckettX i
England. C>}un of, under the StuiiRi
EngW,'Hhtotyor(Allen). 1130
England, Hiuory of (Froude), 7"
England, Hiitory of (Gardiner), 718
England, History of (Hal lam), 744
England, Hiitory of (Hume), 189
England, Hiitory of ([.ecky), 1933
England, Hiitory oflLingaidX id;;
England, HiiEory of (MacauUy), 03
England, Hi.lory of (Rank.), 963
England, Hiiloty or(Rapin). JB73
England. Metric England (iSuiul), i6«
England. Omitted CEapCerifBiuel), jM
England. Social England (Tiaill), 9979
Erglitb in ■ ' ' '" ''
"""""™"'™' «t),s«6
orical Geography of (Free-
le Middle Agei (Hullam),
Florida (Eui), Account
igitized by Google
Form, The, ,
FnuKC. Con
(ThioA ,of
FnuKC, Coun
Piwice. Chr
or Colltctioii of Hiuorro
Kiiun du Minolta, 6j9i
.sulaLe uid Ihe Eir^Lre
■-'-■ - i* France (G».
.. = (Man
t Rerolutioi
CollKiioQ do M«-
'■■iiSa. mi„),
iniluin), (401
George lit., Kcign orfWilpole), 1114
Geoiie IV., Williiun IV.. oud Victoiu,
l0Qm»l*oflhe R.igiu of (Gmille), 736
Gildu. E^tik, 6S
Glugow, latenry Hiitorr of, Bij
Golhs, The. HiudHi Gaihocum (Uig-
niu), 1696
Golhi, The, I>e RehuUDniiiDdei), ■6«
Hiitory {Wil«
rriptio Gneciic (I
Greece, Hislory of (GioleX 4160
Greece, HiaiOTv of <Tbirlwall), 1088
Halk (E.) Union of Uncuter and
KdiodDrai. £ihiopbn Hiitory, tG»
HeniT VIII., History of the Reign of
Herodotoi. ^flfitoriie. iSji
HiiMria delle oue occone nel Runo
D'iDihilicna, 11,3
Hittoriu e Conqueuu deli Rtyi de
AmeorTomich), iiji
Hisloriul MSS. Conii>ii>uon, 3149
Hisloric General (GoulanJ, I9>9
Holland, Histoiy offDariei], ,i6i»
IcelnndjBwiDC'GoutdX 9
Incu, The. CoDimciLiiiiif
Rtatu (Gu.
India. L'Hiilnre (Catiagneda), i«9a
Indian Nations of Cauda (Colden), 37S5
Indiu. La Deilruycbn de lu Indias
(Lai Cuu), uoS
ladies, WeK. TliMoire Generalle (Go-
nun). 4776
Inqukiilion in Spain, Hiitoiy of Ihe
(MonuinuO. 4^^;
Ireland, AnnaU of (O' Donovan). jai3
trelaiHl. De Rebui Hibetnicii (Val-
Itelud. Kuloric Menoin (Burington),
Ireland, Hi«ory of (Ware), 5687
, ReigonfCCJ. Foa),M.9
Java, Hitioty of (RbSIq), iotB
Jenisaleni, HiiKwy of (Brandl). 4«8
>«. De Eadiliu Judiiomm (MS.,
KeaoippuiJ, ifioS
jnguitha, The War with (Salluu), 684a
Juuinos. Hislorin, 4811
LccVy (W. E. H.), Hworigal Worlo by.
Louis XIV. ud Ibe Coun of Fiance
(PardoeX JS<Si
Madiid. Hiaioria (Auadsr de lu Riot),
Maiy Qucei
■cou. Idige Colleciia
ngio, 331946,3611-4
Scots, Defence of !hi
nonour ar(LedicLu), Bi7-ia
Mary Queen of Scott- De Illustrion
Maiimui (Valcii
(Rtne). La Vie Frivte de>
Chrooica f Amaodiu ZienaenauX
Mlci^el (F.) Lea Ecouaii en Fiance,
Milan. Hiuoria (Gorio). 47T9
MonaueryatTeignmouth, 73)
Monanit: Ordeii. Huuiy 0^ (HelimX
Moyen Age, Le (Lacroia). 354J
Napoleon. Second FunenlCThaclceray),
New South WalM, EngliiJi Colony in
CCotlirui 3485
Nonnan Conquest. Hltlory of the(FrH-
Noimandy. Hiaory of (PalgraveX s6}7
Northern Nailooi. History of (Olaui
Macnus), 836
Ohio lodiaoi, Eapedjtion againit, 648s
OriETital Monatchiei (R^wlinson), 06;
Ovtrbury (Sir T.), The Poiioning of
(Lord BaconX ^sSB
Oilord Hi>i«iical Sodeiy, ;i69
Paganas. Hittoriarum adrenui Libri
^risiui). 4899
P.ri:.inimta™ Hitloiy (Cobbelt), 5js8
in Ihe (Thucydidei),
«tt{*. H.) ft
al Index
LeoneX 4706
ical Wotki hy-
Rehlili^ aiikXivil Wan, History of the
(Clarendon), 619
Refonnalion, History of the (D'AubiBniX
Rl^i^ation, Hisioryof lhe(Koo.X«o-3
Richard 111., History of (MortX 3*57
_ , ...... X .^ icuiui Teniporum,
iL (W.) Faac
igitized by Google
RoBun £idpiTT, DccKr
(Gibbon), ,,j
RoraatB, Hutqry of [he (IhiTi
RoBK. Annilia (T^tns), lajg
Rook. Comic Hinory of {k Bcckctl), '
Rome. De Bcllit Civilibus (Apjauiiu],
Itomc. Hiiury of fAJIci
<aaie, Uutary of (Arno
Rome, Hi>lDryaf(Uvy
Rome, HL-aory orfMoD
f (Uvy), .e8,-4
.. _r(Moin<nHn), StS
nmuc iniuuLLLc). FigUm dc I'MIsIu
RaT3> Hutoiiol Society Tianuctioi
>, HiMorr ofCPInlttnociX uii
mH's, Embu.} SI (GuiBx). 740
nd. De Ori^ne ScoLaram, 4^49
Scolliuld. Hiuoiixiu of (Skene), lODi
ScotloBd, HL«wyof(BQnDn),i7
Scotland, Miliary of, in Early Chiiitiu
SoxUihL Hislorical Noiei (Lauder)
ScollaAd. IniciiptioDea Hulorii:iE (Jon
SaMland in the Middle Ag« (Inneil, 77c
Scodand. MiKillinei
Scotland. Register c
Su^nd. Rerum Sc
(Bucbanui), 5S1
Scoltuh ClaiK (Mclan). S34
Sccltnh Hitlory Socieiy. 1014
Slndan(j.) Livrad'HiH<Mn,ii93
Spain. Hohwnmedan Dvnuliea, 171B
Sfuiiih Fl«[ invading England (Uba
aniui Mafrid
Hiuoiia, »)49
TRHamdc La
L (N.) De Var
m Opm^ 184;
'eallh of {(
i«. HiMorUCS.bellici)^6,6s
ia. Hisloiieof(Fougas«t), 1(04
m^ Civitala Veron« (Sarayn.),
.^Speculum Hiworiale, "854-5
War tpetween the Paloponenau
Athenians [Ttaiicydida), 1S49
War in me Peninsula (Napier), Bi
We«niin«er Abbey. '*'
York and Lan^dler. '
Zanuini(A.} Hiuorical Medals (Parr
Horae-bdoK, I
Blunde^lLe "
Office., s.,_.
■ ' ~ay,jT7, 6(148
Gray I .
raui; (F. A.)
.lartchal, i53«
;»«n(J.) ES
, in, 61148
"te No^™a™
Maikham(G.) Mail
Mmt(I. B.) Radan
Newcastle (Duke ot
velle, .Bsi
Rid^rTTK-) Ho^^hip,ss»5
SnaHfA.) Anatomy of Iht Hone, i]4i
Taunio™ ^T. K.Y Portrait, of Race-
TouchsioM^. F.) English and French
Tu ting's Racing Calendar, 6191
Tweejif (W,) The Aiabian Hotw, 3608
"Wildiake." Crackle of the Day, 6848
flBsUng. Sfi alu Deer-Sta]Ung :
Alkcn (H.) Analysis of the Hunting-
Field, =58
Aiken (H.) Hunting Acxomplisbmenli
— Casualties, 3jS9-6[>
Aiken (H.) riuMing Sketches, =3S6
Ap|erley(CJ.) Hunting RenilniKeuse.,
Arelino (U) Ubro inlitulato Aquila,
Eeckford(P.) Thoughli, >a8j-7
Berkeley (G. F.) Seminis^ces of a
Bto<me(H. k.) How Pippins enioyed a
Day with the Fox-hounds, 38^
Essay on Hunting, lilt
FooillouiU-ila). LaVenerie,»84
MUls (I.) Flyei. oF the Hum, 337
Mill.g.f Life ofa Foxhound. 3=6
Paul (Sir J. D.) A.B.C. of Fox Hunting,
Radp^iffe (F. P. DelmQ. The Noble
Redlnget'tr E.) Repriseniatian del
Smoking Hunt, The (coloured plate*),
Stevens and Uabault. La Maiion Rus-
Tu%e!^lc('Geo.> Noble An of VeneHe,
igitized by Google
BlwhCM. E.) Ichlhr.<1agw, isj
Cnllinig.) SalluKl FiihcTT, iin
Couch (J.) FuhdorihcBriuihlibuids,
D»y(F.) FwhHof India, ii;o
Donovin(E.J Briibh Fntw- ■— •
OpiHuiuf. De Nuun Fiid
Romlc]ciiu>(G.) ~ "* ■■
SmilhO- V. C.) F
TavcnKrUno.) Expcrimenlt CoDcer
Fi»h»iif Fniii, 1390
VMTell (W.) Brili.h FithM, J3jj
latrlcnM. Jo Aownn
WhiieO-i A Rich Cabinn, MjB
Joe Millir'. snd olher Jou «id J
Plg^o (A.) Work on Lice, 6sBd
WWlu nn Lu< (Varioiu}, 4ei»'l6, toi-Jb
Bcnbu>(P.) De £101,6493
Cemunr Uictioniity, The, SM<
Qul<xiodytu(D.} EroKmun Synoplica,
CbilUn Loneuub Arta dc la Uiuua dd
Cbinuc-Erulish IMcdhuiU), .1937
Du Cungc (Dom.) Gloiunun, 9610
Eiyoulocicil Dictionary (JamioonX
French and Eagliih (Colgrave), 576)
Fnncb School Mauler (Erondellc), ji
Gieek (Saidu), 9346
Halkctl and Liiog. Dictiooiry of Anony
Ilaluo-Engtiih (Florio), in]
JanuHon 0-) Etymolo^ Diclw
Kniihl (E.) Dictiooary oT Hecha
LaiiB-Engliib (Eliot), uiG
Latin-Teiuonic (BnA). iS6,.s
Mure(Cdc) RepenoTiumVocabuIo
PunpingL Arte de la Lengua Pamp
f Bergano), 4657
Raynouajd. Leaique Romaa. 6917
Sbaknpcare Lei icon (Halliwell}, 514
Slant Di>.-t!onuy (Bacr^). S917
Sau& (Sic W.) I^xiconi. Sir Gei
TiDabadoun. Lenque Roman (]
nouard), 65,7
Trouexet. Dicllaniuin EncrcIop«di
V^V) Dc Ungua Lalina. iSso
VioUel-le-DiicJM.) Diclionnaira, :
Loa^aia/t ' Work. Ste Cablaat
PublidiuUac) An OialoiJE, T77J
TTapeiontiiu(G.) Rhelorica, j:7i
Lulaeuf (Jo.) De RebiuGsitli Scotenim,
Dc Monbus, ac, B16
Mannen and Houtehald Eipeasei of
England (XIIL and XIV, Centurin),
It Egypciani,
nneii of ihc
ISS. (Appendix), p. s»
Berkeley MSS.. s»43
Bible MSS., 47S. 1485-97
Dickeni (C.) Variaiu MSS., 6190-91,
HalHwell U- O.) Ancieni MSS. al Stiat-
Hiitotical MSS. Cammiuiian. Rcpotli,
Ir^'^Naiionnl MSS., I91
Lindny (Sir D.) Andent Scottish
Manuacripl, Bji
National MSS. of England, Facanrils
National MSS. of Ireland, Faisirailei
(Jamei), B91, 1713
National MSS. oTScollaDd, Faaimilea
Paucographiol Society! Publications,
Petrarch. Various MSS. of, 4908
QDaritch (B.) Palcoaraphy, 1776
SilvMre 0- B.) AlKOgraphie Uni-
WEHwoodn. O.) Anglo-Saxonandlritb
MSS., iiiS
Westunnd CJ. 0.) Falmgniphia Sacn
Ham. JkAUsmi, Chuta
AsKmblie de Fiucs - Mafoni (Plata),
Dewgulien (J. T.) ConllilutioDI of the
Free-Maloni, faaS
Matbamatic* :
Baker <_C,ca.) Wetl.SpHng of Scicncs,
BDeIhiui(H.) De Arithmetic, 1J17
Borgo (L. de). Summa de Aiilhmetica,
Euclid, (KnaMtna, 3811.11
HoctegaCJ. de). Aiithmetica, 4»o;
HoltOD (C.) Coinpendioui MeaHcer,
PitiKm(B.) TriEonometnc. s8j4
RecordefR.) Anihmelicke, 1874
Sui>et»]r.} Uber Cakulalionum,
Telin (G.) SepI an Mathemaliqui
Aleai^ Secret) of. i>8<H
AnnaJei de Chimie ei de Pbyuque,
Aveiraca. Opera. 4626
Baker (Geo.) Newe Jewell of I
igitized by Google
DiJby U«-) Virtus ot annitsir ukI
Moik, am
Galenm. Oven, itioi
CoiKr (Dr.) Ncwc Jewell of Hallh,
cd^^U-R-) Work.,s™
HilLUoe.) Sckci Olwrviiioai. si^j
IIuvt;r(Dr.} Anuomiol EienHuiumi,
mmma (J. B. Van). Pbyuck BcGned,
HippacnilH. Opm Vuik, iSu
HuRui Suiuib (j. de Caba), i6]4
Hud Senepiis. Canon AvicennK, 1A59
Juvm de Suite, Le, »iot
Kai[ (Counlne al). Secreti in Pfayikk
Ketham (J. dt)L FMsdculiu Mfdidnn,
Lug)um(W.} Garden
Knbenui Mansu:hii>. Bellum
RoXIid^nTr.) v"^'i^
RoyCWni.) MlliUry Anliquit
Qoeei.\ Rangen, 6141
Tiwiteic Invuion, La, 431a
Vulliiriu. (R.) DeHeMili
Historia Anatomica,
■ (Dr. Jm.) EiTOnri In Phyiic,
Dia (J- M.) Opiu MedidDE,
America, OpeTalion>in,s3j8,J3«i
Anibetu Le Battaglit contn Re Catio,
461 1
Armada. La Vitona. 4946
Brititb Military Library, 3105
CO.) Miliiarie iMtnictlon. 19m
Calbi CJ.) La Misem de la Gnir
Campbell'fl Naval HiilorT, 3364
Caoursii(G.) Oloidio Rhodic, 154;
CliarlemuvHi La Conqnesce ie, 4609
EdiabuisG Draganni. Rulo and Rej
Forbei-Leilb (W.) Sma Men-al-An
Forces de rEampc, Aiie, etc, xnj
Gbeyntl-de). fei,erei« of Anne^ i,
OroK(F.) Military Antiqaitia. 4113
de Caialli, 36
nnti of Grei
nn of Landon (RovIandwinX 6346
ingion (Duk* oO. Vinorie., S-
inton(A.) Engbuid'i ImproToienl,
1»D (S.) Gobi Mbie< in Scotland,
NkoIu (Sir N. H.) Siege of Car-
Petdiallow'l^ Wan of New England
Ricbaiib'cW^rKei Mi^tr's Army,
Bouia^ CJ- F.) U Toui
mcnts, j]^
Cntnuui (]. S.) Sepulchral Brauei, 1389
Dnimmond Oao.) Hcnutnenlft of lona.
Cough (R.) Sepulchial Monnmenu, jS
HaiDeifH.l Monumenul Biasso. 6S»
Jervije (A.) Epjtaphi aiid InacriHiDiu,
Uiueum riorentinuTn. 1057
Slephtni (Geo.) Runic Monumenlt.ien
Stotbard {C A.) Monumenul EKgiet,
Ve'll^u Mnnumenla, 6931
(Diie lUid HuilcEau:
Aaron (P.) Thawanello de b> MuKca,
.438a .
Bume)-(C.) HBioryof'Sluuclrjo
Butby (T.) Concert Room aud Otchei-
Cau( (STde). InuilDlioo Hamonique,
Chanli et Chanuni Popubiirefl de la
Cbiid''{F.°'j'^ EngUab and Scoeiish
Balladi, IS14
DirMuPerugino^R. P.G.) II vero modo
Don! (G. B™ Traltato deHa Muaica,
Eli^ia Muiicalia (Fabnu), 470; (noH)
Euai lur la Mmique (itBoX 140^
Fiber Supulenui (JacX De Mufica
Fot«cr(G.) Ein Auubucd ichBnei leut-
scber Letdlein, 476a
FrancEKO Milinu*. Id Tabolaltim de
GafohCF^ TheoricD
GaffiriusCF.) De Haimonia, i™
Galilei Q'.) Mudca Arnica, 4;^
Haase (Sianor) Comic Tunet, elc.
Hilt (A. G.) OtEani.4471
Hipkini (A. J.) Muucal Inimiii
Lai»n]eU. B. de). CboiadeChai
LkK^i^ (M. N.) Rudineata K<
L.™iu.(0.) Mg«™»,4Ss4
Mut(T.) uuick't MoDuneDt, 3
igitized by Google
Melodue PntdeDtiuuc, tSyo
Monc<F. J.) Hymni Ulinl, M69
ModiKlOO' AnihoLoiiE Fru!oi»,4iss
MuBo] MiKclUnyrrfac, nag
NaumannfE.) ITuiory of Maik, IT71
OrLandi dcLUH. Puuo qvinque vix:um,
r^tfW. T.) Muual Mcmoin, 451S
PiicrlBp.) Folia,ManuKnpt,«679
Pnjpei^ui (B.) Chanlll MusiciE iDIer-
Purull dJ.r'orpbnii Briunmcui. 691;
RiynciuHi] CF.) Poaia da Troutw-
dourit 6916
Bhair (Geo.) Encbiiidion, 4$4S-g
Suii (iZ G.) lauiucciaD d> Muiia,
SoDgll of ibc ChacCj ufi
Thomu dc Sincu Maria. Ani dc aiier
Fincuii, 19B9
Vkenliiw (N-V L'ADiHai Mmia. 5009
Wollick (Nk.) Opui AuRum MiukiE,
Natonl HiMocT (Gwwnl). Ste alio
Voran* aad TrSTeU :
Aco«icJ«.> Hi>l«n Nuu«U« (.««.
AlifrovandiM (U.) Opera, jsji
BatetCS.) Sniilc-eycdCnuucn, jc>77
Bewick (T.), Works by. Srw Gtntral
BkckviUn.) On S[H<Ien. 503;
Bouon Soauy ot Niiaial HiHory, soi6
Bowerbuik (j- S.) Briluh SpoDiiaiEc,
B^n'i New Iiruuiaticw </ Zookisr,
BiStind (F. T.) Curionilies of Nwuial
Hbiory, 1847
Cuoliaa, NuDUd Hi««v of (1681), 6<n
Cate>l>y(M.) Natural Hinory of Caro-
Fo^lE.) Brititb Mollnm, 3979-^
Geineik:.) HistorLi AniDuliuin, 1606
Jiidinc(W.) 'NilUFaliu'>UbnT7|Tig7
Jeue (Ed«.i GLcJuiingi in NUDral Hii.
Lbnun Society, JotmEl and Tnni.
Lonl"(j!' ic5' NalnraJitt in Vancouver
LeirtDO I>omatic Aniicali, ijw
Petiveri O.) HiaUrna Nalurdu Spec-
Sha<r (Geo.) NatoialiiU' Mitceila
SmtMcW.) Britiita Diatamacex, 67»'
Slailii™ {H. T.) Library of {arrant
akibahftically), 5037.90
Thier, Mehn und du LuHli, uSI
Wallace (A. R.} OiuributioD of Animi
Natond KiitoiT (Gouna) (cnMuw/).'
Whi(e(G.) Natural HinaryoTSclbocne,
W?S2(G.) Natu«li>f. Cal.ndar.-i997
utraied Natural
Zoologial, The, s.oo
N*«aL ^K HilltuT
NaTiratlon. S„VuiitiBg
Kawlpapen :
Mr. Raynei't Collccdon of Old Nev
It Medali, :
And^U^) T?iH
ScDtijB, 57CO
BovDelW.) TokRK.
Cohen (H.) Monnu
Patrick (R. W. C) Coiaiffe of Scotland
— CaUloeue of Medals. 631
RudingCRO AnaaliafttieCoiiuife, 1J4
Tr«ur de NumiiznatiquE, ij;;
Zantaiii(A.) Hiuotical Medak(Panna,
Aibmole IE.) Tbealrum Cbemicum, iiB
Boulion(k.) HiiroryofMagiok, J7<a
Calvin (J-) Against Astnilogy, 3605
Chap Booki. Variouj. 617
CluH (lat:. deL De AppvitionLbos, 4Hg
Cooper (T.) Witchcraft, ■01a
DarrellUO Bewitching of Wm. SooKn,
DeJoefp.) Syuem of Magic, 3JT]
Fai>tiFerrareie(^) Triompbo di Foi-
Gliliber^^laka R.) Woiki 00 Alchemy,
Grliopeck (Jo-) A»rok«ical Works,
HeywoodCT.) HienrdiirofttaeBksKd
HigguififG.) Anacalypsis, 6074
Indaginc (J.) Chyromantia, etc., 461^
my(W.) AsIrotc«icaPlWu, 5819
Marcolina. Le Sorti, 4863
MolitorfV.) De Lamik 1951
Falmistiy. Works on, 5170
ProlianostC) Ailroiogia, t^ii
Sanders (R.) Chironiuieir, etc., 1973
Siulat (J>c.) PhilDsophia Hemietica.
Scol(R.) DiscoverieofWitchcraft,6l»
Scott (Sii W.) DemonolMT, 4,14
Spirito(L.) Ijbro de la Ventuia, iSao
Sortey l>emoniac The, 1977
Sybils. Oracles, 4971
TelinfC.) Quinu an Magiagnea, 49S1
Tondalus. De Raptu AninH. 4993
Tlithemiiu (J.) Polysraphie, 4993
Waite (A. C) BlackTilagic 14*
Wharton (Geo.) An Aatnjlo^cal JtKlg.
,„i,i.aL, Google
Otcoltlim tcmlimiad't!
•miubtmd (W, T.) Oceiitt PhilMOphy,
U^t^cnfl, VuTouiWotkion, t»9
Oraltba)«j, Ooloc]' :
BcIdh (P:; HiUaTn NaluRlIe d« Oy-
miux, 14S1
BctionE (E,) UcxEllicbc NidLficuo in
Bewick rr.)^i«GeiKnl Indei
KnU. A General Hiuory of, 3017
finefCR.) Bicdi of EuTOH, 1503
Bninowiki (G. J.) Birdi of AuoralU,
Bmirn's New Illiumticsi
Edwint>(G.) UDCommi
— ■ ,t (D. G.) V«iou.
BirdJ, S797
EylonCr. a) EnslUh Birdi, 6fi9e
Gootd (Jolm). Vuimu WmkL .
Genenil Index
Giieve(S.) The Great Auk, ajBg
Dh, The Oonm*]). «
K^tMdme.) Lb Pigtort, iagi
Luham (I.) Hiilory oTBirdi, aai
Le*(O.A.J0 AiDoag Briiiih Biidi, 61
LmtUni (F.) OiMwu de Puadli, 3'
Leviillont (F.j Perroqueu, »7M
Ltvin (Wnu) Binli a[ GcfiiE Bria
Li??m<i (Loid). FijTOTe! of Bird., 177
HutiiMt(F. H.) HiilDin de> Oi«ai
Honii (P. 0.1 Britlih Birds, 9556
Uorru(F. O.) Nesu and Egn. 1113
Per"ing (F.> Egg* of BritMh Bir
SchurfP. L.) E111& Omlltii^ogy, 6
SeebghiB (H> Britiifa Birdt, 6r3S-«
Selby(P.JO British Omitlialogy, as
SkupefR. B.) Akedinidje, 6138
SbBp*<R.B.) Hininids, 61U
Theiiriel (AO N« Oiieiax, 36B4
WilBQ ■»] BcHUIBne. Aioencui Ol
rn!l(W,) 1
■ent»li«, 38
Iritiih Bird
lli(Fr.) 11 Camevale Itiiiani
ni Uo.) Dckaiplio Pi
Ltuledoni^ 4658
ud Muriate Prccei-
I , 488'
Horu, uoo-iD
louii XV. VttBi \ ., ^,,
Looii XVI. Le Sacre dc, Baj
Mure di Medicii, L'Enlit {La Srm%
Modo dlDcoror
Triunphi oF London (Jo™"}, jtfi
PMn«n. Str GaoMlogj
Arte of eipedilion in leaching lo
eitCiTrKl, .6,g),}j;3
L* Gangneur (G.) Woika on Pei
•iiip, J817
S1««k(J.B.) UnivetHt PalBOcn^y,
Trithemhii U.) Polyjraphie, 49gj
Varioiu culy neai, 1546
Pietora Galleria*. £'11 Getwral Indei
Pluu. J» Chart*
Pl&te, GDldasdSUva:
P\t,j*. Sh a1» DiBiDB
Admir.! Guinea (Ste.en™), 357
Aguneinnon (FilaeraldX 3634
Alhalie (RacineX £430
Sullen (A. H.)
ilsh Plays ji if
of o!dEj
Engli^, 66 j7
etlher'(Ki>dne), 4940
Exqaititei, The {ThagkerByl, noa
Hey for Honeily (RandolphV, a«}i
Jew ol Malta (HarloweX «
Love's Martyrdoin (Suiriden), Ojog
MachlnCL.) The Dumbe Knight, 4856
Malcontenl, The (MarHon), 6lai
Master Arden (Shakespeare T), 66aa
Midummer Night's Dreame (Sbalic-
Ot'^/Co^ille), ao4fi
ShephewxI'i Holy' Day (Rulter), 1668
She Stoops to Conquer (GoldumiAl 3784
Strange Genliemin, The, 6au
ToiKin d'or, L. tComeilleV ao«
Traubieiome Raigtie of Kini John. 1(76
Village Coquetltj (Dickens), 184
Advenlurei of Johnny Neureome (Burton),
.or (Shelley), «8o
Ancient Books of Wale. (Skene), ic.
Angler, The (Lathy), 1333
Angling, Poem* 00, 1J47, ijja, ijjo
Anlhologie Fran^aiie. 3S87
Appeal to Eiigland (SWinhnme), 4343
Alaisnii in Calydon (Swinbnnie), 3114
Av™i"iviin (Huch^iljriifio
Bab Balladi IGilben), a4i<
Baiaers, Les(DDrat).iags
Bailadi and Lyrics of Old Frmnce (Lug),
Bal'lid. uid Romance! (Percy! 3*,a
Ballads and SonneU (Rossellil 3113
Ballads (R. L. Stevenson), 7001
Baoquet ol Stncc (Ovid), 41C9
Barrack Room Ballads (kipirng), 440,
Barron's Warres(DraytonX Mas
Batlaile of Agincourt (Drayton), 6jn
Battel, The (Ramsay). sSra
Belli and Pomegranales (BronmingX J401
Book of Gems, 4376
Bosvonh Field OSeaumonl), 18S4
BntaoDJa R(divivii{Dryden^ 673
British 4383
British Poeu (Gimilan), ijoj
Cani^-MusJ'f^llher^' S907
Canterbury Tales (Chaucer), 614
Cutaia (Haliingtaa), sBoi
,„i,i.aL, Google
Poalnp (amUHiHin ;
Century Guild Hobbv Hoth,
Chuu « Chamons da I> Fia
Ouucer'i Woiki. SiiGcnB
Clnuduui (E
CilSn Clout'
Scotlith Foclry, ]6ui
I come home ■gkjn (Edmund
CompUunl, A (Hulcvlcr),
La (Dutc). Sre Goioal
Complai Melody, A(Tuu
Conicui(Dr.) Adventutu, 444'
Confeulo Amuili) (Gowtr). 1611
ContD (t N'oonlls en Van (1
Cupid wid PiTche (Addjngion), 3
Cynecctkop (Gmius Falisciu). 9637
Dance of \jtt (CambeV iirr
DeTtpce of Gutnevtn (W. tdomi), 197
Dcparlmeuul Ditlie. (Kiplinji), tg
Doened VillncetColdioiitb), 9}ts
Don lu»n (Byron), ITS,
Don Roderick (Scott), sSsi
Dream of John Ba[l (Momi), loS
DTunkaid, The (O'NeU), 4103
Edwin and Emma n^alleii). 5:^8
Elegin of Hag(ie Johnttoo, sijt
Elegy in a Country (^lurchyird (Gray),
Empedoclei on Etna fAmold), 3600
England'i Helicon, 6Bi=
Enituh Banli and Scotch Reviewen
Ed^UiIi Dance of Death (ComheX 33B4
Epithalaniium (Ale^ns), 4WT
Epilhalamium (Tumibe), 3U]
Emay on Mind (Mdl Browniiig), jjBi
Enay on Stalliu (SiephcrH). iNM
EveniDg Walk, An (WordiwortbX eji;
Pafaie Queene, The (Edmund SpenierX
Franch Lyrii? (Saintsbvry), Aht
Friend>hip;i Garland (ArncJd), 31VS
Fuiiliva nccuCByron), yat
GaAand of Good Will, The, j63i
HairCBrowningX I^Soo
v,,.^ The (Blair), 43TO
Greltir Ihe Slron. {Nforn.), 4S07
Hand and Soul (Rosutii). tiag
Helen otTtoy (Lang). 31s
Heptalogla, 'rbe(S---^- '
rmburne), aj
Poetnr (cniatiad):
Heqieridei (Herrick), 3707
Hind and tba Paoiher (Dryden), 6516
Idylli of Ibe King (TennyKHiX bfiSj
Inrccno. Tbe (DanleY 4718
Insoldsby Legenda (Barhan), 965
In^emoriom (Teooywri, 41s:
Innocenl Enicutt. The (Tale), ijB^
Italy (Rogem), 970
Jcmalcm Delinnd (Taau), hB6
Jeimbelit Anfilic Pamcidio, de, snB
Johnny QUK Genu. (Combe). ijU
lobn 6'Aroha' tGeo. BealOel 464
Jump-to-GloTy Jane (Metodilb), 4075
juvenilia (WiiherX4'6s
Xaildah, TtK(K. F. Button), S40]
Lady of the Lake (Scolt), 56*9 Contei ei NouYelk
Laing (DO,. Scotlilh Poetry, 8oj-e_
2; J»Lll.(K
... . Poe
Lay of the 1
'-■- — ■, The(Cral
_„ --16
Librvy, The(CrabbeX lojo
Life of Nap»Ieon (Combe), ,170
Lord of Ihe W« (Scott), 5669
Luui Eaten, The. (Tennwn), 61
Love Lyiio and Songi of PcoieusI
Loaiadai (Camoeni), ftiia
Lvrm Eleganliarum (Loclcer), 65AB
, ._;„ .: u_ o... ■■— l,i(Bullen)
Lyricjfr™ „
Madtinli, 5ong«, ■
M^^aiiia Poe^, 1536
Marmion (ScottX 5669
Uanial Elegy for Bome Lead So
(S.e«D«tO, 7007
Maique of Anarchy (ShelleyX S539
Maud (Tennyvm), xi6, 1694
Men and Women (Bm«niiig), jjoj
Merry Muki, The (BurniX 3985
MiKcl^y Poenu (WKheriey), 9;c
Modem Love (Movdith), 4073
Muunim Dellcia^ (Menni.X fi4> I
Muie>> Lookine Glan (Randolph), 1
Muki' Wekonw, The, (699
Nanissedans I'lile de Vtnui (Milfil
Nareidaa; or S«a Edogura. 143&
Norfolk Tha[»a4 The, 1331
Noace TeipmrnPaTiea), 6813
Noiahlei EnKignemeni (Gringure), 17B1
Not I and other Poemi (Steveoioa), 698!
Odda and Eiidt is Vane, 399S
igitized by Google
Ir pcrlbniKd in the Cunbtidfe Strute
nrcr.H.iwn); IjsS
su Canquuiata L (C«
OIneyK ,_. . ., .
Orinu Carauuata L' (Ccrii), >„
Orlindc Funou (AricMo), n8]
Orlvds InlliuiunUolBciiiudaX 4S
Orid'i Folnslli (Gonr), »B9
nuililu-Mto (i)nianuB(L 43BS
PandiK Lou (HillonlL 871
PuwUh ttccwned^MilKia), S74
Psnphiue on ihc Divine Paeau(S>DdyiX
Pviiuw SalyriqT
Pilk 10 Purge"'
POCOU Cuidil (ButHlX 4141
Paeu and I'aUadi (Rooelli), 1113
Poou and BallmdilSniibanH:), 4564
Poou ud Soan (TuiiuliillX J4S8
Pdsu by Ihe Wiy (Morrii), 193
Poem 1:^ Tn BnNlKni (A. C. ud F.
Foenu of the^^ and Gun (McLellan),
Poeiu on Seven! Ocanoiu (Behn), 1105
■ Oroiion (HulifiiiK-
Subjecu (Cokridie),
Po^il^, Rtmini. eI<L, '(
{Fisncuque-Michcl), is&.
Poelkal Muuine, The, 41
Poeiicd RecreitianilLunti^'iljl
Poetical Sketcbai of ScBtbora', 117;
7, by the Author oFGebb-fLuidoi),
PmH7 of^on^^Thi (P«jk),_ 14
1 Giver (BtidcuX
tbe Fin
PnuDctheui Unbound (SbellevX "9°
Piopte lilaikl. The (FleUher), 19a
Pnmaliao (BCTquin), »I3
Queen Mib (Sbelley], 6607
Queen Muher. Tbe, Roumond (Swi
QueM of tb^ 5aix:gre>it (Weitwood), 14
■ Omtion Tbe (Swinburne), 45M
Reroei! ia MeiUeun Contes en Verm,
1 167
BmaiMtHerben), JS7
RicbmonJ Hill (Maur^), 9644
Remauntof th> RoH(ChaunrX 30
Rnbtiyll (Omar iCluyviin), 9471, ■■
Runmy Slave, The <E. B. Brow
St. Irvyne (Shelley). 4191
Sabctu and Etephanu (Rinkin), «
Sduol Boy Lyrio (Kipling), n,i
ScbwliniMnw, Tbe (fOienitone^ II
Pottrr hmtmrnd) :
SCDU Puenu (Wauon), 1007
Soonuh Mu»tn1 (R. A. Smith), 5977
Scottiih Poetry (.Sibbald), imi, 3610
Secchii Rapita. La rTai^KHu), 3105
Seni, Le> (Du Ro»0, »6a
Sbadoir of Danle, A (Maiia RMieni),
Sleiu (Swinbume), jsoo
Sigurd, the VoUuni (tf , Morrii), 314!
SiumideH (I^ndorX 9650
Sing Song (C Rouaii), 51S4
Sfani Tb«e (Cnot), ijU
Small FoeiuJCokain), 414B
Sodal Day, llie (Coae), 3617
Sonetli (Pemrch), lotl
Song! of Innocence (BUeX 4371
Sonnets and Lyrical Foenu (RouettiX
Sonnet) (Mil tonX 6411
Sonnets (Sbakeueare), 643)
Sphiic dei deui Hondei, La (DarinelX
Slept to the Temple (Ciaahaw). 6399
Strayed Reveller, The (AmoldX 4357
SyntajT, Tour of Dr., through London
Tanana (Ranuay), gSji
Temple deGnide, L(, 96
The^na and Deanzbui (ChalkhillX l>6g
lluee Nonhem Love Stories, 4507
Tom Rao, the GrifSn, 4J71
TourofDr. Prcwody, 39SO
Troadei Englished (Ponbge), 1671
Tnui Britannica {KcywoodX iioi
Tvo Sides of the River (Morris), uiS
ValiciniBDi Camuale, 3B47
Vem on Various Occauoni (NewmanX
Village CoQHettei (Dickensl 184
Village, The (CiabVX row
Volsiimga and Niblung]> (MorrisX 4507
Welcome, A (TennywnX 411;
Well at the World's W(MorriiX I7<8
Whims and Oddities (Hood), 4010
Wilbebn Tell (SdiillerX tiSi
Wii'i InleipnWr(CotgnT(X 4149
Wine's Pilgrimage (Daviest 4'5o
Wood beyond the World (Morr&X 3119
Yarrow Reviuted (WordtworlhX isBo
PollticBl Bcoiunar:
Almon's PoliticaT Register. 9103
Donaldson U a.) Art oFThriving, ;
Edgai (Wb.) The Cuii
Rvelyn(J.) Navigation and Commenx,
Inttniclian lot CoUeclon of Customs
Miticlden (R.) Free Trade, <4o«
Ovmtont (LotdX Tracts on Currtncy,
Ralcliffe (Xf.)
igitized by Google
pBUidui. Li China Fubliauc, ttiS
Suvigny (Ck. von). Voc«li™ of our Ag*,
Portratt*. Su >lio Gcneiii] Indei :
Bc^kIcII'i ColLccIion. 4333
finliah Gallery of ConKmpoAjy, 15s
Caullield CJ<) Fortniu of Romuliablc
PeiKHii, 3483
dumbeiluntO-) ImiutioDi of Hotbdn,
Hoi^Lkn (A.) Hull of lUmlHoui
Lodcc(E.) IILu>lrioui>rrK)Dage>,9a
Niiloiiil PunniE GillerT (Jcrdon), n«
Vu Dyc^^) Iconci Priacipum, jS
WoDdbuni'i GkIIb?. 3690
Biv^^iiin (A.) Mui^ C^nuniquc
DtluigefC.) Fnknc* FranjiiK, 65H
Gumier (E.) oivra PorciUim, 3380
HodtkinCJ. E. niKl E.) EMjLvEng
'edfewDOd, 61 &4
7ua Gno, 6:98
ifliih Paller, (igs
:lai. CJno.)
mluid, 38E
Sone (f3' Old \5«
Vii,w(C.B.l V,
l(L. M.) out Ed)
1 U.)
Lwi4 (G.) Onvnca
Marlbomngli Genii, THi, 4J08
Pougil (M.) Des PIehu Prtdeu
i^pDsbury (Jqo.) Prinu rrom
PrDTUbL "in Polk-t-are
Bcadihinr*! RtilnT CdnHnion,
IJvopool uul MuKtaetlci Vicci
I'^rlihX :
Blade Book of Tiymnulh, 567
Culendun of Suit Papcn, 3VJ1
C*len)>n of Wilb, tflr-g
Catholic Ref btEn, 14^, 14S4
clamaiioni, 633
Croin*ell (O.) ConMmpcmTy P
FMbroaki (^. D.) Abunctiof Rustdl.
Hampshire Record Society, 183
Lancaihin and Chethiie KecDtd Society,
rjorlhumberland (Earll of). .
R«ulalionj, 807
NortRumbf rUnd HouKhold Book, 4<
Pariih Regifteri, 34SB-«S
RIdldE. Sir Horae-RacloK, Mdimi
"omascai of CUralty :
Artliut(King),Storyor, 1,67
Avmon. Four Sonnes of, 1470
Bonk ^ the Ordn oTChyviiIrK, m
Lancelot dn Lac, 1^7-8
Mtliadude L^onnoy^, 1704
Penxromt, Hyitoiredc, i^,l
Peicival le Galloyt Hj;sioiie, 1J43. 3'3"
Primalcon. L™ Trm Libroi, isig
Roland, La CtiinKn de, 64>J
Roman da mm Sagw de Kome, 1781
Seven Championi, The (Johnwn), 3«3J
Sire Depevannt,
Theteiu de Couli
■1 tiitian, .84,
ValeDiioe and Onon, 1S48
Rniaa. Sn ArcamoiaKj
Stdenca <Gw»ral) ; .
" (iiallenget " Reporti, 6754
Chemical Industry, Society of, 6gj9
Boyle (Hon. R.) Various Works, :
n (Sir ■
■.) Can
entific !
i Phlegraei.
Lull7<R.) Arbor ScieotiiB, 1693
LulIytR.) Aninventiv., 169.
Staininn (H. T.) His Sdenlifie LihniiV
StaTsTi^i SonVK j™«*, ^'"^
Waliendarfet. De Metheorologicu, ia»
Sntlptue asd If arblei :
Ancient Sculptured Monoments of Angot,
,.) Hijto4
e(E«lX .
Raniscliet ScDlptui, 6517-O h^ Arabia Penlelici, )S»7
sup* aad^SUpplBB. Sa Yach(iil|
igitized by Google
AKhonCR.) Tonphilni, not
GHmbtc (A.) Shaaling ind Salmc
MUUui'tf! E.] Gune Binli, 6iDa
TiRi«Iia(N.J AriE-orShmmig, 1979
Son. Sfe Mnitc and Iduldani ;
Wtvn'i Anlhi^Dgy, ti£
AniliolaGi* Fnui^iH!, ^717, 41;]
Bottle Compaaioni, The, jSgi
Cbuib a Chamoai Pt^wiaird de ]a
CWkl (F". J.l English and Scottlih
BalbdB. IS 14
Cbni dc CIunioai{Liibocd<:X »j9-to
EdiaburBh Angling Ctub. Songl, liSa-J
Kpionlt, An. or Funcrall Song (Ciup-
Cs1ud^[Gind-will(Ddoncy), 1611
Luijoa (DrX L« Apropoidtla Sodett,
n (AylounX
Sisn Songs (RudutX ;37>'
SoDgn Dralatiuuei (RabcluiX ji&t
Sodgimd F»nci«{forb«J, 6Sj
SaanoTlhe ChacE(iBii), 1436
Spot^OK- Sa &1k under SpacUI Sub-
Advicv to Spnitsjnen, 3071
AJkenCH.) SaGaenilnia
Annals of Sponing ud Fancy GMi«Ie,
Ap(tar1eT(C, J.) Hunting RBminlscmcti,
Affcr\cy (C. J.) Lilt of B Spoiumu,
Appttity <C. }.■) Tbc ChacE, Ibc Tuif,
BadmintDn Libmy, TIie, 130-4;
Buly'n Muuine, 5031
BcrteleV (G. F.) Month in the ForcH)
:ing SUIch Book,
3»gO Boltcol
"Book trf Sports," Tl
BrawiM (H. K.). Plai
CkIciodU- W.) Sp
"CiadModhe D.T,"«4g
DuiielCW. B.) KunI Sports, 1991
Dover (K,) Annalia Dubromin. 44
E^n (Piticeti Sn Cenenl Indei
Fori' Rokd Scnpinn— Spordng I
and Sketches, 1407^
TamOrr F. Huiiict'i and Tra)
Fottiii(F.'^ LaRiu
ipDrttng (cMlMKAJ) :
Going to the Fight (Cniikshtink), 6>oi
H. (R.) School of kccrcuion, <3<S-ia
lliiulialioni (Vuiou), 331$
Jacob <C.) Country-Gentleinan'i Vadt
Uulljun (G
M'J-ihun ((
Mvtbam (
Compleal HusbandnuB,
Mu^I(W-H.) Wild Sports, IU5
Mii^ (A- M.) Sport with RiJd and
MlllauUTG.) Game Birdi, 610D
MillsQO Srortaman's Libivy, 1146
Moic^irJ.) England's Inlcrol, 131I
Oppunas it luscious et Veootiooe, 1353
Peacham (H-) Compleat GenttemaD,
Popular Pastimes, 3B%a
PnceCI.) Spanish fhill Fights, »J«7
RaCEhnnes, Pictorial Gallery a(, ai&i
RidinF!er(I. E.) Varions Workt. ;s»-5
Scott (W.ll,) British Spans, 1371
SeymoiufK.) Compleat Gatnesier, jBSfi
Sporting Anecdotes, 1144
Sporting HaganOE, The, 1573,
Sporting Maganne (The Kei), 3678
Sporting World, The (Cniikshank), aos3
SportiDun's Cabinet, 13B4
Stevens (C) Maison RuUiqne, 1385-6
Smart a.) Book of Deer, sm
Tuisua (St.) L'Eierdse de Sauler Ol
W. (W'?'Vhe Vermin Killer, 1331
Walsh CJ. H.) BHiish Rural Sporll, 1359
White's Sporting Scenes, 1430
"Wildrake-" Cracks of the Day, 6S4B
Williamson (TO Oriental Field Sports,
Magiia Chana, 835, ^ji
Scouista Acts, 99T-S, 1003, 1974-^. i&n6
Slalata (Henry VIIL), 1630
VieuxAbHdgci " ■ -
Clarke's Onenlal Carpels, 657*
Dolby (A.) Church EmbrrHde
Jubinal(AO Tarasseries, 1673
* ■ i(Ch.) ■fapissmes, .(
. n Eastern Car
Thwdon, Rellfloiu (
■laiUcal HlitorT
A. B. C Calechisme, 4'S
Actes of the General Assembly of the
Cleisy of France, 419
Acu of the General Assembly of the Kiik,
igitized by Google
ison (JdoO Eloquionim Dei, 5693
Auanuon (P.), RcoUltuion of, 43D
Aeniw (D.) PioKHuil Eiilci fnm
Tnnce, 4j,.4
AUnui d< ^ruiilii. Ubsr dictionnii
Ihcalofficbn, 45^7
Albcnui M(«nu>. Vuioni Worlu it
11) Ordinatio £aJe-
ii>. VBiioiu Workj,
Aleiutder GbIIuh. DixtrioJa Coopen-
dioto, tjS
AlphonHu dc SiwHL Fonalidun Fidei.
(St.) Com
fSt.) H«
An lloheadi, tiij-it
ArtklH A^ntd upon bjr tbe Biihoppa,
■quired 0^ 4
ii:ordun<H5.), t4s
Aodrewi'fi:) Hc^y Devocioni, »&>
Anu (Sunl> Lvgcndc, 4610
AiuvcnDflhcPremchEnit Bui 1e, 444
AniMr ta a Godly Han'i Lcntn, n«i
Anw-Nic<qeChnribin,Libnry, 449
Alluniii'iu'CAicbicp.)' 'summs^doafHui
num, 4«i» ,
\u^bur^ Confeu
^ogustim "^ ' ■■
I DeAi
I of FbEl
AnguuinclS.) Dc Ci>iuie Dei, t47i-«
Aacniiine (S.) De Cotuctuo Evsngdin
femm, aoD^
AogulUntS.) DeVitaC>iKiluni,4]S
AiiguuincjS.i £lAIiu,««t
Amuidng (S.) Homilk. 3904
Avcuvdoc cS.) Open Varu. 46s»-34
Augiulint IS.'
AuiuHiag {S.
I^Confwmit, 46 ^
Bile Uodd). EiiElvih* Vounei, lui
BaleQoha). Apolooy, 46°
BAltOahn). Bnfe CrDDVcle, 450
Balnunei (Hy.) ConCHnenof Faith, 461
Bancroft (Anjibci.) Ojngeroui Proceed-
Baiday (r!) Apology for the Quaken,
Bflviicy (T.) Monamenl of Matroni,
Bemud (I.) Oialia Pia, h8S
BeTDafdos (S-) Seratonek, 14B3
BaundiuO.) Encomiuin, iBte
Bea (Theod.) HUioire EcclniutiqDC,
SMin <Bom>w), jm,
Sit Geseral Index
BoelbiDS {K.)
De Conjalatione I%i]o-
S.) Stmone^ Mirroar of
Breviuick Sn Gencnl Indei
BH(ilu(Sl.) Reveluionea, i;is-C
BromyardO. de). Sumnu Pre^icaoiium,
Bu'l^HiEer (H.) An Eihocuticin, 5B1
Built, Vsnoiu Papal. jEi
Bnnyan (John). Vanoni Worlu, scn6
CalderwDod (D.) Altar or Damaicai, 594
Calvin CJ.) Catcchitm and Varioui
Woriis. 595-605, jii, 3303, 1343, 4eu
Calvin Society '• Publiaiiani., 604
Canona and Conitltutiont Ecdeuaitica],
CBracdo1ui(R.) De Penitenlia. 4689
Carnnigbt (T.) Aisiwere to tbe Rhemt:
Teuamenl, frX
Carve (T.) llinenHain, 609
Cod« Vaticanu., 47.
Coleridge (S. T.) Cooidtatkn) at Cburcb
Comeitor (P.) Historia Scbslanica, ijM
Conclavi de Poniillci Romani, 4J16
Cooreuion oT Faith, Tbe, A36-40, 990
Canrcsyon of the Fayth of the Ger-
Conuanct. DaaCDnciliDoi. 4717
Conttantine'e Donation or Gytte, 641
CouonUno.) CongregatioDal Ckurchei.
Coverdale (Mtlei). CenaJn mod Codiy
Ullen., 6,7
Covetdale (Milei). Chriilen Suie of
Matrymony. 646
Covenant, Solemn League, and Tram,
Cnuiach (LocuV Patuonsl Chriici, 911
CramnerfT.) CalKhinnu., 649
DmnmerrT.) Confutalian of UAWtiltea
CnuiniMtT.) Defence ot the Sagrameni,
DiaiOoO ChriitiBDaiRelipaiiiiSuintna,
Diu^pUna Eccleuaslia, De, 664
igitized by Google
Thwilngy. RaHrlmuCannioBlai, I
DaancUno.) PuadoH oT SclF-honiidile,
DnnlopCWm.) CollcctioD orCoDfw
ol FmUi, 67J
Dtuudui (G.) Rukulc Divinix
EdnM Vl. iDJnnctioni, 780
Eikcm AUutu {Fine), SCg
Bllu(H.) Pinidochrutiim, iDiB
£iBUaBu(Wiihcr). 5»BmblBBU
Sdimleiw Spirilacli. 4953
EfiuolaE 5. Panli. i ttg
EnmDi(Datil.) iW Gcn«nl
Ebu (Birl o(\ FuncisJ ~
£stieiiiH(R.) La Cniii
EmibnA. Hiitarii EcdccUati^, 1919
Fabcr (G. S.) Pigui Idolury, 304s
Fwicalm Mnrlit, ms
Fulc of [be Runnhe CkimiM, on
Fotley^lmii.) Tba Dini "
.} Cfarutiui f^jlKcH, 54^
Origenk Hu^lonun q
Flouro oT thr Cwnimndinpnu^ 1567
F«bcs (Biibop). Kalcndui of Scottiib
SuDU, 669
Forin (D<. Jobn> A peictabk Warn-
ins >nd Ibc AmwETC, £33-4
Forboyw.) Inaicuni, 3m
ForloogU- G. R.) BiymoTLifc, IIJ7
FoiU^nl Acu and M onumenu. A(
Fi»0°hii). ScnimiiiBcclcuaCannun,
Fnncu AmiHt Lscnd, TJ95
Fniici.(Sl.) Die lU«™d, 4J6>
FrilhCJaluiX VuvHU Polcmia] Woriu,
De Vin
Cdv Ton Kaintperc (]■) De Pinion,
GoHa Ltgoidc, The, 109
GoaneilR. P. D.) CoDunenutii, 4777
Go(idi»1(C) PtuumcmdeDand, 4790
GntifnuL Dccrcta P^tnun, T6T4-5
Giulli (Jmc) Sinclaarii Papiie Liber,
Goiu (W.) Old and New Rotoiui
Cubolik Failh. jBoi
CoUbdiim da Goudik De Bipcaitioiia
Mvaurinrun HIma, 4791
HilI^CBp. laL) VirndcmiiriuDi, 743
HdrolCPO Oidm MouMkiueii, 174s
Hany Vljl. futnia Sepiem Swn-
HeBTTVIlI.' V^nUuTlHalagiaJWoAi,
HarbBt(UdfX On Huriog Uaw,iTBi
TheolntT, RcUffloiu Ceranionla, Ecde-
Hermann (Anzhbp. Col.) Keligioui Con-
fultuioD, 75£ '
Hennea. De Poleiuie Dei, 479!
Hindu Pantheon, ThefMoor). 70]!
HalthiuiiiiU,) Compendiam Cautionnm,
Homiiie., 7«4-]
H«d»r (Jobn). Vatioss ThtoloEical
Woifc>, 7*7-9
Honului Animc, 1693
Honului PRailionnn, iqiS
Hogo de Pnlo. Sei
Huso de Sieisat. Qiudrui
Victoire. Lvre df LanCf
.DdulgenliiB, tBiyj, 663)
I (T.) AncTenl Kailh^ 447«
r{H.) Defuuio EcclesB. 1661
die Conulilion, Lc Uvn Insdlnie.
Jam^n(Mn.} Woi^ciby. ^»G«Kial
Jerome (St.) Epiuol-, 1634-7
Jewell(Up.J Apolocie, 787
JobaniMideSuictoLanrentia. P«iUIib
Jove (Geo.) Jeremy (he Propbeie, 790
Xeble (John). 'ITie Chri.tiaii Year, 70.
Keith (Geo-) ChunJiea Vinbin in Neo
Eniland. 3031
K.,-;:. rxhomas &>. De Imiuiione
.VorL«^795Ba3, .641
Lat™ieT(Bp.) SflDKHU.BlT
Lands Mari> Virginii (Kelm
L,urtnlio(Sl.) Docmna,4B;
LcsemSa Anna (Vonfine), ti
Lc^r (J.) Hiiloice dn VaudiMe^ 4B40
. ,?A (yo™,.6S,
Loilier(M.) PiMionilthriHi, 48JJ
Luibcr (M.) Tiaeu in Lalin, Bi6-ii
Lyn(Nic.d<}. Poatilla luper Bibliam,
Lyn (Nic. de). Poadlia upcr Epiwolu
L™ (Sii. deX PoaiilU super Nov.
L TTacianii Cor-
MaiUuBDi de CTaeoTii
Mtlanctbon (P.) Da Ecdeiic Aniori-
ute, 850
UelaDctEoa(P.) Eiphllelo HenTrVlIl.,
;S.) De Reveialiong, .
de;k Teaumeut at Cod
(Jolin). W«lubj,3&>-i
Mei^ U- de).
igitized by Google
Tfaeokinr RcUeIihu Cc
Mii»bili« Lilier, 4874
MuNiU. .ViiGaiirsI Index
Modclius(M.) SttHcm Pulnii, tSM
MmuidenlK Sw:ra IncdiU. 4S1
Mon (Sir T.) Conruucyon of Tyndilc'i
More (Sir T.) Supplyctcyon of Begipn,
Man (Sir T.) Vcncrncyon of [msgci,
Hortand (S.) Churcho of Piemoni, SSi
Mailer (Mu). Sacred Boolu of ibe
MunMet (S,) Caulofui Omnhiin Piz-
nptomm legio hlOKnicje, 9ft
U]Wn de l> Concqjtion, Le, 1711
N<rd« FoUh. Lm, sua
Nid« U-) ConuLuoriun
NorlUmak (J.) Spiriiui
Chrini. S167
HononCThoi.) Wuningaci
OMeCJoo-) Acc)muJofEd«MdVI,,9e6
Orchardc ofSyon, 1715
Oidinarv orCmtcnMen.etc. 1116. lofio
' It (6
J, 908-9
Pcnry (Jos.) Exhaniiioa asd otter
PicanCB.) %ellgio(U Cenmanies, 3410
Piiii (R. d<> Panltaeologia, i74a-sa
Pitratl. B.) Spidlegimn, rei;
Pole (Card.) 11 rilomo dc< Resno d'
Inghiltern iilla Caiholica Uniane, 4914
Pomeraiiiuj Qo.) A Compedioui Leila.
Pontltlno.) An Apoloaie. 9™
PonelOnoO Poll like Power, 919
Popuh Apparel. Tracit on, 44^
--"SEL'!!!---'- ■ ■ ■ -
RnveascroA (Tbo.;
S- Apollonia. sst6
Boolie of Pnlnet.
cr. Conferences in
„--=.«.-. „-
Regnte CongruitalDm, 4949
RcngLDua Emblcni*. tttt
Renan (E.) Oiigliiei deg Christianisme.
Repoi de CoOKiEKce, 4911
RingmasDU. Pa»io Chr
Rol^e (R.) HiHory
SacruneDt, Libell
Jacrificale I tine
Kalendarium. etc. 4<
TliwilafT, RaUgioiu Ccremonlet, Rcde-
Rudimeotum Noviiioruin. 17B6
Miner of Ei-
'eneiabili Sacn'
10 the Faythrnll,
SeuonablECouiueLfBunyanl iGoi
SermoDi (Vina and olfaen), ijL
Seryeiui (M.) De Tiinitadi Ertoril
Speculum Humer
Speculum Vita! C
i{de Spintualiied (Bunjan),
(Coveidale). S44
Swedenborg (E.) ProdromiB Phi
Tanner (R. P.) Woilii on the Jesuit!,
Latin, 49Ba'i
Thomas Ajjuinas (S). Sudidii Tbeoloj
and other W<?lu in Latin. 1838-41,36
Tondalus. Ubellui de npiu Animi
Tumlall (Bp.) Serr
VI IL, lo
I.) Advei
Turner (6rrW,) Rai;
1010, ;B45,
Tyndale (Wm.^ An
Sa abo Gen-—' '-■
0.ino(L. d.).
Valeni(C) T.
Theacrum &udeli
Watson .(Gp.) Holume and Cathofyke
WicWi£"*(J«i.) Wyeldyffe's Wickel,
Zocbis (J. de). De Pcenilenlia, 50
ZwiniIi>u(H.) Various Works, II
Camden (W.) Briiannia, J6D4
Daniell.iW.S Voyage round
Donieaday Book (Kaiham). 5634
,„i,i.aL, Google
Tapocnphj (cnitfnnO :
Giibe1i{R.) Bridih Tupogmphy, ri
KipU.) Briivinia IIIiuiibu, iBii
LjHHU (D. and SO MBgni Bnu
Spmi O"".) PrmpKI of ihe
Fmmota Piru of itu World, ifT
Sun (J.) AnnalH of England, s;
Zciller _ (M.) TopoEnphLi Hcl>
b.) Cuubrijtu lUuEini
Coil HlMory of Cumini], jBoj
Gilbert (DO HlRQiy, inB
Hiicbiiu(FO Hiuocy, iS«
M«l»o(i«rJO Trig( Minor, J2,
PinalmufWO HiHoitcal Survey,
Pd-heleJRO Hiuory, a»o6
StockdiOe'o EicnnuMU, iBo;
Winier'i Tmr, sSoj
KaKhinscn (WO Hiaory. 6Bi«
Cilwil (W. S.} TcigniDoulb Xtoiuutrri
Polarliclc (RO Hiitory of Divonihitl
PrineeUO WonhinorDcvDn, j;ii
Haicfaini (JO Hiuory and Anliquiiie
Bfaybn>^(L«d).' Audley End, 5)98
Nev jknd Complete Hutory. 3631
WtighiCrO Hulory,>B»
Aikyns (R.) Aocieai and Presenl Suir,
BnylcT jud Briium. DescriptSoD, 43^
Topogrmpby UanlmiKf) :
Fosbroolie (t. DO Ab.inmsofR««ds,
Rudder (S.) Nevr Hiitory, 4546
Engfcfield{SirHO He of Wighl, j™
PBtk U' JO Topognphy ol fnlmpsbire,
Beny'f Gcntalo^es, 3D15
Chjiiancy{SLrHO Aniiqailiei, .59
Ctuilecbucli (R.) Hiilory of Mectfnid,
Ci^n>0-EO Hislory.Mi.
Nei«»ine(PO AbheyofSt.Atban,<ai9
S»]inon(NO HiMory.Ssii,
Harris no Hislory, 1S4
HutrdTEO HLilory, iSt
Llunbiie(WO PeTambuLilions of Ken.,
lA^xxma Church, Heart-glirine in, fiS
Beck(T. AO Abbey nfFumeH, 49
CroMon (ImO Counly FomilLes. t,
KulionCWO Bliclipnil, ^
BircbfG. HO London Churches, M49
DanUnoO Weilminsler Abbey, 577.
Dugdile(SirWO Si. PbuI'^jso.
F.u\ncr<T.; fulham, 6J09
Faulkner (T.i Hanunerunilh, 6708
Faulkner (TO KentinHIon, 6761
lesKy. HO London, 191
Ly^Mpo"" En«r™'of London. 91
Malion <I.) London uid Wntmiuiter.
Microconn DfLniidoii, 3660
Penninin'O Account orLondon,fi7><
Slow (JO Sarv*!-, JSJ4
Ten>p«E. (PO Crj« of London, 3»3
Tbombury (WO Gmlcr London. ^;
Wilkin»n(kO Load ina illuilran, 3191
Dngdale (Sir WO St. Paul's, ,501
P»A CJ. JO Hiiiory of HimpHtad,
RoElnion |W0 Hiitory of EnReld, W79
Robinson (W.) Hiilory of Sloke Neoi-
ingion, fi7B4
RobmuD (WO History of Tottenbam.
Stow (Jno.) Surxy oT London and
igitized by Google
Topoxraphj Itmlamd) .*
Con{W.) HblDTicil Tout, 686}
BJomcficLd (F.) Hinorrof [IibCoi
Culhrw(G.A,) HundredofLaund
Will[in (E. P,) Old Norwich, 6B49
T (G.) Nonhuiptonihin, 116
Buck (S. uid N.
Bue»n (E,) Historr. SMo
(H.). Nt-caslk-on.TvTK, =7,6
Ldca] Rcconii, 1765
' "^ uth Mmubcty,
HiuSry oT Nanhiimberlud (HodguoX
Maiende (E.) NtwcMk ■ on ■ Tyne,
"- ' ie (E,) Views of tbc County,
Brandaolinl Nt»
Fordyce (T.) Loco]
GihKm (W. S.) Tyi
Hisiory oT NonhuR
MSi'ende (E.) N
Micki^eCE,) ViL
RL^udKin (M. A.) Tub)! Bonk, 3;
TiH*(G.) SLiioiTorAlnwick,4J9a
Buck (S. xnd N,) Vi™., /aiT^
LogpmflV) 0»oiii«llluiitii«,a6sS
Nai>«r<H. A.) PMishw of Si»yncofiilii
SkehoQ Oo^' -vfSk, by, J673-5
CollinunU.) Hiiliin',40
HugoCr.) Nunn«rHo?5oDi«Mt, iSe
Pictumque Guide to Baih, 3011
Somcncafain AnJiEolockal Sw., 940
Sail ArrfiKological Soc. CoIItclioni, joa,
ShiLV (S.) Hulory and AniiquiilB; jiQ
Gardna (T.) Dunwich, Bllthbuigh, aod
SllcklLn^(A.i Hillory,37i3
Bcciys Gcnnlooiei, wi6
Manning (0.) and *. Bmy. Hiua.7
and AnliquiilEi, 5643
Berry'i G«.«l'ogiM, ,4,
CanwKiihl (E.) Rapcof Bnunber, i«ii
H™fitldCr. W.) ff{Hory,Amiqiitia.
DuvdaJe (Sir W.) Antiquitjci, 171
HalliwelKJ.O.) New tlaee, Sii.a«d,
Button (W.] Hiitory of BinBlaghan,
Topogmihr UeKtntMul'i :
Nicolion and Bum Hii
F«tn{J^ PtditrtK,
Huot«Ti».) HillaS, ___,
P™™n(G^.) H^ldemtu, sMi*'''''''
Smith (W.) OldYcrk.hir., s»5^ *^
Wa,»n(j.» HHlifiu, 6846
Whi.ak«r(t.D.) o;™,.B.8-o
WhiukeriT. D.) Docuiu L^mms,
Wlitaliir (T. D.) Lmdii and Elnutc,
Whiukcr (T. D.) Richmondshii*. 3560
MittonO.) City of Dublin. 437fi
Barry ■jOrti.-, „
DrvmniorHl {Jai.)
Hibbrn-, Shr.T.n%(
Jtffrty (Alu.
Maitland (W
Edinbunjfa, 669
RoxbMjlirtm, 7B3
History of Ed Jul
Patmon Oai.) Counlic of Ayr an<<
Pnjn^Cf.) Tcun in Scotland and Ih.
PffluinuikfAO Shire of Tweedal.
WdllSt batrOiCJItw^S,""'
Fmton (R.) Tone in Pcmhrokuhire
G^ui. ItmerarY, t6i6
Pmn.t,i<T.) TouriaflTala^eoTj
Tri2I^ ■S" Voy»KM ud TrareU
Cam of Impottncy, Sodomy, and Rape,
:miutet, 6700
Cauic* Ctlibns et I
Pi'faira (R.) Swtt'inh Criminal Trials,
Slate 'Trial. (Cobhwl), 5414
Triah for Adulierv, 1314, iin. 6149
Trial, for Murder^ tlHTstn
Ipboittwy. i'a CabliwI-ltaUar
Bpheoua. Vuaen Boheme, SS7S
Cittei of Europe. Viewi. cew
Col™n.(u5). Vi^^°ti. School,
Crimna. PiamedidiwiKCas«lli,47,4
Damaicus aod Palmyra (Additoo), 40J
igitized by Google
Droden, Viewi of (CatiilElIi), 54«
Duhlin. Virw»(MBltonX 4'7«
Em* *^ NuUa (RobcTU). tS9*
EBlEuid ud W^ B«iul[« at, 14S
EnctiDil and Wiles U- M. W. Tume
Engkh Maniioni (RichardHiii), «i»
EKMrial- Views, fi'*^
Eunq^e, PktDicsqui
1 in (ProBlX
Scenery of the
Plate Miniine), 9«ig
Holy I.Mjd(D. Robert^. ^^.
KIpU-) NoBuii lli^tre, iug
London ud Pari* (CuiaioreiV «
MuylcboiK Gardeiw. VicK.H^
Mofcow, Hisurical Sketch of, toil
M™e. Sentry in (Hunwr). &,.
nsplq and the CunpiRna, ajm
Nanhamptffluliire, .fffwanifeuck), ,338
, ..ewiinjl
Puii. Lcj Promecadt
Pkm, Viewi of, 176^
Pirii, Viewi >/(Nuh), 3MO
P™. Vua da Peliui, etc. (Rigaud),
su orL.
PTnnees. AlbamPitLore<que, 431
Kanelaeh Gardeni, Viewi, eic., 6136
Ra»p™. Vi». naj (Moon), .,538
Rome. La MarkTillB de Rddk, msI
Rome. Un Ad 1 Rone (ThnmaiX^ii
Saiony. VnaenSau, m;S
SoHland. Royal Palaces (Brown), ei
ScoUand. Vien (Uen:), c;es-6
Seau c^ Noblemen aiiil Gentlem
(Btukel JU)
Severn, The, Views of(Harral), 61
Stanfield (a) CoiU Sccntrr, iSSg
St. PeteriburE, Views, 144B
Switzerland. Vuei RcmarqiiablFs, no
ATnca, In Daikew {Stanley), 9081
AmerioL If UDdni Noviu (Veapocdiu),
AnKiica. Voyice dei Iilci Camercanes,
Aserica. Voy»g« (Hennepin), 4JM-3
Awrica. VorageaCDel. SailelTgtj
Awrioi. Vayvei0Iakliiyt),3a46
America. VotrgaQiambaii^ 6jSs
Aacrica. Voyacti of an Indiaa lotsr-
Aoeiiea. Vayafet (nrkns, in one loiX
Vofmm uul Travel* itentimniT) :
Arabia. ItinerartOr 5000
Aiabra. Voya*e (tabmrie), igji
An:.K Voyaaei (Patry, FnnClini sBsT
Asia el Afriquc. Voyagei (Herbert),
BrigbihelRutone, Eicnnion to, 6356
Bry (T. de). Grands Voyages, loij
Canada, E>pedition to (Wdkei), 5369
Canada. Minione (Breuani). 4660
Canada. Nova Fiaoda (de Monis, etc),
Canada. VoEases (Crespel), 471
China, Embassy
'oyageofihe, 67
to roplby), S8S
CinznnmavigalionJCooV), S"4
Cjfcnmnangaiion iFrobisber), 47
Circumnavigation (La Perouse), 1
Ci^o, The (Stanley), 11981
FalEnyra (Addison), 405
rr.) ■ GtaSS^S^i
M PetiisVoy«
ivels (Rowland-
Dompie '
De Bry (T.) Petiis Voyages,
Egypt. Description de rElypH
Egypt, etc. Ilinerario CVartteir
Fiance. Description Gintrsli
chiunpsi a""
Grut Britain, Pictuteiqne Voyage round
(Daniell^ 93M
Guiana, Discovery of (Koleigh), 9166
Guinea. True liwripticn 01 {Uattha-
hI^uj^Vr.) Conedion of Voyages,
Hakluyt Sodely, The, iota
Hoi. ■Und. Vwage (fireydenbanh),
Howard' (LordX Travels of (Crowne),
Indies, East. Navigation 10 the (Piamp-
lDdies|KiL Viaggio(Fedrici),4756
Indies, East. Voyages (Pinto). 715
Indies, East and WisL Nav^on
(Sfnlbergen), 4076
Indies, East and West. Voyages (Lin-
Indies, W^l^^Mew Survey (page), 71J
I taly,_ Pictures from (Dickens), SiBi
Japan, Embassy 10 (Ogilby), 585'
Kamscbalka. Cruise of ihe Mirchesa to
(Guniemiud), 50
Labrador. Bendence at (Canwright),
Leland (J.) Itinciaiy, Sij
Mediuah and
avels, Sjs
Meccah. Pilgnmi
to tJonlel), 3050
igitized by Google
" Cbikc), 6^7
Mqon, Vciyvn to the (Godwin), 735
Napln fcdd the CAmpBCDK FcHcE, uTQ
NtwfoiuKlluid. Dactrstry of (WhiL-
bounn), 4106
Nonh Pole {FnnUb), 5157
Ndith-WBt Puuce (Pany), 5S97
Palodsc. SADCCmm pDnriDUioBaiu
Niunlia<BrndeDb«h), 4680
Pan. Stlaiir ilePuii (Nemciu), lou
Penepolii (Nalddie), iSlo
Polar S« (FiuktiA jBsj
PurchulS.) Hit PiliETimuc. sS6a
PurcbuCS.) Hit Pilgrimn, 6817
Raleigh (Sir W.) Voyiict mi Advtn-
Sandys Tiavuls, JiJ
Scnluid. lliiwnuiQin5«HtiitTiomile,7i3
Scdliinil. NivigUjcw du Koy JicqiutE
Sibo^ Voyage (Cluppe d'Aiit»Dcbe),
Saulbem Hciiiupbcrc(HBvliawoftb),6i
en Tunjuic (Ham'
Voyacea aad Tnvela (coMki
Souih Sou (ParkimcnX 3071
Spun and Morocco'" *
ToHicy, Navigatim
Tnrliey. Voyage
main dc Hell), if.4.
Welsfati and He»«an> :
Hunler (A.) Weighet and Ma
Suxiand, sBoS
Writtec. -^'(I
An de^ltir lei Vaiueaiu, L'. j3i;
CharnocliU.) Manoe ArchiKctiiR,4ati
CreKcntia (H.) Naiiika MnLitemiKa,
Engliifa Pilot, Tlie, 4^;
Evelyn (J.) Navigauon and CocnDKIce,
Savery (Thos.) Navigation iDiprorcd,
,„i,i.aL, Google
Book-Prices Current.
[October 34TH, ssth, and 36th, 1898.]
(No. of Lots, 1006; amount realised, ^£1,041 9s.)
I A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England, 2 vol., first
edicion, 1847-48— Comic History of Rome, first edition, n. d.,
coloured and other illustrations by J. Leech, specimen wrappers
bound up, calf extra, uniform, by Tout, 8vo. (3;7) ^3 7s. 6d.
1 Ackermann (R.) The Microcosm of London, or London in
Miniature, numerous coloured plates by Rowlandson and
Pugin, 3 vol., old calf Kilt, 1808, 4to. (871) Churchill, £i\ 10s.
3 Addington (W.) Cupid and Psyche, done into English, by
W. Addington, with Discourse by Andrew Lang, LARGE
PAPER, with plate in 2 states, morocco, g. t,, uncut, 60 copies
printed, D. Nutt, 1887, 8vo. (4a) CuttU, £1 11s.
4 Addison 0.) The Spectator, portrait and numerous plates by
Stothard and others, 6 vol., old morocco extra, gilt edges,
1803, 8vo. (761) Bain, £2 8s.
5 Amman Qost) Stand und Orden der H. Romischen Catho-
lischen Kirchen, 102 woodcuts of religious orders by Jost
Amman, calf extra, Franckf art-am- Mayn, 1585,' 410. (608)
Ridler, £1 6s.
6 Anderson (J.) Scotland in Early Christian Times, numerous
woodcuts, 3 vol., calf extra, g. t., uncut, 1881, 8vo,— Scotland
in Pi^^n Times, niunerous woodcuts, calf extra, g. L, uncut,
1883. Bvo. (536, 527) -^-i^J, £i 13s.
7 Arabian Nights. The Book of the Thousand Nights and a
Night, translated by Capt. Sir R. F. Burton, reprinted from
the Original Edition, and edited by L. C. Smithers, iz vol.,
" Library Edition," 70 original illustrations from paintings by
A. Letchfbrd, uncut, t. e.g., 1897, 8 vo. (187) C. Brown, £1 los.
8 Bacon (Francis, Lord). Works, with Life, 10 vol., portrait, half
calf; m. e., 1803. 8vo. {372) Brit-well, £\ 8s.
9 Baring-Gould (S.) Iceland : its Scenes and Sagas, first edition,
numerous illustrations and a map, uncut, 1863, 8vo. (355)
Hill, £2 is-
igitized by Google
10 Bible (Holy) with Commentary, edited by Canon Cook— New
Testament, voL ii., iii., andiv., 1880-81, 8vo. (219)
Hi^kam, £1 3s.
11 Biblia cum concorduitiis veteris ct novi testament) et sacrorum
canonum addite concordantie ex viginti libris Josephi de
antiquitatibus et bello judaico excerpte, gutliu UtUc in double
columns, nearly 150 woodcuts, and numerous initial letters,
old stamped mor., Nuremburg, 1521, folio {336) Parsons, £1
12 Boccaccio. Le Dgcani^ron de Jean Boccace, traduit par Le
Maqon, 5 vol., portrait, vignettes and numerous plates after
Gravelot, Eisen, Boucher, and Cochin, engraved by Aliamet,
Baquoy, etc., morocco gilt, gill tA^es, Londrts {Paris), 1757,
8vo. (189) Partem, £^ 4s.
13 Boccaccio. The Decameron of Giovanni Boccacci (II Boccaccio),
now first completely done into English Prose and Verse by
John Payne, 3 voL, parchment, uncut, i. e. g., Privately printed
for the Villon Society, 1886, 4(0. (390) Edwards, £2 12s.
14 Boolc-plates. Journal of the Ex-Libris Society, edited by
W. H. K. Wnght and A. J. Jewers from the commencement
in July, 1891, down to vol. v., part 6, June, 1895, inclusive, in
the original parts, 4to. (333) Maggs, £1 6s.
15 Boawell (J.) Life of Dr. Samuel Johnson, edited, with
numerous additions and notes, by J. W. Croker, s vol..
portraits, 1831, 8vo. (348) Ridler, £\ 4s.
[One of the best editions of Boswell's Life of Johnson.
The Portraits were engraved by Finden. — Ed.I
16 Boys (W.) Collections for an History of Sandwich in Kent,
numerous plates of views, antiquities (the two at p. 851
missing), etc., in 2 vol., calf gilt, Canterbury, 1793, 4C0. (474)
Ridler, £2 6s.
17 Breviarium. Portiforium seu Breviarium, ad insignia Saris-
buriensis ecclesie usum ; accuratissime castigatum, cum
multisannotatiuculis, etc., pars hyemalis, gothic Uftn, printed
in red and black (wanted A iiit. and v. of Proprium de
Sanctis), otherwise a large and sound copy in calf gilt, gilt
edges. Lend., J, Kyngston et H. Sutton, 1556, 4to. {477)
Ridler, j£io
18 British Museum. Catalogue of the Birds in the British Museum,
vol. ii. to xxvii., numerous coloured plates, 1875-9;, Sv°- (4)
QuarilcA, £2(1
19 British Museum. Catalogue of the Snakes in the British
Museum, by G. A. Boulanger, 3 vol., numerous plates,
1893-96, 8vo. (S) Quarilch, £i ris.
20 British Museum. Descriptions of New Species of Hymen-
optera, hy ¥. Smith, 1879 — List of Hymenoptera, vol. i.,
Tenth redinidE and Siricidx, by W. F. Kirby, 16 coloured
Elates, 1881 — Catalogue of the Marsupialia and Monotremata,
y O. Thomas, 38 plates, some coloured, together 3 vols.,
1888, 8va (7) Qftariteh, £1 i8s.
21 Bn^lie (Due de). M^moires du Prince de Talleyrand, 4 vol.,
portraits, half morocco, nncut, t. e. g., [891, 8vo, (96)
Young, £\ IS.
21 Brough (R. B.) Life of Sir John Falsiaff, illustrated by Geo.
igitized by Google
Cniikshank, ball calf, i858~Duplicate set of the Etchings,
8vo. (w8) SalhtraH, £2 i6s.
Jj Brown (W.) Select Views of the Roya! Palaces of Scotland,
with illustrative descriptions by J. Jamieson, numerous plates,
prooia on India paper, morocco extra, gilt edges, Edir&urgh,
1830, 4to. (602) Voung, £1 7s.
H Bruce (Rev. J. C.) The Roman Wall, a Historical, Topo-
Kipbical and Descriptive Account of the Barrier of the
irer Isthmus, illustrations, half morocco extra, g. t., 1851,
8vo. (539) Grieve, £1 4s.
25 Bruce (J. C.) The Roman Wall, a Description of the Mural
Barrier of the North of England, third and best edition,
tinted plates, plans and woodcuts, half bound, uiicut, 1867,
4to. (442) ^fag£■s, £4 14s.
26 Bums (Robert). Works, Poetry, and Prose, 6 vol., portrait,
illustrations and facsimiles, Edinburgh, 1895, 8vo. (190)
Sotherant £1 4s.
27 Burton (J. H.) History of Scotland, from Agricola's Invasion
to the Revolution of 1688, 7 vol., uncut, 1867-70, 8vo. (352)
Bui/, £3 3s.
iS Butter (SO Hudibras, edited, with large Annotations, etc., by
Dr, Grey, 2 vol., portrait, and numerous plates after Hogarth,
1744 — Genuine Remains, with Notes by Thyer, 2 voL, 1759,
mottled calf extra, gilt edges, by Morrell, 8vo. (365)
Edwardt, £1 i6s.
29 Butler (SamL) Hudibras, edited with Life by T. Nash, with
fine full-page plates and vignettes and portrait, handsomely
printed in ^ge type, 3 vol., morocco, tooled back and sides,
and gilt edges, Rickaby, 1793, 410. {31S) -^faggs, £3 i8s.
[Only 200 copies printed. In this copy some of the illustra-
tions were in duplicate and proof state. — Catalogiu.'[
30 Buttes (H.) Dyets Dry Dinner : consisting of eight severall
Courses. Fruites, Hearbes, Flesh, Fish, Whitmeats, Spice,
Sauce, Tabacco (wanted page 5, and one or two leaves cut
into), morocco gilt, g. e.. 1599, Svo. (467) Pickering, £2 2%.
[The Wiibraham copy sold for ^10 5s. See Book-Prices
Current, vol. xii., No. 6r7o.— Ed.]
31 Byron (Lord). Hours of Idleness, a Series of Poems, original
and translated, morocco, tooled back, gilt edges by Riviere,
Newark, 1807, 8vo. (31) Caitie, £2 los.
[A fiiw copies of this work were printed on Lat^e Paper.
These were issued first and vary materially in the setting up.
The presence of several textual errors in these copies points
to the conclusion that they were produced independently, in
part at least.— Ed.]
32 Byron (Lord). Works, with Letters, Journals, and Life, by
T. Moore, 17 vol., frontispieces and vignettes, half morocco,
t. e. g., 1832-33, 8vo. ()si) Cattle, £x 16s.
33 Csesar (Julius). The Eight Bookes of Caius Julius Cssar, con-
teynin^ his maitiall cxployts in the Realme of Gallia and the
Countnes bordering upon the same, translated out of Latin
into English by Arthur Golding, black letter, morocco extra,
1590, 4to. (610) ^aggs, £2 i8s.
34 Campbell (T.) Poetical Works, portrait, and fine impressions
of the vignettes after Turner, morocco, gilt edges, Moxon,
1837, 8vo. (106) R. IVard, £1 6s.
35 Carey (D.) Life in Paris, comprising the Rambles, Sprees, and
Amours of Dick Wildfire, 21 coloured plates and woodcuts,
first edition, calf extra, m. e., iSii, 8vo. (764) Homstein, £^ ics.
36 Castilio (Count Baldessar). The Courtyer, divided into foure
bookes, done into En^lyshe by T. Hoby, blacb Utttt (last
leaf missing), woodcut title, half russia, 1561, 4to. (479)
Ridler, £1 los.
37 Celebrated Trials, and Remarkable Cases of Criminal Juris-
, prudence, 6 vol, numerous portraits and plates (vol. iv. wanted
the plates), half calf, tn. e., 1835, 8vo. (470]
Stevens and Son, £1 loe.
3S Cicero. Tusculaoarum Quaestionum, Libri V., cum Comment.
P. Beroaldi, woodcut initials, morocco extra, yeiui., B. de
Zanitis de Porlesio, 1499, folio (640) Grieve, £1 lis.
39 Clarke (C.) Architectura Ecclesiastica Londini ; \)r Graphical
Survey of the Cathedral, Collegiate and Parochial Churches
in London, Southwark, and Westminster, LARGE PAPER,
122 plates by J. Coney, G. Shepherd, etc (plates 13, 47, and
99 substituted from another edition on small paper), half
morocco, i8zo, atlas folio (496) E, Parsons, £1 14a.
40 CoUinson (J.) History and Antiquities of the County of
Somerset, map and numerous plates, 3 vol,, original calf,
1791, 4to. (870) Churchill, £(, 5s.
41 Cooke (E. W.) Shipping and Craft, jo plates drawn and
etched by E, W, Cooke, proofs on India paper, morocco, gilt
edges, a presentation copy from the author, 1829, folio (651)
42 Croke Family. Genealogical History of the Croke Family.
originally named Le Blount, hy Sir A. Croke, with plates and
folding genealogies, 2 vol., original calf gilt, privately printed,
Oxford, 1823, 4to. (284) Hardinger, £1 as.
43 Curtis (W.) Botanical Magazine, vol. i. to vol. liv., part i., and
two General Indexes, numerous coloured plates, unbound, in
cases, 1787-1827, 8vo. (82) Friedlander, £^ 2S. 6d.
44 Dante. Comedia di Danthe Aleghieri, col Comenti di Christo-
foro Landino, numerous woodcuts (mostly full page) within
borders, coloured, ancient MS. notes in margins (several
leaves defective), otherwise a fine copy in old oak boards,
covered with stamped russia leather, gilt edges, Bressa,per
Bottinum de Bomnis, 14S7, folio (489) Ridler, £\i 12s.
[This forms the third edition of Landino's Commentary,
and is extremely scarce. An important memorandum in the
handwriting of Ugo Foscolo was inserted in the volume. —
45 Dibdin (Rev. T. F.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian, and Pic-
turesque Tour in France and Germany, numerous illustrations,
3 vol., vellum, Bulmer, 1821, royal 8vo, (134) C. Carr, £1
46 Dickens (C.) Adventures of Oliver Twist, first 8vo. edition,
24 illustrations on steel by George Cniikshank, morocco gilt,
m. e., J846, 8vo. (75) Thome, £\ is.
igitized by Google
47 Dickens (C.) A Tale of Two Cities, tirst edition, illustrations
by H. K. Browne, morocco gilt, rn. e., 1859, 8vo. (76)
spencer, Ix iis.
4S Dickens (C.) Pickwick Papers, 43 illustrations by R. Seymour
and " Phil," uncut, 1837, 8vo. {94) Spencer, t^ lis.
49 Dickens. (C.) Sketches by Boz, second edition, 2 vol., fine
clean copy — Sketches by Boz, second series, first edition,
plates by George Cruikshiuik, original cloth, Macrone, 1836-37,
8vo. (137) spencer, £,1 los.
50 Eikon Kasilikd. The Fourtraciure of his Sacred Majestie in
his Solitude and Sufferings, with Prayers used in the time of
his Restraint, old English morocco extra, gilt edges, enclosed
in a blue calf case, Reprinted in Regis Afetnoriam for
J. Williams, 1649, 8vo. (563) Ellis, £1
ji Erondelle (P.) The French Schoole Maisier. wherein is most
?lainely showed the true and perfect way of pronouncing the
'rench tongue (pp. 35 to 40 defective), half morocco, 1606,
8vo, (468) QMarilck. £t 4s.
51 Fairbaira (J.) Crests of the Families of Great Britain and
Ireland, revised by L. Butters, 2 vol., plates, half brown
morocco, gill edges, n. d., 8vo. (834) ^"ggs, £1 ^s.
53 Field (F.) Origenls Hexaplonim t[uie Supersunt ; sive
Veterum Interprecum Graecorum in totum Veius Teata-
mantum Fragmenta, 2 vol., Oxonii, 1875, 4to. (266)
Baker, £2 lis.
54 Fraissart and Monstielet. Chronicles of England, France, etc.,
translated by T. Johnes ; together 9 vol., plates, russia gilt,
m. e., Hafnd Press, 1S03-9, 4I0. (310) Catlerell, £1 lis.
55 [Gore (Mrs.)] Modem Chivalry : or a New Orlando Furioso,
2 vol., first edition, etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, calf extra,
gilt edges by Morrcll, 1843, 8vo. (378) Cottereli, £1 4s.
56 Gougb (R.) Sepulchral Monuments of Great Britain, 5 vol.,
numerous large and fine engravings (wanted pp. 170* and
173* in voL i.), russia gilt, gilt edges, 17S6 96, folio (492)
Edwards, £\%
[Many copies or portions of copies of this work were
destroyed by fire at the primer's warehouse, consequently
very few are found so complete as the above. — Catalogue^
57 Grammont (Count). Memoirs, by Anthony Hamilton, with
Notes and Illustrations by Sir Walter Scott, 2 vol., 64
portraits engraved by E. Sc||ven, etc., morocco extra, gilt
edges, by C. Lewis, 1811, 8vo. {180) Maggs, £2 15s.
■"" ' ■ plates,
59 Guillemard (F. H. H.) Cruise of the Marchesa to Kamschatka
and New Guinea, coloured frontispieces, maps and numerous
woodcuts, z vol., half morocco, t. e. g., 1886, 8vo. (363)
Maggs,£i ijs.
60 Harland (J.) Lancashire Ballads and Songs, Ancient and
Modern, Collected and Edited by J. Harland, 2 vol., large
PAPER, only 100 copies printed, morocco extra, tooled backs,
gilt tops, uncut, by Bedford, 1865-66, 8vo. (13$)
Sotkeran, £\ff&.
58 Grose (F.) Antiquities of Scotland, numerous plates, 2 vol.
'a extra, m. e„ 1797, 410. (604) Grieve, £\ ~
igitized by Google
6i Harral (T.) Picturesque Views of the Severn, with Historical
and Topographical Illustrations, 52 lithographic plates after
Saml. Ireland, 2 vol. in 1, largk paper, with the plates
coloured, half russia, gilt backs, 1824, 410. (281) jl/a,5fr,jfi 9s.
62 Hawkeswonh (1.) An Account of the Voyages utidertaken by
the order of his present Majesty for making Discoveries in
the Southern Hemisphere, maps and plates, 3 vol., calf gilti
1773, 4to. (86q) Churchill, £i as.
63 Heame (T.) T. Caii Vindiciae Academias Oxon., 2 vol., Outran.,
1730— Johannis Glastoniensis Chronica, 2 vol., ii., 1726 —
T. Sproiii Chronica, I'A., 1719 — J. de Trokelowe Annales
Eduardi IJ., id., 1729, all on LARGE PAPER, old calf, together
6 vols., 8vo. (197) D- Reeves, £1 12-.
64 Hohnshed (Ralphe). Chronicles of England, Ireland, and
Scotland, now newlie augmented and continued to the yeare
i;86, by John Hooker and others, second edition, 3 vol. in 2,
biarh Utttr, reprint of ihe castrations (those for William the
Conqueror, 6 pages, and 12 pages of Index are not in the
present copy), (vol. i. wanted dedication to Lord Burleigh,
and vol. iii. title), russia, rebacked, 1536-87, folio (493)
Afairte. ^3 is.
65 Humphreys and Westwood. British Butterflies and their
Transformations, 42 coloured plates, original cloth, uncut,
W. Smith, 1841, 4to. (291) Maine, £1 3s.
66 Ibis. Index of Genera and Species referred to, and an Index
to the plates in the Ibis (First, Second and Third Series),
1859-76, edited by O. Salvin (z copies), Van Voorst, 1879, 8vo.
(2) Quarilch, £\ 1 3s.
[See the note to No. 1160, Book-Prices Current,
vol. xi., in which reference is made to The Ibis, the Quarterly
Journal of Ornithology.— Ed.]
67 Ireland (W. H.) Life of Napoleon Bonaparte, 24 coloured
folding plates and portraits by G. Cruikshank, 4 vol., calf
extra, m. c., 1828, 8vo. (763) HomUein. £1^ igs.
68 Kent. A Description of the Heart-Shrine in Leyboume Church,
with an Account of Sir Roger de Leybum, Ki., plates, 75 copies
reprinted from "Arch^ologia Cantiana," with numerous MS.
additions in a neat hand, and MS. Biography of Sir R. de
Leybum the 2nd, 88 leaves, half morocco, gilt back, uncut,
1864, 4to. (283) Edwards, £1 los.
69 Kipling (R.) Departmental Ditties, and other Verses, first
edition, in the original wrapper, with the front flap, Printed
at the Civil and Military Gazette Press, Lahore, (No. I of
1886), 8vo. (74) Shepherd, £\1 los.
70 Kipling (R.) Under the Deodars, first Indian edition, illustrated
wrapper, Allahabad, Wheeler and Co., n. d., 8vo. (156)
Sptncer, £\ lis.
71 Kipling(R.) InBlack and White,first Indian edition.illustrated
wrapper, Allahabad, Wheeler and Co., n. d., 8vo. (i 57)
Edwardi, £\ 12s.
72 Kipling (R.) The Phantom 'Rickshaw, and other Tales, first
Indian edition, illustrated wrapper, slightly damaged, Alia-
habad, Wheeler and Co., n. d. Svo, (158) Spemer, £\ 6s.
igitized by Google
Indian edition, illustrated wrappers, Allahabad, Wheeler and
Co., n. d., 8vo, (l6i) Denham,£2
74 Kipling (R.) The City of Dreadtiil Night, and other Places
(two copies), illustrated wrappers, Wheeler and Co. and
Sampson Low, n. d., 8vo. (i6o) Denham, los.
75 Kipling (R.) Letters of Marque, first edition, in the original
doib, AUakabad, Wheeler and Co., iSqi, 8vo. ([62)
W. Brown, £f> 7s. 6d.
Co, o. d,, 8vo. (167) Dettham, £1 17s.
78 Kipling (R.) InBlackand White, first Indian edition, illustrated
wrapper, Allalutbad, Wheeler and Co., n. d., 8vo. (164)
Denham, £\ 12s.
79 Kipling (R) In Black and White, first Indian edition, illustrated
wrapper, Allahabad, Wheeler and Co., n. d., Svo. (165)
Denham, £1 163.
80 Kipling (R.) Under the DeiMlars, first Indian edition, illustrated
wrapper, y4//itWia/, Wheeler and Co., n. d., Svo. (166)
Mag^s. £1 I3S.
81 Kipling (R.) The Phantom 'Rickshaw, and other Tales, first
English edition, illustrated wrapper, Allahaiad, Wheeler and
Co., n. d., 8va (168) Shepherd, as.
8 : Kipling (R.) The Story of the Gadsbys. a Tale without a Plot,
first English edition, illustrated wrapper, Allahaiad, Wheeler
and Co., 0. d., 8vo. (169) Shepherd, as.
83 Kipling (R.) Letters of Marque, first edition, in the original
cloth, Allahaiad, Wheeler and Co., 1891, Svo. (170)
Edwards, £3 I7S- 6d.
84 Landor (Walter Savage). Works and Life, 8 voU portraits,
1876, 8vo. (361) Hoche, £3 15s.
85 Landscape Illustrations of the Waverley Novels, with Descnp-
tions of the Views. 120 views and portraits, 3 vol., uncut,
unspotted. Tilt, 1832-33, 4to. (862) Ma^gs, £1 95.
86 Lanfiey (P.) History of Napoleon, 4 vol., original cloth,
1871-79, Svo. (133) M'tKg^-, l^ lis.
87 Lardner (Dr.) Cabinet Cyclopaedia, complete Set, 133 vol.,
clean and uncut, in the original cloth, 1829, etc., Svo. (173)
88 Las Cases (Count de). The Life, Exile and Conversations of
the Emperor Napoleon, portraits and numerous plates, 4 vol.,
calf extra. Colbum, 1S35, Svo. (75S) RoiAt, £1 ijs.
89 Le Sage (A. K.) Adventures of Gil Bias, translated by T.
Smollett, 3 vol., i; coloured plates, calf gilt, m. e., 18 19, Svo.
(400) C. Carr, £1 6s.
90 Lci^e (E.) Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great Britain,
13 vol, 340 portraits, original impressions, with Memoirs, half
morocco gilt, m. e., 1S35. 8vo. (366) Bull, £z 6s.
91 Lysona (U.) Environs of London, being an Historical Account
igitized by Google
of the Towns, Villages and Hamlets within twelve miles of
that capita], z vol. plates, extra illustrated and extended to
6 voL by the insertion of upwards of 400 additional plates of
portraits, views, antiquities, etc., modern cloth binding, uncut,
1811, 4to. (609) Cooke, £%.
[The extra engravings in these volumes were, many of them,
very curious and scarce. They were collected by the late
George Cooke, the well-known eng^ver. The frontispiece
to vol. i. is a drawing in sepia of S. Lysons. The original
advertisements concerning the book were mounted on the
fly-leaf of the first volume. — Caiaiogue.^
92 Macaulay (Lord), History of England, from the Accession of
James 11., 5 voL, half calf gilt, 1849-61, 8vo. (350)
Maggs,£i IIS.
93 Malfllatre. Narcisse dans I'lsle de V^dus, Foeme en quatie
Chants, largk paper, engraved title by Eisen, and 4 un-
lettered proof plates by St. Aubin, morocco extra, gilt edges
by Quinet, fans, 1769, Svo. (179) Voutig, £i i is.
94 Marguerite de Navarre, Nouvelles (Heptameron), 3 vol., plates
and vignettes by Dunker and Freudenberg (wanted the three
duplicate leaves, pages 161-166 in vol. 1.), calf extra, gilt
edges, Berne, 1792, (931) Edwards, ^4 los.
95 Marlowe (C.) Famous Tragedy; of the Rich Jew of Malta, first
edition (last four leaves defective), 1633, 4to. (970)
Pickering, £,z 7s.
[At the Roxburghe Sale in i8t3 a ^ood and perfect copy of
this edition sold for 15s. At that time original editions of
Marlowe's plays were, on the whole, more expensive than the
early Shakespearian quanos. — Ed.]
96 Montesquieu. Le Temple de Gnide, nouvelle Edition, fine
plates engraved by N- Le Mire from the designs of Ch. Eisen,
the text engraved by Droiiet, old French zsM, gilt edges,
1772- 4to. (396) Maggs, l\ 88.
97 More {Sir Thos.) The Workes of Sir Thomas More, Knyght
wiytten by him in the Englysh tonge, bi«ck Ittttr, bound in
3 vol., this copy contained tne " youthful Poems," but not the
rare unpaged leaf " to the Christian reader," 5 leaves inlaid,
and last one defective (also wanted FF iiii and v), but a latge
and generally sound copy in russia gilt, m. e., 1557, folio (494)
98 Mimster (S.) Catalogus omnium pneceptorum legis Mosaicee
(Lat. et Keb.), original stamped calf, with the arms of
Henry VIII. on one side, the supporters sunnounted by
Cuthbert's cross, indicating that the book at one time
belonged to the City of Durham, and four Latin quotations
running round the panel ; on the other side four full-length
figures of saints beneath cusped arches, the last containmg
the binder's initials, G. K., on both sides (title-page defective),
Basilta, 1533, Svo. (565) Bull, £\ los.
99 " My Cousin m the Army " : or Johnny Newcome on the Peace
Establishment : a Poem by a Staff Officer, coloured plates
by J. R. Cruiksbank, C. Williams, etc., mottled calf extra,
gilt edges by RiviSre and Son, n. d. (1833), (358) Ridler, £1.
igitized by Google
100 Pausanias. Description of Greece, translated with a com-
mentary by J. G. Frazer, maps, 6 vol., uncut, Macmillao,
1898, 8vo. (834*) Maggi, £i i8s.
101 Percy (Dr. J.) Metallnrgy, Fuel, Firc-Clays, etc.. Iron and
Steel, Lead, 3 vol., numerous illustrations, 1861-64-70^ 8va
(182) /ft//,/i6s.
102 Percy Society's Publications, complete in 25 vol., bau calf,
m. e., 1840-48, 8va (93) Harding, £,»,
103 Pigafetta (P.) Report of the Kingdome of Congo, a Re^on
of Africa, and of tbe Countries that border rounde about the
same .... translated by A. Hartwell, curious fullpagc
woodcuts (wanted the maps and comer torn off of page 2),
nusia ffilt, y. e., 1597, 410. (482) Ridltr, £\ 16s.
104 Platina (Barth.) Liber de Vita Christi ; ac Pontificum
Omoium, qui hactenus ducenti et viginti duo fticr^ editio
princeps, printed in roman letter, capitals painted in red,
old morocco gilt, ornamental back, borders, and centre (the
Sunderland copy), Vtnet., Jo. de Colonia, 1479. folio (888)
Maurice, £2 i8s.
105 Punch : or the London Charivari, 1841 (vol. i.) to 1869, 1873,
and 1879 to 1S83, numerous illustrations by Doyle, Leech,
etc., half morocco and cloth, etc., with all faults, together
35 vol,, 4to. {299) George, £3 i6s.
106 Raine (J.) Historical Account of the Episcopal Castle, or
Palace of Auckland, plates, with an extra series by R. W.
Billings and others inserted, purple calf extra, doubld with
white calf, monogram in centre, joints, watered silk end
leaves, gilt edges, Durham, 1852, 4to. (588) Ridler, £1 12s.
107 Romberch (J.) Congestiorum Arlificose Meraorie, bl«li Utttr,
curious woodcuts, morocco extra, Venel., per M. Sessam,
1533. 8vo. (546) Leigkton, £1 7s.
108 Rymer et Sanderson. Foedera, Conventiones, etc.. inter
Reges Angliae et alios, 10 vol., third edition, russia (re-
backed), y. e.. Hag. Com., 174^, folio (26) Harding, £^ 4s.
109 Scott (Sir Walter). Waveriey Novels, new edition, with the
Author's Notes, 48 vol., frontispieces and vignettes, 1829-33
^Waverley Anecdotes, 2 vol., 1833, clean copies in the
original cloth, uncut, 8vo. {171) Hopkins, £4 4s.
no Scott (Sir Walter), Poetical Works, 12 vol., with Turner's
designs, Notes, etc, 1833— Prose Works, with Notes, et<-.,
28 vol., frontispieces and vignettes, 1834, uncut copies in
the original cloth, 8vo. (172) •'^<*gg^t £i 3S.
1 1 1 Shakespeare. Mr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories,
and Tr^edies, Published according to the true Original
Copies, unto which is added seven Plays, never before
Pnnted in Folio, the fourth edition, wanted tbe portrait
(anotherone by Cooper inserted, also pages 245-249), a sound
copy, measuring 14I in. by 9 in., russia gilt, m, e., PriiiUd
forH. fferringmaa,E. Brewster, and R. BentUy, 168 j, folio
(495) Sotheran, £\o 3s.
112 Shakespeare (W.) Dramatic Works, Poems, Doubtful Plays,
and Biography, " Knight's Pictorial Edition," 8 vol.,
numerous engravings, calf gilt, m. e., n. d,, 8vo. (97)
Maggs, £2 2S.
igitized by Google
1 13 Shoberl (F.) World (The) in Miniature, edited by F. Sboberl
— Ill^ria and Dalmatia, 2 vol.— Africa, 4 vol.— Turkey, 6 vol.
— H]ndoostan,6 vol. — Persia, 3 vol .^Russia, 4 vol. — Austria,
z vol.— China, a vol. — Japan— Netherlands— South Sea
Islands, z vol. — England, Scotland, and Ireland, 4 vol. —
Switzerland, together 38 vol., numerous coloured plates of
costume, all in calf gilt, not uciform, Ackennann, iSzi, Svo.
(139) Wheldon, £b
ri4 Slater (J. H.) Book-Prices Current, December, 1886, lo
November, 1896, 10 vol., half morocco gilt, uncut, t. e. g.,
1887-97, Svo. (60) /. H'ard, £6 5s.
11; Smith (I.) Iconographia Scotica, or Portraits of Illustrious
Persons of Scotland, engraved from the most Authentic
Painlings, 20 plat rs, mottled calf extra [1798), 410. (601)
Grieve, £1 ijs.
116 Smith (Or. W.) Dictionary of the Bible, 3 vol, engravings.
1861 — Dictionary of Greek and Roman Biography and
Mythology, 3 vol., illustrated, half bound, 1844. Svo. (222)
Galloway. £l 9s.
117 Thackeray (W. M.) The Snob, a Literary and Scientific
Journal, Not conducted by Members of the University,
Cambridge, 1829, with title, index, etc., Nos, 3, 4. S. 6, 9
— The Gownsman, Nos 3 to 17 {all published) — The
Individual, and other Pieces relating to Cambridge, all
uncut, in i vol., in boards, Svo. (;i) SMn, £& Ks,
["The Snob" is complete in 11 numbers, and "The
Gownsman " in 17. For a description, see Slater's "Early
Editions," 1894, Svo., p. 31 ; *■/ «?.— Ed.]
118 Theatnim Chemicum, 6 vol., calf, rebacked, r. e., Argmi.,
1659-61, Svo. (90) Quaritck, £\ 14s.
1 19 Theatium Tragicum Actorum et Casuum Tragicorum, Londini
publice celebratorum, good impressions of the portraits,
including the rare one of Kenry, Earl of Holland, morocco
extra, g, e., Amsterdam, 1649, Svo. (416) Stanford, £2 6s.
izo Thiers (M. A.) History of the French devolution, translated '
with notes, etc., by F. Shoberl, ponraits and plates, 5 vol. in
the original parts as published, Beniley, 1838, Svo, (770)
Roche, £2 ijs.
121 Tracts for the Times, by Members of the University of Oxford,
including Traas 89 and 90, bound in 7 vol., 1833-40, Svo.
(98) Bull, £1 IS.
123 Voltaire (M. de). Romans et Contes, 3 vol., ponrut and
plates after Monnet and Marillier, old calf, BquUIoh, 1778,
8vo. (101) mdUr, £1 IS.
123 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler. Tercentenary Edition,
edited by J. E. Harting, 2 vol., 53 etchings on Japanese
vellum paper, half parchment, imcut, t. e. g., one of 350
copies, Bagster, 1S93, imperial Svo. (292) Young, £1 38.
124 Warburton (Eliot). Memoirs of Horace Walpole and his
Contemporaries, 2 vol., portraits, half morocco gilt, gilt
edges, iSjI. Svo. (377) Sotheran, £\ 8s.
125 Watt (Robt.) Bibliotheca Brilannica, or General Index to
igitized by Google
British and Foreign Literature, 4 vol., half morocco gilt,
g. t, some leaves stained, £di/$l^rgi, 1824, 410. (2B5)
NiJ!, £1 7S.
[^^^''ABibliographicalMartyr— Dr. Robert Watt, author
of the Bibliotheca Bntannica," a well-written article in vol. I
of TkeUbrary, 1889.— Ed.]
i!<) Whitaker (T. D.) Loidis and Elmete, 1816— Thoresby (R.)
Duratus Leodiensis ; or the Topography of the Town and
Parish of Leeds, with notes and additions by T. D. Whitaker,
1816, portraits, plates, vignettes and pedigrees, russia gilt,
g. C, folio (337) Granger, £2 6s.
TZ7 Wilkinson (Sir J. G.) Manners and Customs of the Ancient
Egyptians, revised and corrected by Dr. Birch, 3 vol.,
illustrations, uncut, 1878, 8vo. {362) Young £\ 13s.
138 Winkles (H. and B.) Illustrations of the Cathedral Churches
of England and Wales, numerous plates, 3 vol. in z, calf
extra, gilt edses, 1836-41, 410. {873) Hill, £\ is.
129 Yorke !J.) The Union of Honour, containing the Armes,
Matches and Issues of the Kings, Dukes, Marquesses and
Earles of England from the Conquest until this present
Ycere 1640, engraved title and numeious coats of arms, etc,
half morocco extra, 1640, folio (648) Leigkton, £1
[October 31ST and November ist and ind, 1898.]
The Library of a Gentleman,
(No. of Lots, 908 ; amount realised, ^1,074 3s. 6d.)
Badmikton Library of Sports and Pastimks,
AH LARGE PAPER, ^to., uniformly bound in half moroceo, Lt.g.
130 Hnnting, by the Duke of Beaufort and Mowbray Morris, with
contributions by the Earl of Suffolk, Rev. E. W. L. Davies,
Digby Collins, and A. E. T. Watson, illustrations by
Sturgess and Charlton, 1SS6 (699) Harrison, £■26
131 Fishing, by H. Cholmondeley.Pennell (Salmon and Trout,
Pike, and other coarse Fish), 2 vol., illustrated, 1885 (700)
Quaritch, £<) js.
132 Shooting, by Lord Walsingham and Sir R. Payne-Gallwey
(Field and Covert, Moor and Marsh), 2 vol.. illustrations by
Whymper, Millais, and others, i386 (701) Quaritch, ^9 los.
133 Racing and Steeple - Chasing, by the Earl of Suffolk,
W. G. Craven, A. Coventry, and A. E. T. Watson,
illustrated by Sturgess, 1886 (702) Sotheran. £\ js.
134 Cycling, by Viscount Bury and G. L. Hillier, illustrated by
Viscount Bury and J. Pennell, 1887 (703) Quaritch, £\
13s Athletics and Football, by Montague Shearman, numerous
engravings, after S. Berkeley, 1887 (704) £1 is.
136 Cricket, by A. G. Steel and the Hon. R. H. Lyttelton, with
contributions by A. Lang, W. G. Grace, etc., numerous
illustrations, 1888 (705) Quarilch, £1 lis.
137 Driving, by the Duke of Beaufort, with numerous contributions,
illustrated by C. D. Giles and J. Sturgess, 1889 (707)
Leighton £1 9s.
13S Fencing, by W. H. Pollock, etc.— Boxing, by E. B, Mitchell-
Wrestling, by W. Armstrong, numerous illustrations (708)
Quarifch, £,\ I2S-
139 Skating and Figure Skating, by J. M. Heaihcote, C. G. Teb-
butl and T. Maxwell Witham, illustrated by C. Whymper
and Captain R. M. Alexander, 1893 (713) Shepherd, £1 is.
140 Mountaineering, by C. T. Dent, numerous illustrations by
H. G. Willink and others. 1892 (714) Bumpus^ £i 5s.
141 Vachting, by Sir Edward Sullivan, Lord Brassey, the Maiquis
of Dufferin and Ava, R. T. Prichett, Sir G. Leach and
others, illustrated by Pricbett, 2 vol., 1894 (716)
Shepherd, £3
142 Big Game Shooting, by C. Phillipps-Wolley, with contributions
by Sir S. Baker, F. C. Selous, the Earl of Kilmorey and
others, numerous illustrations by C. Whymper, J. Wolf, etc.,
2 voIt 1894 (718) Shepherd, £i, ^%. 6d.
143 Sea Fishing, by J. Bickerdyke, W. Senior, A. C. Harmsworth
and Sir H, W. Gore-Booth, iliusiraiions by C. N, Henry,
R. T. Prichett, etc., 1895 (719) Sotkeran, £1 4s.
144 Dancing, by Mrs. L. Grove and others, with musical examples,
illustrated by Percy Macquoid, 1895 (720} Liighion, £1
145 Poetry of Sport, selected and edited by H. Peek, with Notes
by, Andrew Lang, etc., illustrated by Thorbum, L. Davies,
and others, 1896 (722) Bumpus, £1 14s.
146 Baker (G.) History and Antiquities of the County of North-
ampton, 5 parts, LARGE PAPER, boards, uncut, 1822-41, royal
folio (592) iValford. £4 17s. 6d.
147 Baronial Halls and Picturesque Edifices of England, 2 vol.,
plates, half morocco, 1848, royal and imperial folio ^298)
Rimen,£\ iis.
148 Beauties of England and Wales, iS vol. in 26, and 4 vol. of
plates, 30 vol., half russia gilt, 1801-18, 8vo. (397)
E. George, £3 7s. 6d.
149 Berry (W.) Sussex Pedigrees (MS. additions inserted), half
calf, 1830. folio (294) A"w//, £i 15s.
1 50 Bible. The Byble in Englyshe, that is to say the Contents of
all the Holy Scriptures, etc. Cromwell's or the Great Bible,
black Ultra, first title in facsimile, wanted title in Apocrypha
and New Testament, and several leaves, sold with all faults,
E. Whytchurche, July, 1540, folio (281) Sotheran, £1 i8s.
151 Billings (R. W.) The Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities
of Scotland, 4 vol., plates, half morocco, 184S-52, 4to. (zo6)
Batsford, £3 17s. 6d,
152 Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, from 1817 to 1871, and
igitized by Google
153 Bloch(M.E.) Ichthyologie
13 voL in 6, over 400 coloured plates, half calf, Berlin,
1785-97, folio (777) Quaritek,£7
154 Bristol aod Gloucestershire ArchseologicaJ Society {Tratts-
actions of the), vol. i. to xx.. Part I., aod Notes or Abstracts
of Wills, plates and woodcuts, 17 vol., half morocco, and
7 parts, 1876-96, 8vo. (359) Dtnoning, £l 15s.
155 British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits, 2 vol., portraits
morocco, 1S22, folio (297) Gunn, £^ 17s. 6d.
156 Cambridgeshire Visitation, 1619, half morocco, Typis Medio-
Montanis, 1840, folio (293) Gunn, £i ^s.
157 Camden Society's Publications. Complete Set, also Descnptive
Catalogue, by J. 0. Nichols, together 164 vol., cloth, 1838-07,
small 4to. (20$) Edwards, £\-j
158 Cassell's Magazine of Art, 13 vol., cloth, 1881-93, 4^0- (217)
H. IV. Taffs,l\ iss.
159 Chauncy (Sir Henry). The Historical Antiquities of Hertford-
shire, portrait and plates, calf, 1700, folio (290)
Solheraii, £1 15s.
160 Collectanea Topographica et Genealogica, 8 vol. (MS. notes
in the margins), J. G, Nichols, calf, 1834. royal 8vo. (357)
Sothtran, £y 5s.
161 Collection Complete des Tableaux Historiques de la Revolution
Fran^aise, 3 vol., many plates by Duplessis Bertaux, etc.,
russia, Paris, 1804, folio ( 562) RimtU, £-2 14s.
162 Combe (W.) First and Second Tours of Dr. Syntax, coloured
plates by Rowlandson, 2 vol., half calf, 1817-10, and another,
8vo. (365) G. H. Brown, £1 12s.
163 Commines. Cronique et Hyatoire faicte et composes par feu
messire Phelippe de Commines, gsthu Ittttr, (a small portion
of last leaf in facsimile), csXt %A^, Ji se vend en la grant salle
du Palais au premier pillier en la boutique de Galliot du pre
Ubraire jure de Puniversite de Paris, (at end) Fut achevee
d'imprimer le septiesme iour du mcys de Septembre L'an mil
cing eens XXIill., the second edition of these Memoirs,
foIio(773) Leigkton,£\ 14s.
164 Costume du Moyen Age, a vol., coloured plates, half morocco,
1847, 8vo. (688) Bumpus, £\ 3s.
165 Costume of Yorkshire, with descriptions in English and French,
coloured plates, half morocco, 1885, folio (285) Brown. £t 2S.
166 Creighton (M.) Queen Elizabeth, Japanese paper, with two
series of plates, 1896, 4to. (726) LeightoTt, £g i^s.
t6; Cniikshank (G.) Points of Humour, illustrated by G. Cmik-
$hank, half calf, 1823, 8vo. (125) Ma^gs, £1 %&
168 De Fonblanque (E. B.) Annals of the House of Percy, 2 vol.,
plates, some coloured, vellum gilt. Printed for Private
Circulation, 1887, 8vo. (139) Sotheran, £^ 173. 6d.
169 De Gees (C.) Histoire des Insectes, 7 vol. in 8. plates, half
calf, Stockholm, 1752, 410, (745) Qfiaritch, ^11
igitized by Google
170 Uelphin Classics, large paper, 185 vol., boards, uncut, v. y ,
8vo. (347) SoiAeran, £(,
171 Dugdale (W.) Antiquitiesof Warwickshire, maps and copper-
filates, calf, Cm/entty, 1765, folio (286) Andrews /i 18s.
acombe (H. T.) Tht Church Bells of Devon, Exeter, 1872
—The Bells of the Church, a Supplement to the Church
Bells of Devon, id., 1874, boards, a vol., 410. (519)
Wal/ord, /2
173 Esquemeling (J.) History of the Bucaniers of America, maps
and plates, calf, 1699, 8vo, (354) Maggs, £\ as.
174 Fielding (H.) Works, with Life by Murphy, edited bv Browne,
10 vol (titles written on), half bound, 1871, 8vo. (384)
A'aUali, £i 3s.
175 Foster (J.l Alumni Oxonienses, 8 vol., cloth, Oxford, 1891
8vo. (4S7) MV/, £2 85.
176 Foster <J.) Alumni Oxonienses, First Scries, 4 vol., half
morocco, Oxford, 1891, 8vo. (458) Edviards, £\ 8s.
177 Gentleman's Magazine Library (The), edited by G. L. Gomme,
13 vol., cloth, 1883-91, 8vo. (356) Harding, £1 ijs.
178 Grace (S.) Memoirs of the Family of Grace, numerous
portraits, views, plates of arms, etc., scarce Ex-Libris of
M. Grace, 1712, inserted, morocco gilt. Privately printed.
1823, 8vo. (151) Solkera>t,£i los.
179 Grego (J.) Rowlandson the Caricaturist, 2 vol., numerous
illustrations, half bound, 1880, 4I0. (230) J. Brmtin, £1 9s.
180 Grimm (M.) German Popular Stories, plates by G. Cruikshank
(soiled copy), 1823, 8vo. (106) HomsUin, £1 i8s.
iBl Grose (F.) Antiquarian Repertory, 4 vol., large paper,
plates, half morocco, 1807, 4to. (159) Harding, £\ ns.
183 Halliwell (J. O.) Historical Account of the New Place,
Stratford upon Avon, illustrated, 1864, folio (560)
Edwards, £\ i6s.
183 Hampshire Record Society, 11 vol., 1889-97, doth, 8vo. (461)
Sotkeran, £2 los.
184 Harris (J.) History of Kent, vol. i., portrait, map, and plates,
calf, 1719. folio (56O Hill, /o
185 Hasted(E.) History of Kent, vol.ii.,iii.,iv., v., viii..andxi., maps
and plates(all faults), 1797-1800, 8vo. (101) Andrews, £1 as.
186 Hitchins (F.) History of Cornwall, edited by S. Drew, 3 vols.,
plates, half calf, //■^/j/iW, 1824, (223) IV. George, £1 6s.
187 Hook (W.) Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, with
Index, 12 voL, cloth, 1882-84, 8vo, (494) Bull, £4 5s.
188 Hugo (Thomas). The Medieval Nunneries of Somersetshire,
frontispiece, half morocco, uncut, 1867, imperial 8vo. (143)
W. George, £1 is.
189 Hume (D.) History of England, 10 vol.. " Bowyer's
Edition," numerous plates by Bartoloizi, Fittler, Heath, etc.,
nissia, 1806, folio (296) IV. George, £3 3s.
190 Institution of Civil Engineers (Minutes and Proceedings),
vol. Ixvii.-cxxxi. and Subject Index, vol, lix.-cxviii. (unbound).
1882-98, 8vo. (89) Satsford.£j
191 Jesse (J, H.) Memoirs of the Court of England, during the
Reign of the Stuarts, 4 vol., extra illustrated, with more
igitized by Google
than 150 engraved portaiis, many scarce, half morocco gilt,
1B40, 8vo, (69J) Hay, £i, 10s.
192 jease (J. H.) Memorials oF London, a vol., plates, calf, 1847
—London and its Celebrities, 2 vol., half calf, tOBether
4 vol., [850, 8vo. (694, 69s) Solherattt £1 15s.
193 Johnson (Dr.) Works, by Murphy, 14 vol., portrait, calf gilt,
1816, 8vo.{467) Edwards, £\ los.
Kelmscott Press Publications-
All in their original bindings, clean, as issued.
194 Morris (Wm.) ITie Story of the Glittering Plain, 1801, Svo.
(169) Bumpus, £17 10s
19s Morris (Wm.) Poems by the Way, 1891, 8vo, (170)
Quarilch, £7 12s. 6d.
196 Mackail (J. W.) BiUia Innocentium, 1S92, Svo. (171]
Shepherd, ^5
197 Morris (Wm.) The Defence of Guenevere, 1892, Svo. (172)
Bumpus, £<i
198 Morris (Wm.) The Dream of John Ball, 1S92, 8vo. (173)
QiiaritcA, £3 I?*. 6d.
199 Blunt (W, S.) The Love Lyrics and Songs of Proteus, 1892,
8vo. C174I Shepherd, £i 12s. 6d.
200 Ktukin (John). The Nature of Gothic, 1892, 8vd. {17;)
Downing, £3
201 Morris (Wm.) News from Nowhere, 1892, Svo. (176)
Shepherd, £3 12s. 6d.
202 The Order of Chivalry, 1893, 8vo. {177) Leighton, £4 5s.
203 Rossetti (D. G.) Poems and Ballads, 1S93, 8vo. (178)
Zaeknsdorf, £t los.
204 Cavendish (G.) Life of Woisey, 1893 (179) Maggs, £3 los.
[George Cavendish was gentleman -usher to Cardinal
Woisey. The first edition of his Biography was published
in 1641, small 4to. — ED.]
205 Shakespeare (William). Poems, 1893, 8vo. (i8o)
Haichard, £6 6s.
206 Tennyson (Lord), Maud, 1893, 8vo. ([81) Maggs, £i 2s.
207 More (Sir T.) Utopia, 1893, Svo. (182) Maggs. £4
208 Reynard the Fox, done into English out of Dutch, by
W. Caxton, vellum, 1892, 4to. (183) Quaritch, £^ 2s. 6d.
209 Caxton (W.) The Golden Legend, translated by W. Caxton,
edited by F. S. Ellis and W. Morris, 3 vol., ornamental
letters and woodcuts,' boards, uncut, 1892, 4to. (184)
DoivtUng, £(> los.
210 Caxton (W.) Recuyell of the Historyes of Troy, done after
the first edition, corrected for the Press by H. H. Sparling,
3 vol, in 2, vellum, 1892, 4to, (185) Vigors, £6 17s. 6d.
211 Meinhold (W.) Sidonia the Sorceress, translated by Lady
Wilde, vellum, 1893, 4to. (186) Bumpus, £1 5s.
212 Caxton (W.) Godefroy of Boloyne, done after the first
edition, vellum, uncut, 1893, 4(0. (187) Bickers, £6 10s.
2J3 Cbaucer. Works, newly imprinted, finely printed in black
igitized by Google
Itttn, with many illustrations, full-page designs, and oroa-
mental borders by Buroe-Jones and W. Morris, edited by
F. S. Ellis, boards, uncut, iSgfi. folio (i88) Downing^ £i%
214 Morris (Wm.) The Earthly Paradise, 8 voL, vellum, in extra
cases, 1896-97, 8vo. (189) Maggs, £11
215 Caxton (W.) History of Reynard the Foxe, vellum, [893, 8vo.
(190) Fordkam, £i, 10s.
216 Laudes Beats Marise Virginis, boards, uncut, 1896, fdio (tor)
W. Ward, £a los.
217 Kilkenny ArctixoloKical Society's Transactions from i864'g4,
maps, plates, and woodcuts, 17 vol., half morocco, Dublin,
18^-94, 8vo. (104) Sofheran, £1 ijs.
218 Knight and Lacey's Celebrated Trials and Remarkable Cases
of Criminal Jurisprudence, 6 vol., portraits, half calf, 1825,
8vo. (45) Shepherd, £2 83.
219 Lancashire and Cheshire Record Society, Publications of the,
vol. i.-xxix., cloth, 1B79-94, 8vo. (647) E. George, £1 as. 6d.
220 Landscape Annual, 10 vol., large paper, India proof plates,
morocco, gilt edges, 1830-39, 8vo. (696) Bumpus, ^3 5s.
221 Latham (J.) General History of Birds, 10 vol, and Index,
coloured plates, half calf, Winchester, 1821, 4to. (747)
BuU,£i 13s.
212 Les Frangais peints par Eux-M£mes, 9 voL, coloured plates
and woodcuts, half mor., 1840-42, 8vo. (685) Scott, £% 7s. 6d,
223 Lysons* Magna Britajinia, 5 vol., plates, half morocco, 1806-22
— Further Additions and Corrections to Cornwall, cloth,
6vol., 1815, 4to. (257) Bull, £2 19s.
224 Maclean (Sir John). History of Trigg Minor in Cornwall,
3 vol., illustrations, cloth, [873, 410. (247) Ataggt, £2 6s.
225 Mayhew (H.) 18 ji, or The Adventures, of Mr. and
Mrs. Sandboys, plates by George Cruikshank, morocco
extra, Bogue, 8vo. (128) ^aggs, £1 9s.
226 National Portrait Gallery of Illustrious and Eminent Person-
ages of the Nineteenth Century, with Memoirs, vol. i.-iv.,
portraits, cloth, 1830, 8vo. (318) /. Brovin, £\
2:7 Naval Chronicle (The), 22 vol,, portraits and plates, calf gilt,
1799-1809, 8vo. (431) Grieve, £a, ros.
228 Overstone (Lord). Tracts on Metallic and Paper Currency,
cloth, iSjS^Evidencc by Lord Overstone on Bank Acts,
18^8, 2 vol., 8vo. (417) Harding, £\ 15s,
229 Parliamentary Debates— Collection of Parliamentary Debates
in England from 1668 to 1740, 17 vol., calf, 1741— Debates
of both Houses from 1743 to 1774, in 7 vol., half russia,
Debrett, 1792 — Parliamentary Register or Debates of the
House of Commons, 1774 to 1780, 17 vol., Stockdale, 1802
— Parliamentary Register, 1780 to 1793, 36 vol., Debrett,
'781-93 — Woodfall's Parliamentary Debate, 1794 to 1813,
61 vol., portraits, 1794-1813 — Hansard's Parliamentary
Debates, 1813 to 1820, 15 vol., together 153 vol., 1741-1820,
8vo, (616) W. R.Hill, £4 17s. 6d.
230 Physiognomical Portraits, 2 vol., large paper, proof
igitized by Google
impressions of the plates on India paper, cloth boards (a few
plates slightly stained) 1834, royal 4to. (740) Hill, £2 i6s.
331 Quarterly Review, from the commencement in 1809 to 1896
(wanted vol. cIjl, clxxxi.}, together 182 ¥oL, half calf, 1810-96,
8vo. (343) Georfft, l^
13Z Richardson (M. A.) Local Historian's Table Book, 8 vol,,
half morocco, Neweastle-on-Tyn^, 1841-46, 8vo. (459)
Maggs, 1%
233 Royal Historical Society, Transactions of the, from 1875 to 1896,
19 vol., cloth, and 4 nos., 1875-96, 8vo. {648) SotJteran, £2
134 Ruding (R.) Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain, third
and entailed edition, 3 vol., calf gilt, 1840, 4to. (215)
IV. Daniel!, Li 17s. 6d
235 Ruskio (J.) Stones of Venice, 3 vol., illustrated by the aiithoi,
bound in 5 vol., cloth, 1853, imperial 8va. (355)
Sotheran, £1 12s.
236 Ruskin (J.) The Stones of Venice, 3 vol., illustrations by the
author, morocco extra, gilt edges, silk end linings, inner
borders of gold, 1858-67, 8vo. (687) Solheran, £t,
237 Shropshire Archfeological and Natural History Society (Trans-
actions of the), from the commencement to 1896, unbound.
Shrewsbury, 1877-915, 8vo. [104) Sotheran, £1
238 Skelton (J.) Mary Stuart, Japanese paper, with two series of
plates, 1893, 4to. (724) Leighton, £\\
139 Skelton (J.) Charles I., Japanese paper, with two series of
plates, 1898, 4to. (725) Sabirt, £l
Zip Somersetshire Archfeological Society, Proceedings, vol.
i.-Kxxiv., in 17 vol., plates, half calf, Taunton, 1851-8B, 8vo.
(645) Sotheran, £^
241 Speed (J.) Prospect of the most Famous Parts of the World,
maps {title mended), 1631, folio (584) W. Daniell, £1 3s.
242 Sussex Archaeological Collections, from the commencement to
1894, 38 vol., and Index vol. i.-xxxv., cloth, 1848-94, 8vo.
(646) W. Daniell, £•) 15s.
Z43 Taylor (P. A.) Some Account of the Taylor Family, coloured
plates of arms, facsimiles, etc., morocco gilt, 100 copies.
Privately printed, 1875, 4(0. (229) Sotheran, £1 10s.
244 Vallancey (Chas.) Collectanea de Rebus Hibernicis, 6 vol.,
maps and plates, calf giit, Dublin, 178^ 8vo. (102)
24; Voltaire (M. de). La Pucelle D'Orl^ans, avec les notes de
M. de Moiza, plates, calf, 1775, 8vo. (107) £1 16s.
246 Waite (A. E.) The Book of Black Magic and of Pacts,
numerous illustrations, cloth, Privately printed, 1898, 8vo,
(833) Edwards, £1
247 WaIpole(H.] Anecdotesof Painting in England, with additions
by Rev. J. Ualtaway, 5 vol., LARGE paper, portraits on India
paper, half morocco, top edges gilt, Major, 1828, 8vo. ''399)
Rocke, jffi iss.
248 Walpole(H.) Catalogue of Royal and Noble Authors, enlarged
and continued by T. Park, 5 vol., portraits, cloth, uncut, 1806,
8va (398) Edwards, £\ 15s.
igitized by Google
249 Woodward (B. B.) History of Hampshire, 3 vol., LARGE
PAPER, India proof plates, half morocco, n. d., 410. (256)
Sotieran,Z3 'S*-
[November 3RD, 1898.}
The Librarv of a Gentleman.
(No. of Lots, 385 ; amount realised, ^1,005 19s, 6d.)
230 A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England, complete in
20 parts, Punch Office, I846-48 — Comic History of Rome,
complete in 10 parts, n. d., first editions, coloured and other
illustrations bj* ]. Leech, with the original pictorial wrappen,
8vo. (I) Spenctr, £7
zji A'Beckett (G. A.) Comic History of England, 2 vol., first
edition, 10 coloured etchings and 120 woodcuts by John
Leech, a few leaves slightly soiled, original cloth, 1847-4S —
Comic History of Rome, coloured and other illustrations by
Leech, n. d., 8vo. (2) Co/ton, £2 15s.
253 A'Beckett (G. A.) Almanack of the Month, illustrated, com-
plete in 12 nos., with the original wrappers. Punch Office,
1846, 8vo. (3) Homstein, ^ 9s.
253 Alison (Sir A.) History of Europe [1774-1851], 32 vol., 1849-59
— Index [1815-52], 1859, ci^etner 23 voL, portraits, half calf
gilt, m. e., 1849-59, Bvo. (6) Roche, ^3 14s.
254 Aiken (H.) Scraps from the Sketch-book of Henty Aiken,
engraved by himself, containing 42 coloured plates, original
impressions, half caU| M'Lean, 1822, oblong folio (360)
Roche, £1 I OS.
255 Aiken (H.| Symptoms of being Amused, ^2 coloured plates
by Henry Aiken, in the original half binding, M'Lean, 1822,
oblong folio (381) Rockt, £s
256 Aiken (H.) Illustrations to Popular Songs by Henry Aiken,
43 coloured plates by Henry Aiken, original impressions,
half bound, M'Lean, 1823, oblong folio (382) Johnson, £t
357 Aiken (H.) Shakspeare's Seven Ages of Man, 7 coloured
plates by Henry Aiken, with a sheet of letterpress, original
wrapper, M'Lean, 1 824, oblong folio (383) Speneer, £2 18s.
258 Aiken (H.) Analysis of the Hunting Field, first edition.
coloured illustrations by Aiken, woodcuts, original cloth, gill
edges, Ackermann, 1846, Svo. (7) Sotheran, £b 17s. 6d.
259 Apperley (C. J.) The Chase, the Turf, and the Boad, by
" Nimrod," first edition, portrait by Maclise, and illustrations
by Henry Aiken, coloured, original covers bound up, calf
extra, L e. g. by Worsfold, 1837, 8vo. (8) Piehering, £2 ss,
260 Apperley (C- J.) Memoirs of the Life of John Mytton, of
Halston, by " Nimrod," second edition, reprinted (with con-
siderable additions), from the New Sporting Magaiine.
numerous coloured illustrations by H. Aiken and T. J. Raw-
igitized by Google
tins, many leaves soiled, original cloth, gilt edses, R. Acker-
mann, 1837, 8vo, (9) C. li'illiams, £^ 18s.
261 Apperley (C. J.) Memoirs of the life of John Mjtton, third
edition, with a Memoir of " Nimrod " yby R. S. Surtees],
coIoutkI iltastrations by Aiken and Rawlins, somewhat soiled,
and printed title damaged, original cloth, gilt edges with all
faults, R. Ackermann, 1851, ijvo. (lo) HomsUin, £l 19s.
262 Apperley (C. J.) Life of a Sportsman, by " Nimrod," first
edition, 36 coloured illustrations by Henry Alken^ a few cut
round and mounted, as is usually the case, original cloth,
gilt edges, R.Ackermanc, 1843. 8vo< {11) J. Bumpus, ^lo 155.
263 Apperley (C. J.) Hunting Reminiscences ... by " Nimrod,"
illustrated by Wildrake, Henderson, and Aiken, first edition,
originaJ cloth, uncut, R. Ackermanh, 1^43, Svo. (iz)
Halchard, ^4 loa.
264 Badminton Library of Sports and Pastimes, edited by the
Duke of Beaufort and A. E. T. Watson : Athletics and
Football, Boating, Shooting, 3 vol — Fishing, 2 vol. —
Driving-^Racing — Hunting, together 9 vol., illustrations,
1888, etc., Svo. (14) Thorpe, £2 68.
265 Barham (R. H.) Ingoldsby Legends, Three Series, 3 vol.,
first edition, fine impressions of the etchings by Geo. Cruik-
shank, J. Leech, and others, several leaves soiled, author's
corrected proof of pages 255 to 264, third series, inserted,
original cloth, 1840-42-47, 8vo. (15) Honutein, £j 17s. 6d.
266 Berkeley (Grandey F.) Reminiscences of a Huntsman, first
edition, etchings hy J. Leech (frontispiece coloured), calf
extra, roi^h edges, t. e. g. by Riviere and Son, 1854, Svo.
(23) Homstein, £2 10s.
267 Berkeley (Grantley F.) A Month in the Forests of France,
coloured frontispiece and plate by John Leech, calf extra,
t. e. g., original covers bound Mp, by Riviere and Son, 1837,
Svo. (34) Chapman, £1 is.
268 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, a vol., first edition, first
issue, royal paper, numerous woodcuts, the one at page 285,
vol. i., slightly inked, a few of the woodcuts coloured by
hand, half calf, sold not subject to return, one of 850 copies
only, NewcastU, 1797-1804, Svo. (26) Thorp, £2 6s.
269 Briti^ Essayists, with Prefaces by Jas. Ferguson, 40 vol., por-
traits, crimson mor. gilt, gilt edges, 1823, Bvo. (29) Ellis, £g ^s.
270 Byron (Lord). Poetical Works, 6 vol., portrait, tree-calf gilt,
m. e., i8j5, Sva (30) Sotheran, £2 5s.
271 Carey (D.) Life in Paris ; comprising the Rambles, Sprees
and Amours of Dick Wildfire, etc., 31 coloured plates de-
signed and engraved by Geo. Cruikshank, and woodcuts,
1812, Svo. (32)
272 Carleton (J. W.) The Sporting Sketch Book, with 1
gravings, original covers bound up, calf extra, uncut, L e. g.,
by Riviere and Son, 1842, Svo, (33) /. Bumpus, £1 6s.
373 Cariyle (T.) Works, "The Ashburton Edition," 17 vol..
Strait, tree-calf extra, m. e., by Riviirc and Son, 1889, Svo.
) Qfiaritck, £\Q 108.
igitized by Google^
274 Cervantes Saavedra (M. de). El Ingenioso -Hidalgo Don
Quixote de la Mancha, corregida por la Real Academia
Espanola, 4 voL, plates, proofs before the letters, morocco
extra, g. e,, Madrid, Ybarra, 1780, 4to. (354) Chadunck, £^
275 Cockton (H.) Life and Advenlares ,of Valentine Vox, the
Ventriloquist, first edition, illustrations by T. Onwhyn,
complete in 30 parts, with the original wrappers, R. Tyas,
1840, 8vo. (38) Maggs, £t los.
276 Collyns (C. P.) Notes on the Chase of the Wild Red Deer in
the Counties of Devon and Somerset, first edition, numerous
illustrations, original cloth, uncut, 1862, 8vo. (39)
Hatckard, ^3 3s.
277 Cracks of the Day, edited by " Wildrake," numerous plates,
original cloth, R. Ackermann, n. d,, 8vo. (42} Homstein, £1 gs,
[This was a copy of the first edition, published in 1841,
royal 8vo. A later edition appeared in 1844 (Bohn), with
6; engravings after Herring, Cooper, Hancock, and others.
"Wildrake" was the non deplume of George TattersalL—
278 Cruikshank. The Humourist, a Collection of Entertaining
Tales, Anecdotes, Epigrams, etc., 4 vol. in 2, numerous
coloured etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, calf gilt, m. e., very
scarce, 1822-19-20, 8vo. (43) Soikeran, j£i7
279 Cruikshank. Comic Almanack, 1835 to 1852, in the original
wrappers and cloth, several numbers loose, and most of the
wrappers in bad condition, etchings and woodcuts by G. C,
sold not subject to return, Svo. (44) J. Bumpus, £,(1 js.
[The Comic Almanack was published annually from 183J
to 1853 inclusive, by Tilt, of Fleet Street, at a charge of 2S. 6d.,
except in i8i]8 and 1849, when its size was reduced, and the
price altered to is. This change did not prove remunera-
tive, and in 1850 the periodical was restored to its fortner
fooling. Of the 19 numbers, or parts, which make up a
complete set, the first 15 were issued in wrappers, and the
remaining four in cloth. See Slater's " Early Editions,"
1894, p. 32.— En.]
2B0 Cruikshank. George Cruikshank's Omnibus, illustrations on
steel and wood by G. C, edited by Laman Blanchard, first
edition, complete in 9 numbers, with the original piaoriai
wrappers {several plates spotted), 1842, 8vo. (4;)
Homstein, £\ 7s. 6d.
281 Cruikshank. George Cruikshank's Table Book, edited by
G. A. k Beckett, first edition, complete in 12 parts, wiih the
original pictorial wrappers, etchings and woodcuts by G. C-,
Punch Office, 1845, 8vo. (46) Homstein, £^ 12s 6d.
282 Dickens (C.) Sunday under Three Heads . . ., by Timothy
Sparks, first edition, illustrations by H. K. Browne, original
wrapper bound up, morocco extra, t. e. g., by Riviere and
Son, 1816, 8vo. (49) Hornstein, £1 los.
283 Dickens (C.) Sunday under Three Heads . . ., by Timothy
Sparks, illustrated by H. K. Browne, first edition, morocco,
gdt edges, 1836, 8vn. (50) Thorp, £\ 8s.
284 Dickens (C.) The Village Coquettes : a Comic Opera, m two
igitized by Google
acts, the Music by John Hullah, origiiiiu edition, in sheets,
folded, 1836, 8vo. (51) Coilgn, £2 55.
285 Dickens (C.) Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, first
edition, complete in the original numbers, 43 illustrations by
R, Seymour and " Phii," including the two by R. W. Buss,
with the advertisements, and Dickens' address in number 15,
original pictorial wrappers, slightly repaired 1837, 3vo. (52)
J.Biimpus,£i 153.
386 Dickens (C.) Sketches of Young Ladies . . . , by " Quiz,"
1837— Sketches of Younft Gentlemen, 1838 — Sketches of
Youn^ Couples, 1840, first editions, illustrations by " Phiz,"
the original covers bound up, crimson morocco extra, t e. g-,
8vo. (S3) ifaggi.ll '5S-
387 Dickens (C.) The Laving Ballad of Lord Bateman, first
edition, illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank, plates spotted,
original cloth, C. Tilt, 1839, 8vo. (54) Momslein, £2 iis.
288 Dickens (C). A Christmas Carol, first edition, earliest issue,
1843— The Chimes, first edition, first issue, 1845— Cricket
on the Hearth, first edition, 1846— Battle of Life, first
edition, first issue, 1846 — Haunted Man, first edition, 1848 ;
illustrations by Leech, Tenniel, etc., original cloth, gilt
edges, 8vo. (56) Maggs, £^ 12s. 6d.
289 Dickens (C.) Christmas Carol, first edition, earliest issue,
1843— The Chimes, first edition, first issue, 1845— Battle of
Life, third issue, 1646 — Haunted Man, first edition, 1848,
illustrations by Leech, Doyle, etc., original cloth, gilt edges,
8vo. (57) /. Bumpus, £2
390 Dickens (C.) Works, " Illustrated Library Edition," 30 vol.,
numerous etchings after Cruikshank, etc., tree-calf eictra,
m. e. by Riviere and Son, 1874, etc., 8vo. (61) £l/is, £14 los.
291 Dumas (Alex.) The Three Musketeers, translated by
W. Robson, 2 vol., "Edition de Luxe," 2^0 illustrations 1^
Maurice Leioir, morocco super extra, uncut, t. e. g., 1894,
4to. (357) mmell,£i f7s.
292 Egan (Pierce). Life in London, 36 coloured plates and
numerous woodcuts by J. R. and G, Cruikshank, specimen
wrapper bound up, 1821— -Pierce Egan's Finish to the
Adventures of Tom, Jerry and Logic, coloured illustrations
and woodcuts by Robert Cruikshank, 1830, first editions,
uniform, in red morocco super extra, watered silk linings,
t. e. g., by Tout, fine and nearly uncut copies, 8vo. (66)
Sotheran, £1%
293 [Egan (Pierce).] Real Life in London .... by an Amateur,
2 vol., plates by Heath, Aiken. Dighton, Rowlandson, etc.,
coloured by hand, a few of the illustrations somewhat soiled,
otherwise a fine uncut copy in half morocco, specimen
wrapper bound up (indication of vol. ii. erased fivm title,
etc.), 1821-22, 8vo. (67) Roche, £1 153.
394 Egan (Pierce). Life in London, 36 coloured plates, and
numerous woodcuts by J. R. and G. Cruikshank, title and
some leaves soiled and stained, calf gilt, gilt edges, sold not
subject to return, 1822, 8vo. (68) C. Williams, £1 13s.
29s ^fan (Pierce). The Life of an Actor . . ., the Poetical
igitized by Google
Descriptions by T. Greenwood, 27 coloured plates etched
by Theodore L^ne, and woodcuts, original pictorial wrapper
bound up, a fine and nearly uncut copy in morocco extra,
t. e. g. by Riviere and Son, 1S25, 8vo. (69) Sotheran,£,%
396 £gan (Fierce). Anecdotes (original and selected) of the Turf,
the Chase, the Ring, and die Stage, first edition, 13 coloured
plates designed and etched by Theodore Lane, and wood-
cuts, morocco super extra, watered silk linings, joints, uncut,
t. e. g., original pictorial wrappers bound up, by Riviere and
Son, 1827, 8vo. (70) Sotheran,£,'& 15s.
297 Egan (Pierce). Boxiana, or Sketches of ancient and modem
Pugilism, both series, 5 vol., numerous portraits of celebrated
pugilists, original boards, slightly defeaive, n. d., and
182S-29, 8vo. (71) J. Bumpjti, £<) los.
29S Egan (Pierce). Book of Sports, and Mirror of Life, original
edition, numerous illustrations, specimen pictorial wrappers
bound up, calf extra, uncut, t. e. g. by Riviere and Son, 1033,
8vo. (72) Sothtran, £2 is.
299 Eliot (George). Works, "Standard Edition," 31 vol., half
morocco, t. e. «., Blackwood, n. d., 8vo. (73) Quari/eh, £$ 5s.
300 English Poets (Works of the) with Prefaces, Biographical and
Critical, by Dr. S. Johnson, 75 vol. (wanted vol. liv.),
numerous portraits, old calf gilt, 1790, 8vo. (74)
Britwell, £1 3s.
301 Evelina: or Female Life in London, being the History of a
Young Lady's Introduction to Fashionable Life, 7 humorous
coloured engravings by the First Artists, fine copy in calf
^ gilt, 1833, 8vo. (76) Homstein, £7 5s.
30? Fielding (Henry). Works: Tom Jones, Joseph Andrews,
Amelia, Jonathan Wild, etc., 5 vol., half calf gilt, uniform,
1890, 8vo. (78) Britwell. £\ lis.
303 Goldsmith (Uliver). Vicar of Wakefield, large paper, with
a Preface by Austin Dobson, and illustrations by Hugh
Thomson, uncut, 1S90, 8vo. (81) Maggs, £1 3s.
304 Grant (J.) Sketches in London, first edition, complete in 12
parts, 24 humorous illustrations by " Phii " and others, with
the original pictorial wrappers, Orr and Co., 1838, 8vo.
(84) Homstein^ £-i
305 Grimble (A.) Shooting and Salmon Fishing, numerous illus-
trations, half parchment, uncut, 1892, 410. (361)
Hatchard, £2 3S.
'306 Grimm (M. M.) German Papular Stories, 2 vol., first edition,
line impressions of the etchings by Geo. Cruikshank, voL i.
wanted the half-title {vol. i. calf, vol. ii. original boards,
uncut), sold not subject to return, 1833-36, 8vo. (86)
Hormtgin, £1(3
307 Gronow (Capt.) Reminiscences and Recollections [1810-60],
the four series, 4 voL, illustrations, original cloth, 1863-66,
8va (87) /. Bumput, £1 12s.
308 Hughes (Tom). Tom Brown's School Days, first edition,
i8j7— The same, fourth edition, half calf; 1857— New
edition, illustrated, i869~Tom Brown at Oxford, illustra-
tions. 1S83, 8vo. (95) J. Bumpus,£i i8s.
igitized by Google
309 Jeffcries (R.) World's End : a Story in three books, 3 vol.,
first edition, uncut, an autograph letter of R. lefFeries
insened, 1877, 8vo. {102) A/Zir, £1
310 Jefferies fR.) A Memoir of the Goddards of North Wilts,
compiled from Ancient Records, Registers, and Family
Papers, first edition, original cloth, Coate, Swindon, n. d.,
Svo. (108} Saiin,/^! 16s.
311 Jerrold (Douglas). A Man made of Money, first edition, 12
illustiBtions on steel by J. Leech, complete in 6 parts, with
the original pictorial wrappers. Punch Office, 1849, Svo.
(116) Robson, £1 las.
312 Kinglake (A. W.) Invasion of the Crimea, its Origin and
Progress, 8 vol., folding plans, half morocco gilt, m. e.,
1863-87, Svo. ( 1 19) IV. F. Fludgah, £5 1%. 6d.
313 Kosewiti{W. F. von). Eccentric Tales, with coloured illus-
trations by Geo. Cruiksbank, from sketches by Alft^ Crow-
quill, original boards, uncut, 1827, Svo. (121) 5o/A^r(i«,/z i6s.
314 Lang (Andrew). Ballads and Lyrics of Old France ; with
other Poems, first edition, original cloth, uncut, rare, 1872,
Svo. (l22) Ckadwick, £1 3s.
315 Lang (Andrew). Helen of Troy, first edition, original cloth,
uncut, scarce, 1882, Svo. (124) B. F. Stevens, £1 las,
316 Life in Ireland (Real) ... by a Real Paddy (Pierce Egan ?).
first edition, coloured plates by W. Heath, H. Aiken, etc.,
fine copy, half bound, scarce, 1821, 8vo. (140) TAorp,£i i6s.
317 Life of a Nobleman, complete in three parts, 9 coloured plates,
some stained (no title), in the original pictorial wrajjpers,
n. d., 4to. (364) Maggs, £1 19s.
318 Macaulay (Lord). History of England, ; vol,, portrait, 1881
—Critical and Historical Essays, 3 vol., 1 846 — Miscellaneous
Writings, 2 vol., i860, calf gilt, m. e., uniform, Svo. (141}
Maggs, £3 '8s.
319 Malet (Capt.) Annals of the Road, or Notes on Mail and
Stage Coaching in Great Britain, first edition, coloured and
other illustrations, original doth, uncut, 1376, Svo. (142}
Hafchard, £l is.
[Contains "Essays on the Road," by Nimrod. There are
10 coloured plates and 3 woodcuts. Bright red cloth. — Ed.]
310 Maxwell (W, H.) History of the Irish Rebellion in 1798, first
edition, portraits, and illustraticHis by Geo. Cruikshank,
complete in 15 parts, with the original pictorial wrappers,
1845, 8™- (MS) Sabin, £7 7s.
331 Mayhew (Bros.) The Greatest Plague of Life : or the
Adventures of a Lady in Search of a Good Servant, first
edition, illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank, complete in 6 parts,
with the original wrappers, D. Bogue, n. d., Svo, (147)
Sotheran, £2
312 Mayhew (Bros.) Whom to Marry and how to get Married,
first edition, illustrated by Geo. Cruikshank, complete in
6 parts, with the original wrappers, D. Bogue, n. d. (1847),
Svo. (146) Sotkeran. £2 2s.
323 Marvy (L.) Sketches after English landscape Painters, with
Short Notices by W. M. Thackeray, first edition, genuine
igitized by Google
orisiiia] coloured copy, blue cloth, gilt edges, D. Bogue,
n. a., royal 4to. (375) Maggi, £11
314 Marvy (L.) Sketches after English Landscape Painters, with
Short Notices by W. M. Thackeray, £rst edition, original
impressions of the plates (uncoloured), morocco super extra,
gilt edges by Grieve, D. Bogue, n. d., royal 4(0. (376)
Magg!, £2 73. 6d.
[•The plates are 20 in number, preceded b^ title, preface,
and table of contents. Anolher and much mierior edition
was issued without date (but 1854) by Griffin and Co. See
Slater's " Early Editions," 1894, p. 328.— Ed.]
335 [Mills (John).] D'Horsa^: or the Follies of the Day, by a
Man of Fashion, portrait, and etchings by " George Stand-
fast," original cloth, uncut, 1844, 8va. (i;i) SoiJieran, £,\
326 Mills (JohnJ. The Life of a Foxhound, first edition, with
7 illustrations on steel, coloured, calf extra, gilt edges by
Riviire, 1848, 8vo. (152) Sotheran, £\ 15s.
327 Mills (John). The Flyers of the Hunt, first edition, coloured
plates by John Leech, morocco super extra, t. e. g. by
Riviere and Son, original covers bound up at end, 1859,
8va (153) Pickering, £t 18s.
328 Mills (John). The Life of a Foxhound, first edition, with the
coloured plates by Leech, original covers bound up, morocco
extra, uncut, t & g. by Riviere and Son, 1B61, 8vo. (1 J4)
Pickering, £1 I2s.
329' [Mitfbrd (J.)] Adventures of Johnny Newcome in the Navy,
a Poem, by "Alfred Burton," first edition, coloured plates by
Rowlandson, from the author's designs, morocco extra,
uncutft e. g, by Riviere and Son, 1B18, 8vo. [155)
Douglas, £1 los.
330 Motley (J. L.) Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vol., calf gilt
m. e. by Riviire, 1875, 8vo. (158) Britweli, £1 4s.
331 Mytton (John). Memoirs of the Life of . . . by " Nimrod,"
^,t- first edition, illustrations by Aiken, coloured by hand,
several leaves soiled, original clollv R. Ackermann, 1835,
8vo. (161) Homstein, £\i 12s. 6d,
[Contains 12 coloured plates only. The second and best
edition appeared in 1837, with 18 coloured plates. A
memoir of the author wa5 added for the first time to the
third edition, 1851. — Ed.]
333 Paul Periwinkle : or the Press^ang, by the author of " Caven-
dish," first edition, 40 etchings drawn and engraved by
" Phil," complete in 20 nos., with the original wrappers,
slightly repaired, n. d. (1839). 8vo. (168) Solheran, £i 8s.
[Wntten by W. Johnson Neale Ed.]
333 Queen's (The) Prime Ministers : Marquis of Salisbury, W. E,
Gladstone, Earl of Bcaconsfield, etc., 9 vol., portraits 011
India paper, edition limited to 250 copies, half bound, uncut,
' t. e. g., J891. etc., 8vo. (175) /■ Bumpui, £i 2s.
334 Radditfe (F. P. Delmi). The Noble Science : a few general
ideas on Fox-Hunting, first edition, numerous illustrations,
frontispiece spotted, original cloth, R, Ackermann, 1839,
8v0. ( [76] /. Bumpiu, £1 8s.
igitized by Google
335 Rawstome (L.) Gamooia : or the Art of Preserving Game,
brilliant impressions of the ij coloured plates by J. T.
Rawlins, taken on the spot, moroccn gilt, gilt edges, 1837,
8vo. (177) Pickering, £4 4s.
336 Reade (Charles). Novels, 20 vol., illustrations, half morocco
g^It, m. c, uniform, 1888, etc., 8vo. (178J /. Bumpus, ^5 53.
337 Reynardson (C T. S, Birch). " Down the Road," or Reminis.
cences of a Gentleman Coachmaii, first edition, coloured
plates, original cloth, 187;, 8vo. (180) Maggs, £2
338 Rogers (Samuel). Poems, 2 vol., portrait, and numerous
exquisite vignettes after Turner and Stothard, presentation
copy to Lady Howard, " ftom her sincere friend, Samuel
Rogers," mor. extra, g. e,, 1836, 8vo, (182) Maggs., £4 los.
339 Rowlandaon. Military Adventures of Johnny Newcome, with
Notes, by an Officer, first edition, coloured plates by Row-
landson, crimson morocco extra, uncut, t. e. g. by Riviire
and Son, 1815, 8vo. (184) /. Bumpus, £4 6s.
340 Scott (Sir Walter). Waverley Novels, "The Abbotsford
Edition," 12 vol., highly finished plates, and numerous wood-
cuts, 1842 — Prose, Poetry, and Life, 5 vol., numerous illustra-
tions after J. M. W. Turner, 1851, together 17 vol., original
cloth, uncut, a fine set, 1842-51, 8vo. (187) Rockt, £'i 10s.
341 Scrope (W.) Art of Deer- Stalking, first edition, engravings
and tinted lithographic plates after E. and C. Landseer, and
the author, original cloth, 1838-39, 8vo. {189) Cotton, £i, 4s.
343 Scrope (W.) Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the
Tweed, first edition, coloured and tinted plates, and wood-
cuts after Sir David Wilkie, E. and C. Landseer, etc.,
frontispiece slightly damaged, engraved title stained, and
several leaves soiled, original cloth (defective), sold not
subject to return, 1843, 8vo. (190) Spencer, £3 15s.
343 Smart (Hawley). Sporting Novels : From Start to Finish,
Bound to Win, A False Start, etc., 13 vol., half calf gilt and
cloth, 1887, eta, 8vo. (193) /. Bumpus, £\ 2S.
344 Smith (Albert) and John Leech. The Month, No. i, July,
1851 to No. 6, December, 1851, in the original pictorial
wrappers, 8va (194) /. Bumpus, £l 17s.
345 Smith (Albert), ^h.^. Struggles and Adventures of Christopher
Tadpole, first edition, complete in 16 parts, with the original
pictorial wrappers, illustrated by J. Leech, ,some plates
sligh'Jy stainea, 1848, 8vo. (196) Robson, £6
346 Somervile (W.) The Chace : a Poem, first edition, frontis-
piece by Gravelot, mottled calf extra, gilt edges by Riviire
and Son, 1735, 4*0- (3^8) Soi^eran, £x los.
347 Somervile (W.) The Chase : a Poem, woodcuts engraved by
T. Bewick, after the designs of !■ Bewick, morocco extra,
gilt edges, Bulmer, 1796, 4to. (369) Hafckard, £1 los.
348 Songs of the Chace, etc., frontispiece and vignette, morocco
extra, gilt edges, with a tieautifutly executed painting, on the
fore-edge,ofthree racehorses nearing the winning-post; i8ti,
8vo. (i^) Spencer, £-i i6s.
349 Songs of Scotland : Ancient and Modem, edited, with Notes,
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elc^by Allan Cunningham, 4 vol., morocco gilt, gilt edges
by White, i8as, 8vo. (199) Creive, £1 7s.
3^ Stevenson (R. L.) The Pentland Rising : a Page of History.
16&6, in the original light green wrapper, Edinburgh, 1866,.
8vo. (JOi) B. F. Stevens, ^13 ros.
351 Stevenson (R. L.) An Inland Voyage, first edition, 1878, Svo.
(201) Robson,£i 14s.
35= Stevenson (R. L.) Travels with a Donkey in the Cevennes,
first edition, a little soiled, 1879, Svo. (203) Sktpktrd. £1 18s.
353 Stevenson (R. L.) and W. E. Henley. Deacon Brodie, or the
Double Life : a Melodrama, founded on facts, in the original
wrapper. Privately priitUd, 1880, 8vo. (Z04) DenAam, £g 5s.
354 Stevenson (R. L.) Testimonials in Favour of Robert Louis
Stevenson, Advocate, from Leslie Stephen, £. W. Gosse,
Andrew Lang, P. G. Hamerton, etc., original wrappter (1881),
Svo. (205) QuariicA, £3 3s.
355 Stevenson (R. L.) Virginibus Puerisque, and other Papers,
first edition, slightly soiled, 18S1, Svo. (306) Denkam, £t
356 Stevenson (R. L.) New Arabian Nights, a vol., first edition,
uncut, very scarce, 1S82, Svo. (207) J. Bumpus, £q 15s.
357 Stevenson (R. L.) Admiral Guinea, a Melodrama in Four
Acts, by W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson, in the original
wrapper, Printed by R. and R. Clark, Edinburgh, for private
circulation only, 1884, Svo. (zoS) Denkam, £10 15s.
358 Stevenson (R. L.) Beau Austin : a Play in Four Acts, by
W. E. Henley and R. L. Stevenson, presentation copy, in the
original wrapper, blank margins of a few leaves damaged.
Printed for R. and R. Clark, Edinburgh,f0r private circula-
tion only, 1884, Svo, (209) Umkam, {^ 5s.
359 Stevenson (R. L.) A Child's Garden of Verses, first edition.
original cloth, uncut, t. e. g., very scarce, 1885, Svo. (210)
Sa6in,£2 l6s. 6d.
360 Stevenson fR, L.) Father Damien ; an Open Letter to the-
Reverend Dr. Hyde, of Honolulu, portrait added, parch-
ment, one of 30 copies on Japanese paper, issued only tO'
subscribers, Edinburgh, privately printed, 1690, Svo. (211)
Spencer, ^6 5 s.
361 Stevenson (R. L.) Father Damien: an Open Letter to the-
Reveiend Dr. Hyde of Honolulu, from Robert Louis Steven-
son, the extremely rare privately printed edition, Sydney,
1890, Svo. (212) Robson, £1% los.
[Post Svo., pp. 3-32, no wrapper. This is the first issue,
of which only 25 copies were printed. Subsequently the
letter was sent to the National Observer, and then brought
out in pamphlet form in chocolate- coloured paper covers.
See Slater's "Early Editions," 1894, 8vo., p. 270. — Ed.]
363 Stevenson (R. L.) Familiar Studies of Men and Books, 1882
— Memories and Portraits, 1887 — A Footnote to History,
1892, first editions, Svo. (214) Spencer, £1 6s.
363 Stevenson (R. L.) Prince Otto: a Romance, 1885— Across
the Plains, with other Memories and Essays, 1892, first
editions, Svo. (217) Deniam,£i6s.
364 Stevenson (R. L.) The Silverado Squatters, frontispiece, 1S83
igitized by Google
— Prince Otto : a Romance, 1B85, first editions — Memories
and Portraitt, 1888— The Black Arrow, 1888, 8vo. (220)
Shepherd, £1 5s.
365 Stevenson (K. L.} Treasure Island, map, 1883 — Kidnapped :
Memoiis of David Balfour, in 175 1| folding map, 1B&6 —
Cauiona (a sequel), 1893, first editions, 8vo. (331)
Dtnham, £% los.
366 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir W.) Annals of the Artists of Spain,
3 vol^ first edition, portiaits and illustratioDS, imitation
Spanish morocco extra, gilt edges by Rivi^ie, 1848, 8vo. (223)
Chadwici, £i I3s.
367 Stowe (Mrs. H, B.) Uncle Tom's Cabin, 27 illustiations on
wood by Geo, Cruikshank, complete in 13 numbers, with
the original wrappers, 18^2, 8vo. (225) Cotton. £1 14a.
368 [Surtees (R. S.)] Jorrocks's Jaunts and Jollities, first edition,
with twdve .etchings by " Phii," uncoloured, some leaves
stained, but an uncut copy in the orig^inal doth, 1838, 8vo,
(226) Solheran, £g 15s.
369 [Surtees (R. S.)] J[orT0ck3's Jannts and Jollities, with fifteen
coloured illustrations by Henry Aiken, origioiil cloih, gilt
edges, R. Ackeimann, 1843, ^vo. (227) Hatchard, /17 los-
370 Surtees (R. S.) Hawbuck Grange, first edition, with eight
etchings by " Phiz," slightly soiled, original cloth, 1847, 8vd.
(329) Setkeran, £4 14s.
371 Surtees (R. S.) Mr. Sponge's Sporting Tour, first edition,
complete in i^ parts, with the origiiuil pictorial wrappers
(slighlty defective), coloured and other illustrations by fohn
Leech, 1853, Svo. (230) Sotherim. £4 8s.
373 Surtees (R. S.) Handley Cross, first edition, coloured and
other illustrations by John Leech, original cloth, uncut, 1854,
Svo. fill) Satheran, £i 12s. 6d.
373 Suttees (R. S.) Handley Cross, first edition, complete in 17
parts, with the original pictorial wrappers (slightly defective),
coloured and other illustrations by John Leech, 1854, 8vo.
(232) Spencer, £7
374 Surtees (R. S.) "Ask Mamma !" first edition, complete in 13
parts, with the origina] pictorial wrappers, coloured and other
illustrslions by John Leech, 1858, 8vo. (233) Sotheran,£4 8s.
375 Sttrtees (R. S.) " Plain or Ringlets ?' first edition, complete
in 13 parts, with the original pictorial wrappers (one missing),
cdoured and other illustrations by John Leech, i860, 8vo.
(334) Soiheran, £4 8s.
376 Surtees (R. S.) Mr. Facey Romford's Hounds, first edition,
complete in 12 parts, with the original pictorial wrappers,
coloured and other illustrations by John Leech and H. K.
Browne, 1865, 8vo. (135) Satheran. £3 3s.
377 Surtees (R. S.) Hawbuck Grange, Mr. Sponge's Sporting
Tour, Handley Cross, " Ask Mamma !" " Plain or Ringlets?"
Mr. Romford's Hounds, together 6 vol., coloured and otfaet
illustrations by J, Leech and " Phii," n. d., Svo. (236)
/. BuMfius,£^ lit.
378 Swift (Dean). Travels into several Remote Nations of the
World by I^muet Gulliver, [3 vol., first edition, with the
igitized by Google
separate paging and separate titles to the four parts, portrait
and maps, two of the titles slightly mended, but a large copy,
in crimson morocco super extra, gilt edges, by Riviere and
Son, B. Motte, 1726, 8vo, (238) Pickering, {,1 15s.
[The portrait in this copy had the inscription round it
The earliest and by far the rarest issue has the inscription
under the portrait. — Ed,1
379 Swift (Dean). Works, with Notes, and Life of the Author, by
Sir Walter Scott, 19 vol., best edition, portrait, calf extra,
y. e. by Hayday, fine copy, 1824, 8vo. (239) Britwell. £7
380 Tennyson (Alfred, Lord). Maud ; a Monodrama, limp vellum,
uncut, Printed by William Morris at the Ktlmscott Press,
1893, 8vo. (244) Denhatn, £,1 4s.
381 Thackeray. The Snob ; a Literary and Scientific Journal, not
"conducted by Members of the University," Nos. 3 to 6 and
No. 9 (with title, dedication, preface, and index), printed on
various coloured paper, Cambridge, i829~The Gownsman
(formerly called) " The Snob," now conducted by
Members of the University (vol ii.), Nos. 3, 11, 16, and 17
(with title, dedication, preface, and index), ib„ 1830 — The
Progress to B.A., a Poem, ib., 1830 — The Snobs' Trip to
Pans, /*., n. d.— The FeUow, No. 11, 1836— The Tnpos,
Na i^Granta: a Fragment, 1841, half bound, in i vol^
8vo. (245) B. F. Stevens, £,%
[It is questionable whether Thackeray had anything to
do with "^ The Progress to B.A.. a Poem," " The Snob's
Trip to Paris," " The Fellow," " The Tripos," or " Granta."
These pieces are, however, generally cat^o^ed under his
name. See Book-Prices Current, vol. lii., No. 2037 :
Slater's "Early Editions," 1894, 8vo., p. 315.— Ed.]
382 Thackeray (W. M.) The Paris Sketch Book, by Mr. Titmarsh,
2 vol., first edition, numerous designs by the author, on
copper and wood, origitiai cloth, J. Macrone, 1S4CL 8vo.
(248) Maggs, la, iss.
383 Thackeray (W. M.) The Paris Sketch Book, by Mr. Titmarsh,
2 vol., first edition, numerous designs by the author, on
copper and wood, half morocco gilt, m. e., 1840, Svo. (249)
Thorp, £1 18s.
384 Thackeray (W. M.) The Second Funeral of Napoleon, and
the Chronicle of the Drum, by Mr. M. A. Tiimarsh, en-
gravings, a leaf or two slightly stained, in the original
pictorial boards, H. Cunningham, [841, Svo. (250)
Sabin, £i\ los.
38s Thackeray (W. M.) Comic Tales and Sketches, edited and
illustrated by Mr. Michael Angelo Titmarsh, 2 vol., first
edition, etchm^s by the author, margins somewhat stsuned,
half morocco gUt, m. e., 1841, 8vo. (251) Homstein, £,\ 10s.
386 Thackeray (W. M.) Comic Tales and Sketches. 2 vol., first
edition, etchings by the author, poor copy, in the original
cloth, 1841, 8vo. (252) Spencer, £9,
[There are two issues of the first edition, the earlier one
being very rare. When the "Comic Tales and Sketches"
was first published it hardly sold at all, and the c
igitized by Google
" remainder " lay idle till the success of " Vanity Fair " in
1848 created a demand for all Thackeray's earlier works.
It is this remainder, with a new title-page, that forms the
second issue. It is undated, and refers to Thackeray as
author of "Vanity Fair," See Slater's "Early Editions,"
1894, p. 320.— Ed.]
387 Thackeray (W. M.) The Irish Sketch Book, by Mr. M. A.
Titmarsn, 2 voL, first edition, numerous engravings on
wood, drawn by the author, several leaves spotted, nut a
nearly uncut copy, in the original doth, 1S43, 8vo. (2E3)
spencer, '£1 i6s.
38B Thackeray (W. M.) The Irish Sketch Book, another copy,
somewhat soiled throughout, original cloth, 1843, 8vo.
(254) spencer, £t iss.
389 Thackeray (W, M.) Vanity Fair, first edition, complete in
20 nos., with the original pictorial wrappers, several
damaged, illustrations on steel and wood by the author,
[847-48, 8vo. (257) Robson,£\f ijs.
390 Thackeray {W. M.) Mrs. Perkins's Rail, first edition, illus-
trations by the author, coloured, in the original pink covers
(damaged), 1847, 8vo. (258) Spencer, £1 is.
391 Thackeray (W. M.) The Book of Snobs, first edition, illus-
trations in the original pictorial wrapper, 1848, Svo. (262)
spencer, £3 los.
393 Thackeray (W. M.) History of Pendennis, first edition, com-
plete in 24 nos., with the original pictorial wrapper^ some
damaged, illustrations on sleel and wood by the author,
1848-50, 8vo. {263) Shepherd, £\ los.
393 Thackeray (W. M.) History of Samuel Titmarsh, and the
Great Hoggarty Diamond, first edition, illustrations by the
author, in the original pictorial covers, fine copy, 1849, 8vo.
(26s) Zaeknsdcr/, £4 8s.
394 Thackeray (W. M.) Rebecca and Rowena, first edition, illus-
trations by Richard Doyle, coloured, in the original pink
covers (damaged), 1850, 8vo. (269) _/. Hutnpus, £1
395 Thackeray (W. M.) The Kickleburys on the Rhine, another
copy of Ihe second edition, illustrations by the author,
coloured, in Che original pink covers, gilt edges, back
defective, 1851, 8v& (274) Homsiiin, £1 5s.
396 Thackeray (W. M.) History of Henry Esmond, Esq. . . .
written by himself, 3 vol., first edition, original cloth, uncut
(many leaves slightly soiled), i8j2,8vo.(276)5j0fn£fr, j£i 19s.
397 Thackeray (W. M.) English Humourists of the Eighteenth
Century, extended to 2 vol., and illustrated with a series of
portraits, etc., with specially printed titles, calf extra, t. e- g.,
1853, 8vo. (aSo) Maggs, £\ i8s.
398 Thackeray (W. M.) The Newcomes, first edition, complete
in 24 parts, with the ori^nal pictorial wrappers, illustrations
on steel and wood by Richard Doyle, 1854-55, 8vo. (2B1)
Robson, £1 7s.
399 Thackeray (W. M.) The Rose and the Ring, first edition,
illustrations by the author, original pink covers (damaged),
1855, 8vo. (284) Spencer, £2 12s.
igitized by Google
400 Thackeray (W. M.) Works, 26 vol, portrait and n
illustrations by the author and others, tree-calf extra, m. e.
by Riviire and Son, 1883-86, 8vo. (399) Qjuariick, £,\i
401 Thackeray {W. M.) History of Pendennis, 2 vol., 1849-50—
The Newcomes, i vol., 1854-5; — The Virginians, 2 vol.,
1858-59, first editions, illustrations by the author and
R. Doyle, half morocco, gilt edges, uniform, together 6 vol.,
8vo. (302) /. Bumpus, £% los.
402 Thackeray (W. M.) Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, 1856 —
Memoirs of Mr. Charles James Yellowplush, etc., 1B56—
Novels by Eminent Hands, etc., 1856— A Little Dinner at
Timmins's, 1856— Adventures of Major Gaha^an, i8j6 —
Sketches and Travels in London, 1856— ^allads, 1856 —
Burlesques, 1B56— A Shabby Genteel Story, 1857— Fiti
Boodle Papers, and Men's Wives, 1857, in the original
yellow wrappers, some damaged, and one missing, 8vo.
{303) Speno^, £^
403 .Thackeray {W. M.) Twenty MS. proof leaves in the Auto-
graph of W. M, Thackeray, "Roundabout Papers, No. XL."
with two interesting Autograph Letters of Thackeray's, in a
drop case, 8vo, (309) B. F. Stevens, £,1$ los.
404 Thackeray (W. M.) Sand and Canvas, by S. Bevan (con-
tains The Three Sailors, with Reminiscences of Michael
Angelo Tiimarsh at Rome), coloured plates and woodcuts,
green cloth, uncut, 1849, 8vo. {310) Robion, £1 12s,
405 Thackeray (W. M.) Damascus and Palmyra: a Journey to
the East, by C. G. Addison, 2 voL, 10 coloured illustrations
designed by W. M. Thackeray, original cloth, 1838, 8vo.
(312) /■ Bumpus, £1 6s.
406 Trollope (Anthony). Novels, 47 vol., illustrations, half calf
gih, m. e., uniform, 1877, etc., Svo. (316) TAyniu, £s 5s.
407 Uzanne (Octave). La Franqaise du SiScle : Modes, Mceurs,
Usages, papier Japion grand format, numerous coloured and
tinted illustr!icions, in three states, uncut, in embossed gilt
cover, 1886, Svo. (323) Af^^s, £2 I3s.
408 Vyner (R. T.) Notitia Venatica : a Treatise on Fox-Huntine,
etc., first edition, tinted plates, chiefly after H. Aiken, calf
extra, t. e. g. by Worsfold, original covers bound up, R.
Ackermann, 1841, Svo. (31S} HaUkard., £^ los.
409 Walpole (Horace). Letters, edited by Peter Cunningham,
now first chronologically arranged, 9 vol., numerous por-
traits, etc., tree-calf extra, m, e. by RiviJre, 1S80, Svo. (324)
DobeU.£.i, 17s. 6d.
410 Walton (liaak). The Compleat Angler, third edition, much
enlarged (date cut off) — Part II., being Instructions how to
angle for a Trout or Grayling in a clear Stream, by Charles
Cotton, first edition (date cut off)— Venables (Col. R.) The
Experienc'd Angler, third edition, much enlarged, 1668 —
Noobcs (R.) Compleat TroUer, first edition, 1682, en-
gravings, title of Walton imperfect, and text of all the works
more or less cut into, old ciilf, with all faults, in i voL, Svo.
(315) Spenar, £1 7s.
41 1 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited, with Original
igitized by Google
Memoirs asd Notes, by Sir H. Nicolas, 2 vol., numerous
engravings from designs by Stotfaard and Inslcipp, calf gilt,
g. e., Pickering, 1836, imperial Svo. (326} Edwards, £^ ih.
413 Westmacott (CM.) The English Spy . . . Portraits of the
Illastrious, Eminent, Eccentric, ana Notorious, drawn from
the Life by "Bernard Blackmantle," first edition, complete
in 24 parts, with the original pictorial wrappers, several
damped, coloured plates and woodcuts by Robert Cniik-
shank, 183S-36, 8va (328) Rabson, £yt los.
413 Wbymper (E.) Scrambles amongst the Alps in the years
1860^, maps and illustrations, first edition, original cloth,
1871, 8vo. {329) Mag^i, £t 9S.
414 Wbyte- Melville (G. J.) Sporting and other Novels, Songs
and Verses, 22 voL, chiefly bound in half calf gilt, uniform,
n. d., Svo. (331) /. Bu^us, £i iBs-
The Library of the late Rev. William Makellar.
(No. of Lots, 3136 ; amount realised, /i 1,1 18 19s.)
415 A. B. C. (The), with a Catechisme for Vong Children.
Appointed by Act of the Church and Councell of Scotland
to be learned in all Families and Lector Scooles in the said
Kinsdome, and now presented to al forein Plantations
(8 leaves), blach and roman ittttr, title within woodcut
border, royal arms of Great Britain on reverse of last leaf
(some headlines shaved), morocco, gilt edges, Printed for
M S., 1646, 8va (2) Robson, £b
416 A'Beckett (C. A.) Comic Histoi? of England, first edition,
coloured etchings and woodcuts by John Leech, 1 vol.,
original doth. Punch Office, 1847, 8vol (3) Homstein, £1 i2b.
417 .Aberdeen's New Almanack for the year 1715— Aberdeen's
New Almanack or New Prognostication by Merry Andrew,
Professor of Predictions by Siar-Gazing at Tantallon, years
1733. 1734. I73S. «736, 1740. 1741, 1742, 1743. 1744. 1747,
1750. "751. I7S4. i7Sb. '759. >76o, 1764. 1768, 1772, 1773.
1774, and 177; (margins of some cut down, others uncut,
with all &nlu), in i vol., half calf, Aberdeen, I7IS-75t 8vo.
(S) Chase, £7 los,
418 Aberdeenshire. Specimens of Old Castellated Houses in
Aberdeenshire, 17 fine lithographs by Hullmandel, mostly
on India paper, with MS. descriptions, morocco gilt (1838),
folio (188) Robson, £1 [6s.
419 Actcs of the General Assembly of the Clergy of France,
A.D. 1682, concerning Religion, contemporary English
morocco, covered with rich gilt ornamental tooling (a fine
speaatta), FrinUd by /. R^ 1682, 4to. (lU)
ighton^ £3 7*. 6d.
_y Google
420 Adamson. The Recantation of Maister Patrik Adamsone,
sometime Archbishop of Saint- Andre wes in Scotlande,
morocco gilt, gilt edges, Noplace or printer's name, 1598,
8vo. (12) Robson, £^ 3s.
431 Admonishion (An) to the Bishoppes of Winchester. London
and others (g leaves), roman letter, vellum gilt, fine copy,
From Roam by Michael Wood Anno 1553 the first of
October, 8vo, (16) Robion, £1 i8s.
422 Admonition to the Parliament (An)— A Second Admonition to
the Parliament— Certain c Articles, collected and taken (as
it is thought) by ihe Bysbops out of a little boke entituled an
Admonition to the Parliament, wyth an answere to the same.
Imprinted -aie inow wkere and whan^ Judge you the place
and you am, J. T.J. S.—Pva. Exhortation to the Byshops to
deale firotherly with theyr Brethren, all in black Iittn, some
inner margins wormed, but generally large copies and in
good condition, in i vol., old calf gilt, 8vo. {15) £«//, j^8 los.
[The excessive rarity of these Puritan admonitions is well
known. They were all privately printed, rigorously sup-
pressed, and their authors, Cartwnght, Field, and Wilcox,
committed to prison. At the end of " Certaine Articles " in
the present copy are two leaves, *i and *ii, headed, " Grace
and Peace from God," etc., and dated, "from my Chamber
in London this 30 of September in Anno IS?2." These two
leaves were not in the Ashbumham copy, which sold for
j£ 1 4. — Catalogue. ]
423 Agnew (Rev. D. C. A.) Protestant Exiles from France in the
Reign of Louis XIV., first and second editions with Index,
portraits, etc., 4 vol., 1866-71-74, 410. (160) Sotheran, £1 17s.
424 A^new (Rev, D. C. A.) Protestant Exiles from France chiefly
in the Reign of Louis XIV., third edition remodelled and
greatly enlarged, arms of the Earl of Galway and De la
Rochefoucauld, 2 vol., buckram, t. e. g., For private cir-
culation, 1886, folio (190) Sotheran,£% _
425 Album Pittoresque des Pyr^n^es. Promenades dans les
Pyr^ndes par Ch. Mercereau et Ch. Maurice, numerous
tinted views, Paris, Sinnet, s. d., oblong (igi) Wilson, 16s.
426 Albyn's Anthology : a Collection of Melodies and Vocal
Poetry peculiar to Scotland and the Isles, arranged by
A. Campbell, 2 vol., limp morocco, Edinburgh, Oliver and
Boyd, t8i6-iB, folio (192} Richardson, £1 los.
427 Aldine. -Eschylus. Tragcediic sex, editio princeps, calf,
Venet., Aldas, i;i8 — Apuleii Metamorphoseos, vellum, ii.,
i52i^Euripidis TragcediK XVII. {part i,), calf, id., 1503—
Sallustius "{title mended), t^., Ijo^—Homeri Ilias (voL i.),
vellum, ib., 1 504, 8vo, (23) Quaritck, j£l 18s.
428 Alesius (Alex. Scotus). Ordinatio Ecclesiae, seu Ministerii
Ecclesiastici, in tlorentissimo Regno Angliae, etc., edita ab.
Alex. Alesio Scoto (inner margin of title mended), vellum,
Lips.,Vil. Gunter, 1551, 410. (i5i) Quartfch, ^11
429 Alesius seu Hales (Alex. Scotus). An Expediai Laicis legere
Novi Testamenti libros lingua vemacula ? Dispuiatio cum
Jo. Cochlaeo,ad Seren. Scotia: Regem Jacobum V., editio
igitized by Google
prima, brown morocco gilt, Kilt edges lad Jin.'] tx Dresda
Misnia ad Albim VJ. Idusjumi, 1533 (25)
Richardson, £21 los.
[Ooe of the rarest works of this celebrated Scotch
Reformer. Laing's copy {misdated in his catalogue 1633).
— CaLilogut. ]
430 Alesius (Alex. Scotus). - Epistola contra dccretum quoddam
Episcoporum in Scotia, quod prohibit legere Novi Testa.-
menti libros lingua vernacula, editio prima, morocco, r. e.
(Icing's copy), S. I. et nam. impr., 1533, 8vo. (36)
g,uaritch, £9
431 Alesius (Alex. Scotus). Responsio ad Cochlei Calumnias
(written to King James V. of Scotland), editio prima,
mor., ^. e., Absque ulla noia (1534). 8vo. (27] Sotkerati, j£i4
[Laing's copy, probably this one, sold for £1"] 17s. —
432 Alesius (Alex. Scotus). Ad Duos et triginta Articulos dc
Doctrina Religionis Christianae, editos \ Theologis Lova-
niensibuE brevis et moderata responsio, editio prima,
morocco gilt, y. e., Lips.^ M. Blunt, 1545, 8vo. (28)
Jiichardson, £5 5s.
433 Alesius (Alex. Scotus). De Paulina Argumentatione, capiti
secundo ad Romanos, Ideo inexcusabiiis es, o Homo quis-
quis es qui Judicus, Disputatio Sexta, editio prima, morocco
gilt, gilt edges, S. I. anna, IJ49, 8vo. (29) Richardson, £%,
434 Alesius (Alex. [ScotusJ). Epitome Exposiiionis Catechismi
D. PhiL Melancthoois, editio prima, morocco gilt, gilt edges.
Franco/, ad Viadrum J . Eichom, 1551, Svo. (30)
Richardson, £^ 5s.
435 Alesius (Alex. Scotus). Diligens refutatio eirorum quos sparsit
nuper .\ndreas Osiander in libra, cui titulum fecit De Unico
Mediatore Christo, editio prima, morocco gilt, gilt edges,
(D. Laing,;£5 17s. 6d-), Witeberga,la. Lufll, 1552, 8vo. (32)
Soikcran, £2 6s.
436 Alesius (Alex. Scotus). Omnes Disputationes de tota Epistola
ad Romanes diversis temporibus propositi ab ipso in
Academta Lipsensi, etc., cum praefatione Ph. Melancthoois
ad Tbomam (Craomerum) Archiep. Cantuar., editio prima,
morocco gilt, g. e., Lips., 1553, Svo. (33) Richardson, £3 3s.
437 Alesius (Alex. Scotus). Of the Aniiquitie of the Word of God
agaynst the bisshop of London, wherein arc conteyned
certen disputacyons had in the Parlament howse maae by
Alexader Alane Scot, and sent to the duke of Saxon, bluett
Itltcr, original edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, fine copy.
Noplace., date, or printer's name {printed abroad, 1542) (34)
Richardson, f,\a js.
Mackenzie says this book was printed at Leipxic in 1542.
438 Alexander Gallus, vulgo de Villa Dei. Doctrinale compendiosa
et succincta per Com. Lud. de Guaschis Artium doctorem,
lit. floth., calf antique (an edition not in Main), Medial.,
L. Pachel et Uld. Scinzcenzelier, 1480, 4to. (i6z)
Richardson, £4 18s
igitized by Google
439 Alliboue (S. Austin). Critical Dictionary of English Literature
and British and American Authors, 3 vol., uncut, Triibner,
etc., 1859-72, imperial 8vo. (38) Dobell, £,z
440 America. A Brief Account of the Province of East New
tcr»ey in America, published by the Scots Proprietors
aving interest there (8 leaves), morocco silt, f{ilt edges,
Edinburgh, J. Reid, 1683, 4to. (164) n. Stevens, ]f 57
[This Tiact was reprinted for the New Jersey Historical
Sodety, the editor ot which remarks that only four copies
were known 10 exist. — CalaloguiJ]
441 Ames and Herbert. Typographical Antiquities, now greatly
enlai|^ with copious Notes, etc., by^ T. Y. Dibdin, portraits
and other illustrations, litho portrait of Dibdin inserted,
4 vol., half calf, 1810-19, 4to (166) Quaritck, £1 iSs.
442 Ante-Nicene Christian Library, edited by Drs. Roberts and
Donaldsan, 24 vol., Edinburgh, Clark, 1872, tivo (50)
Bull, li. 14s.
443 Anderson (John). Historical and Genealogical Memoirs of
the House of Hamilton, and Branches, frontispiece, half
oilf, Edinburgh, 1825, 410. (169) Hopkins, £2
444 Answere (The) that the Preachers of the Gospel at Basile
made, for the defence of (he true administration and use of
the Holy Supper of Our Lord, agaynst the abhomination of
the Popish Masse, translated out of Latin into Englysshe by
George Bancraite, black Utttr, calf gilc, gilt edges. Day and
Seres, 1548, 8vo. (54) EUii, £3
445 AntichrisL A Short Description of Antichrist unto the
Nobilitie of Englande, and to all my brethren and contrcy-
men borne and dwelling therein, with a Warning to see to,
that they be not deceaved by the hypocrisie and crafty con-
veyance of the Clergie, black Uttn, title in roman and italics,
morocco gilt, gilt edges. Without date, pltKe,or printer's name,
but probably printed abroad, area 1555, 8vo, (55) J:llis,£26s.
446 Apparel. A Briefe discourse againste the Outwarde Apparelt
and Ministring Garmentes of the Popishe Church, Uach
letter, margins shaved, title writien on, and autograph of
Wm. Herbert, A^o place or printer's name, 1566— To my
lovynge brethren that is troublyd abowt the Popishe Aparrell,
two snort and comfortable Epistels, black Itttn, " Gylbie's
Epistell " writien on title in a contemporary hand. Noplace,
date or printer's name, both very rare tracts, I vol., caH
8vo. (60) Ellis, ^S io»-
447 Apparel. An Answere for the Tyme, to the Examination put
m print, without the authours name, pretending to mayntayne
the Apparrell prescribed against the declaration of the
mynisters of London {[with a scheme of argument, on a
single folding sheet), title soiled, some plain margins torn,
otherwise large and perfect. No place or printer's name
{JmnUd abroad t), i566,8vo, (61) EUis,£\ \%%.
44S Apparel. To my faylhfuU Brethren now affycted (on the
maintenance of Popish Apparel) (8 leaves)— To my fayth-
full Brethren we geve thankes to God for your constancie
(about the wearing of Popish Apparel) (12 leaves), both rare
igitized by Google
pieces, in bUth letter, vritbout titles, in i vol., calf (cirea
1566), 8vo. (62) Elhs, 4s
449 Amaud (Henri). Histoire de la Glorieuse Rentree des Vaudois
dnns leurs Values, Mition originale (avec la d^ication kla
Reine dc la Grande Bretagne, Q. Anne), morocco «tra,
inside dentelles, gilt edges by Riviere, Afis au jour par Us
loins et aux depens de Henri Amaud, 1710(70) Bain, £\o
[This is the genuine First Edition a! this remarkable book,
of which Acland, the translator of it into English (1826),
knew of only eight or nine copies. Turner's copy, which
had a difTcrent dedication (to the Duke of Wurtemberg) sold
for £,11, and Hanrolt's for .£9 15s.— Ca/o/ojpw^
4;o Articles to be Inauired of (Second year of Edward VI.),
original edition, blarh lettn (8 leaves), large copy with uncut
edges (stained), half calf, Imprintid the laste date of August
M.D.XLVUI. by Ridt. Grafton, i,\ia. {183) Bull, £2 13s.
451 Articles agreed on by the Bishoppes, and other learned menne
in the Synode at London the yere of Our Lorde Godde i ;51,
for the avoiding of Controversie in opinions, etc., bhuhicttcr,
original edition, title wilhin woodcut border, vellum, R.
GraAon, 1553,410. (184) Bull, £\ los.
4S3 Atlas of Ancient Gec^^phy, Biblical and Oassical, edited by
Smith and Grove, half morocco, 1874, imperial folio (197)
Hill, £\ 108.
453 Auction Catalc^ues of Valuable Libraries. Tbos. Crofts,
1783 ; Consnl Smith (priced), 1773 ; R. Farmer (priced and
named), 1798 ; Askew (priced), 1775 ; Pinelli, 1789 ; West
(priced), 1773, and others, 8vo. {80) Sofhtran, £2 las.
454 Augsburg Confession. The Confessyon of the Faytbe of the
Garm&ynes exhibited to the mooste Victorious £mperour
Charles the V. in the Councell or Assemble holden at
Augusta the yere of Our Lord 1330, to which is added the
Apologie of Melaacthon, etc., translated by Rycharde
Tavemer at the commaundement of Lorde Thomas Crom-
well, black Itttn, title within woodcut border, woodcut initials,
contemporary calf, large copy with very wide maigins,
Robert Redman, n. d., 8vo. (82) E/lis, £1$ 15s.
455 Augustinus (S.) Canon pro recomendatione huius famosi
Opens sive libelli sequentis de Arte predicandi Sancti
Augustini, printed in a small neat, gothic ItJtcr, long lines,
40 to a page, without marks, the two shields of Fust and
Schoeffer m red on last leaf, brown morocco, with gilt
fleurons, inside dentelles, gilt edges by Lortic, fine copy
(from Didot's sale), Mi>gunt~, Ja Fust \circa i4S9-6o] , folio
(199) Leighton, £%<)
[An excessively rare production of John Fust's Press.
Two lines in the " Advertisement " give his name as the
Erinter. It occurs as the fifth in his list of books printed by
im about 1469.— Ca/i/tf,f«/*.]
4j6 Augustinus (S.) Liber de Vita Christiana, lit goth., 17 leaves,
without marks, 18 lines to a page, rubricated, morocco
extra, gilt tooling, gilt edges by R. de Coverly, fine copy,
igitized by Google
Absque ulla noia (device of J. SchofTer in red on last leaf),
4to. (382) Saiti, £^8
[Editio princeps. Hain, No. 2ai)y~Calalo^ue.'\
457 Bacon (Lord). Works, new edition, by Basil Montagti,
portrait, 16 vol. in 17, original cloth boards, uncut, W.
Pickering, 1825-34, 8vo. (86) Britweil, £4 6s.
458 Bale (John). The Epistle exhortatorye of an Englishye
Christiane unto his derelye beloved contreye of Englaode
against the pompouse popyshe Bysshoppes therof, etc., by
Henrye Stalbrydge, black Irtter, written from Basyle, 1544,
No printer's name — A Bryefe and plaine declaracion of cer-
layne seniences in this little boke folowinK to satisfie the
consciences of them that have judged me thereby to be a
favourer of the Anabaptists, by J. B. (John Bale), blWck ItttcT,
No date, place, or printer's name, 154S— A Present Conso-
lacion for the Sufferers of persecucion for ryghturysenes,
G. J. (George Joye), hlatk Utttr, 1544 in ^^eptember—A
Boke made by John Fryth prysoner in the Tower of London
answerynge unto M, Mores Letter, 1533, now newly revysed
and corrected, ilatli Ittttr, Prynted 1 546, last daye ofjun^—
Melancthon (Ph.) A Newe Work, concerning both partes
of the Sacrament to be recyved of the lay peple . . . newly
translated out of latyn, ttetk Irtttr, No place or printer's
name, IJ43, in i vol., old calf (rebacked), some fore-edges
shaved, 8vo. (90) Ellis, £-j js.
Eiese rare tracts, being prohibited in England, were
bly all printed abroad. They formerly belonged to
Thos. Baker, the antiquary, who had written a list on the
fly-leaves,— Catalog ue. T
459 Bale (John). A Brefe Chronyde concernynge the Examina-
cyon and death of the blessed Martyr of Christ Syr Johan
Oldcasiell the lorde Cobham, blncli letter, cut on title (top
comer mended), morocco extra, gilt edges by R. dc Covcrley,
Imprynted Anno Domini 1548, VI.'Aug., 8vo. (92)
Sotkeran, £2 4s.
460 Bale (John). Tlie Apology of Joban Bale agaynst a ranke
Papyst, aunswering both hym and hys doctours, that neyther
their vowes nor yet their priesthode are of the Gospel!, but
of Antichrist— a briefc exposycyon also upo the XXX,
Chaptre of Numeri, original edition, blwh Iftttr, morocco
extra, gilt edges, fine copy, John Day, 1550, 8vo. (93)
Quarilck, £z 3s-
461 Balmanes (Henry, of Halhillj. The Confession of Faith, con-
teining how the troubled man should seeke refiige at his
God (with an Epistle of John Knox), title and last leaf soiled
and mended, margins worn by use, with all faults, vellum,
Edinburgh, by Thos. VautroUier, 1584, 8vo. (98)
W. Broivn, £\ 9s.
462 Barbour (John). The Actes and Life of the most Victorious
Conqueror Robert Bruce, King of Scotland, etc, newly
corrected and conferred with the best and most ancient
MSS,, blatk irtlrc (some bottom margins shaved), morocco,
inside ornamental borders, gilt edges, £x-Libris of Sir John
igitized by Google
Anstruther back of title, first edition, Edinburgh, And. Hart,
1616, 8vo. (100) W. BroiVH,£iy
463 Bartram, The Boke of Barthra Priest intreatinge of thee
bodye and bloude of Christe, ilntfe Uttti. Imprinted in
Saynci Andrrwes Parysshe,\^^2 — Calvin (John). AFaythfuI
and moste Godly treatyse concemynge the most sacred
sacrament of the blessed body and bloude of Our Saviour
Christ, translated into Englysbe by a faythfull brother, black
Utttr, No date, place, or printer's name — Here begynneth a
booke called the faule of the Romyshe Churche, wyth all
the Abhomioations, etc., blath Itltw, ib. — The Fyrst (and
the Latter) Examination of Mistres Anne Askewe, lately
martyred in Smithfeld by the Romyshe Popes upholders (by
John Bale) (both parts), black Uttw, «i,— The Sum of the
Acles and Decrees made by diverse bishops of Rome,
black letter, Tramlaiid out 0/ Latyn into Englysk and
imprinted by Thomas Gydson, n. d., all fine copies of very
rare pieces, in i vol., mor. gilt, g. e. {loq) Richardson, £,Z js.
464 Beattie (Geo-) John O'Amha', to which is added the Murderit
Mynstrell, and other poems, now first collected, 7 coloured
engravings, original boards, uncut, Montrose, 1826, 8vo.
(114) Horitstein, £1 los,
465 Beza. (Theod.) Histoire Ecdesiastique des Eglises Refnrmdes
au Royaume de France, depuis I'an 1521 jusques en I'ann^e
1563, premiferc Edition, 3 vol., morocco, plain inside den-
telles, gilt edges, fine copy, Anvers, Jean Kemy, 15B0, 3vo.
(r3i) Ellis, £i 17s. 6d.
466 Beza (Theod.) An Oration, made in the presence of the King,
the Quene Mother, the King of Navarre, etc., Tuesday, the
IX. September, ij6i, in the Noonery of Poyssi, etc., bisck
Utltr, some margins shaved and scribbled on, morocco, gilt
edges, R. Jugge (1561), 8vo. (132) Ellis, £2 2s.
467 Biblia Hebraica, cum punctis (some leaves supplied in MS.,
with all faults), contemporary binding, oaken boards, stamped
pigskin, clasps and bosses, Brixioi per Gersonem ben Mosen
SoHonalum, 1494, 8vo. (221) Ginsburg, £2 14s.
[An extremely rare and early edition of the Hebrew Bible,
which Vogt in his catalogue says was the one used by
Luther in preparing his German version. — Caialogve.]
468*Biblia Sacra Polyglotta, Hebraicfe, Chaldaicfe, et.GrEect, cum
tribus Interpretationibus latinis de mandato ac sumptibus
Card. D. F. Ximenes de Cisneros (some leaves discoloured
and stained, and very slightly wormed, inner margins of two
titles mended, leaf of prologue in vol. i. shorter than the rest,
otherwise apparently quite complete and generally in good
condition, with the 6 leaves of Greek Preface to St. Paul's
Epistles (sold with all faults), 6 vol, vellum, Compluti, Am.
Guil. de Brocario, 1514-15-17, folio (205) Quarilch, £Ji&
[The first Polyglott Bible printed ; comprising also the
first printed Greek New Testament.— Gt/a/iJfB*.!
469 Biblia. Vetus Testamentum Grscum e Codice MS. Alexan-
drina in Bibl. M- B. asservatur cura et labore H. H. Bab«r,
igitized by Google
cum Prolcgomenis et Nolls, 4 vol. in 3, uncut (only ijo
copies printed), 1816-28, atlas folio (206) Baier, £z
470 Biblia. Codex Alexandrinus (Facsimile of the), printed by
ofder of the Trustees of the British Museum, unbound in
4 portfolios, 1879-81, folio (207) Qfiarilch, £,% 5s.
47 1 Biblia. Bibliorum Sactorum Graecus Codex Vaticanus,
coUatis studiis Caroli Vercellone et Jos. Coua, cum Pro-
legoinenis, Comtnentariis et Tabulis, 6 vol., Roma, i86g-8i,
folio (208) Quaritck, £15 15s.
472 Biblia. Bibliorum Codex Sinaiticus Petropolitanus, edidit
CoDstantius Tiscbendorf, cum Appiendice et " Neue Bnich-
stucke von Brugsch Bey," 6 vol., PetropoU, 1862, Leipz.,
1867-75, fol'o (209) Quariick, £11 5*.
473 Biblia Sacra Grseca. Sacrse Scripturse Vcteris Novaetjue
Omnia Graced (Cura Andr. Asulani], title, and some initials
and ornamental heading in red, blue morocco extra, line
tooled, with fleurons, gilt edges by F. Bedford, very fine
copy (12J in. by 8J in.), Venet. in aed. Aldi et Andrea
Socerij IS'S, folio (210) Qftariich, ^£35 los.
[This volume contains the first published edition of the
Greek Text of the Septuagint.— Cato/o^w.]
474 Biblia. Vetus Testamentum juxta Septuaginta ex auctoritate
Sixti V Poni. Max. editum, Gr^c^ (studio Ant. Card.
Caiatfs), old morocco, line tooled, gilt edges, ' Roma,
F. Zannettus, 1587, folio (211) Bull, £,2 2s.
475 Biblia Sacra Latina cum prologis S. Hieronimi, Sscc. XIII.,
a fine and ancient manuscript on vellum (593 leaves), in
large goihic characters, double columns of 38 lines, with 184
large and fincl)[-painted and illuminated historiated aiid
ornamental initials, and marginal decorations, bound in
3 vol., old calf sides, with russia backs and rims, large folio
(214) Rabson, £j<x>
[A very fine and valuable Codex of the Bible, apparently
of English or Anglo-Norman workmanship, with some in-
dications of variotis readings. The illuminations are very
important for the costumes of the century, the warriors in
full chain armour, with hoods of mail, and the ladies, rustics
and others in their distinctive dresses. The decorations
consist of birds, flowers, grotesques, etc., branching off into
points in the mar^ns. The marginal ornament to Genesis is
very line, consisting of spirals and grotesques, with 8 figures
of saints in ovals, splendidly illuminated. — Cala/ogue.']
476 Biblia. Bibliorum Sacrorum Latinfe Versiones antiquse, scu
Vetus Italica; acced. prefationes, Observationes et Not^,
opera et studio D. P. Sabatier, 3 voL, calf gilt, Fa/is, Didot,
etc., 1751, folio (215) tVette//, ;£i7 5s.
477 Biblia Sacra Latina editionis VulgatEe, cum prologis S.
Hieronymi, lit. nofh. magna, double columns, 40, 41 and 42
lines, without marks, painted omamenla! initials, capitals in
red and blue, chapters and headlines written in red, some
margins decorated (one plain margin in vol. i. and several
in vol. ii. mended, there is a slight defect in the text of
Proverbs xix., and an outside marginal mend in the Book of
igitized by Google
Hosea runs into several letters, which are supplied in MS.
facsimile, some writings in the ornamental initials have
either been pasted over or erased), 2 vol., finely bound in
modern green morocco, covered with elaborate gilt orna-
ments, broad inside borders, silk linings, joints, gilt edges,
Moguntta, Jo. Gutenberg et Jo. Fust, circa 1450-5J (316)
QuaritcA, ^2,950
[The first printed edition of the Bible, and the first book
pnntcd with movable metal types. Exceedingly rare, only
25 copies on paper known. It is also known as the Guten-
be^, Mazarin, or forty-two-line Uiblc. It is what is tailed
the second issue, having 40 lines in the prologue and first
page of Genesis, 41 on the reverse of tne latter, and 42
afterwards. Apart from the very slight defects mentioned
above, it is an exceedingly good, clean and sound copy,
measuring 15 in. by 10^ in. It was sold not subject to
return. — Catalogue. This was the Syston Park copy, which
sold for ^3,9c» on the dispersion of that libraiy in December,
1884.— Ed.]
478 Biblia Sacra Latina Editionis Vulgatse cum prologis S.
Hieronymi, printed in bold semi-gothic letter in double
columns of 41 lines, without marks, painted ornamental
capitals, some with mar^jiinal decorations, chapters divided
and headlines written in red ink, 2 vol., contemporary oaken
boards, stamped pigskin, a large and clean copy (from the
Eicbsiadt Monastery), Absque ulla nota \_Argext~, Eggesteyn,
circa 1466], folio (217) Quarilch, £27 los.
[This extremely rare edition is regarded by Copinger as
the first of Eggesteyn's editions. It had not the 4 leaves of
the " Table of Rubrics " found in one or two copies. —
479 Biblia Sacra Latina, editionis Vulgatx cum prologis S>
Hieronymi, Xit goth., double columns, 42 lines, without
marks, chapters numerated (Copinger, Na 9), numerous
painted ornamental initials in blue and red, some contem-
porary MS. copies of St. Jerome's Epistles inserted, 2 vol.,
contemporary oaken boatds, stamped leather, clasps, con-
tents of each volume written on vellum within metal frames
on upper covers, Absque ulla nota {Colon., C. de Homborch,
1469], folio (ziB) QuariUh, £ij los.
[The first of the three editions attributed to this printer.
— Cata/agve.]
480 Biblia Sacra Latina, Editionis Vulgatfe, cum prologis S.
Hieronymi, Ut. goth., double columns, 50 aitd 4S lines
(436 leaves), without marks, painted initials in blue and red,
beginning at the Canticles, large woodcut ornamental
initials occur at the bead of each book, coloured by hand in
this copy, russia, gilt edges, Absque nota, sed Basil B. Rodi
tt B. Richel, circa 1470-71, folio (219) Tregaskis, ^£3 3s.
[A very rare edition of the Latin Vulgate, and the first
Bible pnnted in Basle. (Copinger, No. 12.}— CaialogueA
481 Biblia. Monumenta Sacra Inedita ; Nova Collectio, edidil
A. J. C. Tischendorf, numerous facsimiles, vol. i. to vi. and
igitized by Google
ix. (vol. vii. and viii. were never issued), 7 vol., uncut. Lips.,
1855-70, 4to {470) Quariick, £a 1 Ss.
482 Blblia Sacra Latina- Editionis Vulgatae, finely printed in
roman letter in double columns, without marks, ornamental
initials painted in blue and red, running titles in red, leaf of
contemporary MS. readings at end, old stamped pigskin,
r. e., tine copy. Absque uila natrt [Argent., circa 1471], folio
(473) Uighton, I'ik
[ f he extremely rare edition, known as the R Bible,
formerly attributed to Mentelin's press.— Co/o/o^f.]
483 Biblia Sacra Latina. Ediiionis Vul^atae. cum prologis S.
Hieronymi, lit. joth. (titles of books in red), double columns,
48 lines (481 leaves), without marks, numerous large and
finely-painted ornamental initials, first page of Genesis
decorated, capitals in blue and red, running titles written in
red, brown morocco extra, antique style, gilt edges by
Bedford, Moguntiae, Petrus Schoeffer dc Gernsheym, \^Ti,
in Violin MeUhie AposL {shields in red), folio (474)
Quaritch, £40
[A very rare edition, reprinted page for page, but with
corrections, from the first printed Bible with a date issued
in 1462, a fine large copy, measuring 16^ in. by 11 in. —
484 Biblia Sacra Latina. Vulgatae Editionis, cum prologs S.
Hieronymi, Epistola Jo. Andreae Episcopi Aleriensis, ad
Paulum II., interpretationibus Hebraicortim Nominum, etc.,
ItL goth., double columns, 6a lines, without marks (wanted
7 leaves, J leaves mended), otherwise a fine copy, fine illu-
minated mitial and marginal decoration to first page of
Prologue, and other painted initials with marginal decora-
tions, sold with all faults, contemporary oaken boards,
stamped deerskin, clasps, Nurembergae, per And. Frisner tt
Jo. Sensensckmit, 1475, V. Idus. Decembris, with printer's
device in red, royal folio {475} Quaritch, £,b
4S5 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae, cum prologis S.
Hieronymi, et Inteipretationibus Hcbr. Nom., lit gotlu,
double columns, 51 lines, without marks, but with running
titles to the books, painted ornamental capitals in blue, red
'and green, oaken boards, stamped ornamental pigskin,
Venel., F. de Hailbnin et Nic. de Frankfordia, t475i folio
(476) Quaritch, £&
[Tbe first Latin Bible printed in Venice. In the bottom
margin of the last leaf of " Interpretationes," occurs the
name of an early former owner, " Mgr. Jos. MuUer de
Rastein, anno 1480^ in Baden"; and there are 11 leaves of
a MS. index at end, in the same minute but clear hand,
ending, " Finis Instrumenii noni anno 1480 die bti zoili in
Baden. " — Catalogue. ]
486 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae cun\ Prologis S.
Hieronimi, semi-SOthtt Utter, double columns, 48 lines,
without marks, numerous MS. notes in margin, 6 leaves of
contemporary MS. notes at end, 2 vol., modem red morocco
extra, inside dentelles, joints, gilt edges by Henderson and
igitized by Google
Bisset, fine copy, Impressum in Civilate Nurembergen. per
Anthonium Cderger, 1475, XVJ. Novem,, folio (477)
Quaritch. /13 15s.
[The first of the 15 Latin Bibles printed by Koburger in
the fifteenth century.— Catalogue.']
487 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae, cum Prologis et
interpret. Hebr. Nom., lit. floth , parva, double columns,
52 lines, with signatures, fine painted miniature with mar-
^nal decoration on first leaf of Genesis, ornamental initials
in blue and red (A, a blank, and leaf of Register wanted),
half pigskin, Venet., Nic. Jensen, [476, folio (478)
Edwards, £,\ 4s.
[Jenson's first Latin Bible, and one of the earliest with
Binted signatures. — Catalngtu.]
ia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae, cum prologis S.
Hieronymiet "VocabulisBibIiae,"Iil. goth., double columns,
42 lines, without marks, but with running titles, and divisions
of chapters (some plain margins mended), 2 vol., oaken
boards, blue velvet, m two new morocco cases, with clasps,
and Perkins's initials and arms on sides. Absque nota, but
with device of Nic. Gotz of Cologne at end [Colon., 1476 ?J.
folio (479) QuariUA, ^45
[This is the Perkins copy, which was bought for j^6;.
Thereis no "Compendium," with the litle noted byCopinger
at end of this copy, but there is a " Vocabula " of 43 (eaves,
headed, " Incipiunt Vocabula Biblie Secundum Ordinem
libronim et Capitulonim," 33 leaves of which are in the first
and 2a in the second volume.— Cn/a/c^w^.]
489 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae cum prologis S.
Hieronvmi et interpret. Hebraicorum Nominum, semi-
gothic letter, double columns, without marks (except in the
" Interpretationes," which has signatures), first page of each
vol. decorated with an illuminated initial to each, painted
ornamental initials in blue and red (first 10 leaves in vol. i.
mended), 2 vol., old red morocco gilt, side borders in green
and gold, with crest, Paris, U. Genng, M. Crantz et M. Fre-
burger {circa 1476), folio {480) Quariick, £ib
['fhe first Bible printed in the city of Paris by the original
introducers of printing into that city in i^-ja.^Calaiogue.']
490 Biblia Sacra Latina. Vulgatae Editionis, cum interpret.
Hebr. Nominum, lit eoth., double columns, 52 lines, capitals
painted in red, first and last leaves backed, some inner
margins in the " Interpretationes " mended, but otherwise
an excellent copy of a rare edition, bound in 2 vol., bright
old calf gilt, y. e. (Sunderland copy), Ntapoli, Mathias
Moravus, 1476, folio (481) Quaritch, £1^
491 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editio Vulgata, cum interpretation ibus
Hebraicorum Nominum, lit. eotn., double columns (;o lines),
without marks, but with printed running titles, woodcut
ornamental initials in vol. li. (some leaves stained), 2 vol.,
red morocco giit, gilt edges, Basil. Bern. Richel, 1477,
folio (482) Quaritch, £\n
igitized by Google
491 Biblia Sacra Latioa. EduioVulgata,lit gsth., double columns
painted oraamental capitals in blue and red (wanted title,
several leaves torn and mended, with all faults), old calf
eilt, rare edition, Caloniiu, Conr. de Homborch, 1479, folio
(483) Qttarihh, ll
493 Blblia Sacra Latina. Ediiio Vul^ata, cum Glossa Ordinana,
etc., lit. goth., two types (interlinear gloss in the text and
in margio), si);natures and headings of chapters, numerous
finely painted oraamental initials in blue and red, with some
marginal decorations, bound in 6 vol., modern morocco,
t. e. g., large, sound, and clean copy (18^ in. by 13 in.),
Absque uila nota {Venet., 1480?), folio (484)
Quaritck, £7 17s. 6d.
494 Biblia Sacra Latina. Edicio Vulgata, cum prologis S.
Hieronymi, Epistola ad Menardum et Canonibus Eusebii,
lit. goth., double columns, 51 lines, without signatures or
catchwords, but the leaves numbered throughout to
CCCCLXI. (leaf of Table of the Books at the beginning,
and the 6 leaves of Canones, etc., at the end unnumbereo),
first page of text had a fine large palmed initial with
marginal decorations, and there were many ornamental
initials in blue and red, 2 vol, brown morocco gilt, gilt
edges, Nuremb., Ant. Koburger, 1480, folio (485)
it hat" "" ■
a church in ii,'&2.^Catalof[ue.']
495 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editio Vulgata, cum Interpr. Hebrai-
corum Nominum, lit-Sollt., double columns, with signatures,
bound in 2 voL, modem calf antique, with centre gilt orna-
ment, gilt edges, "Fontibus ex Graecis Hebraorumqtu libris"
etc., s. i. aut typ. nom., 1483, folio (486) Maggs, £2 12s. 6d.
496 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editio Vulgata cum prologis S.
Hieronymi, Summariis, Tabula Alphabetica et Interp. Heb.
Nom., lit. goth., capitals painted in red (wanted title and
end of " Interpretationes','" ailer Tabita), some margins cut
into, blue morocco gilt, gilt edges, Argentina \s. nom. typ\
1497, folio (487) Bull, £1 IIS.
497 Biblia cum Concordantiis,Interpretationibus Nominum Hebrai-
coram, etc., lit goth,, two woodcuts on title and numerous
spirited woodcuts in the text, oaken boards, stamped oraa-
mental pigskin with central figures, Lugd., Jo. Saccon
expensis A. Koberger, 1512, folio (489) Lelgklon, £3 3s,
498 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatse, tribus tomis dis-
tincta. Ad Concilii Tridentini pr^escriptum emendata, et a
Sixti v.. P. M. recognita et approbata, engraved and printed
titles, old red morocco, full gilt back, ornamental frame
sides, gilt edges (Sunderland copy], Roma ex tyfi. Apost.
Vaticana. 1590, folio (500) Quaritck, £10
[The 8rst edition of the Sixtine Bible; suppressed by
Sixtus V.'s Successor, Gregory XI V. Autographs of
" FL Hartland" and "C. Spencer" (third Earl of Sunder-
land) on printed title ; and the following inscription, " Liber
igitized by Google
bic emptus ex auctione BibltotfaeciE D. Worsly 32 Lib.
Sterlinis Londinii 13 Maii 1678." — Catalogue.'\
499 Biblia Sacra VulgatEC Editionis, Clementis VIII. Pont. Max.
fussu recognita atque edita, apparently large paper (17 in.
Djr 11^ in.), fine engraved frontispiece, vellum, emblazoned
£z-Libris, iu cover, fine copy, Roma ex lypograp/tta Apostolica
Vaticana. 1592, folio (501) Qttariich, £6
[The second and revised edition of the Sixtine Bible ; and
the standard text of the Vulgate. — Ca/alogue.]
500 Biblia. Cotnmento di Antonio Brucioli in tutti I Sacrosanti
libri del Vecchio et Nuovo Testainento, dalla Hebraica
veiita ct Fontc Grseco per esso tradotti in lingua Toscana,
the 7 voL complete in 2, title to vol. iv. a little mended,
otherwise a fiae, large, and clean copy, half nissia, gauffered
e<^es, Ventl.., per Francisco Brucioli e Fraiegli, 1546-42-44,
folio (503} Leighton, £2 83.
501 Biblia en Lengua espanola traduzida de la verdadera Origen
Hebrayca por muy exceleoies letrades ; con yndustria y
deligencia de Duarte Pinel Portugues (second edition of the
Ferrara Bible), lit. goltt., double columns, comers and
inner margins of several leaves mended, wanted the z leaves
of Hepbtharoth, with all faults, vellum, Ferrara, Jer. de
Vargas, 1553, folio (504) Quaritek, £6 los.
503 Biblia. La Saincie Bible en Francoys translaiee selon la
pure et entiere traduction de Sainct Hierome, avec les con-
cordances en Marge diligemment revlsitees (par Jacaues
Lefevre d'Estaples), lettres biiardes, titles within wooocut
borders, numerous fine woodcuts, and ornamental initials.
2 voL in I, a generally sound copy, oaken boards, stamped
leather, metal bosses and clasps, Anvers, Martin I'Empereur,
1530, folio (506) Quaritek, £% 17s. 6d.
[A rare edition, long regarded as the first of Lefevre's
translation. All the early editions were rigorously sup-
Eressed. — Catalogue. ]
lia. La Bible, qui est toute la Saincte Escripture . . .
Translatez en Francoys, le Vieil de Lebrieu, le Nouveau du
Grec, atissi deux amples Tables, lettres b&tardes, old
stamped calf, fine, large and clean copy, Acheve dimprimer
en la Ville et ConU de Neuckastel par Pierre de Wingh diet
Pirol Pieard I'an, 1535, Illle de Juing {tp-f)
Quaritek, £yj ios.
\Va^ first edition of the first Protestant Bible for the
Vaudois ; translated by P. Olivetan with the assistance of
Calvin. — Catalogue. ]
;o4 Biblia. La Grand Bible en Francoys, hytori^e et corri^e
tdu Latin de Pierre Coitiestor par Guyart des Moulins]
Bttres bitardes, numerous woodcuts and woodcut initials,
ruled in red, 2 vol. in i, clean copy, oaken boards, stamped
leather (rebacked), rare edition (not noticed in Brunet),
faris, A. Bonnemere. 1537-38, folio (508) Leigkton, £b
505 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae cum Prologiis S.
Hieronymi, small neat semi-gothic letter, double columns,
without marks, 60 lines to a page, painted and illuminated
igitized by Google
initials, vellum gilt, very clean copjr, wanted leaf in Eccle-
siasticus and one in signature C, slightly wanned, Per me
Joannem Petrum de Ferralis Crtmanensis Placmtiae im-
pressum, 1475, 410. (659) Sotkeran, ;£S4
[^This Latin Bible is generally regarded as the first book
pnnied at Piacenza. This was the Sunderland copy.—
506 Biblia (Sacra) cum tabula nuper impressa, et cum Summariis
noviter edila (et Interpret. Norn. Hebraicorum), lit floth.,
spirited woodcuts and ornamental initials (some leaves at end
slightly wormed), vellum, dean copy, Venet., S. Bevilaqua.
with device, 1498, 4to. (661) Quari/cA, £10 159.
507 Biblica Sacra Delglca. Das Oude Testament, lit gattt., double
columns, capitals painted in red (some leaves stained,
slightly defective, and mended, with all faults), a vol., modem
blue morocco extra, joints, gilt edges (Syston Park copy),
Del/ in Holland, Jac. Jacobson et M. Yemanti, 1477, small
folio (667) Ltighton, £\o los.
[First edition of the Old Testament in Dutch, the Psalms
being omitted. — Cafaloguei\
508 Bible. The Holy Bible, in the Earliest English Versions,
made from the Latin Vulgate by John Wydiffe and his
follower^ edited by Forshall and Madden, 4 vol., Oxford,
1850, 4to. (669) Bull, £2 los.
[Most probably the first entire Bible in English was the
work of Nicholas de Hereford and John WyclifTe, about the
year r38o. Wyclitfe died four years later. Many of the
glosses introduced by Hereford and WyeiifTe appear in
Matthew's Bible of 1537.— Ed.]
509 Bible. Fry (Fr.) The Bible by Coverdale. 1535, remarks on
the titles, the year of publication, etc., facsimiles, printed
upon vetlum, only a few copies taken, half morocco, Willis
and Sotheran, 1867, 4to. (671) Q^taritch, £1 7s- 6d.
510 Bible. The Whole Byble ; faythfuUy translated into Englyshe,
bv Myles Coverdale, and newly overscne and correcte, 1550,
blach letter (Hester title inlaid and backed ; Froschover and
Jugge titles in facsimile, 4 leaves of table at end facsimile,
margins of Kalendar and some other leaves mended, and
some margins shaved, otherwise a sound and generally
excellent copy, sold with all faults), brown morocco extra,
gilt edges by F, Bedford, Prynted for Andrevj Hester,
1 5 50 \by Froschover of Zurich and re-issued by\ R. Jvgge,
1553, 4to. (6?a) Ginsburg,£3fi
[Jugge's re-issue of the second foreign edition of CoVer-
daie's Bible, of which the Lenox copy is said to be the only
perfect one )/iao<*in.^Catalogue.'\
Sii Bible. The Bible in Englishe . , . accordinge to the transla-
tion that is appointed to be rede in the Churches ^Cranmer's),
blutt Itttci, woodcut initials (one of a boy bemg birched
heading the Epistle to the Galatians), title, Psalmes title,
1 1 leaves in Psalms and 3 leaves in Rei-elations in facsimile,
some margins mended and cut into, with all faults, calf^
Printed by Edw.Whytckurche, 1550, 4to. (673) QfiariUh, £\\
igitized by Google
512 Bible. The Byblc in Englishe (Cranmer's), with Calendar
and Ordre of Common Prayer, blath Idltt (title, calendar,
and last 6 leaves of Revelations in fecsiniile, some leaves
stained, with all faults), old calf, rare edition (Lea Wilson, aa),
Nich. Hyil, 1552, 4(0. (674) Leighton, £i, 15s.
513 Bible. The Bible in Englishe, according to the translation of
the Great Bible (with a Table), printed in a peculiar small
Uach [ttttr, in double columns with 3 titles, and marginal
references, first title and next leaf in facsimile, some leaves
stained and margins cut into, blue morocco gilt, gilt edges,
with all faults, R. Grafton, Mense Decemb., i^^^ 4to. (675)
Ridier, £(, los.
514 Bible. The Holie Bible, faithfully translated into English,
with Arguments, Annotations, etc., by the English College
of Doway, 2 voL, old calf, Dtrway, L. Kellam, 1609-10 — The
New Testament, translated faithfully into English in the
English College of Rhemes, old calf, Rlie7iies, John Ft^ny,
1582, 4to. (676) E. G. Allen,£i los.
[The First Edition of the Roman Catholic versions of the
Old and New Testaments. — Caiaio^ue.]
J15 Biblia Sacra, juxta Vulgatam edJtio, cum annot. Jo. Benedicti,
numerous woodcuts, bound in 3 vol., calf, m. e., Paris, J.
Kerver, 1560, 8vo. (2^3) QuariUh, £1 16s.
5 r6 Biblia Sacra, ad vetustissima exemplaria nunc recens castigata
Romxtjue levisa, numerous woodcuts (the first 3 coloured),
bound m 3 vol., calf, Lugd., G. RoviUius, 1573, 8vo. (233)
Body, £1 los.
517 Bible. [The Pentateuch or Five Books of Moses, translated
by Wm. Tyndall.^ Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, and Deu-
teronomy only, with facsimiles of the title and next 2 leaves
of Genesis. Exodus wanted the 8 preliminary leaves, folios
43'47> 49 and 57. Leviticus had title-leaf of Prologue, title.
and next leaf in facsimile, and wanted all before folio 17, and
folios 50, ;i. Numbers wanted 10 leaves of Prologue, and
had the last leaf in facsimile. Deuteronomy had lirst 4 leaves,
folio 57, and last leaf in facsimile. Sold with all faults, old
rough calf [Marlborow Hans Luft], 1534, 8vo. (240)
Quarttck, £(x3
[This is the second edition of Tindale's Pentateuch. The
first is dated January 17, 1530.— Ed.]
518 Bible. The Bokes of Salomon, namely Proverbia, Ecclesiasles,
Sapientia and Ecclesiasticus, or Jesus the Sonne of Syrach,
cum privjiegio ad imprimendum solum, blacli Utttr, title
within woodcut border, 2 pages ink stained, otherwise a
very fine and clean copy, morocco gilt, antique style, gilt
edges by Rivi&re, Imprynied in London in the Old Jury by
Edwarde Wkytekurck, n. d., 8vo. (241) QuariUh, £20
[A very rare edition, of which Lowndes could only quote
the Museum copy. VV. Copland's edition, dated 1551, sold
for ^£24 in the Ashbumham sale. — Cataiogue.']
519 Bible (Holy). Newly translated out of the Original Tongues
(King James's), with the Apocrypha, frontispiece of Adam
and Eve and engraved title (soiled), morocco gilt, gilt edges,
igitized by Google
good copy, ruled in red, Edinburgh, If the Printers to the
King's Most Excellent Majestie, 1633, 8110. (246)
W. Brown, £2
[The first edition of the Authorized Version printed in
Scotland. The first Bible printed there is the well known
"Bassandyne Bible" of 1379, which was taken from the
Genevan Folio of 1 562.— En.]
520 Bible. The Bible and Holy Scriptures . . . translated accord-
ing to the Ebrewe and Greeke, with most profitable annota-
tions, and two tables, woodcuts and maps, title neatly inlaid
(otherwise a very clean and sound copy), morocco extra,
antique style, gilt edges by Bedford, Geneva, printed by
Rowland Hall. 1560, 4to. (677) QuariUh. £2,6
[First edition of the Genevan, or " Breeches," version.
The changes made in the Geneva version were the use of
Roman type instead of black letter, which had hitherto been
exclusively used in the case of English printed Bibles, and
the division of chapters into verses.— Ed.]
521 Bible (The) and Holy Scriptures . . . translated according to
the Ebrue and Greke, with most profitable annotations ;
with Calendar Historical, Whole Booke of Psaimes in Metre,
with apt Notes, Prayers, Catechisms, etc. Genevan, or
" Breeches," Version (third edition), maps and woodcuts
(title to O. T. mended, margins cut close, 2 leaves at end
and map in N. T. in facsimile, some mat^ins mended ; sold
with all faults), calf, gilt edges, Geneva, Crispin, 1569-68,
4t0 (678) Ridler, £2, 8s.
521 Bible. The Bible . . . translated according to the Ebrew and
Greeke, with most profitable annotations, and two tables
(Genevan or " Breeches"), in roman letter, woodcut titles,
blue morocco, blind stampied ornaments, gilt edges. Deputies
ofC. Barker, 1599, 4(0. (680) IV. Brown, £3
523 Bible. The Bible, translated according to the Hebrew and
Greeke, with most profitable annotations, Genevan or
"Breeches" Version, with Speed's Genealogies, and Two
Right Profitable Concordances, by R. F. Herrey, bUtk Ulttr,
calf, with meta! bosses, R. Barker, 1615, 4to. (681)
524 Bible. The Holi Bible (these words in the centre of a wood-
cut title (facsimile ?), with figure of Queen Eliiabeth crowned
by Justice and Meicie, supported by Fortitude and Prudence),
with Calendar and BookofCommon Prayer, blftch and roman
letter, ruled (some margins shaved, with all faults), old calf,
R- JuKge. ' 569. small 410. (682) Ginsburg, ^8 los.
[The second edition of the Bishop's Bible, the first in
quarto. — Catalogue. ]
525 Bible. The holy Byble ... set forth by Authoritie, 1575,
with the Book of Common Prayer, black Ittttr (title and
3 leaves of Calendar in facsimile, 2 or 3 leaves mended,
some headlines cut into, otherwise a good copy, sold with
all faults), purple morocco gilt, gilt edges, a rare edition.
igitized by Google
Imfrynted at Newgate Market by R. Jugge, 1575, 4to.
{683) QuariUk, li
[The seventh edition of the Bishoji's version. The Initial
Letter of the first chapter of Genesis discloses Archbishop
Parker's arms and the date 1570.— Ed.]
526 Bible. The HolyBible(K. James's). withSpeed's Genealogies,
and the Whole Booke of Psalmes in Metre, with apt
notes, roman letter (the O. T. has 3 titles, one with engraved
and the other with woodcut border), in i vol., old English
blue morocco gilt, gilt edges, R. Barker and Stat. Co., 1612,
4to. (684) Magg!, £2 4S.
[The first edition in quarto of the Authorized Version. —
517 Bible. The Books of the Old Testament, translated into Irish
hf the Care and Diligence of Bp. W. Bedel, first edition of
toe Bible in Irish, blue morocco, gilt edges. Printed at
London, 1685, 4to. (697) Edwards, £j 3s.
Sj8 Bible. The Holy Bible (King James's), the edition known as
the " Vinegar" Bible, from the misprint in the headline to
the Parable of the Vineyard, engraved frontispiece and fine
large copperplate vi^ette by Du Boic, woodcut initials, old
English morocco gilt, gilt edges, Oxford, J. Baskett, 1717,
imperial folio (1C55) Ridler, £\ 18s.
519 Bible. Biblift Sacra Germanica. Der Deutsche Bibel, lit. goth.,
double columns (ccccclxxxiii leaves without marks), nume-
rous woodcuts carefully coloured by hand, 2 vol. in i, morocco
extra, gilt edges, fine copy, Niirnberg, Ant. Koburger 1483,
folio (76s) W. Brown, ^£34
[The ninth edition of the Bible in German, and the first
printed at Nuremberg. The woodcuts are the same as
those used in the Low Saxon version of Cologne, 1480. In
this version the temptation of Joseph is attributed to
Pharaoh's (not Potiphar's) wife. — Ca/aioj:'"-]
530 Bible. The Bible, that is, the Holy Scripture of the Old and
New Testament, faithfully and truly translated out of
Douche and Latyn into Englishe (by Miles Coverdale), blach
UUcT, fine woodcut titles, map and numerous woodcuts and
ornamental initials, purple morocco extra, joints, vellum fly-
ifVXXXy., and fynished the fourth dt^e of October
{Antwerp, facob Van Meteren), folio (767) Sotkeran, j£88
[The first edition of the Bible in English and excessively
rare, no absolutely perfect copy being known. This copy
had the following defects r Title, first leaf of dedication, first
9 leaves of Genesis, half of the map, last 6 leaves and per-
haps one or two others in facsimile ; several leaves washed,
mended, and margins cut into j facsimiles of the second
(1553) title (with the date in laige figures), and of the title
dated 1 536, as well as of the leaf " To the reader " (in Ant-
werp type) from the Earl of Leicester's copy, inserted. —
531 Bible. The Byble . . . truly and purely translated into Eng-
lysh by Thomas Matthew, bluh Utter, numerous woodcuts
igitized by Google
(wanted the large cut of Adam and Eve before Genesis, all
the preliminary leaves, the words of the N. T. title and table
at end in facsimile, first leaf of Genesis partly facsimile,
some margins cut into, otherwise an excellent copy, sold
with all faults), half bound. To the honoure and prayie of
God was this Byble prynled and fynessked in the Yere of
Oure LordGodisyj, folio (768) Buii, £iz
[The rare ediiionbyjohn Rogers, the first martyr in Queen
Mary's reign, supposed to have been printed at Antwerp by
Jacob Van Meteren, and published by Grafton and Whit-
church. Copies are verj^ seldom found perfect.^Cafii/o^Mf.l
532 Bible. The Byble. whych is all the hoiy Scripture, truelye and
Eurely translated into English by Thomas Matthewe, 1537,
Utch litter, woodcut lilies in compartments (first title and
last leaf inlaid, margins of many leaves in N. T. cut into,
but generally a sound copy, with ail the preliminaries, sold
with all faults), Wm. Hyl! and Thos. Reynaldes, Oct., 1549,
folio (769) SolAeran, ^14
[The second edition of Matthew's translation, revised by
G. Becke. It has, like the 1537 edition, the "Bugges '
reading in Psalm xci. 5. The 'Three Witnesses" in St
John's Epistle is printed in two types. — Caealogue.'\
le. The Byble . . . truly and purely translated into
English, and nowe lately with great industry rccognyied
(Matthew's), with Prologues, Annotations and Exposicions
of harde places, etc., bUcIt Idttr, woodcut titles and orna-
mental initials (first title and 2 leaves of Kalendar in fac-
simile, margins of other leaves of Kalendar and several in
Revelation mended, otherwise a good copy), sold with all
faults, morocco gilt, gilt edges, T. Petyt (at end Nic. Hyll),
iSSi, folio {770) Bull, £7 15s.
534 Bible. The Byble . . . truly and purely traslated into English,
and nowe lately with ^reat industry and diligece recognised,
bUck Itftcr, woodcut title and woodcuts in the text (first title
partly inlaid, maig:ins of preliminary leaves mended, last leaf
mended, otherwise a sound, genuine, and uncommonly eood
copy), old calf. Day and Seres, 1549, ;rw«. .^k^j/, folio (771)
[Matthews' version, revised bv E. Becke, with Tyndale's
Prologues to the N. T. A rare edition. It has the "Bugges"
reading in Psalm xcL v. An inscription, " Be me Eusabie
Slatson Roper," in the margin of folio Ixii of the second
part. — Catalogue^
535 Bible. Fry (Fr.) Description of the Great Bible, 1538, etc.,
illustrated by facsimiles and original leaves, half morocco,
1865. folio (772) Quaritch, £% i6s.
536 Bible. The Byble in Englysbe, that is to saye the Content of
alt the holy Scripture , . . truly translated after the veryte
of the Hebrue and Greek Textes by ye dylygent studyc of
dyverse excellent learned men, etc., oUck Ictttr, fine woodcut
titles in compartments and numerous woodcuts (first title
and preliminary leaves in facsimile, title to the Apocrypha
mounted, several leases in Genesis and after folio ixv in
igitized by Google
N. T, defective and mended, otherwise large and sound, sold
with all faults), morocco gilt, gilt edges, Prynled fy Rychatd
Grafton^ Edw. IVhiUAureh, 1539, folio (773) fiwtf,j£i9 ros.
t First edition of the Great, or Cranmer's, or Cromwell's
lie. It was bein^ printed in Paris by Fr. Regnault, under
Coverdale's supervisiou, when the work was interrupted \>y
the Inquisitors, and in conseauence finished in London. It
has the reading Pharaoh's wife for Potipbar's in the heaiding
to Gen. Toaa-t.^Caialogue-l
537 Bible. The Byble in Englyshe . . . truly translated aAer the
Veryte of the Hebrue and Greke, by the diligent studye of
dyvers excellent lemed men . . . with a table to fynde the
Epystles and Gospels, after Salysbuiy Use. bl«cli ttttn,
woodcut titles (the first mended and mounted, the 3 leaves
of Kalendar, etc, and last 3 leaves of N. T. in facsimile, leaf
in Apocrypha defective, several margins mended, otherwise
a feirlygood copy, sold with all faults), morocco gill, gilt
edges, £ Petyt and R. Redman/or T. BerthtUt, April, 1 540,
folio (77I) Bull, i-io
[Second edition of the Great or Cromwell's Bible. Has
the reading Pharaoh's wife for Potiphar's in beading to
Cen. xxxix. — Catalogue.^
53S Bible. The Byble in Englysbe . . . with a prologe thereinto
made by the reverende father in God Thomas Archbysshop
of Canterbury. This is the Byble apoynted to the use of
the Churches, filacli Utlcr, fine woodcut titles in compart-
ments, woodcuts and ornamental initials, first title inlaid, a
few margins shaved and slightly mended, otherwise a sound,
genuine, and perfect copy, morocco extra, with blind stamped
ornaments, vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges by Riviere, Prynled
by Richard Gra/lon,/ynisshed in April, 1540, folio (775)
QuaritcA, ^40
[The second edition of the "Great Bible," and the first
with Cranmer's preface. Very rare and an unusually fine
copy. It has also the reading Pharaoh's wife for Potiphar's
in neading to Gen. xxxix. — Catalogve.]
539 Bible. The Byble in Englyshe of the largest and greatest
Volume (Cranmer), auctorysed and appoynted by the Com-
maundementeof Dure moost redoubted Prince and Sovereign
Lorde Kynge Henrye the VIII. to be frequented and used m
every Chnrche, oversene and pemsed by Cuthbert (Too stall)
Bysbop of Duresme and Nicholas (Heath) Bishop of
Rochester, filatk Icttn, woodcut titles, woodcuts and initials
(first and second titles, first leaf of Prologue, and last leaf
in fecsimile, Kalendar much mended, margins of a few
leaves mended, otherwise a very raod copy, with a certificate
(rf F. Fry, sold with all faults), oaken boards, stamped
leather, E. Whitchurch, /wjAerf in November, 1540, folio
(776) Sotheran, £y>
[The fourth edition of the Great or Cranmer's Bible. The
arms of Lord Cromwell erased itomiMts.— Catalogue.]
540 Bible. The Byble in Englishe . . . after the translacion
appoynted to bee read in Uie Churches, blAck Ittttr, woodcut
igitized by Google
titles and omamenial initials (comer of first title mended,
some side margins cut into, othcTwise perfect and an ex-
cellent copy), morocco, gilt edges, Edw. Whitchurche, 1549,
Dee. 29, folio (777) Leigktoft,C^\
[A jiortion of tiiis Bible was probably printed abroad, or
set up here from foreifpi types. It seems to have been in-
tended for a companion to the Reformation Prayer-bo<ric
issued the same year, as it contains the Psalms which are
absent from the Prayer-book. — Ed.J
541 Bible. The B^ble in English . . . accordyng to the transiatio
that is apfiomted to be read in Churches, olach litter, wood-
cut titles and initials (first title and first of Genesis mended,
"Names of al the Rokes" and last leaf of Revelation in
fecsimile, some margins cut into, but a good copy generally),
morocco extra, gilt edges, E, Whytchurche, 1553, folio (778)
Bull. /.S 1 5s.
iThe last folio edition of the Great Bible printed by
ward Whjrtchurche.— Ed.]
541 Bible. The bible in Englisbe . . . according to the Transla-
tion that is appointed to be read in Churches (Cranmer's)
blach ItttCT, 2 woodcut titles, full-page woodcut of Adam and
Eve in Paradise, and many small woodcuts in the text (title
mended and mounted, 2 leaves of Kalendar wrongly placed
within the Prologue, 2 leaves in Psalms slightly defective,
otherwise a good copy, sold with all faults, o\d cdif, fmpriateti
in White Crosse Strete, by Wm. Harrison, 1 567, folio (779)
Bull, li 7S. 6d.
543 Bible. The Bible in Englyshe of the largest and greatest
Volume , . , according to the translation appointed by the
Sueenes Majesties Injunction to be read in all Churches,
Mk Ittttr, sub-titles (3) within woodcut borders in com-
partments of biblical subjects, with initials J. M. (Jehan
Mallart), O. T. title, next leaf and last 3 leaves of N. T. in
facsimile, leaf in Calendar defective and mended, margins
of preliminary leaves mended, otherwise a very large, sound
ana excellent copy, with all faults), morocco gilt, antique
style, gilt edges by RiviSre, Rouen, at the Coste and Charges
of Richard Carmardm, 1566, folio (7^0) Ridler, £\o ijs.
[A rare edition of Cranmer's Bible, with the Order for
Morning and Evening Prayer ; seldom found perfect. —
J44 Bible. The Most Sacred Bible, which is the holy scripture . . ,
translated into English, and newly recognised with great
diligence after most faythful Exemplais by Richard
Tavemer, black Irtttr, woodcut initials (title, next leaf and
5 leaves at end in facsimile, leaf of " Names of the Bokes"
much mended, signature K in N. T. missing, as in all copies,
otherwise in sound, genuine, and most excellent condition,
brown morocco, with blind stamped ornaments, gilt edges by
Ramage, Prynted by John Byddelifor Thomas Bartklel (sic),
1539, fol'" (781) gft/iritch, £%7 los.
[Tavemer's First Edition. Another edition appeared tbe
same year, but in 4ta Tavemer died in the vear 1575, at
igitized by Google
the age of 70. He graduated at Benet College, Cambrii^,
and subsequently migrated to Oxford. He afterwards joined
the Inner Temple.— Ed.]
$45 Bible. The Bible (Genevan or "Breeches") translated accord-
ing to the Ebrew and Greeke, with most profitable annota-
tions (and Two Tables) whereunto is added the Psalter of
theCommoD Translation agreeing with the Booke of Common
Prayer ; and the Booke of Common Prayer, bl.itit Utttr
(one version of the Psalms in roman), the leaf before the
title and the title mounted, otherwise a most excellent copy
of a rare edition, calf, with old sides inlaid, gilt edges,
C. Barker, 1578, folio (782) QuariUh, £7 us. 6d.
[The Common Prayer in this volume is a peculiar, re-
markable, and very rare edition, having alteration in the
Rubrics supposed to have been made under Puritan direc-
tion. (See Clay's reprint for the Parker Society.)— Co/d-
546 Bible. The Bible and Holy Scriptures . . . translated accord-
ing to the Ebrue and Greke, with most profitable .Annota-
tions (Genevan or "Breeches"), first title in ^simile
(margins of preliminary leaves and some at end mended,
with all faults), morocco gilt, gilt edges, Edt'tiiurgA, A.
Artjuthnot, 1579 (N. T,, T. Bassandyne, 1576), folio (783)
£llis, jfio
[The first edition of the Bible printed in Scotland. The
Bassandyne Bible.— Ed,]
547 Bible. The Bible . . . translated according to the Ebrew
and Greeke (Genevan or " Breeches "), with most profitable
annotations, and t-'o Tables, roman letter, maps and wood-
cuts, C. Barker, 1582 — Booke of Common Prayer, with the
Psalter after the Great Bible, blatb Uttn, woodcut initials
(title soiled), C. Barker, 1581— Whole Booke of Psalmes in
Metre, with apt Notes, buck Utttt, J. Day, ijSo, in I vol.,
vellum, silver comers, etc, folio (784) Su/l, £i as. 6d.
548 Bible. The Bible, translated according to the Ebrew and
Greeke, with most profitable Annotations, with Two Tables,
etc (Genevan or '' Breeches "), black Itttn, fine woodcut
titles and ornamental initials, and large plate of Adam and
Eve in Paradise, bound in 2 vol., old calf, C. Barker, 1583,
folio (78s) Ridler, £2 los.
(49 Bible. The Bible . . . translated according to the Ebrew
and Greeke . . . with most profitable annotations (Genevan
or " Breeches "), with Two Tables, ruled in red, Ediniur^h,
And, Hart, i6io — Whole Booke of Psalmes in English
Meeter by Sternhold and others, with apt notes, ruled in
red, Ltmd. Stat. Co., 1609, in 1 vol., old English morocco,
with blind and gilt ornaments, folio (786) W. Brown, £^ tos.
550 Bible. The Bible . . . tmnslaied according 10 the Hebrew
and Greek, with most profitable annotations (Genevan or
"Breeches "), margins of 2 or 3 leaves mended, calf gilt,
m. e., AmsL, T. Stafford, 1640, according to tht copy printed
at Etiiniurek by A.Hart, 1610, ioiio (jSy) W. BroTim, £2 bs.
551 Bible. The Bible: that is the Holy Scriptures contained in
igitized by Google
the Old and New Testament (Genevan or " Breeches" and
Tomson), with most profitable annotations ; Speed's Genea-
levies and Two Tables, woodcut title (comer mended), and
woodcuts, red morocco gilt, gilt edges, R. Barker, 1616, folio
(789) Ma^, ^i as.
[The last folio edition of the " Breeches" version printed
in 'E.a^aaA.^Catalogue.']
552 Bible. The Holie Bible, hlatli Ittttr, woodcut title, containing
portrait of Queen Elizabeth within ornamental border, por-
traits of the Earl of Leicester on title of second part, and
Cecil Lord Burleigh at the beginning of the I'salms, numerous
fine woodcuts within borders, ornamental and other initials
(Leda and swan, etc.), title backed and slightly mended, oak
boards, morocco extra, joints, vellum, fly-leaves, gilt edges,
R. Jugge, 1568, folio (790) Bad^, ^29
[First edition of the Bishops' Bible, and an exceptionally
fine and perfect copy, very rarely found in such condition.
A certificate as to periectness and genuineness by Francis
Fry inserted. ^Cato/ofuf.]
;;3 Bible. The HoIieBiblcblatli l(ttir,{>ortraitofQueenElizabeth
on first title, that of the Earl of Leicester on the second, and
Lord Burleigh on the third, map, woodcuts, and woodcut
initials of classical subjects (Leda and swan, etc.), title and
last leaf inlaid and portions supplied in MS., leaf after title
mended, margins of map and of a few leaves of text mended),
otherwise a complete, sound, and genuine copy, morocco
extra, g, e., R. Jugpe, 1572, folio (791) Sotkeran, £ii 10s.
[The second folio edition of the Bishops' Bible. A note
<rf Francis Fry certifying the genuineness of the copy
throughout maie.ntd.^CatalogueJ\
554 Bible. The Holy Bible, containing the Old Testament and
the New, authorised and appointed to be read in Churches
(The Bishops'), black ittltr, woodcut titles (that to the O. T.
mended and backed), morocco extra, gilt edges by Tuckett,
fine copy, R, Barker, 1602, folio (792) Solhtran., £7
[This edition probably formed the model of the 1611
edition of the Authorized Version. — Catalogue.']
555 Bible. The Holy Bible, newly translated out of the Original
Tongues, first edition of K. James' or the Authorized Version,
with Genealogies, etc, woodcut titles, russia,R. Barker, 161 1,
folio (793) Sotkeran, £1^
[A fine sound copy, genuine throughout, see MS. note by
F. Try inserted. It has the " He" reading in Ruth, and the
duplicated passage in Exod. xiv. 10. — Catalogue.]
556 Bible. The Holy Bible, newly translated out of the Original
Greek, etc. {iC James's), Math Utttt, engraved title dated
1611, woodcut title, 1613 (both mended), with genealogies,
map, etc, morocco extra, gilt edges, fine copy, 1611-13, folio
(794) Sotherart, £Z los.
[The second issue of the first edition of the Authorized
Version, with the " She " reading in Ruth iii. A certificate
from Francis Fry as to the genuineness and completeness of
this copy pasted in cover. — Cataiogue.]
igitized by Google
557 Bible (Holy) translated out of the Original Tongues, large
PAPER (25 cApies printed), 2 vol., morocco cxtni, gilt edges.
Edinburgh, Sir D, Hunter Blair and J. Bruce, 181 1, 8vo.
{263) Hopkins, U 10s.
[This edition is one of the two mentioned before the Bible
Patent Committee as more nearly approachine immaculate-
ness than any other in existence.— Cato/ofM*. J
558 Bible. The Speaker's Commentary on the Holy Bible, by
Bishops and other Clergy, edited by Canon Cook, 10 voL
in 1 1, J. Murray, 1871-81, 8vo. (265) Bull, £^ 2a. 6d.
559 Bible Illustrations. Figure del Vecchio Testamento, con
Versi Toscani per D. Marafli, first edition with Italian
verses, numerous woodcuts by Lc Petit Bernard, Liane, J. de
Toumes, 1554 — Figure del Nuovo Testamento con versi
Italian da Marafii, fine woodcuts by J. Moni, 16., 1559 —
Figures de la Bible (et du Nouvcau Testament) illustree de
huictains frangoys, first edition, numerous fine woodcuts by
J. Moni, Lyon, G. Roville, i;6s-7o, in i voL, morocco gilt,
with autograph and MS. note by Sir Joshua Reynolds, and
signature of "J. Stella Pictore Francesc, 1632,'' at the end
of the Italian part, 8vo. (267) Ma^, £$ ^s,
j6o Bibliothecs Regime Catalogus (per Fr. A. Bamartl), portraits
of George III. and Barnard, 5 vol., half morocco, t. e. g^
uncut, Bulmer and Nicol, iS30-2i,{o[io {io$g) Ridler, £1 13s.
561 Bibliotheca Grenvilliana. Bibliographical Notices of the
Library of the Rt. Hon. Thos. Grenville, by J. T. Payne and
H. Foss, 4 vol., 1842-72, 8vo. (269) £1/11, £2 los.
562 Bie (Jacques de). Les Vrais portraits des Rois de France
tirei de leurs Monumens, Sceaux, Medailles, ou autres
efligies, seconde Edition, augment^ avec des Vies des Rois
pai H. dc Coste, large paper, frontispiece and portraits,
vellum, Paris, Camusat, 1636, folio (1060) Maggs, £1 10$.
563 Bigmore (F. C.) and C. W. H. Wyman. A Bibliography of
Printing, numerous facsimiles, 250 copies printed, 2 vol.,
half morocco, L e. g., i8So-86, 410. (703) Quaritck, £i
564 Billings (R. W.) Baronial and Ecclesiastical Antiquities of
Scotland, 4 vol., cloth gilt, 1852, 4to. (703) Rimell, £} 14s.
365 Bindings. Album de Reliures Artistioues et Histonques,
accompagn^ de notes explicatives par le Bibliophile Julien,
72 fine facsimiles of superb bindings, 2 vol., half morocco
gilt, t. e. g., Paris, 1869-71, royal 4to. (705) W. Brown, £1 2s,
566 Bisset (And.) Omitted Chapters in the History of England,
Struggle for Parliamentary Government, and Essays on
Historical Truth, 5 vol., 1864-77, 8vo. (276) Sotkeran, £\ 17s.
567 Black Book of Taymouth (The) with Other Papers from the
Breadalbane Charter-Room, printed by the Marquis of
Breadalbane for private circulation, coloured fiicsimile plates,
view, etc., Edinburgh, 1855, 4'°- (???) LeigktoH, £5 15*.
565 Blackwood (Adam). Adversus Georgii Buchanani Dialogorum
de Jure Regni apud Scotos pro Regibus Apologia, first
edition, old calf, Pietavis, F. Pagaeus, 1581, 4to. (710)
EUis, £1 los.
igitized by Google
569 Blades (Wm.) Life and Typography of William CaxtoD,
numerous facsimiles, 2 vol., half bound, 1. Lilly, 1861-63, 4to-
(710 Quaritch,li
570 Book' lilumiDation (Examples of the Art ofj, duriag- the Middle
Ages, etc., reproduced in facsimile, 100 chromo-lithographs,
complete senes, in i vol., morocco extra, line tooled gilt
edges by Zaehosdorf, B. Quaritch, 1889, 4to. (716)
Ui^kton, £», 15s.
571 Brandt (Seb,) Stuitifera Navis. Narragonici Profectionis
Dunquam satis laudata Navis, per Jac. Locher in latinum
traducta, numerous spirited woodcuts, vellum, Basil., J. B.
de Olpe, 1497, Kl. Aug.^ 4to. (732) Lei^klon, ^5 17s. 6d.
572 [Branteghem (Guil. de).] Jesu Christ! Vita, juxta quatuor
Evangel istarum Narrationes, aitificio graphices pcrquam
eleganter picta, una cum totius anni Evangeliis ac Epistolis,
etc., numerous woodcuts, first initial illuminated, a few
leaves slightly stained, margin of first leaf of text mended,
otherwise an excellent copy, old morocco, gilt edges, Antvi.,
Matt Cromme, 1537, 8vo. (302) Quaritek, £i 155.
[Many of the woodcuts in this volume are the same as
those found in Crom's editions of Coverdale's New Testament
issued at Antwerp, 1538 and 1 539,— Ca/ii/o.f«^.]
573 Breviarium Romanum (Editio Card. Quignonis) denuo per
eundem accuratius recognitus (cum Prefatione ad Paulum
Papam III.), red and bUck, inner margins of title and next
leaf mended, old calf, gilt edges, Luffd., A. Paganus. 1346,
8vo. (305) Eliis, £2
J74 Breviarium. The Ronian Breviary, translated by John,
Marquess of Bute, 2 vol., i879,8vo. {307)/^. Jl/. -S'mi'/A, ;£3 3s.
575 British Gallery of Contemporary Portraits, with Short
Bic^raphical Noiices, 120 portraits, 2 vol., half morocco,
t. e. g., Cadell and Davies, 1813, folio (1066) Maurice, £4 13s.
576 [Bruce (Jas.)] Report on the Events and Circumstajices
which produced the Union of the Kingdoms of England and
Scotland (with Appendix), privately printed for the use of
Ministers only, autograph note of the Duke of Portland to
Sir G. Comewall inserted, 2 vol., half bound, uncut, 1799,
8vo. (325) EiJis, £1 los.
577 Brunet (J. Ch.) Manuel du Libraire et de I'Amateur de
Livres, $« edition, avcc le Supplement par Deschamps et
G. Brunet et Dictionnaire de Gfographie \ I'Usage du
Libraire, 9 vol., half morocco gih, t. e. g., Paris, 1860-80,
royal 8vo. (320) Eilis, £<) Js.
578 Buchanan (Geo.) Ane Admonition Direct to the trew Lordis
mantenaris of the Kingis Graces Authoritie M. G. B,, old
calf, G. Chalmers' Ex-Libris, /. Daye according to the Scotisk
Copie at Strivilyng by R. Leki " " - "
579 Buchanan (Gea) Ane Detectio:
Quene of Scottes touchand the murder of hir husband, and
hir conspiracie, adulterie and pretended Manage with the
Erie of Bothwell, translated, tiucit Icltn (title mended], old
calf [J. Daye, 1572], 8vo. (337) LHghton, £3 3s.
igitized by Google
580 Bacbanan (Geo.) De Jure Regni apud Scotos Dialogns,
edilio prima, signature of" Joseph de Farca" on title, vellum,
Edinburgh, Jo. Rosse ^ H. Chatteris, 1579, 4(o- (732)
W. Brown, £2
581 Buchanan (Geo.) Rerum Scoticanim Historia, first edition,
portrait by R. While inserted, vellum, Edinburgh, A. Arbuth-
not, 158a, folio (io?i) W. Brown, £a
5S3 Bulla. Bulla de Bene6ciis Affectis, lit goth., Roma, Jo.
Besicken, 1506— Bulla Julii II. Confinnatoria Bulle Sixti IV.
de Testando, lit. goth., 1307 — Bulla in Cena Domini, 1508 —
Bulla Uedarationis ibcursus Censuranim cl Penarum Con>
tentanim, in Bulla Privationis Alfonsi Estensis, i^io — Bulla
Reformation is Tribunalium Urbis a Julio II. edita, ijiz —
Bulla Officii Cubiculaiionun et Scutiferanim Apostolicorum
Leonis X., i ; i ^ — Bulla super Societatibus Officionun
Romanorum Curiae Leonis X. [last leaf defective), 1515 —
Bulla Potestate testandi, etc., Leonis X., 1516— Bulla
Leonis X. Privilegiorum Franconim Regi et Galice Nationi
loco pragmatice Sanctlonis concessoium in Lateran- Concilia
approljata, 1516 — Bulla Erectionis Montis fidei et illius
Colte^ii, 153&— Bulla Erectionis Officii Dominorum Militii
Sancn Petri, Romae, A. Bladus, i$26 — Bulla ColIe([ii
Miliium Lauretanorum per Paulum III. in Provincise
Marchia; instituti, etc., ib., 1^45— Bulla Pii IV. super Rcfor-
maiione Tribunalium Ordinariorum Urbis et Romans
Curix, etc., Brixia:, 1563— Bulla Pii V. pro Refonnatione
Ord. Fratr. Er«m. S. Augustini, Perusia, 1570 — Bulla
ManasCerii S. Manx Magdalenx, Ord. S. Au^ustini Con-
vertitanim de Urbe, Roma, 1573— Erectio Arcbiepiscopatus
Bonon. facta a Gregorio XIII., anno 1582, Baium., and
others (in all 24 pieces), in t vol., russia gilt, 1506-73, 4to.
(736) Leighton, lb 6s.
583 ItuUinger (Henry). An Exhortation to the Ministers of God's
Woord in the Church of Christ that they set aside all
mutual! discord, etc., translated into English by John Cox,
fir^t edition, black \tWxx (title backed), morocco, centre nit
ornament, gilt edges by Riviiie, E. Allde, 1575, Svo. (344)
Q^u^tch, £3
584 [Burleigh (Wm. Cecil, Lord).] A Declaration of the fevour-
able Dealing of her Maiesties Commissioners apfiointed for
the examination of Certaine Traitours, and of tortures
unjustly reported to be done upoo them for matters of
refigion, blccli kttn (4 leaves), top margins mended, vellum
gill, clean copy, No place or printer's name, 1 583, 410. (739)
W. Brown, £1 los.
j8$ Burnet (Bp. G.) History of the Reformation, new edition, by
Nich, Pocock, 7 vol., calf gilt, y. e., Oxford, 1865, Svo. (353)
Britwill, £\ 16s.
386 Bums (Robert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, the
rare original Kilmarnock edition (split in title and 3 other
leaves, and a small hole in A i, mended), morocco extra,
gilt edges, bound by W. Pratt, Kilmarnock, printed by John
Wilson, 1786, Svo. (334) Sotheran, £77
igitized by Google
587 Burns (Robert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect, first
issue of the first Edinburgh edition, with portrait and balf-
tille (top of title mended}, morocco extra, gilt edges, Edin-
burgh, pHttied for the Author, 1787, Svo. (355)
Hichardson, £z 10s.
588 Bums (Robert). Letters addressed to Clarinda, etc., never
before published, calf extra, gilt edges by Riviere, Glasgow,
for T. Stewart. 1802, 8vo. (356) Denham, £1 12s.
589 Bums (Robert). Festival in Commemoration of Robert Bums,
held in London June 5, 1819, portiaits of Bums and the Duke
of Sussex, and 19 other portraits, chiefly of Scottish Poets,
inserted, half calf, B. McMillan, 1819, 3vo. [358}
J/opkiru, £1 17s.
590 Bums (Robert). Views Illustrative of the Works of Robert
Bums, by Storer and Greig, piates, 1803 — A Critique on the
Poems of Rob. Bums, portrait and plates, Edinburgh, 1812
— Heron (R.) Memoirs of R. Bums, li., 1797 — Bibliotheca
Bumsiana, Kilmamoek, McKie, 1866— Lockhart (J. G.)
Life of Bums, portrait, half morocco, 1838, 8vo. (359)
Berpard, ^I 16s.
591 Bums (Robert). Works, edited with Introduction by Scott
Douglas, LARGE PAPEK, with portrait and engravings,
India proofs before all letters, yellow cloth, uncut, Edin-
burgh, W. Paterson, 1877, 410. (742) Doi^, £1 i8s.
592 Burton (J. H.) The History of Scotland from Agricola's In-
vasion to the Revolution of 1688, and to 1748.9 vol., half
calf gilt, m. e., Blackwood, 1867 ; Longmans, 1853, 8vo.
(362) IV. Brown, £^ ^s.
593 Burton (Robert). The Anatomy of Melancholy, first edition
(title and last 4 leaves mended), morocco extra by Lewis,
Oxford, 1621, 4to. (74S) Tregaskis, £11 5s.
594 [Caldcrwood (David).] The Altar of Damascus, or the Pattern
of the English Hierarchie,andChurch-Policie obtruded upon
the Church of Scotland, first edition, calf gilt, J^o plate or
printer's name,anm> 1621, 8vo. (521) Richardson, £\
595 Calvin (John). Christians Religionis Institutio, edilio prima
Latina, old calf, with initials W. M. (Sir Wm. Mure), whose
signature Co an inscription is on fly-leaf), Basil., T. Platter
et B. Lasius, 1536, 8vo.(52S) Quaritch, £11 los.
596 Calvin (John). Institutione della Retigione Christiana in
volgare Italiano tradotta per Giulio Cesare P. (Edizione
prima in lingua Italiana), with the scarce copperplate oval
portrait by P. Woeriot (slightly wormed), morocco gilt,
antique style, gilt edges by Bedford, Geneva, J. Burgese,
etc., I5j7, 8vo. (526) Ridter, £1 los.
597 Calvin (John). An Abridgement of the Institution of Chris-
tianity and Religion, by Wm. Lawne, translated out of
Latine by Chr. Fetherstone (some margins shaved, last leaf
of table mended), old calf. Printed at Edinburgh {no name),
1587, 8vo. (527) Ellis, £1 15s,
598 Calvin ^ohn). An Abridgement of the Institution of Christian
Religion, by Wm. Lawne, translated by Chr. Fetherstone
(stained, margins cut into), calf, Printed at Edinburgh, is86
igitized by Google
— Histoire de la Vic, Mreurs, Actes, etc., dc Jean Calvin,
recueills par H. Hermes Bolset, premiere ^ition, vellum,
Farts, G. Mallot, 1577, 8vo. {528) Ellis, £2 los.
599 Calvin (John), Opera Omnia, 9 vol., Amslerdam, 1671-67,
folio (1077) Edwards, £2 I3s.
600 Calvin (John). The Catechistne, or maner to teache Children
the Christen Region {sic) (with Prayers, Confession of Faith,
etc), black Ictta, morocco, gilt edges, fine copy, the first
edition of Calvin's Catechism for Children in English,
Jhon Kingston for H. Sanderson, 1 560, Bvo. (533)
QuariUh, £\o los.
601 Calvin (John). Defisnsio Orthodoxas Fidei de Sacra Trinitate,
contra prodigiosos Errorea Michxlis Serveti Hispani, editio
prima, red morocco extra, inside denteiles, gilt edges by
Hardy, fine copy (Aw/.), Oliva R. Stephani, 1554, 8vo. (536)
Maggs, I2 14s.
603 Calvin (John). The Mynde of the Godly and excellent lemed
man M. Jbon Calvyne, what a faithfiit! man, whiche is in-
stmctein the Wordenf God, ought to do, dwellinge amongest
the Papistes (translated by R. J.), black Itttcr, title within
woodcut border, old calf gilt, fine large and clean copy.
Imprinted at Ippysiviche by Jkon Os-wen, 1^48, 8vo. (S40)
Ellis, £\o 10s.
603 Calvin (John). A Little Booke,concemynge OfTenceSj whereby
at this daye divers arc feared, and many also quight with-
drawen from the pure doctrine of the Gospell, translated by
A. Goldinge, hHA Itttor, calf antique, r. e., A'o place, date,
or printer's name (1567), 8vo. (541) W. Brown, £l los.
604 Calvin Society's Publications, 48 vol. (wanted the Institutes
and Commentary on the Romans to complete), i843-5j,8vo.
(542) Britweil, £z 8s.
605 Campbell (John, Lord). Lives of the Lord Chancellors, in-
cluding Lyndhurst and Broughajn; and Lives of the Chief
Justices, 1 1 vol., 1849-69, 8vo. (544) Roche, £1 16s.
606 Canons and Constitutions Ecclesiastical, gathered and put in
forme for the Government of the Church of Scotland, original
edition, morocco gilt, Aberdene, 1636, 4(0. (759)
Leigkton,£S i3s.6d.
607 Cadyle (Thos.) Miscellaneous Essays and Cromwell's Letters
and Speeches, Library Edition, portraits, ti vol., 1869-70,
8vo. (552) Maggs, £1 igs.
60S Cartwright (Thos.) The Answere to the Preface of the Rhemis
Testament, toman letter, title within woodcut border, large
copy, red morocco, with richly eilt tooled panellings, broad
inside borders, gilt edges, EdiniurgA, R. Waldegravc, 1602,
8vo. (560) Leighton, £2 16s.
609 Carve (Thom., "Tipperariensis"). Itinerarium, Partes 1. et II.,
2 vol., ted morocco gilt, gilt edges, J^ogunt., N. Heyell,
1639-41, 8vo. (562) Leighton, £1 16s.
610 Castlereagh (Viscount). Memoir and Correspondence, edited
by his brother, portrait, 12 vol., imcut, Coibum and Murray,
1850-53, 8vo. (564) Carr,jun., £1 10a.
igitized by Google —
6ii Catcchi-m. Short Questions and Answeares, conteyning the
Summe of Christian Religion, black Itttti, calf extra, gilt
edges by F, Bedford, fine copy, JmprittU'tat the three Cranes
in the Vintrse by T. Dawson, 1584, Svo. (572) Afagpi, ^i 8s.
61 2 Catechisms. Leech (jas.) A plaine and profitable Catechisme
with ceitaine prayers adjoyncd, meete for Patents and
Householders to leach their Children and Servants, Camb ,
John LegBt. 1605 — Littleton (Edm., of Sitiingboume, in
Kent). A Briefe Catechisme, containing the Summe of the
Gospell of Jesus Christ, G. Purslomefrr S. Stafford^ i6i6—
The Mother and the Child, in a little Catechisme to teach
little Children the Principles of the Christian Religion, by
H. S.. bl«(li Ittttr (niargins frayed).'^or B. Fisher, 1638—
Ratliffe (Thos., Minister of Saint Saveries, in Southwarice).
A Short Summe of the Whole Catechism for the greater cure
of the Common People and Children of Saint Saveries, in
Southwarke, blatfi Irtttr, C. Ailde for H. Gerson, 1620—
Preston (Rich., of Rushden, Nonhants). Short Questions
and Answers plainly openini; the nature and use of the
Sacraments of Baptisme and the Lord's Supper, N. O.for
J. Bellamine, 1621— Mayer's Catechisme Abndged, or the
ABC in1ar)>ed, black Itttcr (soiled, poor copy), J. Gritmond,
1623— '1 he Maine Grounds of Religion (margins cut into),
W. Jones, 1630— Linaker (Rob.) A Short Catechisme, or
Cordiall Preservative for Little Children against Popery and
Acbeisme, black Ultnr (wanted end), VV. Leake, 1610 — A
Methodical Short Catechisme, B. A. frr T. Man, 1623 — A
Catechisme Composed according to the Order of the
Catechisme in the Common Prayer Booke, by M. N., B. D.,
P. P. (some margins shaved), R. V. for J. Boier, i6^r—
Openshaw (Rob., of Waymonc, Co. Dorset). Short Questions
and Answeares conteining the Summe of Christian Religion,
newly enlarged, black Uttrr, J. Dawson, 1633 — A Short
Ca tech is for Householders, with Praiers to the same
adjoyning, black kttcr, T. Cotes, 1634— Byfield (Adoniram).
The Summe of the Principles, Ja. Davison /or P, Stephens
and C. Meredith, 1637— Fenton (Edw.) So Short a Cate-
chisme that whosoever cannot or wil not leatne arc not in
any wise 10 be admitted to the Lord's Supper, newly cor-
rected, black Utttt, J. Dawson, 1641— The PastoHs Pasport
to the Vounger sort of Christians from the Font to the Com-
munion Table, the second time imprinted, Printed for the
author, 1646 — Sedgwick (Obadiah). A Short Catechisme,
being a briefe instruction of the most ignorant before receiv-
ing the Lord's Supper, black Irtfn, S. Bowtell, 1647— Hill
(Ur. Wm.) The first Principles of a Christian, Questions
and Answers, black Uiirt, n. d. — Jessey (H.) A Catechisme
for Babes or Little Ones, uncut, H. Hills, 1652, in I vol.,
with all Exults, contemporary calf; in new morocco slip case
(573) Quaritck, £33
[A collection of rare and interesting Private Catechisms-
— Catalogue.]
613 Cavalleriis (Jo. B. de). Ecclesiae Anglicanae Tropbaea, sive
igitized by Google
SanciDrum Martyrum moitem in Anglia Passiones per NJc.
Circiniaoum depictae, 41 plates including title (the last
^te mended}, calf gilt, gilt edges by F. Bedford, Romae,
B. Grassus, 1584, 4I0. (961) Maggs, £fi 1%. bd.
$14 Cavendish (^Geo.) Life of Cardinal Wolsey, and Metrical
Visions, with notes and other illustrations by S. W. Singer,
portrait and plates, 61 extra portraits and views, some on
India paper inserted, 3 vol. in I, half morocco gilt, gilt edges,
CImwick, 1815, 8vo, (579) Maggs, £,i 8s,
615 Celtic Ornaments of the Book of Kells {edited by T. K.
Abbott), 50 ^csimiles, 9 paits, uncut, Dublin and London,
1895, 4to. (964) y^ing, £2 3s.
616 Cervantes. Les Principales Avantures de TAdmiranle Don
Quicbotte, representees en fijjiures par Coypel, Picart le
Romain, etc., avec les Explications, 31 engravings, old
French citron morocco gilt, gilt edges, Lit Haye, P. de
Hondt, 1746, 4ta (966) Pearion,£i ijs.
617 Chap-dooks. Remarkable Papers written by Mr. Chr. Love,
who was beheaded on Tower Hill, Aug. zz, 1651, Edinburgh,
1763— The Remarkable Predictions of Mr. Chr. Love, etc,
Glasmw, 1801 — Account ot Christian Ker, who died at
Edinourah in the 14th year of her Age, Edinburgh, 1743 —
Life and Sufferings of John Welch of Ayr, ib., 1748— A
Testimony left by Mr. Samuel Rutherford to the Work of
Reformation in Britain and Ireland, Glasgow, 1785 — Visions,
Discoveries and Warnings revealed to John Porter, Edin-
burgh, 1780 — Wonderful Conferences between the Ghost of
Mr. Maxwell of Cool, and the Rev. Mr.' Ogilvie, Glasgow,
179s— Life and Prophecies of Alexander Peden, Edinburgh,
1801 — Life and Prophecies of Mr. Donald Cargill, GlaSf^ow,
1806, in I vol., half caif, Bvo. (59^) W. Brawn, £1 los.
61S Charles I. De Rebus Caroli Regis sub imperio Jacobi Mon-
tisrosarum-Marchiones, etc., 1644-46, Cescis Commentarius
(k Geo. Wiahart Episc), first edition, s. I., a.d. 1647— The
same, another edition, vellum, Amst., 1648 — History of the
Kings Majesties Affairs in Scotland under James Marquis
of Montrose, 1644-46, Haghe, G. Brown, n. d. — Anotner
Edition, portrait (damaged), 1660— and Another Edition,
17ZC1, 8vo. (594) Tregaskis, £2 2s.
619 Charies I. The Kings Majesties Declaration to his Subjects
concerning lawfull Sports to be Used, first edition, with the
blank leaf A, and the Original Order of the Commons for
the burning of the book by the Common Hangman in 1643
pasted on fly-leaf, R. Barker, i634^An Ordinance of the
Lords and Commons for the better observation of the Lords
Day, E. Husbands, 1644, in i vol., half calf gilt, 410. (971)
Pearson, £^ 8s.
[As to the burning of this re-issue of the Book of Sports
see Rusbworth's "Historical Collections," vol. ii., p. 317,
under date May 5, 1643.— Ed.]
620 Charles I. Eikon Basilike, portrait (mounted) and plate,
morocco, IVo place, a.d. 1648— Another Edition (no plate,
title mended) Reprinted in R. M., 1648 — Another Edition,
igitized by Google
plate (wanted portrait). No place, 1648— and Four other
Editions (most impeiiect, with all &.u1ts), Svo. (596)
Almack, £4 45.
621 Charles I. Eikon Basilikg. The Portraicture of his Sacred
Majestic in his Solitudes and Suflerin^ folding plate,
R. Koyston, 1649 — Reliquiae Sacrae Carolmae ; the Works
of Charles I., Hague, S. Browne, 1657, 2 vol., morocco plain,
gilt edges, Svo. (597) 6otkeran, £3 6s.
622 Charles 1. Tragicum Theatrum Actorum et Casuuin Tragi-
cornm Londini publice celebracorum, etc., 8 fine portraits,
and plate of the Execution of Charles I., morocco extra, gilt
edges by C. Lewis, fine copy (from C. R. Price's library),
Anui., J. Jansooius, 1649, Svo. (59S) JV. Brown, £1 1 is.
623 Charles Edward, the Young Pretender. A full collection of
all the Proclamations published by the Authority of Charles
Prince of Wales, since his Arrival in Edinburgh, Sept. 17
till Oct. 15, 174$, 3 parts, Glasgow, 1745-46— and other
Scarce Papers, consisting of Poems, Accounts of Marches
and Battles, Pamphlets, etc., all relating to the Young
Pretender, in 1 vol., calf, Bvo. (603) IV. Brown, £^ los.
614 Chaucer (Geoffrey). Canterbury Tales, with Essay, Notes,
Glossary, etc., portrait, 5 vol., uncut, W. Pickenng, 1822,
Svo. (607) Caale, £2
625 Cheke (Sir John). The Hurt of Sedition, how grievous it is to
a Commonwelth, now newly perused and printed, black
Ittltr, title within woodcut border, W. Seres, 1569 — Norton
(Thos.) A Warning against the dangerous practises of
Papistcs, and specially the parteners of the late Rebellion,
blachUttn (title in roman), Jo. Dayc, n. d. (1570), in i vol.,
old morocco, y. e., Svo. (609) Ridler, £2 i6s.
626 Chronicles and Memorials. Scotland. Chronicles of the Picts
and Scots, Historical Documents ia86-i^, and Ledger of
A. Halyburton, 1492-1503, together4 vol., half bound, Ediit-
burgh, 1867-70, imperial 8vo. {613) W. Brown, £1 14s.
627 Church Reform. The Answere of the Vicechancellor, the
Doctors, and other heads of Houses in the Universitie of
Oxford to the humble Petition of the Ministers of the Church
of England desiring Reformation of Certain Ceremonies and
Abuses, original edition, limp vellum, Oxford, J. Barnes,
1603, 4to. (980) Grieve, £1 los.
628 Cicero. Opera, cum optimis exemplaribus accurate collata,
editio Elieviriana, to vol., old morocco gill, gilt edges,
Ltigd. Bat., 1641, Svo. (617) RidJer, £1 9s.
629 Clarendon (Earl of). History of the Rebellion and Civil
Wars, with suppressed passages and unpublished notes ;
and Life and Continuation, 1 1 vol., tree-marbled calf gilt,
t e. g., Oxford, 1726-27, Svo. (610) Roche, ^3 6s.
630 Clark's Foreign Theological Library, 142 voL, all complete
works, Edinburgh, v. o., Svo, (624) Brilwell, £>)
631 Cochlaeus (Jo.) Pro Scotlse Regno Apologia, adversus Alexan-
drum Alesium, Scotum, ad Scotorum regem, title within fine
woodcut border, Lifs., M. Blum, 1534, 4to. (988) Cotton, £2
igitized by Google
632 Cochran- Patrick (R. W.) Records of the Coinage of Scotland,
from the eariiest period to the Union, 16 plates, z vol., half
moncco,t.ti. g; Edinburgh, iZyb, ^lo. {ggi) Hopkins, £i 12s,
633 Coleridge (S. T.) On the Constitution of Church and State,
fiist edition, blue morocco, gilt ed^es, presentation copy,
^ "To Lord Lyndhurst, etc., etc, this Work is respectfully
Submitted by the Author, S. T, Coleridge," Hurst, etc, 1830,
8vo. (633) Pearson, £2 3s.
634 Coligny. The Lyfe of the most godly, valeant and noble
Capteine and maintener of the trew Christian Religion in
France, Jasper Colignie Shatilion, sometyme Create Ad-
mirall of Frauncc, translated out of Latin by Arthur Golding,
bhttb UiXtx, ruled in red, device of anchor and motto
" Anchors Spei" on title, contemporary morocco gilt, with
device ol anchor and motto " Ammae Anchora Spes Viva,"
from Hebr. VI., on sides, Thos, Vautrollier, 1576, 8vo. (638)
Richardson, £\a
635 Collins (A.) Peerage of England, greatly augmented and
Continued to the Present Time by Sir £. Brydges, 9 vol.,
halfcalf gilt, m. e., 1812, 8vo. (641) Ridler, £i 17s.
636 Confession of Faith (The), and the Larger and Shorter Cate-
chisme, first agreed upon b^ the Assembly of Divines at
Westminster, and now appomted by the Generall Assembly
of the Kirk of Scotland to be a part of Uniformity of Reli-
S'on between the Kirks of Christ in the three Kingdomes
ome leaves sli^hdy soiled and margins cut close), green
morocco gilt, gilt edges, Amsterdeun, printed by Luice
Elzevir for Andrew Wilson, and are to be Sold at his Shop
in Edinoiirgh, 1649, 8vo. (64S) Richardson, £t]
[An excessively rare Elievir printed book, apparently
unknown to bibliographers. This was David Laing's copy,
and sold in his sale in 1879. — Catalogue. The book is
referred to in Slater's "Book Collecting" as the only
volume printed in English by the Elievirs. This copy
brought ^35 at the Laing Sale.^ED.]
637 Confession of Faith (The), and the Larger and Shorter Cate-
chisme, approved by the Kirk of Scotland (some fore-edges
shaved), purple morocco extra, gilt edges, Edinburgh, by E.
Tyler, printer to the King, 1650, 8vo. (649) IV. Brown, £^5^-
638 Confession of Faith (The), and the Larger and Shorter Cate-
chisme, approved by the Generall Assembly of the Church
of Scotland, Edinburgh, E. Tyler, printer to the King, 1650
— ADirectoryforthePubhque Worship of God, etc., London,
for the Stat. Co., 1650, in i vol. (some fore-edges slightly
shaved), calf gilt by F. Bedford, 8vo. (650) Quaritck, £S 8s.
639 Confession of Faith (The) Subscribed by the Kinge's Majestic
and his Houshold ; together with the Copie of the Bande,
and the Act of Secreit Counsail (tide and last leaf mended,
some headlines shaved), morocco gilt, with arms of D. Con-
stable on sides, gilt edges, Edinburgh, R. Waldegrave, 1 500,
4to. (1006) Richardson, £ii
[Four leaves headed "The Subsciibers unto the Con-
igitized by Google
fession of Faith" are blank. The ** Confession" was first
printed at Holyrood House in 1580. This was D. Laing's
copy. — Calalogiie.}
640 Confession of Faith (The), Subscribed by the Kings Maiestie
and his Houshold [at Edinburgh the 38 day of Jaouarie, the
yeare 158a], 4 leaves had margins mended, morocco gilt,
gilt edges, no imprint (1007) Quariick, £1 I'is.
[Probably a XVIIth. century reprint of the Edinburgh
edition of R. Waldegrave, printed in 1590. — Catalogue.']
641 Constantine. A Treittyse of the Donation or Gyfte and Ett-
dowmet of Possessyons gyvcn and graunted unto Sylvester
Pope of Rhome, by Constantyne Emperour of Rome, black
Icttn, title within Holbein border, large and clean copy, with
autograph of Wm. H erbert on title, russia, T. Godfray, n. d.,
folio (1090) Maggs, £g 15s.
641 Copinger (W, A.) Incunabula Biblica ; the First Half Cen-
tury of the Latin Bible, $4 facsimiles, blu6 cloth, 1893, folio
(1341) Sotheran, £3 183.
643 Coryat's Crudities, reprinted from the edition of 161 1, to which
are now added his Letters from India, and extracts relating
to him from various Authors, etc., frontispiece and plates,
3 vols,, old calf, W. Cater, 1776, 8vo. (796) Young, £1 14s.
644 Covenant. A Solemne League and Covenant for Reformation,
Ediniurgk, E. Tyler, 1643 — The Iniquity of the late Solemne
League or Covenant discovered, 1643— The Anti-Covenant,
O^Jord, 1643 — Observations upon the Instructions for taking
the Vow and Covenant, ('A— Letter to a Noble Lord from a
friend at Oxford upon Occasion of the late Covenant taken
by both Houses, Feb. 22, 164,1 — Examination of such Par-
ticulars in the Solemne League and Covenant as conceme
the Law, Oxfoid. 1644 -Langbaine (Gerard). A Review of
the Covenant, 1661, and others on the same, in 2 vol., 4to.
(1025) Quarilch, £1 19s.
645 Covenant. Confession of Faith of the Kirk of Scotland, Sub-
scribed by the King's Majestic and Household in the yeare
1580, and Subscribed by the Nobles, etc., in the yeare
1638-— A Solemn League and Covenant for Reformation,
Ediniurgk, E. Tyler, 1643 — Another edition of the same, 16.,
1648, and 3 other Tracts of the same date on the same sub-
ject, in I vol., contemporary limp vellum, with initials of the
original owner, G. L. (George Leslie) on sides, 4to. (1026)
Lamplough, ^£3 8s,
[An interesting copy, having three original autograph in-
scriptions by " George Leslie, Burgess in Edinburgh," —
646 [Coverdale (Myles).] The Christen rule or State of all the
Worlde from the hyghest to the lowest, and howe every man
shuld lyve to please God, etc Item the Christen State of
Matrymonye, Mack Ittler, 2 vol., old calf. No place or name
of printer, " antio iMcamationis Christi, i S43. 8vo. (800)
■^".ep, £a 6s.
647 Coverdale f Myles). Certain most godly, fruitful, and comfort-
able Letters of true Saints and holy Martyrs in the late
igitized by Google
bloodye Persecution, first edition, blath Itttrt; woodcut title
and cut on reverse, ornamental initials (a few leaves wormed),
old calf, J. Day, i $64, 410. (1029) Chadaikk, ^3
648 Cowper (Wm.) and Rev. John Newton. OIney Hymns in three
Books, first edition, morocco extra, gilt edges, tine copy, W.
Oliver, 1779, 8vo. (801) Pickering, £t 13s.
649 Cranmer (Archbp. Thos.) Catechismus, That is to say, a
Shorte Instruction into Chribtian Religion for the syngular
commodite and profyte of Childre and Yong People, OlACk
tittrr, title within fine woodcut border with cut on reverse of
K. Edward VI. giving the Bible to Cranmer. small woodcuts
and ornamental initials, original green limp vellum, in new
morocco case, Gaulterus Lyntte exaidebai 1 548, {at end)
tmpryntedjor Gwatter Lyrtju dtvellinge on Somers Kayt by
Byllynges Gate, 8vo. (810) B. F. Stevens, ^43
iA remarkably large and fine copy, with wide margins
ios clxxxix to cxc are unopened), clean and perfiKt
throughout, and measuring 5^ in. by 4 in. It appears to be
the second issue of 1548, but the name of Nicholas Hyll as
printer does not occur in the book.— Cn/a/cFu^.]
650 Cianmer (Archbp. Thos.) A Confutaiio of Dnwritcg Verities
both in the bolye Scriptures and moste auncient authors, and
also profitable Arguments and Pithy Reasons, etc, translated
and set forth by £. P., bkdt littrt, original edition, brown
morocco, gilt, antique style, gilt edges. No date, place, or
prinlet! name (R. Wolfe, 155S), 8vo. (812) Jones, £i 16s.
6ji Cianmer (Archbp. Thos.) A Defence of the true and catho-
licke doctrine of the Sacrament of Che Body and Bloud of our
Saviour Christ ; with a Confijtation of Sundry Errors, first
edition, blarh Utttr, old MS. notes in margins, title within
woodcut border, old red morocco, with borders of crowns,
feathers, and fleurs-de-lis, gilt edges, R. WolfiE, 1550, 4to.
(1031) ffid/er, £i 8s.
6j3 Crowe (E. £.) History of Frahce, 5 vol., half calf gilt, m. e.,
1858-68, 8vo. (820) Maggs, ^4 6s.
653 Crowley (Rob.) An Information and Peticion agaynst the
oppresseurs of the pore Commons of this Realme, black Utter
(14 leaves), calf extra, fine copy, JVo place, dale, or printer's
name (1548), 8vo. (823) Quaritch, £3 6s,
654 Darcie (Abr.) Annales ; The True and Royall History of the
Famous Empresse Eliiabeth, flne portrait and en^aved tide
by R. Vaughan (margins cut close], old cal^ B. Fisher, 1625,
4to. {1049) Ellis, £t 19s.
6j5 Darien. A Full and Exact Collection of Addresses, Memorials,
Petitions, Answers, Proclamations, etc., relating to the Com-
pany of Scotland trading to AMca and the Indies, i69C.-i7cc^
h^ calf. Printed in 1700, 8vo. (833) IV. Brown, £t 14s.
656 Darien. Borland (Rev. Fr.) The History of Darien, giving
a Short Description of that Country and ihe Attempts of the
Scotch to found a Colony there, written in 1700 Ctitle
igitized by Google
6s7 Darien. A Letter from the Commission of the General
Assembly of the Church of Scotland, met at Glasgow, July 21,
1699, to the Hon. Coimcel and Inhabitants of the Scots
Colony of Caledaaia, in America, Edinburgh, G. Mosman,
1699, 4to. (lojo) EllU, li 5s.
658 Devonshire Library. Catalogue of the Library at Chatsworth
(by J. P. Lacaita), 4 vol., uncut, Privately printed, Chisvrick
Press, 1879, imperial 8vo. (848) B. F. Stevens, £,^
659 Dibdln (Dr. T. F.) Bibliotheca Spenceriana, 4 vol., brown
morocco, i8i4^£des Althorpianae, i vol., calf tfilt, gilt
edges, i8zz — Cassano Catalogue, russia gilt, 1823, together
7 voL, imperial 8vo. (852) Kd/wards, £^ 5s.
660 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliographical Decameron, or Ten Days
Discourse upon illuminated Manuscripts, etc., numerous
illustrations, 3 vol., russia gilt, gilt edges, 1817, royal 8vo.
(8S3) Maggi, li, i8s.
661 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliographical, Antiquarian and Pic-
turesque Tour in France and Germany, numerous fine
plates, with ^o additional etchings by Lewis on India paper,
3 vol., calf gilt, g. e., 1821, imperial 8vo. (854) Ridler, £^ 4s.
662 Dibdin (Dr. T. F.) Bibliographical and Picturesque Tour in
the Northern Counties, etc, numerous illustrations, 2 vol.,
calf gilt, gilt edges, 1838,, royal 8vo. (857) Ridler, £i 14s.
663 Didot. Catalogue lllustr^ des Livres Pr6:ieux MS. et Im-
prim^ de la fiiblioth^i^ue d'Ambroise Firmin-Didot, Vente
kl'Hoteldes Commissaires-Priseurs,Jiiin, 1878, et Mai, 1879,
LARGE PAPER, numerous facsimiles of bindings, MSS., etc.,
2 vol., half morocco gilt, t. e. g., Paris, 1878-79, sup. imperial
8vo. (866) Ellis, £1 10s.
664 Disciplioa Ecclesiastica (De) brevis et modesta dissertatio, ad
Ecctesiam Scoticam, autore gallo quondam Theolt^o Verbi
Divini Ministro (D. Tilenus), half Imund, Aberdoniae excud.
Eduardus Rabanus, impensis Davidis Melvill, 1613, 8vo,
(867) Richardson, £f> los.
[Probably the first book printed in Aberdeen by Rabait,
the city's first printer.— Ca/a/c^*.]
663 Disraeli (B.) The Revolutionary Lpick, III Books, original
edition, presentation copy to "the Honble Mrs. Norton,
with the Author's Kindest Complts," 2 vol., half calf, 1834,
4to. (1247) Pearson, £2 14s.
[This book was privately printed, and only 50 copies nere
issued. — Ed.]
666 Douce (Fr) Illustrations of Shakespeare and of Ancient
Manners, with engravings on wood by J. Berryman, extra
illustrated with 97 portraits, views, etc., some scarce, 2 vol.,
morocco extra, t. e. g., other edges uncut, by F. Bedford,
Longman, 1807, 8vo. (875) Jones, £y> los.
667 Douglas (Sir Rob.) Peerage of Scotland, second edition,
continued by J. P. Wood, numerous coats of arms, 2 vol.,
half calf, Edinburgh, 1813, folio (1353) IV. Brtm/n, £3
668 Drummond (H.) Histories of Noble British Families, with
biographical notices, 72 coloured portraits, and numerous
igitized by Google
emblazoned coats of amis, 2 vol^ half moiocco. i. e. g^
W. Pickering, 1846, imp. folio (1354) Kdwtxrds, £7 17s, SA
669 Drummond (Jas.) Old Edinburgh, reproduced in facsimile
from his Original Drawings, 103 views, only $00 copies
printed, half morocco, t. e. g., Waferston, 1879, atlas folio
(13S0 Ooig, £t I3S.
6 70 Drummond (Jas.) Sculptured Monuments in loni, and the
West Highlands, 100 plates facsimiled by W. Griggs, issued
to Members of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland only,
halfmor.,t.e. g., Edinburgh, 1881, folio (1356) Doig, £2 Ss.
671 Dnimmond (Jas.) The Bluidy Banner of Drumclog and
Bothwell Brig, illustrations, comprising original drawing^
engraved portraits and views, and MS. biographies Of
eminent Scotsmen, etc (only 40 copies of the text printed),
morocco, Edinburgh, Neill, 1861, 4I0. (1254) W. Brown, £l
672 Dryden (John). A Poem upon the Death of his late Highness,
Oliver, Lord Protector, first edition, very rare, W. Wilson,
i659~Religio Laici (2 editions), 1681-83— Funeral- Pin-
darique upon King Charles II., i68j— The Hind and the
Panther, first edition, J. Tonson, 1687 — Panegyrical Poem
on the late Countess of Abingdon, ib., 1692, and others, in
I vol., half calf, 410. (1260) Pickering, £i los.
673 Dryden (John). Britannia Rediviva, a Poem on the Btrth of
the Prmce, Holyrood House, f-'eprinttd by P. B. Engimer,
printer to the Kings Majestie, etc., i68g~Answers for Mar-
Cret Yates and the Procurator Fiscal, vignette, 1737 —
tier to a Friend, with two Poems to the Memory of Dr. T.
Raltray, Bp. of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, 1743— [Grant (FT-)]
Short H istory of the Sabbath, ib., 1 705 — Survey of the Case
of the Episcopal Clergy, ib., G. Mosman, 1703, and 2 others
in I vol., calf, 4to. (1261) W. Brown, £^ 3s.
674 Dunbar (William). Poems, now first collected, with Notes
and a Memoir by David Laing (with the Supplement), bound
in z vol., morocco extra, t. e. %., other edges uncut, presettta-
tion copy to James Raine (rare in this state), £'(a>»i«^,4,
Laing and Forbes, 1832-65, Svo. (882) Richardson, £1 i8s.
675 [Dunlop [Rev. Wm.)] Collection of Confessions of Faith,
Catechisms, Directories, Books of Discipline, etc., of Publick
Authority in the Church of Scotland, with all Acts of
Assembly, etc., and a large Preface, 2 vol., morocco extra,
gilt edges, Edinburgh, Jas. Watson, 1719-22, 8vo. (B84)
Bull, £1 6s.
676 Duplessis-Bertaux. Victories of the Duke of Wellington
(1799-1815), portrait and 24 plates, with descriptive text in
French and English, red morocco extra, inside dentelles, gilt
edges by Zaehnsdorf, n. d., foho (1359) f*'. Brown, £i
677 Elizabeth. The Effect of the Declaratio made in the Guild-
hall by M. Recorder of London, concerning the late
attemptes of the Queenes Majesties evil, seditious, and dis-
obedient subjects, bUrk Ittttr (lo leaves), morocco gilt,
J. Daye, 1571. 8vo, (906) W. Bro-wn, ^^3 3s.
678 Estienne (Rob.) Les Censures des Theologiens de Paris, par
lesquelles ils avoyent faulsement condamne les Bibles im-
igitized by Google
primees pas Robert Estienne, imprimeur du Roy, avec la
response d'iceluy Robert Estienne, traduictes de Latin en
Francois, Edition originale, red morocco extra, with elegant
gilt line and scroll tooling, inside dentelles, gilt on m. e.,
by Lorric, L'Olivier dt Rod. Estienne (device on title), 1552,
8vo. (932) RUhardson, £% 15s.
679 Euripides. Tragoediae septemdecim ex quibus qummn
habent commentaria. Graced, first edition of the 17 |da.ys
(except Medea, Hippolytus, Alcestis and Andromache),
3 vol., red morocco extra., with Aldine anchor on sides, gilt
edges by Zaehnsdorf, Venet. ap Aldum, 1503, 8vo. (93;)
680 Feigusson (Rob-) Poems, first edition, vignette on title,
portrait of the Author and one of Jamie DufT inserted, calf,
Eninbutgh, W.and T. Ruddiman, 1773 — Poems with Life by
Jas. Gray, portrait after Kunciman, half calf, ib.^ J. Fairbura,
1821, 8vo. (935) W. Brown, £2 4s.
681 Fielding (Henry). History of Tom Jones, a Foundling, first
edition, a scries of Rowlandson's plates {mar^ns cut down)
inserted, 6 vol., old calf, A. Millar, 1749, Bvo. (937)
Qjioritch, £,1 iSs.
683 Forbes (6p. A. P.) Kalendars of Scottish Saints, half
morocco, t. e. g., Edinburgh, 1873, 410. (1284) Hicham, £2
683 Forbes (Dr. John, of Corse). A peaceable Warning to the
subjects in Scotland given in the yeare of God 1638,
A berdene. impi inted by Edw. RcUian the yeare above written,
4to. (i!87) Chadtuick,£\ 16$.
684 Forbes (Dr. John, of Corse). An Answere to his Peaceable
Warning, Printed Anao Dom. 1638, 4to. (1286)
W. Brown, £1 los.
685 Forbes (Dr. John, of Corse). Songs and Fancies to three,
four, or five parts, both apt for Voices and Viols ; with a
briefe introduction to Musick as taught by Thos. Davidson
in the Musick School of Aberdene, second edition, " Cantus"
part only, woodcut title, morocco extra, fancy end papers, fine
copy, Aberdeen, J. Forbes, 1666, 4to. (1288) Campion, £\ 1 js.
686 Forbes-Leith (Wm.) The Scots Men at- Arms and Life-
Guards in France, a. D. hiS-tSjo, etched plates by Major
H de Grandmaison, one of 45 copies, with the etchings on
Japanese, China, and Holland paper (No. 7), 2 vol., cloth
gilt, uncut, Eutnburgk, W. Paterson, 1882, 4ta (1389)
Hill,£x los.
687 Fox (John). Kenim in Ecclesia Cestarum, qu£ postremis et
periculusis his lemporibus evenerunt, etc., pars prima,
woodcuts, editio princeps, Basil., N. Brylingerus et Jo.
Oporinus, 1559— Manyrum Historia, pars secunda, auihore
H. Panialeune, ib., 1563, in 1 vol, morocco antique, gilt
edges, fine copies, folio (1372) I'earson, £7 5s.
688 Fox (John). Actes and Monuments of these latter and perilous
days, t' uching Matters of the <.hurch, bl.irk let It r, numerous
wooi'cuis, with all the separate pieces, and the two slips,
that of Windsor Castle from a later edition inserted, title
and "An Almanack for 31 yeares " in facsimile, margins of
igitized by Google
preliminary leaves and Index in facsimile, but complete as
r^aids the number of leaves, and a very good copy bound
io 2 vol., morocco gilt, gilt edges, John Daye, 1563, folio
(137.1) Quaritck, lip los.
[The first edition of Fox's " Book of Martyrs," of which
no absolutely perfect copy is known. That described in
Book-Prices Current, voL xi., No. jioS, as complete
was not so, as the imprint was inlaid and the last leaf
defective.— Ed,]
689 France. Edict du Roy (Francois II.) par lei^uel lentiere cong-
noissance de tout crime d'heresie et detaiss^ auK Prelaiz,
etc., fioueit. Mart. C. Mesgissier, 1560— Arrest de la Cour*
leu et public par les Carrefours de la Ville de Rouen, ib.,
1 560 — Edict et Ordonnance du Roy pour donncr repos h ses
subject!, etc., public en la Court de Parliament i Rouen, 1^.,
1561, three rare pieces, in I vol., 8vo. (1095) CJiadwickt £3
£90 France. Forme du Sennet qu'il convient faire par tout le
Royaume, pour I'entretenement de la Sainct Union, etc,
Lyon, J. Piilehote, 1 589— Harangue prononc^e devant le
Roy en ses Estats generaux k Blois par Pierre d'Epinac
Archevcsfjue, etc, /'am, J. Mettayer, 1588 — Remonstrance
d'un Geutilhomme de Dauphind k Henry de Vaiois, pour le
Soulagement du Pauvre Peuple du dit Pais, .v. /., 1589—
Declaration des Consulz, Eschevins, Manans et Habitans de
la Ville de Lyon, sur I'occasioa de la prise des Armea par
euK faicte, le 24 Feburier, 1589, Z.^o«, J. Pillehotte, 15S9,
four scarce tracts, iu i vol., morocco, plain, inside dentelles,
gilt edges by Thibaron, 8vo. (1096) Chniiwick, £3 ;s
691 Frascr (Alexander, Seventeenth Lord Saltoun). The Erasers
of Philorth, portraits, 150 copies privately printed, 3 vol.,
red cloth gilt, t. e. g., Edinlmrgh, itTi, 4to. (129;)
H^kins, l-j
692 Fraser (Wm.) The Stirlings of Keir, and their Family
Papers, numerous illustrations, 15a copies privately printed,
half morocco, Edinburgh, 1858, 4to. (1296) W. Brown, ^20
693 Fraser (Wm.) Memorials of the Montgomeries Earls of
Eglington, facsimile of illuminated indenture, armorial
bearings, autographs, etc., 2 vol, cloth gilt, I. e. g.. Privately
firiaUd, Edinburgh, 1859, 410.(1297) Hopkins, £11 los.
694 Fraser (Wm.) Memoirs of the Maxwells of Pollok, portraits,
views, fecsimiles, armorial bearings, etc. (i 50 copies privately
printed), 3 vol., cloth gilt, t. e. g-, Edinburgh, 1B63, 4t0.
(1298) Hopkins, £<)
695 Fraser (Wm.) History of the Camegies, Earls of Southesk
and of their Kindred, illustrations, only loo copies privately
printed, 2 voL, cloth gilt, t. e. g., Edinburgh, 1867, 4to.
(1399) tV. Brown, £20
696 Fraser (Wm.) The Red Book of Grandtully, numerous
portraits, only 100 copies privately printed, 2 vol., cloth gilt,
t. e. g., Edinburgh, 1868, 410. (1300) Hopkins, £i los.
697 Fraser (Wm.) The Chiefs of Colquhoun and their Country,
portraits and tinted views, only 150 copies printed for
igitized by Google *
private distribution, 1 vol., red cloth gilt, Edinburgh, 1869,
4to. (IWI) Hopkins, £b los.
69S Praser (Wm.) Book of Carkveiock 1 Memoirs of the Max-
wells Earls of Nithsdale, Lords Maxwell and Hemes,
portraits, tinted views, woodcuts, etc., 150 copies privately
printed, 2 voL, red doth gilt, t. e. g., Edinburgh, 1873, 4ta
(.303) Hopkins, 1%
699 Fraser (Wm.) The Lennox, portraits and illustrations, a
limited number privately printed, 2 voL, cloth eilt, I. e. g.,
Edinburgh, i8?4, 4to. (1303) Hopkins^ £8
700 Fraser (Wm.) The Earls of Cromartie, their Kindred,
Country and Correspondence, portraits and facsimiles, etc.,
a limited number of copies privately printed, 2 vol.. cloth
gilt, Edinburgh, 1876, 4to. (1304) W. Brown, £7 los.
701 Fraser (Wm.) The Scotts of Buccleuch, portraits, tinted
views, facsimiles, and other illustrations, a limited number
frivately printed, 3 vol^ red cloth gilt, Edinburgh, 1878, 410.
1305) Hopkins, /16 los.
702 Fraser (Wm.) The Red Book of Menteith, numerous illustra-
tions, portraits, etc., a limited number privately printed,
3 voL, red doth gilt, t e. g., Edinburgh, 1880, 410. (1306)
Mackey, £io
703 Fraser (Wm,) The Chiefs of Grant, numerous illustrations, a
limited number privately printed, 3 vol, red doth extra,
t. e. g. (morocco back), Edinburgh, 1883, 410, (1307)
Hopkins, £13
704 Fraser (Wm.) The Douglas Book, numerous illustrations, a
limited number privately printed, 4 vol., cloth extra, I. e. g..
Edinburgh, 1885, 4to. (1308) Hopkins, £22 los.
705 Freer (Martha W.) Married Life aitd Regency of Anne of
Austria, portraits, 4 vol., calf gilt, Tinslcy, 1864-66, 8vo.
(1104) Solheran, £1 17s.
706 Frith Qohn). A Disputacion of Purgatorye, whiche is
devided into thre bokes, first edition, bUch Uttrt (title inlaid),
calf, Noplace, daU, or printer's name, 8vo. {1105)
Quarilch, £1 i6s.
707 Frith (John). A Pistle to the Christen Reader ; The Revela-
tion of Antichrist ; Antithesis wherin are compared to geder
Christes Actes and oure holye father the Popes, original
edition, blacti Uttit (front margins shaved and some written
on), title within woodcut border, russia gilt, gilt edges,
Marlborow in Hesse by mt Hans Lu/t, 1529, 8vo. {1106)
Quarttch, £11 15s.
[At the end of the " Antichrist " were two signatures,
" Gervas Tyndall " and " William Tyndall." — Calalcgue.'\
708 Frith (John). A Boke answeringe unlo M. Mores letturwnich
he wrote agenst the first little Ireatyse that John Frith made
concerning the Sacrament ... for which John Frith was
condempned, and after burent in Smithfelde, etc, original
edition, black Uttn, modem morocco, gilt edges (Hebet's
copy), Imprinted at Monster by me Conrade H-illems, 1533,
8vo. (1107) W, Broivn, £10 53,
[At the end are 8 leaves of " Patrickes Places," composed
igitized by Google
by Patrick Hamilton, the 6TSt Scotch martyr, signatures i,
2t 3i 4- — Catalonie.']
709 Frith Qohn). A Boke made in the Tower of London, answer:
ynge unto M, Mores letter . . . agaynst the fyrste lytle
treatyse that John Fiyih made concemynge the Sacramente,
newly corrected and prynted after the fyrst coppe, bincit litttr
(some leaves soiled and comers mended, letterpress of 2
pages defective), calf gill by Pratt, R. Jugge, 1 $48, 8vo.
fii°9) -£//", ^i 13s-
710 Froissart (Sir John). Chronicles of England, France, Spain,
etc., translated by Johnes, with Life, etc., the series of 71
illuminated plates inserted, 2 vol., vellum, W. Smith, 1844)
imperial 8vo. (ino) Edwards, i,i 13s.
711 Froude(J.A.) Short .Studies on Great Subjects, 4 vol., 1868-83
— Divorce of Catherine of Aragon, i89i,and Caesar, 1879,
8vo. (Mil) Bain, £fi
712 Froude{J.A.) HistoryofEnglandfrom the Fall olWolse^to
the Defeat of the Spanish Armada, new (library) edition,
12 vol., 1870, 8vo. (1 1 12) Bain, £3 I3s.
713 Froude (J. A) The English in Ireland in the Eighteenth
Century,3 vol., 1872-74, 8vo. (1113) Bain, £1 12s.
714 Fuller (Dr. Thos.) The Worthies of England, original edition,
portrait by Loggan. old calf, 1662, folio (ifi^i) Jiidler, £1 193.
7^5 Gage (Thos.) New Survey of the West Indias,orthe English
American, his Travail by Sea and Land, second edition, 4
maps, J. Sweeting, 1655 — Pinto (F. Mendez). Voyages and
Adventures, done into English by H. Cogan, H. Cripps,
|6S3— Sandys Travailes, maps and plates, J. Sweeting, 1652,
in I vol., old calf, folio ( 1633) Quaritck, £2 8s.
716 Gardiner (Steph., Bp. of Winchester). An Explication and
Assertion of the true Catholique fayth touchyng the moost
blessed Sacrament of the Aulter, with Confutacion of a booke
written agaynst the same, blath Utttr, first edition (plain
comers frayed), morocco, gilt edges, No place or printer's
name, anno iS5i- Bvo. (1122) Ma^t, j[2 6s.
717 Gardiner (Steph., Bp. of Winchester). De Vera Obediencia,
an Oration made in Latyne . . . with the Preface of
Edmunde Boner ... B. of London, touching true Obedi-
ence, now translated into English and printed by Michael
Wood, roman letter, old red morocco, device of dolphin on
back, border of crowns and fleurs-de-lis, gilt edges, fine copy,
J^rom Roane xxvi. of Octobre, 1553, 8vo. (1123) EliU^ £4
718 Gardiner (Dr. S. R.) History of England, 1603-16, 2 vol., calf
gilt.m.e.. Hurst and Blackett, 1863, 8vo. (1124) Ji'M<rrtifl,^9
719 Gardiner (Dr.S. R.) Prince Charles and the Spanish Marriage,
1617-23, 3 vol.. Hurst and Blackett, 1B67, 8vo. {1125)
Sotheran, £2 8s.
720 Gardiner (Dr. S. R.) History ol the Great Civil War, 1642-49,
3 voL, Longmans, 1886-91, 8vo. (1129) Setkeran, £1 los.
721 Geneva. The Forme of Prayers and mmistration of the Sacra-
mentes, etc., used in the Englishe Congregation at Geneva,
and approved by M. John Calvin, title mended, with auto-
igitized by Google
graph of "Tho. Johnston, 1638,' calf (H. Laing's copy, Na
place m'Priittn's name, 1561, 8vo. (i 13;) QuariUk, £zq los.
722 Gennaity. The Warnings of Geimany, by Wonderful Sicnes
and Strange Prodigies seene in divers jurts of that countrye
between 1618 and 1638, by L. Br.{inckniair), J. Rothwell,
1638 — The Invasions of Gennany with all the Civitl and
bloudy Warres therein, 161S-38, and the bloudy Battel!
between Duke Bernard of Weimar and John de Weerdt,
portraits, i6. — The Lamentations of Germany, by Dr. Vin-
cent, and Lacrymae Gennaniae (wanted frontispiece), k(.,
together 4 vols., morocco gilt, gitt edges (from the Hamilton
Palace Library), Svo, (1140) Ellis, £^ 15s,
733 Gibbon (Edw.) Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire, with
Notes and Life by Dean Milman, portrait, 13 vol, 1838-39,
8vo. (1143) Bain. £1 14s.
;24 Gibson (W. S.) History of the Monastery at Tynemouth,
illuminatedplates and mirials, and views, I vol., half morocco,
uncut, W. Pickering, 1846-47, 410. (1324) Donkin, £2 6s.
725 [Godwin (Bp. Fr.)] The Man in the Moone, or a Discourse of
& Voyage thither by Domingo Gonzales, the Speedy Mes-
senger, first edition, 2 impressions of a singular plate of the
flying machine, old calf, J. Norton, 163S, 8vo. (1156)
QMaritck. £s ss.
[Swift is said to have been indebted to this work for some
of his " Voyage to hA-^aXA."— Catalogue. The possibility «f
voyaging to the moon has actually oeen seriously debated
more than once. The most extraordinary book on the sub-
ject is that by Bishop Wilkins entitled " The Discovery of a
New World ; or, a Discourse tending to prove . . . with a
Discourse of the possibility of a passage tnereto.''^ED.]
726 GoUgnis and Gawane (The Knightly Tale of) and other
Ancient Poems, printed at Edinburgh by W. Chepman and
A. Myllar in ijoS [edited by David Laing], blacfc Utttr,
(sonie leaves inlaid), facsimiles of devices, b^f morocco gilt,
t.e. g. (EtUniur^h) reprinted 1827, 4to. (1326) Maggs, £1 5s.
[Only ^^ copies (printed fiom the unique original) issued,
most of whicn were damaged by fire. This was an un-
scorched amy.—Catalogtie!\
727 Goldsmith (Oliver). Works, edited by Peter Cunningham,
vignette on titles, 4 vol., J. Murray, 18^4, 8vo. (11 $9)
QuariUh, £i Its.
738 Gordon (Alex.) ItinerariumSeptentrionale; a Journey through
Scotland and the North of England (with the Supplement,
often wanting], 66 plates, old calf, 17^7-32, folio (1635)
Napkins, £t los.
729 Gordon (Patrick). The Famous Historic of the Renouned and
Valiant Prince Robert sumamed the Bruce, King of Scot-
land, etc., first edition (title mended), morocco gilt, gilt
edges, Dort, G. Waters, 1615, 410. (1330) Haglitt, ^18
730 Gowric. The Earle of Cowries Conspiracie against the Kings
Maiestie, at Saint Johnstoun upon Tuesday, Aug. j, 1600
(title and next leaf soiled), half bound, Val. Simmes, 1603,
4to. (1332) Ellis, £i I2S.
igitized by Google
73t Graesse [J. G. Th.) Tresor de Livres Rares et PHcieux, oa
Nouveau Dictionnaire Biblioi^raphique (avec Supplement),
7 voL in 4, half morocco, Drisde, etc., 1859-69, 410. (1333)
W. Brown, £7
733 Graham (Simion). The Anatomic of the Humours (in Prow
and Verse), printed within borders, oriijina] edition, calf,
Edinburgh, "t. Finlason, with License, 1609, 4to. (1334)
W. Brown, £7 5s,
733 Grampian Club. Registnim Monasterii S. Marie de Cambus-
kenneth, a.d. 1147-1535, portraits, woodcuts, illuminated
facsimiles, eta, doth g\\l,l. t. g., Edinburgh, 1872,4(0.(1333)
Hopkins, £\ IM.
734 Grampian Club Publications, edited chiefly by the Rev. Chas-
Rogcrs, Ti voL, Edinburgh, v. d., 8vo. (1170) Buil, £: 12s.
735 Green (M. A.) Lives of the Princesses of England, portraits,
6 vol., 1850-51;, Svo, (i 173) Sotheran, £1 14s.
736 Greville Memoirs. Journal of the Reigns of George IV. and
William IV., 3 vol., half calf gilt, and Victoria to i860,
jvoLjtogether 8 vol., 1874-87, 8vo. {117%) Fitswilliam, £i\iA.
737 Grimm. German Popular Stories, translated from the Kinder
und Haus Marchen, collected by MM. Giimm ittxa Oral
I'radition, numerous etchings by George Cniikshank, i vol.,
morocco extra, gilt edges by Rivi^ie, Jas. Robins, 1823-26,
8vo. (irSi) Soikeraii, £17 iss.
738 Grose (Fr.) Anti<iuities of England and Wales, Scotland and
Ireland, portrait and numerous plates, 12 vol., old calf^
Hooper, 1783-91, 4to. (1340) Salheraa, £2 W.
739 Guest (Lady Charlotte). 1 he Mabinogion, from ancient Welsh
MSS. with translation and notes, first edition, facsimiles and
woodcuts, 3 vol., half morocco gilt, t. e. g., 1849, royal 8vo.
(1184) Bull, £2 16s.
740 Guizot (F.) Shakespeare and his Times— Charles I,— Crom-
well— Richard Cromwell— Memoirs of Peel — Embassy at
St James's — Memoirs of a Minister of State, together 10 vol.,
in original publisher's cloth, 1852-60, 8vo. (1186)
Sotheran, £\ 18s,
741 Hain (Lud.) Repertorium Bibliographicum, Libri ab arte
Typographica inventa usque ad Annum MD. typis express!,
fine paper, 4 vol, uncut, Stutlgart, etc., 1826-38, 8vo. (1191)
Bain, £i 14s.
74: Halkett (Sam.) and Rev. John Laing. Dictionary of
Anonymous and Pseudonymous Literature of Great Bntnin,
4 vol, uncut, Edinburgh, Faterson, 1882-88, royal 8vo.
("94) Hill, £2^
743 Hall (Bp. Jas.) Virgidemiarum, Sixe Bookes. First three
Bookes of Toothlesse Satyrs (apparently wanted A 3 unless
it should be a blank leaf before title], T. Crude for R.
• Dejrter, 1597 — The Three last Bookes of byting Satyres,
corrected and amended with some additions by J. H., For
R. Dexler, 1^99, in i vol. (a few margins shaved), morocco
gilt, double, inside gilt ornaments, gilt edges, 8vo. (1196)
ffatHII, £q lOB.
[The first three books are the first edition, which was
igitized by Google
suppressed and burnt by order of the Archbishop of Can-
terbury (Whitgift). The three last books are the second
edition. "Ceriaync Worthie Manuscript Poems by J. S."
are not with this copy. — Catalogue. These are ainonf{ the
earliest Satires written in the English language. They were
reprinted in 1834 with the illustration of Rev. Thos. VVarton
and additional notes by S. W. Singer. — ED.]
744 Hallam (H.) Constitutional History, eighth edition, 1867 —
Europe in the Middle Ages, twelfth edition, 186S— Literature
of Europe, fifth edition, portrait, 1873, together 9 vol., tree-
calf extra, t. e. g., other edges uncut, 1867-73, 8vo. (1198)
Maggs, li IIS.
745 Hamsse (H.) Notes on Columbus, facsimiles, etc., 99 copies
printed, half morocco, uncut, Neai York, pri-vaUly printed,
1866, folio (1644) Quaritck, £1 2%. 6d.
746 Henry VIII. Copia Originalis litterae Sereniss. Regis
Angliae ad Sanctiss. diim nostrum Leonem Papam X., misse
de pace ac federe per eum et Christianissimum Francorum
Regem noviter inita (4 leaves, I blank), black ttiorocco, gilt
et^es, " Ex palaHo nostra GretniTici{Grtenvjick'\ die xii. Aug.,
1514" (Romae), 410. (1553) Hazlitt, /14
747 Henry VIII, Assertio Septem Sacramento rum adversus
Martinum Lutherum, aedita -ab Angliae et Franciae Regie,
lirst edition, title \vithin fine woodcut border by Holbein,
with initials H. H. and ornamental initials, calf extra, gilt
edges, Lond. in aedibus Pynsonianis, 1521, 4(0. (1554)
Quaritck, £21 ja.
748 Henry VIII. Assertio septetn Sacramcntorum adversus Mar-
tinum Lutherum aedita ab Angliae, etc., Rege Henrico
Octavo, title within woodcut border (mended), (with the
4 leaves containing the Indulgence granted by Pope Leo
for reading the treatise), Romae, St. Guilleretus, i$zi —
Literaram quibus invictiss. Princcps Henricus VIII. ac
Fidei Defensor lespondit, ad qiiandam Episiolum Mart.
Lutheri ad se missam, etc., title within woodcut border, ib.,
F. Minitius, 1527, in 1 voL, morocco gilt, gilt edgeSj 4to.
{"555) Quaritck, £7 SS.
749 Henry VIII. Assertio septum Sacramentorum adversus Mar-
tinum Lutherum, sedita ab Angliae et Francije rege Henrico
octavo (cum Epistola Erasmi), lit. goth., Argent., Jo. Gries-
inger, 1522— Contra. Henricum Regem Anglia: Martinus
L'utber. Witlemb., 1533 — Supplicatio quonindum apud Hel-
vetios Evangelistarom ad Hugonem Epis. Constantiensem,
title within woodcut border, 1522— Quod non sit Onerosa
Christian is Confessio Paradoxon Jo. CEcoIampadii, title
within fine border, .Saw'/., Cratander, 1521, and other pieces,
in I vol., old calfgiU,4to. (1556) Quaritck, £2 i7B- 6d.
750 Henry VIII. The Institution of a Christian Man, con-
teynynge the Exposytion or Interpretation of the Commune
Crede, of the Seven Sacraments, of the X Comma ndements,
etc., first edition, tiiadt UiXtt, title and last leaf in facsimile,
mottled calf extra, gilt edges by Riviere, Thos. Berthelet,
IS37. 4to. (1558) Quaritck, £3 143.
igitized by Google
75' HenryVIII. Concilium D. Hieroaymi Previddii pro ii
Rege Angliae una cum responsione eiusdem ad consilium
Domini Ilernardi Reatini pro illustrissima Regina editum,
[it. 90th., title within woodcut border, half velium, Bonon.,
J. B. Phacllus, 1531, 4to. (1561) Pearson, £z 12s.
[A very rare work connected with the divorce of Henry
VIll. and Catherine of Arragon. — Catalogue.^
7$2 Henry VHI. lUusrisgimi (sic) ac ptotentissimi Regis, Senatus,
Populiique Angliae. sentenlia et de eo Concilio, quod Paulus
Episcopus Rom. ManCuse fliturum similavit, et de ea bulla,
quie ad Calendes Novembrcs id prorogarit {sic), the rare
original edition, morocco, centre gilt cartouche, inside den-
telles by Lortic (R. S. Turner's copy), /n ad. Th. BerlkeUti,
an. 1537, 8vo. (1224) Maggs, £1 9s.
753 Henty VIII. The true dyffcres betwen ye regall power and
the Ecclesiaslicall power, translated out of Latyn by Henry
Lord StafTorde, blsch letter, title within woodcut border,
vellum, large copy (2 leaves soiled), W, Copland, n. d., 8vo,
[The book was known as the Kmg's Book, and he
claimed the authorship in conversation with M. de Langey,
the French ambassador ; but Bale says it was written by
Bp. Foxe, the Kind's almoner. The Osterley Park copy,
which sold for £,\t ra li^i.—Catalogue.]
754 Henry VIII. The Institution of a Christen Man, conieyninge
the exposition or interpretation of the Comune Crede, of
the Seven Sacraments, of the Pater noster, etc., bhcb IMn,
title within woodcui border (dated 1534), dated Ex-Libris of
the Hon. A. Campbell, 1708, on reverse, old calf, In adibus
Tkom. Berlkeleli, 1537, nmo. (lii?) Quaritch, £^
755 HenryVIII. A Supptycacion to our most soveraigne lorde
etc., bUilt IttttT, brown morocco gilt, gilt edges, with the
Grenville arms, fine copy. No place or printer's name,
enpryntid in the yeare of our Lorde 1 544, in the monetk of
Dtcemdre, 8vo. (1229) Mof^s, £2 9s.
[Bale says the author of this work was Richani Tracy. —
7;6 Herald and Genealc^ist (The), edited by J. G. Nichols, illus-
trations, 8 vol., half calf, Nichols, 1863-74, 8vo. (1233)
Sotheran, £%
757 Herbert (George). Remains, or Sundry Pieces of that Sweet
Singer of the Temple, now exposed to publick light (A
Priest 10 the Temple and Proverbs, with Life), first edition,
autograph of Wm. Herbert, and MS. notes on fly-leaves,
morocco gilt, gilt edges. T. Garthwait, 1652, 8vo- (1134)
Pearson. /3 !Os.
758 Herman, Archbishop of Cologne. A Simple and Religious
consultatio of a Christian Reformation founded in God's
Worde, perused by the translator thereof, and amended in
many places, ilsth irttnr, Herman's arms on reverse of title
igitized by Google
and woodcut of Sl John at the end (title soiled, 2 or 3 leaves
wormed), old stamped calf (mended), gilt edges, Daye and
Seres, 1548, 8vo. (1236) Quaritck, £%
[This is the second and best edition of this Translation.
The Ashbumham copy sold for £,4. See Book-Pricbs
Current, voL xii., No. 177.— Ed.]
759 Holbein (Hans). Portraits of Illustrious Persons of the Couit
of Henry Vlll., Imitations of the Original Drawings with
Biographical Tracts by John ChamberlaYne, 80 tinted por-
traits mounted on stiff paper, and portraits of Holbein and
his wife, line early impressions, half morocco extra, L e. g.,
Bulmer, 1791, atlas folio (1655) QuaritcA,£n 5s.
760 Holinshed (Raphaelt). Chronicles of England, Scotland and
Ireland, blarit Itttcr, numerous woodcuts, including the large
view of Edinburgh. 2 vol., purple morocco extra, gilt edges
by Riviere, lutprintea for Jo/at Haunt and Geo. Bishop,
1577(1656) /iidUr,l"
[The first or Shakespeare edition of Holinshed, perfect
as far as the leaves are concerned. Both titles washed and
mended, as are a few margins ; a few also of the latter are
shaved, as is the view of Edinburgh. The Preface to the
Reader of vol. ii. has the appearance of a facsimile. —
761 Holland (H.) Hermologia Angiica, hoc est Clarissimorum et
doctissimorum aliquot Anglonim qui tlonienint ab anno
i;oo, usque ad presentem Annum, 1620, Vivs Effigies et
Elogia, engraved title with view of Old London below,
and 67 portraits by C. Pas, A, Bloemart, etc., very fine im-
pressions, crushed morocco extra, giit edges by F. Bedford,
Jmpensis Lrispini Passaei el Jansanii Bibliop. Amht-
miensis, 1620, folio (1657) Picturing, £11 15s.
762 Holtrop (J. W.) Monuments Typograpbiques des Pays-Bas
au XV Si&cle, 130 plates of facsimiles, half morocco, uncut,
£m Haye, M. NijhofT, 1868, folio (1658) Sitrgeridyke. £3 159.
763 Homer. The Whole Works of Homer, Pnnce of Poets, in
his Jliads and Odysseys, translated according to the Greeke
by Geo. Chapman, fVontispiece by W. Hole with portrait on
reverse (mended), dedicatory plate to Prince Henry, and
engraved title to the Odyssey (leaf of faults escaped, a re-
print), an excellent copy in red morocco gilt, gilt edges. For
JV. Salter, n. d. (i5i6), folio (1661) Pickering, £6 Igs.
764 Homilies. Certayne Sermons or Homilies (XH.) appoynted
by the Kynges Majestic to be declared and redde by all
Persones, Vicdrs or Curates every Sondaye in their Churdies
where they have Cure, anno 1547, black letter, margins cut
into, MS. notes by W. Herbert (one of the eadiest editionsX
apparently wanted colophon. R. Grafton, 1547— The Second
Tome of Homilies, Set Out by the Authoritie of the Queens
Majestic, black Ittttt, title within woodcut border (some
margins shaved), E. Aide, 1595, in I vol., red morncco gilt,
gih edges, 4to. (1578) Hopkins, £3
76; Homiliej. The Seconde Tome of Homilyes, set out by the
igitized by Google
ancthoritie of the Queenes Majestic, blatb littir, blue morocco
gilt, gilt edges, Jugge and Cnwood [date erased], 4to. (1579)
Maggs, £1 17^
766 Hondius (Jod.) Historia Mundi, or Mercator's Atlas, con-
taining his Cosmographicall DescriptioD of. the Fabricke
and Figure of the Worlde. englished by W. S. (Wye Sal-
toostail), numerous maps printed on the text, and the rare
one of Vii^inia, "Ralph Hall sculpsit 1636," printed apart
from the text, and the portrait of Capt. ^mith (the latter
loose), old calf, T. Coatafor M. Sparkes, 1635, folio (1663)
Maggi, £a 8s.
767 Hooper (John, Bp. of Gloucester). A Declaration of Christe
and of bis Oflyce, first edition (dedicated to the Protector
Somerset), morocco extra, gilt edges by W. Pratt, line copy,
Zuryek, by Aug. Fries, 1547, 8vo. (1393) QuariUk, £^ 12s.
768 Hooper (Bp. John). A Declaration of the ten Holy Comaunde-
menis of allmygthye God, wroten Exo. 20, Deu. 5, collectyd
out of the Scripture Canonicall, blsch litter, first edition
(title mended), blue morocco gill, %\li edges. No place or
printer's tuitne {printed abroad), 1548, Bvo. (1394)
Ridler,£i 198.
769 Hooper (Bp. John). An Apologye, againste the Untrue and
Sclaunderous Report that he should be a maintainer and
encDurager of suche as cursed the Queues highnes that Chen
was Quene Marye, newly set forth (with Certayne Letters)
[published by Henry Bull], blub Utter, first edition, calf
extra, gilt edges by Riviere, No place or printer's name,
1562, 8vo. (1397) M^gs, £2 14s.
770 Horologium. OPOAonos, Gtxch, printed in red and black,
woodcut on title, autograph of " Mr. Robert Bimie, Minister
at Lanark," and Ex-Libris of Bimie of Broomhill on back of
title, red morocco extra, gilt edges, fenet., Victor a Rabanis
et Socii, 1532, 8va (1404) £Uis, £2 i8s.
771 Houbraken and Vertue. Heads of Illustrious Persons of
Great Britain, with their Lives and Characters, 108 portraits,
original impressions (mezzotints of Frederick Prince of Wales
and Princess Anp, published by J Bowles, inserted in front),
2 voL in I, half morocco gilt, Knapton, 1847-52, folio (1666)
Hopkins, £s '5'-
772 Howard. Crowne (Wm.) A True Relation of all the Remark-
able Places, and Passages Observed, in the Travels of the
Rt. Hon. Thomas, Lord Howard, Earl of Arundell and
Surrey, Ambassadour to Ferdinando Emperour of Germany,
A.D. 163&, morocco, gilt edges, H. Seille, 1637, 4tO. (1580)
Pickering, Li 13s.
773 Hume (David, of Godscroft). History of the House and Race
of Douglas and Angus, 2 vol., morocco gilt, gilt edges,
Edinburgh, Ruddimanns, 1743, 8vo. (1416) Sotheran, £2 6s.
774 [Hume (George).] Memoirs of an Aristocrat, and Reminis-
cences of the Emperor Napoleon, by a Midshipman of the
" Bellerophon," half calf, Edinburgh, 1837. 8vo. (i4ai>
W. Brown, £1 143.
[This book was rigidly suppressed, and the author had to
igitized by Google
pay £ifioo damages for libels on Sir David and Lady Milne.
— Catalogue.]
775 Humphreys (H. Noel). History of the Art of Printing, second
issue, chromos a.nd other facsimiles, cloth extra, Quaritch,
(868, folio (1668) i¥iV/, £2 4S.
776 Huth Library. Catalogue of the Printed Books, MSSt Auto-
graph Letters, and Engravings, with collations and biblio-
graphical descriptions, portrait (130 copies printed), 5 voL,
Toxburghe, t c. g., Ellis, 1880, imp. Bvo. (1424) ^^aggi, £^ is.
777 Hunterian Club Publications, Nos. 1-65, original wrappers,
uncut, Printed for the Club, 1872-94,410. (158a)
Murdoch, £6 I OS.
778 Index Auctorum ct Librorum, qui ab Officio Sanctse RofiL et
Universalis Inquisitionis caveri ab omnibus et singulis in
Universa Christiana Republica mandata, title within orna-
mental border, woodcut initials, vellum gilt, gill edges, Roma,
A. Bladus, I5S9, 4to. (1590) QuiaUch,£i las.
[First edition of the " Index Libronim Prohibitomm of
the Roman Inquisition.'— Ca/a/tifK*.]
779 Innes (Cosmo). Scotland in the Middle Ages, maps, Edin-
burgk, i860— Sketches of Early Scottish Hisiory, ib., 1861—
Lectures on Scotch Legal Antiquities, 16., 1873, together
3 vol., calf extra, bevelled edges, t. e. g., Bvo. (1417)
Hopkins, £\ 19s.
780 Injunctions geven by the most excellent Prince Edward die
Sixte ; to all and singuler his lovyng subjectes as well of the
Cleigie as of the Laietie, btttii IrtUr, original edition,
Grafton's large device on recto of last leaf (title backed),
vellum, B. Grafton, 1547, 410. (1592) Bull, £1 igs.
781 James 1. Daemonologie, in Forme of a Dialogue, divided
into Three Books (first London edition), title soiled, 2 or 3
margins shaved, morocco extra, gilt edges, Ijmdon, R. Hat-
field for R. Waldei^ave, 1603, 4to. (1606) W. Brown, £'i
782 James 1. The Tnie Narration of the Entertainment of his
Royall Majestie, from the time of his departure from Eden-
brough ; till his receiving at London (Preface with initials
T. M.) (some margins shaved, last. leaf slightly mended),
calf extra, gilt edges, T. Creedt for Thai. Millington, 1603,
4to. (1605) Quaritck, £2 10s.
783 JefTiey (Alex.) History and Antiquities of Roxburghshire,
maps and plates, 4 vol., i85$-64, 8vo. (1444) Walford, £1 19s.
784 Jenner (Thos.) London's Blame and its Shame, manifested
by the Great Neglect of the Fishery ; or the inestimable
Hisiory of the British Seas, etc. Table of the Navy of
England under the Commonwealth (comers of last leaf
mcBdtd),lial{ hound, Printed for T.J., i65i,4to. (1615)
Quuriuk, Iz
785 Jcrvise (Andr.) Epitaphs and Inscriptions from Burial
Grounds and Old liuildings in the North-East of Scotland,
portraits and illustrations, 2 vol., only i;o copies printed,
uncut, Edinburgh, 1875-79, 4">. (1616) iV. Brown, £1 las.
7S6 Jesse (J. H.) Memoirs of the Court of England, from the
Revolution to the death of George II., first edition, frontis-
igitized by Google
?iece3, 3 vol., original cloth, uncut, R. Bentley, 1843, 8vo.
1447) Edward!, £2 iSs.
787 Jewell (Bp. John). An Apologie, or aunswer in defence of ihe
Church of England, conceminge the State of Religion used
in the same, now translated into Englishe, first edition,
blacb Utttr, MS. note by R. Fanner on title, calf, R. Wolfe,
1562, 4to. (1618) £uil, £1 13s.
78S Johnson (Dr. S.) Works, with the Debates, portrait, 11 vol.,
uncut, Oxford English Classics, 183;— Robertson (Dr. W.)
.Works, portrait, 8 vol., uncut, ii., 8vo. {14S3)
B. F. Stevens, £2 8s.
789 Jonstonus (John, Scotus Abredon.) Inscriptiones Historicae
Regum Scotorum, a Feigusio ad nostra tempora ; praefixus
est Gathelus, large arms of Scotland (backed) and 10 por-
traits (copy containing 6 preliminary leaves onlyX morocco
exira, with emblematic tooling, Amst. excud. C. Claesortius
Andreai Hartio Bibliop. Edeiib,, i6o2, 4to. (1634)
W. Brown. £4 4s.
790 Joye (George). Jeremy the Prophete, translated into
En^lisshe ; the Songe of Moses is Added, blachlttttr, first
edition, title skinned and written on, but a good sound copy,
No place or printer's name, anno 1534 in the monetke of
jJ/of*— [Tyndale (Wm.)] An Exposicion uppon the V, vf.
Vlf. Chapters of Mathew. which thre Chaptres aretheKeye
and the Dore of the Scripture, and the restoringe agayne of
Moses lawe corrupte by the Scrybes and Pharises, etc., first
edition, title withm fine woodcut border, with mark I. J.,
No place, date, or printet's name, 1S37, in i vol., old calf,
8vo. {1464) Quaritck, £10 12s. 6d.
[The work of Joye is said to have been printed by P^son
with Caxton's type. Tyndale"* book was printed while he
was in Holland, by R, Grafton, in 1 537, for which the latter
was imprisoned in the Fleet for six weeks. — Catalt^eue.']
791 Kay (John). A Series of Original Portraits, and Caricature
Etchings, with biographical Sketches and illustrative Anec-
dotes, 356 plates, origitial impressions, 3 vol., calf gilt, t. e. g.,
Edinburgh, H. Paton, 1838, 4to. (1626) Hopkins, £a, 4s.
793 Keble (Rev. John). The Christian Year ; thoughts in Verse
for the Sundays and Holydays throughout the year, first
edition, 3 vol., morocco gilt, gilt edges, Oxford, J. Parker,
1827, 8vo. (1474) E. G. Allen, £2
793 Kinglake (A. W.) Invasion of the Crimea, library edition,
maps, 8 voU 1863-87, 8vo. (1482) Sir C. Stuart, A is.
794 Knight (Chas.) Gallery of Portraits, with Memoirs, 168 fine
portraits, 7 vol., 1833-37, imp. Svo. (148s) Mag§s, £2 lis.
795 Knox (John). A Confession & declaratio of Praiers added
therunio by John Knox, . . . upon the death of that moste
verteous and moste famous king Edward the VI., etc
blMk Ittttc, original edition, morocco. Imprinted in Rome
before the CasUl of S. Aungd,fuly, 1554, Svo. (1488)
W. Brown, £'j
796 Knox (John). A Godly Letter sent too the fayethful in London,
Newcastell, Berwykc, and to all other . . . that love the
igitized by Google
comity of Oure Lorde Jesus, bUdt Uttct (some margins
shaved), morocco (Dr. Brand's Ex-Libris), rare, Imprinuk
in Rome btfore the CaiUl of S. Aungel, July, 1554. 8vo.
(1489) Lampiovgk, £1,
797 Knox (John). A Faythfult admonition, unto the Professours
of God's truthc in England, wherby thou mayest leame
bowe God wyll have his Churche exercised with troubles,
and how he defendeth it in the same, biacli letter (title in
roman), original edition, morocco, with eUborate omamenial
gilt tooling, gilt edges, ImprynUd ai Kalykow, lo^Julii,
1554, 8vo. (1490) **"■ Brown, £,\a 15a.
798 Knox (John). The Copy of a Letter sent to the ladye Mary
dowagtre. Regent of Scotland in the yere 15S6 ; Here is also
a notable Sermon by the sayde John Knox (on the Masse),
black Itttti (title ana 9 leaves in facsimile, comers of two or
three leaves mended), blue morocco gilt, gilt edges, No
place, name, or date of printing (1556), 24n">. (i49')
Richardson, £1 [5s.
799 Knox (John). The First Blast of the Tnimpct against the
monstruous regiment of Women, roman letter, first edition
(last 2 leaves very slightly wormed) {Geneva), 1558— The
Appellation of John Knoxe from the Cruel) and most injust
Sentence pronounced against him by the false bishoppes
and clergie of Scotland, first edition, roman letter. Printed
at Geneva, i5;8, the two extremely rare works in i vol., half
calf, 8vo, (1492) W. Brown, £^l 15s.
3oo Knox (John). An Answer to a great Nomber of blasphemous
CavJllations, Written by an Anabaptist and Adversarie to
God's Eternal Predestination, first edition (some headlines
shaved), half calf {Geneva), printed by John Creipin, 1560,
Svo, (1493) ^ Brown, £2 4s.
£01 Knox (John), A Sermon preached in the Pubtique Audience
of the Church of Edenbrough upon Sonday the 19 Aug.,
1565, for the which the said John Kooxe was inhibile preach-
ing for a season (with ''The Superintendents to the Faith-
full"), first edition (Laing, £14 5s.), Imprinted anno 1566 —
The Appellation of John Knoxe from the Cruell and most
injust Sentence pronounced against him by the false
bishoppes and clergie of Scotland, etc., first edition (Laing,
^n Js.), Printed at Geneva, 1558— The Copie of a Lettre
delivered to the Ladie Marie, Regent of Scotland, from John
Knox, in the yeare 1556, and nowe augmented and explained
by the Author in the year 1558 (Laing, ^15 los.), Priniedat
Cenen'a by J. Poullain and rtntoaie '•ebul, 1558 — Goodman
(Chr.) How Superior Powers t^ht to be obeyed of their Sub-
jects, and wherein they may lawfully by God's worde be dis-
obeyed and resisted, Geneva,]i^Tt Crispin, iJiS, all exceed-
ingly rare pieces, but some fore-edges shaved, in i vol., old
morocco, with the devices of Thos. HoUis, 8vo. ( 1494)
W. Brown, ^26
802 Knox (John). The Historic of the Refonnation of Religioun
within the Realme of Scotland, rotnan letter, old calf (re-
igitized by Google
backed], in new morocco case, Edinburgh [Loud., Vauttol-
lier], 1584, 8vo. (1495) Maggs,l\i
[The first edition, Before the work was completed '
partially suppressed, and no more than pp. 17-560 were
printed. The Ashbumfaam copy sold for £31 los. — Cata-
803 Knox (John). The Historic of the Reformation of Retigioun
within the Realme of Scotlande, roman letter (some comers
slightly defective), old calf, Edinburgh, 1584, 8vo. (1496}
Maggs, ^3 3s.
[The rare first edition, suppressed before completion, only
pp. 17-560 being printed. This copy began at p. 33 and
ended at p. 480. It had been completed in MS. in a neat
contemporary band. — Catalogue^
804 Knox. John Knox's House. " Who wished to pull it down
and who saved it," a Series of Extracts from the various
Prints of the Time, collected and arrangedbyjas. Johnstone,
MS. and printed matter, with 8 illustrations, in i vol., half
calf, 1849-50, 410. (1825) W. Brown, £,% 3s.
805 Laing(D.) Select Remains of the Ancient Popular Poetry of
Scotland {25 pieces), 108 copies printed, calf gilt, gilt edges
by Rivifere, Edinburgh, for iV. and D. Laing by Balfour and
Clarke, 181a, 410, (1828) Robson, £2 12s.
806 Laing(D.) Various Pieces (XLIl.)of Fugitive Scottish Poetry,
principally of the Seventeenth Century [edited by I ). Laing],
72 copies printed, morocco gilt, t. e. g., uncut, Edinburgh,
W. and D. Laing, 182^, 8vo. (1503) Hopkins. ^3 10s.
807 Laing ( Henry). Descriptive Catalogue, and Supplemental
Catalogue of Ancient Scottish Seals, numerous illustrations,
2 vol., Edinburgh, 1850-66, 4to. (1S31) Hopkins, £2
808 Laingaeus (Jacobus, Scotus, Doctor Sorbonicus). De Vita et
Rm>u$ Gestus Martini Lutheri et aliorum speudaopoato-
lorum {sic) haereseos nostri temporis, etc., traductia ex ser-
mone Gallico in Latinum, Paris, Mich, de Roigny, 1581 —
De Vita et Moribus Tbeodori Bezae omnium haereticorum
facile pnncjpjs et aliorum brevis recitatio, ib., 1585, in I vol.,
vellum, fine copies, 8vo, (1506) W. Brown, £2 14s.
809 Lambarde (Wm.) A Perambulation of Kent, now increased
and altered after the Authors owne last Copie, blacit Itttct.
title within woodcut border, 2 maps (last leaf mended), old
calf, E. Bollifant, 1596, 4to. (1B34) Maggs, £2 18s.
810 Lanquet (Thos.) An Epitome of Cronicles , . . now finished
and continued to the Keigne of Our Soverain lorde Kynge
Edward the Sixt by Thos. Cooper, bUck Irttrr, title within
Holbein border, corner of last leaf and leaf of imprint
mended, blue morocco, gilt edges, Tho. Berthlet, 1 549 [title
wronglydated 1569], 4to. (1837) Trtgaskis, £\ 12s.
811 Latimer (Rp. Hugh). The Fyrste (to the Seventh) Sermcn
Fireacbed before the Kynges Maiestie (Edward VL), blach
eltrr, Day and Seres, 1549— A Notable Sermon (of the
Plough) preached in ye Shrouds at Paules Churche, Jan.
xviii., 1548, margin of a leaf slightly defective, ib. — Sermon
igitized by Google
pTcached at Stamford Oct ix,, 1550, J. Daye— A mosi faith-
full fiennon preached before the Kyng and his Councel in his
Court at Westminster, A. D. 1550,/*. — The Setmon made to
the Clergie in the Convocation, before the Parlyament began,
nowe translated out of the latyne into engl)she, T. Berthelet,
i537i all original editions, in excellent condition (the Ash-
bumham copy, not so complete, sold for^25), in i vol., calf,
8vo.(i5i5) £//«,^8ss.
812 Leighton (Dr. Alex., father of the Archbishop). An Appeal to
the Parliament ; or bions Plea against the Prelacie, first
edition, 2 copperplate engravings, morocco antique, gilt
edges, Printed the year and moneth ■wheirin Hockell luas lost
{^September, 1628), 4to. (1B53) Maggs, £z 15s,
[^The publication of this book resulted in the author being
whipped, mutilated, branded, and imprisoned for eleven
years in the Fleet. — Catalogue. In 1641 the sentence was
reversed. — Ed.]
813 Leiand (John). The laboryouse Journey and Serche of Johan
Leylande for Engiandes Antiquitees, geven of hym as
a newe yeares gyfte to Kynge Henry the VIII. in the
XXXVII. ycare of his Reygne, with declaracyons enlarged
by John Bale, original edition, black idlir, (k leaves inlaid),
russia, gilt edges, Emprinted at London by Johan Bale, 1549,
8vo. (1527) Quarilch, £1 17s. 6d.
814 Leslaeus (Jo., Episcop. Rossen.) Libri duo quorum uno piK
AfHicti Animi Consolationes, divinaque remedia ; alteri
Animi TranquiUi munimentum et Conservatio, continentur;
cum Epistolis Maris Stuarts Reginx Scotorum, autograph
of Dr. R. Gray, 1721, on title, old morocco (D. Laing's
copy, which sold for £$ 153. in 1879), Paris, P. I'Huiliier,
1574, 8vo. (1530) Pearson, £1 8s.
815 Leslaeus (Jo.) De lUustrium Foeminarum in Bepub. Ad-
ministranda ac ferendis legibus authoritate libellus ; et de
Titulo et Jure Mariae Scotorum Reginae, c)uo Regiii Angliae
Successionem sibi just& vindicat libeilus, with folding genea-
logical table at end, titles within woodcut borders, on the
first is written, " ex dono Authoris," and the signature "P. de
Cardonnel, 1645," in i vol,, old caif, 4I0. ('C&^^) Jones, £'i 5s.
816 Leslaeus (Jo.) De Origine, Moribuset Rebus Gestis Scotorum,
Lib. X., accessil nova et accurata Regionum et Insularum
Scotiae descripiio, map, portraits (that of Achalus in dupli-
cate), and genealogical tree, contemporary oaken boards,
stamped ornamental pigskin, large and clean copy, Romae,
in aedibus Populi Romanae, 1578, 4to. (1859) /?(rf/*r,^i 10s.
817 [Leslie (John, Bp. of Ross).] A Defence of the Honour of the
right highe, mightye and noble Princesse Marie Quene of
Scollande and Dowager of France, with a declaration as
well of her right, title and intereste to the Succession of the
Crowne of Englande, etc., printed in a neat roman letter,
(top plain comers of some leaves at end mended), crushed
crimson morocco extra, inside dentelles, gilt edges by F. Bed-
ford, fine copy. Imprinted at London in Flete Strete at the
igitized by Google
Signe of Justice Royal by Eusebius Dicaeo^kiU, etc.. anno D.
1569, 8vo. (1673) Ellis, £3f>
[The original edition, prioied privately abroad and irnmc-
diaiely suppressed. Laing's copy sold for £y>.—Caialogue.'\
818 Leslie (Bp. John). A Treatise touching the Right, Title and
interest as well of the most excellent Princesse. Marye
Queene of Scotland as of the noble Kyng James her Graces
Sonne, to the Succession of the Crowne of England, title
within woodcut border {stained, comers of several leaves
mended, last leaf backed, wanted genealogical table and
reverse of title has no heads on it), plain blue morocco, gilt
edges. Noplace, dale, ornaine of printer {\l%^), Bvo. (1673}
Ridler, £3
819 [Lewkenor (Sir Lewes).] The Estate of English Fugitives
under the King of Spaine and his Ministers, calf gilt, gilt
edges. John Drawater, 159$, 4to. {1&62) RicAardson, £to i;s.
[This work contains particulars relating to Mary Queen
of Scots, Ear! Damley, Captain Smith, etc. The author
complains in the preface of a surreptitious " Discourse,
printed in Paules Cburch-yarde (in 1^94), so falsified and
changed that he cannot but condemn it as a thing fabulous
and full of absurdities." — Cata!ogve.'\
820 Life of Christ. Dat boec van den leven ons liefs heren Jhesu
Cristi derdewerven gheprint. gbccorrigcert end merckelije
verbeten met addicien van Schonen Moralen, etc., lit, flotn.,
numerous xylographic woodcuts (coloured) (4 leaves of table
defective and mended, with all faults), morocco gilt, gilt
edges, Gheprinl by mij Peler Os -van Breda MCCCCCX/X.
{sic pro 1499), folio (1940) Quaritck, £& lis. 6d.
821 Lod^e (Edm.) Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great
Britain, with Memoirs, original edition, brilliant impressions
of the 240 portraits, 4 vol., crimson morocco extra, gilt edges,
fine copy, Lackington, Harding, etc., 1821-34, folio {1943)
Hopkins, £\b 5s.
832 Lodge (Jo.) Peerage of Ireland, revised, enlarged and con.
tinued by Mervyn Archdail, numerous coats of arms, 7 vol.,
half calf, 1789, 8vo. (1701) l^'^h £' "S-
823 Louis XVI. Sacre et Couionnement de Louis XVL, Rot de
France et de Navarre, k Rheims, le 11 Juin, 1775 ; pr^cAlS
de Recherches sur Ic Sacre des Rois de France depuis
Clovis, numerous line engravings, plates of costume, etc., by
Patas, old French calf gilt, with royal arms, Paris chee
VenU el Patas, 1775. 4to. (1876) Robson, £1 3s.
824 Low (Sampson). The English Catalogue of Books, from 1835
to 1872, 2 vol., half bound, I864-73, royal 6vo. (1708)
Law and Co., £2 6s.
835 Lower (Sir Wm.) A Relation, in Form of Journal, of the
Voyage and Residence which King Charles II. hath made
in Holland, portrait of the king in armour, and j folding
plates, leather binding, Hague, A. Vlack, 1660, folio (1944)
Robson, £$ ;s.
igitized by Google
and woodcut initials, modem morocco, elaborately tooled, gilt
edges by Grieve of Edinburgh, fine copy, Ex Typographia
Moffurgenii, 1529, 8vo. (1718) Richardton, £^ 15s.
[First Latin edition of Luther's Catechism, published in
the same year as the first German edition — Gi/u/c,^!*;.]
817 Luther (Mart.) Enchiridion Piarum Precationum, cum Pas-
sionali, ut vocant, quibus accessit Novum Calcndarium, etc.,
D. Marti. Lut., ^rst edition, title within woodcut border,
with 50 spirited woodcuts in the Passionale, some from
Albert Dtirer's " Little Passion," old pigskin, Wittemberga,
Jo. Lufft, 1543, 8vo. (1719) Maggs, It 17s.
838 Luther (Mart.) Contra Henricum AngliEC Regum, first
edition, title within woodcut border (margin cropped), old
calf, WitUmbtrga, 15=2, Jo. Lufft,4to, (i88[) «ftggi, £3
829 Lutber (Mart) Acta F. Martini Lutheri Augustiniani apud
Dominum Legatum Apostolicum Augusts, figure of Christ
crowned with thorns after A. Diirer on title, S. I. (J51S) —
Bulla Contra Errores Martini Lutheri et Sequatium, cum
tnandato Rev. Don>. Episcopi Ratisponensis, title within
architectural border {Kaiiipan., 15 18) — Epistola Andr^
Cricii et Edictum Regis Polonise m Martinem Luterum,
Irtgoth. (1J34) — Resolutio Lutheriana super Propositionem
sua terciadecima de Potestate Papx, lit. gotti., S. a. et /., in
I vol., aJI rare original editions, 4to. (1883) Quaplch, £i 33.
83a Luther (Mart.) Bulla Decimi Leonis contra Errores Martini
Lutheri et Sequacium (cum Glossis U. de Hutteno), some
margins shaved. Absque mo/o— Adversus Execrabilem Anti-
christi Bullam Mar. Lutherus, U'i/temb., 1 520— Assertio
Omnium Articuiorum M. Lutheri per Bullam Leonis X.
novissimam damnatorum (title within woodcut border), rb., all
original editions, in i vol., vellum, 410. (1883)
QuaritcA, £2 18s.
831 Luther (Mart.) Disputatio pro Declaratione Virtutis Indul-
geniiarum (4 leaves), the rare original edition, morocco
extra, gilt edges by De Coverly, .1. /. el ncm. Imfirets., 1517,
4to. (1878) Quariich, £ic 17s. 6d.
832 Lyndsay (Sir David). Facsimile of an Ancient Heraldic
Manuscript emblazoned by Sir D. Lyndsay of the Mount,
1542 (edited by D. Laing), numerous emblazoned coats of
arms, only 100 copies printed, mar. extra, g. e., Edinburgh,
W. and D. Laing, 1822, folio (1949) Grieve, £^ 15s.
833 Macaulay (Lord). History of England, Essays, Speeches,
Miscellaneous Writings, Life and Letters by Trevelyan, and
Criticisms on his Writings, together 15 vol,, uniform tree-
calf gilt, m. e., 1861-76, 8vo. (1728) Lauder, £6
834 Mclan (R. R.) The Clans of the Scottish Hijjhiands. with
Descriptions by Jas. Logan, coloured portraits and em-
blazoned coats of arms, 2 vol., red morocco extra, gilt edges,
Ackermann, 184;, folio (1950) Richardson, £y los.
83s Magna Chana. The Great Charier called i latyn Magna
Carta, with divers olde Statutes, newly corrected, translated
into englysb by George Ferrers, bUtk Utttt, old MS. notes
igitized by Google
in maigios, calf, Elu^tth, Widow of R, Rednum. a. d., Svo.
(175a) ^11'^, £i 5S.
83O Magnus (Olaus). Historia dc Gentium Septentrionatium,
woodcut map, and numerous woodcuts in the text, old rough
calf, ^(trtV., Henricpetrus, 1367, folio (1951} Ridler, £\ iis.
837 Maitland Ctub. Notices and Documents illustrative of the
Literary History of Glasgow during the last Century,
portrait of R. Foulis, uncut, Glasgow, i83i,4to. (1911}
So/ieroH, £1 i8s.
838 Maitland Club. The Chronicle of Perth, a Register of
Remarkable Occurrences from 1210 to 166S, z views, uncutt
Edit^urgk, 1S31, 4to. (1912) Sotheran, £1 191.
839 Maitland Club. History of Mary Queen of Scots ; a Frag-
ment, translated from the Original French of Adam Black-
wood, uncut, Edinburgh, 1834, 410. (rgij) Sotkerim.jC^ 12s.
840 Maitland Club. Wodrow (Rev. Rob.) Biographical Collec-
tions, 2 vol. in 4, Glasgow, 1834-45 — ^"^ Analecta, 4 vol..
ib., 1842-43, 4to. (1919) W.Browit, £2 t8s.
841 Maitland (Wm.) History of Edinbuigh from its Foundation,
plan and plates (some extra inserted), contains the 2 can-
celled leaves, panelled calf, Ediithurgh, 1753, folio (19^1)
W. Brown, £\ I is.
842 Marco Polo. The Book of Ser Marco Polo, the Venetian,
newly translated and edited with notes by Col. H. Yule,
maps and other illustrations, 1 vol., uncut, J. Murray, 1871,
Svo. (1763) Quaritck, £1 2s. 6d.
843 Margaret Queen of Scotland. The Ida;a of a Perfect
Pnncesse, in the life of St. Margaret Queen of Scotland,
with Eulogiums on her Children, etc, written originally in
French, and now Englished, never before published,
mor. gilt, g. e., Paris, anno 1661 (1764) W. Brown, £^ 3s.
844 Martyr (Peter). An Epistle unto the Right Honorable and
Christian Prince the Duke of Somerset, written unto him in
Latin anone after hys deliveraunce out of trouble, translated
into Englyshe by Thos. Norton, bluk Uttn, title within
woodcut border, Imprynted for GauUer Lynnt, 1550— A
Spyrytuall and most Precyouse Pearle teaching all men to
love and imbrace the Crosse, . . . Sett forth by the most
honorable Lorde hys grace of Somerset (from the German
of Otho Wermylienis by Miles Coverdale), btuii Utter
(wormed), it>., 1550, in I vol., old russia gilt, Svo. (1771)
Ridler, j^4 i^s.
845 Masson (David). Life of John Milton in Connection with the
History of bis Time, portraits, 6 vol., 1S75-S0, Svo. (1781)
Rockt, £i 16s.
846 Mather (Cotton). Magnalia Christi Americana ; or the
Ecclesiastical History of New England, from i6zo to 169S
map of New England, old calf, T. Parkhurst, 1703, folio
(1957) QuariM, £7
847 Maxwell (W. H.) History of the Insh Rebellion in 179S,
etc., portraits and plates by Geo. Cruikshank, half morocco,
1. 1. g., Baily, 184J, 8vo. (1783) Mtgg^, £3 los.
igitized by Google
sides,/. WiruUtfor A. Maujisell, 159s, folio (1958)
HnElitt.ii, 15s.
^The first catalogue of English books ever printed. Only
this first part was issued. — Catalogue.']
849 Melancthon (Ph.) Epitome Chiliadum Adagiomm Erasmi
Rott. ad Cummodiorem Studiosorum usum per Hadr. Bar-
landiuni Conscripta ; et de duplici Copia Verborum ac
rerum commentarii duo (wormed), 2 vol. tn 1, titles within
woodcat borders, contemporary oaken boards, stamped
pigskin, in new morocco case, Colonioi, E. Cervicomtis,
1527, 8vo. (178s) >wj,^i4ios.
[Philip Melancthon's own copy, with numerous emenda-
tions and additions in his handwriting, apparently prepared
for a new edition. This printed edition of the " Copia
Verborum" contains 154 chapters only, while later editions
have 206. The additional chapters were here supplied in MS.
At the end of the text is a transcript of a Commentary on
the work by Wolfgang Meurer, and indices of the principal
words. Melancthon's signatures appear throughout the
volume in seven different ways, viz., P, M,, *iXiinr, (sikavx-,
Phihppus MelancK, Ph. M., P. MeL, P. Me., *iX.)r««£.—
850 Melancthon (Ph.) De Ecclesiae Autoritate et de Veterum
Scriptis libellu5,editio prima, ruled in red. title within wood-
cut oorder, crushed blue morocco, plain, doubM with the
same, by Trautz Bauzonnet, fine copy, Witteb., Jo. Aug.,
1539. 8vo. (1786) Clements, £2 2S,
851 Melancthon (Ph.) Epistle made unto oure late Sovere^Tie
Lorde Kynge Henry the Eight for the revoking and abolish-
ing of the Six Articles, set forth and enacted by . . .
Certeyne of Our prelates, newly translated out of Laten into '
Englishe by J. C, blwA Uttw, caJf, Pri«led at Weesell, 1 547,
8vo. (1789) Magp,£\ 15s.
852 Merivale (Chas.) History of the Romans under the Empire,
library edition, maps, 7 vol., tree-marbled caif extra, t. c. g.,
other edges uncut, i8s2-62, Svo. (1792; Bain, Z4
353 Merle d'Aubign^ (Dr. J, H.) History of the Reformation m
Europe, in the Time of Calvin, 8 vol., 1B63-78, Svo. {1793)
Sotheran, £l lyi.
854 MiUes (Thos.) The Catalogue of Honor, or Tresury of True
Nobility, peculiar and proper to the Isle of Great Britain
(with the Blount pedigree unmutilated), engraved title and
numerous coats of arms (some coloured), title defective, old
calf, W. Jaggard, 1610, folio (2214) Maggs, £1 9s.
855 Milton (John), Works, first collected edition, old calf, rare.
Printed in tht year 1697, folio (2215) Pearson, £^ 3s.
856 Milton (John). Works, in Verse and Prose, with Life by the
Rev. John Mitford, portrait, eta, 8 vol, calf gilt, m. e^
W. Pickering, 1851, Bvo. (1804) Roche, £^ ijs.
857 Milton (John). Poems, both English and Latin, compos'd at
several times, Printed by his true Copies . . . Printed and
igitized by Google
published accordit^ to Order, first edition, portrait by Mar-
shall (top and bottom margins slightly mended, 3 or 3 head-
lines very slightly shaved), blue morocco gilt, gilt edges,
Rulh Rmvorthfor H. Moseley, 1645, 8vo, (1805) Bain, X^l
8^8 Milton (John). Poems, etc., upon Several Occasions, botb
English and Latin, etc, composed at several times, with a
Small Tractate of Education to M r. Hartlib (second edition),
wanted portrait, title mended, calf gilt, gilt edges by F. Ht^-
bixA,PrinUd for Thoi. Dring, 1673, 8vo. [liob) Bain, £2 12s.
859 [Milton (John)] [ComusJ. A Maske Presented at Ludlow
Castle, 1634, on Micba'elmasse Night, before the Rt. Hon.
John Earleof Bridgewater, etc., the excessively rare original
edition, title slightly mended, last leaf backed, otherwise
perfect, morocco extra, gilt edges by Zaehnsdorf, Printed for
Humphrey Robinson, 1637, 4to. (2137) QuariUh, £,\y>
860 Milton (John). Of RefoimaCion touching Church Disdpline
in England, two Bookes, first edition, 1641 — A Briefe Dis-
course of the Troubles begun at Frankeford in Germany,
A.D. 1554, about the Dooke of Common Prayer, G, Bishop,
1642 — Service Discipline and Forme of the Common Prayers,
etc, used in the English Church of Geneva, W. Cooke. [641
— [Henderson (Rev. A.)] Government and Order of the
Church of Scotland, Edinburgh, J. Bryson, 1641 — Doctrine
and Discipline of the Kirke of Scotland, ib., R. Young, 1641
—Hartlib (Sam.) A Briefe Relation of that which hath been
lately attempted to procure Ecclesiastical Peace amongst
Protestants, A. Crooke, 1641, all scarce [fieces, in i vol., calf,
4tO. (J138) Quaritch, £6
861 [Milton 0ohn).] Of Reformation touching Church- Discipline
in England, etc., two Bookes written to a Friend, first
edition. Printed for Thotnas Underhill, 1641 — Of Prelatical
Episcopacy, first edition, t'^., 1641— Animadversions upon the
Remonstrants Defence against Smectymnus, fii^t edition
(wanted pp. 45-48), ib., 1641 — The Reason of Church-
government urg'd against Frelaty, by Mr. John Milton, first
edition, £. G. for John Rothwell, 1641 — An Apfology against
a Pamphlet call'd a Modest Confutation of the Animadver-
sions against Smectymnus, first edition, ib., 1642, in I vol.,
4to. (2139) Magg!, £36 15s.
862 Milton (John). Tetrachordon ; Expositions upon the four chief
Sures in Scripture which treat of Manage, or Nullities in
ariage, first edition. Printed in the yeare 164J, 4(0. (3140)
Quaritch, £1
863 [Milton (John).] An Answer to a Book, Intituled, The
Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, or a Plea for Ladies and
Gentlewomen, and all other Married Women Against
Divorce, etc, G. M.for W. Lee, 1644, 410, (2142)
Quaritch, £i 4s.
864 Milton (John). Colasterion : a Reply to a Nameless Answer
against The Doctrine and Discipline of Divorce, by the
Former Author, J. M., first edition, Printedin the year 164;,
4to. [2143) Quaritch, £$
igitized by Google
86s [Milton (John).] The Judgement of Martin Bucer concerniDg
Divorce, written to Edward the Sixt and now Englisht
(Pre^e signed John Milton), fint edition, M. Simmons,
1644, 4*0- (2144) QuariUk, £4 4s.
866 Milton (John). Areopagitica, a Speech of Mr. John Milton
for the Liberty of Unlicendd Printing to the Parliameat of
^ England, first edition, very zsn. Printed irt the ytare 1644—
The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates, the Author, J. M-,
first edition, M. Simmons, 1649, in i voL, 4to. (2145)
B. F. Stevens, £^2
867 Milton (John). The Tenure of Kings and Magistrates ; proving
that it is lawful! ... for any who have the power, to call to
account a Tyrant, or Wicked King,and after due conviction to
depose, and put him to death, etc, the author J. M., first edit,
mor., M. Simmons, 1649, 410. (2146) Q^aritch, ^£3 18s.
868 Milton (John). Eikonoklastes in Answer to a Book intieied
Eikon Basilike, the Author J. M., published by Authority,
first edition (top word of title shaved), morocco gilt, gilt
edges, M. Simmons, 1649, 410. (1147) Sothentn, £^ i6s.
869 Milton. Eikon Akiastos ; the Image Unbroken, a Perspective
of the Impudence, Falsehood, etc., in a Libell entitled
Eikonoklastes agamst Eikon Basilike (by Joseph Fane),
original edition, half morocco, Printgd Anno Dom. 1651, 4ta.
(2148) Ellis, liibs.
870 Milton (John). The Readie and Easie Way to Establish a
Free Commonwealth, and the Excellence thereof, etc., the
Author J. M-, first edition, half morocco. Printed by T. N.
and sola 6y Uvewtll Chapman, 1660, 410. (2150)
Quaritch, £2.
871 Milton (John). Paradise Lost : A Poem, written in Ten Books,
by John Milton, first edition (before the Argument and
Errata}, second title-page, morocco gilt, gilt edges. Printed,
andare to be sold 6y Peter Parker, etc., 1667, 4to. (2151)
Maggs, lis
873 Milton (John). Paradise Lost. A Poem in Ten Books, the
Author John Milton, first edition, eighth title-page, with the
7 leaves of Argument and Errata, the third title-page dated
1668 (slightly mended), inserted, russia gilt, Primted by
S. Simmcns and are to be sold by T. fielder, 1669,410,(2152)
Ellis, £1 1
873 Milton (John). History of Britain, that part especially now
called England {second edition), portrait by Faithome
(margins mended), panelled calf gilt,y. Af.Jbr Sp. Hickman,
1671, 4to. (2153) Ellis, £2 i8s.
874 Milton (John). Paradise Regained, a Poem in IV. Books, to
which is added Samson Agonistes, first edition, calf extra,
gilt edges by W. Pratt, fine copy,y. M. for John Starkty,
i67i,8vo. {1808) Pickering, £xo «.
875 Milton (John). Defenaio Secunda Pro Populo Anglicano — Et
pro se defensio contra Alex. Motum, first editions, 2 vtA.
m 1, 1654-S5— Jo. Miltoni Artis Logics, first edition, portrait
by Dolle, half morocco, S. Hickman, 1672, 8vo. (1810)
Jones, £1 18s.
igitized by Google
876 Missale RomaDum Pii V. PonL Max. jussu editum et Clementis
VI 1 1, auctoritate recognituni, red and black, full-page wood-
cull and woodcut initials, contemporary oaken boards,
stamped blind floreate otnamenia, gilt cdKCs, Venet. ^.
Juntas, 1618, 4to. (2156) W. Brovm, £t i8s.
877 Missale Secundum Usunn Ecclesiae Sancti Andreae in Scotia
(de Arbutbnott}, a limited number privately printed, uncut,
BmttHsland e prtle de Pttsligo, 1864, 4to. (2158)
Baker, £fl IB.
878 Mommsen ( I heodor). History of Rome, translated by Dr. W,
P. Dickson, new edition, 4 vol., calf gilt, m. e., Bentley, 1868,
8vo. {1818) QftariUh, £,i, 12s.
«79 More (Sit Thos.) The Apoiogyc of Syr Thomas More,
Kn^ht, first edition, black Irttn, title within w-oodcut border
(5 leaves of " fauts escaped " at the end), old calf, W. RasUU
in FUtettrete, 1533, 8vo. (1964) Sol/ieroH, £^ 18s.
880 More (Sir Thos.) A Dyaloge, wheryn he treatyth of dyvers
maters as of die Veneracyon and Worshyp of Ymages and
Relyques, prayng to Sayntes, etc., newly oversene, bbuh
Itttn, No rtame of printer, i530~The Supplycacyon of
Soulys . . . agaynst the .Supplycacyon of Beggars, bhuk
Ittttr, 6nx edition (W. Rastell), n. d., in i vol., new vellum,
folio (22 30) Ellis, £%ii.
8St More (Sir Thos.) The Confutacyon of Tyndale's Answere,
both parts, blach Icltti, 3 vol^ vellum, W. Rastell, iS3:-33,
folio (2221) Ellis, £4
88z Morisyne (Kycharde). An Invective Ayenste the Great and
detestable vice, treason, wherein the secrete practices, and
traiterous workinges of theym that suffrid of^laie are dis-
closed, bldfk Icttxr, title withm woodcut border (neatly inlaid),
old calf gilt, with Rosburghe arms, gilt edges, T. Berthelet,
IS39, 8vo. (1967) Maggs,l-i iSs.
883 Morland (Sam.) History of the Evangelical Churches of the
Valleys of Piemont, dedicated to the Lord Protector, brilliant
impression of the portrait by Lombart, map, and copperplate
engravings, old calf^H- Hills, 1658, folio {^2212) Bull, £i 17s.
884 Motley 0' L.) History of the United Netherlands, 4 voL,
i860, and Rise of the Dutch Republic, 3 vol., 1864, unifonn
calfgilt, sprinkled edges, 1860-64, 8vo. (1971) £//>>, .64 17s. 6d.
885 Muir (Wm.) Life of Mahomet, maps, 4 vol.. Smith, Elder and
Co., 1861, 8vo. (1974) Craigie, £\ iSs,
886 Napier (John, of Merchiston). Rabdologiae, seu Numerationis
per Virgnlas, Lib. II., cum Appendice de expeditissimo Multi-
plicationis Promptuario, etc., authore et inventore Jo. Nepero
Barone Merchistonii Scoto, first edition, plates, old cal(
Edinlmrgh, A. Han, 1617, 8vo- (1981) W. Brovm, £2 los-
887 Napier (John, of Merchision). A Description of the Admirable
Table of Logarithmes, translated into English by Edw.
Wright, with the addition by H. Briggs, etc., original calf,
S. Waterson, 1618. 8vo. (1982) Richardson, £s 17s. 6d.
888 Napier (Mark). Memoirs of the Marquis of Montrose and of
the Viscount Dundee, portraits, 5 vol., blue cloth, Edin-
burgh, 1856-59, 8va. (1983) Roc/ie, £t 15s.
igitized by Google
889 Napier (Maj.-Gen. Sir W. F. P.) History of the War in the
Peninsular, new edition, 6 vol., Boone, 1856, 8vo. (198J)
Young. £1 I2S.
890 Napoleon I. Memoirs, dictated to Gourgaud and Montholoa
— Last Dajrs, by Dr. Antommarchi — Private Life, by De
Chaboulon — Exile, by O'Meara— Historical Inquiry, by B.
Mounteney— Anecdotes of Court and Family (Anon.j —
Narrative of the Surrender, by Captain Maitland — ind
Letters from St. Helena, by Warden, portraits, etc, togedier
17 vol., half calf gilt, uniform, i8i6-a6, 8vo. (1986)
Hazlitt, £<) izs.6d.
891 National Manuscripts of Scotland (Facsimiles of the), ph*to-
zincographed by Sir Henry James, numerous facsimtcs,
3 vol., half roan, 1867-71, atlas folio (2216) Young, £3 12s.
891 National Manuscripts of Ireland (Facsimiles of the) phMo-
lincographed by Sir Henry James, J. T. Gilbert, dc.,
numerous fiicsimiles, 4 vol. in 5, half roan, 1874-84, aJas
folio (2227) Young, £i 3 os.
893 Nisbet (Alex) System of Heraldry, Speculative and Pac-
tical, with the true Art of Blazon, etc., new edition, numenus
coats of arms, 2 vol., half bound, unc jt (back of vol. i. looie),
E<Unburgh, Blackwood, 1816, folio (223o)»'. Brown, £6 Ds.
894 Nisbet (Alex.) Heraldic Plates, originally intended for lis
" System of Heraldry," reproduced with notes by A, Rtss
and F. J. Grant, numerous illustrations (200 copies printd)
Edinburgh, G. Watcrston, 1892, 410. (2188)
Duntkome, £2 lis.
89; Newman (Card. J. H.) Lives of the English Saints, 12 vd„
half bound, Toovey, 1844, etc, 8vo, (1997) You»p, £2 iib.
B96 Niel (P. G. J.) Portraits des Fersonnages Frangais les pits
illustr^s du XVP Si^cle, 48 tinted portraits, 2 vol., hdf
morocco, t, e. g., Paris, Lenoir, 1848-56, imperial folio (2Z2<!)
897 Northumberland (Earl of). Regulations and Establishment cf
the Houshold at Wresill and Lekonfield Castles, begun A.a
1513 (with Preface by Bp. Percy), morocco extra, gilt edges.
Privately printed, 1770, 8vo. (2007) Ridler, £\ lis.
898 Norton (Thos.) To the Quenes Maicstics poore deceived
Subjectes of the North Countrey, drawen into rebellion by
the Earles of Northumberland and Westmerland, newly
perused and encreased, blnrh irttn, morocco, gilt edges, H.
Bynneman for L. Harrison, 1569, 8vo. (200B} Hrown, £3 18s.
899 Nowell (Alex.) A Reproufe of a Booke entiiuled A Proufe of
Certayne Articles in Religion denied by M. Juell, set fiirtb
by Thos. Dorman, B.D., and printed at Antwerpe, 1564,
blnrk Irttn, large copy, signature on title, half cal( Henry
Wykes, 1565, 4to. (2190) Ridler, £2 6s.
900 [Nowell (Alex.)] Catechismus, sive prima Institutio, Discipli-
naque pietatis Christianae, latin^ explicata (first edition of
Nowell s Larger Catechism) (inner margin of title inlaid,
comers of several leaves mended) morocco, blind Stamped
ornaments, Reg. WoWus, 1570,410.(2191) Quariteh, £1 i8s.
901 Nowell (Alex.) A Catechisme or First Instruction and Leam-
igitized by Google
ing of Christian Religion, translated into English (by T.
Norton) (second edition), blsch and roman letter, calf extra,
gilt edges by W, Pratt, J. Daye, 1571, 4to, (3192)
Quaritch, £2 los.
903 [Ockham (Guill. de).] Dlsputacio inter Clericum et Militem
super Potestate Prelalis Ecclesiae atque principibus terrarum
commiasa sub forma dyalogi, accedit Vita Anticristi, lit. gath.,
long lines, z6 to a page, without marks, morocco extra, gilt
edges (Hain, 6111) Absque ulla nola [Colon., N. GotU, circa
147$?], 4t(). (2193) Richardson, £1 5s.
903 O'Connor (Dr. Chas.) Columbanus ad Hibemos — Letters on
the Liberties of the Catholic Church of Ireland, complete,
with Francis Plowden's Answer to O'Connor, bound in 4 vol.,
half calf, 1810-12, 8vo. (2012) Quaritch. £2
904 Orariiun. Preces Matutinae, Vespertinac, Completorium,
Septum Psatmi, Letania, Vir^ilia Mortuorum, etc., roman
letter, red and black (wanted title), woodcut of the Crucilixion
on vellum, and several other old woodcuts inserted, a leaf of
" The Copy of the Kynges highness bill assigned " at the
beginning of the vol., sold with all faults, contemporary
stamped calf. Ex Officina Richardi Cra/toni clarissimo
Principi Edouardi A typographia, 1545, Srpt. vi., 8vo. {2017)
Quarileh, £7 7s, 6d.
90$ Paninure. Registrum de Panmure. Records of the Families
of Mauie, etc, compiled by the Hon. Harry Maule of Kell)-,
A.D. 1733, edited by John Stuart, LL.D., portraits and plat^
only 150 copies printed for private distribution, 2 vol.,
morocco extra, witn Panmure arms on sides, gilt edges by
Orrock, Edinburgh, 1874, 410. (2205) W. Broiim, £7 los.
906 Panier (G. W.) Annales Typographic! ab Arlis Invents
Originje ad Annum 1536, 11 vol., calf, Norimb., i793-i8o3,
410. (2206) Hirsckfield, £\\ los.
907 Parker (Math., Archbp. of Canterbury). The Life off the 70
Archbishopp off Canterbury presentlye Sin inge, Englished,
and to be added to the 69 lately sett forth in Latin {by J.
Josselin), original edition, bluth Ictttr, with the Table,-
morocco gilt, double with the same, fine copy. Imprinted
1574, Noplace or name of printer, 8vo. (2041) Cotton, £l
908 Parsons (Rob.) Duo Edicta ElizabethEC Reginae Anglue
contra Sacerdotes Societatis Jesu, etc, Au^. Trevtr., E.
Hatotus, 1583 — Concertatio Ecclesiffi CatholicEC in Anglia
adversus Calvinopapistas et Putitanos, et de Persecutione
Anglicana Epistola, ib., in I voL, old calf, 8vo. (2043)
Baker, £l IJs.
909 [Parsons (Rob.)] The Watn-Word to Sir Francis Hastinges
Wast-Word, by N. D., vellum, Permissu superiorum, idol,
8vo. (2046) BuU,£\ IIS.
910 Pascal (Blaise). Lettres & un Provincial par un de ses Amis
sur le sujet des Disputes presenies de la Sorbonne, the
otiginal separate issues of the 18 letters, written between
January 23, 1656, and March 24, 1657, bound consecutively
in a vol., No place or printers name [Paris), 1656-57, 410.
(2209) QMarilch,£'i
igitized by Google _
911 Passional Cbristi und Antichristi, woodcut title and 26 spirited
woodcuts, representing the opposing characteristics of Christ
and the Pope (by L. Cranacb). some details marked with
ink, green morocco, gilt edges, Absque uUa nota, 4C0. (2311)
W. Brown, ^S 5s.
912 Paterson Qas.) History of the Counties of Ayr and Wigton,
3 vol^in 5 ^riA, Edinburgh, J. Stillie, 1S63-66, Svo.(20Ji)
H. Gray, ^i 16s.
913 Penry (John). An Exhortation unto the Govemours and
People of hir Majesties Countrie of Wales, to labour ear-
nestly to have the preaching of the Gospell planted among
them (second edition) (MS. notes on title and in marjjins.
some leaves slightly wormed), old morocco, with ornamental
(tilt borders (Jos. Ames's copy), No place or printer's name
(printed prtTialely), 1588, 8vo. (2057) Quarilch, £'a ^s.
[At the end of this volume were two contemporary NlS.
S«ms : one on the "Prelates Comer Caps." "made by
enry Wol "; and another of 24 staiuas, arranged under the
letter? of the alphabet, apparently on the suspension of John
Penry, by " Cbas. Wolnough." — Calaiogue.]
914 Penry (John). A Vieweofsomepaitofsuch Publicke Wantsand
disurders as are in the Service of God, within her Majesties
Countrie of Wales, etc. (some leaves stained). No date,
name, or place of printing—The Appellation of John Penri,
unto the Highe Court of Parliament from the bad and
unjust dealing of the Archb. of Canterb. and other his
Colleagues of the high commission Anno i$Sg, No place or
name, in i vol., old calf, D. Laing's copy, with autograph,
8vo. (2058) Quarilck, £11 15s.
[These two rare tracts were secretly printed, probably
abroad, and strictly prohibited. — Catalogue.]
915 Pinkenon (John). Select Scottish Ballads, 3 voL, Nichols,
1786— Ancient Scottish Poems, never before in print, 2 vol.
in 1, C. Dilly, 1786— Scottish Poems, reprinted from scarce
editions, 3 vol., J. Nichols, 1792, together 6 vol., all in cal^
8vo. (2082) W. Brovm, £1 19B.
916 Pitcaim (Rob.) Criminal Trials in Scotland from 1488 to
1624, with historical notes and illustrations, 3 vol, in 4,
uncut, Edinburgh, Tail, 1833, 4to. (2420) DunUu>me, £^
917 Plutarcbus. Vitfe Paralleliie Latin^e a diversls interpretibus
' faase. a J. A. Campano collects et editse, roman letter, long
lines (49 to a full page), without marks, with the peculiar
"R" used In the Strasburg Bible, eic, laig[e and finely-
S tinted ornamental initials of various subjects, one to each
ife, with marginal decorations of flowers, etc., 2 vol., old
red morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy, Absque ulla nota
[Argent., circa 1470], folio (2238) Brown, /,3S
918 Pomeranius (Jo.) A Compedious Letter sent to the FaythfiiU
Cristen Congregation in Englande, blatk Uttft (8 leaves,
1 blank), calf, No place or printer's name, 1536, 8vo. (2091)
QuaritcA, ^1 los.
919 Ponet (Dr. John, Bp of Rochester). A Shorte Treatise of
Politike Power, and of the true obedience which iinbjecies
igitized by Google
Owe to Kyagts and other Civile Governours, with an
Exhonation to all Natuia.ll Enf;l]rsbe Men, first edition,
printed in italic type, morocco gilt, gilt edges, No plact or
inter's namt {prinied abroad), 1556, 8vo. (2091)
Qfianteh, £1 i8s.
930 Ponet (Bp. Jolin). An Apologie fully answeringe by Scriptures
and' aunceant Doctors a blasphemose Book gatberid by
D. Steph. Gardiner, D. Smith of Oxford, etc., i^ainst the
Godly Mariadge of Priests, newly corrected and amended,
black Irtttr, half morocco (PrinJed abroad), no place or
printer's name, 1556, 8vo. (2093) Maggs, £3
921 Font (Robert, an aged Pastour in the Kirk of Scotland). A
Newe Treatise of the Ri^ht Reckoning of Yeares, and Ages
of the World, and mens lives, etc. (title soiled, some comers
mended, last leaf in facsimile), large copy, half calf, £dm-
burgh, Rob. Waldegrave, 1599, 4to. (2410)
W. Brown, £4 17s. 6d.
932 Pope (Alex.) Works (the first collected folio volume of his
miscellaneous poems', with some MS. additions, uncut,
tf. Bowyer for B. Lintot, 1717— Virgil's Works by Dryden,
first edition, copperplate engravings, 1697, folio (2144)
B. f-: Stevens, £b
923 Prayer. The Bake of Comon Prayer & administracio of the
Sactamentes, and other Rytes & Ceremonies of the Church
of Englande ; with the Psalter after the trSslacio of the
Great Bible, pointed as it shal be sayde or songe in Churches,
and certayn Godly Praiers, bUth Icttrr, two titles within
ornamental borders (first title and comers of 2 leaves in
Godly Prayers mended, last leaf in facsimile, otherwise a
sound, lac^e and clean copy), morocco extra, antique style,
S'lt edges by F. Bedford, No place or name of printer,
'DLIII. cum priiiilegio ad itnprimendum soltim, 8vo.
(209s) Hidier, £10 los.
[A rare edition of Edward's Prayer Book ; probably
the last before the accession of Queen Mary. It may be
Grafton's edition of this date, but there is no colophon. —
934 Prayer. Tbe Forme of Prayers and Ministration of the
Sacmmenis, rtc used in the English Congregation at
Geneva, and approved by the famous and Godly learned
man John Calvyn — One and Fifiie Psalmes of David in
Englishe Metre by T. Stemeholde and others (with music),
top of title cut off — The Catechisme or Manner to teach
children the Christian Religion, made by the Excellent
Doctor and Pastor John Calvin, the three books in i vol.,
some margins slightly shaved, but a clean and sound copy,
in velvet binding with gold clasps, gilt edges, Geneva,]Q\ai
Crespin, 1556, 8va (2096) Quarilc/i, £6^
935 Prayer. The Book of Common Order, the CL. Psalmes of
David, in Meter for the use of the Kirk of Scotland (with
apt notes), with Calendar, CoDfession of Faith, Order of
Discipline, Prayers, some leaves stained, 6 leaves of Calendar
igitized by Google
reprinted (sold with all faults), c^f, T. VautroUier, 1387, Svo.
(2097) Voym£h^ £% 2s. 6d.
926 Prayer. The Boole of Common Order. The Psalmes of
David in Metre used in the Church of Scotland, with divers
notes and tunes augmented to them (Knox's Liturgy), mor.,
MiddUburg, R. Schilders, iS96,8vo.(2098) W. Brown, ij, 5s.
927jPrayer. The Book of Common Order, The CL. Psalmes of
David in Meter, with Prayers and Catechisme, according to
the forme used in the Kirk of Scotland, etc. (with musical
notes), old calf, Edinburgh be H. Charteris, 1596, Svo,
(2099) W. Brown, £27 los.
[An edition of the Book of Common Order, or Jobn
Knox's Liturgy, rarely found complete. This was perfiect,
wiih all the separate titles. — Catalogue^
928 Prayer. The Book of Common Order. The CL. Psalmes of
David in Meter, with the Prose, for the Use of the Kirk of
Scotland (with the Catechisme, etc.), some leaves stained,
one a little mended, some margins cut into, with all faults,
morocco, gilt edges, MiddUburgk, R. Schilders, 1602, Svo.
(aioo) W. Brovm, lio
929 Prayer. The Psalmes of David in Meetcr, with the Prose
{with musical notes), whereunto is added Prayers commonly
used in the Kirke and private houses, with a Perpetual
Kalendar duelie calculated to the Meridian of Edinburgh
(some leaves slightly wormed, last leaf mended), old English
calf, with stamped gilt ornaments and initials D. G. M., gilt
and gauffered edges, Edinburgh, And. Hart, 1611, 8vo.
(2101) Hopkins, £is
[A copy of this rare edition of the Scottish Prayer-Book
was sold in D, Laing's sale in 1879 for ^16. — Catalogue.']
930 Prayer. Liber Precum Publicarum ; seu Ministerii Eccle-
siastics administration is Sacramentorum alionunque rituum
ct Ceremoniarum in Ecclesia Angiicana, title within wood-
cut border, morocco, gilt edges, Excusum Londini per Astig-
nationem Fr. Florae excud. T. Vautrollerius, 1574, Svo.
(2101) RidUr, £t iSs.
931 Prayer. Book of Common Prayer, as revised and proposed to
the use of the Protestant Episcopal Church, at a Convention
of the States held in Philadelphia. 1785 (with the Psalms in
metre and tunes), first American edition, old morocco, Phi/a-
delpkia. Hall and Sellers, 17S6, Svo. (2105) Q»aritch, £■} i8s.
932 Prayer. The Booke of Common Prayer, and adminisiiation
of the Sacraments, and other parts of Divine Service for the
Use of the Church of Scotland (with the Psalter according
to the last Translation in King James his Time), lihub Utttr
(comer of last leaf mended), morocco gilt, antique style, gilt
edges by F. Bedford, Edinburgh, R. Young, 1637 (Psalter,
1636) (2501) Butt, £7 I2S. 6U.
[First edition of Archbishop Laud's Scottish Prayer-Book,
It IS without the word "certaine" at the end of the Psalter.
— Catalogue-I
igitized by Google
933 Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer . . . of the Church of
England ; with the Psalter after the Translation of the Great
Bible, blatk Utttx (title in large loman, red and black), R.
Barker, 1660— The Form and Manner of making and con-
secrating Bishops, etc, 16., 1639— Whole Booke of Psalmes
in English Meeier by Stemhold and Hopkins, with apt
notes, bUitk Uttn, S. G. for Stat. Co., 1661, in I vol., half
morocco gilt, t. e. g. (2502) Slater, £1
934 Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer, etc., the " Sealed
Book " of Charles 1 1., black Utter, engraved title by L<^gan
inlaid, ornamental initials (top margin of A I mended),
morocco gilt, antique style, gilt edges, Printed 6y it's
Maiia Printers, 1662 (2505) Bull, £\ 13s.
935 Prayer. Liber Precum Publicarum, aliorumque rittium et
Caeremoniammin Ecclesia Anglicana, ruled in red, kaletidar
in red and black, woodcut title and initials (title and comer
of next leaf mended, otherwise an excellent copy), morocco,
gilt edges. Land. ap. Reg. Wolfium^ 1560, 4to. (2429)
Quaritck, £1 i7s. 6d.
[The first edition of Walter Haddon's Latin version of
Queen Elizabeth's First Prayer-Book, with the Queen's Im-
E'matUT, " dat. ap Palacium nostrum dc West. V. die Aprilis
no Regni nostri secundo." Rev. W. J. Blew's copy sold
fat £\'&.—Catalogus:\
g36 Prayer. The Common Prayer and Sacraments and other
Rites of the Church of England, with Calendar, etc., with
the Psalter after the Great Bible, tiUth letter, long lines, two
titles, each within woodcut borders, first title soiled and
several words erased, otherwise a fine copy of a. rare edition,
C Barker, n. d.— The Whole Booke of Psalmes, collected
into metre by Stemhold and others, with apt notes, blxtli
letttr, long lines, fine copy, John Daye, 1583 {1584 at end),
in I vol., black morocco, gilt edges, 4to. (.2430) Quaritck, £b
937 Prayer. The Primer, set foorth, by the Kynges Maieslie and
his Clergie to be taught lerned and read ; and none other to
be used throughout all bis dominions (with Calendar and
Almanack for 32 years), bliuli lettn (red and black), title
and 3 other leaves mended and slightly defective, colophon
in facsimile, otherwise a most excellent copy, old red
morocco, with gilt ornamental borders, rebacked (W. Her-
but's copy, R. Grafton, Printer to the Princes Grace, xxix.
May, 134s, 4to. (2437) Quaritck, ^30 10s.
[The first edition of this Primer in English, differing
greatly from those of 1555 and i^y^.— Catalogue^
938 Prayer. Pickering's Reprints of Edward VLth's Two Bookes
of Common Prayer, Queen Elizabeth's First Book, King
James's First Book, the Scotch Book of Charles I., the
Sealed Book of Charles II., and Queen Victoria's Book,
1844, all printed in blach Ittttr, by Whittingham of Chiswick,
7 vol., vellum gilt (the "Victorian " half vclium), W. Picker-
ing, 1844-45, folio (2245) Hopkins, £\\ 5s.
939 Prayer. The Booke of the Common Prayer and Administra-
cion of the Sacramentes after the Use of the Churche of
igitized by Google
Eagland, blach Iritn (title and leaf at end as to the price of
the book in fecsimile, margins of several leaves at bcKinninf;
and end mended, otherwise a fair copy, but sold with all
faults), calf extra, gilt edges, Edw. Whitchurche, Jutte XVI.,
1 549. folio (3246) Bull, £2^
rrhe June issue of King Edward's first Prayer-Book.
— Calalague.']
940 Prayer. Booke of Common Prayer, and other Rites and Cere-
monies of the Church of England ; with the Psalter after
the translation of the Great Bible, pointed, black litter (title
and next 3 leaves in facsimile, half of 0 5 in facsimile,
corners and mat^ins of several leaves mended and one
slightly defective, with all faults), morocco extra, gilt edges,
R. Barker. [604, folio (1247) QuarilcM, £\
[The second Prayer-Book of King James I. as settled at
the Hampton Court Conference. — Caialogut.'\
941 Prayer. The Book of Common Order. The Psalmes of David
in Prose and Mecter, with their Whole Tunes in fbure or
more parts ; Whereunto is added many Godly Prayers and
an exact Calendar (some leaves soiled and mended, margins
frayed, sold with all faults), morocco gilt, gilt edges, Edin-
burgh, Heirs of A. Hart, 1635, 8vo. (3352) Hopkins, £-i
942 Presbyterian Review (The) and Religious Journal, 31 vol., half
calf, Edinburgh, 1832-4S, 8vo. (2253) Reya, £2
943 Prescott (W. H.) Works, Conquest of Mexico and Peru, Fer-
dinand and Isabella, Charles V. and Philip II., library
edition, 11 voL, portraits, calf gill, m. e,, Bentley, 184S-59,
8vo. (2255) Hopkins, £s 5s,
944 Primer, This is the Prymer in Englysh set out a longe, with
dyvers additions, black Ictttr (Calendar in red and black),
woodcut title and 2 leaves slightly defective, Imprinted at
L^ondon by Rycharde Kele, divellynge at the longe shop in the
Poultry, n. d. [i54z]~The Gospelles and Pystles of all ye
Sondayes & Sayntes dayes that are rede in the churche all
the whole yere, black Utter (last leaf defective, some leaves
slightly wormed), Richard Grafton, 1540, in i vol., contem-
porary limp vellum, the volume with ait faults, 8va. (2258)
Quaritch, £10 los.
945 Primer. Thys Prymer in Englyshe and in Laten is newly
translatyd after the Laten texte, black letter, in red and black,
fine woodcuts, device of Jehan le Marchant on title, calf, a
rare edition, Imprynttd at Rowen (Rouen), 1 538, 8vo. (2259)
Leighton, £16
946 Primer (The) in English and Latin after the Salisbury Use,
with an Exposycyon upon the LI. Psalme by Hierom of
Ferrara, blatk letter, red and black, woodcuts (imperfect,
commencing with " The Symbole of Athanasius " (a leaves),
followed by signatures A-P in 8's, the Exposition of Savona-
rola {which is perfect) commences the voL, and has " im-
prynted by me Nicolas le Roux " at the end, sold with M
faults), half bound IRouen, N. Le Roux, 1538], 8vo. (2260)
Buii, £2 as.
igitized by Google
947 Pnmer. Th« Prymcr both in Engrlyahe and Latin anna
MDXL,, prynted in the house late the Graye Freers by
Rychard Grafton and Edward Whytchurche, cum privilegio
ad imprimendum solum, with the Pystels and Gospels of
Sondayes and holydayes in Englysshe, newly corrected and
amended, black Icttn, red and black, some headlines in the
Epistles slightly shaved, blue morocco, gilt edges, Grafton
and Wbitechurch, 1540, 8va. (2361) Quaritch. £2,6 los.
[A very rare edition. It had the following note on title:
"This Book being pirated by oiher Booksellers, was the
occasion of the First Patent being granted by K. Hcnr. 8,
dated Jan. 2S, 1 543, Wm.Baynton, Grays Ian."— Catalogue.]
948 Primer. The Primer in En|;Iishe and Latin set forth by the
Kynges Majeste and his Clergie to be taught, learned and
read, and none other to be used throughout all his dominions,
blacb Uttn, red and black, woodcut initials, russia, gilt edges,
in morocco case, Impryn/ed by E. Wkitchurc/te, IX. Jan.,
m\d,xlviii. (154B), 8vo, (2262) Quaritch, £\q is. 6d.
[A perfect copy of an edition of Henry VIII. 's Primer,
probably the last one issued. It is not mentioned by
Lowndei. The recto of last leaf reads "geven at Grene-
wiche XXVIII. day of May, in the XXXVII. yere of our
reigne." — Catalogue. ]
949 Fnidentius (Aurelius). Opus renim diumarum in usum pie
Juventutis editus (Hymni), Lipi., N. Faber. 1533— Melodxae
Prudentianae et in Virgilium Magna ex parte nuper natae et
par. Nic Fabrum typographum expressae (with musical notes
for four voices), r'i., in i vol. vellum, 8vo. (2266) Eliis, £,%
950 Psalter. Icy C6mence le Psaultier de David contenSt centet
cinquinte Pseaulmes aveca. leurs litres leallement translate
de latin en fianchois (sic), lettres bitardes, title and capitals
in red, vellum, Impressum Parrhiis (sic) Anno dm. 1513,
mists Julii per Tkomam Kees Wtsaliensem el mora trakeMl
post Carmelitas I tiomo rubea. Et Venidantur in civitate
ToTHocefi, 8va (2266) Ellis, ^26 5s.
[Exceedingly rare. Brunei could only cite it from Panzer
after Gesner, and calls it " Mvre rare que nous n'avons jamais
vu." — Catalog «^.]
951 Psalter. Les Choses Contenues en ce Present Livre. Une
Epistre comment ou doibt prier Dieu. Le Psautier de David,
Argument brief sur chaque Pseaulme, etc., tettres bStardes,
red and black, original limp vellum, gilt and gauffered edges,
in new morocco case, a nne, targe and clean copy, Paris,
Simon de Colines, 1515, 8vo. (22^) Quaritch, £\% 5s.
[A rare edition of this French version ofihe Psalmes, not
mentioned by Brunet, who notes an edition of 1523 by the
same printer.— Ca/a/(>fiif.]
953 Psalter. Lea Pseaumes mis en rime Fran^oise par CI. Marot
et Theodore de Beze (avec les airs not^s), suivies des Prices
Eccl^siastiques, printed throughout within fine omamenial
woodcut borders of arabesques, ^otesques and mythological
subjects, old French morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy, Ex-
igitized by Google
Ijbris of Sir M. M. Sjrkes, Lyon, par Jan de Toumts pour
Ant. Viitcent, 1563, 8vo. (1271) B. F. Stevens, ^50
[Thii was David Laing's copy, which sold in his sale in
1879 for ;£45. It was said that the only other copy known
is that of M. Revillod of Geneva. The renuirkable borders,
Brunei says, had already been employed by J. dc Toumes
for the Metamorphoses of Ovid in \%%T.—Catalof^^
953 Psalter. Les CL. Pseaumes de David, mis en rime Fran^oise
par Ctemeot Marot et Theodore de Besze (avec le Kalen-
drier), les airs notfs, contemporary limp vellum, with blind
stamped oraaments, gilt gauffered edges, in new,
S. I. far Abel Clemence, 1564, 64mo, (2272) EiUi, j£s ^s. 6d.
[A scarce little edition not mentioned in BruneC. On the
tl^-leaf is a contemporary inscription showing it to have been
given to Wolfgang Christopher Scheber by Fr. Cainerariusin
954 Psalter. Les Pseaumes de David, mis en rime Frangoise par
Cletnent Marot et Theodore dc Bezae.avecle prose en mai^ge,
woodcut tide, old Lyonnese calf, with elaborate stamped gilt
ornaments and initials T. B. in centres, gilt edges (from
Hcber's library), Geneve, A. Rivery, 1576, Bvo. {2273)
HasUtl, £11
[This was originally Theodore Beia's own copy, and has
an inscription at end m his handwriting : " Theodorus Beta
Genuae scri)>si VI. Martii anno ultima Die et Servatoris
nostri Domini Patientiae, 1597." The initials on the binding
are his. He died in 1605. — Catalogue.']
955 Psalterium Hebrsum, Gnccum, Arabicum et Chaldvum, cum
tribus latinis interpretationibus et glossis, edidit Aug. Jus-
tioianus, old MS. notes in margins, ancient MS. on parch-
ment as fly-leaf, vellum, Geneva, P. Porrus, 15 16, folio (2511)
956 Psalterium Davidis Latine, printed in large gathic Uttir, lone
lines (19 to a full page), without marks (163 leaves), rubricated
capitals, large ornamental initials finely painted and illu-
mmated, margins of 3 pages decorated, morocco, gilt edges.
Impressum per Frtdericum Creiviner de Nuremberga, s. a.,
4to. (2445) £11", iH iSs.
957 Psalterium Hebiaice, cum commentario D. Kimchi, editto
princeps, the first and another leaf mended, some leaves
shorter than others, S. I. per Magistrum Joseph et Filium
ejus Chaiim Sfordachai et Ezechiam Montro, 1477, 4to.
f2443) Ellis. £8
[First edition of any portion of the Bible printed in Hebrew
characters. — Catalogue.]
95S Psalterium. Psaltenon [Graecum cura Justini Decadyi],
printed in red and black, ornamental initials and divisions,
z pages within ornamental borders, (lirst and last leaves
slightly stained), blue morocco, gilt edges, yenet., Aldus
Manutius (circa 1495), 4to. (2444) Sllis, £4 i ;s. 6d.
959 Psalmes. The Whole Book of Psalmes in Prose and Meeter,
with an exact Kalender and morning and evening prayer,
and many other godly prayers, etc (with musical notes), title
igitized by Google
within woodcut border, old Scotch morocco, with gilt orna-
ments (worn), Edinburgh, Jas. Bryson, 1640, 34mo. (2278)
Ellis, £i iss.
960 Psalmes. The Bookeof Psalmes in Metre, close and proper to
the Hebrew, smooth and pleasant for the Metre, plaio and
easie for the Tunes, with musical notes, etc. (by Wm. Barton),
(worm-hole throughout), M. Simmons Jbr the Slat. Co., 1644
— The Choice and Flower of the Old Psalms, collected by
John Hopkins and others, now revised and amended by Wm.
Barton, G. Miller, 1645, in i vol, old calf, a leaf " upon Mr.
William Barton's elaborate Translation ** pasted in end
cover, 8vo. (2279) Ellis, £1 los.
961 Psalms of David in Meeter (The), allowed by the Authority of
the general! assembly of the Kirk of Scotland, first edition of
the present Scotch use (margin of title and Aii mended, last
leaf of table wanted, with all faults), morocco gilt, gilt edges,
autograplv of D, Laing, Edinburgh, E. Tyler, 1650, 8vo.
(3z8o) Uighlon, ^i i8s.
962 Quaritch (B.) General Catalogue of Books, 1874, with the
Supplement to 1877, 2 vol., half morocco, 1874-77, thick 8vo.
(2z88) Brit-will, £1 los.
963 Ranke (Leopold von). Historyof England in the 17th Century,
6 vol., Oiford, 1875, 8vo. (2301) Harding, £2 2s.
964 Ravenscroft (Tho.) The Whole Booke of Psalmes, with the
Hymnes Evangelicall and Songs Spirituall, composed into
4 parts by Sundry Authors, with such several! Tunes as have
beene sung in England, Scotland, etc., never before in one
volume published, the first edition, autograph and note of
T. Park, calf. Slat Co., 1621, 8vo. (2303) Ellisy £4 158.
96s Rawlinson (Sir Geo.) The Five (and the Sixth and Seventh)
Great Monarchies of the Eastern World, maps and illustra-
tions, 5 vol., calf extra, m.e., 1873-76, 8vo. (2304) Quaritch, £b
966 Rebellion, 1745. A Full Collection of all the Proclamations
and Orders of Charles Prince of Wales since his arrival in
Edinburgh, Sept. 17, 1745— A Full Collection of all Poems
upon Charles Prince of Wales — The Congress of the Beasts,
1748 — Advantages to England by the Hanover Succession.
1745 — Account of the Battle of Gladsmuir between Prince
Charles and General Cope, 1745— Account of the Battle of
Falkirk, and 2 Broadside Ballads, etc., a scarce collection,
in 1 voL, half calf, 8vo. (2305) Dunihome, ^3 5s.
g67 Reynard the Fok (the most delectable Historv of), newly cor-
rected and purged, augmented and enlarged, with a Second
Part, and the Shifts of Rcynardine, black Irtltr, woodcuts,
bottom margin of Part 1. slightly mended, the 3 parts in i
voL, calf gilt, r. e, all clean copies, rarely found complete,
E. Brewster, 1701-1681-1684, 4to. (2469} Quaritch,£% iis. 6d.
968 Richardson (M. A.) The Borderer's Table Book, many
hundred woodcuts, 8 vol. in 4, Newcastle, 1846, royal 8vo.
(2317) • Harding, £i
969 Ridley and Latimer. Certem godly, learned and comfortable
conferences, betwene the two Reverende Fathers and holy
Martyrs, D. Nic. Rydley and M. Hughe Latimer, during the
igitized by Google
MS. da
tycne of their emprisontnentes, i ; $6 — A Brief declaration of
the Lordes Supper, written by Nicholas Ridley, a lite) beiore
he suffred deathe for the true testimonie of Christ, anno
1555— The Copy of Certain Lettres sent to the Quene and
also to doctour Martin and doctour Storyc, by Tliomas
Cranmer, Archbishop of Canto rburye, from prison in
Oxeforde, head inserted, 1556, all three works printed in
the same types, in fainck Itttcr, probably abroad, in 1 vol.,
half vellum, 8vo. (2320) Buil, £1 iis.
970 Ro^rs (Sam.) Italy, a Poem; and Poems, numerous 6ne
vignettes by J. M. W. Turner and T, Stotbard (some slightly
foxed), first editions, 2 vol., morocco, gilt edges, Cadell,
1S30-34, 8vo. (2334) Edwards, £2 19s.
971 Rome. Here begynneih a booke, called the faulc of the
Romyshe Church, wyth al! the abho mi nations, etc., black
lttter{23leaves), calf, Ao^/«ftfwa'a/* (1545?), 8vo. (2337)
kt the end of this volume were iz leaves of contemporary
i. dated 155^, beginning, "Whether Christian Faith maie
be kept secret in the Heri without Open Confession thereof
to the World, finis qd. John Hoper" (Bp. John Hooper,
published at Rouen in 1553); followed by the " tienealogic
of Antichrist" and a Dialogue between Stephen Gardiner
and Judge Hales. — Catalogue.'^
972 Roxburghe Club. Proceedings in the Court Martial held upon
John, Master of Sinclair, for the Murder of Ensign Shaw,
etc., 1708, half morocco, Edinburgh, 1828, 4to. (2488)
Ellis. £i 6s.
973 Roxburghe Club. The Decline of the Last Stuarts. Extracts
from the Despatches of British Envoys to the Secretary of
State, half morocco, London, W. Nicol, 1843, 410. (2489)
Ellis, £■>.
974 Roxburghe Club. Literary Remains of King Edward VI.,
edited from his Autc^raph MSS. with notes by J. G. Nichols,
2 vol^ half bound, uncut, J. B. Nichols, 1857, 4to. (2490)
Ellis, £1 i6s.
975 Roxburghe Club. Basilikon Doron \ or his Majesties In-
structions to his dearest sonne Henry the Prince, Written
by James I., Reprint of the Edition of 1 599, for presentation
to the Roxburghe Club, new russia gilt, with Scottish arms,
t. e^., 18B7, 4to. (2493) D. Reeves, £2 6s.
[Tfie first edition of the Basilikon Doron published in
England appeared at London, 1603, 8vo. The first edition
of all was privately printed at Edinburgh in 1599, and is
now exceedmgly rare. — Ed.]
976 Ruding (Rev. Rogers). Annals of the Coinage of Great
Britain, third (and best) edition, corrected, enlarged and
continued, numerous plates, 3 vol., calf gilt, m. e., J. Heame,
1840, 4to, (2493) . Harding, £s $%.
977 Ruskin (John). Notes on his Collection of Drawings by
J. M. W. Turner, 35 plates and maps, half morocco, t. e. g.,
uncut. Elite Art Society, 1878, 4t*>. (2497) A'. Ward, £1 14s.
igitized by Google
97S Ruskin (John). Modem Painters, first edition (vol. i., ;th,
vol. ii., 3rd), numerous illustrations by the author and J. M.
W. Turner, ; voL, half morocco gilt, gilt ed^ea, Smith, Elder
and Co., i8s[-6o, imperial 8va (2344) fV. Brown, ^10 15s.
979 Ruskin (John). Seven Lamps of Architecture, first edition,
with illustrations by the Author, original cloth, Smith, Elder
and Co., 1849, 8vo. (234$) Hopkins, £1
980 Ruskin (John). Stones of Venice, new edition, numerous
illustrations by the Author, ^ vol., autograph signature below
the Preface in vol. i., 1873, imp. 8vo. (1347) Hopkins, £^ 3s.
981 Rutherford (Dr. Sam. of St. Andrews). Plea for Pauls Pres-
byterie in Scotland, 1642— Lex, Rex: the Law and the
Prince, 1644— Due Right of Presbyteries (with the Way of
the Church of Christ in New England, etc.), 1644— Christ
Dying and Drawing Sinners to Himself, 1647— Divine Right
of Church Government and Excommunication, i646-'and
Influences of the Life of Grace, i6s9, 4to. (2498)
E. G. Allen, £1 los.
982 Rutherford (Dr. Sam.) Survey of the Summc of Church-
Discipline penned by Thos. Hooker of New England, etc.,
1658— Free Disputation against Pretended Liberty of Con-
science, morocco gilt, ]649|— Tryal and Triumph of Faith,
1645 — Survey of the Spiritual Antichrist, 1648— and the
Covenant of Life Opened, Edinburgh, 1655, 4to. (2499)
H. Sitvms, £2
983 Sacrament. The Forme and Maner of examination before
the admission to ye tabill of ye Lord, usit be ye Ministerie
ttf Edinburgh, and gevin to ye Ministeris of everie famitie,
etc., black Tcttn (A-C in 8's including title), some comers
frayed, half bound, in new morocco case, Imprintit at Edin-
burgh by Henrie Charteris, 1581, 8vo. (2354) Quaritch, £ib
J Excessively rare, if not unique. D. Laing's copy, which
d for £jO. — Catalogue^
984 Savile (John). King James, his Entertainment at Theobalds,
with his Welcome to London, together with a Saltatorie
Poeme (wanted last leaf, had blank leaf A), T. Snodham/or
T. Eite, 1603, 4to. (2684) QuariUh,£2
98; Schrenk (Jacob). Impcralorum, Regnm, Arciducum, Princi-
pum, Comitum, Baronum alionimque ctariasimortmi Virorum,
etc.. Imagines Verissinue, German text and title, lit. goth.,
within ornamental holders, and 125 fuil-length portraits
witbin fine ornamental borders (2 leaves of Latin title and
index privately printed by Sir Wm. Stirling- Maxwell in-
serted), half calf, Innsprug durch D. Baur, s. a., folio (2521)
M^g^, £2 6s.
986 Scory Oohn, Bp. of Chichester). An Epistle unto aU the
fayXhnxU that ne in pryson in Englande, etc., blatk Utter
(title backed). No place or printer's name, anno isSS—
Olde (John) The Acquital or Purgation of the moost
Catholyke Christian Prince Edwarde VI. and of theChurche
of Englande refourmed and governed under hym, agaynst
al sncne as infame hym or the sayd church of heresie or
igitized by Google
sedicion, bUuk Itttcr, Emprinted at Waterford the 7 daye of
Novembre, 1555, in I voL, old calf, 8vo. (2367) Bull, £4 los.
[Both these works are printed in the same fonn and
type, and evidently were produced by the same press, but
Cotton regards the place of printing as fictitious. — Cata-
987 Scottish Ecclesiastical Records. Transcripts of Ancient MSS.
by G. R. Kinloch, very neatly written, 10 vol., russia, a
valuable series, 1833, etc., 4to. (2690) Bull, £s 15s.
9S8 Scotland. D. Bancroft's Rashness in Rayling against the
Church of Scotland, noted in answere to a letter of a worthy
person of England, etc., by I. D.(avid3on), a brother of the
sayd Church of Scotland, morocco gilt, gill edges, Edinburgh,
R, Waidegrave, 1590, 8vo. (2376) fif- Brown, £tb
989 Scotland. Confessio Fidei, ah Ecclesia Scoticana approbata,
una cum catecbismo duplici (comers cut), half morocrtt,
Edinb., A. Anderson, 1694 — Psaltna Dhaibhidh le M. K.
Kirk (Psalms in Gaelic by the Rev. A. Kirk), old morocco,
Duti'Edin., 1684 — Government and Order of the Church of
Scotland (by Rev. A. Henderson), half calf, Edinb., Sttit. Co.,
1690, 8vo. (2381) McClean, £^ 15s,
990 Scotland. The Confessione of the Fayth and Doclrin bcleved
and professed by the Protestantes of the Realme of Scot-
land, exhibited in the estates of the sam in Parliament, etc,
blacd Utter, autograph of Wm. Herbert on tide and <k
D. Laing on fly-leaf, £x-Libris of Geo. Chalmers in cover,
old calf. Imprinted at Edinburgh by Robert Lekprevik, 1 561,
8vo. (232B) Richardion, £$0
[This was David Laing'a copy, which realised ^62 los. at
his sale in 1879. The last leaf contains the following
imprint: "From Edinburghe, 17 Augusti, 1560. Tliese
Actes and Articules ar red in the face of Parliament, and
ratified by the thre estatis." — Catafegue.]
991 Scotland. Acts of Parliament of Scotland from II24.1707.
printed by authority of the Lords Commissioners of the
Treasury, with General Index, 13 voL, half russia, Edinburgh,
1844-75, fo'io (2522) Hopkins, £i, 15s.
992 Scotland. The Actis and Constitutionnis of the Realme ot
Scotland, maid in Parliamentis balden be Kyngis ^ames
the first, secund, thrid, feird, fyft, and in tyme of Mane now
Quene, viseit, correctit and extractit furth of the Registers,
A.D. 1566, blach Irttn, large Scottish arms on title (margins
cut into), first edition of the " Black Acts," good copy, Edin-
burgh, Rob. Lepreuik, 1566— The Actis of Parliament of
James the Sext King of Scottis haldin at Edinburgh, blxdi
tlttr, ib., 1568 — In the Parliament of James the Sext, bc-
gunne at Striviling Aug. 18, 1571 (inlaid and mended), ib,,
1573 — In the Parliament at Striviling July 25, 1578 (inlaid),
ib.,]a. Ros, 1579 — In the Parliament at Edinb. xxiiii. Oct.
1581 (inlaid, last leaf in facsimile), ib., H. Charteris, i;82, in
I vol., brown morocco extra, gilt edges (sold with all ^uUs),
folio (2523) Dunlhome, £4 83.
igitized by Google
993 Scotland. Acts of ihe General Assembly of the Kirk of
Scotland, 1638-49 ; and from 1690 to 1896 ; with a Register
of the Proceedings in 1693, together 30 vol., panelled calf,
and 4 Nos., Edinburgh, 1638-96, folio (3539) //:^*r«j, ^5 5s.
994 Scotland. Certainc Matters Compiosed together (Genealogie
of all the Kings of Scotland, the Whole Nobilitie, most rare
and Wounderfull Things in Scotland, etc.), the rare original
edition, morocco extra, gilt edges by R, de Covcrley, John
Pinkcrton's copy, with his Ex-Libris, Edinburgh, Rob.
Waldegrave {i594),4to.C27o7) Richardson, £1^ i;s.
995 Scotland. Certeinc Matters concerning the Realme of
Scotland, composed together (Genealogy of the Kings, the
Whole Nobilitie, the description of Whole Scotknd, etc.), as
they were Anno Domini 1597, morocco extra, gilt edges,
rare, A. HalJUld for John Flasket, 1603, 4to.(27o8)
W. Brown, £2 i8s.
996 Scotland. Justiciary Papers. Information for his Majesties
Advocate against Capt. John Porteous, 1 736— Information
for Capt. John Porteous against his Majiesties Advocate, ib.
— Memorial or State of the Case for Capt. John Porteous
now lying under sentence of death, 1736— Criminal Letters
against Archibald Stuart, Provost of Edinburgh, 1747—
Information against Jas. MacGregor, alias Drummond (Rob
Roy), etc., 1752, and others against Provost Montgomery
Wightman of Maulsie, eta, in i vol., half calf, a scarce col-
lection, 4to. (2718) W. Brown, £1 lis.
997 Scotland. Col. Morgan's Letter concerning his taking the
Strong Garrison of Kildrummie from the Highlanders in
Scotland, 1654— The Bloudy Field, or the Great Engage-
ment of the English and Scottish Forces beyond Sterling,
ib. — A True Relation of the Rowting of Middleton's Army
in Scotland, ib.—.\ Great Fight in Scotland between the
English Forces under General Monk and the Scots under
Middleton, id. — The Faithful Scout, i6s4^Letter from Gen.
Monck from Dalkeith, 13 Oct., 1659— Declaration of the
General Councill of the Officera of the Army, 1659 —
Answer of the Officers at Whitehall to the Letter from the
Scots' Army, ib., etc., in 3 vol., 410. (3730) Dunthome, £i
998 Scotland. Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of
Scotland, from the commencement in 1851 to 1895 (wanted
voL xxiv.), numerous plates, 38 vol., 12 half morocco, 16
doth, iS$5-96, 4to. (3724) Solheran, £j
999 Scotland. The Honourable Chiflains of the Highland Clans
Vindicated from the False Aspersions, etc., of Ridpath the
Libeller (title mended), Edinburgh, 1713 — The Spirit of
Calumny and Slander examin'd, etc., more particularly
addressed to Mr. Geo. Ridpath, 1693 — Gallienus Ridivivus,
being a true account of the De-Witting of Glencoe, GalTney,
etc., Edinburgh, 1695 — Vindication of Robert IIL from the
Imputation of Bastardy, ib., 1695, 4:0. (3732)
Dunthome, £2 4s.
igitized by Google-
looo Scotiand. Excerpta Scotica (a Collection of 39 short pifeccs
illustrative of Scottish Affairs from 1488 to 1795, edited by
Jas. Maidment), frontispiece, autograph and Ex-Libris of
G. R. Kinloch, calf gilt, gilt edges, Edinburgh, 1825, gvo.
(2387) Dunthome, £j 5s.
[All these pieces were privately printed in very limited
numbers, so that only six complete sets could be made up.
No. 22 is in MS., but this copy contained four extra pieces
in MS. and two in print beyond the proper list. Laing's
copy sold in 1879 for £21. — Caialogue.'\
looi Scotland (Historians of), edited by Skene and D. Laing, vol. i.
to X,, uncut, Edinburgh, 1871-S3, 8vo. (2389) Doig, £^ ^s.
1002 Scotland. Information, or a Protestation, and a Treatise
from Scotland, etc., all suggesting the Usurpation of Papal
Bishops, Imprinted (^privately), 1608 — A Dialogue , . .
anent the urging of New Cereinontes upon the Kirke of
Scotland, No place, i6zo — Speach of the Kirk of Scotland
to her beloved Children (by D. Calderwood), 1620 — Defence
of Our Arguments against KneeHng at the Sacrament (by
D. Calderwood), ib., and 3 others, in i vol., some margins
shaved, 1608-35, 8vo. (2392) Bull, £x is.
1003 Scotland. Laws and Acts of Parliament made by King
lames I. and his Successors, Kings and Queens of Scotland
(to Queen Anne), collected by Sir T. Murray, etc. (with i
Indexes by Sir Tames Stewart), 5 vol., uniform russia extra,
g. e., Edinburgh, 1682-1707, 8vo. (2394) Richardson, £2 14s.
1004 Scotland. Miscellanea Scotica. A Collection of Tracts
relating to the History, Antiquities, Tofiogniphy, and
Literature of Scotland, 4 vol., calf gilt, y. e., Glasgow,
J. Wylie, i8i8-20, 8vo. (2396) Richardson, £1 lis.
1005 Scotland. (New Statistical Account of)i by the Ministers of
the Respiective Paiishes, ij vol., maps and numerous illus-
trations, half calf, Blackwood, 184s, 8vo. (2399)
/Hopkins, £1 I2S.
1006 Scotland. Reponse de Mathieu Kennedy, autheur de la
Dissertation Cronologique, G^^ogique et Historique, de
la Famille Royale des Stuarts, a une Lettre que le P^re de
la Haye a dcrite au Due de Perth, etc., morocco gilt, g. e..
Parts, L, Sevestrc, 1715, 8vo. (2536) Richardson, £1 15s.
1007 Scots Poems, A Choice Collection of Comic and Serious
Scots Poems, both ancient and modem, by several hands
(by James Watson), the three parts complete, all publ^hed
(a few leaves in part i. slightly wormed), morocco, gilt
edges, Edinburgh, Jas. Watson, 171 1- 1709-11 (2545)
Dunlhi>me,£A 12s,
1008 Scott (Hew). Fasti Ecclesifc Scoticanse ; the Succession of
Ministers in the Parish Churches of Scotland from 1560 to
the present, 3 vol. in 6, uncut, Edinburgh and London,
1866-71, 4to. (2738) mpkini, £\ I2S.
1009 Scott (David). Rime of the Anticnt Mariner, illustrated by
3J Scenes designed and etched by D. Scott, India proofs,
Edinburgh, 1837— Of Man, Six Monograms by David
Scott, S.A., ib., 1831 — an original Pencil Sketch of
igitized by Google
"James VI. discoursing Theology" inserted, in I vol, half
morocco, imperial folio (2789) IV. Brown, £i
loio Scott (Sir Walter). Border Antiquities of England and Scot-
land, original edition, large paper, 98 engravings, India
proofs, 3 vol., half bound, uncut, 1813, folio (2790)
Worics, numerous illustrations, 92 vol., uniform calf gilt,
m. c, 1829-33, 8vo. (2548) Mages, £iQ iss.
1012 [Scoit (Sir Walter).] Rules and Regulations « the Ro^
Edinburgh Dragoons, engraved title, morocco, Edinburgh,
1798, 8vo. (2549) Richardion, £1 6s.
[This very rare and interesting little book records the
name of Sir Walter Scott as Quarter- Master, Paymaster,
and Secretary to the Corps. It is referred to by Lockhait
in his \:\iK.— Catalogue^
1013 Scott Exhibition, 1871. Catalogue of the Exhibition held at
the Centenary of the Birth of Sir W. Scott, with photographs,
etc., of all the portraits ever taken, the only copy with this
series of photos, (see MS. slip in cover by Jas. Drummond),
half morocco, t. e. g., Edirtintrgk, 1882, 4to. (2740)
W. Brown, £3
1014 Scottish History Society (Publications of the), vol. i.-xxv.
(wanted vol. xxii. and xxiv.), cloth gilt, uncut, Edinburgh,
1887-96, 8vo. (3560) Macdonald, £\% los.
1015 Seivetus (Michael). De Trinitatis Erroribus, Lib. VII.,
item Diaiogorum de Trinitate, Lib. IL, et de Justicia Regni
Christi, editio prima, half vellum, ^. I. anno 1531-33, 8vo.
(3571) QfarUcKli 3s.
1016 Seton (Geo.) Law and Practice of Heraldry in Scotland,
numerous illustrations, half roan, uncut, Edinburgh, 1863,
8vo. (3573) W. Brown, £3 ija.
1017 Shakespeare (Wm.) Plays and Poems, Pickering's edition,
II vol., original cloth, uncut, W. Pickering, 1825, 8vo. (3^74)
Edwards, £z 3S.
1018 Shakespeare Quarto Facsimiles, with Introductions by
FumivalL and others, complete Set, facsimiled by Griggs
and Praetorius, 43 vol., half bound, v. d., 410. (3749)
Mag£s,£j ijs.
1019 Shaw (Henry). Dresses and Decorations of the Middle
Ages, original edition, 94 chromos., 2 vol., russia gilt, gill
edges, W. Pickering, 1843, sup. imperial 8vo. (2751;
Wright and Co., £\ 4s.
1020 Shaw (Henry). Illuminated Ornaments selected from MSS.
and Early Printed Books of the Middle Ages, ;9 fine
chromos., half bound, uncut, W.Pickering, 1833, 4to. (2753)
Hopkins, £2 69.
1021 Sibbald (J.) Chronicle of Scottish Poetry from the Xlllth
Century to the Union, with a Glossary, 4 vol., blue morocco
extra, t- e. g., Edinburgh, /or/. Sibbaid, 1803, 8va (2586)
Richardson, £3
I033 Silvestre (J. B.) Universal Palsec^fraphy ; or Facsimiles of
writing of all Nations and Periods, by F, Madden, 396
igitized by Google
chromo -lithographed facsimiles, i vol. of text and z vol.
folio of i)Utes, half morocco gilt, gilt edges, Bohn, 1850,
Svo. and imperial folio (2795) Quaritck, £l ; los.
10Z3 Skene (Jas.) Series of Sketches of the Existing Localities
alluded to in the Waverley Novels, large paper, 60
etchings from original drawings, calf extra, g. e., Kdiit-
iurgh, Cadell, 1829, imperial Svo, (2596) W. Brown, £1
1024 Skene (W. F.) The Four Ancient Books of Wales, contain-
ing the Cymric Poems attributed to the Bards of the Sixth
Century, maps and facsimiles, 2 vol., Edinburgh, i368, Svo.
(2597) Ma^s, £1 14s.
1025 Smith {Capt. John). Gencrall Historie of Virginia, New-
England and the Summer Isles, with the names of the
Adventurers, Planters and Governors from their first
beginning, Anno 1^84, to this present, 1632, original
engraved title, containing portraits, etc. (comers mended),
maps of Virginia, The Summer Isles, etc., and " Ould
Virginia" with Smith's Adventures (all mended), (all the
other plates wanted, sold with all faults), old calf, i^ur
£dw. Sla£kmore, 1632, folio (2801) Maggs, £li
1026 Smollett (Dr. T.) Adventures of Roderick Random, first
edition, 3 vol., old calf. Earl of Breadalbane's Ex-Libris in
each vol., J. Osborne, 1?48, Bvo, (2611) Maggs, £1 12s.
1027 Smollett (Dr. T.) Adventures of Peregrine Pickle, first
edition, a series of plates by Rowlandson and others
inserted, 4 vol., old calf. Printed for the Author, 1751, 8vii,
(2612) Jones, £1 i8s.
1028 Smollett (Dr. T.) Expedition of Humphrey Clinker, first
edition, a series of plates after Rowlandson inserted, 3 vol.,
old calf, W. Johnston, 1771 (vol. i. dated 1671), 8vo. (2613)
Maggs, £2 IIS.
1029 Sobieski. Female Fortitude, a Narrative of the Seizure,
Escape and Marriage of the Princess Clementina Sobiesky,
as set down by Mr. Chas. Wogan {Prit/ately printed), 1722
—Remarks on a Jacobite Pamphlet, entituled Female Forti-
tude, J. Roberts, n. d., in I vol., half calf, 8vo. {2614)
Dunthorne, £2
1030 Somervillc (Jas., Eleventh Lord). Memorie of the Somer-
villes, being a History of the Baronial House of Somervillc
(with Introduction and Notes by Sir Walter Scott), por-
traits and plates, large and fine paper {50 copies
f rioted), 2 vol., half call Edinlrurgh, Ballantyne, 1815, Bvo.
1616) Hopkins, £2 8s.
1031 Songs of Scotland (The). Ancient and Modem, with mtro-
duction and notes by Allan Cunningham, 4 vol., morocco
extra, C. c. g,, uncut, J. Taylor, 1825, 8vo, (2617)
Dunthorne, £2 los.
1032 Sotheby (S. Leigh). Principia Typographica. The Block
Books of the Fifteenth Century, numerous facsimiles, 3 vol.,
half mor., uncut, t. e.g., i8(8, folio (2802) Edivards, £i 10s,
1033 Spalding Club. Stuart (John). Sculptured Stones of Scot-
land, numerous plates, 2 vol., half bound, t e, g., Abtrdeett
and Edinburgh, 1856-67, 410. (2772) Hopkins, £i 53.
igitized by Google
1034 Spenser (Edm.) Poetical Works (with Essay on bis Life, by
Philip Mastennan), portrait, 5 vol, original boards, uncut,
W. Pickerin?, 1825, 8vo. (3623) Edivards, £l los,
1035 Spenser (EdmT) The Faerie Queene, disposed into twelve
books, fashioning XII. Moral Vertues, first edition of both
parts, the 10 leaves usually found at the end of Book III.
placed after the title in this copy, margins much cut down,
sold with all faults, 2 vol., old calf, W. Ponsonbie, 1590-96,
4to. (2779) /ones, £14 ijs.
1036 Spenser (Edm.) Colin Clouts come home againe (with an
Elegie upon the death of Sir Philip Sidney), first edition
(margin of K 3 slightly cut into), calf extra, gilt edges, (?'
Ofor W. Pansonby, 1595, 4to. ^2782) Maggs, £13
1037 Stafford (Thos.) Pacata Hibemia, Ireland Appeased and
Reducul ; an Historie of the late Warres of Ireland,
original edition, fine portraits of Carew and Q. Elizabeth,
and the 17 map« complete, the Munster map original im-
pression (margin of p. 387 mended), half bound, large
copy. Printed by A. M., 1633, folio {2810) Quaritch, £3 7s. 6dr
1038 Sterne (L.) Sentimental Journey through France and Italy,
first edition, with half-titles but no list of subscribers, 2 vol.
in I, old calf, T. Beckett, 1768, 8vo. (3637) Spencer, £^\ ijs.
1039 Stirling. Armorial Bearings of the Stirlings of Keir and
others of the Name ; a Series of Designs for Dessert Plates,
50 plates (26 copies printed), half morocco, Glasgo-w, i860,
|(to. (2992) Ellis. £iO iss.
1040 Stirling (Earl of). Register of Royal Letters relative to the
Affairs of Scotland and Nova Scotia from 161 5 to 163;, only
150 copies privately printed, 2 vol., half bound, uncut, Edin-
burgh, 1885, 4to. (2990) Satheraa, £1 I is.
1041 Stirling- Maxwell (Sir Wiru) The Procession of Pope
Clement VII. and the Emperor Charles V. after the Coro-
nation, 1530, designed and engraved by Nic. Hogenberg,
reproduced in facsimile with introduction, one of two copies
printed upon vellum, and presented to Jas. Drummond,
F.S.A., yellow morocco extra, inside ornamental borders
by Orrock, in portfolio, Edinburgh, 1875, atlas folio (2819)
Clements, /13
1042 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir Wm.) Processionof PopeCkment VII.
and the Emperor Charles V. after the Coronation at
Bologna, 1530, designed by Nic. Hogenberg, reproduced
in facsimile, only 250 copies printed, Edinburgh, etc., 187;,
folio (2821) Hiersemann, £\ ids.
1043 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir Wm.) Solyman the Magnificent ^oing
to Mosque, from a Series of Engravings on wood published
by Domenico de' Franchesi, Venice, 1563, only 100 copies
privately printed, presented to the Rev. Wm. Makellar,
^reen boards, half mor., 1877, folio (2822) Magp, £1 i-i^.
1044 Stirling -Maxwell (Sir Wm.) Don John of Austria, or pas-
sages from the History of the XVIth century, plates and
numerous wood engravings, only 115 copies printed, 2 vol.,
illustrated boards, morocco backs, uncut, t. e. g., Long-
mans, 1B83, folio (2824) Hopkins, £f>
igitized by Google
104s (Stirling- Maxwell (Sir Wm.)] Songs of the Holy Land, only
40 copies privately printed, morocco extra, gilt edges,
Edinburgh, 1846, 8vo. (2650) EUis,£6 15s.
1046 [Stiriing-Maxwell (Sir Wm.)] Songs of the Holy Land,
morocco extra, gilt edges, Privately printed, 1848, 8vo.
(2651) IV. Brawn. £1 i8s.
1047 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir Wm.) Annalsof the Artists of Spain,
first edition, coloured frontispieces and woodcuts, 3 vol..
morocco extra, gilt edges, fine copy, J. Ollivier, 1848, 8vo.
(2652) Richardson, £$ as. 6d.
1048 Stirling- Maxwell (Sir Wm). Speech on Scottish Education,
Perth, 1854— The Proverbial Philosophy of Scotland, 1855
— CantiUon's Legacy, 1858 — Speech on Parliamentary Re-
presentation for the Universities of Scotland, 1861— Rec-
torial Address in the University !of St. Andrew's, Perth,
1863 — Address to the Philosophical Institudon of Edin-
burgh, 1866 — Address to the Stirling School of Arts,
Sliriin);, 1870 — Rectorial Address in the University of
Edinburgh, 1872 — .'\ddress as Chancellor to the University
of Glasgow, 1876, in t vol., half calf, 8vo. (2657)
Ellis, £2 I2S.
1049 Stirling' Maxwell (Sir Wm.) Arabesque and other Orna-
ments in typiographical use at Zurich in 1559, red text and
black ornaments, only 25 copies so printed, 1868 — Sopra
I'Efhgie di Cesare fatta da Enea Vico in Venetia, 1550,
facsimile, only 50 copies printed, 186S, 4to. (2994) Eliis,£j
1050 Stirling- Maxwell (Sir Wm.) Annals of the Artists of Spam,
Cloister Life of Charles V., and Miscellaneous Essays and
Addresses, numerous illustrations, 6 vol., uncut, Nimmo,
1891, 410. (2995) Hill, £1. 6s.
1051 [Stirling-Maxwell] An Attempt to explain in Verse the
Emblemata Horatiana of Otho Vaenius (by the Kev, Jas.
Ford) with Bibliographical Note, etc., by Sir W. Stirlmg-
Maxwell, 2 portraits, vellum. Privately printed, Lond., 1875,
4to. (2996) Ellis, £io 15s,
1052 Stirling-Maxwell (Sir Wm.) The Turks in 1533, a Series of
Drawings made by Peter Coeck of Aelst, reproduced in
facsimile, etc., only 100 copies privately printed, half
morocco, 1873, oblong atlas folio (2817) Hiersemann, £^
1053 Stirling- Maxwell (Sir Wm.) Six Anatomical Tables of
Andreas Vesalius, only 30 copies privately printed, pre-
sented by the editor to the Rev. Wm. Makellar, half bound,
1874, imperial atlas folio (3818) Ellis, ^15
1054 Sloddart (R. R.) Scottish Arms, being a Collection of
Armorial Bearings, A-D, 137&-1678, reproduced in facsimile
from Contemporary Manuscripts, with notes, numerous
emblazoned coats of arms, only 300 copies printed, 2 voL,
cloth gilt, t. e. g., Edinburgh, W. Paterson, 1881, folio
(2825) E. G. Allen, £\
1055 Stoihard (C. A.) Monumental Effigies of Great Britain,
numerous plates, some coloured, half morocco, t. c. g.,
uncut, 1817, royal 4to. (2826) Bull, £a 5s.
igitized by Google
1056 Strypc (John).. Works: Annals, Ecclesiastical Memorials,
Lives, etc., complete Set, 27 \'oL, Oxford, 1824, etc., 8vo.
ta663) Bull, £i is.
1057 Sutherland. Gordon (Sir Rob,) Genealogical History of the
Earldom of Sutherland, from its Origin, with a Continua.
tion to 1651, published from the Origmal Manuscript, por-
trait, armorial bearings and facsimile of Charter, red
morocco, t. e. g., Edinburgh, Constable, 1ST3, royal folio
{J098) Uopkim, £3 IS.
lojS Swift (Dean). Travels into Several Remote Nations of the
Worid, in four i»rts, by Lemuel Gulliver, first edition (con-
tinuous pagination), portrait of Gulliver, and maps, 2 voL,
Printed for Senj. Motte, 1726— Travels into several Remote
Nations of the World, by Capt. Lemuel Gulliver, vol. iii.
(the spurious third vol.), first eaition, frontispiece printed in
the year 1827, together 3 vol., old calf, uniform, 8va (2673)
Hopkins, £1 159,
1059 Tacitus. Annalium et Hisloriarum libri. Libellus Aureus
de Situ, moribus ct populis Germaniae et dialogus de oratori-
bus Claris, finely printed in roman letter without signatures,
or numerals, but having catchwords, red morocco, blind
and gilt ornaments, inside dentelles, gilt edges by Lottie
{Venel.). Vind. de Spira {circa 1470), folio (3099) Ellis, ^49
[Editio Princeps ; the first book printed with catchwords ;
and perhaps the first from Vindelin de Spira's Venetian
Vm^— Catalogue.^
1060 Taylor (Capt. Geo., of the Duke of Cumberland's late Regi-
ment of Foot). Sketches of the Roads in Scotland, with
notes, historical, descriptive, etc., original unpublished MS.,
with maps drawn in colours, green morocco gilt, gilt edges,
1785, 8vo. (2678) Dunthorne, £\i
1061 Testamentum Novum Graecum. Cum duplici interpretatione,
D. Erasmi et Veteris interpreiis ; Harmonia item Evan-
gelica et copioso Indice (these two last items were not in this
cony), 3 vol., old French red morocco, fiill gilt backs, line
sides, with comer fleurons, gilt edges (rare edition), (,Lui^
ex off. Rob. Stephani, [551, 8vo. (2838) Quaritck, £2 18s.
lo6a Testamentum Novum Graecum, ex Regiis aliisque optimis
cditionibus cum cura expressum, the scarce Sedan minia-
ture edition, morocco, line tooled, double with the same,
with elaborate scroll tooling, Joints, gilt edges by C. Lewis,
Sedani, Jo. Jannonus, 1628, 8vo. (2845) Quaritck, £2 2s.
1063 Testamentum Novum Graecum^ juxta Exempla Miiii accura-
tissime impressum, editio prima Americana (title written
on), blue morocco gilt, gilt edges, H'igomiae AfassacAus.
excud. I. Thomas, April, 1800, 8vo. (2846) Ellis, £3 3s.
1064 Testamentum. Das Newe Testament deutsch (durch Martin
Luther), iit. goth., historiated woodcut initials and 21 fine
iiill-p^e engravings in the Apocalypse by Lucas Cranach
(some writing in Low Dutch on last leaf of Acts), 2 or
3 leaves slightly mended, otherwise an excellent copy,
morocco extra, antique s vie, gilt edges by F. Bedford,
igitized by Google
Wittenberg, no date or firinUt's name jM. Letter, Sept.,
1522], folio (3113) QfiariUk, £31 los.
[The first edition of Luther's Translation of the New
Testamen L — Catalogue. ]
1065 Testajnentum Novum Graecum, cum Lectt var. nec non
commentario, opera et studio J. J. Weistenii, 2 vol., half
morocco, t. e. g., Amsi. ex Off. Dommeriana, 1752, folio
{3104} Westell, £1 JOS.
1066 Testamentum Novum Graecum et Latinum, diligenler ab
Erasmo Roterodamo recognitum et emendatum una cum
annotationibus, etc., editio prireeps, fine woodcut border
to leaf of dedication, woodcut initials and ornaments by
Holbein, black morocco with blind stamped ornaments,
gilt edges by F. Bedford, fine copy, Basil., Jo. Froben,
1516, folio (3105) Quaritch, £,n
1067 Testamentum Novum Graecum et Latinum, ab Erasmo
recognitum, emendatum et translatum cum notis, fine
woodcut title, borders and initials by Holbein (" Ex-Libris
Anfbnii Papilonis, 1519"), half morocco, Basil., Froben,
1519, folio (3106] SotAeran, ^z zs.
[Second edition of Erasmus's Version, revised by him in
many places. — Catalogue.^
1068 Testamentum Novum Graecum et Lat. ; tertio jam ac dill-
gentius ab Erasmo Roterodamo recognitum, cum annota-
tionibus, etc., title and next 2 pp. within woodcut borders
by Holbein, oaken boards, stamped pigskin, Basil., Froben,
1522, folio (3107) Sotheran, £2
1069 Testament. Le Nouveau Testament, traduit en Francois
(par Jac. Lefevre d'Estaples), lit. dolh. (lettres bitardes),
fine woodcut initials, 2 vol., title of vol. ii. neatly mended,
but a good, sound, and dean copy of a rare edition, old
French calf gilt, Paris, S. de Colines, 1524, 8vo. (2857)
Quaritch, £1 12s.
1070 Testament. Le Nouveau Testament de notre Seigneur Jesus
Christ traduit de Latin en Frangois par les Theologiens de
Louvain (inner margin of title and imprimatur slightly
inended), morocco gilt, gilt edges by F. Bedford, fine copy,
A Bordeaux chez la Veuiie de G. de la Court, etc., <xvec t^-
probation el permission, i6%(>,&\o,{-iZb-i) Qfiarileh, £i<i los.
[A very rare edition, suppressed soon after publication
in consequence of its many mis -translations of the text in
favour of the distinctive tenets of the Roman Catholic faith,
such as the Mass, Sacrament of Marriage, Purgatory,
Merit by Good Works, etc. Bishop Kidder wrote "Re-
flexions" on it in 1690. The Duke of Sussex's copy sold
for £40. No copy has occurred for sale for many years.
1071 Testament. El Nuevo Testamento de nuestro Redcmptor y
Salvador Jesu Christo traduzido de Griego en lengua Cas-
tellans por Frangisco de Enzinas, fuU-page woodcuts and
woodcut initials, old calf (rebacked), Enveres en casa de
Estevan Mierdmanno, 1543, 8vo. (2864) Ellis, £n
[First edition of this translation, which was suppressed
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for £% i^&.~Caiaiogue.}
1072 Testament. Tcstamento Nuevo (El) dc Nuestro Senor y
Salvador Jesu Christo, nueva y (ielmente traduzido del
original driego en romance Castellano (por J. Perei),
morocco, gilt edges, fine copy, Venecia Casa de Juan Pkila-
ddpho, 1556, 8vo. (2865) Qfioritch, £2
1073 Testament. Das Newe Testament Deudsch (mit Randnoten),
lit. gath., title within woodcut border, fine woodcuts in the
text, modem black morocco, fine copy of a rare edition,
WUUmber^ {at end; gedrvckt su Magdeburg durek Hans
BariK), 1528, 8vo. (2866) Chadwick, £i,
1074 Testament (Tyndale.) The First New Testament printed
in the English Language, 1525-26, translated by Wm. Tyn-
dale, reproduced in facsimile, with Introduction by Francis
Fry, illuminated copy {177 copies printed), uncut, Bristol,
for the Editor, 1863, Bvo. (2868) Maggs, £i, 12s. 6d.
T07S Testament. The Newe Testament, dylygently corrected and
compared with the Greke by Willyam Tindale, and
fynesshed in the yete of Oure Lorde God A.M.D. &
XXXIin, in the moneth of November, bkcit letter, wood-
cuts, title and all preliminary leaves and 8 leaves of table
at end in facsimile, some corners mended and margins
shaved, otherwise in fairly good condition, but sold with all
faults, morocco extra, vellum fly-leaves, gilt edges, Ant-
werp, Martin I'Empereur, 1534, 8vo. (2869) Sotkeran, ;£iJo
[An early and excessively rare edition of Tyndaie's New
Testament, in which the long Prologue to the Romans first
appeared .^Ca/fl/ofW^. This is the second edition of the
New Testament as revised by Tyndale. A copy is in the
Cbetham Library, and one of the British Museum copies
(formerly Cfacherode's) is supposed to have belonged to
Anne Boleyn, as it has on the edges the words Anna
Regina Angli«." — Ed.]
1076 Testament. The Newe Testamet ot Oure Sauyour Jesu
Christ ; faythfuUy translated by Myles Coverdale ; wyth a
true concordaunce, and many necessary annotacyons,
declaryng sondry harde places contayned in the texte,
'539i Cum gratia et privile^io Regali ad imprimendum
Solum, blatii UtlCT, woodcut title, and calendar in red and
black, numerous full-page and smaller woodcuts, some
fore-edges slightly cut mto, otherwise a fine sound copy, in
old English morocco gilt. No place or printer's name [Matt.
Crom., Antwerp"], 1539, 8vo. (2870) Sotkeran, £76
[An excessively rare edition of Coverdale's New Testa-
ment, which did not appear in the Caxton Exhibition,
though Cotton notices three copies, one in Cambridge, one
in St. Paul's, and the third Herbert's, afterwards Donee's.
— Catalogue.]
1077 Testament. The New Testament in Engiishe after the Greeke
translation, annexed with the translation of Erasmus in
L^tin, black and rotnan Ittttr, double columns, margins of
igitized by Google
several leaves mended, brown morocco gilt, antique stjrle,
gilt edges by F. Bedford, Excutum Londim, in Off. Th.
GauiHtrproJ. C, 1550, Svo. (3871) Sotheran, £10
[Tyndale's Version, supposed to have been edited by
Sir John Cheke.— Cn/a/o^i/c,]
1078 Testament. The Newe Testament of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
conferred diligently with the Greke and best approved
translations, with the Arguments, most profitable Annota-
tions and a copious Table, jirinted in a small neat roman
letter, ornamental woodcut initials (last leaf in facsimile,
some margins cut into, but generally sound and an excel-
lent copy), morocco, antique style, g. e. by De Coverley,
(;«««/a, Conrad Badius, 1557, Svo. (2873) Quaritck, £j ijs.
[The first New Testament in English printed at Geneva.
It was edited by Wm. Whittingham, afterwards Dean of
Durham. In this edition was introduced for the first time
On English) the division of the text into verses and the use
of italics for the words " not found in the Original Greek."
1079 Testament. The Newe Testament yet once agayne corrected
by Willyam Tindale ; where unto is added a necessarye
Table, the Epistles of the Olde Testament, etc., blatk Itttrr,
two titles within woodcut borders and numerous fine wood-
cuts, margins of several leaves at beginning and end neatly
mended, antl the text slightly cut into, but generally in
excellent condition, brown morocco antique, gilt edges,
Prynted in the yere of Oure Lorde God, 1536 {Antwerp f)
(3036) Quarie^A, lib los.
[This exceedingly rare edition of Tyndale's Testament
has the figure of a mole on the stone at the foot of the
Apostle Paul before his Epistles. The first of Corinthians,
chap. xi. 15, omits "This cup is the .New Testament in
My blood." — Catalogue^
1080 Testament. The Newe Testament both in Latine and
Englyshe, eche correspondente to the other after the
vulgar texte . . . faythfully translated by Johan Hollybushe
(Coverdale), hlatli and roman Ittttr (title and next 3 leaves
in facsimile, otherwise a good copy), rare, Soutkivarke,
J, Nicholson, 1538, 4to. (3037) Bull, £\o 5s.
[The size of this book is 7 in. by 4^^ in. (exclusive of
margins). It is a reprint of the first Latin- English Testa-
ment of the same date printed by Nicolson at Southwark.
1081 Testament (The Newe) in Englyshe (Tyndalc) and in Latin
of Erasmus Translation (with the Epistles of the Old
Testament and a Table], black and roman IttUt, woodcuts
and ornamental initials, title in facsimile, mai^ins shaved,
last leaf mended and partly in facsimile, old calf| W.
Powell in Fleie Strife, 1549, 4to. (3038) Maggs, £^
1083 Testament. The Newe Testament of Our Saviour Jesu
Christc. Faythfully translated out of the Greke, wyth the
Notes and Expositions of the Darke Places therein (with
the Epistles of the Old Testament and a Table), black ktter.
igitized by Google
title and calendar in red and black, bead of Edward VI. on
title and numerous woodcuts, one in [he Parable of the
Sower representing the Devil with a wooden leg', title and
margins up to C 2 and some others neatly mended, some
side-notes slightly shaved, otherwise perfect and in excel-
lent condition, morocco extra, antique style, gilt edges by
F. Bedford, ImprynUd by Richarae Jugge, n. d. (1552),
4to. (3039) Sotkerait, £%i
fTyndale's Version revised. An unusually good copy of
this extremely rare edition. The reverse of the title in this
copy is blank. It is the first 410. edition of this version
issued by Jugge. — Catalogue."]
10S3 Testament. The Newe Testament of Oure Saviour Jesus
Christe. Faythfully translated oute of the Greke. With
the Notes and Expositions of the Darke Places therein
(with the Epistles of the Old Testament and a Table),
blnck letter, title and calendar in red and black, head of
King Edward on title, with " The Copye of the Bill," etc.,
on reverse, dated Greenwich X. June, 1J52. maps and
numerous fine woodcuts, one in the Parable of the Sower
representing the Devil with a wooden leg, title and last
3 leaves of Table at end slightly mended, some marginal
notes a little shaved, 2 leaves of the " Table of Principal
Matters " in facsimile, otherwise an excellent copy, morocco
extra, gilt edges by De Coverley, Rycharde Jugge (1553),
4to. (3040) QuariUk, ^40
[Tyndalc's Version revised ; and the second of Jugge's
4ta editions of this version. — Catalogut."]
1084 Testament. The Gospels of Che Power Evangelistes, trans-
lated in the Olde Saxons time out of Latin into the vulgare
toung of Che Saxons, etc., morocco gilt, gilt edges, J. Daye,
1571, 4to. C3041) Maggs, £1 15s.
1085 Testament. The Newe Testament . . . translated out of
Creeke hy Theod. Beza. whereunto are adjoyned large
expositions ... and a Table or Concordance, englished
by L. Tomson, blitch Icttn (a finely printed edition),
C. Barker, 1 583— Whole Dooke of Psalmes in English
Meeter by Stemhold, Hopkins, and others, with apt notes,
blatk Irttrr, woodcut title, J. Day, 1583, in 1 vol,, old calf,
fine copies, 410. (3042) Bull, £\ i6s.
1086 Thiers (A.) History of the French Revolution, translated
with notes and illustrations by Fr. Shoberl, portraits and
plates, 5 vol., original cloth gilt, Bentley, 1838, 8vo. (2878)
Hay, £2 us.
1087 Thiers (A.) History of the Consulate and the Empire, trans-
lated by D. Forbes Campbell, portruts, 20 vol. in 10^ uncut,
1845-62, 8vo. (3879) Hay, £1 4s.
1088 Thirlwall (Bp. C.) History of Greece, new edition, maps,
8 vol., 1845— Arnold (Dr. Thos.) History of Rome and
the later Rtxnan Commonwealth, 5 vol., 1845, 8vo. (28S0)
Hlll,£i lis.
1089 Thomas (Wm.) The Historye of Italye, a booke exceeding
igitized by Google
profitable to be red, second editioDt black leUcr, half nissia.
T. Marshe, 1561, 410. (3047) Jones, £2
[The first edition, published at London in 1549, was
suppressed and burned by the hangman. Five years later
the author was charged with conspiracy to murder Queen
Mary, and drawn, hanged, and quartered at Tyburti oo
May 18, 1554.— Ed,]
109Q Tunstall (Cuthbert, Bp. of Durham). A Sermon made upon
Palme Sondaye laste past, before the Maiestie of our
Soverayne lorde Kyng Henry the VIII. . . and in erth
next under Christ supreme heed of the Churche of
Englande, blsth Idttr, first edition, title within woodcut
border, morocco gilt, gilt edges by Mackenzie, T. Berthelel.
1539, 8vo. (2914) Leigkton,£^ i6s,
logi Tuppius (D. Laurent.) Adversus Synodi Tridentinae Re-
stitutionem ; pro Defensione syncerae et orthodoxae Re-
ligionis, e Germanico in Lalinam conversa, old German
calf with stamped mosaics in gold and colours, gilt
gauffered and painted edges (worn), Argent.^ S. Emmel,
1565,410.(3054) Maggs,l\ 13s.
1092 Turner (J. M. W.) Picturesque Views of England and Wales,
with descriptive and historical Illustrations by H. E. Lloyd,
numerous plates, 2 vol. in i, morocco extra, t. e. g., 1838.
410. (30SS) Hopkins, £1 iss.
1093 [Turner (Dr. Wm.)] The Rescuynge of the Romishe Fox
otherwyse called the examination of the Hunter devised
by Stephen Gardiner ; The Seconde Course of the Hunter
at the romishe Fox and hys Advocate, etc., black Ittttr
(cut of a Fox on reverse of title), dedicated to Henry
VIII. by Wm. Wraghton, old calf (Heber-s copy), /«-
prynUd have at Winchester, 1545, 4 nonas Martii, by me,
Hanse Hit PHk, Bvo. (2917) Ellis, £^ las.
1094 Tyndale (Wm.) The Obedyence of a Christian Man ; and
how Christen Rulers ought to govern, blatk littir, title
within woodcut border [W. Hyll (iS48i]^The Parable
of the Wyckcd Mammon, lately corrected and printed,
black Ittttr, woodcut title (margins cut into), Wm. Hyll
(1548), in I vol,, stamped calf, 410,(3060) Jones, £^ 8s.
[Both these books had been prohibited by a proclama-
tion, issued in June, 1530. The first editions were first
published together in 1528.— Ed.]
1095 Tyndale (Wm.) A Briefe Declaration of the Sacraments,
expressing the fyrst oryginall, how they came up, and were
institute, etc, first edition, black ittter, morocco, gilt edges,
good copy. Imprinted by Robert Stoughton, •within Cud-
gate, n. d., 8vo. (2918) Mogg', £2 2s.
1096 Tyndale (Wm.) The Obedience of a Christen Man, and
how Christen rulers ought to goveme, black Utttc, woodcut
title and initials (2 or 3 leaves very slightly wormed),
morocco gilt. Imprinted by Wyllyam Copiande, n. d., Bvo,
(2919) Maggs,£-i. 19s.
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1097 Tyndale (Wm.) The Practyse of Prelates ; whether the
Kyngcs Grace maye be separated from hys quene because
she was his brothers wyte, first edition, black Itttti, calf,
Marborch, 1530, 8vo. (2920) Quaritck, £6 17s. 6d.
1098 [Tyndale (Wm.)] The Supper of the Lorde, after the tnic
meanyng of the Sixte of John and the XI. of the fyrsi
Epistle to the Corinthians, whereunto is added an epistle
to the Reader, etc. (with Preface by R. Crowley), nhKk
ltttCT(some fore-edges shaved), half bound), /Jnno 1S33,
V. daye of April, 8vo. (2931) Quaritck, £3
1099 Tyndale (Wm.) The Obedyence of a Chrysten Man ; and
howe Chrysten Rulers ought to governe ; and the Parable
of the Wycked Mammon, title of the latter within woodcut
border, blath Ittttr, half calf, Marlboroiue in Hesse, Hans
Luft, 1538, 4to. (3059) Quarilch, £\i 5s.
[The following inscription occurs on the first title:
"Brought by my Lord of Winchester (Gardiner) into the
Prinsell Tower and dd. to me to Kepe i$^i"—Calalogut.\
iioo Ubaldino (Petr.) Le Vite delle Donne iliustri del Regno
d' Inghilterra et del Regno di Scotia (dedicated to Q.
Elizabeth), inscription on title "Joannes Snode, donatus
mihi fiait hie liber ab aulhore," limp vellum, London, Giov.
Wolfio, 1591. 4to. (3062) Joms,lz i6s.
1 101 Ussher (Archbishop Jas.) Whole Works, with Life, etc, by
Dr. C, R. Elrington, portr^t, 17 vol., Dublin, 1847-64, 8vo.
(2914) Bull,£\ 15s.
1 102 Valera (Cyprian), Two Treatises, the First of the Lives of
the Popes, and their Doctrine ; the Second of the Masse,
etc., translated into English by John Golbume, half calf,
John Harrison, 1600, 410. (3064) Ellis, £%
1 103 Vaudois. Histoirc Memorable de la Persecution et Sacca*
gemet du Peuple de Merindol et Cabrieres, et autres cir-
conv-oisins appelez Vaudois, morocco, plain, inside dentelles,
gilt edges by Duru, fine copy, S. I. et nom iflmpr., 1556,
8vo. (2925) Hazlitt, £3 18s.
1 104 Vicars (John). A Sight of ye Transactions of these latter
Veares emblemized with engraven plates which men may
read without spectacles, copperplate engravings, calf gilt,
T, Jenner (1646), 4to. (3068) B. F. Stevens, £1 i8s.
no; Victoria and Louis Philippe. Royal Correspondence. The
Private Letters of Queen Victoria and Louis Philippe on
Political and Domestic Subjeas, translated from the
Originals by J. A. F. Judge, with notes, morocco gilt, gilt
edges, W. Strange, 1848, 8vo. (2930) Craddock, £2 6s.
1106 Virgilius. Bucolica, lit goth., long lines, 27 to a page
{16 leaves) with marks, brown morocco, gilt fleurons, inside
dentelles, gilt edges by Duru (Didot's fine copy). Absque
ulla neta, folio (31 27) Toovey, £22
[Supposed to be an early production of Eggestein's
Strasburg Press.— C<Wn/ofB*.1
1 107 Virgilius. Opera cum quinque Commenlariis per Seb> Brant,
igitized by Google
rubricated, numerous spirited woodcuts, that on title
coloured, old interlinear and MS. notes, some leaves
slightly wormed and stained, brown morocco extra, gilt
edges. Argent,, Jo. Ghiainger, i joi, folio (3128)
Quaritck, £3 i8s.
1108 Voyagine (Jacob de). Legenda Aurea; thai is to saye in
en^ysshe the Golden Legende, the title a full-page wood-
cut of the Saints in Glory (facsimile ?), and numerous
spirited woodcuts in the text, brown morocco, with stamped
blind ornaments, gilt edges, a very fine copy, but some
inner plain margins at end slightly mended, ImprynUd in
FUU Strite by Wynkyn de Werde, xxvii. Aug., 1537, folio
(3129) Maggs, £41
1 109 Wallace (Jas., Minister of Kirkwall). Description of the Isles
of Orkney; to which is added, An Essay concerning the
Thule of the Ancients, map and plate (some headlines
shaved), half calf, scarce, Sdindurgk, J. Reid, 1693, 8vo.
(1939) Z« los-
tiio Wallace. Life and Acts of the roost famous and valiant
Champion Syr William Wallace, Knight of Ellerslie, main-
tainer of the Liberty of Scotland, blark Utter, mar., g. e.,
Edinburgh, k^A. Hart, 1620, 8vo. (2941) Quaritck, £5 14s.
IIIi Walpole (Horace). Memoirs of the Reign of K, George the
Second, edited by Lord Holland, second edition, portnuts,
3 vol., half calf gilt, 1847, 8vo. (2943) Craddock, £1 19s.
1112 Walpole (Horace). Works, portraits and views, extra illus-
trated with several hundred portraits, male and female,
some scarce, 5 vol., mor. gilt, g. e., arms on sides (cover of
vol. ii. broken), Robinson, 1798, 410. (3073) Steveni, £\%
1113 Walpole (Horace). Memoirs of the Reign of K. George 111..
now first published, edited by Sir D. Le Marchant, second
edition, portraits, 4 vol., Bentley, 1851, 8vo. (2944)
h^iards, ;^2
1114 Walpole (Horace). Journal of the Reign of George III.,
1771 to 1783, now first published from ihe Original MSS.
with Notes by Dr. Doran, portraits, 3 vol., R. Bentley, 1859,
8vo.(2945) Maggs,£i
1115 Walpole (Horace). Letters, edited by Peter Cunningham,
now first chronologically arranged, portraits, etc., g voL,
calf extra, m. e,, Bohn, 1861, 8vo. (2946) Craddock, £,\
11 16 Ware (Sir James). Whole Works concerning Ireland, re-
vised and improved by W. Harris, portrait, map, and
plates, with numerous MS. additions and notes by
S. O'Halloram, 2 vol., old calf (rebacked). Dublin^ R. BeU,
1764. folio (3130) Quarilch, £4 7s. 6d.
in; Watt (Dr. Rob.) Bibliotheca Britannica ; a General Index
to British and Foreign Literature, 4 vol., half morocco gilt,
t e. g., Edinburgh, 1824, 4to. (3078) Grieve, £i 85.
1118 Westwood (J. O.) Facsimiles of the Miniatures and Orna-
ments of Anglo ■ Saxon and Irish MSS., 53 chromo-
lithographs, cloth gilt, Quaritch, 1868, imperial folio (3131)
Rimell, £j los.
igitized by Google
1 119 Westwood (J. O.) Patseograpbia Sacra Pictoria, 50 fac-
similes, uncut, W. Smith, 1843-45, 410. (3082)
Maggs,li 15s.
itao Wicliflfe 0ohn). Wycklyffes Wyckct: whych he made in
Kyng Rychards days the Second, in theyere MCCCXLV. ;
(with) The Testament of Wyiliom Tracie, Esquier, ex-
pounded by Wyiliam Tyndall, etc, tlafk Itttti, first edition
(title backed and written on by R. Farmer), some marginal
notes shaved. Imprinted at Norenburck, 1546 — Tyndall
(Wm.) The Souper of the Lorde : wber unto, thou mayst
be the better prepared and suerlyer onstructed, etc., bluli
Uttti (some marginal notes shaved), ib., Niclas Twonson.
; April, 1533, in 1 vol., russia, 8vo. (2961)
QuariUh, £s 17s. 6d.
III! Wiclifle (John). WickliefTes Wicket Faythfully oversene
and corrected after the originall and first copie. The
lacke wherof was cause of innumerable and shamefull
eiroures in the other Edition . . . with the protestacion
of Jhon Lassels late burned in Smythfelde ; and the
Testament of Wyllyam Tracie, Esq., Expounded by
Willyam Tyndall and Jhon Frythe, blath Utltx (margin of
last leaf mended), blue morocco, gilt edges, very rare, JVo
place, doit, or name of printer, " oversene by M. C" (1548),
8vo. (2963) Maggs, li 5s.
1122 Wordsworth (Wm.) Poetical Works (and The Prelude),
8 vol., portrait, £. Moxon, 1849-51, 8vo. (2981)
Editiards, £1 10s.
1 133 Wraxall (Sir N. W.) Works ; History of France, Courts of
Berlin, etc.. Historical and Posthumous Memoirs, portraits,
15 vol., uniform half calf gilt, 1806-36, 8vo. (2982)
Sotheran, £2 los.
1 134 Zeiller (Mart.) Topographia Helvetiae — Rhaetiae — Valesiae
et Alsatiae, numerous coppierplate views of Cities by M.
Merian, 3 vol. in i, vellum, ^nwwro/, 1742-54, folio {3136)
^l^gg^i £2 3S.
I [25 Zwiiwlius (Huld.) A Briefe rehersal of the death, ressurectio
and ascention of Christ, now translated into Englishe,
tiUtk IctUr, old calf, J. Day, n. d., 8vo. (2987)
Qftaritch, £2 los.
tiz6 Zwinglius (Huld.) The Accompt, rekenynge and Confession
of the faith of Huldrik Zwinglius, byahop « Zuryk, sent unto
Charles the fyfte, nowe Emperoure of Rome, holdynge a
Counsel with the most noble Princes, etc., at Augsburgh,
1530^ in the moneth of July, translated out of iatyn by
Thos. Cottsforde, bladi Irttrr, morocco, gilt edg^s, Printed
at Geneva, April, 1555, 8vo. (2988) Bull, £1 2%.
igitized by Google
[November zSth and 29TH, 1898.]
(No. of Lots, 679 ; amount realised, £,Sqo ijs.)
iia? Adam (R.) Ruins of the Palace of the Emperor Diocletian
at Spala.tro in Dalmatia., 61 plates engraved by Bartotozzi
and others, half morocco, 1764, folio (46) Batsford, £.\ 12s.
iizli Adam (R. and J.) Works in Architecture, containing Plans.
Elevations, Sections and Details of the Principal Buildings,
Public and Private, erected in Great Britain, during the
Reign of George the Third, 104 plates (wanted plate 5 in
vol. iii.), 3 vol. in 1, half calf, binding broken, 1778, 1822-23.
folio (59) QMaritch, £29
1139 Alison (A.) History of Europe from the commencement of
the French Revolution to 1852, Index and Atlas (not
unifonn), portraits, 24 vol., half morocco extra, m. e.,
1849-59, 8vo. (383) Edwards, £4 14s.
1 130 Allen (C.) History of England and History of Rome, with
plates by Wm. Blake, 2 vol., calf extra, gilt edges, 1798,
8vo.(ii3) Maggs,l\
1 131 Alphand (A.) Les Promenades de Paris, Hisioire, description
des embcilissements, d^penses de cr&ition et d'entretien
des Bois de Boulogne et de Vincennes, etc, numerous
engravings, woodcuts and coloured plates, 2 vol., half mor.
extra, gilt edges, 1867-73, folio (18) Lusac, £3
1132 Amador de los Rios (J.) y I. Dios de la Rada y Delgado.
Historia de la Villa y Corte de Madrid, 240 plates (rf
portraits, views, Kicsimiles, antiquities, etc., 4 vol., polished
Levant morocco extra, gilt edges by Petit. Madrid^ 1860-64,
folio (253) Hiersmaim, £,2 3S-
1 133 America. Reports of Explorations and Surveys to ascertain
the most Practicable and Economical Route for a Railroad
from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean, 1853-55,
according to Acts of Congress, with a large number of
plates, illustrating the natural history, antiquities, scenery,
etc., maps and plans, and numerous plates of fish, with
letterpress descriptions, 13 vol., half morocco, m. e.,
Washington, 1855-60,410. (239) Maggs, £1 los.
1134 Audeberi (J. B.) Histoire Naturelle des Singes, 63 coloured
plates, half morocco gilt, 1797, folio (565) Roche, £1 7s.
1135 Bandello (M.) Novelle, La prima, la secunda et la tena
parte, engraved titles, 3 vol., 4ta., Lucca, i554^La Quarta
parte, 8vo., Lione. 1573, together 4 vol., 6rs( edition, old
morocco extra, 1554-73, 4to. (186) QuariUA, i9 5s-
1136 Bewick (T.) Selea Fables, with cuts designed and engraved
by T. and J. Bewick, and others, imperial paper, uncut
(not cut open), bound in modem cloth, Newcastle, 1820,
3vo. (595) CkadwUk, £(> 12s. 6d.
igitized by Google
1137 Bewick (T.) Select Fables, with Memoir, and Descriptive
Catalogue of Messrs. Bewick's works, largest paper,
portrait on India paper, and woodcuts, caJf (one cover
loose), m. e., Newcasth, 1820, 8vo. (631) Thome, £,&, 6s.
1138 Bewick (T.) Select Fables, with cuts designed and engraved
by T. and J. Bewick, and others, royal paper, calf gilt,
m. t., Newcastle, 1820, 8vo. (596) Tiiarru,£i 15s.
1139 Bewick (T.) Fables of /E sop, and others, with designs on
wood by T. Bewick [and Johnson], this copy contained
" Bewick's thumb-mark Receipt," royal p^>er, calf gilt,
gilt edges, Neivcastle, 1818, 8vo. (598) Sidney, £2 14s.
1140 Bewick (T.) The Fables of ^sop, and others, first edition,
LARGEST PAPER, woodcuts, with thumb-mark receipt, calf
(joints cracked), Nevicasth, 1818, 8vo. (632) 5ji6i*y,;£4 15s.
1 141 Bewick (T.) Fables of ^Esop, etc, with " Bewick's Receipt,"
title slightly defective, book-plate engraved by T. Bewick
inserted, calf, Newcaitle, i8i8, 8vo. (600) iJftie, £1 i6s.
1142 Bewick (T.) General History of Quadrupeds, fourth edition,
numerous woodcuts by T. Bewick, royal paper, calf, with
book'plate engraved by T. Bewick, Newcastle, 1800, 8vo.
{601) Sidney, £1 2S.
1143 Bewick (T.) General History of Quadrupeds, the numerous
woodcuts engraved by T. Bewick, fiftn edition, irnperial
paper, half calf, Newcastle, 1807, 8vo, (602) Sidney, £1 13s.
1144 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, 2 vol., first edition,
royal paper, numerous woodcuts by T. Bewick, the
vignette at page 285, vol. i,, partially inked over, calf, with
book-plate engraved by T. Bewick, one of 8jo copies
printM on royal paper, Newcastle, 1797-1804, 8vo. (605)
Chadwick, £'^ i8s.
ri45 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, z vol. in i, first editioi^
numerous woodcuts by T. Bewick, the one at page 285,
vol. i., partially inked over, fine copy in morocco, uncut,
Newcastle, 1797-1804, 8vo. (606) Ward,£^ 14s.
1146 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, 2 vol., imperial
Hier, the numerous woodcuts engraved by T. Bewick,
f bound, Newcastle, 1805, 8vo. (607) Sidney, £3 16s.
1 147 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, with Supplement in
two parts, 2 vol., numerous woodcuts by T. Bewick, calf,
m- e., Newcastle, 1821, 8va (608) Rimell, £1 us.
1148 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, 2 vol- (vol- i- did not
contain the " Additamenca "), numerous woodcuts by
T. Bewick, calf, m. e., Newcastle, i8a6, 8vo. (609)
T/wme, £1 8s.
1149 Bewick (T.) History of British Birds, 2 vol., numerous
woodcuts by T. Bewick, Newcastle, 1832, 8vo. (610)
Thome, £1 6s-
1150 Bewick (T.) Supplement to the History of British Birds,
both parts, imperial paper, the figures engraved on wood
by T. Bewick, original bouds, imcut, Newcastle, 1821, 8va
(611) Tkorm,£i
Digitized by Google
1151 Bohn's'jExtra Volumes. Boccaccio's Decameron, Memoirs
of Count Grammont aud Charles II. and Rabelais' Works,
together 4 voL, original cloth, 1846-55, 8vo. (87)
BritTuell, £1 2s.
1153 Bou]ger(D. C.) History of China, illustrations, 3 voL, uncut,
1881-84, Svo. (312) Quariicfi, £2 8s.
1153 Brugsch-Bey (H.) History of Egypt under the Pharaohs,
derived entirely from the Monuments, coloured plates and
maps, z vol,, uncut, 1879, 8vo. (393) Q^ariteh, £1 73.
1154 Byron. Don Juan, Cantos i to 16 complete, first uniform
edition, and first edition of Cantos 3 to 16, 6 vol., uncnt,
with the printed label on each volume, 1819-24, 8vo. (62)
Spen<xr,£\ 9s.
[The first editioos of the various Cantos are : Cantos
i. and ii., ^to^ 1819 ; Cantos iii., iv., v., 8vo., iSzi ; Cantos
vi., vii., viii.i 8vo., 1823 ; Cantos ix., x., xL, 8vo., 1823 ;
Cantos )ui., xiii., xiv., 8vo., 1823 ; Cantos xv., xvi., 8vo.,
1824 ; together 6 vol., 4to. and 8vo. — Ed.]
1 155 Calliat (V.)et A. Lance. Encydop^ie d'Architecture, plates
of designs, plans, details, etc., iz voL, half morocco extra,
g. t., 1E51-62, 4to. (8) Hunt, £2 18s.
1156 Campan 0- L. H.) Private Lifeof Marie Antoinette, portraits
and plates, 2 vol., uncut, Bentley, 1884, Svo. (379}
/, Bumpus, ^l 15s.
1 1 57 Cancionero General : que contiene muchas obras de diversos
autores antiguos, con algunas cosas nuevas de raodemos,
de nuevo corregido y impresso, morocco extra, tooled sides
and back, gilt edges by F. Bedford, Amiers, 1557, Svo.
{150) AfacColl, £10
1 1 58 Cancionero General. Another edition, a few headlines cut
into, morocco extra, gilt edges by F. Bedford, rare, Aitvers,
1573, Svo. (151) Maggs, £3 iss.
1159 Cancionero General. Anothettallandfinecopy, half morocco,
Anvers, 1573, 8vo. ((52) Leighion, £3 $s.
1 160 Cancionero de Obras de Burlas provocantes a Risa, red
morocco eKtra,joints, gilt edges, with the arms of the Baron
de Seilliere on sides by Beli-Niedrtfe, Madrid, Sanchei
{London, 1841)1 Bvo. (153) Ridler, £1 15s.
[Reprinted with an introduction by Louis de Usoz y Rio
from the unique copy of tbe 1 5 19 Valencia edition in the
British Museum. — Caia/ogue.]
1 161 Cancionero de Obras de Burlas provocantes a Risa, another
copy, Spanish morocco extra, gill edges byl^ighton (1841),
Svo. (154) Jif''ggs,£i 35.
1162 Carlyle (T.) History of Friedrich IL of Prussia, called
Frederick the Great, 6 vol., first edition, portraits and maps,
uncut, 1858-65, Svo. (86) Shepherd, £1 iis.
1163 Cervantes (M. de). Los Trabaios de Persiles y Sigismunda
Historia setentrional, first edition, old calf gilt, title-page
mounted, Madrid, por Juan de la Cuesta, 1617, 4(0. (213)
Ldghton, £i 8s.
igitized by Google
1 164 Cervantes (M. de). £1 Ingenioso Hidalgo Don Quixote de
la Mancha, Nueva edicion corregida por la Real Academia
Espanola, portrait, and numerous plates, 4 vol., calf extra,
gilt edges, ^(H^u/, Ibarra, 1780,410, (iji) Leightoit, £1 12s.
1165 Cespedes (Don Gonqalo de). Gcrando, the unfortunate
Spaniard, or a patteme for lascivious Lovers, originally
Spanish and made English by L. D. (Leonard Digges),
panelled calf extra, i6zz, 4to. (221) Ridler, £1 is.
1 166 Cicognara. Diedo et Selva, EdiSces et Monuments remar-
quables de Vdnise, Edition avec de nombreux notes et sup-
flements par F. Zanotto, upwards of 250 plates, 2 vol. in 4,
alf mor. extra, g. t, Venise, 1858, folio {16) Roche, £i 145.
1 167 Cid (The). Chronica del Famoso Cavallero Cid Ruy Diei
Cainpeador, calf gilt, gilt eAgt%, Burgos, 1593, folio (2^9)
Ellis, £\ 19s.
1 168 Daly (C.) Architecture Fun^rai re Contemporaine Specimens
de Tombeaux, Chapelles Fun^raires, Mausoldes, Sarco-
phagus, St^es, Pierres Tombales Croix, etc., 119 plates,
half morocco extra, g. t., 187 1, folio (31) Batsford, £1
1 169 Darly (M.) Comic Prints of Characters^ Caricatures, Maca-
ronies, etc., dedicated to David Gamck, Esq., about 290
plates, half bound, 1776, folio (251) Maggs, £-j lot.
1 170 Day (F.) The Fishes of India, being a Natural History of
the Fishes known to inhabit the Seas and Fresh Waters of
India, Bunna and Ceylon, 198 plates, i vol, half morocco,
uncut, 1878-88, 4to. (485) HiU,£i 2s.
1171 Description de I'Egypte ou recueil des Observations et des
rechcrchcs qui ont ^t^ faites en Eg)^te pendant I'expMi-
tion de VArm^e Francaise, seconde Idition, 1 1 vol. of plates,
comprising Antiquites, S vol. — Etat Moderne, 2 vol. —
Histoire Naturelle, 3 vol. — Atlas Gtegraphique, i vol., half
morocco extra, m. e., text 26 vol, 8vo., half calf gilt, to-
gether 37 vol., Paris, Panckoucke, iSii, etc, folio (58)
QuariUk, £9
1172 Egan (P.) Finish to the Adventures of Tom, Jerry and
Logic in their pursuits through Life in and out of London,
coloured plates and woodcuts by R. Cruikshank, half calf
gilt. Strange and Steill, n. d., Bvo, (135) Spencer, £$ 7s. 6d.
1 173 [Esobar (L. de).l Las q^uatrocientas respuestas a otias tantas
pre^untas quel illustnssimo seiior don Fadrique Enriquei
almjrate de Castella y oiras Personas cmbiaron a preguntar
en diuersas vezes al autor nd nombiado mas de que era
frayle menor, gothu Itttcr, woodcut titles, 2 vol., polished
Levant morocco extra, silt edges by Chanibolle Duru,
Vitlladoiid, 1550-52, folio (254) Leighton, £b 5».
1174 Familiar Garden Flowers figured by F. Edward Hulme and
described by Shirley Kibberd, numerous coloured plates,
5 vol, half morocco extra, g. t., uncut, Cassell, n. d., 8vo.
1 175 Familiar Wild Flowers, figured and described by F. E. Hulme,
numerous coloured plates, 5 vol., half morocco extra, g. t.,
Caasell, n. d., 8vo. (326) Satherait, £1 12s.
igitized by Google
1176 Fleury (G. H. de). La Toscane au Moyen Age Architecture,
Civile et Militairc, 140 plates, z vol., half morocco extra,
g. t, 1873, folio (30) Batsford, £2 los.
1177 Forlong(I. G. R.) Rivers of Life, or Sources and Streams
of the Faiths of Man in all Lands, maps and illustrations,
3 vol., uncut, 1SS3, 410. (501) Thorpe, £2 4s.
[178 Fulgosi (B.) De Dictis foctisque memorabilibus, collectanea
& CamiUo Gilinolatlna facta, first edition, stamped pigskin,
with a large, old and painted book-plate, Mediolam, 1509,
folio (381) Quaritch, £1 13s.
1179 Gailhabaud {).) L'Architecture du V. au XVII. Si^cle et
les Arts qui en dependent, upward of 400 plates, 4 vol., half
morocco extra, g. t., 1872, folio (43) Batsford, £2, 15s.
1180 Grnner (L.) Decorations de Palais et d'Eglises en Italic,
Peintes k Fresque ou executfes en Stuc dans le Cours du
XV. et du XVI. Si&cle, 56 plates, some coloured, half
morocco extra, g. t., 1854, folio (42) Quaritck, £2 Ss.
1 181 Herbert (Lady Lucy, of Fowis, Superior of the English
Augustin Nuns). Several Excellent Methods of Hearing
Mass, morocco extra, gilt edges by RiviSre, Al Bruges,
1742, 8vo. (146) Ridler, £2 is,
1182 Herculanum et Pompei. Recueil G^n^ral des Feintures,
Bronzes, Mosaiques, etc., d^couverts jusqu'k ce jour,
numerous plates, 8 vol., including the Musfe Secret, half
calf gilt, uncut, original issue, Didot, 1840, imperial 8vo.
(471) Bickers,£s 7s. 6d.
1183 Howitt (W.) Homes and Haunts of the most Eminent
British Poets, 2 vol., illustrations, extra illustrated by tbe
insertion of numerous portraits, views, and other engrav-
ings, half morocco, t. e. g. by Worsfold, 1847, Svo. (81)
Tregaskis, £l los.
I1S4 Hubsch (H.) Monuments de I'Archi lecture Chr^tienne
depuis Constantin justju'^ Charlemagne, 63 plates, half
morocco, g. t., 1866, folio (22) Quaritch, £5 5s.
1185 Hume and Smollett. History of England, with continuation
by the Rev. T. S. Hughes, portraits, 17 vol., calf extra, m. e.,
184S-55, Svo. {401) Sotheran, £\ 7s.
1186 Jameson (Mrs.) Memoirs of the Beauties of the Court of
Charles the Second, 31 plates, half morocco extra, g. t.,
1841, imperial Svo. (474) Hilt, £1
1187 Jardinc (Sir W.) Naturalist's Library, portraits and numerous
coloured plates, 40 vol., original cloth, uncut, Edinburgh,
1833-43. Svo. (349) Hill, £3 I3S.
iiSS Jesse (Edward). Gleanings in Natural History, 3 vol., 1835
— Scenes and Tales of Country Life, 1844, woodcuts, extra
illustrated (chiefly) by the insertion of numerous woodcuts
from the First Edition of Bewick's Birds, half light-blue
calf, symbolically tooled, g. e., 8vo. (80) Tregaskis, £\ 14s.
I189 Jones (O.) Details and Ornaments from the Alhambra, 50
igitized by Google
IIQO Jones (O.) Grammar of Ornament, illustrated by examples
from various styles of Ornament, ita coloured plates, 1868
(S72) Homstein, £3 5s.
1 191 Jones (S.) New Biographical Dictionary, interleaved to folio
size, and extra illustrated by the addition of about 550
portraits, many rare and curious, including some fine mezzo-
tints by Faber and others, half bound, 1799, folio (293)
Tregaskis, £1$
1192 King (T. H.) The Study Book of Medieval Architecture
and Art, being a series of working Drawings of the Prin-
cipal Monuments of the Middle Ages, 400 plates on India
paper, 4 vol., half mor., g. t., 1868, 4to. (10) Rimell,£-z 8s.
ri93 Knight (H. G.) The Ecclesiastical Architecture of Italy
from the Time of Constantine to the Fifteenth Century, 81
[dates. 2 vol., half morocco, 1843, folio {40) Maggs, £i i6s.
1194 Lsunb (Charles), Essays on Elia, 1849— Rosamund Gray,
etc., 1849— Letters, with Life, by T. N. Talfourd, 1B49—
Final Memorials, by Talfourd, i8;o, illustrated by the
insertion of upwards of 8a portraits and illustrations, half
light-blue mor., [. e. g. by Worsfold, 8vo. {79) Trtxaskis, £4
1195 Lang (A.) The Library, LARGE PAPER, full Levant morocco
extra, t. e, g., 1892, 8vo. (101) Thome, £t 4s.
1196 Lang (A.) Lost Leaders, lirst edition, LARGE PAPER, full
Levant mor, extra, t. e, g., 1889, 8vo. (loa) Thome., £\ 2S,
1197 Lang (A.) Angling Sketches, Etchings, etc., first edition,
LARGE PAPER, full Levant morocco extra, t, e. g., 1891,
8vo. (103) Thome, £1 6s.
1198 Lang (A.) Homer and the Epic, first edition, large paper,
full morocco extra, t. e. g., [893, 8vo. (105) Thor?ie, £1 3s.
1199 Lang (A.) Letters to Dead Authors, large PAPER, fill)
Levant mor. extra, t. e. g., 1892, 8vo. (106) Theme, £t 2s.
1200 Lang (A.) Old Friends, first edition, large paper, printed
on Japanese paper, full Levant morocco extra, t. e. g., 1890,
Bva (107) Thome, £1 2s.
1201 Lang (A.) Letters on Literature, first edition, large faPER,
full Levant morocco extra, t. c. g., 1889, 8vo. (loB)
Thome, £1 4s.
1202 Lang (A.) Theocritus, Bion, and Moschus, rendered into
English prose, first edition, large paper, full Levant
morocco extra, t. e. g., i88g, 8vo. (109) Thome, £l 6s.
1203 Ledesma (A. de). Romanccro y Monstro Imaginado, purple
morocco extra, gilt edges, with the arms of Lord Stuart de
Rothesay on sides, silk end leaves, first leaf of dedication
defective, Zmab, 1616, 8vo. (147) Quariich,£i is.
i»)4 Lodge (E.) Portraits of Illustrious Personages of Great
Britain, 240 plates, i2 vol., uncut, Harding, 1835, imperial
8vo. (473) Britwcll, £l 6s.
1205 Long5Calfe(W. H. D.) History and Antiquities of the Parish
of Darlington, portraits, views, monuments, and woodcuts
of arms, large paper, half morocco extra, g, t., iJur-
/('«^«, 1854, 4to. {177) Edwards, £1 lis.
1206 Loudon (Mrs.) Ladies Flower Garden of Ornamental
Perennials and Annuals, 3 vol. — British Wild Flowers,
igitized by Google
tt^ether 4 vol., numerous coloured plates, half morocco
extra, gilt edges, 1840-461 4to. (528) ^lariteh, £1 los.
1207 Lowe (£. J.) Ferns: British and Exotic, upwards of 400
coloured plates, 8 vol^ uncut, Bell, 1871, royal 8vo. (362}
Hill, £1 los.
1208 Macaulay (Lord). History of England from the Accession
of James the Second, ; vol., illustrated by the insertion of
about 90 portraits, half morocco, t. e. g. by Worafold,
1849-61, 8vo. (77) Trtgoikii, £3 19s.
1209 March (A.) Les Obres del Valeros y extrenv Cavalier vigil
y elegantissim. poeta Ausias March. Novamente revistes
y esiampades ao gran cura y diligencia, original stamped
vellum, Barcelona fer Carlei amoros Provencal, 1545, 8vo.
(167) Quaritck, £,^%5.
[This edition contains a number of March's Poems which
are not included in the edition of i^2i9--~Cafalaeue'\
1 210 MissaleSecundu vsuminsignisecclesieSar,gDthtcXtltn,in red
and blaclc, fine woodcuts and woodcut borders, one leaf fA
the Canon of the Mass on vellum, with a linely-painted fiiU-
pa^e engraving, brown morocco extra, gilt edges, wanted
folios 87, 89, 90, and some margins repaired, Rouen,
M. Morin, 1508, folio (285) Bull, £\\ 5s.
1211 Missale Romanum noviter impressum cum anootationibus in
margine, addita Missa Arch. Gabrielis per Leonem Papa
X. Approbata, gothic lAltt, red and black musical notes,
2 full-page and numerous small woodcuts, margins of
Canon and some other leaves mended, folios 201, 202
defective, few leaves at end wormed, old calf, Venet., L. A-
de Giunta, 1516, foHo (272) Tregaskis, £^ 12s. 6d.
I2ii Morris (F. O.) Natural History of British Moths, numerous
coloured plates, 4 vol., uncut, 1872, royal 8vo. (316)
mil, £2 3s.
1213 Morris (F. O.) Natural History of the Nests and Eggs of
British Birds, upwards of 200 coloured plates, 3 vol^
original cloth, uncut, Groombridge, 186;, royal 8vo. (367)
Homstein, £1 14s.
1214 Mus^e de Peinture et de Sculpture ou recueil des Principaux
Tableaux, Statues et Bas-Relief des collections pubhques
et particuliSres de I'Europe, outline plates, 10 vol., naif
morocco extra, g, t., 1874-75, 8vo. (1) Roche, £\ 15s,
1215 Paroissien de la Renaissance contenant les Ofhces seloo le
Rite Romain, printed by Jouaust, with Geoffrey Tory
borders round each page, 50 copies printed on China
paper, morocco, panel sides and back, gilt edges by Bedford,
Paris, 1874, 8vo. (1 16) l^aggi, £^
1216 Piranesi (J. B. F.) Vasi. Candelabri, Cippi, Sarcofagi, Tri-
di, Lucerne, ed Omamente Antichi, 112 plates, 3 vol.,
"morocco, Roma, 1778, folio (17) Fonlaitu, £z
1217 Pitra (J. B.) Spicilcgium Solesmense complectens Sanc-
torum Patrum Scriptorumque Ecclesiasticonim Anecdota
Hactenus Opera, 4 vol., half calf gilt, 1852, imperial Svo.
(179) £' >*•
igitized by Google
I2i8 Planch^ CJ- R-) Cyclopaedia of Costume, or Dictionary of
Dress, numerous plates and woodcuts, 3 vol., half morocco,
g, t, 1876, 4to. {494) QftariUh, £4 6s.
1319 Primaleon. Los tres libros del muy esforcado cavallero
Primaleon et Polandos su hermano hiios del Emperador
Palmerin de Oliva, title in red and black, with lai^ wood-
cut and woodcuts in the text, morocco extra, gilt edires by
F. Bedford, Venecia, 1534, folio (266) Leigkton, £q 15s.
ia30 Revoil (H.) Architecture Romane du Midi de la France,
312 plates, 3 vol., half morocco extra, g. t., 1873. folio (29)
Bats/ord, £6 iSB.
1221 Religious Emblems, large paper, a series of engravings on
wood, from designs by J. Thurston, od India paper, with
descriptions by J. Thomas, presentation copy to Sir
T. Gage, with a full-length portrait of Mr. Thomas (private
plate) presented to Sir T. Gage, and unfinished portraits
of Mr. Thurston and the Rev. J. Thomas inserted, morocco
gilt, gilt edges, i3o9, 410. (330) Maggs, £\ 3s.
1322 Romancero' General, en que se contienen todos los Romances
3ue andan impresses, aora nuevamente aiiadido y enmen-
ado, Madrid, 1604 — Segunda parte del Romancftro
General, recopitado por Miguel de Madrigal, Valladolid,
1603, 2 vol., purple morocco extra, gilt edges, with the
anns of Lord Stuart de Rothesay on sides, 1604-5, 4to.
C224) Leighion, £(, 6s.
[The second part was not printed uniform in size with
the first. This copy had nine leaves reprinted, and the last
two leaves of the table injured.— Ca/a/ofW?.]
1233 Romancero General, en que se contienen todos los Romances
que andan impressos, aora nuevamente anadido y enmen-
dado, red morocco extra, gilt edges by Zaehnsdorf, last
leaf of table in facsimile, and a few headlines shaved,
Madrid, 1604, 4to. (235) Maggs, £i l6s,
1324 Ruding (R.) Annals of the Coinage of Great Britain and its
dependencies, portrait and plates, 3 vol., calf extra, m. e.,
1840, 4to. (484) Harding, £i, A,%.
1225 Scott (Sir Walter). Familiar Letters and Journal, 4 vol,
portrait and vignettes, extra illustrated by the insertion of
about 90 portraits and views, several scarce, half morocco,
te. g. by Worsfbld, 189094, 8vo. (78) Tregaskis, £i 12s.
1226 Scott (Sir W.) Landscape Illustrations and Portraits of the
Principal Female Characters in the Waverley Novels, steel
engravings, 3 vol, calf extra, gilt edges. Tilt, 1834, 4to.
(472) Doig, £1 2s.
1337 [Silva (F. de).] Segunda Comedia de Celestina en laqual se
trata de los amores de un cavallero Uamado Felidis, y de
una douiella de ciara sangra Ilamada Polandria, morocco
extra, gilt edges, from the Salva Library, Anvers, s. a.
{rf«« IS45), 8vo. (157) LeightOH, £3
1328 Sowerby (J. E.) English Botany or Coloured Figures of
British Plants, edited by J. T. B. Syme and Mrs. Lan-
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kester, third' edition, upwards of i,3oo coloured plates,
It vol., half calf extra, in.e.,Hardwicke, 1863-72, 8vo. (359)
Bumpus, j£l4 5s.
IZZ9 Street (G. E.) Some Account of Gothic Architecture in
Spain, illustrations, uncut, 1865, 8vo. (3) Sothiran, £2 zs.
1330 Thomas ^ Kempis. Ue Imitatione Christi, back of title
mended and some leaves soiled, morocco super extra, gilt
edges by Zaehnsdorf, Lugduai., J. et D. Elzevir, s. d,, 8vo.
(88) Treg<Kkh, £2 lis.
1231 Tomich (Mossen P^re). Historias e Conquestas dels excel-
lenlissims e Catholics Reys de Arago, e ae lurs antecessors
los Comies de Barcelona, etc., gothic Uttn, woodcut title
and numerous woodcuts, morocco extra, gilt ed^es by F.
Bedford, Barcelona, 1534, folio (253) Leighton, £12 5s.
1232 Trott (N.) Laws of the British Plantations in America re-
lating to the Church and the Clergy, Religion and Learning,
origioal calf, 171X, folio (280) Quariich, £2 us. 6d.
1233 Waller (E.) Poems, etc., written upon several Occasions,
portraits, etc., several old and scarce cues inserted, panelled
calfgilt, gilt edges by J. Larkins, 171 r, 8vo. (82)
Trigaskis, £1 9s.
1234 Westwood (J. O.) Cabinet of Oriental Entomology, 41
coloured plates, half morocco extra, gilt edges. Smith, 1S48,
4to. (537) Magg^, £2 6s.
1235 Willshire (W. H.) An Introduction to the Study and Collec-
tion of Ancient Prints, illustrations, 2 vol., second edition,
roxburghe, g. t,, 1877, 8vo. {319) Hill, £1 6s.
1236 Yarrell (W.) History of British Birds, 3 vol., 520 wood en-
gravings, clean in cloth, Van Voorst, 1843, 8vo. (659)
young, £1 i2S.
1237 Yarrell (W.) History of British Birds, 3 vol., first edition,
with the Supplements and Cancels, 520 wood engravings,
clean in cloin, 1839-41-43, 8vo. (660) Young, £\ 19s,
1238 Yarrell (W.) History of British Birds, 3 vol., second edition,
535 wood engravings, presentation copy to W. T. Wright,
Esq., from the author, 1S4S, 8vo. (661) Thome, £\ 16s.
[November 30TH and following dav, 1898.]
(No. of Lots, 669 ; amount realised, £\ ,280 2s.)
1239 Accomplish'd Lady's Delight, second edition, portrait, en-
graved frontispiece and cuts, a leaf or two of text shaved,
morocco super extra, gilt edges in Zaehnsdorf s best style,
with all faults, 1677, Bvo, (i) Ja»us, £\
1240 Accomplish'd Ladies Delight, third edition, portrait, frontis-
piece and cuts, in the original calf binding, enclosed in a
o drop case, 1683, 8vo. (2) Naltaii, £4
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1241 Accomplish'd Lady's Delight, in Preserving, Physick, Beau-
tifyiDg, Cookery. Gardening, and Angling, engraved title
and last leaf slightly mended, a few headlines shaved,
morocco extra, t.e.g., with all faults, 1719, Svo. (3) Maggs^£i
1242 Aldam {W. H.) A Quaint Treatise on " Flees and the AJi a
Ariyfichall Flee Making," by an Old Fisherman . . . with
Editorial Notes and Patterns of Flies, and Samples of the
Materials for making each Fly, also two chromo plates,
original cloth, giit edges, 1880, 410. (aSjl W. Brown, £2 4s.
1243 American Angler's Guide, fourth »iilion, morocco extra,
t. e. g., JVnv York, 1849, Svo. (9) Quaritch, £1 4s.
1244 A[nderdon] (J. L.) The River Dove, with some quiet thoughts
on the Happy Practice of Angling, near to the Seat of
Charles Cotton, one of 6 copies printed on 4(0. sized paper,
half bound, presentation copy to " Frances Anderdon, from
her affectionate Nephew, John L. Anderdon, 1845,"
Privately printed, n. d, (1845), 4to. (a86) Maurice, £(>
I24<) Angler's Companion (Horse and Groom, Lea Bridge, and
White House Fisheries), engravings, original wrapper
bound up, n. d. — Boy's Own Hand Book of Angling, wood-
cuts, J. March, n. d. — The Hunter and Angler, illustrated,
New York, iB8z — The Modem Angler, coloured frontis-
piece and woodcuts, Derby, n. d. ; and others, all with the
original wrappers inserted, and bound in half morocco,
t. e. g., together 8 vols., 8vo. (17) Maurice, £2 lis.
1246 Angler's Hand'Book (The), first edition, two coloured plates
of Hies, Including many never before figured, original cloth
cover bound up, morocco extra, gilt edges by Zaehnsdorf,
R. Tyas, 1838, 8vo. (21) Maurice, £1 i6s.
1247 Angler's Hand-Book, second edition, two coloured plates
(spotted), calf gilt, gilt edges, 1838— The Angler's Guide,
frontispiece, half morocco, t. e. ^., n. d. (22) Maurice, £1 a-
1248 Angler's Hand-Book, third edition, two coloured plates of
flies, original cloth cover bound up, light morocco extra,
gilt edges by Zaehnsdorf, 1840, 8vo. (23) Maurice, 14s.
1249 Annals of Sporting and Fancy Gazette, a Magazine entirely
appropriated to Sporting Subjects and Fancy Pursuits,
complete in 13 vol., numerous coloured plates by Aiken,
other illustrations by Scott, Howitt, etc., and portraits of
celebrated Pugilists and Pedestrians, 1822-28 — Annals of
Sporting (lettered vol. xiv, and xv.), n. d. (1824-27),
together 15 vol., half morocco, uniform, t. e. g., 1822-28,
8vo. (26) Piclfering, ^31
1250 [Ayrton (W.).] Adventures of a Salmon in the River Uee,
. . . with Notes for the Fly-Fisher in North Wales, plates,
half morocco, t. e, g. (1853), 8vo. (32) Shepherd, 6s.
1251 Bainb ridge (G. C.) The Fiy Fisher's Guide, coloured frontis-
piece and coloured plates of flies, first edition, half calf,
Liverpool, 1816, 8vo. (35) Pickering, £\ i6s,
1252 Barker (T.) Barker's Delight, or the Art of Angling, second
edition, much enlarged, interleaved copy, several headlines
and a small ptortion trf text cut into, morocco extra, gilt
edges (sold with all faults), \fin,Zw.\.'fi) Pickering, £\ i6s.
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1253 Baricer (T.) The An of Angling, wherein are discovered
many rare Secrets, very necessary to be knonne by all that
delight in that Recreation, morocco super extra, t e. g.,
1653, 4to. (287) Naiiaii, ^7 15s.
I2;4 Barlow (Francis). Severall Wayes of Hunting, Hawking,
and Fishing, according to the English manner, engraved
title and 12 plates by W. Hollar, mottled calf extra, gUt
edges, oblong folio, J. Overton, 1671 (328) Pickering, £j los.
1255 Barlow (Francis). A sett of Prints on Hunting, Hawking,
and Fishing, 11 plates, n. d. (329) Maggs, £1 15s.
1256 Beroers (Dame Juliana). Treatyse of Fysshynge wyth an
Angle, reprinted from the Book of St. Albans, facsimile
cuts, lussia gilt, gilt edges, W. Pickering, 1S27, 8vo. (42)
Sotheran, £t 2a.
[T. Satcheil's copy with his corrections, [he one he used
10 reprint from. — Caialogue.1
1257 Berners (Dame Juliana). " Here b^ynnyth the treatyse of
fysshynge wyth an Angle," blatli utter, first edition, and
taken from the second edition of the Book of St Albans,
Wynkyn de Worde, 1496, 12 leaves, one in &csimile,
morocco extra, gilt edges by Riviere and Son, 1496^ folio
(330) Quariich, £a9
1258 Berners (Dame Juliana). The Book containing the Treatises
of Hawking, Hunting, Coat-Armour, Fishing, and Biasing
of Arms, as printed at Westminster, by Wynkyn de Worde,
in 1496 (edited by Joseph Haslewoodi, one of 150 copies,
numerous illustrations, bound in 2 vol., morocco super
extra uncut, t. e. g., fine copy, 1810, folio (331)
Maurice, ^4 17s. 6d.
1259 Best (T.) Concise Treatise on the Art of Angling ... to
which is added the Complcat Fly-Fisher, tirst edition,
frontispiece, calf gilt, m. e., 1787, 8vo. (44) Naliali, £1 9s.
1 260 [Billlngsley (J.)] Epitome of the Art of Husbandry, frontis-
piece and a leaf slightly defective, a few headlines shaved,
half calf, 1670— Moore (Sir J.) England's Interest, LARGE
COPY in calf, with autograph of J. S. Cotton inside cover.
1721, Svo. (51) MaggSy £i i8s.
1261 Blacker (W.) Art of Fly Making, etc., re-written and revised
by the author, Blacker, himself, coloured frontispiece,
coloured plates of Hies, and other illustrations, calf gilt, m. e.,
1855. 8vo. (57) . Pickering, £1
1262 Blome (R.) The Gentleman's Recreation . . . Horsemanship,
Hawking, Hunting, Fishing, etc, first edition, plates, in-
cluding several of coats of arms, and woodcuts, last leaf
mended and mounted, as also the engraved title and dedi-
cation, sold not subject to return, old Calf, 1686, folio
(332) Pickering, £a 4s.
1263 Bowlker (R.) The Art of Angling improved in all its parts,
especially Fly-Fishing, first edition, two or three headlines
shaved, original sheep binding, Worcester, M. Olivers, n. d.
{circa 175B), Svo. (69) Natlali, £1 100.
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ii64 Bowlker (R.) „ „,
edition, old mottled calf gilti Worcester, I
{circa 1758), 8vo. (70) Pov>^U, £2
116; Bowlker (R.) Art of Angling, another copy of the first
edition, old calf gilt, r. e., Worcester, a. d. {area 1758), 8vo.
(71) Mathews, £3
1166 Brown's Angler's Almanac for 1848, original wrapper, New
York, and 1848, 1849, 1851, in half morocco gilt, I. e. g.,
8vo, (89) Maurice, £\ lis,
1167 Carleton Q. W.) The Sporting Sketch Book, n engravings,
original cloth, uncut, 1842, 8vo. (92] Homstein, £1 4s.
II6S Catalogue of Books on Angling, with some Brief Notices of
several of their Authors, Sit Henry Ellis's copy, who had
written on fly-leaf : '' Of this catalogue, originally inserted
in the Censura Literaria by myself, not more than 60 de-
tached copies were taken off," interleaved copy, with
numerous manuscript notes and additions, half calf, 1811,
8va {99) Maurice, £t 6s.
1169 Cbalkhill 0) Thealma and Clearchus, a Pastoral History in
smooth and easie Verse, calf gilt, gilt edges (several leaves
stained), 1683, 8vo. (100) Pickering, £2 zs.
[The preface was written by liaak VisXtaa.— Catalogue. '\
1270 Cheetham (J.) The Angler's Vade Mecum : or a Discourse
of Angling, first edition, stained copy, calf gilt, m. e., 1681,
8vo, (105) Pickering, £1 i8s.
1171 Cheetham 0.) Angler's Vacle Mecum, a made-up copy of the
first edition, several headlines cut into, morocco extra, gilt
edges, with all taults, 1681, 8vd. (106) Mathews, £1 is.
1171 Cheetham (J.) Angler's Vade Mecum, another copy of the
first edition, a few headlines shaved, olive morocco extra,
gilt edges, 1681, 8vo. (107) tiazlitt,£\ i8s.
1273 Cheetham (J.) Angler's Vade Mecum, second edition, very
much enlarged, plates, calf, m. e., 1689 (108)
Mathews, ^i 6s.
1374 Cheetham (J.) Ang^lei's Vade Mecum, another copy of the
second edition, sprinkled calf gilt, gilt edges, 1689, 8vo. (109)
Maurice £1 3s.
IXJS [Chitty (E.)] Illustrated Fly-Fisher's Text Book ... by
Theophilus South, 23 engravings after Cooper, Fielding,
etc., original doth, uncut, 1845, 8vo. (112) Maurice, £l is.
1276 Chitty (E.) Fly-Fisher's Text Book, another copy, calf gilt,
gilt edges, 184s, 8vo. (113) Houghton, £1 5s.
^rn Chitty (E.) Fly-Fisher's Text Book, another copy, half calf
gilt, m. e., 1845, 8vo. (114) Shepherd, £1 3s.
1173 Collection of Right Merrie Garlands for North Country
Anglers, portraits, and woodcuts by T. Bewick, one of 11
complete copies, vide MS. note, mottled calf extra, y. e. by
Riviere, Newcastle, E. Chamley, 1841, 8vo. (120)
1179 Collins (John). Salt and Fishery (including an Account of
the Newfoundland Fishery), 1682,410. {agb) Poison, £4 18s.
_y Google
i28o Couch (J.) Hisloryof the Fishesoftfac British Islands,4vo).,
J7 coloured plates from drawings by the author. Groom-
bridge, 1868, 8vo. (ijs) Maurice, £1
1281 Country-man's Recreation (The), or the Art of Planting,
Graffing and Gardening . . . whereunto is added The
Expert Gardener, woodcuts, 1654— Barker (T.) The Art
of Angling, wherein are discovered many rare secrets, 1653,
in r vol., 8vo. (398) Pickerings £\q 15s.
1282 Country Genlleman's Companion, second edition (contains
the Arts of Hunting. Coursing, Hawking, Angling, etc.),
russia gilt, symbolically tooled, gilt edges, Dublin, 1755,
8vo. (136) Maurice, £3 15s.
1283 Country Gentleman's Companion, 2 vol., 1753 — B. (J.)
Epitome of Husbandry, with New Editions, frontispieces,
1675— Complete Graiicr, 1767, all in half morocco gil^
m. e., 8vo. (137) Maggs, £2 19s.
1284 Cox (N.) Gentleman's Recreation, second edition, illustia-
sprinkted calf extra, y, e., 1677, 8vo. (139) Maiheuis, £^
1385 Cox (N.) Gentleman's Recreation, third edition, with the
folding sheet, and plates, sprinkled calf extra, y. e., 1688,
8vo. (140) Robson, £1 16s.
1286 Cox (N.) Gentleman's Recreation, fourth edition, with the
folding sheet (slightly deYective and mounted] and plates,
sprinkled calf extra, y. e., 1697, 8vo, (141) Maggs, £1 5s.
1387 Cox (N.) Gentleman's Recreation, fifth edition, with the
folding sheet (mounted), and plates, sprinkled calf extra,
y. e., 1706, 8vo. (143) Maggs, £\ ys.
1288 Cox(N.) Gentleman's Recreation, sixth edition, with the
folding sheet, and plates, morocco extra, gilt edges, fine
copy, 1731, 8vo, (144) Maurice, £1 ijs.
1289 Crawhall (J.) llie Compleatest Angling Booke that ever was
Writ, etchings and woodcuts, illustrations of fish, etc., half
morocco, t. e.g., NewcaslU, 1859,410. (299) Maggs, £i i8s.
1390 Crawhall (J.) The Compleatest Angling Booke that ever was
Writ, one of 100 copies, etchings and woodcuts, calf antique,
uncut, L e. g., Newcastle, 1881, 4to. (300) Matkews, j^z 12s.
1291 Daniel (W. B.) Rural Sports, with the .Supplement, 4 vol.,
fine impressions of the numerous plates, chiefly by J. Scott,
calf gilt, m. e., 1812-13, 8vo. (147) Maggs, £2 los.
1293 Davy (Sir H.) Salmonia ; or Days of Fly Fishing, third
edition, plates, extra illustrated by the insertion of several
portraits and engravings, half morocco, t. e. g., 1833, 8vo.
(149) Maurice, £1
1293 D[ennys] {J[ohn)]. The Secrets of Angling . . . augmented
with many approved experiments by W. Lawson, fourth
edition, woodcut frontispiece cut into, as are some of the
headlines, stamped morocco, gilt edges (with all faults),
1653, 8vo. (152) QtiarilcM, £j,f>
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1394 DictioDary of Country Afiain, Handicraft, etc., cuts, 1704 —
Another edition, a vol, plates and woodcuts, 1765—
ManhalKC.) Gardening . . . with Hints on Fisb-Ponds,
uncut, 1800, all in half mor. gilt, 8vo. (155) Maggs, £1 6s.
1395 Donovan (E.) Natural History of British Fishes, 5 vol.,
numerous accurately-finished coloured plates, calf, 1802-S,
8vo. (157) RobiOH, £2 3s.
■296 Essay on Angling, by a Member of the Worcester Anglers'
Society, morocco extra, t e. %., Worcester {Mass.), 1840,
8va (163) Mauriee, £\ 6s.
I3g7 Fairfax (T.) The Complete Sportsman, frontispiece, half
morocco, m. e., n. d. —Complete Family-Piece, calf extra
by Zaehnsdorf, 1737— JacoD (G-) The Country Gentle-
man's Vade Mecum, frontispiece, half bound, 1717, 8vo.
(167) Maurice, £1 lis.
1296 Fisher (P.), i.e^ W. A. Chatlo. The Angler's Souvenir,
plates on India paper, and ornamental woodcut borders to
each page of letterpress, by Becknith and Toptaam,
1299 Fisherman's Magazine and Review, edited by H. Cholmon-
deley-Pennell, vol. i. [two copies), and vol. ii., coloured and
other illastrations, 1864-6;, Svo. f 175) Maurice, 13s.
1300 Fishing and Hunting : the art ana cunning of Hunting the
Hart, Stag', Hare, Fox, etc., Hawking, Cock-fighting, and
art of Fishing, morocco super extra, uncut, t. e. g. by
Zaehnsdorf, T. Battey, n. d. {circa 1720), Svo. (176)
Maggs, £z I6s.
1301 [Fiti^ibbon (E.)] The Book of the Salmon, by Ephemera,
assisted by A. Young, coloured plates of salmon-flies and
salmon-fry, half mor., t. e. g., 1850, Svo. (179) Maurice, £1
1302 Forrester (Frank). Fishermen's Guide, plates. New York,
n. d.— Fishing with Hook and Line, plates, ib., n. d.— The
Hunter's and Trapper's Guide, illustrated, ib., n. d., original
wrappers bound up, morocco gilt, t. e. g., uniform, 8vo.
(186) Matiurws, £ns.
1303 Franck (Richard). Northern Memoirs, calculated for the
Meridian of Scotland . . . with the Contemplative and
Practical Angler, etc., first edition, stamped russia, gilt
edges, 1694, Svo. (191) J*". Brown, £<i
1304 G. (C.) The Secrets of Angling, rather soiled, but very
scarce, green morocco extra, by Zaehnsdorf, 1705, Svo.
(195) Mams,£i
1305 G, (C.) The Secrets of Anglmg, 1705— The Family Jewel :
or Woman's Councellor, spotted, 1704, original binding, in
I vol., Bvo. (196) Pickering, £1 19s.
1306 Gentleman Angler ... by a Gentleman who has maide
Angling his Diversion upwards of Twenty-Eight Years,
first edition, tree-calf gilt. y. e., fine copy, 1726. Svo (197)
Powell, £1 3S.
1307 Gentleman Angler ... by a Gentleman who has made
Angling his Diversion upwards of Twenty-Eight Years, first
edition, with contemporary MS. notes on lly-leaves, and a
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curious engraved broadside, "The Angler's Assistant,"
inserted at end, original binding, 1716, 8vo. (198)
Magg!, ^i I2S.
1308 Gentleman Anrfer (The), third edition, morocco, gilt edges,
C. Hitch, n. d. — Bailey (J.) Angler's Pocket Companion,
half morocco, n. d.— Angler's Guide, frontispiece, half calf,
1828— The Thames Angler, frontispiece, morocco, 1846,
8vo. (199) Pickering, ^i is.
1309 Gentleman Fisher (The) or the whole Art of Angling, frontis-
piece, second edition, fine copy in tbe origmal binding,
H. Curll, 1727, 8v-o. (201) Pickering, £1 2%.
1310 Gilbert (William). The Angler's Delight: containing the
whole Art of Neat and Clean Angling, first edition, wood-
cuts, a few headlines shaved, morocco extra, gilt edges by
Zaehnsdorf ( with ail faults), 1676, 8vo. (202) A attali,£i i cos.
131 1 Gilbert (William). The Young Angler's Companion, contain-
ing the whole Art of neat and clean Angling, ... as also
the Method of Fishing in Hackney River, woodcuts, a few
headlines slightly shaved, and date cut off first title, calf
Silt (with all faults), 1682, 8vo. (203) Pickering, £2 '^^■
bert (William). Young Anglei-'s Companion, another
edition, woodcuts, half bound, n. d., Bvo. (204) Pickering, £1
1313 Gillmorc(P., " Ubique"). Gun, Rod and Saddle, frontispiece,
NewYork, i86q— Stevens (C. W.) Fly-Fishing in Maine
Lakes, coloured plate of flies, Boston, 1881 — McLellan and
Wildwood. Poems of the Rod and Gun, frontispiece, A'lra'
York, 1886— Shipley (M. A.) On Artificial Flies, engrav-
ings, Philadelphia, 1888, 8vo. (205) Maurice, £1 los.
1314 Halford (T. M.) Floating Fties, and how to dress them,
9 coloured plates and woodcuts, uncut, 1886, Svo. (207)
■A/iiS^. £' IS-
131; Henderson (W.) My Life as an Angler, portrait and wood'
cuts, chiefly on lodia paper, "author's large paper copy,"
half morocco gilt, g.e., 1879, Svo. (218) W. Brown, £12%.
1316 Hofiand (T. C.) The British Angler's Manual, numerous
plates on India paper, and woodcuts, a large copy (? large
pajjer), morocco super extra, joints, t. e. g., 1839, Svo.
(Z2o) Nattali,£\ 19s.
1317 Howitt (S.) The Angler's Manual, with 12 plates, designed
and etched by Howitt, original boards, rare in this state,
Liverpool, 1808, oblong Svo. (226) Naitali, £\ us.
1318 H. (R.) The School of Recreation . . . Hunting, Coclc-
Fighting, Fishing, etc., first edition, frontispiece, several
headlines cut into, morocco super extra, gilt edges (with all
faults), 1684, Svo. (230) Nattcdi, £3 3s,
1319 H. (R.) bcbool of Recreation, frontispiece cut round and
mounted, stained copy, green morocco extra, gilt edges,
1696 — Another edition, frontispiece, a few headlines shaved,
morocco super extra, symbolically tooled, gilt edges by
Zaehnsdorf, 1720 (not subject to return), Svo. (231)
Maggs,£i IIS.
1320 H. (R.) School of Recreation, curious frontispiece, half calf,
a rare edition, 1736 — Another edition, frontispiece, some
Digitized ty Google
headlines cut into, half calf gilt, 1720 (lot wilh all faults),
8vo. (234) Maurict, £2 5s.
1331 Lambert (J.) The Country Man's Treasure, curious frontis-
piece (mounted), old red morocco eilt, gitt edges, a. d. —
W. (W.) The Vermin- Killer, a few headlines cut into, half
bound, 1680— More (Sir J.) England's Interest, half calf
gilt, r. e.. 1703, 8vo. (245) Pickering, £2 as.
1333 Lascelles (R.) Letters on Angling, Shooting, and Coursing,
in three parts, finely engraved plates, half morocco, t, e. g.,
1819, 8vo. (249) Pickering, £1 is.
1333 Laihy (T. P.) The Angler : a Poem, printed on vdlum, the
only copy so done, proof portrait and engravings, raised
russia bmding, with stamped devices on sides, symbolical
gilt tooling on back, watered silk linings, joints, gilt edges,
1S19, 8vo. (250) Robsott, ^12 5s.
1324 Lloyd (L.) Scandinavian Adventures, 1 vol., first edition,
map, tinted plates, and woodcuts, half morocco gilt, m. e.,
1854, 8vo. (260) Maurice, £1 23.
' 1325 Lord (J. K.) The Naturalist in Vancouver Island and British
Columbia, i vol., illustrations, uncut, 1866, 8vo. (261)
Whtldon, £1 89.
1326 Lowth (W. S.) Angling, Angling Dodges, and Match
Fishing, original wrapper bound up, half morocco, t. e. g..
Published by W. S. Lowth, Newport, Hull, n. d, 8vo.
(262) Maurice, £1 3s.
1327 March (J.) TTie Jolly Angler, first edition, 80 wood en-
gravings, printed broadside, " The Angler's Manual," and
a rare engraved one, " The Angler's Assistant," inserted,
half calf, n. d.— Another copy oif the First Edition, with
broadside, " Rules and Regulations of Thomey Broad
Fishery," inserted, n. d., 8vo. (269) Maurice, £2
1328 -March (J.) The Jolly Angler, first, second, third, fourth, fifth
and seventh editions, half bound, boards and cloth, n. d.,
8vo. (270) Maggs, £2 6s.
1339 Markham (Gervase). The Young Sportsman's Instructor in
Angling, Fowling, Hawking, etc., ftvintispiece, diminutive
size, morocco gilt, t. e. g.. Gold Ping in Little Britain, n. d.,
8vo. (272) NaUali, £<>
1330 Markham (Gervase). Hungers Prevention : or the Whble
Art of Fowling by Water and Land, curious woodcuts, some
leaves stained, half calf gilt, 1655— Moore (Sir J.) England's
Interest : or the Gentleman and Farmer's Friend, third
edition, calf gilt, T. Gosden's copy, 1705, 8vo, (273)
Pickering, £1 IIS.
1331 Markham (Gervase). The Compleat Husbandman, and
Gentleman's Recreation . . . with Directions in Angling.
Fowling, Hawking, etc., woodcuts, russia gilt, m. e., 1707,
8vo. (274) Maggs, £2 2s.
1331 Markham (Gervase). A Compleat and Experiendd Angler,
frontispiece (damaged) and woodcuts, text of a leaf or two
slightly shaved, calf gilt, n. d. (^circa 1712)— The Art of
Angling, engraved title and frontispiece, calf, gilt edges,
Hodgson and Co., n. d., 8vo. (275) Pickering, £t
igitized by Google
1333 Marlcham (Gervaae). The Pleasores of Priocea, containing
a Discourse of tlie geneiall Art of Fishing, first edition,
blark Utter, stained copy, haJf calf, 1614, 4to. (315}
■ 334 Markham (Gervase). The Pleasures of Princes . . . con-
taining a Discourse of the general! Art of Fishing, etc,
bluk Uttn, from the libraries of the Rev. H. S. Cotton and
Joseph Crawhall, with their book-plates, morocco, emble-
matically tooled, ffilt edges, 1625, 4to. (316]! Nattali, £11
1335 Markham (Gervase). The Pleasures of Princes . . . con-
taining a Discourse of the General! Art of Fishing, etc.,
morocco extra, gih edges, 1635, 410. (317) Maggs, ii
1336 Markham (Gervase). Whole Art of Husbandry. bUdi Irttct,
large and sound copy, in the original calf, 1631, 410. (3>S)
Maurice, £4
1337 Maikham (Gervase). Country Contentments : or the Hus-
bandman's Recreations . . . Hunting, Hawking, Angling,
etc., half morocco, 1654, 410. (319) Maurice, £1
1338 Markham (Gervase) and W. Lawson. A Way to Get Wealth,
the sixt time corrected and augmented, woodcuts, calf gilt,
y. e., 1638, 4to. (321) Ma^t, £2 ».
1339 Markham (Gervase) and W. Lawson. A Way to Get Wealth,
the seventh time corrected and augmented by the Author,
in VI. Books, woodcuts, calf gilt, emblematically toded,
m. e., 1648, 4to. (332) Pickering, £\ 5s.
1340 Markham (Gervase) and W. Lawson. A Way to Get Wealth,
woodcuts, fine copy, in the original calfi 1660, 4to. (323)
Maggs, £1 16s.
1341 Markham (Gervase) and W. Lawson. A way to Get Wealth,
in six books, the twelfth time corrected and augmented,
woodcuts, large and sound copy, in the original calf| 166S,
4to. (325) Pickerings £\ 6s.
1342 M[ascall] (L[eanard]]. A Booke of Fishing with Hookeand
Line, and all other instruments thereunto belonging . . -
another of sundrie Engines and Trappes to take Polcjts,
Buiards, Rattes, Mice, etc., blatft Utttr, first edition, wood-
cuts, including a folding one, a few headlines at end cut
into, and one or two leaves stained, contemporary MS.
notes in margins, several leaves wormed (first title and
folding woodcut in facsimile), half calf, sold not subject to
return, J. Wolfe, 1590, t,\a. {326) Nattali, £^^ lOS.
1343 Mfascall] (L[eonard)J. A Booke of Fishing with Hooke and
Line, and all other instruments thereunto belonging. . . .
A Booke of Engines and traps to take Polcoats, Buzardes,
Rattes, Mice, and all other kindes of Vermine. bliuk Utttt,
first edition, woodcuts, including a folding one in pen-and-
ink facsimile, several headlines much cut into, calf extra,
gilt edges by F. Bedford, sold with all faults (date of fint
title cut off), J. Wolfe, 1590, 4to. (620) Pickering, £6 Ks.
1344 M[ascalll (L[eonard)]. A Booke of Fishing with Hooke
and Line, reprinted from the edition of 1590, edited by
T. Salchell, half bound, uncut, t. e. g., two letters of
Mr. Satchell's inserted, 1884, 4to. (621) Maggs, 4s.
igitized by Google
1345 Maxwell (W. H.) Wild Sports of the West, 2 vol., plates
and vignettes, tmcut, 1832— The Field Book, frontispiece
and numerous woodcuts, half calf, n. d., Svo. (277)
Pickering, £t iix.
1346 Mills (John), The Sportsman's Library, portrait and tinted
plates, original cloth, uncut, Edinburgh, 1845, Svo. (282)
Pickering, £1 ts.
1347 Mitchell (W. A.) Pleasure and Utility of Angling, a Paper
read to the Walionian Club, NevicastU, 1824^-The Angler's
Progress ; a Poem, ib., [820 — Fisher's Garland for 1821 to
1826— Fisher's Call for 1837— Tync Fisher's Farewell to
his Favourite Stream, 1824, woodcuts by Bewick, half
morocco, L e. g., in i vol., Svo. (284) Maggs, £1 63.
1348 MufTett (T.) Health's Improvemeat : or Rules comprizing
and discovering the Nature, Method, and Manner of Pre-
paring all sorts of Food used in this Nation, corrected and
enlat^ed by C. Bennet, some leaves soiled and a few
mended, but a sound copy in calf extra, gilt edges, 16;;,
4to. (622) .Wii^J, £1 5*-
1349 New and Excellent Experiments and Secrets in the Art of
Angling, plates, second edition, calf, 1677, Svo. (344)
1350 Newland (H.) The Erne, its Legends and its Fly-Fishing,
map and illustrations, indudmg coloured flies, original
cloth, uncut, 1851, 8vo. (345) Maurice, £t
1351 Nobbes (R.) The Compleat TroUer, or the Art of Trolling.
first edition, one or two headlines slightly shaved, morocco
extra, gilt edges, 1682, Svo. (346) ^"gg^, £^ 4S-
1353 North Country Angler, first edition, frontispiece, 1786—
Angling: a Poem, second edition, frontispiece, I74i~^
[Smith (G.)] The Angler's Magazine, 1754— Shirley (T.)
The Angler's Museum, portrait of J. Kirby, n. d., half calf,
in I vol., Svo. (358) Ma^, £\ iSs.
1353 Oppianus. De Naturaseu VenationePiscium, LUiri V. (Gr),
first edition of the Greek text, old morocco gilt, Florent,
1515, Svo. (363) Ma^ews, £1 los.
1354 Peacham (Henry). The Compleat Gentleman, the second
impression, enlarged, engraved title by Delaram and wood-
cuts of arms, a large copy in calf extra, y. e., 1626, 4to.
(626) Maggi, £1 Ss.
<355 Pena (R.) Maxims and Hints for an Angler, and Miseries
of Fishing, first edition, etchings by Seymour on India
paper, morocco super extra, t. e. g., 1833. Svo. (36S)
Saoin, £1 145.
1356 Pennel! (H. C.) Spinning-Tackle . . . with a few words on
Fine-Fishing, 1862 — Wells (J.) The Temperance Fishing
Book, frontispiece, Sheffield, 1853— Francis (F.) The
Angler's Register, 1858— The Angler (no title), chiefly in
half morocco, t. e. g., Svo. (372) Pickering, £i
1357 Practical Fly-Fishing ; founded on Nature . . . with Instruc-
tions for Imitating all the most uscfiil Flies, etc., by
Arundo, moracco extra, g. e., 1S49, 8vo. (378) Maurice, £\
1358 Pritt (T. E.) Yorkshire Trout Flies, coloured plates, Ueds,
Digitized by Google
i88s— Jackson (J.) The Practical Fly-Fisher, more par-
ticularly for Grayling or Umber, coloured plates, ib., 1880,
8vo. (379) Craddocky £1
1359 Pritt {T. E.) Yorkshire Trout Flies, coloured plates, Leeds,
1885— British Angling Flies, by M. Thealcston, revised by
F. M. Walbran, plates of flies and woodcuts, kipon (1883}
— Ogden on Fly Tying, etc, illustrated, ChelUrUiam, 1879,
Bvo. (380) Craddock, £\ los.
1360 Ronakis (A.) The Fly-Fisher's Entomology . , . with Ob-
servations relative to Trout -and- Grayling Fishing, first
edition, 19 coloured plates of (lies, original cloth, uncut,
t. e. g., 1836, 8vo. (389) Houghton, £1 17s.
1361 Ronakis (A.) Fly-Fisher's Entomology, second edition, to
coloured plates, chiefly of flics, half morocco, uncut, t.e. g.,
1839, 8vo. (390] Maurice, £1 4s.
1363 Ronalds (A.) Fly-Fisher's Entomology, third edition, 20
coloured plates, original cloth, uncut, 1844, 8vo. (391)
Maurice, £1 5s.
13^3 Ronalds (A.) Fly'Fisher's Entomology, fourth edition, cor-
rected, 20 coloured plates, original doth, uncut, 1849, ^^°-
(392) Mathews, £1 10&
1364 Ronalds (A.) Fly-Fisher's Entomology, fifth edition, revised,
with Additions by Piscaior,zo coloured plates, half morocco,
t. e. K„ 1856, 8vo. (393} Maurice, £t 55.
1365 Ronalds (A.) Fly-Fisher's Entomology, sixth edition, 20
coloured plates, half morocco gilt, t. e. g., 18&1, 3vo. ^94)
Mathews, £1 9s.
1366 Ronalds (A.) Fly-Fisher's Entomology, ninth edition, 20
coloured plates, original cloth, uncut, t. e. g., 1883 (39s)
Mathews, i6s-
1367 Salter (T. F.) The Angler's Guide, woodcuts, 1B16, and two
other editions — Cole (R.) Young Angler's Pocket Com-
CioQ, engravings, W. Mason, n. d., all in the original
rds.Bvo. (408) M<^Sg^< £1 '75-
1368 Schuylkill. Authentic Historical Memoir of the Schuylkill
Fishing Company, of the State in Schuylkill, near Phila-
delphia, frontispiece and portraits, some scarce ones in-
serted, morocco super extra, double, broad dentelle borders,
joints, t. e, g. by R, W, Smith, Philadelphia, 1830, 8vo.
(415) B. F. Stevens, £-i
1369 Schuylkill. Memoirs of the Schuylkill Fishing Company, and
Gloucester Fox Hunting Club, near I'hiladelphia, frontis-
pieces and portraits, ot\gtn3lc\ot'ti, Philadelphia, 1830,8*0-
(416) B. F. Stevens, £1 16s.
1370 [Scott (Dr. T.)] The Anglers : in Verse, half calf, T.
Gosden's copy with his book-plate, 1758— Best (T.) Art of
Angling, fifth edition, frontispiece, half calf gilt, 1802 —
The Complete Fisherman, frontispiece, old tree-calf, n. d.,
8vo. (421) Pickering. £1 3s.
1371 Scott (W. H.) British Field Sports: Shooting, Hnnting,
Fishing, etc., large paper, numerous plates, chiefly
engraved by J. Scott, and woodcuts, fine impressions, pale
russia gilt, m. e., i3)8, 8vo. (422) Nattali, £l
_y Google
1372 Scrope (W.) Days and Nights of Salmon Fishing in the
Tweed, first edition, coloured and tinted plates anj wood-
cuts after Sir David Wilkie, E. and C. Landscer, and others,
autograph letter of the author inserted, line copy in half
morocco gilt, t. e. g., 1843, 8vo. (425) Craddock. £t
1373 Shipley (W.) True Treatise on the Art of Fly-Fishing,
Trolling, etc. . . . edited by E. Fitzgibboti, L.^RGE PAPER,
one of a few copies with the engravings on India paper, half
morocco, m. e., 1838, 8vo. (431) BartUtt, £1
1374 Shipley (W.) True Treatise on the Art of Fly-Fishiny,
Trolling, etc., LARGE PAPER, with the engravings on India
paper, one of a few copies, calf gilt, gilt edges, 1838, 8vo.
(432) Maggt, £1
■375 S. (J.) The True Art of Angling: or the Best and Speediest
Way of Taking all sorts of Fresh- Water Fish with the
Worm, Fly, Paste, etc., frontispiece and woodcuts, one or
two headlines shaved, calf gilt, y. e., 1696, 8va (433)
Nattaii, £6 los.
1376 S. (J.) The Complete Fisher: or the True Art of Angling,
corners of several leaves stained and mended, frontispiece
and woodcuts, morocco extra, gilt edges by Zaehnsdorf,
G. Conyers, 1716 — A Compleat and Experienc'd Angler, in
two partsi frontispiece and woodcuts, poor copy, half calf
gilt, 16., n- d. (lot with all feults), 8vo, (435) Picktring, £2 16s.
"377 S. (J.) The Compleat Fisher: or the True Art of Angling,
frontispiece, small hole in last leaf, but a large copy in calf
gilt, G. Conyers, 1717 — Another edition, frontispiece (cut
round and mounted) and woodcuts, ib., n. d. Got with all
faults), 8vo. (436) Maurice, £2 4s.
1378 [Smith (Geoi^).] The Angler's Magazine : or Necessary
and Delightful Store-House, a few headlines shaved, half
■nor., m. e., W. Owen, 1754, 8vo. (439) Mathews, £1 10s.
■ 379 Smith (J. R.) Bibliographical Catalogue of English Writers
on Angling, interleaved, with MS. additions, ias6-Cata-
logue of Books on Angling (extracted from Bry^^s'
"Censura Literaria")— Sabin (W. W.) 1,001 Books on
Angling, 1883, all in half morocco, t. e. g., 8vo. (440)
Maurice, £i $%•
1380 Smith (J. V. C.) Natural History of the Fishes of Massa-
chusetts, woodcuts, Boston, 1833 — Reynolds (J.) Peter
Gott, the Cape Ann Fisherman, frontispiece, ib., 1856, 8va
(441) Maurice, £l is.
1381 Smith (Thomas). Every Man his Own Fisherman, . . ,
with the Fish Laws, etc., morocco gilt, n. d. {circa 1770),
8vo, (442) Pickering, £1 icfi.
ijS] Soi^ of the Edinbuj^h Angling Club, vienettes arawn and
engraved by members of the Club, half red morocco gilt,
t. e, g., Ediahurgk, privately prinUd, 1858, Bvo. (448)
Nattaii. £1 18s.
1383 Songs of the Edinburgh Angling Club, new Edition, with
Additions, vignettes, original cloth, uncut, Edinbur^,
privately printed, 1879, Bvo. (449) W. Brown, £1%%.
1384 Sportsman's Cabinet, and Town and Country Magazine,
igitized by Google
edited bjr T. B. Johnson, Nov., 1833, to Oct., 1833, 2 vo).,
•plates, original cloth, scarce, 1S33, 8vo. (450)
Pickering, £2 6s.
1385 Stevens (C.) and J. LiebaulL Maison Rustique, or the
Countric Farme, translated by R. Surflet, woodcuts, old
calf, rebacked, r. e., fine copy, ifxio, ^\o. {(nt) Pickering, £6
1386 Stevens and Liebault Maison Rustique : or the Couatrey
Farme, translated by R. Surflet, and edited by Gervase
Markham, woodcuts, sound copy in old calf (rebacked),
r. e., 1616, folio (665) Pickering, ^3 19s.
1387 Stewan{W, C.) A Caution to Anglers, 1871— The Fishing
Rod, and how to use it, by Glenfin, 1S61 — Spinning and
Trolling, by Otter, illustrations, 1859— Cubley (J. S.)
Hints on Angling, woodcuts, Birmingham, 1873, all in half
morocco, t. e. g., 8vo. (4;;) Mathews, £1 8s.
1388 Stoddart (;T. T.) Art of Angling, as practised in Scotland,
first edition, engravings, morocco gilt, uncut, t. C. g., 183s
— Natural History ot Fishes, copper-plates, calf extra, y. c,
r795^The Angler, 10 engravings, onginal wrapper bound
up, morocco gilt, t. e. g., n. d., 8vo. (460) Maurice, £2 los.
1389 Tate (N.) The Innocent Epicure ; or the Art of Anghng, a
Poem, first edition, half calf, 1697, 8vo. (464) Pickering, £$
1390 Tavemer (John). Certaine Experiments concerning Fish and
Fmite, bluk Utttt, calf gilt, gilt edges, W. Ponsonby, 1600,
4ttt (647) Ckadwick, £12
1391 [Theakston (M.)] A Ust of Natural Flies that are taken by
Trout, Grayling and Smelt, in the Streams of Ripon, plates,
half calf gilt, r. ^,Mpon, 1853, 8vo. (468) Mathews, 8s.
1393 [Tracey (R.)] Vox Piscis j or the Book-Fish, frontispiece,
panelled calf extra, gilt edges by W. Pratt, 1637, 8vo.
(473) Mathews, £i
1393 Treatise on the Art of Angling, frontispiece, Sussex Press,
Lewes, 1809 — North Country Angler, 1817 — Kidd's Practical
Instructions in the Art of Angling, woodcuts, n. d., Svo.
(474) Pickering, £2 «S.
1394 Universal Angler (The) including Fly-Fishing, plates, I/66
—North (R.) Discourse of Fish and Fish-Ponds, second
edition, E, Cull, 1715, both in calf gilt, symbolically tooled,
8va (480) Pickering, £t lis.
'395 Universal Angler (The) . , . especially Fly-Fishing, plates,
calf, 1766— Shirley (T.) The Angler's Museum, portrait,
half calf, 1784~-Best (T.) Art of Angling, eighth edition,
frontispiece, 1808— Evans (W.) Art of Angling; or
Complete Fly-Fisher, frontispiece, n. d., in i voL, half
bound, Svo. (481) Maggs, £1 is.
1396 Venables(R.) The Experiendd Angler : or Angling improv'd,
first edition, frontispiece (cut into) and en^vings, margins
of a few leaves stained, and fore-edge of title slightly duec-
tive, half calf gilt, 1662, 8vo. (487) W. Broivn, £$ as. 6d.
1397 Venables (R) The Experienc'd Angler, third edition, much
enlarged, firontispiece and engravings, a few headlines
shaved, morocco extra, gilt edges by Rivitre and Son,
1668, 8va (988) Maurice, Ci
igitized by Google
■ 39^ Wallwork (J.) The Modem Angler, engravings and finely-
coloured plates of flies, half morocco, L e. g., Manchester,
). Cheetham, 1847, 8vo. (49S) Mathews, £1 4s.
1399 Walsh (J. H.) British Rural Sports ... by "Stonehengc,"
seventh edition, entirely revised, numerous engravings, 1867
Accessible Field Sports, by " Ubiquc " (Parker Gillmore),
frontispiece, etc., 1869, 8vo. (496) Maurice, 7s.
1400 Walton (Izaak). The Compleat Angler ; or the Contempla-
tive Man's Recreation ; being a Discourse of Fish and
Fishing, not unworthy the perusal of most Anglers, first
edition, sctqH on title with dolphins, engravings of fish and
musical notation, title and last two leaves defective and
mended, some headlines slightly shaved, and a few leaves
soiled, otherwise a generally sound copy, T. Maxey for
Rich. Marriet, in S. Dunstan'i Church-yard, Fleet-street,
1653, 8vo.~Walton (Izaak). The Compleat Angler, or the
Contemplative Man's Recreation, the second edition, much
enlarged, scroll on title with dolphins, engravings of fish,
and musical notation, title defective and mended, many
headlines and a small portion of text cut into, front margins
of music also cut into, T. M. for Rich. Marriot . . . in
St. Dunstan's Churchyard, Fleet-street, 1655, 8vo.~
Walton (Izaak). The Compleat Angler, or the Contempla-
tive Man's Recreation, 10 which is added Che Laws of
Angling : with a new Table of the Particulars in this Book,
the third edition, much enlaced, scroll on title, engravings
of fish, and musical notation (very slightly shaved), some
headlines cut into, and a leaf defective and mended,/. G.
for Rich. Matriot . . . in St. Dunstan's Church-yard,
FUit-streei, 1661, 8vo.~WalioQ (Izaak). The Compleat
Angler, or the Contemplative Man's Recreation, to which
it added the Laws of Angling, etc.. the fourth edition, much
correaed and enlarged, scroll on title, engravings of fish,
and musical notation, back mai^ins of title and last leaf
pieced, Printed for R. Marriot, and to be sold by Charies
Harper . . . in Chanceryjane, 1668, 8vo.— Walton (Izaak)
and Charles Cotton. The Compleat Angler, the fifth
edition, much corrected and enlarged. Printed for R.
Marriot, 1676— Cotton (Charles). The Compleat Angler,
being Instnictions how to Angle for a Trout or Grayling in
a dear Stream, first edition, Printed far R. Marriot and
H. Brome, 1676— VcnablesiCo!. Rofwrt). The Experienc'd
Angler ; or Angling Improv'd, the fourth edition, much
enlarged. Printed for R. Marriot, 1676, engravings offish,
etc., blank margins of 3 leaves pieced, scroll title imperfect,
in I vol., 8vo., with general title, "The Universal Angler,
made so, by Three Books of Fishing. . . . All which may
be bound tc^ether, or sold each of them severally. Printed
for R. Mamot, and sold by most Booksellers, 1676." The
above first five editions of Walton's Angler were uniformly
bound in olive morocco extra, gilt edges by F. Bedford, and
sold together in one lot, not subject to return {497)
Pickering, ^235
igitized by Google
I40I Walton (Iiaak). TheCompleatAD^ter, or the Contemplative
Man's Recreation, the second edition, much enlarged, scroll
on title with dolphins, engravinKS of Rsh, and musical
notation (cut into), title and a. leaf mended, several leaves
soiled, and some headlines cut into, morocco, gilt edges, sold
with all faults, T. M.for Rich. Marriot . . . in Si. Dunitarfs
Churchyard, Fleet-strut. 1655, 8vo. (498) Pickering, 1%
1403 Walton (Izaak). The Compleat Angler, another copy of the
second edition, the musical notation slightly damaged, and
many headlines much cut into, as was also a small portion
of the text, morocco extra, gilt edges by C. Murton, sold
with all faults, T. M.for Rich. Marriot, 1655, 8vo. (499)
Pickering, £,11) ija.
1403 Walton (Izaak). The Compleat Angler.or the Contemplative
Man's Recreation, to which is added the Laws of Angling :
with a new Table of the Particulars in this Book, the third
edition much enlarged, scroll on title, engravings of fish,
and musical notation, title and a leaf or two of text slightly
shaved, some headlines cut into, many leaves soiled, old red
morocco,with emblematic devicesstamped on sides, enclosed
in a morocco drop case, sold with all faults, Printed for
R. Marriot, and are to be sold by Simon Gape neer the Inner
Temple-gate in Fleet-street, 1664, 8vo. (500)
Pickering, £13 los.
[This is the 1661 edition, with a fresh title-page,—
1404 Walton (Izaak). The Compleat Angler, another copy cA the
third edition, a leaf or two of text cut into, but a genuine
and fairly large copy, in half calf gilt, /. G. for Rich.
Marriot, 1661, 8vo. (501) Pickering, ^35
1405 Walton (Izaak). The Compleat Angler, another copy of the
third edition, title, most of the headlines and many of the
lower margins cut into, morocco super extra, gilt edges,
sold with all faults, /. G. for Rich. Marriot, 1661, 8vo.
(502) QMriUh,l\\
1406 Walton (Izaak). The Compleat Angler, or the Contempla-
tive Man's Recreation, to which is added the Laws of
Angling, etc., the fourth edition, much corrected and
enlarged, scroll on title, engravings of fish, and musical
notation (slightly shaved), a leaf imperfect and neatly
mended, and several headlines cut into, morocco gilt, gilt
edges, with all faults, Printed for R. Marriot, andarelobe
sold by Charles Harper . . . in Chancery-lane, 1668, Svo.
(503) RoSson, £11
1407 Walton (Izaak) and Charles Cotton. The Compleat Angler,
the fifth edition, much corrected and enlarged. Printed for
R. Marriot, 1676 — Cotton (Charles). The Compleat
Angler, first edition, Printed for R. MarriatandH. Bromtt
1676 — Venables (Col. Robert). The Experienc'd Angler,
the fourth edition, much enlarged, Printed for R. Marriot,
1676, engravings of fish, etc., wanted the title with the scroll
lefi out, a birly large and sound copy in calf gilt, in i vol.,
Svo. (504) Maggs, £q ss-
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i4o8 Walton (Izaak) and Charles Cotton. The Complete Angler,
another copy of the fiflh edition, but wanted the i^eaeral
title, the title with scroll, title and imprimatur to Cotton,
and has not the Venabies, morocco super extra, gilt edg«f
by Claessens, sold with all faults, in i vol., 1676, 8vo. (505)
Pickering, £1 ss.
1409 Walton and Cotton. Complcat Angler, Moses Browne's first
edition, plates and woodcuts, half calf gilt, 1750, 8vo. (506)
Pickering, £2 4s-
1410 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Sir John Hawkins'
first edition, fine impressions of the plates by Wale and
Ryland, and vignettes, calf gilt, emblematically tooled, gilt
edges, 1760, 8vo. (507) Pickering, i.i 4s.
141 1 Walton and Cotton. Compleat Angler, Sir John Hawkins'
first edition, fine impressions of the plates by Wale and
Ryland, and vignettes of fish, calf gilt, y. e., 1760, 8vo.
(508) Pickering, £\ gs.
1412 Walton and Cotton. Compleat Angler, edited by Moses
Browne, seventh edition, engraved plates, calf gilt, y. e.,
1770, 8vo. C510) Maurice, £3 10s.
1413 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, seventh edition, with
Lives and Notes by Sir J. Hawkins, LARGE PAPER, por-
traits, plates and vignettes by Wale, Audinet, etc., tree'Calf
gilt, gilt edges, Bagster, 180B, 8vo. {518) Shepherd, £1 3s.
1414 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Major's first edition,
with illustrative Notes, L.ARGE paper, portraits, plates by
Wale and Nash, on India paper, and woodcuts, half
morocco gilt, gilt edges, 1823, 8vo. (527) Soiheran,£i 13s.
1415 Walton and Cotton. Set of Proof Woodcuts, on India paper,
to Major's large paper edition of Walton and Cotton's
Complete Angler, 72 engravings, morocco extra, gilt edges
(1823), 8vo. (528) Maggs, £3 I2S.
1416 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Major's second
edition, large paper, portraits and plates by Wale and
Nash, on India paper, and woodcuts, 1824— Walton (Izaak).
Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir H. Wotton, R. Hooker, etc.,
LARGE PAPER, portraits and plates on India paper, and
woodcuts, 1825, morocco extra, nearly uncut, t. e. g., not
quite uniform, 8vo. (531) Maurice, £4
1417 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, by Hawkins and
Rennie, portrait and woodcuts, 1834 — Another edition, 1835
— Another, Edinburgh, 1836, all in half morocco gilt, L e. g,,
8vo. (541) Maurice, £1 13s.
1418 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, Major's third edition,
portraits, plates and woodcuts, morocco extra, gilt edges,
1835, 8vo. {542) Craddock, £t 6s.
1419 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by John
Major, fourth edition, portraits, plates and woodcuts, dark
green morocco extra, gilt edges, with an Angling Scene
painted on the fore-edges, Bogue, 1844, 8vo. (348)
Maurice, £3 los.
1420 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by John
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Major, fourth edition, LARGE PAPER, portraits, plates and
woodcuts, morocco super extm, L e. g., Bogue, 1844, 8va
(549) Saiin, £z 8s.
1431 WaltoD aod Cotton. Complete Angler, by Sir J. Hawkins
and Prof. Rcnnic, portrait and woodcuts, ManchesUr, 1844
— Another edition, ib., 1846 — Another, Halifax, 1857, all la
half morocco gilt, L e. g., 8vo. (jjo) DenAam, £1
1422 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Anelcr, in two parts
(edited by G. W. Bethune), 3 vol., special edition, portraits,
plates and woodcuts, further illustrated by the insertion of
numerous fine-coloured and other piortraits, several of which
are proofs on India paper, some before all letters, views,
India proof engravings oi tish, a few of which are coloured,
and other fine and very scarce illustrations, neatly inlaid,
^reen morocco super extra, uncut, broad inside borders,
joints, t. c, g., only a few copies issued in this form. JVew
York, 1847, sup. imp. 8vo. (650) Mo.^^, £<^ los.
1433 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited, with onginal
Memoirs and Notes by Sir Harris Nicolas, fine plates and
vignettes, chiefly after Stothard and Inskipp, 2 vol., morocco
extra, g. c., W. Pickering, 1836, imp. 8vo.(649) Craddact, £7
1434 Walton and Cotton. The Complete Angler, edited, with
copious Notes, etc., by Geo. W. Bethune, 2 vol., special copy,
one of 100 illustrations, in sheets (folded), inserted in a half-
parchment cover. New York, 18&0, 4to. (653) Sotheran, ^i
142] Wallon and Cotton. The Complete Angler, edited, with
Notes, by ]. E. Harting, z vol., with 53 i Dust rations,
including etchings by P. Thomas, on Japanese vellum
t^per, half parchment, uncut, t. e. g., one of 350 copies,
Bagster, 1893, 4to. (654) /. B.Jonet, £1 2s.
1426 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, edited by John Major,
LARGE PAPER, one of 100 copies, with the portraits and
plates on India paper, and woodcuts, half morocco gilt,
uncut, L e. g., Boston, 1866, 8vo. (562) QuariUh, £1 i8s.
1427 Walton and Cotton. Complete Angler, another copy 00
LARGE PAPER, bound in 2 vol., with the series of plates for
Pickering's edition inserted, calf gilt, gilt edges by Matthews,
Boston, 1866, 8vo. (563) Pickering, £\ lis.
1428 Walton (Iiaak). Life of John Donne, Dr. in Divinity, the
second impression corrected and enlarged (wanted portrait),
original binding (with two MS. corrections, probably in the
autograph of Izaak Walton), i6;8, 8vo. (^74]
Pickering, £i i8s.
1429 Walton (Iiaak), Lives of Dr. Donne, Sir H. Wotton, etc.,
fourth edition, four portraits (one mended), with inscription
on title, " ffor Mrs. Hulman— U. Wn.," mottled calf extra,
by Larkins, 1675, 8vo. (576) Pickering, £^
1430 Walton (Iiaak). Life of Mr. Rich. Hooker, first ecitioo,
crimson morocco super extra, gilt edges by Tout, 1665,
8vo. (580) Saiin, £B js.
[A most interesting and valuable copy, with two full
pages and two half pages of amendments to the text of this
first edition, afterwards incorporated in other edititms, and
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a few conectiom in the margins, all in the autograph of
Izaak Walton.— C<j/a/c^«<,]
1431 Walton (Izaak). Life of Dr. Sanderson, late Bishop of
Lincoln, to which is added, Some short Tracts or Cases of
Conscience, first edition, portrait by White, with inscription
on title, " (for my Cozen Williams— I: W:," and four MS.
corrections in the autograph of Izaac Walton, original calf,
1678, 8vo. (581) Maurice, £i& 18s.
1432 Walton (Izaak). Life of Dr. Sanderson, late Bishop of
Lincoln, first edition, wanted the portrait, large copy, with
inscription on title, " tfor my son Birch (?) Iz. W.," there
are also a few corrections m the handwriting of Izaak
Walton, MS. memoranda relating to the volume insetted,
original calf, 1678, 8vo. (582) Pickering, £s 123- 6d.
=433 Walton (Iiaak). Life of Isaac Walton, by T. Zoudi, LARGE
PAPER, with proof plates, original cloth, uncut, t. e. g., 1823,
8vo. (584) Maurice, ^i 7s.
1434 Walton (Izaak). Life of Isaac Walton, including Notices of
his Contemporaries, by T. Zouch, large paper, one of
8 copies only, proof portraits and plates, on India paper,
some extra proof plates added, green morocco super extra,
inside joints, nearly uncut copy, t. e. g. by Tout, S. Prowett,
1823, 410. (656) Maurice, £4 173. 6d.
1435 Wells (J., of Sheffield). The Contemplative and Practical
Angler, fiontispiece, morocco extra, gill edges, 1S42, 8vo.
(596) Maurice, £1 123.
1436 Westwood (T.) Quest of the Sancgreall, and other Poems,
unpublished, 1868— Songs of the Chace, portrait and frontis-
piece, iSii^Nereides : or Sea-Eclogues. 1712, all in half
morocco, (. e. g., 8vo, (599) Pickering, £1 i6s.
1437 Wbealley (H.) The Rod and Line, coloured plates of flies,
1849— Stoddart (T, T.) Angling Reminiscences, illustrated,
Edinburgh, 1837, both in half morocco gilt, t. e. g., 8vo.
(601) Pickering; £l zs.
1438 White (John). A Rich Cabinet, with Variety of Inventions,
curious woodcuts, a leaf or two slightly mended, morocco
super extra, gilt edges by Zaehnsdorf, 1689, 8vo. (6oz)
^<^g^i £1 148.
1439 [White.] Sporting Scenes, and Country Characters, by
Martingale, numerous illustrations, some leaves spotted,
tree -caff gill, m. e., 1840, 8vo. (603) Craddock, £\ is.
1440 Whole Art of Fishing . . . with the Laws of Angling, frontis-
piece, original old calf gilt, E. Curll, 1714, 8vo. (605)
Maurice, £\ 14s.
1441 Yarranton (A.) England's Improvement by Sea and Land,
to out-do the Dutch without Fighting, etc., part i., large
folding plates and maps, original calf, 1677, 4to, (661)
^"""f. ;£' IS.
1442 Young Angler's Guide, third edition, illustrated, half morocco,
t. e. g., 1839— Crisp (W, F.) The Piscator's Handbook,
crimson morocco, t. e. g., Yarmouih, a. d.— The " Thames"
J<jly Angler, Hall's edition, half morocco, t. e. g., o. d.,
Kvo. (616) \Pickering, £1 8s.
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1443 Younger (J.) River Angling for Salmon and Trout, calf gilt,
m. e., 1840— Cole (R.) The Young Angler's Pocket Com-
panion, frontispiece! divided into two parts, a few headlines
cut into, russia gilt, gilt edges, R. Bassam, i795> Svo.
(618) Afaggs, It 3S.
[Decemker sth, and five followisg days, 1898.]
(No. of Lots, 1215 ; amount realised, ;£io,992 lis.)
[Note.— This portion of the library of the late Mr, Moms con-
sisted chiefly of manuscripts and specimens of the productions of
the early printers. The manuscripts, which were mostly codexes
of the Bible, and transcripts of the Greek and Latin classics,
included the illuminated Josephus (Lot 732], formerly in the
Hamilton Collection, the Sherbrooke and other Missals, etc They
were generally of English or Norman-French workmanship, some
being especially interesting from their hislorical associations. It
is not usual to report the sale of M5S. in Book-Prices Current,
though exceptions to the rule are numerous. In this instance the
most important manuscripts are recorded.— ED.]
1444 ^sopus. Vita et Fabulfe ; Fabulic Extravagantes ; Fabulae
Aviani et diversarum e graeco latina per Rimicium facta,
lit. floth., long lines, with signatures (Hain, 327), orna-
mental borders, 190 woodcuts and numerous ornamental
initials, all coloured by hand, the first leaf containing the
figure of ^sop in facsimile (a 8 and all after p 8 [sheet q]
wanted, with all faults), signature and address of " Wm.
Morris, Hammersmith," on fly-leaf, oaken boards, stamped
leather, with legend " Maria" rebacked. Absque ulla nota
^The imperfect Ashburnham copy realised £61. The
parts missing from that comprised sheets P 8 and the whole
of Q, with the exception of the last leaf. See Book-Pbicbs
Current, vol. xi.. No. 4226. — Ed.]
1445 jCsopus. Der teutsch Esopus, iit. gath., double columns,
39 lines, outline figure of vilsop within ornamental border
on title, repeated on reverse, numerous spirited woodcuts
(wanted a 7, h 6, p 4, and q 8, n 6 defective), otherwise a
good copy, half bound, Augspurg, Hannsen Schonsperger,
1498, folio (108) LeigMon, £1 1 ss.
1446 Albertus Magnus. Sermones de Tempore et de Sanctis,
lit. Kini-goth., long lines, 40 to a page, without marks
(Hain, 472), rubricated, painted ornamental initials in red,
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oaken boards, ancient leather sides (rebacked), Per
Johannem Zaiiier Uhnae imprtssum, s. a., folio (no)
Leigkton, £2 los.
[One of the earliest books printed by Zainer, who intro'
duced printing into Ulm. — Catalogue.']
1447 Albertus Magnus. Sermones dc Tempore ct de Sanctis,
lit. Both., long lines, 40 to a full page, rubricated, 3 vol. in 1,
oaken boards, half stamped pigskin, clasps, Ulmae, jo.
Zainer, s.a, {circa 1473), folio (in) Tregatkis, £,1 9s.
[One of the earliest specimens of John Zainer's printing
in M\ta.^Cated0gue.'\
1448 Albertus Magnus. Sennones nota,biles de tempore et de
Sanctis, lit. goth., double columns, 36 lines, without marks,
nibricated, capitals painted in red, oaken boards, leather,
stamped with emblematic ornaments, clasps. Absque ttlla
nota {ColonitK, U. Zell, circa 1475), folio (ni)
Dodson, £^ I IS.
1449 Albertus Magnus. De Virgine Maria — De Laudibus Mariae
Virginia, lit. gotk, double columns, 61-62 lines, headings of
open rotnan capitals, without marks (same type as
" Astesanus summa conscientiae ") (Hain, 461 ana 467),
rubricated, painted omamenta! initials, the two works in
1 vol., oaken boards, stamped ornamental leather (x^-
yiAdsitd), Absque ulia noia {Argent.,]. Mentelin, fi'rra 1474),
folio (n3) Jfo/ier, /2 4s.
1450 Alchabitius. Libellus Vsa^ogicus Abdilazi ... qui dicitur
Alchabitius ad Magestenum Juditiorum Astronim ; inler-
Jretatus a Joanne Hispalensi ; scriptumcjue in eundem a
oanne Saxoniae editum, loman and gothic letter, diagrams
and omamenta! initials, half vellum, Venet., Erhardus
Ratdolt, 1485, 4to. (54) ^faggs, £1 as.
1451 Alpbonsus de Spina. Fortalicium Fidei, Lib. V., aoni-oothtc
mter, double columns, 47 lines, without marks (Hain, 871),
woodcut, oaken boards, stamped ornamental pigskin (re-
backed). Absque ulla nota {Basil., B. Richel, fiWa 147;),
folio (i 17) Downing, £\
1452 Ambtosius Epis. Mediolanensis. " Compilatio Dictorum
beati Ambrosii edita a Fratre Bartholomeo de Urbino Ord.
Frat. Eremic. S. Augustini, de mandate Clementis Pap^
Sexti ;" [in fine] "hanc primam partem huius Sacrosancte
Ambrosiane complevit scriptorum minimus. Dionysius de
Bregonziis de Soma Canonicus Sancte Agnetis de Soma
dyoc. Mediolanensis Anno Dni MCCCC octavo, mensis
Novembris die XXIT," manuscript on vellum (380 leaves),
written in large gotliic Irttcr, red and blacl^ in double
columns, 54 lines, on the first page of text is a fine illu-
minated miniature of Pope Clement receiving the book
firom the compiler, a centre illuminated bar with marginal
' ornaments at head and toot, an emblematic figure of a
female saint above, and a coat of arms (sable, a cross gules),
the reverse of the leaf has also marginal decorations of
birds and lealy branches, and a very charming and highly-
Gnished miniature of Saint Ambrose (3 inches square), five
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large illuminated initials occur in the text, and numeroDs
ornamental pec letters, old stamped calf, gilt edges, Mi£ol.,
1408, lar^e folio (120) (^laritck, £y6
[This is the first of three voliunes of an Alphabetical
Concordance to St. Ambrose's Works, extending from A
to E. At the beginning is a Table of the Words treated of
in the complete work. It was probably never finished, and
certainly never printed.— CataiogitrJ]
1453 Amiphonarium. [begino-J "Sabl^to ante pnmam Domini-
cam. Adventus dni. Ad vesporas super psalmos Antj-
phonam." [In finem] "Gratia sit Chnsto C]ui fecit; non
michi Petro. (^ui libnim scripsi dictus logiusque notavi.
Urbe Placentma natus de nomine digna. Columbe
monachus Jh'u pronumine notus. Sunt bis sexcenii nona-
ginta quinque set anni," manuscript on vellum (2?3 leaves),
written in large gotttic Itttrra in red and black, with musical
notes, large painted ornamental initial A on reverse of first
leaf (7 in. by 6 in.) and numerous smaller ones, and pes
letters in red and blue, oaken boards, leather [/'iacentin,
1295], lai^e folio (124) Maine, ^iS ^s.
[An adcUtion is made on folio 269, headed, " In annunaa-
tione d'nica 1462," and signed, " Frater Johannes Wasser-
polii de Hylaria." — Ca/ixlogue.]
1454 Antoninus Augustus. Itinerarium Piovinciarum Omnium
cum Fragmenta ejusdem, etc., red and black (top margin
of title mended), old English morocco, with the aims of ihe
Duke of Marlborough on the sides, Paris, H. Stephanus,
n. d., 8vo. (10) Bain, £2 i8s.
[The first edition. Printed in 1512.— Ed,]
1455 Apocalypsis S. Joannis Apostoli. [Begin, folio ii.] " Incipit
literaJis expositio in Vulgar! translata per Fratrem Fre-
dericum de Veneciis sacre theologie professoris Ordinis
Predicatorum super apocalypsem beati Johannis Apostoli
edicta in miltesimo tringentessimo octuagesimo quarto de
KIs. Januarii cum glossis magistri Nicolai de Lira de
Ordine fratrum Minorum," Sa^. XIV., manuscript on
vellum by an Italian scribe (169 leaves), in double columns,
the text written in sections in large flOlhit UHtr, the glosses
in a small neat gothic, the first page is occupied by a
painting of St. John's Vision of Christ between the Seven
Golden Candlesticks, on the reverse of which are 6 circular
drawings in ink of emblems of the four Evangelists,
Solomon and David, the first page of text has 2 illuminated
initials (one a miniature of St. John), with marginal decora-
tions, and there are 48 richly-painted and illuminated
ornamental initials, and many hundred ornamental pen
letters, modem brown morocco, antique style, gilt edges
(126) Bain, £v>
1456 Appianus. Libri De Bellis Civilibus Romanis, in latinutti
traducti per P. Candidum, finely printed in roman letter,
long lines, 32 to a page, with marginal notes, signatures,
2 pagta within ornamental woodcut borders, the first in
red, and ornamental woodcut initials (a few plain margins
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womied, and aj a blank wanted), 2 vol. in I, new vellum,
yetiei., B, Piaores ct Erbard. Katdolt, 1477, 410. (64)
Leigkton, £4 12s.
[Brunet regarded tbe woodcut borders in this work as the
first specimens of their kind appearing in a printed book.
1457 Apuleius. Asinus Aureus, cum Commentario Ph. Beroaldi,
numerous woodcuts, and ornamental initials, limp vellum,
with flap, fine copy, Ve?iet., P. Pincius, 1510, folio (127)
Breslau. £} 35,
1458 Apuleius. The XI. Bookes of the Golden Asse, containmge
the Metamorphosis of Lucius Apuleius . . . with ue
Mariage of Cupid and Psyche, etc., translated out of Latin
into Englishe by Wm. Adlington, black Ittttx, title within
woodcut border, morocco extra by Tout, fine copy, Wm.
HowforAbr. Veate, 1571, 410. (67) H.Jones, ^15 los.
1459 Aciuila (Petrus de). Quaesliones in IV. libros sen lent ianim,
lit. Bo'h-, double columns, 60 lines, rubricated, capitals
painted in red, oaken boards, stamped ornamental pigskin,
clasps. Spiral, Petrus Drach, 1480, folio (128)
Downing, £2 8s.
1460 Arabian Nights. The Book of a Thousand Nights and One
Night ; Tales from the Arabic ; and Alaeddin, now first
completely done into English by John Payne, together
13 vol., white gilt boards, uncut, Privately printed fir the
Villon Society, 1882-89, 8vo. (13) Tregaskis, C\o 15s.
1461 Aiatus. Phaenomena cum Conunentariis, et Procli Sphaera,
Cr. et Lat, the "Aiatus " and " Proclus" portion only of
the Aldine " Aslronomici Veteres," first edition, with wood-
cuts, vellum. Venet., Aldus, 1499, folio (129) Tregaskis, £^
1462 Architecture Ottomane ; ouvrageautoris^ par Irade Imperial,
et public sous le Patronage de Edhem Pacha [French,
German and Turkish Texte), [87 plates (some coloured),
half morocco, Constantinople, 1873, imperial folio (130)
Guebekim, ^3 3s.
1463 Aretinus (Leonardus). HisCoria Fiorentina, Libri XII.,
Sa^c. XV., manuscript on vellum (277 leaves), written in a
very neat roman letter, by an Italian scribe, long lines,
27 to a page, each book has a finely-painted and illuminated
initial, the letter in gold, with white intersected scrolls on
various coloured grounds, a blank shield supported by a
Cupid at foot of first leaf, contetnporary Venetian orna-
mental binding, oaken boards, brown leather with metal
bosses and catches for 4 clasps {circa 1450), folio (131)
Buchanan, £1^
1464 Aretino (Leonardo). Historia del Popolo Fiorentino com-
posta in latino et tradocta in lingua tosca da D. AcciaioU,
prima edizione, printed in roman letter, long lines, with
signatures, 2 illuminated initials, oaken boards, ancient half
stamped ornamental leather sides, new back, Vtnegia,
Jacomo de Rossi, 1476, folio (132) Leighton, £6
1465 Aretino (Leonardo). Libro intitulato Aquila, translata da
latino in vulgare sermone, prima edizione, woodcut of eagle,
XIII. 10
igitized by Google
fine oraamental border of hunting subjects, etc, to first
page of text, and woodcut initials (some leaves stained),
caLf, NapoUptr Ayolfi de Cantlumo, 1492, folio {133)
1466 Arisioteles. Politica, Rhetorica, Etbica, Ssec XIII.-XIV.,
manuscript on vellum (186 leaves), written in gotlticUttcr,
double columns, 36 lines in 2 difTerent hands, probably
Nonnan- French, with profuse flosses in the maigins in a
minute cursive hand, the " Politica'' had 10 fine painted
and illuminated ornamental initials (that on the first page
bittoriated), with marginal elongations of spiked foliage,
the remainder of the volume had numerous ornamental pen
letters, oaken boards, blind line compartments, metal
bosses, title under talc and metal frame on upper cover,
long clasps, folio {134) Quariich, £36
14^ Arthur. The Storye of the most noble and worthye Kynge
Arthure ; and also of his nobie and valiaunt Knyghtes of
the rounde table (Translated by Sir Thos. Malory), newly
imprynted and corrected, black Uittr, double columns,
woodcuts and ornamental initials (title, next 7 leaves, last
leaf of table, portion of last leaf of text, and leaf of colophon
in facsimile, some headlines cut into, and margins of
3 leaves mended, with all faults], thick boarded red morocco
^It, with coat of arms in centre, joints, gilt edges, ImptynUd
infiete streU at the Sygne of the Rose Gtwlande by Wyllyam
Copland, 1557, small folio (136) Quarilch, £^1
[Of this rare edition only one perfect copy is said to be
known, which was Dent's, afterwards Perkms's, bought by
Benioni, in 1873, '°'' ;£i"^ ^^^ afterwards, in 187$, sold
for £q^.-^Catalogue.'\
1468 Assisarum Libri et Placitorum Coronae, blxth letter, Rastell's
large woodcut device on title (last few leaves wormed), old
call J. Rasteil, n. d. {1513), folio (138) Pickering, £a 10s.
1469 Astexanus de Ast. Summa de Casibus Conscientiae, lit. goUt.,
double columns, 62 tines, some sie:natures stamped in
extreme lower margins (Hain, 1890), rubricated, capitals
painted in red, oaken boards, stamped ornamental leather
(in fine slate), Mentelin's third edition, Absque uUa m>ta
[Argent., J. Mentelin {«"«« i475)]. fol'o (139) Lei^hton, £4
1470 Astexanus de Ast. Summa de Casibus Conscientiae, enni-
gjJthie Ittttt, double columns, 56-57 lines, headings in small
KOthic capitals, rude outline woodcut of Salvator Mundi on
last leaf, rubricated, capitals painted in red (9 leaves
wanted, some wormed), oaken boards, new morocco,
stamped with foliage ornaments, Colonix per Henrintm
QuenUll, 1479, //. Kl. Sept., thick folio (140)
G. W. lotus, £3 las.
erhis appears to be the first book printed by H. Queniell
ologne . — Catalogue. ]
1 471 Astexanus de Ast. Summa de Casibus Conscientiae, lit goth.,
double columns, without signatures, capitals painted in blue
and red, oaken boards, stamped ornamental leather, clasps,
Nurenbergte, A. Koburger, 1482, folio (141) Devming, £i
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1472 Augustinus (S. Aurelius). De Civitate Dei, Lib. XXII.,
etmi-gothic Uttti, double columns, 44 lines, without marks,
first leaf of "Rubricae" inlaid, with an iUuminated bar
in the centre, next leaf and last leaf slightly mended,
some MS. notes in margins, fiill illuminat^ and painted
border of interlaced white scrolls on variegated g^vund to
first page of text, with 2 illuminated initials, old red morocco
?;ilt, inlaid with green, gilt edges, 5. /. et nam. impress.
Subiaco per C. ^vieyn/uym el Am. Pannarts), 1467, folio
(142) Tregaskis, {jl
{Editio princeps, and the third for fourth) book printed
at Subiaco. The volume ends on the recto of the last leaf
with the words, " Deo Gratias God AI," — Calalogut.']
1473 Augustinus (S.) De Civitate Dei, cum commento Thomsc
Valois et Nicolai Trivetth, lit gottt., double columns, 47
lines, the Commentary in a diiierent type, in double columns
of 57 tines, rubricated, illuminated initial and marginal
decoration on first page, several tiainted ornamental initials,
capitals painted in red, modem olue morocco, with Diirer's
Ex-Libris of B. Pirckheimer in cover (Lakeland's copy),
Absque no/a \_Arg-eni., J. Mentelin, circa 1468], folio (143)
Tregaskis, £23
[The Spencer. Ry land's copy has an inscription by the
illuminator J. Bambcr dated 1468, showing that the book
could not have been printed later than that date,—
1474 Augustinus (S.) De Civitate Dei, printed in roman letter,
lon^ lines. 46 to a page, without marks, two illuminated
initials with marginal decoration of interlaced white scrolls
on variegated ground, and a similar initial to each book,
capitals and divisions in blue, old calf, a fine large and
sound copy, Aoma per C. Sweynkeym et Am. Pannarts
in domo P. de Maximis, 1470, folio (144) QuariUk, ^18
[The third edition of the "De Civitate" by these printers
— Catalogue^
1475 Augustinus (S.) De Civitate Dei, cum Commentariis Thomx
Valois et Nicolai Triveth, lit girth. (2 types), with signa-
tures, large margins, contemporary oaken boards, covered
with leather, stamped with figures of double-headed eagle,
fleur-de-lis, etc., and legend " Jhu. Maria," well preserv<Ml,
Lttvanii, Joannes Westialensis, 1488, folio (145)
Littleiuoed, /6 5s.
1476 Augustinus (5.) De la Cit6 de Dieu, translate de Latm en
Fran90ys (par Raoul de Prssles), lettres bfttardes, double
columns, titles within woodcut borders, with large cut on
reverse of each, three other cuts and ornamental woodcut
initials (margins of four last leaves of voL i. mended),
signatures trf " Lilias, Lady Drummond," and " Patrik, Lonl
Drummond, is8],"and "TuUibardine" on each title, 3 voL,
old stamped leather, Paris, Nic. Savetier, 1S31, folio (146)
LitlUviood, £f> cs.
1477 Augustinus (S.) Pluraac diversa Sermonum Opera, lit. gofb.,
fiill-length woodcut on reverse of title, some leaves stained
igitized by Google
and wormed, oaken boards, leather stamped with ^Sns
and roses, etc., clasps, Basil., Jo. de Ainerbach, 1494, folio
(149) Breslau, £1 los.
1478 Aagustinus (S.) Sermones super novissimos quinquaginta
Psalmos, Saec. XII., manuscript on vellum (179 leaves),
written in snnt-gathic character?, in double columns of 52
lines, probably Rhenish of the twelfth century (some leaves
misplaced), numerous painted ornamental initials in red,
blue and green, modem brown calf, antique style, large
folio (148) Quariick, l^o
1479 Aymon. The Right pleasaunt and goodly Historie of the
four Sonnes of Aimon, bbuk Itttn, double columns, wood-
cuts, MS. verses on title, and a rough drawing of Reynard
on last leaf (which is mended, as are also the inner ma^^ins
of the last 5 leaves), old calf, ImprinUd by Wynkyn di
Worde 1504, and now tmprinttd in tkc Vers 1554 by
Wylliam CMand, folio (152) Pickering, lii
[This is the Osterley Park copy, which sold for iS^-—
1480 Balbus Qohannes de). Catholicon, etmi-gothte type, double
columns, 65-67 lines, without marks (Hain, 2251), mbri-
cated, capitals painted in red, brown morocco, blind
stamped in antique ornaments, gilt edges, fine copy (Lake-
land's), AdsqueuUa nota {Argent., cirett i473)i folio ('54)
Uighton, l\\
[A very finely printed edition of the ** Catholicon," usually
attributed to the press of Mentelin. It has a peculiar R,
but it differs firom that characteristic of the R printer.—
1481 Bayeux Tapestry (The), published by the Society of Anti-
quaries, 17 large coloured plates, half morocco, 1819, atlas
folio (158) Edwards, £1 los.
1462 Belon (Pierre). L'Histoire Naturelle des Oyseaux, avec lean
descriptions et naifs portraicts retirez du Naturel ; escrile
en sept livres, premiere Mition, numerous woodcuts, old
calf, Paris, Bfnoisi Prevost pour G. Corroeet, 1555, folio
(159) Eil'^, £i^
1483 Bemardus (S.) " Sermones beati Bcraardi abbatis Clare-
vallis incipiunt feliciter," editio princeps, iit. gotlu, double
columns, 48 lines, without marks (some leaves wormed),
oaken boards, stamped pigskin, with the word '* Maria "
repeated continually in the side borders (ornamental Ex-
Libris of Wm. Morris, Kelmscott, in cover), Mogunlia per
Peintm Sckayffer de Gemsheym, 1475 (imprint and shields
in red), folio (165) Pickering, £6 ss.
1484 Bible. Le Grant Bible en Francois, historiee et corrigee,
avec le psaultier (du Latin de P. Comestor par Guyart des
Moulins), lettres bitardes, double columns, numerous
woodcuts and ornamental initials (wanted both titles), 2 vol.
in I, autograph of Cesar de Missy at end, old calf, with
arms of Robert Harley and his Ex-Libris in cover, clean
co^y, Paris, fiotir Jehan Petit, i;30, folio (186) Z^ij^/on, ^4
1485 Bibha. Regum libri quatuor; cum glossis interlinearis et
,„i,i.aL, Google
inarginalibu3,SEec.XIII., manuscript on vellum (274 leaves),
by a French scribe, the text written in bold gathic ictin, the
[•losses in a smaller hand, a la:^e and very richly illuminated
and painted initial to each book, and numerous small orna-
mental initials in red and blue, old red morocco, with the
arms of Pope Alexander VII. on sides, from the Duke of
Sussex's library, folio (167) Quaiilch, ^31
14S6 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae, cum prologis
S. Hietonymi et Interpretationibus Hebraicorum Nominum,
Ssc. XIII., manuscnpt on thin vellum (480 leaves), very
neatly written in small gothir tetter, in red and black,
double columns, ji lines, with wide mar^ns, the margin of
first page of Genesis painted and illuminated witli minia-
tures of the works of Creation, and, before Matthew, a fine
miniature of the Tree of Jesse, 1 12 fine large ornamental
initials in colours on gold, and many smaller ones in gold
on colour, running titles and headings of chapters in blue
and red, and numerous small pen letters, old red morocco
S'lt, with arms of Viscount Strangford, gilt edges, with
ailstone Ex-Libris, 4(0. (86) Pickering, £gi
1487 BibliA Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae, Sa:c. XIII., manu-
script on vellum, a portion only, consisting of 273 leaves,
written in large missal characters, in double colunuis of
30 lines, by an Anglo-Norman or Northern- French scribe,
with 78 large and finely illuminated and painted initials (46
of which are historiated), and marginal decorations of scrolls
and grotesques, a very fine bar on the first page of Genesis
has three divisions, the centre with eight miniatures, the first
seven representing the days of Creation, and the eighth the
Crucifixion, and there are numerous ornamental pen letters
throughout the volume, old calf (n'rca 12S0), large folio
(168) ^uaritch, £ip
[This MS. appears to consist of those portions only of the
whole Codex (from Genesis to Machab. ii.) which had illu-
minations. It seems to have been in four volumes originally.
It has an inscription at end, " Istc liber pertinet monasteno
Ecclesiffi beatK Maria; de Marquetta juxta insulum toma-
censis diocesis." It appears to have been given by Philip
the Good, Duke of Burgundy, to a monastery near Lille ;
and another inscription at end reads. '' Ce Livre ichi est a
contempler de Mesre Christ, !es Chevaliez dont pesont
endurer pour lui pour parvenir en Paradis P 1454-"—
■488 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae, cum prologis
S. Hieronymi, Calendario, Interpretationibus Hebraicorum
Nominum et Epistolis Dominicis, Secc. XIII., manuscript
on uterine vellum (668 leaves), finely written in small neat
gothU letttr, double columns of 41 lines, by an An^lo-
Norman or Norman-French scribe, 146 illuminated initials
(81 of which are historiated), with maivinal elongations,
and numerous pen ornaments, the calendar written in red,
blue and black, oaken boards, modem vellum {circa 1380),
8vo. (33) Prince, £73
igitized by Google
[A choice MS. in fine condition ; the figures in the
initials, though small, were admirably drawn and painted.
The calendar, which follows the Apocalypse, is Dominican.
1489 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatse cum prolf^s S.
Hieronymi,et Interpr. Hebr. Nom., Szec. XIII., manuscript
on thin vellum (369 leaves), written in small neat B^thx
characters, double columns, 54 lines (Italian), 45 painted
initials, and numerous pen ornaments, some painted, initials
cut out, and wanted latter half of the " Interpretationes,"
vellum, 8vo. (34) Leigkton, ^24 los.
1490 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae, cum prologis
Hieronymi et Interpr. Norn. Hebraicorum, Sxc. X1V-,
manuscript on uterine vellum (595 leaves), by a Norman-
French scribe, written in minute clear Bofhit Utttt, in double
columns of 46 lines, with 146 finely-painted, small, his-
toriated and ornamental initials, and numerous pen orna-
ments in margins, running headlines in blue and red, purple
morocco, gilt edges, 8vo. (35) Pickfring, £30
1491 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae, cum prologis
S. Hieronymi et Interpr. Nominum Hebraicorum, Ssec.
XIV., manuscript on uterine vellum (463 leaves), in small
neat {olhtc Uttn, double columns, 54 lines (Anglo- Norman),
begins with the last portion of Genesis ii., and wanted half
of the " Interpretationes" at end, numerous painted orna-
mental initials and marginal decorations, modem russia,
stamped blind ornaments, gilt edges, 8vo. (36)
Heppifutal, £i(> los.
1493 Biblia Sacra Latiue. Editionis Vulgatae, cum prologis
S. Hieronymi, Kalendario, et Interpretation ibus Hebr.
Nominum, Sffic. XIV., manuscript on uterine vellum (633
leaves), written in a small neat gothic Utter, double columns
of 44 lines (An^lo-Norman or Norman- French), 146
illuminated, histonated and ornamental initials, and much
ornamental pen decoration, old calf gilt, gilt edges, 8vo.
(37) Pickering, £\o
1493 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgatae, cum prologis
S. Hieronymi, et Interpretation ibus Nom. Hebraicorum,
Ssc XIV., manuscript on vellum (387 leaves), written in a
small sothtc Ittttr, in double columns of 52 lines, perhapis
Southern French, a large histonated initials, and numerous
ornamental pen letters, old black morocco, 8vo. (38)
1494 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionii Vulgats, cum Prologis S.
Hieronymi Inteipretationibus Nominum Hebraicorum et
CanonibuB Eusenii, Sfec XIII., manuscript on vellum
(4JI leaves), in double columns of j6 lines, written in small
gothic Uttrr, in a brownish red ink, rubricated, by a
Northern French scribe, the Canons of Eusebius in four
coltunns, with painted ornamental bars between, illuminated
initial to first page, with marginal decoration, border of the
■even days' Creation before Genesis (both somewhat
igitized by Google
rubbed), numeroua omameatal pen letters, etc., old calf,
with anns of Nicolas Chevalier {circa 1280), folio (169)
Pickering^ £a7
149; Biblia Sacra Latina. Editio Vulgata cum prologis S.
Hieronymi et Interpretationibus Hebraicorum NomiDum,
Initio Sxc. XIV., manuscript on uterine vellum (531
leaves), by an Anglo-Norman scribe, written in a neat
gnthu letttt, in double coluinns of 47 lines, with 165 finely
painted and illuminated historiated and ornamental initials,
with marginal decorations of elongated branches, containing
grotesques and other figures, ending with points of foliage,
the middle bar of the first page of Genesis representing the
works of Creation, rassia gilt, gilt edges {area 1300), folio
(170) QuaritcA, £y32
[A very fine MS., quite perfect, and in remarkably good
condition. It belonged to Caesar de Missy in 1745, and his
name is on the first page. Afterwards in the Duke of
Sussex's library, and then in that of Edw, Hailstone.—
1496 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editio Vulgata, cum prologis S.
Hieronymi et Interpretationibus Hebraicorum Nominum,
Ssec. XIV., manuscript on vellum (368 leaves), double
columns, ;4-57 lines, written in a neat gothte Itttn by an .
Anglo- NoRnan or Northern French scribe, 127 finely-
painted and illuminated historiated and ornamental initials,
with marginal decorations of the usual character of the
school, oaken boards, pigskin, perforated metal clasps,
folio (171) Pickering, £tj
[This MS. wanted 24 or 25 leaves, including the greater
part of St Jerome's Introduction, Gen. i. to iii. and xiii. to
Kvii, Deut. i. to vi., Joshua, part of chap, i., Tobit xiii.,
xiv., Esther i., Daniel i., ii., Acts xxiii. to xxviii., the
Canonical Epistles, Apocalypse i. to iii., and the end of the
third Book of Esdras. The latter is placed at the end of
the volume before the " Interpretationes.'—Ca/o/o^u^,]
1497 Biblia. Libri Varii VeterisTestamenti, Sa^c XV., manuscript
on vellum <i;8 leaves), written in thick gothit Utttr
(Flemish), in double columns, 35 lines, marginal notes and
divisions of books and chapters in red, a lan^e and thickly
illuminated and richly pamted initial on first page, with
decorations in the margin, 18 large ornamental pien letters
in different colours, and numerous smaller ones painted in
red, oaken boards, new brown calf, blind stamped orna-
ments, metal clasps (circa 1450), folio (173) SiaeUa, £10
tThe books contained in this MS. are the following:
Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticles, Wisdom, Ecclesiasticus,
iob, Tobit, Judith, Esther, and Machabees ii., with the
'rologues of St. Jerome to each.— Ca/a/tj? «*.]
1498 Biblia Sacra Latina ; Editionis Vulgatx, cum prologs S.
Hieronimi, lit. goth., double columns^ 45 lines (Copinger,
No. 7), first page of each volume painted with figures of
saints, grotesques, fiower scrolls, etc, numerous illnminaied
initials, with marginal decorations, and ornamental pen
igitized by Google
letters, etc. (apparently wanted 53 leaves, some bottom
mar^ns defective, sold with nil faults), 2 voL, old calf, a
cardinal's old Ex-Libris in covers, Absque nota {Argent.,
Eggcstein, 1466 ?), folio {173) Quaritck, £1-^ 10s.
1499 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulrats, cinn prologis S.
Hieron^i Notitiae Biblionim Mcnardi et Canonibas
Eusebii, lit. goth., double columns, 48 lines, without marks,
marginal notes in a small type in the Gospels only,
numerous omamental woodcut initials, mostly painted m
red (z vol. in i), oaken boards, stamped ornamental leather.
Absque ulla nota (Basil., B. Ricfael, 1475), folio (174)
Maine, £il
iyx> Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgate, cum prologis S.
Hieronymi, Epistola Menardi et Canonibus Eusebii,
lit. goth., double columns, ji lines, without marks, rubri-
cated, running titles in red, large painted ornamental
initials in red and blue, tbe first page having a large and
finely- painted and illuminated initial F,and graceful flower
scrolls in the margins, enclosing below tbe double shield
and motto of the Archbishop of Salzburg, contemporary
binding in oaken boards, covered with leather, stamped
with borders of foliage, with the arms, crown, mitre and
motto of the Archbishop in centres, engraved metal bosses,
the catches to the clasps having an emblazoned shield
under glass in each (the clasm are missing), Nuremberga,
Ant Coberger, 1477, large (olio (175) Ellis, £50
[Koburger's second Latin Bible, it was evidently bound
specially for the Prince Archbishop, and is a fine specimen
of contemporary Geirnan binding. The first fly-leaf had a
contemporary inscription in red on recto, and a MS. list of
the numbers of the books in the Bible on verso. — CiUalogiu.\
1501 Biblia Sacra Latina. Editionis Vulgata; cum prologis S.
Hieronymi et Glossa Ordinaria Walafridi Strabonis et
interlineari Anselmi Laudunensis, lit. goih. (three sixes),
4 columns, with signatures (the same letter often repeated]
(Hain, 3173), rubricated, illuminated initial to first page of
each vcdume, painted ornamental capitals in blue and red,
4 voL, oaken boards, ornamental stamped pigskin (sixteenth
century), fine, large and sound copy, Absque ulla nota
{Argent., A. Rusch, circa 1485), large folio (176) Ludwig, £1
1502 Biblia. Lyra (Nic. de). Postilla super Bibliam (vsL i
taining Genesis, Chron. ii. only), eaitio princeps, nrinted
1 letter, long lines, without marks, but frith 1
chapters numbered in roman, the first page painted with
white intersected scrolls on coloured grounds and illu.
minated, capitals painted in blue and red (last leaf wormed),
vellum, Roma, Conr. Siveynkeym et A. Pannartis in Domo
P. de Maximis, 1471, folio (177) Leighton, £l
1503 Biblia Sacra Latina, cum Postillis Nic. de Lyra, lit. goUL,
painted ornamental initials, 4 voL, oaken boards, stamped
pigskin, Nuremb., A. Kobuiger (vol. i., 1487 ; vol. ii., 1485 ;
vol. iiu, 1493 i vol. iv.. Argent., 1492), folio (178)
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■504 Biblia cum concordantiis Veteris et Novi Testamenti et
Sacrorum Canonum ; necnon et additionibus in marginibus
varietatis divcrsorum textuum, etc, et Interpr. Nom. Hebr.
(one of the "Fontibus ex Grxcis" editions), lit. goth.,
double columns, fine woodcut title, with Giunta's device in
red, numerous woodcuts and ornamental initials, oaken
boards, stamped leather, clasps, Lugd,,Jac. Saccon expensis
Ant. Kobergir, Nuremb., 1522, folio {\Ti) Dawson, /,2 i8s.
1305 Blblia Sacra Germanica- Die Bibel, da.s ist die gantze heylige
Geschrift. lit. ^th,red and blaclc, double columns, (,S lines,
very finely printed, without signatures, numerous fine
woodcuts, and a remarkable series of historiated and oma-
mental initials, coloured in a. highly artistic manner by a
contemporary artist, but daubed with vermilion by a later
hand, capitals painted in red, z vol., oaken boards, modem
white calf, a very fine large copy, Augsburg (Gunther
Zainer, circa i473-74)i large folio (180) Quariteh, £io
[One of the finest productions of Zainer's press, and
remarkable for its woodcuts. Mr. Morris had written a
long account of the book on the fiy-leaf of the first volume.
in which he regards it as " a very remarkable book as a
wori£ of art," and considers the historiated initials as, on
the whole, the best of the period. There were also two
loose MS. notes on the work by him. The volumes were
originally in the Buxheim Monastery (whose stamp is on
the titles), with which Zainer was connected, and to it he
is known to have presented a copy of the book. —
1506 Bibel. Die Gulden Bibel, lit. flotb, long lines, 30 to a fage,
without marks, rubricated, woodcut ornamental initials
painted in red (Hain, 13690]: wanted 6 preliminary leaves
and 25 others, with ail faults, half bound, Get^ukU su
Augspurg (circa 1475), small folio (181} Willon, £1 15s.
1507 Biblia- Die Deutsche Bibel ; die gantsche heilige Geschrifte,
lit. (Oth., double columns, cccccixxxii; numbered leaves
without signatures, numerous spirited woodcuts, some with
scrolls of text in the manner of the ancient Block-Books
(coloured by hand), 3 illuminated initials, ornamental
capitals in blue and red, 2 vol., oaken boards, stamped
ornamental leather, metal bosses, Nuremb., Ant. Koberger,
1483, iarg;e folio (182) Quaritck, £38
^The ninth edition of the Bible in German, and the first
printed in Nuremberg. The woodcuts are the same as
those used for the Low Saxon edition of Cologne, printed
about 1480. In this edition the Temptation of Joseph is
attributed to Pharaoh's wife. — Catalogue^
■ }o8 Biblia. Die Deutsche Bibel (as above], I vol only, the cuts
quite untouched, ornamental pen letters, and capitals
painted in red, large copy, with rough edges, oaken boards,
stamped ornamental pigskin, clasps \Nuremb., AnL
Koberger, 1483], folio (183) Wition, £iis
150Q Biblia. Die Biblie mit vlitigher achtinge ; recht na deme
igitized by Google _
latioe in dudesch avergbesettct Mit voriuchtin?e unde
glose ; des hoch|;helerden postillatoers Nicol. de Lyra,
unde andercf velen hillighen docioren, lit (rolh., double
columns, numerous lar^e and small spirited woodcuts, some
repeated several times, blanks left for 3 cuts in O. T., wood-
cut ornamental initials, a few margins mended, but a most
excellent copy, half vellum, Lubeek, Steffen Arndes, 1494
(with device), folio (184) Quaritch, £^0
[This is really the first edition of the Bible in the Low
German dialecL The woodcuts are very remarkable, and
quite original. — Cataio^ue.'] '
ijio Biblia Icelandica. Biblia, had er bllHeilbg Ritning vtiOgd a
NoTTaenu. Med Foimalum Doct. Mart. Lutheri, lit goth.,
woodcuts and ornamental initials, title and several leaves
at beginning and end mended, some margins cut into, old
calf gilt, Prentad a Holum ap Jone Jotts Sytu, i;84, folio
(185) Tregaskis^li 15s.
(The first edition of the Bible in Icelandic. The wood-
cuts were nearlv all designed and engraved by Bishop
Thorlaksson.— Ed.]
1511 Bidpay. Directorium Humanse Vitse alias parabole anti-
quorum sapientum (traductio ex lingua Hebrxa in Latinam
per Joannem de Capua), lit golh., long lines, wtih signa-
tures (Hain, 441 1), 1 19 spirited woodcuts (some repeated),
small wonn-hole through several lower margins, duplicate
from the Royal Library of Munich, with stamp, blue
morocco, with ornamented intersected line scroll tooling,
gilt edges, 6rst edition. Sine ulla nota \Argenl., J. Priiss,
cirta 1484-8S], folio (190) Pickering, ^18 los.
[The Ashbumham copy sold for the same amount. See
Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 4592.— Ed.]
1512 Boccaccio (G.) Boccace des Nobles malheureux. Nou-
vellement Imprime a Paris. Mil cinq cens et quinie,
letties batardes, double columns, large cut of a Scriptorium
on title, woodcuts in the text, and ornamental woodcut
initials, contemporary MS., pedigree of Charles Duke of
Bourbon on last leaf, old French calf gilt, gilt edges, clean
copy, Paris, Mich Le Noir, 1515, folio (304) ^ajCfj,^6ios.
1513 Boccaccio (G.) A Treatise excellent and compendious,
shewing and declaring in maner of Tragedye the Falles of
sondry most notable Princes and Princesses, etc., translated
into our English and vulgare tong by Dan John Lidgate,
now newly imprynted. corrected and augmented (with the
Daunce of Machabree, and leaf " Grencacres a Lenvoy upon
John Bochas "), bla«ii letter, woodcut title and woodcuts
(small hole in title, wanted first leaf of table, some leaves
stained), old calf, R. Toitell, 1554, folio (305) Tregaskii,£j
1514 Boccaccio (G.) Le Cameron {sic) aultrement dit les Cent
Nouvelles ; composees en langue Latine par Jehan Bocace
et mises en Francoys par Laurens le Premier-faict, letlrei
bitardes, title in red and black, ornamental woodcut
initials, vellum gilt, inlaid in arabesques, gold and red
centre panels, gilt and gauffered edges by J. Wright, fine
igitized by Google
copy (Sir Edw. Sullivan's), Paris, en lagrastde rut Stdnct
Jacques a lenseigtu de EUphant, 1537, Oct. X., 8vo. (47)
G. W. Jams, £710^.
[A very rare edition, not mentioned by Brunet, who,
however, notes one of the same year, printed in " La Rue
Neuve Nostre Dame a renseigne de Saint Jean Baptiste."
Neither is it mentioned in the Supplement to Bninet. —
i;i; Boccaccio (G.) Joannis Boccatii de Certaldo insigne opus de
Claris Mulieribus, 13 spirited woodcuts, with mark I. K.
(Jacques Kobel), crusbed red morocco, plain inside den-
telles, gilt edges by Dnni, presentation copy from Edward
Bome-Jones to Wm. Morris, Bema, Matth, Apiarius, 1539,
folio (194) Bain, £^i
1516 Boccaccio (G.) Le Livre de Jehan Bocasse de la louenge et
vertu des nobles et cleres dames, traslate et Iprime nou-
vellemet a Paris, lettres bitardes, long lines, with signatures
a-t in 8's and 6*5, numerous spirited woodcuts, and Veranl's
device at end (some plain margins very slightly wormed),
half bound, Imprime A Paris par Antk. Verard, 1493, small
folio {195) Ridge, £^g
[First edition of this translation. TTie volume was in
very clean condition, with the woodcuts uncoloured. —
ijl? Boelhius (H.) De Arithmetica ad Simmachum, Stec. XI.,
manuscript on vellum (67 leaves), probably English, long
lines, clearly written in open Bcmt-sothtc characters, with
marKina! and interlinear notes in a srnall contemporaneous
hand, diagrams and initials in purple — Vrtruvius de Archi-
tectura, Ssec. XII., manuscript on vellum (73 leaves),
probably English, double columns, in a small gothic
character, capitals painted in red and green (wanted end),
in I vol., medieval oak boards (wormed), in new blue
morocco case, folio (306) QuariUk, £bi
[The fly-leaves in this volume are composed of 8 leaves
of an ancient MS. on vellum, in a peculiar cursive hand.—
1518 Boethius (H.) De Consolationc Philosophic, lit Both., long
lines, 38 to a page, with signatures, rubricated, «apitals
painted in red (aj, a blank, wanted), signature of Wm.
Morris on fly-leaf. Colon., Jo. KoelhofT de Lubeck, 1482,
small folio (307) Tregaskis, ^3 i8s.
1519 Boethius (H.) De Philosophico Consolatu, sive de Consola-
tione Philosophise, lit. gnth. et ram., numerous spirited
woodcuts (slightly wormed), v4r;ff«/., Jo. Griininger, 1501,
folio (308) M^ggh £3
■ Sio Boethius (H.) De Philosophico Consolatu, sive de Consola-
tionc Philosophic, numerous fine woodcuts (wormed, wanted
folio xliv), oaken boards, stamped leather (worn), with all
faults. Argent., Ja Griininger, ijoi, folio (309) Wilton,£i
ifii Boethius (H.) De Philosophico Consolatu, sive de Consola-
tione Philosophic, numerous spirited woodcuts, title and
last leaf mended, 2 leaves transposed, oaken boards, pig-
igitized by Google
skin, stamped with imperial eagle, roses, etc., Argent.,
Jo. Griinioger, 1501, folio (310) Ridler, £1 16s.
1322 Boethius (H.) De Consolatione Philosophiae (Latine et
Belgic^ cum comuientario Belgico), lit gsth., text and
translation in large type, commentary in a smaller type,
double columns, with signatures, rubricated, capitals in
red, spaces left for miniatures and large initials (margin of
first leaf mended), oaken boards, stamped ornamental
leather (mended and rebacked), Ghepreruil le Ghatdby my
Arendae Keysere,^ May,i^&l,bA\oi_'ni) Chadfwick, £] 155.
[The most importaot work issued in Ghent in the
fifteenth century by the city's first printer. — Catalogue^
1523 Bonaveotura (5.) Sermones deTemporaetde Sanctis, printed
in small neat gotttic Irttcr, in double columns, 39 lin^,
without marks (Hain, 3512), 8 leaves supplied from another
copy, as well as in contemporary MS.), oaken boards,
stamped ornamental leather (rebacked). Opus ZwolUs
impressum, 1479 {s. nom. impr.'), folio (312)
Heppinstal, £,1 17s.
1524 Bonaventura (S.) TheMyrrour of the blessyed Lifeof Jhesu
Cryst, biaih itttir, woodcuts, and woodcut initials, wanted
all before Cj j (except last leaf of prohemium), and pro-
ceeded to the end, Q S in 6's, except P and Q, which are
S's, Fynson's large device on reverse of last leaf, many of
the later margins tilled with interesting contemporary
English MS. prayers, sacred poems, arithmetical problems,
old riddles, etc., one of which (on No. 6) is signed " Hairy
Water " {some leaves wormed, with all faults), oaken boards,
leather, stamped in roses and griffins, EmprynUd iyr
Rychard Pynson, n. d. (device on reverse of last leaf), folio
(313) Sotheran, £,\Z los.
152$ Bookbindings Exhibited at the Burlington Fine Arts Club, 113
fine chromolithographs, buckiam, uncut, 1891, folio [314)
WUtvn, £<) los.
1526 Borgo. Patiolus de Borgo (Frater Lucas) Suma de Arith-
metica, Geometria, Proportioni et Proportionalita, edilio
prima, lit. goth., numerous diagrams in margins, many
large and small ornamental initials, leaf within fine inter-
sected scroll border, full-page woodcut of hands, etc., large
copy, some leaves supplied from a smaller one, half vellum,
rare, yenet., Pag. de Paganini da Brescia, 1494, folio (31O
1527 [Bouchard (Alain).] Les Grades Croniques de Bretaigne
nouveilemenC imprimies k Paris, tant de la grande
Bretaigne depuis Ic Roy Brutus qui la Conquist . . . jusques
au temps de Cadualadrus, etc., lettres bStardes, fine tull-
page woodcuts, title in facsimile, MS. notes in margins,
contemporary stamped ornamental calf (rebacked), Paris,
par Jehan de la rockt pour Galiot du Pre, IS14 (316)
li^afS^, .£15 15s.
[The first editioa The large woodcut of St Yves is
reproduced in facsimile from one of the only two copies
igitized by Google"
which are known to have it. This woodcut is unmcntioncd
by bibliographers. — Catalogue^
1528 [Boagouync (Symon).] Lespiuette du jeune Prince. Con-
?ucrant le royaulmc dc bonne renommec. Nouvellement
mprime a Paris (en Vers), lettres bStardes, woodcuts and
ornamental initials, old English red morocco, gilt edges
(Wodhull copy), Paw, ^r jl/»W. U Noir, 1514 (317)
Leigkton, £21 5s.
[The second edition of this singular work. The author's
name is found in an acrostic of fourteen lines on the last
leaf. — Catalogue. ]
1529 Bourdigne (Jehan de). Hystoire agregatjve des Annalles et
croniques Danjou, contenant . . . plusieurs faicti di^es
de memoire advenuz tant en France, Italic, Espaigne,
Angleterre, Hierusalem et autres royaiimes, etc., lettres
b^tardes, long lines, title in red and black within woodcut
border, full-page woodcut before the prologue, ornamental
woodcut initials, device of Galiot Du Pre on last leaf, limp
vellum, gilt edges, large copy (Lakeland's), Paris imprinUes
par Ant. Couteau pour Ch. de Boigite, etc., 1529, folio
(318) Sreilau, j£s 155.
1530 Bouigoin (Jules). Les Arts Arabes, 92 plates, some in
colours, half morocco gilt, t. e. g., Paris, Morel, 1S73, folio
(319) Rimell, £3 18s.
1531 Brabant Die AJder excell^te Cronyke va Brabant, first
edition, lit. goth., double columns, 40 lines, spirited wood-
cnts (title mounted, some leaves at the beginning and end
defective and mended, wanted sheet <£, with all faults), old
calf, Grpreni bi Rolant vandtn Dorp thartttuerpen, [497,
folio (320) Breslau, £4 i8s.
1532 Brabant. Van Brabant die excellentc Cronike ; van Vlan-
deren, HoUat, Zeelant int generael, etc., lit. gottt., numerous
spirited woodcuts and folding genealogical table, inner
margin of title mended, oaken boards, stamped leather
(mended, rebacked morocco), good copy, Tat Antwerpen,
Jan Van Doesborch, 1530, folio (321) Wilton, £\ tjs.
1533 Brant (Sebastian). Stultifera Navis ; The Ship of Fooles,
wherein is shewed the foUy of all states, with divers other
workes adjnyned unto the same, very profitable and fruitful!
for all men, translated out of L^tin into Englishe by
Alexander Barclay, Priest, the English type in bUrk Ittttr,
the Latin in roman, the Eclogues in double columns,
numerous spirited woodcuts, signature of " Tho. and
Isabella Hervey " on title, oaken boards, stamped orna-
mental leather (rebacked), fine copy, John Cawwood, 1 570,
folio (312) Riiiges, £-ii
[This second edition contains other pieces by Barclay not
in Pynson's of lyi^— Catalogue.]
1534 Breviarium Saltibui^ensis, pars ^Estivalis cum Calendario,
lil. goth., red and black, 3 illuminated initials (some leaves
wormed), oaken boards, stamped ornamental leather
\Nurembergae, G. Stiichs, 1497]] folio (323) Breslau, £i,
153; Bngitta (St) Revelationes Celestes Sanctae Birgittae de
igitized by Google
- 158
Sueciai cum Ptolt^o Card, de Turrecremaia, lit. goth.,
double columns, with signatures, numerous fine woodcuts,
and bistoriated and orriamenta] initials (3 leaves in fac-
simile), contemporary oaken boards, stamped leather (re-
backed), Lutecae, per Barth. Ghotan, 1492, folio (324)
Tregaskis, £2$ js.
[An extremely rare edition, of which it is said Oiuy
8 copies were printed upon paper and 18 on velltmi. —
1536 Brigitta (St.) Revelationes Sancte Birgitte, lit. goth., double
columns, fine large and spirited woodcuts (51 in all),
capitals painted in red, vellum (Duke of Sussex's copy),
JVurem6., Ant. Koberger, 1500, XX t. Mettsis Septembr.,
folio (325) Q^arUck, £7 7s.
[The woodcuts are by Albrecht DiJrer.~£D,]
1537 British Museum. Prints and Drawings; reproduced by
Photographic Process. Italian Prints, parts i., ii., 60 plates,
loose in two portfolios, 1882-83, fo''o (326) IVillon, £s los.
1538 Bromyaid (Johannes de, Ord. Praed. S. Bened.) Summa
Piaedicantium, lit goth., double columns, 70 lines, without
marks (Hain, 3994), rubricated, large initials painted in
red, oaken boards, stamped omameDtal leather, JVurem-
bergae. Ant Koberger, 1485, folio (^27) Downing, £^ 4s.
[On the last leaf after the imprint was pasted a
ixteenth century Ex-Libris of an abbot, with tbe name
" Ludovicus. Pereil. Abbas in. Benedictn. Peym.," and an
inscription in fly-leaf records the purchase of the book in
1493 al the price of "duobus libris monatensis" for the
same abbey. — Catalogue.~\
IJ39 Burgkmair (Hans). Der Weisz Kunig, eine Erzeblung von
den Thaten Kaiser Maximiliens I. von Marx Treitzaurwein,
herausgegeben aus dem Manuscripte (von Bartsch), 237
large woodcuts from the original blocks, half bound, uncut,
Wiert, J. Kurtibockens, 1775, folio {"iyi) Lttghton, £14 los.
[This copy had the 1 1 leaves of title and Introduction in
French issued with copies acquired by J. Edwards, of Pall
Mall, 1799. — Catalogue. The woodcuts arc fiom the
orig^inal blocks. Of the 237 pieces, 92 have Burgkmaii's
initials, and one the mark of Schaufflein. — Ed.]
1540 Burgo (Dionysius de). Commentarii in Valerium Maximum,
ronnan letter (with the peculiar R), long lines, 36 to a p^e,
without marks [Hain, 4103], oaken boards, stamped leather
(damaged). Absque ulla neta \_Strasb., eirca i472.74l, folio
(33") RidJer, £1, loi.
1541 Burley (Waller, Angiicus). Libellus de Vita et Moribus
Philosophorum et I'oetarum, lit. golh., long lines, 35 to a
page, without marks, rubricated, capitals painted in red,
russia, Nurembergae, A. Coberger, 1477, folio (333)
Ridler £2 6s.
I S43 Burton (Rob.) The Anatomy of Melancholy, seventh edition,
corrected and augmented by the author, engraved title in
compartments, signature and address of Wm. Morris (Red
igitized by Google
House, Upton, Kent) on tly-leaf, old calf, broken, London,
/or H. Crippi, 1660, folio {333) Treeaskis, £1. i6s.
[The order of the early eXtions of this work is as follows :
First, 1611, 4to- ; Second, 1624, folio; Third, 1628, folio;
Fourth, 1633. folio; Fifth, 1638, folio; Sixth, i6si-J3,
folio ; Seventh, ifido, folio ; Eighth. 1676, folio.— Ed.]
1543 Caesar. Commentarii de Bello Gallico (cum Hirtii Supple-
menta ex recens. P. Just. Philelphi), roman letter, long
lines, with signatures, contemporary MS. notes in margins,
slightly wormed, old red morocco, witb gilt frame orna-
ments (Harieian), large copy (the Sunderland) {Medial.),
Ant Zarothus Farmeasis, 1477, folio (334) lUighlon, £6
1544 Calendrier des Bergiers. Le Grant Kalendrier et copost des
Bergiers, avecq Icur Astrologie eC plusieurs aultres choses.
Imprime nouvellemet a Troves par Nicolas le Rouge (en
Prose et en Vers}, lettres bAtardes, title in red, with cut
beneath, calendar in red and black, numerous spirited and
singular woodcuts and ornamental initials, green morocco,
plam inside denielles, gilt edges by Duru, fine copy (the
Lakeland's) of a very rare edition, Trayes, far N. le Rouge,
1539, avant Pasgues, folio (336) B. F. Stevens, £30
154s Calendrier des Bergiers. Le Grit kaledrier des Bergiers,
nouvellement imprime a Lyon, lit. goth, title and calendar
in red and black, numerous spirited and singular woodcuts,
bright French calf gilt, gilt edges (Yemenii copy), A Lyon,
i^io, Davril lei {s. nam. d'imprimeur), 4to. (355)
B. F. Stevens, £^i
1546 Calli^phy. Vincentino (Lud.) La Operi imparare di
scnvere littera cancellarescha, etc (16 leaves), mended,
Remae, 1521 {Privilege of Pope Clement VII., dated 112$)
—II medesimo ; II mode de temperare le Penne con le
variesortide littere(i6 leaves),/*., 1523— Tagliente(G. A.)
Lo Presente libro insegna la Vera Arte delo excellente
Scrivere de diverse vane soni de litere lequali se fano per
Geometrica Ragione (28 leaves), ornamental alphabets, etc.
(some leaves mended), Venei., iS2^~Faati Ferrarese
(Sigistnundo). Tbesauio de Scritton ; Opera artificiosa
laquale con grandissima arte si per pratica come per
^ometria iosegna a scrivere diverse sorte littere, A to K
m 4'a (wanted H 3, some leaves mended), woodcuts of
writing materials and ornamental alphabets, Romae, A.
Bladus, 1535, in i voL, old red morocco gilt (2;6)
Leigkton, £7 15s.
[Four early pieces on the Art of Writing, mostly printed
from wood blocks. — Caiedogue.'^
1547 Caoursin (Guillelmus). Obsidionis Rbodiie Urbis Descriptio,
lit goth., long lines, with signatures, Horace Walpole's
copy, with his Kx-Libris in cover, 36 fine fiill-page woodcuts
and omamenial initials, old morocco, Ulma, Jo. Reger (de
Kemnat), 1496, Oct.-i^io&o (340) Hatlitt, £y. loa.
[This was Lord Crawford's, afterwards M. Gennadius's,
copy. Sold in the latter's sale iax £yi.— Catalogue^
I $48 Cana feodi Simplicis cum litera Attumatoria, lit gotlt. (30
_v Google
leaves), signatures a to e. new limp vellum, with ties, fine
copy, Imprtsta Londorf per Wiiuxndtim de Wotde in Vice
the FletestreU cdmorante in Signo Solis, s. a. (device oti
re\-erse of last leaf). 4to. (258) Ei/ii, £2^
[From the circumstance that most of the fictitious names
used in the examples of wills, transfers, etc., are described
as citizens of Oxford, it is supposed that this edition was
written in Oxford in 1^05. It differs from the edition
described by Dibdin, as well as fi-om that in Lowndes. —
1549 Cassianus (Johannes) de Institutis Cenobionim, origine,
causis et remediis Vitiorum, collationibus Patnim, Ul. gvth^
double columns, 47 lines, noodcut of the Conversion of St.
Paul, ornamental capitals painted in red, numerous M.S.
notes in mai^ins, said to be in the handwriting of Ph.
Melancthon, oaken boards, stamped ornamental pigsldn,
clasps (from the Kloss Collection), BasiJ. {s. nam. imfires-
soris), 148;, folio (344) IVii/on, £i 14s.
i;;o Catherine of Siena. Legenda SanctK Catherin^e de Senis,
Sjec. XV,, manuscript on 6ne Italian vellum (235 leaves),
written in a fine Italian hand, the beginning of the Bull of
Canonization of Pope Pius II., and the " Incipit " of the
text written in gold letters, fine illuminated border to first
page of text of white scrolls and gold portcullises on a blue
ground, with cupids and birds, a coat of arms below
lar^ent, a cross gules between four eagles displayed sable,
in escutcheon quarterly first and fourth gules, lion rampant,
fork-tailed and crowned argent, second and third, barry of
six, or and sable), and 51 fine large initials of similar white
scrolls, etc., with marginal decorations, russia, gilt edges, in
slip cloth case {area 1450), folio (345) Quaritck, £149
[This manuscript has the name of the writer on last leaf,
"Jacobus Macharius Venetus ScripsiL" The fine border
has the words " India fecit " below. — Catalogue.']
15;! Caviceo da Parma (Jacomo). Dialogue treseleg ant intitule le
Peregrin, traictant de I'honncstc el pudique amour, concile
par pure et sincere vertu, traduicl de vulgaire Italien en
langue Frflcoyse par Maistie Francoys Dassy, Secretaire
du Roy de Navarre, etc., lettres b^tardes, long lines, title
in red and black, 3 large and fine woodcuts and orna-
mental woodcut initials, old French calf gilt, r. e., with the
arms of the Due de Penthifevre, fine copy, d Paris par Nie,
Cauttau pour Galliot du Pre, 1 527 (346) QMoriUh, £8 los.
[First edition of this French translation. — Ca/alogite.]
1 552 Ceites Protucius (Conradus), Qualuor Libri Amonim,
secundum quattuor latera CermaniK, etc., fine oniamental
woodcut title, and 10 spirited full-page woodcuts, that on
reverse of title representing Philosophy with the mark of
Albert Diirer, that at the end representing Daphnis et Chloe,
had the Pirckheimer arms in top margin, fiilding ^'iew of
Nuremberg in facsimile, old red morocco gilt, gilt edges
(Lakeland's copy), JVurenidergae, A. P. {private press oj
jEdes Pirckheimerianae, 1502), 4to. (263) Tregtuiis, £1^
igitized by Google
1553 Champier (Simphorien). Le Recneil ou Croniques d«s
Hystoires des royaulines d'Ausiiasie, ou France Orientale
dite a present Loirayne ; De Hierusaiem et Sicile ; et de
la Duche de Bar, etc., lit. floth. and iettres batardea,
numerous spirited woodcuts and omamentat initials, red
morocco extra, inside dentelles, gilt edges by Trautz-
Bauzonnet, Venundantur in Vico Mercuriali apud Ijugdu-
mtmin OMcitta Vincentii de Portunariii de tridino, 1510,
folio (348) Stevens, £^2
1554 Champier (Simphorien). Les Grans Cronigues des gestes et
vertueux faictz des tresexcellens, catholiques, illustres et
viaorieux Dues el Princes des Pays de Savoye et Piedmont,
etc, Iettres b&tardes, double columns, title in red and black,
with lantc aims of Savoy supporteid by angels belowj 40
wMidcuts, ornamental woodcut initials, and genealogical
trees, old vellum, with arms, and name of Edward Gwynn
in gold letters on upper cover, Paris, pour Jthan de la
Garde (with device), 1516, folio {349) Rid^s, ^18
'Sis Channtus, sive Chenu (Steph.) Regimen Castitatis Con-
servatium; et Liber Arboris Judaice; cum Privilegio
Suprema Pariamenti Tholosse Curiae, lit. galh., title in large
lecl and black gothic, with fine full-page woodcut on reverse,
and other spirited woodcuts and initiali (first few leaves
("ery slightly wormed), mottled calf extra, gill edges by
F. Bedford (Lakelands copy), very rare (not in Brunei),
Tolsae, Joan Le Favre, 1517, folio (350) Quaritck, £l
■ ;56 Cbaucer (Geffray). Workes, newly printed with dyvers
Workes which were never in print before, hl«th Utter (Iettres
bStardea), double columns, woodcuts (title, last leaf of table,
folio ccclxxviii, ccclxxix and ccclxxxii, and part of ccclxxv in
facsimile, some plain margins at end mended, first leaf of
preface written on, otherwise in excellent condition), modem
morocco extra, gilt ornaments on back, sides stamped in
bbnd ornamental frames, PrinUd at Lddon by Thomas
Godfray, 1532 (352) Tre^askis, ;£2i 15s.
[First edition of the Complete Works of Chaucer (except
the Plowman's Tale), edited by Wm, Thynne. It is the
only known book to which the printer Godfray affixed a
date. — Catalogue. ]
1)57 Chronicle of St. Albans. The Cronycle of Englandc, with the
fniyte of tymes (with the Descrypcyon of Englande, etc.)
compiled ra a bokc and also imprynted by one sumtyme
Scole Mayster of Seynt Albons, etc., blwk Itttir, double
columns, woodcuts, cbciii numbered leaves, no title, blank
leaf, and 21 unnumbered leaves forthe " Descrypcyon," the
latter wanted D j (slightly wonned), modern calf gilt, r. e.,
Fyftyaked and imprynted at London in Flete Strete by me
Wynkynde IVorA, 1520, sm. folio li^t) LetgAton, £1 ^ tos.
153S Chionicon Nurembei^cnse. Libri Cromcarum, cum figuris et
imaginibus ab inicio Mundi (auctore Hanmanno Schedel),
lit. gotti^ with the blanks and Sarmacia, numerous spirited
woodcuts by Wohlgemut and Pleydenwurff (some coloured),
s contemporary MS. additions on title and reverse,
Digitized ty Google
in the margins and on the blank leaves, two blanks missing,
oaken boards, stamped pigskin, clasps, Nuremberg; Ant
Kobutgcr, 1493, royal folio (353) Wilton, /io los.
15J9 Cfaronicon. CranicaCronicarum ; abbiegeet mis par figures,
descentes, et rondeaulx ; conCenans deux parties principales,
etc., lettres bfltardes, woodcut beads, views, genealogies,
coats of arms, borders, etc., coloured by hand, the leaves
pasted back 10 back, inner margins mended, last leaf
mended and mounted, with all faults, half russia, Paris,
/a^ues Ferreboucq, pour J. Petit et Fr. Regnault, 1 521, atlas
folio (355) Leightott, 1% ss.
1560 Cicero. Oraiiones, Skc, XV., manuscript on vellum {zzS
leaves), written in ronian letters, lon^ lines, 33 to a page,
beading to each oration in red, 27 fine illuminat^ initials of
gold letters, with white intersected scrolls on blue ground,
half bound, folio [3S7} Quariich, £,Tj
[A very 6ne MS., containing 27 orations, beginning wilh
" De imperatore diligendo," and ending with " Pro Aulo
Cluentio." It also has Sallust's " Invective" and Cicero's
"Apocryphal Answer." — Catalogue.'^
1561 Cicero. Orationes et Vita L. Aretini. [begins] "Marci T.
CiceronisVita per Leonardum Areiinum e Greco in Latinum
translata," Ssc. XV., manuscript on vellum (177 leaves),
written in open roman letters, long lines, 36 to a page, first
page had a naif border of white interlaced scrolls on various
coloured grounds, with birds, etc., below, a shield of arms
supported b; two Cupids (or, a bear passant, sable), a
retnarkably line lar^e illuminated Q (3^ m. by 3^ in.) at the
beginning of the sixth oration, contains six Cupids, and the
inside margin is finely illuminated, and there are 16 smaller
initials of the same character, oaken boards, modem brown
morocco extra, antique style, gilt edges {circa 1470), folio
(JSS) Waring. X81
[This manuscript contained fourteen of the orations, the
last (" Pro Aulo Cluentio") being unfinished. — Catalogue^
1562 Cicero. Orationes, editio princeps, finely printed in ronun
letter, long lines, without marks, original limp vellum,
Venet., C. Valdarfer, 1471, folio (359) LeiglUon, £10 los.
[An interesting copy, having numerous MS. notes in the
fly-leaves and mai^ms by a former possessor, 1490^3,
named Willelmus Panntz, who refers to Mathias Corvinus,
King of Hungary, and the Emperor Maximilian. Sweyn-
heym and Pannartz issued an edition in the same year. —
1563 Cicero. Tusculanx Qusestiones, Sasc XV., manuscript on
vellum (84 leaves), long lines, 32 to the page, written in
roman characters by an Italian scribe, wilh headings and
side-notes in red, an elaborate painted and illuminated
Renaissance scroll border on first page, with a female's
head as initiai, and at foot the arms of Erizzo of Venice,
supported by two female grotesques, illuminated initial to
each book, oaken boards, half cAi, original ornamental
leather sides inlaid {circa 1470), folio (365) Slevens, £33
igitized by Google
1564 Colkction de Ponies, Romans, Chroniques, etc., pnbli^e
d'apr^ d'anciens MSS. et d'apiis des editions des XV° et
XVI* Si^cles ; viz. Miracle de Nostre dame de Beithe f^me
du Roy Pepin, 1839— Le MystSre de la Vie et hystoire de
Mons. Sajnct Martin lequel fut Archevesque de Tours, 1841
^Miracle de Nostre Dame de la Marquise de la Gaudine,
1841 — Le Chevalier delibere par Olivier de la Marche, 1842
— Listoyre de Pierre de Provence et de la belle Maguelonne,
1S4;, ^dii^e$ par Francisque- Michel, Doublet de Boisthi-
bault, et A. Veinant, finely printed in black Utttx, with
woodcut on each title, thick paper, only a small number of
each printed, 5 vol., bound in crushed morocco, each of a
different colour, »ith gilt lettering and edges gilt on the
rough, bound by Cobden Saunderson for Wm. Morris, with
the latter's initials and date of bindin^ir, 1893, on upper
covers, Paris, itnprimies par Crapelet pour Silveslre, 1839-
45, 8vo.(2i7) Bain,i,Z2
156J [Columna (Fr. de).] La Hypnerotomachia di Poliphilo ciofe
pugna d' Amore in sogno, etc., numerous fine woodcuts,
attributed to Giovanni Bellini [the cut of Priapus un-
mutilated), old calf, VentHa, Casa de Figliuoli a\ Aldo,
1545(370) £31
[First edition m Italian, with excellent impressions of the
woodcuts, which arc the same as in the Latin edition of
1 499.— C.i/aAj^w.]
1566 Comestor (Petrus). Histona Scholastica super Bibliam,
Sxc XIV., manuscript on vellum (278 leaves), in neat
gethte characters, double columns of 43 lines (French), titles
of chapters in red, numerous large and stnall ornamental
initials in blue and red with marginal decorations, oaken
boards, stamped red buckskin, metat clasps {circa 15 — ),
folio (371) Htppinstall. ^16
[At the end of the MS. are six leaves of " Rubrics" ma
different haad.— Catalogue']
IJ67 Ccnnmandments. The Floure of the Commaundements of
God, with many examples and auctorytes, extract as wel
of the Holy Scryptures as of other doctours, etc., lately
translated out of Frensshe into Englysshe in the yeres of
out Lorde MCCCCCIX. (by Andrew Chertsey), blwh ittttr,
2 woodcuts and ornamental initials, wanted all before Ct
of table, including title, comers of folios ccxxvii-ccxxxii
mended, last 2 leaves in facsimile, calf, Entpryniid at
London in Fhtt Strete by Wynkyn de Wordt, fynyssked
thiyert 1510, xiH. Sept. (374) Tret:askii,£% 153.
[An extremely rare edition, the third from Wynkyn de
Worde's press. It is stated there is no complete copy
either in the British Museum or at Oxford. — Catalogue.']
1568 Crane (Walter). Sirens Three, a Poem, illustrated by the
author, art boards, presentation copy from the author to
Wm. Morris, Dec., 1885, Macmillan, 1886, 4to. (270)
Tregaskis, £i 18s,
1569 Crane (Walter). The Claims of Decorative An, fine paper
copy (i of no), presentation copy to "William Morris
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1 64
trom Walter Crane, Oct., 1892." illustrated buck mn, uncut,
Lawrence and BuUen, 1393, 410. (372) 1>egaskis, £2 19s.
1570 Cueur de Philosophie. he Coer {sic) de Philozophie, trans-
late de latin en Francoys a la requeste de Philippe le Bel
roy de France, lettres b&tardes, double columns, title in
red and black, with device, numerous singular woodcuts and
diagrams and grotesque and ornamental initials (wanted
b i, some plain margins wormed, last 2 leaves mended), old
calf, Parii, pour Jehan De la Garde, 1514, small folio (382)
QuariUh, £i,
1571 Curtius Rufus (Quintus). Ue Rebus Gestis Alexandri Magni,
editio secunda, roman letter, long lines, 32 to a page, with-
out marks, oaken boards, half leather [Veite/.], Vindelin de
Spira [area 1470-71], folio (383) Sladen, £$ 15s.
1573 Danse Macabre (La Grande) des Hommes et des Femmes,
historic et renouvellde de vieux Gaulois en langage le
plus poll de notre temps, numerous rough woodcuts, balf
TUSSia, rough edges (Dove's bindery) (Cobden Sanderson),
Troyts, J. A. Gamier, s. d., 4to. (378) Wiltan, £\^ 10s.
■ 573 Decretales. Novella johannis Andreae super sexto libro
decretalium, Saec. XIV., manuscript on vellum (251 leaves),
written in gothic Iclttr, double columns (Northern French),
68 lines, rubricated, 74 painted and illuminated ornamental
mitiats, the tirst a miniature of the author presenting his
book, some with marginal decorations of ivy-leaves, etc.,
and numerous ornamental pen letters, old calf, folio (387)
QuariUh, £38
[This MS. belonged in 1557 to Jacques Grifanie, Bishop .
of Nivemois ; in 1680 to M. de Chavannes ; and in 1730
to M. Uitau. — Caialogue.']
1574 Dialogus. Dyalogus Creaturarum Optimc MoralizatUS.
Omni materie morali, Jocundo modo applicabilis ad laudon
del et edificationem hominum, lit. gotn., long lines, numer-
ous outline woodcuts, first page of text within floreate
scroll border, with fine ornamental initial, capitals painted
in red, numerous contemporary MS. recipes, etc., in Latin
and English in margins, the preliminary leaves bound at
end in this copy, crushed red morocco, plain, inside den-
telles, gilt edges by F. Bedford, an excellent copy, first
edition, Per Gerardum Uiu in Opido Goudemi, anna 1480,
folio (391) Waring, £\f,
1575 Dialogus Creaturanim. Destructorium Vitiormn ex Simili-
tudmum Creaturarum exemplomm appropriatione per
modum Dyalogi, lit. gtrth., numerous spintea woodcuts, a
series of large ornamental initials and many smaller ones,
last leaf mended, but a fine copy, brown morocco, plain
gilt edges by Thompson (Parit), Lugduni, per ClauOium
Nourry, 1509, 4to. (282) Leighton, £\t
1576 Dialogus. Dialogues of Creatures Moralised, reprint in
bl-icit Itttcr, edited by Joseph Haslewood (only 98 copies
printed, 50 of which were destroyed by fire), uncut, Trip-
hook, 1816, 4to. (283) Wilton, £x 14s.
1577 Dives and Pauper (by Henry Parker), liUeli ItUtr, double
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columns, with signalares (a-b in 6'3 for table, a-u and ^i-Z 7
in 8's), wanted ai in tabic (a blank) and aj in text also a
blank, and the blank leaf at end to complete siijcnatures I,
a 2 of table in focsimile, some leaves shgbtly stained and
some margins written on, otherwise penect and in good
condition, woodcut ornamental initials, old russia, gilt
edges (Sir Francis Freeling's copy), Fyra'uked the v. day of
Juyl. (sic) the yere of oure lord ^sd, MCCCCLXXXXUl.
Emprentyd by me Richarde Pymon at the temple barre of
londcn, Deo Graeias, 1493, folio (395) Leigkton, £ll
[The first edition and the first book printed by Pynson
with a date. Extremely rare in any condition.— Ca/a/n^TW.]
■ 578 Dodoens (Dr. Remb.) A New Herba11,or Hiatorie of Plants,
now first Translated out of French into English by H. Lyte,
Esq., corrected and amended, blxth itttn, woodcuts of
plants on 53 lea\-es, with names in Latin and German in-
serted from Egenolph of Frankfort's Herbal, russia gilt,
E, Bollifant, 1595, 410. (286) Pickering, L^ 10s.
1579 Diirer (Aibrecht), Epitome in Divae Parthenicea Mariae
Hisioriam per figuras digestam, cum veisibus annexis
Chelidonii, 20 fuU-page woodcuts, with Latin verses in
roman letter on reverse of each plate (some dated
1509-1510), brilliant impressions, ruled in red, top of title
painted (plain margin of last leaf slightly mended), new
limp vellum, Jmpressum Numberge per Albertum Diirer
Piclorem, anno 1511, folio (403) Bain, ^56
[This series, one of Diirer's masterpieces of design,. is
very rarely to be found, as here, in book form as originally
pub I ished . — CaialogneA
1580 Durer (AlbrechtJ. Underweysun^ der Messung, mit dem
Zirckel und ncbtscheyt, in Linien ebnen unnd gantzen
corporen, tit. goth., diagrams, specimen letters, and two
woodcuts (comer of title and next leaf mended], Niirem-
^""Si 'S^Si f'l'io (506) Wilton, £4 los.
1581 Diirer (Aibrecht). (Euvre, reproduit ct publid par Amand-
Durand, texte par Georges Duplessis, 108 plates, mounted
upon separate leaves of stiff paper, three extra plates of
tbe Labours of Hercules ana title and one plate from
Vinciolo's Lingerie, Paris, 1599, inserted, half morocco,
Paris, s. d., folio (507) Tregasiis, £21 los.
1582 EpistoUe Sancti Pauli Apostoli, cum glossis interlinearis et
roarginalibus [Ssec. XL ?], manuscript on vellum (164 leaves),
text written in centre of p^e, in 22 lines, with wide spaces
between each line, in bold open letters, the glosses in the
margins and between the lines in a small but clear hand,
14 large painted ornamental initials, viz.. an M and 13 P's.
flower patterns, in white, red, and yellow, on a blue ground,
capitals, headings, etc., written in red, modem purple
morocco gilt, folio (513) Quaritck, £23
ts83 Epistole et Evangelii et Letioni Vulgari in lingua Tboscana,
nuovamente ristampatc, nearly full-page woodcut tide, con-
taining figures of Christ and St. Peter in a circle in centre
and four small figures of Prophets within an arabesque
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border, 1 14 woodcuts within frames and small initial fibres
of the Prophets, signature and address of Wm. Moins on
fly-leaf, vellum, f-^ireme, I. Giunti, 1551, (oUo (515)
Quaritck, £Sg
[Avery rare edition, remarkable for its fine Italian wood-
cuts, which are similar to those used in the popular Ra^re-
senfa2iom oi ihK period. — Caialo^e.'\
1584 Etymologicon M^num Grsecum. Gnec^ (cum Pf;efaticiie
Gr£c&, M. Musuri), editio princeps, ornamental headings
and initials in red, old calf, large copy (from the WodhuU
Library), Venet., sumpt. Nic. Blasti opera Z. Callitrgi,
1499, folio (518) QuarUci,£^
1585 Evelyn (John). Silva, Terra, Pomona, Acetaria, etc., fourth
edition, portrait, old calf, presentation copy from J(An
Evelyn, the author's nephew, to T. Kawlinson, R. Scott,
etc, 1706, folio (513) Ellis, £% 8s.
1586 Eyb (Albertus de). Margarita Poetica, roman letter, long
lines, 44 to a page, without marks, rubricated, paintea
ornamental initial on first page, capitals in blue and red,
oaken boards, leather, stamped with fleurs-de-lis, lions
rampant, and other ornaments, metal bosses and clasps
engraved with "Ave" and "I. H, S." (well preser\'ea),
Roma, Udalricus Callus alias Han, 1475, folio (524)
LH^hton. ll ss.
1 5S7 Fasciculiis.Temporum (auctore Wemero Rolewinck), lit gath.,
rubricated, woodcuts, Colonic, Conrad de Homborch, 1476
^Isidori Hispalensis Liber Etymologianim, etc., editio
prima, semi-gothic letter, double columns, %\ lines, without
marks (Hain, 9270), ornamental pen letters with marginal
decorations, and painted capitals in blue and red, Absque
nota [Argent., Mentelin], in I vol. (both works wormed),
oaken boards, stamped ornamental pigskin, clasp, folio
(526) Tregasiis, £s 10s.
1588 Fasciculus Temporum ad annum, 1474 (auctore Wemero
Rolewinck, cum additamentis Henrici Wirczburg de Vach
Monachi in Prioratu Rubeimontis), lit B'^^'^-i 'ong lines
(Hain, 6390), woodcuts, etc. (coloured), wanted S leaves,
Arst 2 leaves of table defective and margin of one leaf torn,
Reducta in Prioraiu Rubeimontis {Rougement) per Hen-
rieumdeWircsburg, anno 148 r, folio (527) Quaritck, £3 los,
1589 Fasciculus Temporum (auctore Wemero Rolewinck), lit anth.,
long lines, woodcuts (uncoloured), rubricated. Argent.,
Jo. Prysz, 1487 — Processus Judiciarius (cum aliis Tracta-
tibus Juridicis) lit goth., double columns, 43 lines, with
signatures at. Absque nota — Paulus Florentinus, totius
Canonici Juris Breviarium, printed in small neat gothic
letter, double columns, 49 lines, without signatures, leaves
numbered in roman figures cxxix., Jmpressus Meminga per
Alb. Kune de Duderstat, i486, In i vol., oaken tK>ards,
Stamped ornamenta-I leather, folio (528) '£i iis.
1590 Ferdusi. Shah-Nameh, Sac XVII., Persian manuscript
on paper (443 leaves), early seventeenth century, written
in four columns within borders of gold, 67 fine large painted
igitized by Google'
and Ulumioated miniatures in the text, native n
double russia, with flap, folio (529) QuariUh, ^47
t;9i Fillastre (Guillaume, Ev^que de Tournay). Le Fremier (et le
Second) Volume de la Thoison d'Or nouvellement imprimf,
lettres bitardes, double columns, woodcuts, numerous
initials, some with grotesque animals, others ornamental
and historiated, 2 vol. in i, old French red morocco, the
Roxburghe arms stamped on sides, tine large and clean
copy, some leaves with rough edges, Imprimet a Troyes
par N. Le Rouge, 1 530, xxi. (TAvril, folio (530)
Leighton, £S Ss.
1593 Fisher (Richard). Catalogue of a Collection of Engravings,
Etchings, and Woodcuts, ornamental borders, initials and
woodcuts, half morocco, t. e. g., uncut, Privattly printed,
1879, 4to. (300) Wilton, £1 18s.
1593 Fortescue (Thos.) The Forest or Collection of Historyes no
lesse profitable than pleasant and necessary, done out of
Frencne into English, blaih Ittttr (title inlaid and partly in
facsimile, wanted table at end, inner margins wormed),
half calf, J. Daye, 1 576, 4to. (303) / Jones, £3
1594 Fougasses {Thos. de), Generall Historic of the Magnificent
State of Venice, Englished hy W. Shute, view of Venice on
title, woodcut heads and initials, calf, G. Eld, etc, 1612,
folio (533) Bain, ^3 3s.
i;95 Franciscus Assisiatis (S.) Die Legend des heytigen Vatters
Francisci. Nach der beschreybung des engeliachen Lerers
Bonaventure, lit goth., cut on title and 56 spirited woodcuts
in the text (some repeated), red morocco extra, inside den-
telles, gilt edges by Rivifere, fine copy, Nuremd., H. Hcltmel
in Verlegimg des krbern Casp. Rosentaier, 1512, 4to. (459)
Leighton, £12 us.
[According to Passavant, the woodcuts in this volume
are by Caspar Rosentaier, who was the former owner of
Hdetiel's Press.— Co/a/opw^.]
1 596 Froissart. Le Premier (Te second, le tiers, et le quart et
dernier) Volume de Messire Jehan Froissart, lequel traicte
des choses dignes de niemoire advenues tani es pays de
France, Angleterre, Flandres, Espaigne que Escoce et
aultres lieux circonvoisins. Nouvellement oultre les prece-
dentes impressios Imprime a Paris, letttes b&tardes, titles
within woodcut borders with device of Poncet le Preux
(that to vol. iv, different from the others, with jehan Petifs
name repeated in the borders), device of Petit on last leaf
of voL iiu, ornamental woodcut initials, 4 vol. in 1, pigskin,
stamped in arabesques, red edges, fine copy, Paris, im-
prinu par Ant. Couteau pour Pgnctt h Preux, 1530, folio
(S34) Quaritch, £11
1597 Froissart (Syr John). Chronycles of Englande, Fraunce,
Spayne, Portyngale, Scotiande, Bretaine, Flaunders, and
other places adjoyning, translated by John Bourchier,
Kny^hte, Lorde Bemers, blatlt Ittttr, 3 vol. in I, titles
within woodcut borders, that to vol. ii. the fine one of
Mutius and Porsenna by Holbein, numerous ornamental
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woodcut initials (vol. i. made up ftom Pynson's edition,
title and next leaf mended, with some lines in fecsimile,
vol. ii. wormed, comers of last 7 leaves mended, last leaf
in facsimile, sold with all faults}, red morocco extra, gilt on
red ed^es by W. Pratt (Lakdands copy). Imprinted in
FUU Streie by W. Myddyllon and R. Pyason, 1525, folio
(535) Maim, ^24
1S9G Fuchsius (Leon.) De Historia Stirpium Commentarii in-
signes, cuts of the author and engravers and numerous
woodcuts of plants, oaken boards, pigskin stamped in
arabesques, clasps, fine copy, Basil., Isingrinius, 1542,
folio (536) Bain, £^(3
[This work was held in the highest esteem by Mr. Moms,
and continually consulted bybim for suggestions of design.
1599 Gafurius (Franchinus). De Harmonia Musicorum Instrti-
mentorum Opus, dedicated to John Grolier, with woodcut
of his arms with surrounding legend, " Joannes Grolierius
Musanim Cultor," cut on title, numerous woodcuts, dia-
grams, and ornamental initials, half morocco, Medial, per
GoUtrdum Pontanum, 1518, folio (538) Bain, ^18
1600 Gaguin (Rob.) Les Cromques de Fiance, excellens faictz et
vertueux gestes des treschrestiens Roys et Princes qui ont
regne au diet pays depuis lexidion dc Troye, jusques au
regne . . , du Roy Francois premier . . . translatees de
Latin en nostre vulgaire Francoys, letCres Mtardes, long
lines, spirited woodcuts and ornamental initials, old calf,
Paris, pour Jehan Petit, 1516, folio (539) Breslau, £4 bs.
1601 Galenus. Opera, quarta Impressio omatissima, continens
Mnnes Galeni libros al's impressos, melius quam prius
ordinatos, etc, lit. goth., double columns, each title within
omamenUl woodcut border, many superior lat^ orna-
mental initials, some with figures, and many hundred smaller
ones, 3 vol. (comers of some leaves in vol. iii. mended),
vellum, Pavia, Jac. Paucidrapius de Burgofranco, i;i5'i6,
folio (540) Wilton, ^4
1602 Galien. L'Hystoire du Preux Vaillant Chevalier G^ien
Rethore, fils au Conte Olivier de Viennc per de France,
etc., lettrcs bStardes, double columns, title in red and black,
with woodcut, 15 cuts in Che text and ornamental initials,
crushed red morocco extra, inside dentelies, gilt edges by
Bauzonnet, Paris, J. Bonfons (with device), s. 3., 4(0. (462)
Heppinstai, j£io los.
1603 Gellius (Aulus), Noctes Atticae, printed in roman letter, long
lines, 38 to a page, without marks, the Greek quotations
in Greek characters (a few leaves slightly wormed), old
English red morocco gilt, fine targe copy (the Sunderland),
Roma, C. S'weyitheym and A. Pannarts in damo Petri de
Maximis, \ATi, folio (543) Leigkiaa, £q los.
[The second edition of Gellius from the press of these
Roman printers. — Ca/alogue.']
1604 Gerard Oohn). The Herball, or Generall Historic of Plantes,
first edition, engraved title, numerous woodcuts (inner
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tnargias of title and last leaf mended), calf, J. Norton, i^m,
folio (544) Thompson, £11
■ 60s Gerard (John). The Herball or GeneraJl Historic of Plantes,
very mudi enlarged and amended by Thos. Johnson, en-
graved title and portrait of Gerarde (mounted), numerous
woodcuts (wanted leaf after title), signature and address of
William Morris (Kebnscott House) on fly-leaf, russia gilt,
A. Islip, etc., 1636, folio (545) Qitarilch, £b
1606 Gcsnerus (Conr.) Historia Animalium, Quadrupedes, Aves
et Pisces, numerous woodcuts (title of " Quadrupeds "
mounted), 3 vol., vellum, Tiguri,C Froschover, 1551-54-55,
folio (547) Dawton, £1 los.
1607 Gilles (Nicolas). Les treselegantes et copieuses Annalles
des trespreux, tresnobles, treschrestiens et excellens Mode-
rateurs des bellicjueuses Gaulles, eta, lettres bdtardes, long
lines, titles within woodcut borders, the first in red and
black, large woodcut of the Creation of Adam and Eve,
woodcut genealogies and ornamental initials, etc., z vol,
in I, mottled calf extra, gilt ed){es by W. Pratt, fine copy,
Ptuit, E. Gormont, 1534, folio (548) Brtslau, £% 5s.
1608 Giiaud (J. B.) Meubles en Bois sculpt^ ayant flgur^ ^ TEx-
posilion Retrospective de Lyon, 1877, 50 plates in helio-
gravure, loose in portfolio, Lyon, i83o, folio (550)
Wilton^ £7. lis.
1609 Glanville (Bart.) De Proprietatibus Renim, lit goth., double
coltunns, 55 lines, with signatures (Hain, 3503), numerous
MS. notes in margins, capitals painted in red, old calf,
with device of the " Coelestinorum B. Mariae de Parisiis"
(worn), Impressus sub anno Domini, 1482, iiSr vero decem-
bHx. (s. nam. iinfir.), folio (551) Q^taritch, £f.
1610 Glanville (Bart.) Bartholomeus de Proprietatibus Rerum
(translated into English by John of Trevisa), black letter,
doi^ble columns, remarkable woodcuts and ornamental
initials, wanted all before Biii, K 7-S, 1 j, and all after nn 4
(but had 00 j), M 8 in facsimile, some leaves supplied from
a shorter copy, margins of a few leaves mended, and some
damaged by damp, with all faults, but most of the leaves
large and sound (Lakelands copy), LoHd., iVyniyn de
Worde, n. d. (1496), folio (552) Tomns. £\7 los.
161 1 Glanville (Bart.) Batman upon Bartholome his Booke De
Proprietatibus Re rum, newly corrected, enlarged and
amended, with such additions as are reauisite (by Steph.
Batman), blach litter (margins of title ana next 32 leaves
[This edition of Glanville's book was, according 1
Douce, much used by Shakespeare. At the end is given
some information as to its translation and printing. —
1612 Gower (John). De Confessione Amantis, black Itttti (title
slightly mended), woodcut initials, etc, old calf, second
edition, Imprinttd in FUie Strete by Thos. Bertktkltt,
1532, folio (556) Piektring, £\a ijs.
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t6i3 Grafton (Rich.) A Chronicle at Lai^e and meere History of
the Afiayres of Englande and Kinges of the same from the
Creation of the World unto the first ycre of the reigne of
Our Sovereigne Lady Queene Elizabeth, tiUck Uttn, fiist
edition, woodcut titles, woodcuts and initials, 2 vol. in 1,
first and last leaf and leaf to the Reader in facsimile, some
leaves inlaid and margins mended, red morocco extra, gilt
edf^es, H. Denham, 1569, folio (557) TregaskU, £% js.
1614 Gratianus. Decretales, cum apparatu Bartholomaei Bnx-
iensis, Skc. XIV,, manuscript on thin vellum (354 leaves),
written in gothic letter, in red and black, double columns,
surrounded by the Glossary, probably b^ an Anglo-Norman
scribe, the first page had a finely illuminated bar cont^n-
ing alternate omamenlal scrolls and figures of saints, on
the first page of text was a very fine and large initial H of
intersected scroll work, 36 finely f>ainted and illuminated
historiated initials (2 j in. by 3 in.), with marginal elongations
of spiked floreate ornaments and grotesques, many hundred
ornamental pen letters and decorations, signatures of Wm.
'^a\v&, Folkestone, 1896, on fly-leaf, oaken boards, modem
brown morocco, blind stamped ornaments (from the Didot
Library), folio (558) QuaiiUh, ^2$^
1615 Gratianus. Decretum cum Apparatu, lit gotlt., 4 columns,
red and black, text in large type, commentary in smaller,
without marks, rubricated, capitals painted in blue and red,
illuminated miniature of the Pofte and Cardinals, initial
and marginal decorations on first page and 39 finely painted
large ornamental initials in the text, lai^e emblazoned
coats of arms of a bishop on fly-leaf, oaken boards, the
original stamped ornamental leather sides inlaid, Ar^ait;
H. Eggestein, 1472, large folio (559) Trtgaskis, £\ i IJb.
1616 Gregorius IX. Papa. Decretales cum Glossis, Sxc. XIII.,
manuscript on vellum (216 leaves), written in gothic letter,
double columns, with the glosses surrounding the text in a
stnallcr hand, by an Italian scribe, with ; finely painted
and illuminated initials and numerous ornamental pen
letters and decorations, old red morocco, folb (1241) (jto)
Quaritch, £24
[An inscription at the end gives the date of the MS. : " Ego
Leonardus de Mutinzehuius apparatus in has compilaliones
decretalium fideliter scripsit, m Chrisci nomine die Mer-
curii XII intrant Julio in Millesimo CCXLI."— Crt/d/ffw.]
1617 Gregorius IX. Decretalium, Libri V., cum Glossa Bemnardi
Bottoni, Sxc. XIII., manuscript on vellum (354 leaves),
written in bold gothic letter, in red and black, 4 columns,
the text in centre, surrounded by the gloss in a smaller
character (Italian), with ; highly finished historiated minia-
tures (2i in. by 3 in.) of figures in ecclesiastical costume on
chequered grounds (the figure of Pope Gregory in the first
miniature wears a bishop's mitre only), with larg% initial
below, and numerous illuminated ornamental initials and
pen letters throughout, with mai^inal decorations, oaken
boards, rough doeskin, clasp (1294?), folio (561) Quaritch,£fi7
igitized by Google
{This interesting MS. finishes as follows : " Explicit
appaj^tus decretaJium editus a. bemardo cum omnibus
readitionibus novis et veteribus deo gratias amen. Thoma
Nonnatono milleno scribitur anno et ducenteno domini
noai et quorum deno." — Caialogue.']
1618 Gr^orius IX. Decretales, cum Glossa Ordinaria Bemhardi
(Bottoni) Fapiensis, Sxc. Kill., manuscript an vellum
(,^2$ leaves), written in gothic letter by ft Freoch scribe,
the text surrounded by the Glossary in a smaller lettet,
178 painted and illuminated ornamental initials, some with
grotesques, 4 illuminated miniatures (2\ in. square) repre-
senting religious ceremonies, tloreate and grotesque orna-
ments and hundreds of ornamental pen letters, wanted
beginning and end and leaf in centre, some leaves repaired,
and bound in .oaken boards, modem ornamental pigskin,
clasps, by Cobden Saunderson at the Dove's Bindery, folio
(563) Quaritck, £6S
1619 "Gregorius IX. Decretalium Libri V., cum Glossa Bemhardi
Bottoni, lit. girtK. (2 types), text in centre surrounded by
the gloss, 6a and 81 lines without matks, nibrirated,
numerous painted capitals in red and blue and ornamental
pen letters, oaken boards, stamped leather (roses, fleurs-de.
lis, etc., rebacked), Itnpretsus in Urbe Mogundae per
Pelrum Sckaeffir <U Gemsheym, 1473, ix. Kl. Dec. (imprint
in red, with shields beneath), large fotio (564) Maggs, ^S 1 5s.
[First edition of these Decretals with a date, and a fine
specimen of Peter Schoeffer's art. Of the six Latin Epi-
grams on reverse of last leaf, the sixth declares the supe-
riority of this edition to all others, either written or printed.
— Catalogue^
1620 Gregorius Magnus; Moralia, seu Expositio in Jobum,
lit. goth. (431 leaves), double colunms, 48 lines, without
marks (HaiD, 7926), rubricated, painted ornamental initials
and mnning chapters in red, oaken boards, stamped orrn-
menial pigskin, with borders of scrolls containing repe-
titions of the name "Maria," clasps. Absque ulia nota
(Basel., B. Rodt, 1469?), foho (565) Ellis, ^5
[Imprint so haiarded in the catalogue, but more prob-
ably ^oj?/, Bertbold Kuppel, 1468— Ed.]
1621 Gregorius Magnus. Moralia in Jobum, lii. Qoth., double
columns, 49 Tines, without marks (Hain, 79^8), rubricated,
boc^ numbered in red in top margins, capitals painted in
red, signature and address of Wm. Morris on fly -leaf, oaken
boards, pigskin, small stamped figures and "Ave Maria"
onvppercQwi, /mpressusJVuremier^a, anno 1471, xi. Sept.,
s. n. Impr. (/o. Sensensckmid et H. Keffer), folio (566)
Proctor, ^10
^Printed with similar tj^s to those used for the same
printers' "Comestorium Viciorum," 1470, The imprint in
this copy is in black ; in that described by Hain it was in
red. — Catalogue?i^
i6xt Gritsch (Frater Joannes). Quadra^esimale tripartitum,
IH. goth., double columns, jo lines, without signatures, the
igitized by Google
sermons numbered in roman in top margins, woodcut half
border to first page of text, large woodcut ornamental initials
(3 leaves slightly defective), oaken boards, stamped orna-
mental pigskin (roses and leaves), metal dasps (well pre-
served)./jn^rwjwM et coniiHuatumter /okamtem Zeiner dt
Rutlingen, 1475, xx. Orf., folio (568J Craivshauf, ^3 los.
1613 Guzman (Feman. Perez de). La Cronica del sereniss. Rey
Don Juan el Segundo, lit. gnth., red and black, double
columns, woodcut title, full-pa^e woodcut of the Crucifixion,
and one in compartments conlaining portraits, and numerous
woodcut initials, ornamental and historiated, title mounted,
margins of z last leaves mended, brown morocco, gilt
edges, Imprtsia in Logrotio par Amao Guillen de Brocar,
1517. folio (573) Htppimtal, £>) ros.
1624 Hafher-Alteneck (Dr. J. H.) Trachten, Kunstwerke und
Gerathsschafien vom Miben Mittelalter his Ende des acht-
zehnten Jahrhunderts, 720 chromolithographs, 10 voL in 5.
half morocco, L e. g., uncut, Frank/, a. M. H. KelUr, 1879-
89, 4to. (476) Wilton, 1^1
1625 Hakluyt (Richard). The Principal Navigations, Voyages,
Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation (with the
reprint of the " Voyage to Cadiz "), 3 vol. in 2 (title of \(A. i.
mended), calf^ Bishop, Newberry and Barker, 1598-99-1600
—Supplement to Hakluyt (by R. H. Evans), cali; 1812, folio
(57S) Da-wson,l\\
1626 Hardy (Thos.) Tess of the D'Urbervilles, first edition, 3 vol.,
presentation cony to William Morris from '1 homas Hardy,
1891, 8vo. (427) Denkam,£i 8s.
1627 Main (Lud.) Repertorium Bibliographicum, fine paper, 4 \dl.
in 2, nissia, gilt edges, Siultg., 1826-31 — Copinger (Dr.
W. A.) Supplement to Main, parts i. and ii., vol. i., 2 voL,
buckram, uncut, 1895-98, 8vo. (423) Leighian, £^ ijs.
162S Hegesippus. De Excidio Juda»rum_, Lib. V., Ssec. XII.,
manuscript on vellum (115 leaves), written in eothicXcttn',
double columns of 35 lines, probably by an English scribe,
with several painted ornamental initials in blue, green and
red, in the original Winchester binding, oaken boards,
leather, stamped with circular, oval and square dies of
fabulous animals and birds, 2 lai^e centre circulars en-
closing similar dies on upper cover, the under cover entirely
composed of square dies representing gladiators, Una and
lion, stags, with an outer border of birds, folio (580)
Thompstm, ;£l8o
[A remarkable and fairly we II- preserved specimen of
genuine Winchester binding of the twelfth century. —
1629 Heliodorus. His jCthiopian History (Theagenes and
Cariclea) done out of Greeke by Wm. Barrett, old calf,
F. Kyttgstonfor W. Barret, 1622, 4to. (477) Bain, £i>
1630 Henry VIII. Statuta in Parliamentoapud Westmonaslerium
tertio die Novembris anno xx. Regni Ang. et Franc. Regis,
fidei defensoris Henrici VIII., blMfe Irttn (mended through-
igitized by Google
oat), woodcut of serpent on title, and RastcU's device on
last leaf; half calf, 1529, folio (582) Eilis,£-i i8s.
163 1 Herbal. The Crete Herball, wbiche gevethe parlyt knowlege
and understsndyng of all maner of herbes and there
^racyous Venues, etc., translated out of ye Frensshe
into Englysshe, blath Ittttr, double columns, numerous
woodcuts, complete, but mai^ins and comers of several
leaves mended, modem green morocco, Jmprentyd in
Seuikviarke by me Peter 1 reverts in Ike yere 1526, xxvii.
Juiy, folio (583) Quaritc/t, £20
1632 Herodian. History of the Romayne Emperors, translated
into English from the Latin of Politian by Nicholas Smith,
black IctttT, title within woodcut border, ornamental woodcut
initials (a few leaves slightly wormed), russia, -the first
English version of Herodian, Wm. Coplande, n. d., 4to.
<478) Bain, £6
1633 Herodotus. Historiarum Lib IX., L. Vallensis conversio de
Gneco in Latinum, roman letter, 3 woodcuts on title within
fine arabesque border, capitals painted in blue and red,
vellnro, Venet,, Jo. et G. de Gregoriis Fratres, 1494, folio
(S85) Elm, £-i 17s.
1634 Hieronymus (S.) Epistols et Tractaius (cum prefatione Jo.
Andrese Epis. Aleriensts), finely printed in roman letter, long
lines, 45 and 46 to a full page, without signatures, the first
p^^of text in each vol. with a miniature initial and marginal
decorations, the initial in vol. ii, being a miniature of the
Samt, with coat of arms in lower margin, or, a lion rampant
sable, langued gules, beneath, a t>end gules, with initials
G. C. in ornamental pen letters, the headings to the various
chapters written in red ink, numerous umamental pen
letters in blue and red, coniemporary M S. notes in margins,
3 voL, oalcen boards, modem stamped ornamental leather,
Roma in dome magnijici -viri Petri de Maximo {per C.
Svieynheymet A. Pannarie), 1468, folio (588) Ellis, £sz
[Editio princeps with a date, and a fine specimen of the
work of the two celebrated Roman printers. The Greek
quotations are printed in Greek type. — Catalogue.^
163s Hieronymus (S.) Epistola? et Tractatus, lit. golh., double
columns, 50 lines, without marks (Hain, 8549), capitals
painted in red and blue, modem blue morocco extra, gilt
edges, fine copy (from Aldenham Abbey Library), Absque
ulTa nota {sed Argent., Jo. Mentelin, circa 1469), folio
(589) Leigkten,£\ A ion.
^A fine specimen of early typography, and the second
edition of the work. It is remarkable for the bastard type
used for the Greek quotations. —Ca^a/njfJif.]
1636 Hieronymus (S.) Epistolje et Tractatus (cum Prefatione Jo.
Andrex), printed in roman letter, long lines, 46 to a fiill
page, without marks, first page of text in each vol. had an
illuminated initial with marginal decorations, capitals
painted in bine and red, 2 vol., oaken boards, leather.
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vellum backs, large and clean copy, Imfirrssum Roma per
Conrad Sweynheym et Arnold Pannartz, 1470 (J90)
Tregasktt, £11 lis.
[Second edition from the press of these printers. Greek
type for Greek quotations.— -Ca/a/o^«.]
1637 HieroDymusjS.) Epistolffi et Tractatus a Theod. Lelio editfe,
finely printed in a small semi-roman letter, in donble
columns of jo lines, without marks, very large margins
(Hain, 8js°)' ^^^^ P.^^ °^ ^^^^ '" ^'^^ '"^- ^^ ^ ^^^
illuminated initial with a miniature of tbe Saint, with
marginal decorations of white intersected scrolls on various
coloured grounds, and there were 2 smaller illuminated
initials, capitals painted in blue and red, 2 vol., con-
temporary stamped while doeskin (Sunderland copy),
VeritasVincilJa. Hu. s.Ut a.,iQ\\o [t,<)i) Leighlon, £11 lis.
[A fine and rare edition, attributed to the press of Jacobus
Rubeus, of Venice, and oxhtn.—Caiaiogue.']
163S Hieronymus (S.) Der heiligen Altviiter leben niiw getruckt,
wie sie in heiliges lebcn volbracht haben, lit. goth., double
columns, with signatures, numerous woodcuts (some re-
peated), all coloured by hand, and ornamental initials
(some leaves stained, inner margins mended, page 71 de-
fective), vellum, Sirasi., To. Griiningen, 1507, folio (594)
1639 Hieronymus (S.) De Vitis Patrum, en is ghenoemt dat Vader
boeck, inhoudende die Historien ende legenden der
heiligher Vaderen, overgeset in gueder vei^tandelre
duytscher Sprake, etc., itt. galh., double columns, 43 lines,
2 large woodcuts from " Le Chevalier deliber^ of G. van Os,
i486," new pigskin, stamped with fleurs-de-lis, GhrpreiU tot
Leyden bi mi Jan Seversoefi, I5ii,folio(595) Maine, £,\^ los.
164a [Hieronymus (S.)] Vita di Sancti Padri vulgare historia,
roman letter, double columns of S9 lines, laige woodcut
within border on folio iv (shaved), and numerous small
woodcuts and ornamental initials (wanted last leaf), old
calf ( Venez., 1492 ?), folio (596) Quaritck, ^£35
1641 Hieronymus (S.) La Vie de Peres renommee enplusieuis
terres et pays est nouvellement imprimee pour Francoys
Kegnault a Paris, lettres b&tardes, aouble columns, title in
red and black gothic, with device beneath, 33 woodcuts of
saints, etc. (2 cut out, one on folio vi and another on folio
xx), old calf, Part!, par Pierre h Dru pour Fr. Regnault
{circa 1520), small folio (597) Breslau, £2 18s.
1642 Higden (Ranulph). Policronicon [translated out of Latin
into En^ilish by John of Trevisa], black lettrr, woodcut orna-
mental initials, title and colophon in facsimile, 7 preliminary
leaves inlaid, otherwise a most excellent copy, new brown
morocco, blind stamped ornaments, gilt edges, Ended the
13/A daye of Apryll, 149S, enprynUd at iVtstmeilre by
iVynkyn the Warde, small folio {598) Leigkton, ^38
[This copy had the blank leaf required to make sheet hh
pe rfect, — Catalogue^
1643 Higden (Ranulph). Polycronycon [translated into English
igitized by Google
by John of Trevisa], blatk Irttn, woodcut figure of St.
Georee below, and head of Henry VIII. and royal anns
above the single word on title, which was in large red letters,
woodcut ornamental initials, two cuts on last leal, colophon
within Holbein border, with the same cuts as on title,
repeated on reverse, slightly wormed, and wanted a blank
leaf for aa 6, otherwise perfect and a sound copy (from Sir
Edward Sullivan's Library), russia, gilt edges, Imprinted
in Soutkaiarke by my Peter TreveHs at ye expences of
John Reynes, 1527, ■«^'- ■^"A''* f"''" (599) young, £,17 5s-
1644 Hippocrates. Epidemionim libersextus.jam recenslatinitate
donatua Leon. Fuchsio interprete, title m red and black,
within woodcut border, slightly wormed, contemporary
English binding, oaken boards, leather, stamped in the
upper cover with " Redemptoris Mundi Arma," and in the
under cover with the royal arms of England, supported by
dragon and greyhound, the Tudor rose surrounded by in-
scription, sun and moon, and arms of London, monogram
of John Reynes on both covers (in excellent preservation,
but back it.^iteA'), Hagenoae, ex-off. Jo. Secer, 1532,410.
{481) Trtgaskis, /40 los.
164? Holbein. Simolachri Historic e Figure de la Morte. La
Medicina de I'anima, etc., aiuntovi di nuovo molte figure
mai piu stampate, 53 woodcuts by Hans Holbein (including
4 cuts of boys), vellum, clean copy, presented to W, Morris
by F. S. Ellis, Lyone, Giov. Frellone, 1549, 8vo. (434)
Tregaskis, £17
[The Ashbumham copy sold for £,s 10s. See Book-
Prices Current, vol. xn,, No. 301.— Ed.]
1546 Holinshed (Raph.) Chronicles of England, Ireland and
Scotland, now newlie augmented and continued to the
yeate 1586 by John Hooker and others, blath letttr, en-
graved titles, 3 voL in 2, autograph of William Morris in
each vol. (leaf in "William Congueror" mended, and some
leaves wormed), old call; Harrison, Bishop (and others),
1586-87, folio (602) Dawson, £5 55.
[This is the second edition of Holinshed. See Book-
Prices Current, vol. xii., Nos. 206, 6242.— Ed.]
1647 Holtrop (J. W.) Monuments Typographiques dcs Pays-Bas
au XV SiScle, numerous facsimiles, half bound, La Haye,
M. Niihoff, 1868, folio (603) Wilton, ^3 18s.
1648 Hommaire de Hell (Xavier). Voyage en Turquic et en
Perse, ex^cut^ par Ordre du Gouvemement Francais
pendant les Annies 1846-48,4 vol., 8vo. of text, and folio
atlas of 100 plates, half red morocco gilt, presentation copy
to William Morris from the author, Paris, P. Bertrand,
1854, folio (604) Wilton, £y los.
1640 Horae. Heures de I'Usaige de Rome, avec le Calendner
(Latin et Francais), leltres bStardes, printed upon vellum,
within woodcut borders of Biblical subjects, arabesques,
etc., with 12 large woodcuts in the text, small capitals and
details painted and illuminated (wanted title and b2], old
igitized by Google
French calf gilt, Impriniees A Paris Sar Gail. Anabatpour
Germain Hardouyn, s. a. [Almanacft, 1508-12], 410. (488)
Wilton, £14 i$s.
1650 HorK Beats Mariae Virginae. Heures de la B. V. M. avec
1e Calendrier, manuscript on vellum (92 leaves) (Latin and
French), written in lettres bStardcs, long lines, calendar in
red and black with illuminated initials, with 6 painted and
illuminated miniatures, 10 illuminated initials (one his-
toiiated), with elegant marginal decorations, and numerous
smaller illuminated initials and pen letters, on a fly-leaf is
an inscription in French, showing the book to have belonged
in 1640 to Ren^ Legier de la Sauvagitre, velvet binding,
late fifteenth century, 4to. (487) QuaritcA, £ig
1651 Horatius. Opera, cum commentario Christ. Landini, printed
in a neat roman letter, the commentary in a smaller type
than the text (contained 6 preliminary leaves, folios num-
bered i to cdiv, and a leaves unnumbered}, MS. notes in
margins (some leaves wormed, inner margins of last 3 leaves
mended), half vellum, Fiorentia, Ant. Miscominus, 1482,
folio (60s) Heppinstal, £1
{First edition of Horace with Landino's Commentary. —
1652 Horatius. Opera, cum quibusdam annotationibus, imRgini-
busque pulcberrimis, aptisque ad Odarum concentus et
Sententias (edidit Jac. Locher), numerous woodcuts (some
repeated), the arms in the woodcut of the Count of Baden
emblazoned (title backed), numerous interlinear and mar-
ginal MS. notes, vellum (in better condition than is usual
with this finely illustrated book), Argent., Jo. Griininger,
1498, folio (707) Wilton, £y
1653 Hortulus Anime cum aliis quamplurimis Orationibus pristine
impressioni superadditis (cum Calendario), lit. goth., red
and black, title in red beneath a cut of the Virgin and Child
within border, numerous (72) large and small spirited
woodcuts and ornamental initials, oaken boards, stamped
ornamental leather, with brass ornament (rebacked),
Lugduni arte et industria Jo. Clein {■a/ith deviei) impenHi
Ant. Koberger, 1511, 8vo. (442) Q/taritcA, £12
1654 Hortus Sanitatis quatuor libris ; De Animal ibus et Reptilibus,
De Avibus et Volatilibus, de Piscibus et Natatilibus, etc
(auctore Jo. de Cuba), title within woodcut border, and
numerous woodcuts (wormed), last 2 leaves mended,
Argent., M, Apiarius, 1536, folio (708) Wilton, £i los.
1655 Howell (James). Proverbs, or Old Sayed, Sawes and Adages
in English, Italian, French and tjpanish, whereunto the
British are added, old calf, 1659, folio (709) Bain, £$ 3s.
1656 Howell Oames). A Particular Vocabulary, or Nomenclature
in English, Italian, French and Spanish, old calf, T. Leach,
1659, folio (710) /./ones, £1 12s.
1657 HugQ de Prato Florida Sennones de Sanctis, lit, aoth.,
double columns, with signatures (some leaves wormed),
oaken boards, stamped pigskin (griffins, acorns and other
igitized by Google
oinatnents), clasps, tmpreuus Heydtlhergae, 148; (s. mom
impr.), folio (71a) Cocktrtll, £3 59.
[The first book with a date printed at Heidelberg. —
1658 Hugo de S. Victore. Didaacalion (et alia Opuscula),
lU. gvttt., long lines, 33 to a page, without marks, ruoricated,
capitals painted in blue and red, oaken boards, stamped
ornamental leather (worn), clasps (Hopetoun copy), Absqtn
ulla nota {Argent., Eggesiein, circa 1475 ?), folio {713)
Wilton, £a 6s.
i6S9 Hugo Senensis. Super quaria primi Canonis Avicennse,
lit. 90th., double columns, 74 lines, with signatures, minia-
ture initial of the author at beginning, capitals painted in
blue and red (wormed, and wanted aj, a blank), half red
morocco, Venet., Ant de Calabriis di Papia, 1485, folio
(715) Deacon, £2 10s.
1660 Hugo de Sletstat (Joannes). Quadnivium Ecdesix quatuor
prelatorum Officium quibus omnis status turn Secularis
turn vero' Ecclesiasticus Subjicitur, lit. Both., woodcut on
title, 13 fine woodcuts in the text, and singular ornamental .
initials, some capitals painted in red (title backed), calf
gilt, edges uncut (Hailstone copy), Argent., Jo. Gruninger,
1504, folio (714) iVilton, ^99s.
1661 Humphreys (H. Noel). History of the Art of Printing, ico
itlustraiions in chromolithography, cloth gilt, Quaritcb,
1867, folio (717) Wilton, £,2 16s.
1662 Institor (Henricus). Sancte Romanc Ecdesiie Fidei defen-
sionis clippeum adversus Waldensium, seu Pickardorum
heresim, etc., Ut flslh., arms of Pope Alexander VI. and of
Stanislaus, Card. Archbp. ofOlmutz, on title, Agure and
arms of St. Wenceslaus on reverse (writing on title, comer
of last leaf mended), boards. Impresses in Oolomace
Marckionalu Moravia per Conrad. Baumgarthen, 1501,
folio (7Zi) Quaritck, ^5 10s,
1663 Isidorus Hispat. Etyroologiarum, Libri XX., IH. ccmi-goth.
(headlines m a larger type), double columns, C [ lines, with-
out marks (Hain, 9270), woodcut diagrams, capitals painted
in blue and red, Greek quotations written in red, oaken
boards, leather, stamped in small squares, each containing
a figure of a pelican, lion, stag, or other animal (rebacked),
Absgtu ulla nota [Argent., J. Mentelin, circa 1472], folio
(722) Leighton,l\i 11s.
1664 Jacquin (Nic. Jos.) Icones Plantarum Rariorum, 648 coloured
plates, 3 vol., half russia, uncut, Vindobona, 1781-95, folio
{72s) . „ ., 2«<»"J'^.4,;£ji
1665 Johannes de Sancto Laurentio. Postillje Evangeliorum
dominicalium totius anni et aJiquorum festorum, [tt. gotlt.,
double columns, 40 lines, without marks (Hain, 9410),
rubricated, capitals painted in red and blue, oaken boards,
leather (rebacked), Impressum in inclila Bruxellensium
ducatus Brttbantia CiviicUe [per Fraires Communi ^ila\,
147s, folio (727) Quaritck, £4
Digitized by Google
i666 Jones (Owen). Examples of Chinese Ornament, loo chromo-
lithographs, doth gilt, 1867, folio (739) Wilton, £z 2s.
1667 Jones (Owen). Granimar of Ornament ; Illustrated by
Examples in Various Styles, 112 chromos, cloth gilt,
Quaritch, l868, folio (730) Wilton, £1 los.
1668 Jornandes de Rebus Gothorum. Paulus Diaconus de Gestis
Langobardorum, title and fine full-page woodcut of two
kings conversing, b;^ Burgkmaier, ornamental woodcut
initials, printer's device on last leaf, half vellum, Aug.
Vind., Jo. Miller, 1515, folio (731) Breilau,ZA
1669 Josepbus fFlavios). Antiquiiates Judaicas et de Bello
iudaico Libri, Sxc. Xlll., manuscript on vellum (348
eaves), written in gotttu characters, in double columns of
43 lines {174 in. by 13 in.), by a French scribe, ornamented
with four borders, containing 37 small miniatures, one
border of grotesques, 24 beautiful initial letters {tz bis-
toriated, and others »-ith borders), illuminated in gold and
colours, and numerous painted capitals, 2 vol., old calf,
blind tooled, with leather joints, folio (732) Quaritch, ^£305
[HamiltonMSS., No. 361. " The capital letter on page I
is ornamented with ten circles, in which is represented the
history of the Creation, on a ground of gold. The heads
and hands of all the figures in the miniatures are most
finely and delicately drawn with the pen, and lightly
coloured. The delineations of the costumes are drawn in
stronger outlines. The colour of the costimies is chiefly
red, brown and blue. In accordance with the very early
date of this MS. (first half of the thirteenth century), the
compositions of the various scenes are of a primitive
character, and in the earliest gothic style," — W. v. Seidliti,
" Repertorium Kunst fur Wissenchaft," vol. vi., p 265. The
following inscription is on the fly-leaf of each volume :
" Iste liber est domus Sancte trinitatis Ordinis Caitusienses
prope Divionem" (Dijon). The late Rev. Mr. Jackson
gave £,iy^ for this fine MS. in the Hamilton (Berlin) sale,
and it sold for ^300 in tbe sale of his MSS. in 1895. —
1670 Josepbus (Flavius). Opera. [De Antiquilate et de Bello
JudaicoJ, lit gitth., double columns. 48 lines, without marks,
woodcuts, peculiar woodcut initials, and some woodcut
headings, painted ornamental and pen initials, woodcut
border of scrolls, shields, birds, lions, etc., with figure of
Josephus holding a scroll for initial I (repeated twice), all
the woodcuts coloured by band, margin of second leaf of
text mended, 2 vol., old calf gilt (Sunderland copy). Absque
utla nota \_Lubeca, L. Brandis, circa 1478I, folio (733I
Leighton, ^34 los,
[A fine and rare edition of Josephus, remarkable lor its
xylographic illustrations. Itis printed with the same types
used by Lucas de Brandis, who introduced printing into
Lubeck, for bis " Rudimentum Novitiorum," and some of
the woodcuts in that work also occur in ^\\.~~Caialogut^
igitized by Google
itfji Journal of Indian Art and Industry, numbers i-j; (wanted
numbers 14, 39 and 40), numerous illustrations, some in
colours, 1884-96, folio (734) Wilton, £3 5s.
1672 Jubinal (Achilie). Les Anciennes Tapisseries Hisiori^es, ou
Collection des Monumens les plus remarquables de ce
Genre. 135 fine large plates from the designs of V. San-
sonetti, 2 voL in t, half morocco, Paris, 1838, oblong atlas
folio (73S) WiZ/on, £4 4s.
1673 Juslinianus. Codex, cum Commentariis Boni Accursii ex
recens. And. Rumel, finely printed in an open flothit [titer,
text in two columns, surrouniled by the Gloss, io red and
black, without marks(Hain,9;90), small woodcuts, A^urvW.,
A. Frisner et Jo, Senscnschmidt {with shields in red), 1475,
folio (737) Heppiftstcd, £^ es.
1674 Juslinianus. lastitutiones. Lib. IV., cum Glossis, lit gotn.,
double columns, text in two columns in centre, surrounded
by gloss, without marks, capitals painted in blue and red,
oaken boards, pigskin, stamped with religious emblems,
etc., title stamped on upper cover, Basii., M. Wenzler, 1487,
folio {738) Willon, £1 loa.
1675 Knolles (Rich.) Generall Historic of the Turkes, with a new
continuation unto the year 1638, fifth edition, line woodcut
title by L. Johnson, and copper-plate heads, old English
red morocco, gilt tooled ornamental back, and panelled
sides with initials M. B., gilt edges, fine copy, A. Islip, 1638,
folio (74') CoUon,£3is.
1676 Laclantius. Opera, cum Epistola Jo. Andreae Epis.Alenensis
ad Paulum II., foman letter, long lines, without marks,
border of first l^e illuminated, capitals painted in blue
and red (some leaves wormed^, signature and address of
Wm. Morris on fly-leaf, Romae, Conrad Sweynheym et
Arnold Pannartz in domo Fr. Maximo, 1470, folio (746)
Quari/cA, £7.0
[Third edition of tactantius, and the second from the
Roman press of these printers. — Caialopu.l
1677 Lancelot du Lac Le Premier (le second et le tiers) Volume
de lancelot du lac, lettres bfttardes, double columns, 30
woodcuts, and numerous ornamental woodcut initials,
3 voL in I (wanted sheet r and Sj in vol. i., some leaves
slightly wormed, 3 leaves torn, title of vol. iii. and perhaps
other leaves supplied from the edition of 1520, with all
faults), morocco gilt, gilt edges, Paris, pour Af, U Noir it
Ft. RegnauU, 1513-20, small foho (747) Hayley, £13
1678 Lancelot du Lac. Le Premier (le second et le tiers) Volume
de Lancelot du lac, nouvellement imprime a Paris, lettres
bStardes, double columns, title within woodcut borders,
numerous ornamental woodcut initials, 3 vol., old French
c^f gilt, r, e., Madame de Pompadour's copy, with her
arms on sides, and stamp of the royal library of France OD
titles, signature of Wm. Morris in each vol., Paris, Jehan
Petit et Ph. le Noir, 1533, folio (748) Trtgaskis, £29
1679 l^ben. Die beyligen Leben. Passional ; Summer und
Winter They Is, lit golh., double columns, 3 leaves of Register
igitized by Google
unnumbered, and ccclxxxv folioed leaves, without signa-
, tures (Hain, 9981), numerous spirited woodcuts (one
coloured), 2 voL in i, conlemporaiy oaken boards, stamped
ornamental pigskin, clasps, Nurembtrg, A. Koburger, 1488,
folio (750) Heppinstal, £50
[This very fine edition of the Gennan " Lives of the
SaiDts" was quite perfect, but folio 381 supplied from
another copy, and folios 121-234 misplaced in binding
between folios 188, 189. — Catalogue.l
1680 Leben Jesu. " Von der Kinthait unsers her Jhesu Cristi
gen't. Vita Cristi," these words of title in large rude black
gothic, lit. Both., double columns, 74 spirited woodcuts and
numerous ornamental initials, title backed, next leaf and
some comers mended, vellum, Augspurg, Ant. Soi^, 1490,
folio (751) Heppinstal, £ll
1681 Legede (La) des Flames, artisiens et haynuyers, ou autrcmet
leurcroniqueabregee. Eo la quell sont contenuesplusieurs
hystoires de Frace, Angleterre et Allemaigne, premiere
Mition, lettres bStardes, title in red and black, long lines,
30 woodcuts, and ornamental initials, old calf, with Grenville
a.rm^Paris{¥. Regnault], 1522, 4to.;(66o) Heppinstal, £1^ 53.
1682 Lievre (Edouard). Les ArtsDfcorati^^ toutes les Epoques,
120 fine chromos and etchings, 2 vol., half morocco gilt,
Paris, Morel, 1870, folio (757) IVillan, £% Ss.
16S3 Livius. Deche di Tito Livio vulgare hystoriae; title in red,
with Giunta's device below and woodcut above, three pages
with borders, numerous woodcuts, many with mark F, and
ornamental initials (some leaves stained,', old calf, Venct.,
B. de Zanis de Porlesio, 151 1, folio (760) Ellis, £7 ;&
16E4 Livius. Romane Historie; also the Breviaries of L. Floras,
translated into English by Philemon Holland, woodcut
portrait of Queen Elizabeth on reverse of title, old calf,
A. Islip, 1600, folio (761) Quaritch, £-i 18s.
1685 Lombarclus (Peirus). Glossa Ordinaria in EpisColas B. Pauli,
lit. giilh., double columns, 5S lines, without marks (Hain,
10204], rubrications, and headings written in red, large
ornamental initials painted in red (in line condition), oaken
boards, stamped leather, Absque ulla nota {Essiingen,
C. Fyner, 1474), large folio (765) Quaritdi, £4
[This copy had a leaf of Register belonging to the book,
which is not given in Main's collation. It was pasted down
in the first cover, evidently at the time the book was
printed and bound. — Catalogue.l
1686 Lombardus (Petrus). Glossa in Psalmos, lit BOfh. (in 2
siies), double columns, 48 lines, without marks, rubricated.
Gin and painted ornamental initials in blue and red, fine
rge margins, signature and address of Wm. Morris on
fly-leaf, oaken boards, new stamped brown morocco,
Nurembergae, Andr. Frisner et Jo. Sensenschmid, 1478,
Feb. xii. (imprint and shields in red), folio (766):
1687 Loriquet (Ch.) Tapisseries de la Cath^drale de Reims,
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Dumerous fine plates, loose in portfolio, Paris et fieims,
1882, folio (767) mitoM, £2 4S.
1688 Lozano (Don P.) Anti^edades Arabes de Espafia, parte
segunda, 57 plates, Madrid, 1804, imperial folio (768)
Wilton, £,^ i^.
16S9 Lucian. Part of Lucian made Englith from the Originall in
1638 ; with those other dialc^fues as they were foimcrty
translated by Fr. Hicks, portrait by Faithome, old calf,
Oxford, Hall and Davis, 1664, folio (769) Pickering, £2
■690 Lucretius. De Rerum Natura, roman letter, long lines, with
signatures, first edition with a date (slightly wormed), old
red morocco gilt, gilt edges (Sunderland copy), Verona,
Paulus Fridenperger, i486, folio (770) Dawson, £2 los.
1691 Ludolpbus de Saxonia. Vita Jesu Christi redemptoris nosiri
ex meduUis, etc., lit goth., title within woodcut border,
with printer's device in centre, 3 full-page woodcuts repre-
senting the Crucifixion, Trans^guration and the Trinity,
numerous small woodcuts and ornamental initials (some
leaves wormed), oaken boards, stamped pigskin, Lugd.,
M. Bouillon et J. Myi, 1519, folio (771) Wiltot', £3 3s
1692 Ludolpbus de Saxonia. Tboeck van den Leven ons heeren
Jhesu Christi, lit goth., double colimms, 43 lines to a page
numerous spirited woodcuts, some of them xylographic,
and ornamental woodcut initials (coloured by hand),
wanted 3 leaves in sheet OO, some inner margins mended,
a few leaves wormed, Dutch vellum with clasps, Tatttwerpen
bii mii Gherasrt de Leeu, 1487, folio (772)
HeMinstal, £11 12s.
[First edition of the Dutch text, in which the woodcuts
appear for the first \\tat.—Calalogue.\
1693 Lullius (Raymundus). Arbor Scientist, lit goth., editio
princeps. double columns, 39 lines, without signatures, but
numbered in Arabic figures to 390, limp vellum, Barchinonae
per Petrum Posa, 1482, folio (773) Quariich, £\a
1694 Lullius (Raymundus). Ars Inventiva Veriiaiis. Tabula
Generalis. Commentum in easdem ipsius Raymundi, editio
prima, lit. goth., title in red within woodcut border, the
arms of Card. Ximenes above, 3 large cuts, ornamental
borders, diagrams and initials, and printer's device, limp
vellum, string clasps, Valentiae, Didacus de Gumiel, iJISt
folio (774) Leighton, £i i8i.
1695 Lyra (Nic. de). PostiUa super Epistolas S. Pauli, cum addi-
tionibus domini Episcopi et cum Replicationibus Pauli
Bur^nsis, lit. goth., double columns, with signatures
(stamed), old English leather binding, stamped with the
arms, devices and initials of Prince Edward, afterwards
Edward VI. (damaged and partly mended), Mantua,
Paulus Puipach, 1478, folio (776) Tregaskis, £q 15s.
1696 Magnus (Jo.) De Omnibus Gothorum Sueonumque Regibus,
numerous woodcuts and historiated initials, vellum, Roma,
ap Jo, Mariatn dt Viottis in adib. S. Birgittae, isS4i fol'o
(780) Wilton, £1 2S.
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1697 Magnus (Olaus). Historia de Gentibus Septentrionalibus,
numerous woodcuts, vellum, Roma, 155s, folio (781)
milon, £1
169S Mamotrectus super Bibliam. [ad fin.] " Liber dictus
Mammetractus religiosi prions fratris Murachismi," etc.,
lit 80th., double columns, 39 lines, with signatures, Aj.
(a blank) wanted, rubricated, capitals painted in red and
blue, modem oak boards, half pigskin, clasps, Colonitt,
Jo. Koelhoff, 1479, folio (783) Wilton, £2 i8s.
1699 Maria. Defensorium inviolate perpetueque Vii^nttalis
Casiissimae dei Genetricis Mariae (Latin^ et Germanic^),
lit floth., with signatures (Hain, 6086), 53 early spirited
xylographic woodcuts (margins of tide and 3 other leaves
mended), original boards (Hailstone copy), Absque ulla
nola [Basil., Ysenhut, circa 1489], 410. {673)
Leigkton, £2& los.
1700 Marineus Siculus (Lucius). Pandit Aragonix Veterum pri-
mordia Regum, hoc opus ; etfortipraeliagesta manu, large
arms of Arragon on title, lit. goth., woodcut, foliated
margins and heads, ornamental initials, etc., device at end,
morocco with arms, Cesaraugustae (Zaragofa), G. Cocus,
1509, folio (785) IViliffn, £i
1701 Martinet (F. N.) Histoire des Oiseaux, peints dans tons
leurs aspects apparents et sensibles, i,ooS finely engraved
K' ites of birds, accurately coloured by hand (no text),
und in S vol., russia gilt, m. e., Paris, 1787, etc., 410,
(674) Jifaggs, £s JS.
1702 Marx (Carl). Le Capital, finely bound in green morocco,
back and sides elaborately tooled in scrolls of berries and
interlaced crescents on a dotted ground, centre wreaths
enclosing title of book and " William Morris and Friends,
1884," inside dentelles, y, e. byCobden Sanderson for Wm.
Morris, at his first workshop in Maiden Lane in 1884 (note
by the binder on last leaf), Pan's, Lachatre, s. d., 410. (676)
Sain, £$2
1703 Mela (Pomponius). Libri de situ Orbis tres, adjectis Jo,
Vadiani in eosdem scholiis, etc., fine woodcut title in com-
partments of the Nine Muses, etc., and woodcut initials,
oaken boards, half stamped pigskin, Vitnnae Pannomae,
erp. L, Atlantse per Jo. Singrenium, 1518, folio (787)
IVillon, £4
1704 Meliadus de Leonnoys. Ou present volume sont contenus
les nobles faictz darmes du vaillant roy Meliadus de
Leonnoys ; ensemble plusieurs autres nobles proesses de
Chevalerie faictea par !e roy Artus, etc., lettres bStardes,
double columns, title in red and black within fine woodcot
border, cut of author writing, equestrian figure of Meliadus,
fine ornamental border to first page of prologue, and orna-
mental initials, crushed red morocco, full gilt back, line
sides, gilt edges, vellum fly-leaves, by Bauzonnet (with
Ex'Libris of La Roche Lacarelle), fine copy, Paris en la
BouHque de Galiot 4u Pre xxv. Nov., 1528, folio (788)
B. F. Stevens, £40
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1705 Mer des Hyatoires (La), (lettres bitardes), double columns,
numerous woodcuts, with maigina] ornamental borders,
ch^n genealogies, 2 double-page maps, woodcut initials,
etc (folios 1S1-190 in vol. i. from a. smaller copy, 2 plates,
title, and some inner margins to vol. ii. mended, otherwise
in good condition, but sold with all faults), 2 vol., old calf,
first edition, Paris, P. Le Rouge pour Vinctnt Comin, 1488
(790) Wilton, £30
1706 Meung (Jehan de). Testament etCodicilles, " Le Testament
Maistre Jehan de Mehun," Sxc. XV., French manuscript
on thin vellum (80 leaves), long lines, 24 to a page, written
in neat lettres Mtardes, with marginal flourishes, fine illu-
minated initial and marginal decoration before each book,
and numerous small illuminated capitals, modem brown
morocco, blind stamped ornaments, joints, gilt edges {circa
1450), folio (792) Cockcrill, ^£29
1707 Milton (John). Paradise Lost, the fourteenth edition, with
Account tA his Life ; and Paradise Regained, Samson
Agonistes, etc., eighth edition, frontispieces, 2 vol., old
English red morocco, gilt tooled backs and broad orna-
mental borders, gilt edges, autograph of Wm. Morris in
each volume, Tonson, 1741-42, 8vo. (641) Tregaskis, £^ 4s.
1708 Missale Secundum Chorum Constansiensem (Constanz),
lit gotii. tnag., red and black (without musical notes), large
outline woodcut of Crucifixion before the Canon, capitals
painted in blue and red, some leaves slightly wormca and
torn, otherwise a very large and fine copy, oaken boards,
stamped pigskin, c\as^, Basiliis per Petrum Kollicker, 1485,
folio (794) Bain, ^40
[First edition of the Constanz Missal. Printed without
title, the first leaf being blank. After the Calendar the leaf
Aj is blank on recto, but bad zo lines of print on verso, con-
taining the Bishop's sanction for publication. — Catalogue.^
1709 Missale Celeberrimi Halberttattensis Episcopatus Contem-
platione Venerabilis Cleri necessionata diligentia oper-ose
castigatum, etc., lit. goth. mag., double columns, red and
black, with musical notes, large woodcut before the Canon
(coloured), ornamental pen-letiers (wanted 2 leaves in
Calendar and folios 9S and 103, the two last being supplied
in contemporary MS.), oaken boards, leather, stamped in
borders of roses and arabesques, clasps (well preserved),
" Ad Clerum Halbersladiensem," impreisum ijii (795)
Breslau, £n 14s,
[A rare edition of the Halberstadt Missal, of which Weale
mentions only four copies, two of which are imperfect.
Apart from the leaves wanted, this copy was in very fine
condition. At the end of the vol. was " Promptuarium in
Officia Missarum de tempore et de Sanctis secundum ritum
Ecclesix Verdensisj" 6 leaves (one blank) in gothic letter,
double columns, with signature A ending, "Reperiuntur
Venalia apud Joannem Hyst, Bibliopolam in Luneborck."
— Ca/a/ogue.]
Digitized by Google
1710 Missale M^deburgense cum Calendario, etc., lit giFth.inag.,
in red and black, double columns, without niarks, illu-
minated initial on first page of text, capitals in red (a few
[ilain tnareins repaired), oaken boards, original stamped
eather sides (rebacked), Lubeca, B. Gotban et L. de
Brandis, 1480, large folio (796) H^pinstal, ^25
[The rare first edition of the Magdeburg Mis&al, of which
Weale notes only six perfect copies.— Catalogue^
1 71 1 Missale M(^>:untinense, exactissima cura castigatum sub pre-
sulatu Rev. D. D. Urielis Archiep. Magunt, lit. guth., red
and black, with musicaJ notes, woodcut title (coloured) and
initials (wanted folios 252-259, and plate of Crucifixion
before the Canon, with all faults), oaken boards, stamped
ornamental pigskin, Magunt., per Jo. Schaffer (device in
black), 1513, folio (797) Heppinslal, ^10
1712 Missale ad Con.suetudinem insignis EcclesifE Trajectensis
Duper una cum dicte Ecclesis istitutis Consuetudinibus
quam elimacissimc impressum, etc., Ul. goth., red and black,
musical notes, fine woodcuts and ornamental initials, 2
leaves of the Canon on vellum, the large cut of the
Crucifixion coloured (titles and margins of several leaves
mended and slightly wormed, wanted 5 leaves, with all
faults). Dutch vellum, Paris, Wolffgang Hopylius, xi/i. Kl.
Mentis Aprilis, 1507 (799) Leiekten, ^5 5s.
[A tare edition of the Utrecht Missal, of which most
known copies are imperfect. — Cataioguelj
1713 Missale Anglicanum. The Sherbrooke; Missal, Sasc XIV.,
manuscript on vellum (333 leaves), large gothic lettn:,
double columns, 33 lines, in red and black, with musical
notes, every page containing several finely painted and
illuminated ornamental initials, with marginal decorations
of branches tipped with ivy or vine leaves, the margin of the
first page is decorated with clever figures of birds, a green
parrot with a red beak, a dog chasing a hare, etc., and there
are 13 finely illuminated historiated initials (the Calendar
and 15 leaves in the body of the book were wanted), oaken
boards, modern brown calf antique {circa 1320), large folio
(903) Yates Thompson, ^350
[A remarkable English Missal, the use of which more
closely lesembles that of Sanim than any other, but with
singular variations. The Office of the Feast of Relics was
given "Secundum usum Sarum," but the words "non
Sarum " often occur in the margin, and many old prayers
are erased and the Sarum use substituted. Among the
Offices of the Saints the names occur of St. Cuthbert, St-
Dunstan, St. Medard, St. Etheldreda, St. Thomas of
Canterbury, St. Amulph, St. Swithin, etc. There were 9
leaves added by a fifteenth century hand, in which appear
the Offices of St. Chad, St. David, St. John of Beverley,
and St Edmund of Canterbury. The volume has been
called the " Sherbrooke Missal," it having belonged to the
Sherbrooke family of Oxton, co. Notts, a member of which
had written his name in some margins, about 1600, and the
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Ex-Libris of Henry Sherbrooke of Oxton is in the cover.
In a miniature of the Resurrection one of the sleepily
soldiers leans on a coat of arms— argent, 3 chevrons sable.
— Catalogue.']
1714 Monstrelet (Enguerran de). Chroniques de France, dangle-
terre, descosse, despaigne, de bretaigne, de gascongne, de
flandres, et lieux circonvoisins, avec les grandes croniques
des Roys de France, lit goth. (lettres bStardes], double
columns, ruled in red, grotesque figures or titles, full-page
woodcuts, ornamental initials and devices, 3 vol., old French
calf gilt, gilt ^iges, Paris,]. Petit et M.leNoir, 1 5 12, small
folio (905) IVillon, £iQ los.
1715 Monuments de la Xylographie. Apocalypse, Bible des
Pauvres, Cantica Canticorum et Oraison Dominicale, re-
produits en facsimile par Adam Pilinski, only 100 copies of
each printed, 4 vol., Paris, Pilinski, 1882, etc., 4to. (686)
IVilton, £la 10s,
1716 More (SirThos.) A Frutefull, Pleasaunt and wittie worke
of the beste state of a publique weale, and of the newe yle
called Utopia, translated into Englishe by Raphe Robinson,
and nowe by him at this second edition newlie perused and
corrected, etc., hlath Ittttr, old calf, Abraham Veale, 1556,
8vo. (647) Bain, £13 5s.
1717 Morris (William). The Life and Death of Jason, a Poem,
hill-page woodcuts, borders and ornamental initials, limp
vellum, with ties, uncut, Kelmscott Press, Hammersmilk,
189s, folio (90S) Ward, £6 ijs.
1718 Morris (William). The Well at the World's End, with 4
pictures desired by Sir Edm. Bume-Jones, borders and
ornamental initials, limp vellum, with ties, uncut. Kelmscott
Press, Hammersmith, 1896, folio (909) Ward, £<i Ijs.
1719 Munich Gallery. A Colleciion of 51 large Lithographs by
Strixner, of celebrated Pictures by Old Masters in the
Royal Gallery of Munich, mounted on thick cardboard and
bound in half mor., imp. atlas folio (910) Tregaskis, ^£3 3s.
1720 Munstcr (Seb.) Cosmographiae Universalis, Lib. VI.,
numerous woodcut views of cities, and other woodcuts, auto-
graph of Wm. Morris on fly-leaf, old calf (cover broken),
Basil., Henricus Petri, 1552, folio (911) Willon, £i los.
1721 Mystere. Le Mistere de la Conception et Nativite de la
Glorieuse Vierge Marie avecques Le Mariage dicelle La
Nativite Passion Resurreaion et Assencion de nostre
sauveur Jouee a Paris I'an de Grace mil cinq cens et sept,
etc., lettres bStardes, double columns, title in red and black,
50 fine lai^e and small woodcuts (some margins stained,
wanted a iii, a viii, d 7-8, comer of R 4 defective, sold with
all faults), old calf, Imprimte d Paris pour Jchan Petit,
Geo/, de Mamef et Mien, le Noir {-vers 1507), folio (914)
Quaritch, £2^
1721 Natalibus (Petrus de). Catalogus Sanctorum et gestorum
eOTum ex diversis voluminibus collectus, title in red, with
Junta device, numerous woodcuts and ornamental initials
(wormed), yenet, B. de Zanis Imp, L. A. de Giunta, 1506
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— Dionysii Areopagitse Opera, title prioted in imitation
ornamental calligraphy, with woodcut below, ornamental
woodcut initials (wormed), Venet.^ J. Tacuinus, 1502, in
1 vol., oaken boards, stamped pigskin, folio (915)
Quariich, £\t
1723 National Manuscripts of Ireland (Facsimiles of the) photo-
lincographed by Sir Henry James, etc., numerous fac-
similes, some in colours, parts i. to iii., half roan, 1S74-79,
atlas folio (916) Wilton, £5
1724 Nider (Joannes). Consolatorium timoratx Conscientise,
lit. Bolli.i long lines, 34 to a page, with signatures (Hain,
1 1807), rubricated, capitals painted in blue and TeA,Atsgue
nota (Aug. find., A. Sorg, circa i486)— Ambrosius (S.)
Hexameron, lit goth., double columns, 37 lines, with sig-
natures (Hain, 901), Aisgue nota {Colon., Jo. Guldenscha^
£irca 1477)— Cresccntio (P. de). Opus Ruralium Com-
modorum, lit. goth., double columns, 46 lines, with signa-
tures (Hain, 5831), capitals painted in red, Imprestum
Argentina {s. nam. impr.), I4ti6, in i vol., oaken boards,
leather, stamped with small devices, folio (917]
Wilton, £% los.
1725 Orcharde of Syoa Here Begynneth'the Orcharde of Syon,
in the whiche is conteyned the kevelacyons of Seynt
Katheryne of Sene, with ghostly fruytes and precyous
plants for the helthe of mannes soule, bluett Uttn, the intro-
duction to each book in red, double columns, woodcut title
and full-page cut of St. Katherine and her Virgins treading
on the Devil (repeated on recto of last leaf), 1 1 lai^ wood-
cuts in the text (some repeated) and ornamental initials,
inner margin of title and some other plain margins mended,
a word or two affected on a i and slightly wormed, other-
wise a perfect and excellent copy, brown morocco, blind
stamped ornaments, inside dentelles, joints, gilt edges
(Lewis), ImprynUd at London in Flelt iitrete at ye Sygne
of Ike Sonnebyme Wynkyn de Worde, 1519, jriftiV. Sipt.,
Mo (919) Wilton, /isi
1726 Ordinary. Thordynary of Crysten Men, blati Ittttr, title in
lai^e flothic Utttr, with woodcut below, and W. de Worde's
device on recto, woodcuts, some margins scribbled on,
slightly stained and wormed, comer of last leaf mended, in
excellent condition, old calf, " Here endeth the booke named
the Ordynarye 0/ Crysten Men, newely kysioryed and trans-
lated out of Frenshe into Englysshe, enprynted in Flete
Strete by Wynken de Worded' 1502 (small device beneath),
4to. (69s) ... Pickering, £50
[First edition, of excessive rarity in any condition. —
Catalogue. The Ashbumham copy imperfect ; sold for;£7S.
See Book-Prices Current, voL xii.. No. 670.— Ed.]
1727 Oriental Carpets, published by the Imperial and Royal
Austrian Commercial Museum, English edition, edited by
C. Purdon Clarke, numerous plates (some in colours), in
the original parts in imperial atlas portfolio, Vienna, 1892,
folio (920) Cilbenkin, £70
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1728 Orienta) Translation Fund. Al-Makkuri, Mohammedan
Dynasties in Spain, translated by P. de Gayangos, 2 vol.,
184a, 4ta (697) Sain, £t, 5s.
1729 Oriental Translation Fund. Ihan Khallikan's Biographical
Dictionary, translated from the Arabic by Bn. MacGuckin
de Slane, 4 vol., half morocco, t. e. g., Paris and London,
1843-71, 4to. (698) WiUen, £$ los.
1730 Ovidius. Opera Omnia, printed in roman letter, long lines,
43 to a page, without marks, fine illuminated initial with
mai^nal decorations on first, large ornamental pen
letters, capitals in blue and red, headlines written in red,
3 vol, old nissia, with gilt panellings, targe and fine copy
(the Sunderland), the first complete Venetian edition,
(VeneUis), Jacobus Rubeus nations Gallieus iitipressU, 1474,
folio (923) Maggs, £20
1731 Ovidius. De Arte Amandi et Remedio Amoris cum com-
ment B. Merulae, nuperrime diligentissime castigatus, title
within fine woodcut border with device, woodcut scenes
and initials, half vellum, Mediol., Aug. de Vicomercato,
1521, folio (924) Wiiton^ £1 10s.
1732 Ovidius. EpistolsE, Italian woodcuts (title wanted), old
stamped calf, Venet., Jo. Maria Palamides lypts Tacuini,
•533i folio (925) Wilton, £2 as.
1733 Ovidius. Metamorphoses cum luculentissimis R. Regii enar-
ralionibus, numerous woodcuts with ornamental borders,
some with initials N, ia, io, G, Fv, etc., and ornamental
initials, old yellow morocco. Venet., G. de Rusconibus, 1 509,
folio (927) Quarilch,£7 15s.
1734 Ovidius. Metamorphoses, cum Comment. Raphaelis Regii,
numerous outline Italian woodcuts (that on page i coloured)
and ornamental initials (wanted title), Venft., G. de Rus-
conibus, i;o9, folio (928) Wiit<m, £2 6s.
1735 Pakeographical Society. Facsimiles of Manuscripts and In-
scriptions, edited by E. A. Bond and E. M. Thompson,
vol. i.-iii., numerous facsimiles, 2 vol. vellum and one half
morocco, 1873-83, imperial folio (329) Wiiton, j£20
1736 Parkinson (John). Paradisi in Sole: Paradisus Terreslris,
a Garden of all Sons of Pleasant Flowers which oure
English ayre will permitt to be nourscd up, etc, first
edition, woodcut title, portrait of the author and woodcuts
(some leaves stained), old calf, H. Lownes and R. Young,
1619, folio (934) Wilton, £t<)
ijyj ParvilWe (Leon). Architecture et Decoration Turques au
XV* Si^le, 50 plates, some in colours, half morocco gilt,
t, e. g., Paris, Morel, 18^4, folio (935) Wilton, £2
1738 Patricius Senens. Livre tres fructueux et utille a toutes per-
sonnes de I'institution et administration de la chose pub-
licque, etc., nouvellement translate en Francoys, lettres
Mtardes, long lines, 6 large woodcuts and fine ornamental
initials, boards, prepared for coating, gilt edges, fine copy,
Paris imprinu par P. Vidove pour Galiot du Pre, 1520,
folio (936) Leigktan, £9 5s.
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1739 Paulet L'Ait du Fabriquant d'Etoffes de Soie, 9 parts com-
plete in 3 vol., numerous plates, half calf calf, gilt edges,
Paris, 1773-891 folio (937) tViiton, £i, 4s.
1740 Paulus de Sancta Maria. Scrutinium Scripturarum, lit gnth.,
long lines, 39 to a page, without marks (Hain, T0763),
rubricated, capitals painted in blue and red, oaken boards,
old leather (datnaged), ^4 jf^u^ ulla nota {Argent. MenUlin,
circa 1471), folio (938) Hifpimlal, £4 4s.
1741 Pela^ius (Alvarus). De Planctu Ecclesix, Lib. II., editio
princeps, lit. Both- (407 leaves), double columns, 58 lines,
without marks, woodcut half border (repeated), 4 large
woodcut initials and numerous smaller ones rubricated,
oaken boards, stamped ornamental leather (wormed) Ulmir,
Jo. Zeiner de Reuthngen, 1474, folio (939) Wilton. £1 i6s.
1743 Perceforest. La Treselegate, Delicieuse, Melliflue et tres-
plaisante Hystoire du tresnoble Victodeux et excellentisme
Roy, Perceforest, Roy de la grant Bretaigne • . ■ avecques
les merveilieuses entreprinses faitz et advCtures du tres
belliqueuk GadifTer, roy Descosse, lettres bdtardes, tides
within woodcut borders, fine woodcuts in the text and
ornamental woodcut initials (last leaf of vol. vi. mended),
6 vol. in 3, old French calf, gill backs and floreate borders,
gilt edges, an excellent copy, Fnris, Ei;idius Gormont pour
J. Petit it Pk. Lenoir, 1531-32, folio (940) Wilton, £^1
1743 PerCLval le Galloya, Tresplaisanie et Kecreative Hystoire
du Tresprcuix et Vaillant Chevallier Perceval le Galloys,
jadis Chevallier de la Table ronde. Leq'l acheva les ad-
vetures du Saic't Graal, lettres b&tardes, title in red and
black within woodcut border, woodcuts and ornamental
initials, crimson morocco, line tooled, doubM with olive
morocco, dentelles, gilt edges by Bauionnet, fine copy,
Imprime a Pttris parjehan Sainct Denys et Jehan Lontis,
1530, i.Jour de Septembre,ia\\Q (941) Quaritch, £79
[Contained the four extra leaves of "Elucidation de
lliystorie du Graal," not in all copies. The Yemeniz copy,
with Ex.Libris. — Catalo^ue.l
1744 Petrarcha. Opere. Pctrarcha con doi Com'ente sopta li
Soneti e Canzone per F. Philelpho et Ant. da Tempo, con
lo Commento di Nic. Peranzone sopra h Triumphi, title
within woodcut border,6 full-page woodcuts to the Triumphs
(last leaf mended), Spanish calf, Milano, Jo. Scinzenzder,
1507, folio (942) Bristow, /? 7s.
1745 Petrarcha (Fr.) Messire Francois Petracque {sic) des remedes
de lune et lautre fortune, prospere et adverse nouvellement
Uaslate de latin en fran^ois, lettres b^tardes, singular
woodcul title in compartments (backed), woodcuts and
initials (slightly stained and 2 or 3 leaves a little wormed),
half bound, Paris, D. Jauot, 1534 (943) Quaritck, £S
1746 Petrarcha (Fr) Zwei Trost Biicher von Artinei und Rath
beyde im giiten und widerwertigen Cluck, lit. goth.,
numerous woodcuts, oaken boards, stamped pigskin, clasps,
Franckf. a. M., Erben Christ. Engolffs, 1559, folio (944)
Wilton, £4 18s.
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1 747 Phot(%nkphs of Medallion Stone Carvings from Church Walls,
lo fine photographs mounted in a. vol., half morocco, oblong
folio (946) Wilton, /^3 4s.
174B Pinto (F. Mendei). Voyages and Adventures in Ethiopia,
the East Indies, etc., Englished by H. Cogan, old calf,
y. Macockfor H. Herringman, 1663, folio (948) Wilton, £1
[A few years after this book was published it could have
been bought at auction for a few shillings. Sir Kenelm
Digb/s copy, for example, sold in April. 1680, for 5s. 6d.
Hm Lawlet's ''Book Auctions in England," 1898, p. 135. —
1749 Pisis (Raineras de). Pantheologia, lit. goth., double columns,
J7 lines, without marks (Hain, 13015), vol. ii., L-Z with
30 leaves of table, rubricated, capitals painted in red, oaken
boards, stamped leather, metal bosses, £x-Libris of "Con-
vent. Ratisb. Ord. Praed," in cover, Nuremierg, J. Sensen-
schmid ct H. Kefer, 1473, folio {949) Lei^kton, ^3 i8s.
1750 Pisis (Rainerus de). Pantheologia, printed in semi-gothic
letter, double columns, 57 lines, without marks, 3 voL
(vol. ii. wanted 3 leaves], russia sides, morocco bade,
Nurembergtu, Ant, Coburger, 1477, lai^e folio (950)
• Wittoa, Ci 5s.
1751 Platina (BT) Les Genealogies faiti et gestes des Saincts
Peres, Papes, Empereurs et Roys de France, compose en
latine par Jehan (sic) Platine, et nouvetlement traoslatees
en Francoys, old vellum, with device of the Convent of
Minimesof Paris, Paris, par P. Vidove peur Galiol du Pre,
1519, folio (953) Maggs, ^2 14s.
175a Plinius Secundus. Historia Naturalis, Lib. XXXVII., finely
printed in roman letter, long lines, 50 to a page, without
marks, first page of preface had a line miniature initial
of the author presenting his book to the Emperor, with
marginal decoration, each book had a line large ornamental
pen letter, smaller initials painted in blue and red, books
numbered in red in top margin (3 leaves wanted), Venet.,
Imprcssum per Nicolaum Jenson Gallicum, 1472, folio (954)
Tregaskis, £(i 1 55.
'753 Plinius Secundus. Historia Naturalis, Lib. XXXVII., finely
printed in roman letter, long lines, ;o to a page, without
marks, large initials painted in gold, small ones painted,
coat of arms in lower margin of first page, MS. notes in
margins (1 leaf damaged and 12 lines supplied in MS.),
old calf, Parmae ductu et impensis Steph. Coralli Lugd.,
1476, folio (osS) Bridges, £3 ss.
1754 Plinius Secundus. HistoriaNaturalis, Lib. XXXVII.,ab Alex.
Benedicto eraendatiores redditi, numerous woodcuts and
ornamental initials, device of cat and mouse on title, Venet.,
M. Sessa, 1513-— Boccacius (Jo.) Gcnealogiae, etc. (wanted
4 leaves alter title), woodcut initials, Paris, D. Roce, L.
Homken, etc., 151 1, in i vol., oaken boards, stamped pig-
skin, folio (956) Wilton, £4 4s.
■755 flinius Secundus. Historia Naturalis, tradocta di Lingua
Latina in Fiorentina per Chr. Landino, roman letter, long
igitized by Google
lines, 48-50 to a. page, without marks (several leaves at end
wormed), old calf, Veru/., per Nic. Jansemi (sic), 1476,
folio (957) Cockerd, £j 5s.
I7j6 Plinius. Natural Historic of the World, translated by Phile-
mon Holland, 3 vol. in 1, old calf, with iinns, A. Islip,
1601, folio (958) J.Jones, ^4 4s.
1757 Plutarchus. Vitae Parallelae, a diversis inceipretibus Latinae
factse, a J. A. Campano collectae et edits:, linely printed in
roman letter, long lines, 45 lo a pa^e, without marks, mar-
ginal decoration to first page of each vol., line large oma-
niental pen letters, MS. notes in margins, some mai^ins
mended and a few words supplied in MS,, 1 vol., old russia
(Syston Park copy), editioprineeps,^owi?,Udalrtcus Gallus
{circa 1470], folio (959) Letghton, £\o los.
1758 Plutarchus. Vitae, nuper quam diligentissime recognitae ;
quibus tres Virorum lUustrium Vitae additfe fuerunt, cut of
Theseus and Centaur, and ornamental initials (some leaves
slightly wormed and stained), oaken boards, stamped
leather gilt, gilt gaufiered edges (repaired), Venet., Dom.
Pincius, 1502, folio (960) , Wiiton, £\ 43.
1 759 Plutarch. Lives of the Noble Greeks and Romans, translated
out of French by Sir Thos. North, engraved title by Barlow,
old black morocco, full gilt ornamental back, sides elabo-
rately tooled in floreate ornaments, and centre panels with
cottage roofs with head at angles, edges gilt and painted in
flowers, bound by Samuel Meame, an excellent specimen,
A. Miller for W. Lee, 1657, folio (963) Clements, ^14 5s.
1760 Politianus (Au^.) Opera ; eC alia qu^edam lectu digna (cura
Aldi RomanOi with the i leaves of Register at end con-
taining a Monody on Lorenzo de' Medici (bb iiii and v
inlaid), contemporary oaken boards, stamped ornamental
pigslcin, with figures of Justice and Charily in centres,
clasps, Venet., Aldus, 1498, folio (964) Hewlett, £3 tis.
1761 Pontificale noviler impressum per pulchrisque Characteribus
diligentissime annotatum per Jacobum de Luciis et Jo.
Burkardum, lit. goth., double columns, red and black,
musical notes, woodcut title, with the Pope in Council,
within ornamental border (repeated twice), woodcuts and
initials, MS. alteratioos in some margins, oaken boards,
stamped ornamental leather (rebacked), Lugd., Jo. Moiiin
aPs de Cambray expensis L. Martin, 1511, folio (967)
Maine., £3 i6s.
1762 Priscianus Grammaiicus, Opera cum Commentario Johannis
de Aingre, roman letter (2 types), with signatures, oaken
boards, stamped ornamental leather, yenet., G. Arrivabenus,
1488, folio (969) Wilton, £2 18s.
1763 Prisse D'Avennes. L'Art Arabe d'aprfes ies Monuments du
Kaire, 200 lithographs (many in colours), 3 vol. vellum,
and 4to. vol. of text half morocco giit, Paris, Morel, 1877,
atlas folio (970) Wilton, £n
1764 Psalierium Davidis cum Calendario, etc., Ssec. XIV., manu-
script on vellum (141 leaves), written in large gothic letter,
long lines, zz to the page, by an English scribe, every
igitized by Google
e having numerous illumiDated ornamental initials and
clivisions, 8 large and finely illuminated historiated initials,
with borders round the jiage of grotesque birds (the pelican,
etc.) and other figures, tipped with foliage (wanted a leaf in
the Psalms and some 12 leaves of prayers at the end), con-
temporary oaken boards, leather, four metal bosses, folio
(972) Lei^Alott, £%$
[An interesting English MS. Among the Saints in the
Calendar occur St. Wulstan, St Edward, King and Martyr,
St Cuthbert, St Dunstan, St. Aldhelm, St Kenelm, St.
Amulph, St Wolfran, etc. The Calendar and part of the
text appear to be in a later hand. — Caialogue.~[
1765 Psalterium Latinum. etc, cum Commcntario Beati Brunonis
£pi. Herbipolensis, editio princeps, lit. goth., double
columns, the text in a large missal type in red and black,
the Commentary in smaller gothic (Hain, 401 1), painted
ornamental initials, the first illuminated, with marginal
decorations, oaken boards, stamped leather, metal comers
and clasps (repaired). Absque utta noia [Herbip. iypis Kty-
seri, circa 1475], folio (973) Wtllon, ^14 14s.
1766 Psalterium Aureum. The Psalmes of David, with Calendar,
Prayers, Creed, Litany of Saints, etc, Sxc XII., manu-
script on vellum (193 leaves, of which the last 6 [part of
the " Placebo"] are in another hand), written in bold open
characters, with initial letters in gold, and capitals in red,
green and blue, the Calendar in green, blue, red and black,
commemorates many English Saints, has three leaves only
which are mended, new boards, half pigskin, clasps, bound
by Cobden Sanderson, the Doves Bmdery, 1896, small
folio (866) Quaritck, ^97
[hn interesting Codex written by an English Scribe at
Saint Albans towards the end of the XII th Century. From
the Phillipps Collection. — Catalogue?^
1767 Psalterium Davidis Latinum,cumOratiombus,etc.,S3ec. XIII.,
manuscript on vellflm (152 leaves), written in large gothic
characters, long lines in red and black (probably German),
the first leaf, on which was a large illuminated B, wanted,
the first page in the volume contains the opening words
of the First Psalm in majuscules of gold, on green
and blue grounds, within gold lines and ^old and red
borders, six lar^e and elaborate scroll initials, four of
which are histonated, and numerous smaller ornamental
initials in gold, with green and blue shadings (margins of
one leaf cut of!), oaken boards, pigskin, clasps, 4to. (867)
Wilton, £45
1768 Psalterium. Liber Margarita Davitica nuncupatus ex Sacris
Ecclesiie Sanclse luminibus, etc., lit. Bit"i-i long lines, 32-34
to a page, without marks, elaborate ornamental woodcut
initial P with marginal decoration, and outline initials
(wanted folios cvicxiv, inner margins wormed), limp vellum,
Sint nola {Augusta G. Zainer, circa 1472), 4to. (868)
Wiltan, £i 8s.
1769 Psalterium cum apparatuvulgarifamiliariterappresso, Latein-
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ifich Psalter mit dS teutschen nuuliche dab«i gednickt (mit
Kalendar), IH. goth., 2 types, red and black, fine bbloriated
woodcut initials (coloured by hand), numeroas old MS.
Prayers, etc., in fly-leaves and in the text (fol. I defective),
oaken boards, pigskin, metal basses and clasps, Augspurg,
Erbardt Ratdolt (with device in red), 1494, 410. (8^)
Ellis, £26 los.
1770 Psaltcrium cum a{iparatu vulgari firmiter appresso : Latein-
isch Psalter mit dem teutschen nutzbarlichen dabey
detruckt, lit. goth., i types, title in red with Furter's device
in centre, calendar in red and black, historiated woodcut
initials, oaken boards, stamped leather, Basil., Mich.
Furter, 1503, 4to. (870) Wilton, £10
1771 Ptolernxus (Claudius). Cosroographix Libri VIII., semi-
roman letter, double columns witn signatures, 32 woodcut
maps (coloured by hand), descriptions within woodcut
borders, woodcut ornamental initials (b 4 and ; wanted),
24 leaves from Reger's edition, Ulm, i486 (si^atures a-b
in 8's), inserted at end; half of the last leaf supplied in
facsimile (sold with all faults), oaken boards, new stamped
ornamental pigskin with clasps, Ulmm, Leonardus Hoi,
1482, iolio (976) WiUon, ^ai
1773 Ptolema;us (Claudius). Cosmograpbia [Nic. Donis inter-
prete ; ace. cjusdem tractatus de locis ac mirabilibus
MundiJ, roman letter, double columns, 44 lines, with signa-
tures, 32 double-page mapi, and woodcut ornamental
initials, the first initial represents the editor presenting the
Book to the Pope, and another on reverse of A 2 a figure
of Ptolemy, all carefully coloured in an artistic manner,
oaken boards, stamped ornamental leather, metal repouss^
bosses (well preserved), Ultita, Jo. Reger, i486, Kl. Aug.,
folio {977) Quaritch, £gt
1773 Publicius Florentinus (Jacobus). Artis Oratoris Epitomse,
etc. lit. (oth., 7 woodcut pages of objects suggestive of
capital letters, ornamental woodcut initials, plate of chess-
board on reverse of last leaf (wanted title and next leaf,
some leaves stained), vellum, Venet., £. Ratdolt, 14S2, 4to.
{871) mitcn, l2
1774 Quaritch (B.) Catalogue of Medieval Literature, large
PAPER, 19 facsimiles, mostly illuminated, half morocco,
presentation copy to Wm. Morris, 1890, 410. (873)
IViUon, Iz
1775 Quaritch (6.) Facsimiles of Choice Examples selected
from Illuminated MS S., Unpublished Drawings and Illus-
trated Books, chromolithographs, parts ii.-x., wrappers.
1890-92, 4to. (874) Wilton, £1
1776 Quaritch (B.) Palaeography: Notes on the History of
Writing, etc., 22 facsimiles, chiefly in chromo, half morocco,
presentation copy to Wm. Morris, 1894,410. (875) Wilton, £4
1777 Racinet (A.) Polychromatic Ornament, with explanatory
Text, 100 plates in gold, silver and colours, gilt edges,
Sothcran, 1873, folio {980) , WilioH, £a 8s.
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■778 Reges Tres. Hie htbt sicb an ein buch gestebet in eren
unsers herren Jhesu Cristi und seiner milter Marien und
der heiligcn dryer Kiinig, wurdigkeit wie sy in die land
Komen, etc. (from the Latin of Joannes Episcopus Hil-
deshemiensis), lit. goth., long lines, 36 to 2 full page, with
signatures, 54 leaves, including 3 blanks (the latter wanted
in this copy) (Hain, 9401)1 S^ woodcuts (some repeated),
and histonated and ornamental initials (d 2, part of d 3,
and the 3 leaves of table in facsimile), signature and address
of Wm. Morris on fly-leaf. Absque uUa nota {Augsburg,
area 1478), folio (981) QuarilcA,£6$
[An extremely rare book (only two or three copies being
known} in which the woodcuts are of the late block-book
character. The histonated initials are much superior in
design and workmanship to the larger cuts. Mr. Quaritch
had one in his " Monuments of Early Typography," which
he described as the only copy known. — Catalogue. See
Book-Prices Current, vol, xii,, No. 4922.— Ed.]
1779 Robinson (Vincent J.) Eastern Carpets, with preface by Sir
Geo. Birdwood, two series, 14 facsimiles in colours, after
drawings by £. Julia Robinson, 2 vol., buckram, uncut,
1882-93, imperial folio (98s) Wilton, £15 15s.
17S0 Roman de la Rose. Cy est le Romat de la rose, ou tout lart
damour est enclose, etc (par Guillaume de Lorris et Jehan
Meung), lettres b9tardes, double columns, woodcuts and
woodcut initials, printer's device on last leaf, crushed red
morocco with floreace tooling, gilt edges by R. de Coverley,
an excellent copy of a rare edition, Paris, Galiot du Pre,
1526, folio (987) Breslau, ^20
1781 Romans. Roman des sept Sages de Rome : Le Roman de
Marques, Senechal de Rome, fils de Caton : et Le Roman
de Lorin fils de Marques et Empereur de Constantinople,
manuscript on vellum, by a French scribe (215 leaves), in
neat gofhic Utter, double columns of 41 lines, with 9 illu-
minated histonated miniatures (2j in. by 2\ in.), and
numerous illuminated initials, oaken boards, new brown
morocco, plain, inside line tooling, joints, vellum fly-leaves
by Beli-Niedrie, circa 1300, folio (988) Uighton, ^69
[A valuable contemporary manuscript of these popular
romances. The leaves have been mixed up by the binder,
but a MS. description by M. Paulin Paris, which accom-
panics the volume, states that the " Sept Sages " wanted
only the first and last leaves, that the greater part of
" Marques " was present, and that the " Lorin " consisted
of fragments formmg about half the complete work. He
added that he believes the two latter have never been
printed. — Catalogue. ]
17S1 Roxburghe Club. Gesta Romanorum, The Old English
Versions, edited for the First Time from MSS,, with intro-
duction and notes by Sir Fr. Madden, club binding, uncut
(signature and address of Wm. Morris, Kelmscott House),
1838, 4to. (888) EUis, li los.
Xiii. 13
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■7S3 Roxbui^he Club. History of the Holy Graal, partly in
English Verse, and Wholly in French Prose, edited by
F. J. Furnivall, etc., 2 vol., club binding, 1861-63, 4ta (890)
Thompson, £ft
1784 Roxburgbe Club. La Queste del Saint Graal, in the French
Prose of Walter Map, edited from MSS. by F. I. Fumivall,
club binding, 1864, 410. (S91] Ellii, ^3 33.
178; Roxburghe Ciub. The Apocalypse of S. John the Divine,
represented in figures reproduced in facsimile from a MS.
in the Bodleian, ^ited by H. O. Coxe, club binding, 1876,
4to. (892) Yates Thompson, £^ i8s.
17S6 Rudimentum Novitiorum, HI. goth., double columns, 47 lines,
without marks, woodcut maps, chain genealogies, large and
small woodcuts, ^ woodcut initials, ornamental borders
long figure as initial I, all coloured by hand, large painted
ornamental initials in red and blue, etc. (wanted the first
II leaves, and one leaf mount), russia gilt, with WodhuU
arms, Lubeca, Lucas Brandis de Schasz, 1475, V. Aug^
large folio (990) iVilton, £^-i
[The first book printed at Lubeck, and a remarkable
specimen of early typography with xylographic illustrations.
Some of the woodcuts, including the long figure for the
initial I, were reproduced in the same printer's edition of
Joseph us. — Caiaiogue.]
1787 Saga Library (The) done into English out of the Icelandic,
by Wm. Morris and E. MagniSsson, large paper, 125
copies printed (No. 14), 5 vol., half morocco gilt, L e. g.,
uncut, Quaritch, 1891 95, 8vo. (837) (Vilton, £7, 3a.
r788 Saga. 'Cfisaga Gizurar Thorvaldssonar Samin af Joni
Thorkelssyni, half calf, presentation copy to Wm. Morris,
Reykjavik, 1868, 8vo. (838) Wilton, £3
1789 Saga. Egils-Saga, sive Egilii Skallagrimii Vita (Island, et
Lat.) ex MSS. Legati Ama- Magnaeani cum notis, etc.,
edidit G. Thorkelin, presentation copy from the editor to
Gudmund Peterson, half bound, Hauniat, Jo. R. Thiele,
1809 (894) Wilton, £\ 10s.
1790 Saga- Sagan af Gunlaugi Ormstungu ok Skaild-Rafni, sive
Gunnlaugi vermilingius et Rafnis Poelae Vita ex MSS.
Legati Magnaeani (Danish and Latin), fine paper, plates
and vienettes, autograph of King Christian (Vll.) on fly-
leaf, oid calf gilt, gilt edges, Hafiiae, 177;, 410. (896)
Wilton, £2 los.
1791 Saga. Sagan Landuania um Fyrstu bygging I^ands af
Nordmonnum (af Theod. Thorlacius) Islandic^, Ut. goth.,
half bound, SkalholH, H. Kruse, 16S8, 4to. (898)
Wilton, £3 12s.
1792 Saga pess haloflega Herra Olafs Trigg va sonar Norvegs
Kongs, etc. (Islandicg), lit. eoth. (some leaves defective,
and many supplied in MS., with all faults), 2 vol., stamped
vellum, ■SkalholH, J. Snorra, 1739, 4to. (901) Wilton, £^ tos.
1793 Saga. Fagrskinna. Kortfattet Norsk Konge-Saga, udgivet
af P. A. Munch og C. R. Unger, morocco extra, gilt e^ies
by De Coverley, Christiania, 1847, 8vo. (840) Wilton, £2 2s.
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1794 Sags. Fommanna SSgur, eptir gtimlum haodritum dtgefnar
ad tilhlutuD binsnoiraena fomfraeda Felags, iz vol., uncut,
Kaupmannaho/n, 1815-37, 8vo. (842) Wilion, £2
1795 Saga of Gunnlaug, the Worm Tongue, by E. Magndsson and
Wm. Morris (no title), velium— Henry (L.) The War
Atah : Australian Legend, illustrated by the author, Paris.
"31— Proctor (R.) Tracts on Early Priming, Nos. 1-2
(only 50 copies privately printed), 1895, 8vo. (845)
milon, li
1796 Sagan af Helga ok Grfmi Droptangarsonum, half calf,
KioSenk,, 1847 — Alexanders Saga udgiven af C. R. Unger,
Ckrisiiama, 1848 — Volksmarchen der Serben herausg.von.
S. Karadscbitsch, Berl., 1854, and others, 8vo. (846)
Wiiton. £fl 4s.
1797 Saga. Islendinga Sdgur udgivne eptir ganile Haandskrifter
afdet kongelige nordiske Oldskrin-selskafa (some MS. slips
of translations and notes by Wm. Morris in vol. ii.), 2 vol.,
morocco gilt, y. e., Kiobenhavn, 1843-47, 8vo. (846)
Trtgaskis, £j\% los.
1798 Saga. Karlamagnus Saga ok Kappa Hans. Fortsllinger om
Keiscr Karl Magnus og Hans Jaevninger, udgivet af
C. R. Unger, green morocco, y. e., Chrisliania, 186% 8vo.
(849) Wilion, li 8s.
1799 Saga. Kristni-Saga ; sive Historia Religionis Christians in
Islandiam introducta; (Icel. et Lat.) ex MSS. Legati Mag-
naeani, half calf, Ha/nia, 1773, Svo. (851) Wilton, £1 2s.
1800 Saga. Olafs Saga hens Helga udgivet af R. Keyser oe
C. R. Unger, ChrisHama, 1849, 8vo. (852) WiUon, jgi
1801 Saga Olafs Konungs ens Helga, Cin'^/iiinia, 18^3 — Morkin-
skinna, udgiven af C. R. Unger, ib., 1867 — Riddaiasbgur,
herausg. von £. Kiilbing, Strassb., 1872, Svo. [853)
Wilton, Iz 3»-
1802 Sainct Gelais (Mons. Octovien de) el Andry de la Vigne.
Le Vergier dhonneur nouvellement imprime a Paris. De
lentre, prinse et Voyage de Naples, etc. {en prose et en
vers), lettres bitardes, double columns, title in red and
black within singular woodcut border with Geoffry Tory's
device of the Lorraine Cross in lower margin, as used in
the " Histoire du Saint-Graal" of 1523 {q. v.), 6 woodcuts
and numerous ornamental initials, red morocco, plain,
inside dentelles, gilt edges, with the arms of the Marquis
de Villeneuve de Bargemont on sides, ^ne copy, Paris,
Ph. le Noir (1523), folio (994) HeppinstuI, li\ 5s.
1803 Saint-Graal. Cest Ihystoire du Sainct GreaaL Qui est le
premier livre de la Table ronde. Lequel traicte de plu-
sicurs matieres recreatives, lettres bStardes, title in red and
black within a singular woodcut border, with Geoffry Tory's
mark of the Lorraine Cross in lower margin, used also for
the "Vergier d'honneur" {see No. i8oz un/^), woodcuts and
ornamental initials, 2 vol. in i, brown morocco gilt, gilt and
gauffered edges, inside dentelles by Duni, with Utterson's
Ex-Libris, Paris.par Ph. U Noir, 1523, folio (995)
Waring, £11
igitized by Google
i8o4 Sallustius. Opera cum Cocnmentariis L. Valise, O. Leoni'
ceni et Jod. B. Ascensii, title within fine woodcut border
wi^ initials J. C, woodcuis and omamental initials, velluni,
y^net., B.dcVianisdeLexona, 1521, folio (996) V/illon.l^
1805 Sanders (W. B.) Examples of Carved Oak Woodwork of
the i6tfa and iTth Centuries, 25 plates, Quaritch. 1883, folio
(997) Wilton, £2 8s.
1806 Santiago. Copilacid de los establecimientos de la Orden de
la Cavalleria de Santiago de I'Espada, copilado da Johan
Femandei de la Gama, title in large xylographic letters,
lit. goth., numerous fine oraamentaj woodcut initials,
devices of the Order in red (3 leaves facsimiles, several
leaves mended), new vellum, Sevilla por/ohanes Peynicer
de Nurenberga, 1503, folio (998J Leighion, £6
1807 Seneca. Seneque des motz dorez des quatre Vertus Cardi-
nales, de latin translate en Francoys (par Claude de
Seyssel), lettres bitardes, title in red and black within
woodcut border, small woodcuts and omamental initials,
old cal^ Lyon, imprimt par Fr. Juste, 1531, 8vo. (loog)
Wilton, f 4 4S.
j8o8 Shakespeare (Mr. William). Comedies, Histories, and Trage-
dies, published according to the true Original Copies, unto
which is added Seven Plays, never before printed in folio,
the fourth edition (wanted portrait, reprint inserted, and
also a reprint of Marshall's portrait to the Poems), title
Split across and backed, comer of DD 3 slightly defective,
bbbb 6 a little mended, comer of Cccc j defective, and the
words supplied in MS.), vellum, 14 in. by 9 in.. Herring-
man, Brewster, and Bentley, 1685, folio (11 19) Tregeukis,£vt
1809 Shaw (H.) Details of Elizabethan Architecture, 60 plates,
half mor., W. Pickering, 1839, folio (1120) Wilton, £1 lis.
l8te Shepheards Kalendar (The), newly augmented and corrected,
blach l(tt(T, calendar in red and black, numerous woodcuts,
morocco gilt, gilt edges, fine copy, R. Ibbelion for Fr.
Grove, 1656, foho (1121) Pickering, £12 ijs.
1811 Silvestre (J. B.) Universal Paleography, translated by Sir
F. Madden, 3 vol., containing 20 plates (and 2 vol. of text,
imperial 8vo.), Bohn, 1E50, imperial folio (1122) Youne, £7
1812 Small (J. W.) Scottish Woodwork of the XVIth and XVIlth
Centuries, 100 plates (only 250 copies printed), half
morocco, E^lin., Douglas, 1878, folio (i 123) Wilton, £i
1813 Solanus Secundus (Narcissus). Concordia Pharmacopolarum
Barcinonensium in medicinis compositis, U>. gottt. (dilTerent
types). Imperial arms on reverse of title, border to firat
page, omamental woodcut initials, calf gilt, " Biblioteca de
Salvi," Bareinona, P. Monpezal, 1535, folio (i 12;)
Thompson, £% 5s.
1814 South Kensington Art Handbooks. Spanish and Indian
Arts, Ivories, Furniture and Woodwork, Majolica Tapestry,
etc., 7 vol., cloth, and 18 unbound, 8vo. (1014) Wilten, £2 los.
1S15 South Kensington Museum. Descriptive Catalogue of the
Majolica, etc., by C. Drury and E. Fortnum, chromos and
woodcuts, half bound, 1873, imp. 8vo. (1015) Wilton, £3 16s.
igitized by Google
t8i6 South Kensington Museum. Textile fabrics, a Descriptive
Catalogue by the Rev. D. Rock, D.U., coloured plates,
half bound, 1870, imperial 8vo. (1016) iViUoti, {,1.
1817 Speculum HumaoEe Salvationis Latino-Gennanicum, cum
Speculo Sanctie Maris editum a fratre Johannem, lit. goth.,
lon^ lines, 34 Co a full page, without marks, numerous
spirited woodcnts, artistically coloured by a contemporary
hand, oaken boards, pigskin, stamped in compartments of
Biblical subjects and ornaments, a sound and excellent
copy, very rare, Absque nota {Augusta, G. Zainer, circa
H7')- folio (1139) Quarilch, ^lOO
[This is, if not the first, one of the first of G. Zainer's
woodcut books, and consequently one of the earliest of the
Augsburg woodcut books. The colouring in this copjr was
clearly original, systematic, and good. The big initial 1,
composed of simple sttap-work, is one of a few letters
which only occur in G. Zainer's books. — Autograph note of
h^m. Morris-^
1818 Speed (John). A Prospect of the most Famous Parts of the
World, viz., Asia, Africa, Europe, America, with all the
Provinces, Counties, and Shires in Great Britain and Ire-
land, numerous copperplate maps with coats of arms, por-
traits, etc., in mai^ins (inner margins guarded), old calf,
with centre gilt ornament and coat of arms, J. Dawson/or
G. Humdie, 1631, folio (I131) LeigAlon, £6 los.
1819 Spenser (Edm.) The Faerie Queen, the Shepheards Calen-
dar, together with the other works of England's .\rch-Poet,
collected into one volume and carefully corrected, separate
woodcut titles and woodcut ornaments, second folio edition
of the Faerie Queene and first folio of the other poems
(outer margin of dedication cut into, and wanted last leaO.
old calf, H.L.forM.Lownes, 1611, folio (1133) Wilton, li
1820 [Spirito della Perusia (Lorenzo).] Libro de la Ventura overo
de le sorte perche si trova ie infrascriptc rasone a trare con
gli dadi che sono nella presente roda chiamata roda della
Ventura, fiiU-page and other woodcuts, consisting of Wheels
of Fortune, Figures of Kin^, Signs of the Zodiac, Cupids
playing. Hunting Scenes, Dice, etc. (B v and vi transposed),
brown morocco extra, broad gilt frame ornaments, inside
dentelles, gilt edges by Lortic, tine copy (DidoC's), Milano,
Zanoio de Caitetlion idle spese rielli Fralelli de Legnano,
1 508, fol io ( 1 1 34) Lei^hton, ^53
1831 Steinfeld Missal. " Liber Ecclesisc Manx Sanciique Poten-
tini in Steynveldt," Sec. XIII.-XV., manuscript on vellum
(144 leaves). North German, written in large gothic letter,
in ditTerent hands, before the- Canon is a very fine large
illuminated miniature of the Crucifixion with SS. Mary and
John, on a gold background, the drapery of the figures
with the Jagged ends called fluttering, surrounded by a
double-rhymed Latin inscription of 6 lines within s borders
(6j in. by 5 in.), 30 large initials of interlaced gold on blue
and green grounds and a number of less elaborate capitals,
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oaken boards, leather, stamped in arabesques, clasps, 4to.
(1070) QfiariUh, l9$
[A very interesting MS. The first 73 leaves were, except
certain erasures, written circa 1200, the remainder circa
1440. The original book contained first the " Ordinaiium
Missx," and then the " Temporale," the lessons being
omitted. — Calalogue.l
1833 Stephens (George). The Old-Northern Runic Monuments
of Scandinavia and England, now first collected and
described, many hundreds of facsimiles and illustrations,
3 vol., half morocco gilt, L e. g., others uncut, Kiobenkavn,
1866-84, folio (113?) Thompson, ^4 17s. 6d.
1823 Strabo. Geographia Lating, ex interpretatione Guarini
Veronensis et Gregorii Typhematis, editio princeps, finely
printed in roman letter, long lines, 46 to a page, without
marks, first page finely painted in white scrolls on various
coloured grounds, with coats of anns (of the Alti^ri) at foot
of page (per fess azure, in chief, a porcupine sable ppr. in
base, bendy of 6, arg. and gules), and an ornamental initial
ofsimiiar design to each book (slightlywoimed and stained),
Tussia, Rotna, C Sweynheym et A. Pannartz [circa 1469).
folio {1140 E. Walker, ^17
1824 Strabo. Geographifc Lib. XVII., Latine, printed in roman
letter, long lines, without marks, first edition with a date
(wanted 2 leaves), oaken boards, covered in brown morocco,
Venef., Vind. de Spira, 1472, folio (1142) Ckadwick, ^3 iis.
1825 Tapisseries (Les) de la Cath^drale d' Angers dites Tapisseries
du Roi Ren^ ; Representations de I'Apocalypse, 72 photo-
graphs, loose in cloth portfolio, morocco back, Leipz.,
Hiersemann, n. d., folio (i 148) Uigkton, £2 16s.
1826 Terentius. A\\\ Donati Commentarius inTereatii Comcedias,
finely printed in roman letter, long lines, 41 to a page,
without marks (7 leaves supplied in contemporary MS.),
old morocco gilt (worn), an early and rare edition, Veatl.,
Vindelin de Spira (1472 ?), folio (i 151) Z«^:*/cb,;£3 12s. 6d.
1827 Terentius. Cum Directorio,glosainterlineali, et commentariis
Donato, Guidone, Ascensio, model of a theatre on title (top
margin shaved), and numerous spirited woodcuts, capitals
painted in red, old red morocco, gilt edges, Argent., Jo.
Griininger, 1499, folio (1151) Thompson, £iQ
1S28 Terentius. Le Grant Therece en Francoys, tat en Rime que
en Prose, nouvellement imprime a Paris, lettres bdtardes,
latin text in roman, numerous spirited woodcuts, tide
within woodcut border (inner margins of first few leaves
mended and slightly wormed), otherwise a good copy, old
French calf, wiih arms of the Due de la Valliere on sides,
r. e., Imprime d Farts par Guillaume de Bossogel au
Chasteau rouge, 1539, folio(ii53) Ellis, ^13
[The woodcuts in this volume are the same as those in
Trechsel's Latin edition of i^ii^^Catalogue.^
1829 TertuUianus. Opera per Bcatum Rhenanume tenebriscrnta,
editio prima, woodcut border chiefly of mythological figures
to title and next leaf, and fine ornamental and figure initials.
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all by Holbein, the letter in each initial carefully coloured
in yellow, oaken boards, scamped ornamental leather
(rebacked), Basil., Froben, 1521, folio {1154) Thompson, £^
1830 Testamcntum Novum Latinum. Editionis Vulgatie, cum
Proloffis S. Hieronymi et Canonibus Eusebii, Si£c. XII.,
manuscript on vellum (198 leaves, including 4 blanks),
finely wntten in large golhic Itttn (the " Capitula " in a
smaUer letter), in double columns of 30 lines, with 36 fine
Urge painted ornamental initials of chains and floreate
spirals, the long initials having figures of the Apostles, Che
colours being blue, green, white, brown and red, gold very
sparingly used in only a few of them, the 6 leaves occupied
by the Eusebian Canons are finely decorated with inter-
sected arcades, supported by five columns extending down
the whole of each page, and there are numerous ornamental
pen letters, oaken boards, modem blue motocco, large folio
(iiiS) Leighton, lz2S
[A fine manuscript, in which the Apocryphal Epistle cd
St. Paul to the Laodiceans follows the Epistle to Philemon.
It is probably of Eastern-French workmanship, about the
end of the twelfth century, and the volume appears to have
formerly belonged to a Carthusian Monastery at Dijon. —
1831 Texier and Pullan. Byzantine Architecture, 70 plates, some
coloured, and numerous woodcuts, cloth gilt. Day and Sod,
1864, folio (1 156) Wilton, £3 5S.
1832 Textile Manufactures of India(IllustTation3of the), 106 photo-
lithographs by Griggs, S. K. M., 1S81, folio (1157}
IVilton, £s 5s.
1833 Theocritus. EcIogK Triginta ; Genus Thcocriti et de Inven-
tione bucolicorum ; Catonis Sentenciae ; Sententiae septem
Sapientum, etc., Graece (cura Aid! Manutii), editio Aldina
frima, ornamental initials and headings, old red morocco
repaired), Venel., Ckaracleribus st Studio Aldi Manucii,
1495, folio (1158) Thompson, £j 5s.
1834 Tbeophrastus. De Historia Plantarum, Lib. X., Gr. et Lat.
cum commentariis, etc., per J. C. Scaligenim et Rob. Con-
Stantinum, fine engraved title and numerous woodcuts, old
calf, Amst-tH. Laurentius, 1644, folio (1159) Tkotrtpton, £3
183J Theramo 0acobus de). Der Teutsch Belial, the words of
title with the large cut on reverse, mounted, Ut gath., long
lines with signatures, 38 singular outline woodcuts, mostly
coloured by hand (wanted a viii, some inner margins
mended), old calf, Augspurg, Hanns Sch6nsperger, 1487,
small folio (i 160) Thompson, £i} los.
1836 Theramo (Jacobus de)- Belial. Een rechtelick ghedmghe
tusschen Belyat den hetschen Procureur, etc., lit. goth.,
numerous spirited and singular woodcuts, some outlined in
red, ornamental woodcut initials (first 13 leaves wormed),
boards, H. Eckert van Homheich, IJ16, small folio (1161)
E/iis, £12 I2S.
1837 Thierry-Poux (O.) Premiers Monumens dc I'lmprimerie en
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France au XV' Steele, 40 plates of focsimiles, loose in port-
folio, Paris, Hacbette, 1890, folio (1161) lViUon,£y las.
1S38 Thomas Aquinas (S.) Summae Theologiae pare prima,
Ut. goth., double columns, $0 and 47 lines, without marks
(Hain, 1439), contemporary binding in oaken boards,
stamped ornamental leather, metal basses, chain and clasps
(one broken oH), name of binder, " Hanns Oesteireich,"
stamped several times on the sides (well preserved), Sine
uUa nota \Mogunt., P. Schoeffer, 1463], folio (1163)
Bain, ^£34
[This example of the Maintz Press is printed with Che
same types as those used by Schoeffer for his 1462 Bible
and his 1468 Justinian, and are little ■wam.—Catalogut^
1839 Thomas Aquinas. Quodllbeta duodecim, lit. gotb., double
columns, 48 and 49 lines, without marks, rubricated, capitals
tainted in blue and red, few last leaves wormed, oaken
oards, half stamped pigskin, clasps, Nurembergae, Jo.
Sensenschmidt et A. Frisner, 1474, folio (i 166)
Tregaskis, £i 3s.
1840 Thomas Aquinas. Gtosa continua super auatuor Evangeliscas,
finely printed in SMni-gDltiic Ittt^r, douote columns, 57 lines,
without marks, rubricated, painted ornamental capitals in
red, oaken boards, pigskin, Nurembergae, Ant. Coberger,
1475, large folio (1167) Maggi, £6
1841 Thomas Aquinas. Super quarto Sententiarum, lit gotlt.,
double columns, with signatures, very fine bistoriated and
ornamental woodcut border to (irsl page, Co/on., H.Quentetl,
1484 — Fasciculus Temporum(AuctoreWemeroRolewinek),
lit. gdth., woodcuts, ii., 1479, both fine copies, in i vol.,
oaken boards, leather, with small stamped devices (lamb,
griffin, fleur-de-lis, etc.), metal bosses and clasps, large folio
(1168) IVaring, £12
1842 Thucydides. Hystory of the Warre, whiche was betwene the
Peloponesians and the Athenyans, translated out of French©
bv Thomas NicoUs, black Ictttr, title within woodcut border,
old calf, rebacked, r. k,, Imprinted in 1550 {no name oj
printer), foW-O (ll6g) Bain, ^11
1843 Tristian. Les Crandes Proesses du tres Vaillant noble et
excellent Chevalier Tristran, fi!s du noble Roy Meliadus de
Leonnoys et Chevalier de la table ronde, Ut. Both, (lettres
bitardes), double columns, title within fine woodcut border
in compartments (outer margin repaired), fine ornamental
woodcut initials (last z leaves in MS.), 2 vol. in I, oaken
boards, modem morocco extra, gilt edges by J. Wright
(E. V. Utterson's copy), Paris, D. Janot, 1533, small folio
(1174) Pickering, £11 us.
1844 Turberviile (George). The Noble Artof Venerie or Hunting,
. translated and collected out of the most approved authors,
first edition, blach liltn, woodcuts (title and 3 leaves of
" Measures of Blowing " in facsimile, comer of z leaves at
end mended), brown morocco gilt, antique style, gilt edges,
H. Bynnemanfor Chr. Barker {1575), 4to. (1081)
Qfiariteh, £n los.
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1845 Turrccremata (Johannes de). Expositio super toto Psalterio,
lit. goth., Ions' lines, 3; to a page, without marks, orna-
mental pen letters, and capitals painted iit red, oaken
boards, half leather, clasp. Per Johannem Sckuseler civem
Aug(Msl<u), impresta s. a., folio (i 176) Uighton, £3 3s.
1846 Vacher (Sidney). Fifteenth Century Italian Ornament ;
chiefly taken from Brocades and Stuflfs found in Pictures in
the National Gallery, 30 plates printed irk colours, orna-
mental cloth, 1886, imperial folio (1177) Willan, £2
1847 Valenlia. Aureum Opus Rettalium Privilegiorum Civitatiset
regni Valentiae, cum Historia Christianissimi Regis Jacobi
ipsius primi Conquistatoris, lit. goth., double columns, large
heraldic woodcut on title, 2 woodcut borders, numerous
ornamental initials, device on last leaf, equestrian woodcut
of King James, large initial in the dotted manner, contain-
ing portrait of Ferdinand and Isabella, etc. (some margins
wormed and mended), half morocco, VaUmtae, per
Didacum de Gumiet, 1515, folio (1178) Ltigkten, £17
1848 Valentine and Oreon. L'Histoire des deux Nobles et Vail-
lans Chevaliers, Valentin et Orson, En&ns de TEmpereur
de Gr&ce, etc., rude woodcuts (a few headlines shaved),
brown morocco gilt, g, e, by Wright (E. V. Utterson's
cop^), Rouen, Pierre Mulot, s. d., 4to. (1083) Leigkion, £-j
1849 Valerius Maximus. [Translatei de Latin en Francois par
Simon de Hesdin et Nicholas de GonnesseJ, lit Both.,
double columns, 44 lines, without marks, initials for illu-
minations in small loman, scratch commas ; the Srst page
of text in each vol. having a large painted and illuminated
miniature (7i in. by 6} in.) of a king enthroned, surrounded
b^ his councillors and warriors, with borders of flowers,
birds, animals, etc, and an illuminated ornamental initial ;
capitals painted in red, Latin text written in the margins
in red, 2 voL, old mor., g. e, (Syston Park copy). Absque
ulla nota {Paris, circa 1476J, folio (1181) QfiariUk, Iqj
1850 Valla (Laurentius). De Elegantia Latins Linguae, editio
princeps, roman letter, long lines, without marks (wanted
the \i preliminary leaves said to be in some copies), very
wide mai^ns, capitals painted in blue and red, oaken
boards, stamped learher, /iamce in Pinia Regione, 1471
(Ph. de Lignamine), folio (1182) E. Walker, .tj 55.
1851 Valturius(Robertus). Dc Re Militari, Lib. XII., multoemacu-
latius, etc., woodcuts, oaken boards, pigskin, stamped in
historiated compartments, Paris, C. Wechel, 1532, folio
(1184) Wilton, £s los.
1852 Vigon (John). The most excellent Workes of Chirurgeiye,
translated into English, whereunto is added an exposition
of straungc termes (by Barth. Traheron), blfiek Utia, title
within woodcut border, woodcut initials, first edition
(slightly wormed), oaken boards, stamped leather, £. Whyt-
church, 1543, folio (1189) Thompson, £io JS.
1853 Vincentius Bellovacensis. Speculum Naturale, Doctrinale
et Morale, printed in roman letter, double columns, without
marks (the "Doctrinale "and " Naturale "by the R printer).
igitized by Google
rubrtcatedi capitals painted in blue and red, oraameDtal
pen letters, fine illuminated miniature of the author, with
marginal decorations and coat of arms on first page of
"Doctrinale," ig fine large and richly illuminated initials,
with marginal floral decorations to the " Naturale," a leaf
in the contents of the 31st Book of the latter defective and
mended, some leaves in the " Morale " stained, otherwise a
fine copy, in 4 vol., uniform modem calf, stamped in antique
ornaments, Absque nota \Argent., Mentelin, etc., 1473-74],
large folio (i 191). B. F. Stevens., j^3S
1854 Vincentius Bellovacensis. Speculum Historiale, editio prin-
ceps, finely printed in roman letter, double columns, 62
lines, without marks, fine ornamental pen letters, capitals
painted in red, 4 vol. in 1, oaken boards, leather, stamped
with small religious devices, with name "Thomas Brouer
dc Lint! " and date 1476 on sides (repaired and rebacked),
linprissunt per Johannetn Mrntellin {ArgenliTtee), anif
I473i ''^- ^K-t large folio (i iga) B. F. Stevens, £2^
1855 Vincentius Bellovacensis. Speculum Historiale, pars prima,
lit. gctit, double columns, without marks, rubricated capitals
in blue aad red, 4 leaves of contemporary MS. index on
vellum as fly-leaves, oaken boards, covered with leaves of
an ancient musical MS., half stamped pigskin, Absque HOla
[Ardent, Mentelin, circa 1474), folio (i 193) Leighiait,£j Js.
1856 Virgihus Maro. Geoigica ec ^neis, manuscript on vdlnm
{206 leaves), written in gothic letter, long lines, 31 to a
page, by an Italian scribe ; at the beginning of the Georgics
IS a painting of a man ploughing with two oxen (^J in. by
3f in.), and at the begmning of the ^neid a similar oik,
but more elaborate, introducing the burning of Troy, ^neas
on horseback, and two ships in the sea, etc., occupying the
whole bottom margin (both these pages have fine illuminated
marginal decorations of flower scrolls, etc.) ; each book has
a large illuminated initial of floral combinations (3 in. by
2 in.), and a smaller one with pen ornaments ; the Epigrams
at the end of the volume have ornamental pen letters ; the
fly-leaves are occupied by Extracts from Servius and other
Commentators on Virgil, and the margins have numerous
MS. notes in a smaller hand (the last 23 lines of the fourth
Georgic and the first 105 lines of the sixth ^neid are
wanting), modem brown morocco extra, with blind and
gilt tooling, g. e. by Leighton, late fourteenth or eariy
fifteenth century, folio (1194) Heppinstal, £i6i
l8j7 Virgihus. Opera Vergihana, docte et familiariter exposila .■ ■
a Donato, Mancinello et Probo, Calderino, Jodoco Badio,
etc., numerous fine woodcuts as in the Strasburg edition
of 1502 (some leaves wormed), 2 vol. in 1, vellum, with tjes,
Lufd-t Jac. Sacon, I $17, foho (l 195) Wilton, £ft 10s.
1858 Viridarium lllustrium Poetarum cum ipsorum concordantiis
in Alphabetica tabula accuratissime contentis, top of title
cut OH, stained, oaken boards, stamped ornamcDtat leather,
Lugd., Gilb. de Villlers, 1512, Svo. (1037) WHlon, £i
1859 Vita et beneficiis salvatoris Jesu Christ! devotissime medi-
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tationes cum graiiamm actione — Horologium devotionis
circa Vitam Chrisli (per Fratrem Bertholdus), lit. Both.
(2 sizes), 36 spirited small outline woodcuts of [he Passion,
some details washed in yellow (Hain, 10992 and 8928), in
I vol., old iUdskJa, A is^ue uilanota, 8vo. (1038) Ellis, £\^
SBoth these rare works are printed with the same types,
were evidently issued together from the same press
rbably at Coli^ne at the end of the fifteenth century),
igh generally found separated. The signatures are a-i
inS'sfbrthe "Vita," and a-h loin 8's for the "Horologium"
(h 10 bdng blanlc). — Catalo^e.]
i860 VitniviuB (Lucius). De Architectura, Libri X., traducti de
latino in vulgare, afligurati, commentati et con mirando
ordiae insi^niti (da Cesare Cesariano], numerous woodcuts,
diagrams, initials, etc., numerous MS. notes in margins by
Loys Loxe, whose name is on the title, vellum, large copy,
Co»M, Gotardo da Ponte, 1521, folio (1196) Wilton, £s 5s.
golh., title in red and black within historiated woodcut
border, other borders of Dance of Death, etc., 9 large
woodcuts, and numerous small woodcuts and ornamental
and historiated initials (slightly wormed), oaken boards,
leather (worn), LugA, Jo. de Vingle, 1508, 410. (1091)
tVil/on, £i 5s.
1863 Vivaldus de Monte Regali {Jo. L.) Opus Regale, lit. aoth,,
title in red and black within woodcut border, other wood-
cuts within borders of the Dance of Death, etc., from one
of the books of Hours, ornamental initials, limp stamped
leather, Parit, Jo. Barbier imptnsis Fr. ReFnault, 1511, 4to.
(1092) Chadwick, £6 15s.
1863 Vivaldus de Monte Regali (Jo, L.) De Contritionc Veritate
Aureum Opus, Itt. goth., oaken boards, stamped ornamental
leather, /fu^i^nw, Jo. Rynman de Oringau, 1513, 4to, (1093)
Wilton, £1 8s.
1864 Vocabularium Latino- German! cum (per W. Brack), lit goth.,
long lines, 35 to a page, without signatures, rubricated (few
leaves at end wormed), oaken boards, half stamped leather,
Absguf nota {Aug. Vind., G. Zainer,«yra 1473), folio (1199)
Willon, £3 I2S.
;865 Vocabularium Latino-Teutonicus, tit. Qoth, long lines, 3$ to a
page, without marks, oaken boards, stampied ornamental
pigskin, clasp (Lakeland's copy). Absque ulla nota {filau-
oeuem,C. Mancz, circa 1473], folio (izoo) Breslau, £i 8s.
[This rare book has been attributed by Hassler to
Hohenwaag of Ulm, eircn 1469, but it has been ascertained
that the type is the same as that used by C. Mancz at
Blaubeuem for a work by Albert de Eyb in 1475. There
is an Almanack for 1478 in the same type in the British
Museum.— Catalogue. ]
1866 Vogii^ {Cte. Melchior de). Les Eglises de la Terre Sainte,
plates, half morocco gilt, Paris, Didron, 1860, 4to. {109;)
Quaritck, £\ 153.
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i867 Vogud (Cte. Melchior de). Syrie Centrale. Architecture
Civile et Religieuse du ["au VII' Si^cle, i;i plates, i vol.,
vellum, /'arw, Baudry, 1865-77,410.(1096) Quarilck, £<i \is.
1868 Voragine (jac. de). Legenda Aurea Sanctorum, lit flirtli.,
long lines, without signatures, rubricated, numerous orna-
mental woodcut initials, signature and address of Wm.
Morris on fly-leaf (some leaves wormed), oaken boards,
original stamped calf sides, clasp (repaired), Imprtssus
Uimirperjo. Zatntr, s. a,, folio (1201) IVilton, £6
[One of the early Ulm books, with woodcut initials
similar to those in the "De Missa" of Albertus Magnus
(1473), which is one (rf the first dated Ulm books.— Cu/d-
1869 Voragine (Jac. de). Legenda Aurea Sanctorum, lil. goth.,
double columns, 52 lines, rubricated, initials painted in red
(first leaf of index defective and mended, comers of 2 last
leaves mended), oaken boards, old calf, Nuremterga, Jo.
Aensenschmid H And. Frisner (imprint in red with shields
beneath), 1476, iiii. Calend. April, folio (1J02) Sladtn, £^
1870 Voragine ( Legenda Aurea, lit. joth., double columns,
50 lines, without signatures, folioed to cclxxiv, z leaves of
table unnumbered, ruled in red and rubricated, fine painted
and illuminated initial on first page, capitals painted in blue
and red, old calf, Nurembirga, Ant. Koburger, 1478, folio
(1203) IViltem, £3 16s.
1871 [Voragine] Passion ael. Het Winter Stuck, datmen heet die
guldenlesende — Hier beghit isomer stuc vandB passiole,
the word "passionael" on first title in lai^e red gothic'
letters, with woodcut beneath, second title in large black
gothic, with woodcut beneath, numerous spirited woodcuts
m the text, 2 vol. in i, old calf, in excellent condition,
Antwerp, Henrick Eckert van Homberch, 1516 (Winter
part same printer, dated 1505), folio (1207) Letgklon, £i
1872 Voragine (Jac. de). The Golden Legende named in Latyn
Legenda Aurea. etc, . . . whiche werke bath been dili-
gently amended in dyvers places where as grete nede was,
bl»k Ittter, numerous woodcuts, and ornamental initials
(margins of several leaves mended, first 3 leaves and part
of last in facsimile, slight wormhole through some leaves,
but on the whole a very good copy), signature and address
of Wm. Morris (Kelmscott House) on fly-leaf, red morocco
extra, gilt edges by %tAiQ\A,Finysshed xxvii. daye of August
the yere MCCCCCXXVIl. imprynled at London in Flete
Slrele by Wynkyn ae IVorde, folio (1208) Trrgrukis, £2<i
1873 Wallis (Alfred). Examples of the Bookbinder's Art of the
XVIth and XVI Ith Centuries, chiefly from Royal Conti-
nental Libraries, 40 plates, only too copies printed (No. 67),
half morocco, t. e. g., 1890, foho (1209) Wiiton, £1 is.
1874 Weigel (T. O.) und Dr. A. Zestermann. Die Anfange der
Druckerkunst in Bild und Schrifl, portrait and 135 fee-
similes in colours, and woodcuts in the text, i vol., morocco,
stamped blind antique ornaments, 'Ornamental end-papers,
g. e., i<r«>»., T. G. Weigel, 1866, folio (1210) Wilton, £66%.
igitized by Google
i87S Woodcuts. HoUchnitte alter Deutscher Meister in den
original Flatten gesemmelt von Hans Albrecht von Der-
scnau, herausgegeben von R. Z. Becker, numerous wood-
cuts, some very large (with text in German and French),
3 vol., GalAa, 1808-10-16, atlas folio (1314) Wilton, £2^
1876 Xenophon. Cyrupacdia : The Institution and Life of Cyrus,
translated by Ph. Holland, frontispiece containing portraits
Marshall, old caU;/. L.for R. Allot, 1632, folio (1215)
Bain, £6
[December 13TH, 1898.]
(No. of Lota, 175 i amount realised, ^1,881 is. 6d.)
[NOTE.~These books were returned by their purchasers at the
Ashbumham sales by reason of unsuspected imperfections and on
other grounds. Each book was now sold with all faults and
errors of description. A reference to the volume of BOOK-PRICES
Current, and the index number, in which the original sale is
reported is given after each entry in order to facilitate refer-
1877 Arcussia de Capre (Charles d'). La Fauconnerie, divis^e en
six parties, et La Fauconnerie du Roy, avec la Conference
des Fauconniers, full-page figures of Falcons (first title
backed and wanted portrait, leaf of arms, also 4 plates con-
taining figures A to N), 2 vol. in I, old French calf gilt,
Rouen, F, VauUier et J, Besongne, l643'44, small 4I0. (4)
E. Parsons, 17s.
{Set Book-Pricrs Current, vol, xi., No. 4280,— Ed J
1878 Arthur. The Story of the most Noble and Worthy Kynge
Arthur, and also of his noble and valiaunt Knyghtes of the
rounde Table, newly imprynted and corrected, hlMh kttrt,
double columns, large cut of Saint Geoi^e on title, wood-
cuts and ornamental initials, title and last leaf of text inlaid,
wanted leaf at end with the printer's device and "Table
of Chapters" (13 leaves), oaken boards, modem brown
morocco with blind stamped ornaments, giU edges, Jm-
Prynted inflete strete at the Sygne 0/ the Ease Garlande by
Wyilyam Copland, 1557, smafi folio (5) Quaritch, £m
[Si-e Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4295.— Ed.]
1879 Arthur. The Storyeof the most noble and worthy Kynge
Arthur, and also of hys noble and valyaunt Knyghtes of
the rounde Table, Newly imprynted and corrected, btoth
Iftttr, cut of Saint George on title and woodcuts (title
backed, comers of 3 leaves and a few plain margins
mended, and wanted L 3, 4, ;, 6, and M 4 and 5), red mor.,
igitized by Google
full gilt back, broad ornamenta) borders, gilt edges, Im-
printed 6y Thomas East dwelling betweetu Patties Wharf e
and Baytiardes Castell, d. d., small folio (6) QuariteA^ £ii
{See Book-Prices Current, vol xi., No. 4296.— Ed.]
1880 Baker (George, Chinirgien). The Newe Jewell of Health,
wherein is contained the most excellent Secretes of Phisicke
and Philosophie, of the Use and Preparation of Anlimonie
and potable gold, etc., gathered out of (he best Authors by
Dr. Gesnerus, faithfully corrected and published in Eog-
lishe, blitk Utttr, numerous woodcuts (wanted p. 39, tide
to part ii.)i old calf, H. Denham, 1576, small 4to. (7)
Thompson, £2
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4334,— Ed^
1881 Baker (Humphrey). The Well-Spring of Sciences, which
teacheth the perfect Worke and Practise of Anthmeticke,
now newly perused, etc., black Iftttr (wanted 3 leaves in
sheet A), old calf, T. Purfoot, 1611, lamo. (8) Leighton, (s.
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4335, — Ed.j
1882 Bannatyne Miscellany (The), 3 vol. (wanted the second part
of vol. i.), boards, uncut, Edinb., 1827-36-55, 4to. (9]
pother an, £,2 4s.
[Vol. i. was a presentation copy to "Francis Freeling,
Esq., from his obliged friend. Waiter Scott, Abbotsford, 20
March" {1827). See Buok-Prices Current, vol. xL,
Na 4350.— Ed.]
1883 Barnes (Juliana). The Boke of Haukyng, Huntyng, and
fysshyng, with all the properties and medecynes that are
necessary to be kept, black Inter, 3 titles with cut on each
and woodcuts in the treatise of Fishing, contains a-m in 4's
(48 leaves), margins of 10 leaves neatly repaired, portion of
title, a 4, and corner of last leal in facsimile, but on the
whole an excellent copy, brown morocco extra by Rivifere,
Imprinted at London in the Venire upon the thre Cram
Wkarfe dy Wyllyam Copland, n. d., small 4to. (10)
Pickering, £,%i los.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4383.— Ed,]
1884 Beaumont (Sir John). Bosworth-6eld, with a taste of the
Variety of other Poems, set forth by his Son, Sir John
Beaumont, Bart., first edition (wanted pp. i8t, 183), old
calf gilt, y. e,, F. Kyngston for H. Seile, 1629, I2ma (11)
Pickering, £t 14s.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4400.— Ed.]
iSS; Bentley (Thomas). The Monument of Matrons, conteining
seven several! Lamps of Virginity, whereof the first five
conceme I'raier and Meditation, the other two last precepts
and examples, as the woorthie works partlie of Men partlie
of Women, binek Ittttt, titles within fine woodcut borders,
full-page woodcut of the Resurrection at end of voL i.,
and numerous ornamental initials, 3 vol. (vol. i. wanted
pp. 155, 156), russia gilt, H.Denham, 15R2, small 410. (12)
Cotton, ;£i3
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 441a— Ed.]
igitized by Google
1886 Bertandus Petragoricus (Joannes). Encomium trium Mari-
anum, cum earundem cukus defensione advetsus Luther-
anos, solemnique missa et officio Canonico in quibus omni-
bus desideres nihil (et dc Cognatione divi Jo. Baptistae),
emissum auspiciis augustiss. Principis Joannae Aurelian-
ensis, etc., romau and gothu Itttir, with fine woodcuts,
"Prelum Ascensianum " on title and last leaf (wanted
I leaves at end of part ii.), contemporary oaken boards, in
leather, with blind stamped ornaments (rebacked), Parii,
J. Badius Ascensius, 1539, small 4(0. (13)
Ellis and Elvey, £,\(i los.
\See Book-Pkicgs Ct;RRENT, vol. xi., No, 4416.— Ed.]
1887 Biblia Sacra (Vul^ata) ad optima veteris tralalionis exem-
plaria summa diligentia castigata cum indicibus, numerous
tine woodcuts by Le Petit Bernard (wanted pp. 163-266),
contemporary oaken boards, leather, stamped with female
figures, etc., r. e,, Lugd., ]. Tomaesius, 1558, thick 3vo.
{15) Thompson, £,1 6a.
\Sie Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4454. — Ed.]
1888 Biblia. The Byble, that is to say al the holy Scripture , . .
faythfuUy set furth according to ye coppy of Thomas
Mathewes translacio, whcreunto are added certaine learned
Prologes, blark Ittttr, title in red and black within wood-
cut border, N. T. title a.11 black, woodcuts (margins of title
and preliminary leaves mended and upper part of L L 6
torn off, otherwise an unusually good copy, with all the
titles), red morocco extra, gilt edges by C. Lewis, John
Day, 1551, folio (16) Bull. £fi
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4484.— EixJ
1889 Biblia. The Holy Byble, conteyning the Old Testament and
New, set foorth by Authority, whereunto is joyned the
whole service used in the Churche of Englande (with
Calendar), lilach and roman UtttT, woodcut title, cut of
Creation, woodcut maps and ornamental initials, some
headlines shaved, new plain blue morocco covering oaken
boards, gih edges, No name 0/ printer or place, i sift i'^-
Juree), small 4to. (i?) Leighton, £6 los.
[In addition to the detects mentioned in BoOK-PRiCES
Current, vol. xi.. No. 4498, four leaves at the -end were
on paper, the rest of the book being on vellum. — Ed.]
1890 Biblia. The Bible and Holy Scriptures . . . translated ac-
cording to the Ebrue and Greke . . . with most profitable
Annotations, etc (Genevan or " Breeches "), wanted first
title and all the preliminary leaves, except a " Briefe Table"
(mended), Calendar from July to Dec, "A Description
and Success," etc. (leaf 350 defective, table at end wanted),
otherwise a good copy, niled in red, old green morocco
gilt, gilt edges, Edinburgh, A, Arbuthnot, 1579 [N. T.,
Thos. Bassandyne, 1576], folio (18) Bull, £4 19s-
[The first edition of the Bible printed in Scotland ; in
roman let(er,double columns. JffBoOK-PRlCES CURRENT,
vol. i., No. 446; ; vol. xi.. No. 4503. — Ed.]
igitized by Google
1891 Biblia. The Bible, that is the Holy Scriptures . . . trans-
lated according to the Ebrewe and Greekc, with most
profitable Annotations (Genevan or " Breeches "\ with
Two Tables, and The Whole Booke of Psatmes in English
Metre by T. Stemhold, etc., with apt notes, in i vol. (some
headUnes cut into), old calf (rebacked), C. Barkar (ae) and
John Daye, 1576, small 4to. (19) £ul/, £1 iis.
[5« Book-Prices Current, vol. xi. No. 4502. — Ed.]
1892 Biblia. The Bible, that is the Holy Scriptutes contained in
the Old and New Testament (Genevan or "Breeches"),
with Speed's Genealogies and two tables, fine engrai'ed
title by Hole and woodcuts (Reprint of Archbishop Parker's
Preface inserted), R. Barker, i6ti — Book of Common
Prayer, woodcut title (torn), r'A. — Whole Book of Psalmes
in Metre, with apt notes (last leaf defective), Sia/. Co^
1618, la I vol., ruled throughout in red, calf gilt, folio (2a)
Andrews, i8s.
[5«tf Book-Prices Current, vol. x\.. No. 4511.— Ed,]
1893 Biblia. The Bible, translated according to the Ebrew and
Greeke, with most profitable Annotations (Genevan or
"Breeches"), with Speed's Genealogies and two Tables
(title backed and wanted pp. 15-18), Edinburgh, Andro
Hart, 1610 — Booke of Common Prayer (with a family
Diary by the Rev. Wm. Strong, Preacher at the Abbey,
Westminster, etc., from 1652 to 1672, neatly written round
several margins), R. Barker, 1616^ Whole Booke of
Psalmes in Meeler, with apt notes, Land. Utat. Co., 1609,
in I vol., calf, folio (21) Bull, 158.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 4512. — Ed.1
1894 Biblia. The Bible, that is the Holy Scriptures contained m
the Old and New Testament {Genevan or "Breeches"),
with Speed's Genealogies and two Tables, blatk Utttr,'
woodcut title and woodcuts (pp. 224, 225 mended), R.
Barker, i6i6-Who]e Booke of Psalmes in Meetre, with
apt notes (wanted pp. 51-54), Stat. Co., 1624, in i vol.,
modem blue morocco plain, inside dentelle, folio (22)
Ed-wards, £l 8s.
[The Bible is the last folio edition of the Genevan
Version printed in Y.n^\a,nd.— Catalogue. See BOOK-PKICES
Current, vol. xi., No- 4513. In Dore's " Old Bibles," it
is Slated that the edition of 16)6 is the last of the Genevan
version published in this country (see p. 235), but the author
subsequently mentions two folio editions of 1641 and 1644
respectively as being in his own collection (see p. 393)-—
1895 Boccaccio. II Decamerone, nuovamente stampato, con tre
Novelle aggiunte. woodcuts (wanted last leaf of Table
(aaS), also tbe last leaf of the book with the printer's
device), limp vcWnra, Firenze, 1516, small 4to. (2^)
\ Leigkton, lf> los.
\ [First edition, with the three extra novels wrongly attri-
■■ buted to Boccaccio. See BOOK-PRICES CURRENT, vol, xL,
'; Na 4619.— Ed,]
Digitized by Google
1896 Branteghen (GuilL de). Pomarium Mysticnm turn novonun
turn vetenim fructuum, Animae Christians, imagunculis
aliquot nascentis mundi exordia, etc., 91 full-page woodcuts
wiuin omamenial borders (one with mark Fj, and other
small woodcuts, initials and ornaments, Sir Joshua
Reynolds' copy, with his signature and stamp on title
(wanted C C B), half russia, Antwerp, G. Vostennannus,
1535, 8vo. (17) Leigkton, £9 153.
\^See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 4673. — Ed.J
J897 Breviarimn. Portiforium seu Breviarium ad insignis Sans-
burienses Ecdesise usum, accuratissime casti^atum, cum
multis annotatiun culls ac Uteris alphabeticis, lit. goth., red
and black, titles within ornamental borders, 2 vol., modem,
morocco, with ornamental tooling, gilt edges, Impress.
Londini perjoantum Kyngston it Hettricum Sutton, 1556,
small 4to. (28) Leigkton, £10 10s.
[A clean copy of this rare edition of the Salisbury
Breviary. Its defects are a small hole in last leaf of " Pars
Hyemalis," which had been repaired, and wanted tide to
" Pars .Csiivalis," for which a duplicate of" Pars Hyemalis "
had been inserted. See &OOK-PRICKS CURRENT, voL xi..
No. 4685.— Ed.]
1898 Brigitta seu Birgitta de Suecia (Sancta) Revelationes
Coelestes, lit. golh., numerous spirited woodcuts, half
bound, Lubeca, Bartholoma^s Ghotan, 1492, thick (olio
(29) Chadwick, £\i
[Printed upon vellum. Some leaves of the Table stained
and one leaf defective ; wanted 30 leaves of " Visiones
Extra vagantes,° and colophon at end. The book fonnerly
belonged to the Hospital of St. Bridget at Bajas. See
Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4689,— Ed]
1899 Bruhl (Comte de), Recueil d'Estampes gravies d'apr^s les
Tableaux de sa Galerie et de son Cabinet, I Partie, 50
plates (wanted No. 42) after the great masters, brilliant
original impressions, old French morocco, broad borders of
elaborate gilt ornaments, gilt edges, Comte de Bnihl's own
copy, with his arms on sides and back, bound by Vente,
with his engraved ticket, DrestU, G. C. Walther, 1754, atlas
folio (30) QMoritch, £20
{See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi^ No. 4710.— Ed.]
1900 Bniyn (Cornelius Le). Voyage to the Levant, done into
English by W. J., portrait and copper-plates (some missing),
russia gilt, J. Tonson, 1702, folio (31) 8s.
\See Book-Prices Current, voL xi.. No. 4711,— Ed.]
1901 Burton (R.) Anatomy of Melancholy, second edition,
correaed and augmented by the Author (wanted leaf of
errata at end), signature of Thomas Jekyll, old calf^ tall
copy, Oxford, H. Cripps, 1624, small folio (33)
Pickering, £^ los.
{See Book-Prices Curremt, voL xi.. No. 4732,— ED.]
J902 C. (J.) Militarie Instruction for the Cavall'rie, according to
the Modeme Wattes, collected out of divers forrain
Authors, ancient and modem, plates (No. 3 missing), old
XIII. 14
igitized by Google
calf, with centre gilt oniament. By tie Printtrs to fkt
Univtrsitit of Cambridge, 1632, folio (34) Pickering, -f^ ^
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4739.— Ed^
1903 Caroso da. Sennoneta (Fabritio). II Ballarino, diviso in due
Tialtati (degli I Balii, diverse sorti di Balli e Balletti all"
nso d' Italia, di Francia et Spagna), opera Duovantente
nundata in luce, portrait, figures of dancing positions by
Giacomo F'ranco, ornamental woodcut initials, and music^
notes (margins of title mended, and wanted B 4), calf,
antique style, r. e., fine copy, Venet., F. Ziletti, 1581, small
410. (37) Maggs, £2 ss.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4759,— Ed.]
-1904 Caus (Salomon de). Hortus Palatinus, a Fredcrico Rege
Boemix Electare Palatino Heidelbergae exstnictus, large
folding plate (3 ft. 5 in. by 2 ft. 3 in.) and 26 other plates,
and engraved title (plates 4 and 10 wanted), vellum gilt,
FruTUof., J. T. de Bry, 1620 (38) Thompson. %\\
\Set Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 4774.— ED.]
190J Cervantes. Life and Exploits of Don Quixote de la Mancha,
translated from the Spanish by Cha&. Jarvis, first edition,
plates after Vanderbank by Vander-Gucht (wanted Nos.
3, 13, 37 and 52), 2 voL, old calf gilt, Tonson, 1742, 410.
(40) Andretus, js.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 4795.— Ed.]
1906 Chappe d'Auteroche (Abbi). Voyage en Sib^rie, fait par
ordre du Rai en 1761, large paper, maps and numerous
plates, 3 vol., calf gilt, m. e., and atlas, half calf (wanted
map 10), Paris. Debure, T768, royal 410. (42) Tkompsen, /i
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 4801.— EdT]
1907 Chaucer. Workes, newly printed, Wm. Thynne's first
edition, fclatk Utttt (wanted title, A4, Bj, and last leaf, folio
Ixxxv defective), large copy, morocco gilt, with the Buck-
ingham arms, T. Godfray, 1532, folio (43) Leigklon,£& 8s.
["The Plowman's Tale," which was not printed before
IS42| is supplied in this copy in neat contemporary manu-
script. See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 4818-
1908 Chaucer. Workes, newlye printed, wyth dyvers workes,
whych were never in print before (by Wm. Thynne),
black \tiitx, title within woodcut border, woodcuts and
woodcut initials (wanted T T i and 6), old calf, John
Reynes, at the Sygne of Saynie George in Paul's Church-
yard, 1542, folio {44) Chad-aiick, £\ 16s.
pl)is edition is exactly the same as that with Wm.
Bonham's imprint. In it "The Plowman's Tale " appears
for the first time. Su Book-Prices Current, vol. «.,
No. 4821.— Ed.]
1909 Cbronicon. Die Cronica van der billiger Stat va Coelle,
lit. gsth., numerous woodcuts, coals of arms, etc. (title
backed, and folio 114 mended), vellum, Coellen, Johan
Koeloff (1499), folio (46) Leighton, j^it 10s.
[First edition of the Cologne Chronicle. See BOOR-
Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4841.— Ed.)
igitized by Google
I9in Clusa (Jacobus de, Carthusiensis). Opusculum quod appel-
latum Statuum Humanonim, lit. goth. (67 leaves, two
wanted in the last gathering), long lines, 40 to a page,
without marks, capitals painted in red, new morocco,
S. I. ei a. "per tUscrtlum Vintm Jokannem Hug. de
Coppingm" small folio (47) Qftarifch, £2 8s,
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4859. — Ed.]
191 ■ Conrad von Megenburg. Das Buch der Natur, das inhaltet
von eygenschafit und nature des Menschen, von der natni
und cygenschafft dea Himmels, der tier, des gcfugels, der
Icreuter und von vil anderem naturlichcn dingen, von
Cunrat von Megenberg von latein in teutsch transzferieret,
lit goth., numerous large and spirited woodcuts (wanted
3 leaves), limp vellum, fine copy, Augspurg von Johannes
B&mUr, 147S, small folio (48) Ltighton, £2,1) los.
{See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 4880.— Ed.]
1912 [Cooper (Thos.)] The Mysterie of Witchcraft, discovering
the severall uses of this Doctrine of Witchcraft (last le^
defective, wanted the general title), old calf, Nic. Okes,
1617, izmo- (49) QuariUh. £\ 4s.
[Set Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4885. — Ed.]
1913 Crescentio (BartoL) Nautica Med iterranea, engraved title,
plates of vessels, plans, diagrams, etc. (wanted the large
map), old calf (broken), Rama, T. Bonfadino, 1607, small
4to.(50 Pickering, li
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4906.— ED.]
1914 Crescientio (Piero). De Agricultura Vulgare, woodcut of the
author teaching (on reverse of title), and fine woodcuts and
ornamental initials in the text (wanted 4 leaves in r),
Venet. {s. name M impress.), 1519, small 4(0. (52)
Leightm,l\ 155.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 4()07.— Ed.]
1915 Dante. Commedia, insieme con uno dialogo area et sita,
forma et mdsure dello Inferno, edizione prima degli Giunti,
engraving of Dante in a forest, and woodcuts (wanted
2 leaves at end), old calf gilt, r. e. (Duke of Sussex's copy),
Firenssa, Ph. di Giunta, 1506, small 8 vo. (53) Scotti, £1 ^.
\Sie Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 4934.— Ed.]
1916 Darrell (John). A Detection of that Sinnfiil, Shamful Lying
and Ridiculous Discours of Samuel Harshnct, etitituled A
Discoverie of the Fraudulent Practises of John Darrell (in
the matter of the Bewitching of Wm. Somers of Notting-
ham, etc.) (wanted A i), limp vellum. Noplace or printers
name, 1600, small 4to. (54) Walls, £a
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 49S3.— EdJ
1917 Dugdale (Sir W.) and R. Dodsworth. Monasticon Angli-
canum ex MSS. Codd. ad Monasteria olim pertinentibus,
first edition, numerous fine plates by W. Hollar (some
missing) (portrait of Dugdale inserted in vol. ii.), 3 voL
(voL iii. had title " Volumen alteram," t66i), russia gilt,
m. e-, 1655-73-61, folio (5S) Andrews, C\ is.
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 5023.— Ed.]
1918 Ellis (Humphrey, Minister in the City of Winton). Pseudo-
igitized by Google
christus ; a Relation of the Grand Impostures, Horrid
Blasphemies, etc., lately spread abroad in the County of
Soutnamptoa by Williajn Frankelin and Mary Gadbuiy,
the one asseitin^ himself to be Christ, the other the Lady
Mary, with their tryal, etc. (wanted pages 15, 16}, half
bound,/. Ma£ockJor L. Fawnt, 1650, small 4to. (56)
Waits. I2S.
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 5040.— Ed.]
1919 Eusebias. Historiie Ecclesiastical Lib. XI. (cum prologis
S. Hieronomi) per Rufinum dc Greco in Latinum translatae,
lit goth., double columns (128 leaves, two wanted), 40 lines,
without marks, ornamental and other capitals painted in
red, oaken boards, leather, Absque ulta nota, smalt folio
(59) Uigklon, ijs.
[5« Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 5063.— Ed.]
1930 Fabns (Salvator). Sienia e Pratica d' Anne, engraved title,
arms of Denmark, and numerous copper-plate engravings
of fencing attitudes (wanted sheets K, M, Oi and R), calf
gilt, antique style, r. e., Copenhaven, H. Waltkirch, 1606,
folio (61) Leighton, /a
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi.. No. 5069.— EdJ
1921 Filzherbert (Sir A.) The boke for a Justice of Peace ; the
Boke of Courte Baron and Courte Hundred ; the Boke
called Retuma Brevium ; Carta Feodi ; Ordinances of the
Exchequer, etc., blub Uttn (some margins cut into, wanted
pages 29-32), old calf, /» aedibus Thorn. Bertheleti, i;.l8,
I2mo. (62) M^K^, ifl 2S.
[i'« Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 5093.— Ed.]
1922 Fletcher (Phineas). The Purple Island, or the Isle of Man,
together with Piscatorie Eclogues, and other Poetical
Miscellanies, firat edition, large and thick paper, en-
graved arms and device of E. Benlowes (wanted leaf after
title), old slate-coioured morocco, with arms and initials
1 sides, Printers to the University of Cambridt
[633, small 4to. (63) Robson, £. ,
\_See Book-Prices Current, vol. xi^ No. 5094— Ed.]
1923 Florio. Queen Anna's New World of Words, or Dictionarie
of (he Italian and English Tongues, newly much aug-
mented, portrait by Wm. Hole, autograph of Henry Shirley
on title, modern MS. notes inserted (but wanted Qqq i),
vellum, fine copy, M. Bradwood Jor E. Blount and W.
Barret, 1611, small folio (64) Pickering, j£i 10s.
\Su Book- Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 5100.— Ed.]
1924 Foxe (John). Acts and Monuments ... of the Church of
England, newly recognised and enlarged by the Author
(third edition), olack Uttn, numerous woodcuts, 2 vol. in I
(began on folio 73 and ended with letter P of table, several
of the first leaves defective], oaken boards, stamped leather
(broken), 1576, folio (66) Uigklon, £2
[See Book-Prices Current, vol xi.. No. 5110.— EdIJ
192; Fraunce (Abraham). The Lawiers L(^ke, exemplifying the
Praecepts of Logicke by the Practice of the Lawe (wanted
the folding plate), bltuk and roman Utttt, signature of Wm.
,g,„zeaL, Google
Baynton of Grays Inn on title, old calf gilt, with the Bayn-
ton arms, **". H<m for T. Guibiit and T. Newman, 1 588,
small 4to. (68 ffa//j, /3
\Ste Book-Prices Current, vol. xi., No. 5118.— EdTJ
1936 Froissart (Jean). Le Premier (le Second et le Tiers) Volnme
des Chroniques dc France Dangletcne Descoce Dcs-
paigne de Bretaigne de Gasconge de Flandres et lieux
Circonvoisins, lit gotlt. (Icttres b3tardes], double columns
(6 leaves in vol. i. supplied in contemporary MS., vol. ii.
wanted last leaf of register, vol. iii. last leaf of table), 3 vol.,
vol. i., ii. in old French red morocco, full gilt backs, line
sides, gilt edges (Derome) ; vol. iii., new morocco in imita-
tion of the older binding by Clyde, Paris, Ant. Verard,
s. d., folio (69) Quaritck, ^181
[Printed upon vellum. See BooK-Prices Curreni,
vol. xi„ No. Sim— ED.]
1927 Gheyn (Jacob de). The Exercise of Armes for Calivret,
Muskettes, and Pikes, after the Order of Mauritz, Prince
of Orange, etc (text in English, French, German, and
Dutch), 117 woodcuts (margins of title and Ai mended, and
wanted L 4), old calf, Zutphen, A. Janssen. 1619, small 410.
(70) Pickering, £$ los.
[See Book-Prices Current, voL xii., No. 61.— Ed.J
1928 Gilbert (Davies). Parochial History of Cornwall, founded
on the MS. Histories of Hals and Tonkin, large paper,
4 vol. (pp. 337-353 in vol. iii. missing), uncut, J. Nichols,
1838 (?l) Andrews, £1 3S.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol, xii., No. 67.— Ed.J
1929 Goulart (I.) Admirable and Memorable Histories containmg
the Wonders of our Time, collected out of the best Authors,
out of French into English by Ed. Grimeston (pp. 263-266
missing), woodcut initials, G. Eldj 1607— Fortesque (Thos.)
The Foreste, or Collection of Histories, no less profitable
than pleasant and necessarie, dooen out of Frenche into
Englishe, blath Ixttn, title within woodcut border, woodcut
initials,/. Kyngstonfor Wm. Jones, 1571, in i vol., old calf,
small 4to. (72) Roison, /lo ijs.
[See Book-Prices Current, voL xii.. No. 78.~-Ed.]
1930 Grass! (Giacomo di). Ragione di adoprar sicuramente I'Arme
si da offessa, come da difesa. con un modo di essercitarsi
per acquistare forza, etc., edizione originate, portrait and
copperplate engravings (pp. 41, 42 missing), old calf, with
crowned initials H. L. (Duke of Sussex's copy), Venetia,
- G. Ziletti, 1570, small 4to. (74) Pickering,£\ 19s.
[See Book-Prices Current, voL xii.. No. 89.— Ed.]
1931 Halle (Edwarde). The Unyon of the twoo noble and illustre
famelies of Lancaster and Vorke, beyng long in continual!
discention for the Croune of this noble realme ... to ye
raygne of Kynge Henry the eyghte, ilath Utttt (second
issue), title widiin genealogical border, woodcut initials
(large Ex-Libris of Francis Gywnn of Lansamor, dated
1698, on reverse of title and small one in cover), an excel-
igitized by Google
lent copy, but apparently wanted colophon at end (and
table to Henry VIlI.), old caH, anno 1550, small folio (75)
Leigkton, £^ iRs.
{See Book-Prices Current, voL xii., No, 136.— Ed.]
1933 [Harman (Thomas).] The Groundworlte i^ Conny- Catching,
the manner of their Pedlers- French, and the meanes to
understand the sam^ with the Cunning Sleights of the
Counterfeit Cranke . . . done by a Justice of £e Peace of
great authoritie, etc, blath Irttw, woodcut on title, full-
length figures of the " Upright Man " and tbe " Counterfeit
Crank," and another woodcut (D i supplied in facsimile),
russia gilt, gilt edges, John Danterfor Wm. Bayler, 1592,
small 4to. (77) Piekering,%\^
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 141. — EdT]
1933 Hasse (Signor). The Comic Tunes, etc., to the Celebrated
Dances Perform'd at Both Theatres for the Harpsichord,
Violin, or German Flute (several leaves wanted), 5 voL, old
calf, J. Walsh, n. d., small folio (78) Leigkton, 16s.
{See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. I46.^Ed.]
1934 Helmont 0- B. Van). Oriatrike, or Physick Refined, the
Common Errors therein refuted and the whole Art Reformed
and Refined, translated by J. C. (John Constable), frontis-
piece (wanted pp. 345, 346, and 351, 352), half calf, L. Lloyd,
1661, small folio (79) Thompson, £1 I3S.
[See Book. Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 164. — Ed.]
1935 Heresbachius (Conr,) Foure Bookes of Husbandrie, contain-
ing the whole art and trade of Husbandrie, Gardening,
GrafGng, and Planting, newly Englished and increased by
Bamabe Googe, bltck Ittta (♦ii. of Table and p. 16 injured
by fire), signature of John Thelwall on title, John Wight,
15S6 — Mascall (Leonard). A Booke of the Arte and
Manner how to Plant and Grafie all sorts of Trees, etc., by
one of the Abbey of S. Vincent, in Fraunce, hl*ik littn,
woodcuts, T. East for Tkos. Wight, I592,in i vol., old cal^
small 4to. (Sol Leighlon, ^9 SS.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 176.— Ed.]
1936 Hermann {Archbishop of Cologne). A Simple and Religious
Consultation by what meanes a Christian Reformation, and
founded in Cod's Worde of Doctrine, etc, may be begon
among men, etc., perused by the translator thereof and
amended in many places, bU(k itttcr, arms of Katherine,
Duchess of SufToltc, widow of Charles Brandon, on reverse
of title, and cut on last leaf (comer of leaf defective), russia,
the second and best edition of this translation, John Daye
and William Seres, 1548, iimo. (81) BuU, £i, is.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 177.— Ed.]
1937 Hope (SirWm.) The Compleat Fencing-Master, in which
is fiiUy described the Whole Guards, Parades, and Lessons
belonging to the Sntail-Sword, etc., second edition, plates
(No. 3 missing), old calf, Donnan Newman, 1693, small
8vo. (83) gftariuh, £% 7s. 6d.
\Sm Book-Prices Current, vol. xu., Na 222. — Ed.]
IQ38 Horx intemerate beate Maiise Virginis secundum usum Pic-
igitized by Google
tavieos (cum Cdendario), lit gath. (lettres batardes), title
(the Saint Graal device), Astroloeical Man (mutilated),
17 fiill-paev woodcuts, device at end, and the small histori-
ated woodcuts and initial letters and omameatal borders
all finely painted and illuminated, 2 different coats of arms
occur in tne margins (contains 83 leaves some leaves trans-
posed in binding, wanted h 7 and perhaps other leaves), con-
temporary black morocco with crucifix in centre, r. e. " Ces
presenles keures a lusaige tU — (space left for name of place)
furent ache^'ies h x-viii. jour de itoust mil cinq cens et deux
pour Anihoine Verard, 1503. sm. 4to. (84) Thompson, ^17
[Printed upon vellum. See Book-Prices Current,
vol. xii., No. 231.— Ed.]
1939 Kent (Countesse oO. A Choice Manual, or Rare and Select
Secrets in Physick and Chirurgery, die eleventh edition,
with Additions (no portrait), Gertrude Dawson, 1659 — A
True Gentlewoman's Delight, wherein is contained all
manner of Cookery, etc., very necessary for all Ladies and
Gentlewomen, published by W. J. Gent., ib., 1859, in I vol.,
sheep, i2mo. (90) Thompson, /i 6s,
[j« Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 358.— Ed.]
1940 Liancourt (Sieur de). Le Maistre d'Armes, ou I'exerdse de
I'Esp^e seuUe dans sa perfection, d^di^ au Due de Bonr-
gOgne, frontispiece and 14 plates of fencing positions by
A. Perelle (wanted the portrait of the author), old call Paris,
chez fAuteur, 1686, oblong 410. (94I Pickering, ^lo los.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol, xii., No.424-— Ed.J
■941 [Linne (Gwalter),] A moste necessarie Treatise, declaring
the beginning and ending of all Poperie, or the Popish
Kingdome, drawne out of certaine olde Prophecies . . .
nowe newly set forth with the Auncient Pictures theretmto
belonging (dedication to Kin^ Edward VI.), blstk Icttrr,
woodcuts (wanted D ii and iii), half calf, J. Charlewoode,
15S8, small 4to. (95) Bull, los.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol, xii.. No. 431.— Ed.]
1943 Lucretius. Delia Natura deSIe Cose libri sei, tradotta m
Italiana da A. Marchetti, fine engravings and vignettes
after Cochin (wanted pp. 433, 424), i vol., old French red
morocco, full gilt backs, line sides, gilt edges (Derome),
fine copy, Amst., 1754, royal 8vo. (97) Clements, /i 6s.
[See Hook-Pricks Current, vol. xii.. No. 453.— Ed.]
1943 Man (WolfTganng von). Das Leiben Jesu Christi unsers
erlosers. Sonders und achti^er lere nutz-perlicher betrach-
tung ausz dan vier Evanf;'elisten entlichen in gesatz weisz
beiwungen, printed within woodcut ornamental borders,
with 30 remarkable full-page woodcuts of the Passion within
architectural and ornamental borders (some top margins
shaved, title and 3 other leaves soiled, and first large wood-
cut in facsimile), modem morocco gilt, gilt edges, Augs-
purgdurck den Jungeii Hannsen Sckdnsperger, 1515, small
4to. (99) LeightoM, £32 los.
[Printed upon vellum. See BOOK-PRICBS CURRENT,
vol. xji.. No. 486.— Ed.]
igitized by Google
1944 Mandev-iUe (Sir John). Joanne de Mandavila, qual tracta de
le piu Maravegliose Cose, e piu notabile del monda, title
within woodcut border, dJevice of cat and mouse at end
(A 6 missing}, half vellum, Venel., Marchio Sessa, ijzi,
tamo, (too) Leigkion,is.
[See Book-Prices Current, voL xii., No. 491.— Ed.]
1945 Manuals ad Usum Ecclcsie Sarisburiensis, lU. goth., red and
black, with musical notes, title within woodcut border (folios
123, 134, and 137 missing), old cal^ Londitd recenltr im-
pttssum necnon mulHs niendis tersum atque emendatum,
i55j(no name of printer), small 4to. (101) Leighiott, £10 %s.
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 498. — Ed.J
1946 Markham (Gervase). A Way to Get Wealth, containing Six
Principal Vocations or Callings in which every good Hus-
band or House- wive maylawfiiUy imploy theniselves(6 books,
including the Making of Orchards, by W. Lawson, each
with separate title, as well as the general one, p. 53 defective
in Book III.), half calf, T. B.for Hattnah Swwbridge, 1683,
small 4to. (102) Edwards^ i&.
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 508.— Ed.]
1947 Maximus ^Valerius). Factae et Dictae Memorabilife cum
Declaratione Dyonisii de Burgo, printed in roman letter,
long lines, 36 to a fiill page, without marks (370 leaves, one
defective), old French morocco, full gilt florcate back, rich
ornamental floreate borders, gilt edges (Boyet), line copy,
Absque ulla rtala, 410. or very small tolio (104)
Leigkton, j^S 15s.
[Editioprinceps of this Commentary. See BoOK-FRicES
Current, vol. xii., Na 538.— Ed.]
1948 [Michault (Pierre).] La Dance des Aveugles, lit. goth. (lettres
b&tardes), long lines (40 leaves), signatures a-f 4, capitals
painted in red, device of Le Petit Laurens on title, figure
of the author writing used twice, and ; other woodcuts,
that of Death on a pale horse, issuing from the mouth of
bell, occupying a whole page (some headlines cut and re-
paired), crushed modem morocco, full gilt back, line sides,
inside dentelles, gilt edges by Duru, Jmprim^e n Paris en
la rue Soft Jacques pres Saint Yvez par le petit L/atrens,
s. d., small 410. (lo^) H^instal, ^104
\See Book-Prices Current, vol xii.. No. s6a — Ed.]
1949 Missale Secundum Chorum Ecclesise Brixineitsis (cum Calen-
dario), lit. goth., red and black, with musical notes, double
columns, 41 lines, contained 1 1 preliminary leaves (com-
mencing with the Calendar), CCXXIV. numbered leaves
and leaf with Ratdolt's device, margins of first page of
text painted, 16 illuminated ornamental initials with mar-
ginal decorations, the fiiU-page woodcut before the Canon
painted, large woodcut of arms of Brescia, with crowned
monogram of Bishop Melchior painted, some old MS. notes
in margins (had only 11 and 325 leaves instead of 14 and
336), oaken boards, modem morocco, omamental gilt back,
igitized by Google
line frame sides, Aug. Vind. per Erhardum Raidolt, 1493,
XVI. Siptimbris, folio (106) QuariUh, £70
[Printed upon vellum. See BOOK-PRtCES CURRENT,
vol. xii., No. S76.— Ed.1
1950 Missale Romanum, secundum Consuetudinem fratnim Ordmis
Sancti Hieronynii, lit. S°">'i I'ed and black, with musical
notes, woodcut of St. Jerome with lion ort title illuminated.
first page of text, first page of Canon, rectos of folios 2o8
and 217 in bistoriated compartmental borders finely illu-
minated, 19 extraordinary lai^e historiated initials finely
painted, and very richly illuminated, and zj4 smaller illu-
minated ornamental initials (wanted a preliminary leaf, and
leaf with cut of Cruciliicion which should face Canon, fbljo
cxxi), oaken boards, leather, stamped in ornamental com-
paitments, /« Cesaraugusta Georgiitus Cod Tkattonims,
1526, JV. Dec, with device (painted), folio {107)
LeigMon, £128
[Printed upon vellum. Contains 9 preliminary leaves,
cclxxv numbered leaves, and leaf with imprint. See BOOK-
Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 589.— Ed.]
1951 Molitor (Ulricus). De Lamiis et Phitonicis Mulieribus, lit.
Soth., long lines, 34 to a full page (33 leaves should be 37),
with signatures, S woodcuts, ^ Ex ConsUmtia, a.d. 1489,"
small 4>o- (i'>9) Ltigklon, £1 143.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 597.— Ed.]
1953 Monro (Col. Rob.) His Expedition with the Worthy Scots
Regiment (called Mac-Keys' Regiment) (signature F 1 de-
fecuve), old calf, W. Jones, 1637, small folio (110)
M<*gg^> £1 fe-
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No, 600. — Ed.]
1953 Montaigne (Mich. de). Essais, cinquicsme Edition, aug-
mcntee d'un troisi^me livre et de six cens additions aux
deux premiers, engraved title, margins shaved, but the text
has wide margins (few leaves wormed, and p. 438 defective],
old rough cal^ Paris, Abel I'Angelier, 1588, small 4to-(iiO
H'aits, £,2 4S.
[The last edition published in the author's lifetime. See
Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 602.— Ed.]
1954 More (Sir Thomas). Works, first collected edition (with the
unnumbered leaves of Youthful Poems, and the leaf on the
printer's errors between pp. 1138 and 1139, leaf of Youthful
Poems, and comers of several other leaves mended], Uuk
Itlttr, title within woodcut border, russia extra, gilt edges,
fine copy, Cawood, Waley and Toltell, IJS?, small folio
(112) Bull, £12 li^.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 611. — Ed.]
195s Mor« (Sir Thomas). Historie of the Pitiful Life and Unfor-
tunate Death of Edward the Fifth ; with the troublesome
government of Richard the Third, 2 portraits, 3 vol. in 1
(small hole through pp. 363 and 364), calf, T. Paine for the
Stat. Co., 1641, ismo. (113) Quarileh,£\ iis.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 618.— Ed.]
1956 Mountaine (Dydymus). The Gardener's Labyrinth ; con-
igitized by Google
tainiiig a disconne of the Gardener's life, in the yearly
travels to be bestowed on his plot of earth, for the use
of a Garden, gathered out of the best approved Writers,
blach UtttT, woodcuts {side margin cut into), panelled calf,
H Bynnetnan, 1577, small 410. (115) Ln^klon,£i2 los.
[5« Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 624.— Ed.]
1957 Museum Florentinum exhibens insigniora Vetustatis Monu-
menta quae Florentiae sunt, con le Serie di Ritratti, cnia
A. F. Gorii, etc., numerous plates (same wanted), 8 vol.,
vellum, Florent, 1731-81, folio (117) Tkompson,£\ i6s.
\Sa Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 63a.— Ed.]
1958 Officium Hebdomads Sancte a dominica in ramis palmarum
usqz. ad mane diei pasche inclusive, cum appositione Officii
Sepulture Xpi et eius resurrecti&is sm. Romana Curi^ lit.
aoln., red and black, woodcuts and woodcut initials (wanted
folio I jS), old black morocco with blind stamped ornaments,
Vtmt. in Off. L. A. Junta, 1534, i2mo. (119) LeigUon, 3s.
\S(e Book-Prices Current, vol. xii^ No. 664.— Ed.]
'959 Ogilby (John). Africa, I-arge AND THICK paper, maps and
fine plates (those at pp. 69-77 and 84 missing, old calf,
T.Johnson,/or the Author, 1670, i2mo. {120) Edwards, iSs.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 667.— Ed.]
i960 Ordinary. The Ordenarye for all faythfull Chrylias to leade
a Vertuous and Godly lyfe here in this vale of miserie,
ttHnslated out of Doutche into Inglysh by Anthony Sco-
loker, first edition, black Ittttr, woodcuts (some leaves
soiled and comers mended, and wanted B i and 8, C 4,
D 1 and 8], red morocco gilt, gilt edges. Imprinted by
Ant. Scotoker for W. Seares in S. botoiph's, n. d. {circa
1548), i6mo. (121) Leighton, £1 17s.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 671.— Ed.]
1961 Paradin (Claude). Heroicall Devises, whereunto are added
the Lord Gabriel Symeons and others, translated out of
Latin by P. S., woodcuts (title soiled, some leaves wormed,
and wanted pages 239-263, 274-2S6), calf. Imprinted by fV.
Kearney, 1591, i6mo. (126) Edwards, 7s.
[S« Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 698. — Ed.]
1962 PassLOD. Hie nach Volget ein loblicher Passion, nach dem
waren Text der iiii Evangelisien, mit der Auslegung der
heiligen Lcrer minamen Bemhardi, Anshelmi, Augustiai,
Jeronimi. Ambrosii und underer, lit- B*"*-, long lines, 18 to
a page, signatures A X in 8's (wanted A j, X 7-8 blank), 23
spirited outline woodcuts (coloured), Getruckt sU Augspurg
von Hanns Schauten lant Valentins ttzgg, 1495 — Das ist die
Teuisch Vigili, lit. goth., long lines, 20 to a page, signatures
A-E in 8's, woodcuts on recto and reverse of title, and on
reverse of last leaf (coloured), id.. 1496, in I vol., con-
temporary binding in oaken boards, stamped ornamental
leather, lamo. (128) Leigkton, /51
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 703.— EdT)
1963 Petrarca. Sonetti, Canzone e Triomphi colle Commenti di
^Gabriele Bruno et di Hieron. Centone, roman letter, fine
full-page outline woodcuts to the Triumphs, caintals
igitized by Google
punted (some margins mended, leaf I of text supplied from
another edidon). 3 voL ID i, old calf, Vetutia, ter Joanne M
Codtca di Parma, 1492-93, small folio (131) Magjp, £6 i'
another edidon). 3 voL in i, old calf, Vetutia, ter Joa
Codtca di Parma, 1492-93, small folio (131) Magjp, £(i 15s.
[-?« Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 726,— Ed.]
1964 Prayer. The Boke of Common Prayer, and administracion
of tbe Sacramentes and other Rites and Ceremonies in the
Churche of Englandc, bUch Itttn, title in red and black
within woodcut border (alighcly wormed) and ornamental
initials, interleaved throughout, with numetous M.S. readings
from other editions, particularly that of 1549, and other
remarks in an old hand, with additions by a modem
corrector (wanted leaf at end, containing" Faults escaped"),
old calf (rebacked) (Duke of Sussex's copy). In officina
Etkvarde Whytchurcht, 1552 {no monlh), small folio (132)
Maggs, £30 los.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 4819.--ED.]
1965 Prayer. The Booke of Common Praicr, and Adminstration
of the Sacramentes and other Rites and Ceremonies in the
Churche of Englande, black Itlln (A ii neatly mended,
A iiii-v in facsimile, sheets F, G, K, N in a different type
to the rest of the book), tide in red and black within wooij-
cut borders, ornamental initials, modem blue morocco, line
tooled, gilt edges, antique style, fine copy, In Officina Rick.
Ju^e etjohamtis Cawode, 1559, small folio {133)
Quaritch, £1^2
\_See Book-Prices Current, vol xii,, No. 4820.— Ed.]
1966 Prayer. The Book of Common Prayer, with the Psalter, etc.
(Charles II.), Uact Irtttt, large paper, ruled in double
red lines, engraved title by Loggan, old English morocco,
full gilt back, ornamental frame sides, gilt edges, fine copy,
J. Bill and Chr. Barker, 1662, folio (13+) Quaritch, l^
\See Book-Prices Current, vol, xii.. No. 4836.— Ed.]
1967 [Psalterium cum Canticis], lit goth. (177 leaves, several
wanted), lon^ lines, 18 and 17 to a page, without marks of
any kind, pamted initials, contemporary MS. prayers in
fly-leaves, oaken boards, covered m new plain morocco.
Absque ulla nota, i2mo. (135) Quaritch, £7
l^fe Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 4864.— Ed.]
1968 Pulci (Luigi). Morgante Maggiore, novamente stampato et
con ogni diligentia revisto et coretto, lit. Stitlt., cut on title
and small woodcuts in the text (wanted title, a later one
inserted), modem morocco, full gilt back, ornamental
borders, gilt edges by Mackenzie, Venetia, Manfrino Bono
de Monteierraio, 1507, small 8vo. (136) LeightoH, £1 13s
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 4874.— Ed.]
J969 Quadrigesimale Incipit, novum editum et Predicatum a
quodam fratrc minore de Observanlia de filio prodigo in
inclita civitate Basiheiia Anno diii. MCCCCXCIIIL,
lit. goth., capitals painted in red, 18 fine spirited (German)
woodcuts (wanted title-pa^), Jmpressum Basilia per
Mick. Furter Anno 1497 (with device), small 8vo. (137)
Thompson, £2 I09.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii, No. 4878.— Ed.]
igitized by Google
197° Recueil de la Diversity des Habits, qui sont de present en
usage, tant es pays d'Europe, Asie, Atfriqne et Isles
Sauvages, le tout fait apr^s le naturel, woodcut title, dedica-
tion to Henry of Navarre by Francoys Deserpz {sic pour
Desprez) (2 leaves), and 117 (only) full-length woodcut
fif{ure5, the whole inlaid on Svo. paper, autograph of Gabriel
Harvey (the Elizabethan writer) on title and reverse of last
plate, modem morocco g^It, gilt edges, Paris, par Francois
dei pres detnourant Rut de Montorgueil au bon Pasteur,
1567, Svo. (138) Pickering, ^4
[5« Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 492i.-~Ed7]
1971 ReuHnerus(N.) Emblemata.partimethicaet physica, partim
vero historica et hieroglyphica, etc., ex recensione Jeremis
Reusneri, printed within borders, with engraved title and
numerous woodcuts by Virgil Solis, etc (D i missing),
limp vellum, fine copy. Franco/,, Jo, Feyerabendt, 1581,
small4to. (139) Thompson, 16s.
\See Book-Prices Current, voL xii., No. 4932. — Ed.]
1972 Rowlandson. Military Adventures of Johnny Newcome, by
an officer, 14 (should be 15) humorous coloured plates by
Thos. Rowlandson, half morocco, P. Martin, 181;, Svo.
{142) Edwards, 18s.
[See Book-Prices Current, voL xii.. No. 4963-— Ed.]
1973 Sanders (Rich.) Physiognomie and Chiromancie, Metopo-
scopie. Dreams, the Art of Memorie, etc., fine and rare
portrait by T. Crosi and woodcuts (wanted pages 259-62),
panelled calf; r. e., J?. White for N. Brooke, 1653, small
folio (t43) Edwards, £,\ is.
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 4988.— Ed.]
1974 Scotland. The Actis and Conslitutionis of the Realme of
Scotland maid in Parliamentis haldin be the rycht
excellent, hie and mychtie Princeis Kingis James the First,
Secund, Thrid, Feird, Fyft, and in Tyme of Marie now
Quenc of Scottis, visetit, correait, and cxtractit furth of the
Registers be the Lordis Deputs be speciall commission
thairto, bUch Irlttr, title above the large arms of Scotland,
woodcut initials (wanted a leaf), Imprentit at Ediniurgk
by Rob. Lekpreuik, xxviii. Nov^ 1 566— Actis of the Parlia-
ment of K. James VI., 1567, Edinburgh, Johne Ros, 157;
— Acts of the Parliament at Stirling, j4ii^. xxviii., 1571, li.,
in I vol., old calf, with arms of the Duke of Queensberry,
small folio (144) Chad-wick, £S 5s.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 5016. — Ed-]
1975 Scotland. The Actis and Conslitutionis of the Realme of
Scotland, maid in Parliamentis haldin be Kingis James the
first, etc. (lo Queen Mary), black Xtttcc, large coal of arms
of Scotland on title, woodcut initials (wanted 2 leaves of
Table at beginning), Edinburgh, Rob. Lekpreuik, 1566 —
Actis of Parliament of James the Sext, Dec. xv., 1567.
black Irtttr. large coat of arms of Scotland on title (margins
cut into), ii., 1568— In the Parliament of James the Sext
gunne at Striviling, xxviii. Aug., 1571, the Actis, etc.,
following war concludit, blacli itiXa, Imprentit at Sanciam-
igitized by Google
drois by Robert Lekpreuik, 1573, in I vol., vellum, small
folio (145) LeighlOH, ^4 9s.
[.S'm Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 5017. — Ed.J
1976 Stirpium Icoaes, seu Plantarum tam exotlcarum quam indi-
genarum, cum septem Linguarum indicibus, many hundred
woodcuts of plants, 2 vol. in i (last page of Index missing),
old calf, Aniw., Moretus, 1S91, small oblong 410. (147)
Thompson, £2 ifis.
[Set Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 5095,— Ed,]
'977 .Surey Demoniack (The) ; an Account of Satan's strange and
dreadful Actins in the Body of Richard Dugdale of Surey,
near Whalley, Lane, Jon. Robinson, 1697 — Taylor (Zach.)
The Surey Impostor, an answer to The Surey Demoniack,
frontispiece (cut into), J. Jones, 1697 — A Vindication of the
Surey Demoniack (wanted title, last leaf mended) (1697),
in I vol., half calf, small 4tD. (148) tHckering, 17s.
\Sit Book-Prices Current, voL xii., No. siij.^Eo.]
1973 Swetnam (Jos.) The Schoole of the Nobie and Worthy
Science of Defence, being the first of any English-man's
invention, which professed the sayd science, woodcuts
(some margins shaved and sheet D missing), calf. Printed
by NicoloiOkes, 1617, small 4to. (149) Quaritch, £q
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 5116. — Ed.]
'979 Tartaglia (Nic.) Three Bookes of Colloquies concerning the
Arte of Shooting in great and small peeces of Artillerie,
written in Italian and now translated into Enelish by
Cyprian Lucar; annexed is a Treatise named Lucar
Appendix on the office and duties of a Gunner, numerous
folaing and other woodcuts (wanted pages 19, 20 in
Appendix), half calf, J. Harrison, 1588, small fo^o (151)
Pickering, £i 2s.
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 5128.— Ed.}
19S0 Tasso (T.) Rime ct Prose, parte teria (e parte quattro)
ristampate, rivedute et corrette, con aggiunta d' altre Rime
del medesimo Autore, ruled in red, contemporary French
brown morocco, back tooled in leafy scrolls and ovals of
mat^erites with title Tassi, pars 3, 4, the sides covered
in elaborate tooling of the same ornaments, with the three
fleurs-de-lis in a bend in centre of upper cover, and on the
under three natural lilies, surrounded by the motto " ex-
pectata non eludet," the device of Marie Marguerite de
Valois Saint- Kemy, gilt edges (Clovis Eve), well preserved
(wanted title to pan iv.), Feirar V. Baldini, 1589, i2mo.
(15a) ^'^^' U(^
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 5131. — Ed.]
1981 Taylor (John, Water Poet). All the Workes, being 63 in
number, collected into one volume by the Author, with
sundry new Additions, corrected, revised, and newly Im-
printed, original folio edition, frontispiece (containing por-
trait) by Cockson, and numerous woodcuts (2 leaves
defective), nissia extra, gilt edges, _/. a/or/nj. ffo/er, 1630,
small folio (153) Ckadwick, £1^ los.
\See Book-Prices Current, voL xii.. No. 5142. — Ed.]
igitized by Google
1953 Testamentum. Les Cboses Contenues en ce present livre ;
Une Epistre Exhortatiorc La S. Evangile scion S.
Matthieu ; selon S. Marc ; selon S. Luc ; selon S. Jehan,
lit. goth., modem calf, widi 2 ancicDt panels from a book
origJDally bound for King Henry VIII., inlaid, fine copy,
Paris, Sim. de Colines, 1524 (155) F. Clarke, £10 53.
[5« Book- Prices Current, vol. xii., No. si73.^Ed?|
1983 Testamentuin. Testament (LeNouveau)auquel esc demonstre
Jhesu Christ notre Sauveur ... la plus correcte copie
imprim^e, woodcut title, fine full-page woodcuts and initials,
bound in 2 vol. (few leaves cut into), old French red
morocco, full gilt floieate backs, line sides, with fleurons at
angles, gilt edges (Le Gascon), Attvert, Jean de Liesvelt
(with device), 1539, iimo. (156) Leighton, £2 6s.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 5174.— Ed.]
1954 Testamentum. Erasmus (Des) Paraphrase upon the Newe
Testament, first edition, blach letter, titles within woodcut
borders, ornamental woodcut initials, 2 vol. (wanted -t-2
and 3, " Dedication to the Christian Reader "), oaken
boards, stamped leather, £. Whitechurche, 1548-49, folio
(157) Wi!teU,l2 14s.
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 5203.— Ed.]
198; Testamentum. The Padectes of the Evangylicall Lawe,
comprising the Whole Historye of Christes Gospell, set
forth by Thomas Paynell, blarh littrr, title within woodcut
border (hole burnt in several plain margins, and wanted
FF I), old calf (Duke of Sussex's copy), Nycolas Hyll for
Wyllyam Seret and Abraham VeU, 1553, lamo. (158)
Eilis, £1 7s.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 5209.— Ed.]
1986 Tetius (Comes Hieron.) ^des Barberinfe ad Quirinatem,
plates (wanted pp. s, 6), vellum, Roma, 1642, folio (159)
Thompson, £l is.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 52I4.^Ed.]
1987 Thesaurus Amicorum, variis Iconibus iisque perelegantibus
illustratus, numerous woodcut heads, within fine ornamental
and historiated woodcut borders, on one side of page only,
many blank spaces (some leaves wanted), old pigskin,
{Lugd.) aijo. Tomasium, s. a., small 8vo. (160)
Magg!, £a 7s. 6d.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xn.. No. 5219. — Ed.]
1988 Thucydides. The History of the Warre whiche was betwene
the Peloponesians and the .^thenyans, translated oute of
Frenche into the Englyshe Langiiage by Thomas Nicolls,
Citezeine and Goldesmith of London, bluh Ixttcr, title
within woodcut border, ornamental initials, " Liber Robtii.
Chichester " on title, contemporary stamped ornamental
calf (rebackedl, large copy (wormed) [J. Waylande], 1550,
small folio (161) Pickering, £b los.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 5232.— Ed,]
1989 Turner (Wm.) The Herbal, three Partes, hereunto is joyned
also a Booke of the Bath of Baeth in England, etc., blark
Icttti, numerous woodcuts and ornamental initials (first title
igitized by Google
mended, wanted end), 3 vol. in I, half calf, Collen^ A. Birck-
man, I $68, small folio ( 1 61) Ellii and Elvey, £7 1 (s.
[Su Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 5252. — Ed.]
1990 Valiums (Robertus). De Re Militari, Lib. XII. (cum prs-
btione ad Sigismundum Pandulfum Malatestam), roman
letter, lanK lines, without marks, illuminated initial (wanted
leaf of dedication and several blanks), old calf, full gilt back,
Joannet ex Verona Oriundus, Nicolai Cyrurgta Medici
fiiiut. Arlis Impressora Af agister, litteris etjiguratis signis
tua in patria primui impressit^ an. 1472, folio (163)
QuariUh, ^168
[See BOOK.PRICES Current, vol. xii., No. $268, where
the price ought to have been quoted as ^219. — Ed.]
1991 Vergile (Polydore). An Abridgemet of the Notable Work,
conteynyn^ the devisers and first finders out as well of
Artes, Mimsteriea, Feactes & Civill Ordinances, as of Rites
& Ceremonies commonly used in the Churcbe, etc., com-
pedioasely gathered by Thomas Langley, first edition,
black ietttr, woodcut initials (some marginal notes shaved,
and wanted 4 leaves in sheet A), signature of " Robt. Cost-
wick " on last leaf, old rough calf. Imprinted ■within the
precitKle of the late dissolved house 0/ the Grey Friers by
Richard Graflon,\^\6,xxv.Jan.,i2mQ.i^\()^) Leigkton,£i is.
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 5287.— Ed.]
[991 Vinciolo (Frederic de). Les Singuliers et Nouveaux Pour-
traicts et Ouviages de Lingerie, servans de patrons k faire
loutes sortes de PoincCs, Couppf, Lacis et autres (2 parts),
2 titles within woodcut borders, and 45 (only) plates of lace
designs, vellum, Paris, Jean le Clerc le Jeune, 1587, small
4to. C165) IVatts, £a
\See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 5301.— Ed7|
'993 Vinciolo (Fr. de). Ausierleszen Modelbuch. darinnen schSne
und neuwe Abrisz allerley Gattung khunstliches Nawerckhs
lufinden, seindt, 54 plates only of lace patterns, including
the title, within lace border (mounted), parchment MS.
cover, Gedruct eu MUtnpetgardt durch Jacob Foillet, 1 599,
small oblong 4to. {166) Leighton, £^ 17s. 6d.
]See Book-Prices Current, voL xii.. No. 530^. — Ed.]
1994 Virgflius. Bucolica Virgilii cum Commento Famtlian,
ut gath. et rom. woodcut title, with Caxton's device below,
and full-page device on last page (wanted sheet B, 4 leaves
and 2 leaves in C), comers of title and last 2 leaves mended),
russia, Impressa Londini in eedibus Winandi de IVordi,
1529, xii. die Martii, small 4to. {168) Chadwiei, £ij los.
{See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 5312.— Ed.]
'995 Voragine. Legendario de Sanai, vulgar storiado per Nicolo
di Manerbi, numerous spirited woodcuts (reproduced in
the editions of 1^03 and 1536), Venet., Bart, da Zani de
Ponesc, 1499 — Vita di Sancti Padri vulgare historia per
diverse elotfuentissimi Doctori, numerous fine woodcuts
(wanted T iiii and V, leaves at end stained), ib., Christ de
Pensa, 1499, in t vol.,half calf gilt, folio (169) /'/rfm«^,;i;99
{See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii.. No. 5330.— Ed.]
igitized by Google
1996 Voragine. Legfendario de Sancti, vulgare hystoriado per
Nicolo de Manerbi, numerous fine woodcuts (reproduced
in the 1536 edition, wanted folios 108, log), morocco on
oaken boards by Hayday, VeneL, Bart, de Zani de Portese,
1503, folio (i;o) UigkloH, Ia7
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No, 5331. — ED.]
1997 White (Rev. G.) Naturalist's Calendar, extracted from papers
never before published by J. Aikin, first edition (the plate
at p. 66 missing), uncut, S. and J. White, 1795. 8vo. (17a)
Kennedy, 2s.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 536?-— Ed.}
1998 [Whilgift (Archbp. John).] An Answer to a certeine factious
libel], under the title of An Abstract of certeine Acts of
Parliament, etc., black Ittttt, large paper (inner margin
of title repaired), calf extra, with arms of H. Norman Evans,
gilt edges by Clarke and Bedford, fine copy, H. Denhani
for T. Chard, 15^4, small 410. (173) BtiU, 13s.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xii., No. 5370.— Ed.]
'999 Witchcraft. A Whip for the Devil, or the Roman Conjuror,
discovering the intolerable folly, profaneness, and super-
stition of the Papists in endeavouring to cast the Devil out
of the bodies of Men and Women, all faithfully collected
from their own Authors (wanted the frontispiece), half
bound, Dotman Newman, 16E3. izmo. (175) Maggt, iSs.
[See Book-Prices Current, vol. xiL, No. 5392.— Ed.]
[December 17TH and three subsequent days, 1898.]
A Selection from the I-ihrary of the late Mr. Law-
rence Doyle, of Dublin; a Collection of Books
relating to Mary, Queen of Scots ; Works of George
Cruikshamkj and a Miscellaneous Collectiom,
(No. of Lots, 1084 ; amount realised, /4>339 is.)
(b) a Portion of Mr. Doyle's Library.
■2000 jEsopus. Lebun und Fabeln . . . durch Seb. Brandt, gothic
Imtt, woodcuts, wanted title, large copy, Fribure im Brist-
gaiv, ISSS, 4to. (190) Leighion, £q ss.
2001 Ainsworth (W. K.) Jack Sheppard, 3 vol., first edition,
plates by Geoi^e Cruikshank, original cloth, uncut (several
leaves somewhat soiled), 1830, 8vo. (89) Uttlewood, £4 4s.
looz Aiken (H.) The National Sports of Great Britain, with
descriptions in English and French, 50 coloured plates,
original red morocco extra, gilt edges, McLean, 1821, folio
(242) JJorTtsian, £2g
2003 America. Les Forces de I'Europe, Asie, Afrique, et Am^rique,
ou, Description des principales Villes avec leurs Fortifica-
igitized by Google
tions, 14 pans (including " Les Costes de France et d'Es-
pagnc," both parts), bound in 3 vol., 420 views and plans,
old calf ^rcbackedi m. C, AmsUrdam^ Mortier (1692),
oblong faho (243) LittU-wood, ^2
3004 America. Iconologie des Empires, Royaumes et Republiquea,
etc.. &vec le Costume et les Habillements de ceremonie
suivant le gofit de chaque nation ; on 3 joint au bas de
cbaque Estampe une description gfegraphique int^TCSsante,
$2 coloured plates of costumes of " Nouvelle France,"
" Amerique," Virginie, Floride, Perou, Brezil, Chili, etc.i
old French morocco, gilt edges, Paris, Desnos, n. d., 8vo.
(9S) Littlewood, £1 is.
2005 America. NehirO'Irinini Aiamihe Massinahigan, Shatshe-
gatsch, Mitinekapitsh, Iskuamiskutsb, Netshekatsh, Misht',
Assinitsh, Shekutimitsh, Ekuanatsh, Ashuatmushuanilsh,
Piakua^amitsh, Gaie missi missi nehiro'irinimi Astshitsb
ka tatjits ka kueiasku aiamihatjits ka utsbi, large copy,
original sheep, Uabistguialsk [Qftebet) Massinahitseiuan,
Broun gaie Girmor, 1767, 8vo. (97) QuariU/i, £17 ss-
[Leclerc, in his " Bibliotheca Americana," tbus spcidcs
of this work : " Cet Abr^e de la doctrine chr6lienne en
tangue des Indiens Monta^ats nation qui vit entre la bale
de Hudson, le St. Maunce, Sup^rieur, etc., imprimi ^
Quebec par Brown et Gilmore les premiers imprimeurs de
cette vilie et du Canada est une de leura premieres pro-
ductions typographiques. C'est un livre de la plus grande
raret^ et tout a fait inconnu. C'est aussi le seul specimen
qui existe, k notre connaissance, de la langue des Indiens
M ontagnai s. "— Catalogue l\
2006 Atkinson (J. A.) Sixteen Scenes taken from the Miseries of
Human Life, by one of the wretched, t6 humorous coloured
plates, with descriptive text, half calf, it!o7, oblong 4to. (203)
■^OCrn''. li MS.
3007 Av^stinus (S.) De Consensu Evangehstarum, morocco
extra, gilt edges, Langingen, H7}, folio (249) £flis, £7
200S Austen (Jane). Original Manuscript, entitely in her auto-
graph, of her novel " Lady Susan, ' consisting of I ;8 pages,
mlaid and inserted is the first printed edition, orange mo-
rocco, the sides tooled in gold, quite perfect, 4ta (203)
EUistim, j£22 los.
2009 Austen (Jane), Northanger Abbey ■ and Persuasion, first
edition, 4 vol., uncut, Jotin Murray, 1818, 8vo. (105)
Leigkion, £l los.
2010 Aylet (Robert, Master in Chancery). Susanna ; or the Ar-
raignment of the Two Unjust Elders, a Poem, fine copy,
calf, by C. Lewis, 1622, 8vo. (108) B. F. Stevens, £17 10s.
[Mr. Meber bought this copy at Dr. Farmer's sale in
1798, and it was purchased at liis sale in 1834 by a fomier
owner, Heber describes the little volume on the fly-leaf
as "extremely scarce," and no other copy, except that in
the Hurii Library, from the Sykes and Corser collections,
appears to have occurred for sale. The latter is the only
one cited by Lowndes ; but ia Hazlitfs Handbook, 1S67,
igitized by Google
copies are said to be in the British Museum and Bodleian
—a total of four altogether, — Cataloguei\
2011 Bacon (Francis). Novum Organum, first edition, engraved
tide by Pass, large copy in the original calf, 1620, folio (254)
Maggs, li, 43.
2012 Baker (Sr. Richard). Cato Variegatus, or Catoe's Morall
Distichs, translated and paraphras'd, with variations of
Expressing in English verse, first edition, tree-calf extra,
1636, 4to. (204) Uttlewood, £,2 6s.
3013 Berguin (A.)> P^^malion, Sctee lyriquede M. J. J. Rousseau,
mise en vers par M. Berq^uin, engraved title and 6 vignettes
after Moreau, original edition, old French calf, Paru, 1775,
8vo. (1 19) Uttlewood, £3 4s.
[This copy had at end the very rare " Idylle par Mr,
Berquin," with head and tailpiece by Marillier. Mons.
Gennadius' copy without the " Idylle " sold in March, 189;,
for .£11 i^s. Bound up is " Dorat, La Declamation Th^-
trale," with frontispiece and 4 unlettered proof plates by
Eisen. — Catalogue. Eisen also made for " Pygmalion " a
scries of six plates, royal 8vo., engraved by De Ghendt.
These are sometimes found bound up.— EdJ
3014 Bewick (Thomas). Figures of Bewick's Quadrupeds, second
edition, with a portrait of Thos. Bewick by Burnet after
Ramsay, on satin, Newcastle, 1824 — [Figures of] British
Land and Water Birds, 2 vol., with a portrait of Bewick,
by Kidd after Kirkley, on satin, ib., 1825 — Vignettes, by
T. Bewick, ^., 1827, a complete series of all the figures,
printed on one side of the paper only, without the letter-
press, only a few copies of each so printed on 410. paper,
and copies are rarely to be met with — Collection of ^33
woodcuts, chiefly vignette siie, and a portrait of T. Bewick,
from various works illustrated by him, picked impressions,
the whole neatly mounted in a vol., together 5 voL, uncut,
4to, (210) Thome, £10
J015 Biblia Sacra veteris et novi Testamenti juxta Vulgatam
editionem, old olive morocco, with an elaborate gilt floral
design on sides, cut out and laid down on a ^[Tound of red
silk, with the arms of Pope Gregory XIII. m centre, gilt
edges, dedication copy, in morocco case, Paris, iS73, folio
{357) Leighttm,£n los.
2016 Bible. The Byble, faythhilly translated in English and newly
oversene and corrected (by Miles Coverdale), hlwk Itttrr,
numerous woodcuts, wanted all preliminary leaves (except
a leaf of Prologue and Table of the Epistles and Gospels),
title to " Job " and N. T,, and leaves after the end of Revela-
tion, some leaves defective, but the copy generally sound
and in gooA condition, and had title to the Second Pan,
the Prophets and Apocrypha (sold with all faults), old calf,
Soutkwark, Jas. Nycolson, 1537, folio (258) Bull, £3
Z017 Birds, A General History of Birds, the Breeding, Manage-
ment, and Teaching of Song Birds, z vol.^ 400 woodcuts,
original calf, autograph of Geo. Dyer on fly-leaf of each
volume, i745t 8vo. ^124) Sotkeran, £\ 12s.
igitized by Google
2oi8 Blessebois (P. C.) Le Lion d'Angelie, histoiie amoureuse et
tragique, original edition, frontispiece, d Cologne, 1676 —
Le Temple de Marsias, original edition, ib., 1676, in I voL,
old French morocco extra, g. e., 8vo. (127) Quaritch, £3
[Pixerecourt's copy, at whose sale it realised 105 francs
SO cents.— Co/a/fJji*.]
2019 Boccace. Le Decameron, tiaduict par Maistre Antoine le
Magon, bound in 2 vol,, woodcuts, old French morocco
extra, gilt edges, Lyon, 1558, 8vo. (128) Leighlon, £1 iSs.
2020 Brandt (S.) Stultifera Navis, numerous large and spirited
woodcuts, morocco extra, inside dentelle borders, gilt edges
b]r Petit, Basil., J. Bergman de Olpe, 1497, 4to. (317)
Leightott, £5 5s.
2021 Brandt (S.) Stultifera Navis, Narragonice profectionis nnn-
quam satis laudata navis per Sebast. Grant {sic) nuper
fkbricata atqz iam pridem per lacobum Locber, in latinum
traducta eloquium, et per Sebastianu Brandt denuo, revisa,
numerous curious woodcuts {Liigdunt), 1498 (218)
Uigktott^ /i 4S.
ao22 Brandt (S.) Von den losen Fiichsen dieser welt, sothtt Ittttr,
numerous curious woodcuts, vellum, Franckfort, 1^46, 4tO.
(21s) "Tickner, £1 i8s.
3033' Browning (E. B.) The Runaway Slave at Pilgrim's Point,
in the original wrapper, E.Moxon, i8^giii$)SAefiAerd,£3 is.
[Contnbuted to a volume entitled " The Liberty Bell,
by Friends of Freedom." Reprinted for the use of a few
"friends of freedom." — Catalogue.]
3024 Brunet (Jacques -Charles). Manuel du Libraire et de I'Ama-
teur de Livres, 6 vol., best edition, half morocco, gill edges
byF.Bedford,/'aw,l86o-65.8vo. {\3b)QuariUh, £b 17s. 6d.
3025 Bry (T. de). Grands Voyages : Wunderbarliche, doch war-
hafflage Erklarung, von der Gelegenheit und Sitten der
Wilden in Virginia, welche newlich von den Engellandem,
so im Jar 15)15 von Herm R. Greinville . . . ist erfunden
worden, etc., second edition, maps and numerous engrav-
ings, first titles defective, some leaves imperfect and
mended, and several soiled, old calt^ with all faults, Franc-
fort am Mayn, 1600, folio {261) Morrison, £1. 2s.
2036 Bunyan (John). Discourse upon the Pharisee nnd the Pub-
lican,first edition, original calf, 1685, 8vo. (138) Leighlon, £4
[This copy had the frontispiece containing a portrait of
the author in his fiftv-seventh year ; it is missing in most
extant copies. — Catalogue.]
3037 Bums (Robert). Poems, chiefly in the Scottish Dialect,
second edition, first issue, portrait by Beugo, large copy in
half calf, Ediitb., 1787, 8vo. (140) Pickering, £1 i6b.
3038 Butler (Samuel). Hudibras. The first part written in time
of the late Wars, London, by F. G. for Richard Marriet,
1663, with imprimatur leaf before title and errata— Hudi-
bras, the second ptirt, by the author of the first, vignette of
a bell on the title, London, T. H. for fokn Martyn and
fames Amnesty, ibb^ with errata, but not the imprimatur
leaf— Hudibras, the third and last part, written by the
igitized by Google
author of the first land second part, London, for Sirnon
Miller, \b7i, together 3 vol., in tne original old calf bind-
ing, 1663-64-78, 8vo. (142) Maggs, £6 ss.
TFttst genuine author's edition, not to be confounded
wiui the small i2mo. edition. A copy in modem calf sold
July, 1891, for ^21. — Caialogue.]
3029 Carroll (Lewis). The Hunting of the Snark, an Agony in
Eight Fits, with nine illustrations by Henry Holiday, first
edition,originalredclothgilt,i876, 8vo. (144) Loven/,£^ 16s.
[The author's own copy, with an inscription in his auto-
graph, "C. L. D., Mar. 30, 1876." On the back of the title
IS a photograph of the "dear child" to whom the book is
ded icated . — ■Cata/ogve.']
2030 Carroll (Lewis). Doublets, a Word-Puzzle, with several
corrections and additions in Carroll's autograph, second
and third editions, 2 vol., original cloth, iSBo, 8vo. (14O
Polt£r, £2 2S.
[The author's own copies, with inscription in his auto-
' graph, "C. L. D., received Feb. 20, 1880," also numerous
additions and corrections. — Ca/alague.]
2031 Carroll (Lewis). Alice's Adventures Under Ground, being a
facsimile of the original MS. book afterwafds develop>ed
into Alice's Adventures in Wonderland, with 37 illustra-
tions by the author, first edition, original cloth gilt, 1886,
8vo. (146) Potier, £1 2s.
[The author's own copy, with inscription in his auto-
graph, "Received Dec. 17, 1886." — Catalogue.']
2032 Carroll (Lewis). The Game of Logic, with numerous dia-
grams, first edition, original red cloth gilt, 1887, 8vo. (147)
Potter, £2 IS.
[The author's own copy, with an inscription in his auto-
graph, " Received Feb. 22, 1887." At the end are 2 pages
of errata also in his autograph. — CataUgue.\
3033 Carroll (Lewis). The Original Manuscript of the major por-
tion of " The Game of Logic," beinjt probably the first
drafi, contained in a dummy copy of his " Euclid and his
Modem Rivals" (148) Potter, £3 15s.
2034 Carroll (Lewis). The Nursery "Alice," containing 20 en-
lai^ements from Tenniel's illustrations to " Alice's Adven-
tures in Wonderland," the cover designed by E. Gertrude
Thomson, fine copy, original picture boards, 1889,410. (149)
Po//er, £3 10s.
[The author's own copy, with inscription in his auto-
graph, "C. L. D., received Oct. 19, 1889." This is also a
proof copy, as the book was never issued uncoloured ; in
addition it has the price printed on the title, which does
not appear on the ordinary copies.- — Catalogue.^
3035 Carroll (Lewis). The Nursery "'Alice," another fine copy,
original picture boards, 1889, 4to. (150) Upton, £2 los.
[The author's own copy, with his initials. In this the
plates are also coloured. — Cataio^t^
3036 Charles I. Eikon Basilike. The Portiaicture of bis Sacred
igitized by Google
Majesty in bis Solitude and Sufferings, etc., frontispiece
and fine portrait of Charles I. (coiner mended), old calf,
with royal arms on sides (worn), s. L, 1649, 8vo. (155)
Scotstm, £i 6s.
[Issued in Holland for presentation by Charles II. —
M37 Chaucer {Geoffrey), The Works of, now newly imprinted,
black mttr, numerous woodcuts, etc, designed by Sir Ed-
ward Bume Jones, Keimscott Press, 1896, folio (368]
Isaacs, /38
3038 Chctham Society, vol. i.-cx. and vol. cxii., and Index to first
30 vol., together iiz vol., 1844-84,410. (229) S0theran,£b js.
1039 Choi* de Chansons mises en Musique par M. de Laborde,
text and music engraved by Mona and Mdlle. Vend6me,
engraved title with Heuron by Moreau, 4 frontispieces by
Moreau, Le Bouteux, and Le Barbier, engraved by Mas-
quelier and N^e, and too plates by Moreau, Le Barbier,
Le Bouteux, and Saint-Quentin, engraved by Moreau,
Masquelier, and Nde, 4 vol., contemporary calf, gilt edges,
Paris, 1773, royal 8vo. (158) Quaritch, £165
[This copy bad the plates by Moreau, proofs before the
letters ; those by the other artists do not exist in this state.
"Cc livrc, un des plus beaux du XVI 11° Siiclc, en est
peut-£tre, avec les ' Contes dc La Fontaine,' le plus agr^
able par ia gilce des sujets et la variAd des costumes qui
y sont repr^sent^s."— Cohen. Inserted is the portrait of
Laborde i la lyre, engraved by Masquelier, after Denon.
Baron Lacarelle's proof copy sold in 1888 for 8,Boo francs.
Caialogui. For a detailed account of this beautiful work
see Lewine's "Bibliography," iSgS, p. 266. — Ed.]
3040 Choix de Chansons, 4 vol. in 2, morocco, rich dentelles on
sides, gilt edges by Thibaron, the p>ortrait of Laborde
added, Paris, 1773. 8vo. (159) Elliston, £yi
3041 Chefs- D'tEuvre Litt^raires du XVII' SiScle, coUationnrfs sur
les Editions Origioales et publics par M. Lef&vre, Moliire,
Racine, ComeiUe, Bossuet, Pascal, Massillon, F^n^lon,
La Rochefoucauld, Descartes, and Lafontaine (Fables),
21 vol., calf extra, gilt edges by Riviire, /"afiJ, Didot, 1854,
etc, 8vo. (160) l^a^s, L^ 1 Ss.
3042 Collyns (D. P.) Notes on the Chase of the Wild Red Ueer
in the Counties of Devon and Somerset, numerous illustra-
lian5,originalcloth,uncut, 1862, 8vo. (163) Uttlewood, £.%A'i.
2043 Combe (W.) The Tour of Dr. Syntax in Search of the
Picturesque, second edition, 1812 [part of imprint cut oft) —
Second Tour, in Search of Consolation, first edition, 1820^
numerous coloured plates by Rowlandson, half morocco,
m. e., 8vo. (163) Thorpe £1 us.
2044 Comeille (P.) La Toisnn d'Or, trag^die, original edition,
morocco extra, gilt edges by ChamboUe-Duni. Paris, i66t,
Svo, {i6s) B. F. Stevens, £3 55.
3045 ComeiUe (P.) Sertorius, trag^die, original edition, morocco
extra, gilt edges by Thibaron, Paris, 1662, 8vo. (166)
B. F. Stevens, £3 16s.
igitized by Google
304^ Comeille (P.) Otbon, trag^die, original edition, morocco
extra, gilt edges by Thibaron-Joly, Paris, 1665, 8vo. (167)
Upion, £2 4S.
3047 Comeille ^P.) Surena, General des Parthes, trag^ie, ori-
ginal editioD, red morocco extra, gilt edges by Thibaron,
Parit, 1675, 8vo. (168) B. F. Stevens, £3 5s.
2048 Costumes Historiques des XIP, XIII'.XIV, et XV Si&clea,
d^ssin^s et graves par Paul Mercuri, avec une texte his-
torique et descriptif par Camille Bonnard, nouvelle Edition,
avec une introduction par Charles Blanc, 3 vol., coloured
plates, balf bound, Paris, 1860-61, royal 4to. (333)
Rimtll, £\ 14s.
2049 Costumes (Military). Abbildung der Neuen Adjustirung der
K. K. Armde, seiner kooiglichen Hoheit dem Erzhenog
Ferdinand Karl alleuntertanigst zugeeignet von den privile-
S'rten unternebmern Jas. Georg Mansfeld, und Tranquillo
olio, the complete series of 46 coloured plates of military
costumes of the Austrian anny, besides an extra unlettered
proof plate, Wien, T. Mollo (1790), imperial folio (275)
QfMriUh, £2%
[The British Museum had only the first part of these fine
costumes, and the copies in the Belvedere, in Vienna, and
in the Biblioth^que Nationale, Paris, were not so perfect as
the above.— (r<i£i/i?f)M.]
3050 Crabbe (Rev, Geo.) The Library : a poem, first edition,
Published anonymously, 1781 — The Village ; a poem, first
edition, 1783 — The News-paper : a Poem, first edition, 1785,
in 1 vol., mor., gilt edges, 1781-85, 4(0. (334) Adams, £\ 1 is.
[Fine copies. Dr. Johnson revised " The ViUage " for
Crabbe, and before publication he wi-ote, " I have sent you
back Mr. Crabbe's Poem, which I read with great delight.
It is original, vigorous and elegant. ... 1 do not doubt
Mr. Crabbe's success. — Catalogue^
3051 Craikshank (G.) Points of Humour, both parts, 20 en-
gravings on copper, and 30 vignette woodcuts by G. Cruilc-
shank, large paper, fine copy, calf extra, g. t., uncut, by
F, Bedford, Baldwyn, 1823-24, 8vo. (177) Spencer, £1 2s.
30$2 Cruikshank (G.) Points of Humour, illustrated by the
designs of George Cruikshank, part ii., 10 engravings on
coppei and 12 woodcuts, original boards, uncut, Baldwyn,
1824, 8vo. (178) Keitk,£\ 12s.
2053 Cruikshank {I. R.) The Sporting World in all-its variety of
style and costume, along the Road from Hyde Park
Comer to Moulseyhurst going to a Fight, coloured carica-
ture, 13 ft. 6 in. long, in a round cylinder box, with pictorial
illustration outside, 1819, 8vo. (179) Sabin, £\o 15s.
2054 Cruikshank (G.) Table-Book, edited by G. A. i Beckett,
original edition, numerous humorous plates, calf extra, gilt
edges by Riviere, Punch Office, 1845, Svo. (181)
Hornstein, £1 19s.
3055 Cruikshank (G.) Greenwich Hospital ; a Series of Naval
Sketches, by an Old Sailor (M.H. Barker), first edition.
igitized by Google
13 fine coloured plates by Geo. Cruikshank, half n
^It edges, J. Robins, 1826, 4I0. (235) Andrews, £1 4s.
2056 Cruikshank (G.) Scraps and Sketches, origiaat issue, 4 parts
complete, numerous plates, wrappers, Published by the
artist, and sold by Robins and Co., 1828-32, oblong folio
(277) Keith. £2 18s.
2057 Cyprianus (S.) Ope Veterum librorum repurgatis et libris
auctus, Gul. Morelli diligentia et labore, old morocco, with
inlaid centre and comer pieces of brown morocco, gilt
edges, Paris, 1564, folio (280} Lei^hton, £2 16s.
[With the autograph of Thuanus in three different places,
on fly-leaf, on title-page, and at end of index. From the
libraries of J, J. de Bure and R. S. Turner. — Catalogue.']
2058 Dancing. Etrennes k Terpsichore, ou, Recueil de Contre-
Danses anglaises, et Walzes, coloured plates of English
dances, wiUi the music, fancy boards, Paris, iSzi, oblong
4to. (236) Tuer, £4 4s.
2059 Dickens (C.) Memoirs of Joseph Grimaldi, edited by " Uoi,"
2 vol., first edition, illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank, and a
portrait of Grimaldi, in the original pink cloth, uncut, 183B,
8vo. (292) Grant, £3 3s.
[The earliest issue was bound in pink doth, and the later
one in dark-brown cloth. The earliest issue has no pic-
torial border round the final plate, entitled " The Last
Song." — Ed.]
2060 Dickens (C.) Memoirsof Joseph Grimaldi, edited bi^"Boz,"
first edition, portrait and illustrations by Geo. Cruikshank,
"The Last Song," without the masks, 2 vol., bright calf
extra, t. e. g., uncut (original covers and backs bound in),
R. Bentley, 1838, 8vo. (293) Js^eith, £:i ss.
3061 Dickens (C.) Works, 30 vol., " Mition de luxe," illustrations
by Seymour, " Phii," etc., on India paper, uncut, 1881-82,
hnperial 8vo. (431) J/ill, £& los.
2062 Disraeli (B.) Vivian Grey, 5 vol., first edition, very fine clean
copy in the original boards, with labels, 1S26-2V1 8vo (301)
Pearson, £z
3063 Disraeli (D.) The Wondrous Tale of Alroy ; The Rise of Is-
kander, first edition, 3 vol,, bright calf extra, t. e. g., uncut,
Saunders and OUey, 1833. 8vo. C303) B.F. Stevens, £1 8s.
3064 Doctrine (La] des Moeurs tir^e de la philosophic des Stoiques
representee en Cent Tableaux et expliqu^ en Cent
Discours, pour I'instruction de la jeunesse, numerous en-
gravings, 2 parts in i vol., old morocco, double with green
morocco, and elaborately gilt au pointing and ^ petils fers,
gilt edges, Ann of Austria's copy, with her arms and mono-
gram on sides, Paris, 1646, foho (283) J. Jones, £16
2065 Dorat (J.). Lettre de Bamevelt dans sa prison, i Tniman,
son ami, 1 plate, unlettered proof^ vignette and tailpiece
by Eisen, Paris, 1764— Lettre de Zfila, jeune sauvage,
esclave k Constantinople k Valcour, officier frangois, prc-
cidde d'une lettre de Madame de C**, proof plate h^re
letters, vignette and tailpiece by Eisen, tb., 1764 — R^ponse
de Valcour k Zdlla, prec^dfee d'une lettre de I'auteut a une
igitized by Google
and tailpiece by Eisen, »#., 1766 — Lettre de Valcourk s<
pire pour servir de suite et de fin au roman de Z^Ia, etc.,
unletter^ proof pUce, vignette and tailpiece by Eisen, ii^
1767 — Lettres en vers, ou Epitres h^raiques et amoureuses,
frontispiece, 3 vignettes, and 3 tailpieces by Eisen, i'^., 1766
— Peiay et Dorat. Le Pot-Pourn, ^pltre k qui on voudra,
suivie d'une autre ^pitre, 2 unlettered proof plates, 2 vig-
nettes, and 2 tailpieces by Eisen (genuine first issue, widi
53 pages, Cohen wrongly cites only 43 pages), old French
red morocco extra, fuU gilt back, gilt edges, in i voL, all
LARGE VELLUM PAPER copies (307) Pearson, ^4
2066 Dorat (J.) Stflim et S^lima, po^me imit^ de Talleinand, suivi
du Reve d'un Musulinaii,traduit d'unpoete arabe, unlettered
proof plate by Eisen, 1769 — Les C^ses et la double
m^prise, fine proof before letters by Eisen, 1769 — Lettre de
Z^ila, Jeiuie sauvage esclave i Consiantinople k Valcour,
ofiicier frangois, beautiful head and tailpieces, and unlettered
proof plate by Eisen, 1766 — Reponsc de Valcour k Z^ila,
pr^c61^ d'une lettre de I'auteur k une femme qu'il ne
connoit pas, vignette, tailpiece and unlettered proof plate
by Eisen. 1766— Peiai (Marquis de). Lettre d'Alcibiade k
Glic^re, bouqueti&re d'Athenes, suivie d'une Lettre de Venus
k Paris et d'une Ep!tre k la mattresse que j'aurai, vignettes
and tailpieces, ana unlettered proof plate by Eisen, 1764 —
Blin de Sainmore, Lettre de Sapho k Phaon, unlettered
Sroof plate, vignette and tailpiece, 1766 — Mercier, Lettre
e Dulis k son ami, vignette, tailpiece and unlettered proof
plate ai^er Saint-Aubin, 1767, in I vol., old French marbled
calf, full gilt back, gilt edges (308) Latvian, £3 43.
[All fine large paper copies : the illustrations "k la san-
guine " in the l^t-tnentioned piece are very rare. —
1067 Drayton (M.) Poems, newly corrected by the Author, large
copy, with the very rare blank leaf preceding the final leaf
of extra poems (often wanted), call, gilt edges by Riviire,
1613, 8vo. (310) QuaritcA, £s los.
3068 [Du Rosoi.^ Les Sens, pogme en six chants, unlettered proof
plates, vignettes and tailpieces by Eisen and WiUe, original
edition, an extra engraved title by Eisen for the second
edition inserted, dark green morocco super extra, gilt edges
by Cazin, 1766, 8vo. (313) Mages, £3 jjs.
[The plates number seven, four being after Eisen and
three after Wille. There are also six vignettes after Eisen
and Wilte, and two tailpieces by De Longueil. The work
was reprinted in 1767, with a new title engraved by De
Longueil, after Eisen. — Ed.]
3069 Edgeworth (Maria). Tales and Novels, 18 voL, firontispieces
and vignette titles, original cloth, uncut, 1832, 8vo. (314)
W. IV. 17s.
2070 Egan (Pierce). Life in London : or the Day and Night
, Scenes of Jerry Hawthorn and Corinthian Tom, etc., first
edition, Nos. i to 3, and 5 to 11, fine impressions <^ the
igitized by Google
coloured plates and woodcuts by I. K. and G. Cntiksbank,
uncut, in the original wrappers, rare in this state, i8zo-2i.
'■ ^"l^
8vo, (316) Homslein^ £y
.)] Real Life in Ireland, a picture of High and Low
Dublin and various parts of the Island, first edition,
coloured frontispiece and plates by H. Aiken, W. Heath
and others, one wanted, and sevetaJ others shaved in
binding, old half calf, 1821, 8vo. {318) Spencer, £1 los.
2072 Elliot (D. G.) Monograph of the Phasianidse, or Family of
the Pheasants, 3 vol., B4 large coloured plates, crimson
morocco extra, gilt edges. New York, 1872, folio [479}
Quariteh, £y>
3073 Elliot (D. G.) Monograph of the Tetraoninae, or Family of
the Grouse, 37 large coloured plates, crimson morocco
extra, gilt edges, Af^w York, 1865, folio (480) in]f4/o»,;^ii
3074 Elliot (D. G.) Monograph of the Pa^radiseidx. or Birds of
Paradise, 37 large coloured plates, crimson morocco extra,
gilt edges, Printed for the Subscribers by the Author, 1873,
foIio{48i) ^. Quarilch,£i\
3075 Ettenhard (F. A, de), Compendio de I05 Fondamentos de
la verdadera destreia y filosofia de las Armas, original
edition, engraved title and plates of fencing, calf extra, gilt
edges, Madrid, 1675, 4to. (440) Quariteh, £fi
2076 Ettenhard (F. A. de). Diestro Italiano y Espaiiol explican
sus doctrinas con Evidencias mathematicas conforme a los
preceptos de la verdadera destreia, plates of fencing, calf
antique, blind tooling, rare (several leaves stained and
wormed, sold not subject to return), Madrid, ibifj, 4I0.
{441) Maine, £2
2077 Evelyn (John). Sculptura, or the History and Art of Chal-
cography and Engravins on Copper, portrait of Evelyn by
Worlidge, plate and unlettered proof mezzotint by Prince
Rupert, calf, 1759, 8vo. (313) S. F. Stevens, £1 is.
2078 Faithorne (W.) The Art of Graving and Etching, first edition,
engraved title and plates, fine copy, morocco, gilt edges by
Riviere, 1662, 8vo. (324) £. F. Stevens, £1 2S. 6d
2079 Fasciculus Temponun (auctore W. Rolewinck). Hie hebt
sich an das 11 register tibcr das gatzbuch das man oenet
ein II biichlin d. zit, etc., gothU Uttir, painted capitals and
wcxxlcut views, partially coloured, several leaves stained,
oaken boards, partly covered in stamped leather, with
clasp, first German edition, Hereyster Bernhart Richel
buTf^ersu Basel, 1481, folio (486) Utilewood, £i, is.
3080 Fielding (H.) History of Tom Jones, 6 vol., first edition,
some leaves a little stained, old calf, 1749, 8vo. (328)
Littlewood, £1 1 8s,
3081 Fierrabraa. Eyn schone kuTt2weilige Histori von eym mach-
tigen Riesen auss Hispanien, Fierrabras gnant, gofhU Ittta,
numerous fine woodcuts, brown morocco extra, gilt edges
by Chambolle-Duru, Siemmem, J. Rodler, 153^, folio (487)
Lei^hton, £i
30S2 Finaguerra (Maso). A Florentine Picture Chronicle, being
a Series of ninety-nine Drawings representing Scenes and
Digitized ty Google ^-
Personages of Ancient History, Sacred and Profene, re-
produced from the Originals in the British Museum, wiih
Text by Sydney Colvin, 300 copies printed, ornamental
buckram, uncut, B. Quaritch, 1898, folio (488) Frost, £& 55.
2083 Foster (J. J.) British Miniature Painters and their Works,
only 425 copies printed for sale, S9 plates, containing
numerous miniature portraits, doib gilt, t. e. g., 1898, roy^
4to. (44 J) Maim, £z 18s.
2084 Fouilloux (Jacques da). La Venerie . . . avec plusieurs
Receptes & Remedes pour guerir ks Chiens de diuerses
maladies, plus L' Adolescence de I'Autheur, large engiaviog'
on reverse of title representing the author offering his book
to Charles IX., numerous lai^e woodcuts and musical
notation, vcUunn, d Poitiers de Marttefz et Beuc/uts frtres
(1560), 4to. (785) QuariUh, £17 los.
2085 Foxe (John). Ad Inclytos ac pra^potentes Anglix Proceres
Ordines, et Status totamq^ue ejus gentis nobilitatem, pro
afflictis Fratribus Supplicatio, half calf, BasiUa, fier/oannem
Oporinum, 1557 (332) Pearson, £7 7s.
[The GrenviUe Catalogue speaks of this small tract of
the famous martyroI<^ist as being "of great rarity."
W, Herbert's copy, with his signature.— fTaAi/tf^^.]
2086 Gallery. Les Chefs d'CEuvre du Mus^e Royale d'Amster-
dam, " Edition de Luxe," fine impressions of the numerous
plates on India paper and vignettes, with Teit by A.
Bredius, half crimson gilt, gilt edges, n. d., superior im-
perial 4to. (491) Edwards, £i 2s.
2087 Goethe (J. W. von). Egmont, i^jiii^, 1788— Clavigo,iv-aB4-
furt, 1774 — ^Iphigenie auf Tauns, Leipzig, 1787, first
editions, green morocco, gilt edges by Riviere, uniform,
3 vol., 8vo. (337) Pearson, j£3 5s.
3088 Goldsmith. An Almanack for MDCCLXIX., old English
morocco extra, covered with gold tooling, with the original
Sncil and silver -mounted clasp, gilt edges (1769), 8vo.
39) Leighton, £\ laa.
2089 Gower (John). Ovid's Festivalls or Romane Calendar, trans-
lated into English verse equi-numerally, first edition, fine
copy, morocco, gilt edges by Riviere, Cambridge, 1640,
Svo. {340) Maggs, £2 I2S.
2090 GrafHgny (Mme. de). Lettres d'une F^ruvienne, 2 vol.,
LARGE VELLUM PAPER, with the portrait and plates, proob
before letters by Lefevre (100 copies printed), old French
morocco, gilt edges, Paris, Didot Caim, an v, (1797), i6ma.
(342) Sothtran, £\\
[Published on large vellum paper at 24 frs. The
Eirtiait is by De Launay, and there are eight -^Xta after
ef^re, seven being engraved by Coioy and one by
2091 Gresset. CEuvres de Cresset, portrait, and 8 plates by
Moreau, engraved by Simonet and De Ghendl, 3 vol.,
morocco, gilt tops, uncut, Pa«j, 181 1, 8vo. (344) '^oWw, £13
[The best edition, a copy on vellum paper, with the plates
proofs before the letters. There are added : (i) The set o(
igitized by Google
6 plates by Moreau, fiom the edition of 1794 ; (z) The set of
9 plates by Lavitle, prooft before the letters ; (3) The set of
9 plates by Devena., proofs before the letters ,■ (4) Five
portraits of Cresset ; (5) Portraits of Rousseau and Virgil.
2092 Hamilton (A.) Mfaioires de Comtc de Grammont (avcc des
notes et ^claircissemens), 78 portraits, old French red
morocco gilt, g. e., Londres, 1793, 410. (448) Uitlewood, £i
[Copies are met with on large paper, and five were printed
on largest paper, in folio, with the portraits coloured. — Ed.]
3093 Hamilton (A.) GCuvres du Comte Anioine Hamilton, 4 plates
by Moreau, engraved by De Ghendt and Tri^re, and 8 por-
traits by Saint-Aubin, 3 vol. in 4, green morocco, gilt edges,
Paris, 1812, 8vo. (351) Potter, £i<) 10s.
[The best edition. A copy on vellum paper, having the
plates by Moreau, proofs before letters, and the portraits
with the names lightly etched. There is added to the
" M^moires" the set of 64 portraits, engraved by Sctiven,
proofs before letters on China paper. From the Beckford
Collection. — Catalogue. ]
2094 Henry VIII. Repudio Delia Reina Anna d'Inghilterra,
Sorella del Duca di Cleves, & di fesa sua' con molta elo-
3uentia in ver po il R^, tradotto di Franzese in Toscano
al Cap. Gio. Battesta dei Crillandari, Fiorentini, woodcut
on title, Bologna, 1558, 410. (768) Potter. £,1 3s.
[An excessively rare account of the divorce of Anne of
Cleves, whom her royal husband described as a " Flanders
mare." This is an Italian version of the original French.
— Catalogue.']
209s Heptameron (The) of Mai^aret, Queen of Navarre, trans-
lated by George Sainsbury, engravings by Freudenberg,
LARCK PAPER, plates on Japanese paper, one of 312 copies,
originalcloth,; vol., uncut, 1894, 8vo.(io52)£n/ic«//,^Z los.
2096 Herbal. Fetrus de Crescentiis zu Teutsch mit figuren, first
German edition, lit. goth., numerous fine spirited woodcuts,
uncoloured, large copy, but imperfect and sold not subject
to return, Sine nota {Aug. Vind. A. Sorg., circa 1490), folio
(495) Trcgasiis, £7. 6s.
2097 Hcures i I'Usaigede Romme (Almanack, 1513-1523), printed
in red and black and ornamented with 14 large wood en-
gravings the size of the page and many sntaller ones, fine
copy, morocco, the sides covered with blind tooling, double
with red morocco covered with tooling to a geometrical
design in gold, gilt leaves by Masson-Debonnelle, Jm-
primies A Paris pour Guitlaume Godard (1^13), 8vo. (633)
L^gAion, /19
[Unknown to Bninet. On the verso of the last leaf is
the celebrated rebus of which Brunei gives a facsimile and
remarks : " Le rebus, si difficile k d^chiffrer qu'ii a fallu en
donner I'explication en toutes lettres." — Catalogue."]
2098 Heures (les presentes) k lusaige de Paris histori^es tout au
long sans rien requirer, avec Calendrier et Almanacb,
printed on vellum, with 84 large and small woodcuts, all
igitized by Google
illuminated in gold and coloim, 333 arabesque borders,
and hundreds of capital letters in leA and blue heightened
in gold, red morocco extra, doubld with blue morocco,
boidera of gold and ornamental designs in aad out, Paris,
N. Vivian, 1515, 8vo. (634) Lawioit, £1^
3099 Heures en Fran^ys et Latin ^ I'usa^e de Rome (avec Calen-
drier), printed in red and black within ornamental borders
composed of architectural designs in various styles, and
embellished with 14 full-page engravings and several his-
toriated woodcut initials, old Lyonnese calf, back covered
with elaborate gilt tooling and sides inlaid in vari^ated
leather, within painted compartments, most artistically
executed to a Grolier pattern, gilt edges, fine cop^, arms
of the Bourbons emblazoned on title, Lyon, Guillaume
Rouille, 1551, Svo. {635) Liltlewood, ^11
2100 Heures Nouvelles, engraved throughout, historiated initials,
devices of flowers and fruit, ornamental and floreate borders,
etc., old French olive morocco, broad dentelle borders of
gold, double with watered silk linings, gilt edges, Parit,
ekes lauteur, s. d., Svo. (637) UilUwood, £,2 3s.
2101 Heywood (Thos.) The Exemplary Lives and Memorable
Acts of Nine the most worthy Women of the World, first
edition, 9 proof portraits, including that of Queen Elizabeth
(4 shaved), old calf, with all faults, 1640, 4to. (450)
Doiell, li t7s.
3102 Heywood (Thos.) Troia Britannica, or Great Britain's Troy,
a Poem, divided into XVII. severaJ Cantons, intermixed
with many pleasant Poetical Tales, first edition, large
woodcut on title and initial letters, tree-calf extra, r. e.,
W- Jaijgard, 1609, folio (496) LiftUwood, £4
3io3'Heywood (Thos.) The Hierarchic of the blessed Angells,
their Names, Orders, and OfHces, etc., engraved title
(mounted) and plates, old calf, m. e., 1635, folio (497)
Dobell,£\ IIS.
3104 HoUandus (H.) Heruologia Anglica : clarissimorum et doc-
tissimorum aliquot Anglorum, qui flouerunt 1500-1620.
Vivas Effigies, Vita et elogia, aulhore H. H. Anglo-
Britanno, brilliant impressions of the 65 portraits, tomb
of Queen Elizabeth, cut round, mounted, and coloured
(this is frequently missing), also the tomb of Prince Henry,
engraved title inlaid, top mar^^in of one leaf mended,
wanted as usual the " post prefatio," a large copy in russia
fill, gilt edges, Amk. Impemis Crispini Passaei, s. a.
1620T folio (^00) Carr. £6 15s.
3105 iiotx Divs Virginis Maris, cum Calendario, printed on
vellum, with 16 full-page woodcuts, 24 smalt nistoriated
woodcuts (all uncoloured), and several hundred initials
in gold and colours, first leaf rubbed, last leaf slightly
mended, stamped morocco, blind tooling, with aims on
sides, r. e., Paris, G, Hardouyn (Almanack, 1510-30), 8vo.
(646) Mag}p, £\o 5s.
3106 Horatius. Opera Aeneis Tabulis incidit J. Pine, 2 vol., en-
graved throughout, and embellished with plates and vig-
igitized by Google
nettes. large copy of the Post-est edition, in the original
calf, gilt edges, 1733-37. 8vo. (647) Slessor, £3 14s.
2107 Hortus Sanltatis. Le Jardin de Sante, translate de latin en
francoys nouvcUement imprim^ k Paris, lit. goth. (lettres
Utardes), numerous wocxjcuts (wanted signatures K and
L in the second par